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Feb 27, 1995 - one another, each possessing a conserved block of 75 residues ...... 26 Jager, R.J., Anvret, M., Hall, K. and Scherer, G. (1990) Nature,348,.
1604-1613 Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 9

The HMG-1 box protein family: classification and functional relationships Andreas D. Baxevanis and David Landsman* National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Building 38A, Room 8N-805, Bethesda, MD 20894, USA Received November 30, 1994; Revised and Accepted February 27, 1995

ABSTRACT The abundant and highly-conserved nucleoproteins comprising the high mobility group-1/-2 (HMG-1/-2) family contains two homologous basic domains of about 75 amino acids. These basic domains, termed HMG-1 boxes, are highly structured and facilitate HMG-DNA interactions. Many proteins that regulate various cellular functions involving DNA binding and whose target DNA sequences share common structural characteristics have been identified as having an HMG-1 box; these proteins include the RNA polymerase I transcription factor UBF, the mammalian testisdetermining factor SRY and the mitochondrial transcription factors ABF2 and mtTF1, among others. The sequences of 121 HMG-1 boxes have been compiled and aligned in accordance with thermodynamic results from homology model building (threading) experiments, basing the alignment on structure rather than by using tradition,al sequence homology methods. The classification of a representative subset of these proteins was then determined using standard least-squares distance methods. The proteins segregate into two groups, the first consisting of HMG-1/-2 proteins and the second consisting of proteins containing the HMG-1 box but which are not canonical HMG proteins. The proteins in the second group further segregate based on their function, their ability to bind specific sequences of DNA, or their ability to recognize discrete non-B-DNA structures. The HMG-1 box provides an excellent example of how a specific protein motif, with slight alteration, can be used to recognize DNA in a variety of functional contexts. 0

INTRODUCTION Various metabolic processes in which DNA is involved are dependent upon many different types of non-histone chromosomal proteins. The most prevalent of these non-histone nucleoproteins in eukaryotic cells are the high mobility group, or HMG proteins. These proteins were originally operationally defined by their physical properties, such as their behavior on SDS-polyacrylamide gels (1), their ability to be extracted from chromatin *

To whom correspondence should be addressed

in 0.35 M NaCl and their solubility in 5% perchloric or trichloroacetic acid (2,3). While all HMG proteins share these characteristics, they can be divided into three groups based on their size, sequence similarities and DNA binding properties: HMG-1/-2, HMG-14/-17 and HMG-IIY (3). Of these groups, interest has focused lately on the highly-conserved HMG-1/-2 proteins and their homologs. HMG-1 and HMG-2 have a molecular weight of -25 000 and have a tripartite structure (4-6). The N-tenminal A-domain (residues 1-79) and central B-domain (residues 90-163) are both highly basic and substantially structured. Circular dichroism studies indicate that domains A and B contain 30 and 50% n-helix, respectively (4,5). In contrast, the C-domain, beginning at position 164, contains a very high proportion of acidic amino acids, including a run of 30 aspartic and glutamic acid residues that ends at the C-terminus. Domains A and B are homologous to one another, each possessing a conserved block of 75 residues containing a signature of aromatic and basic amino acids termed the HMG-1 box (7). Recent NMR spectroscopy studies on the structure of the HMG-1 box in the B-domain of HMG-1 (8,9), in the Drosophila HMG-D protein (10) and in the SRY-related protein SOX-5 ( 11) show that the box consists of three a-helices, accounting for 75% of the total residues in the box. Furthermore, the HMG-1 box is L-shaped, the angle of -80° between the two arms being stabilized by the conserved aromatic residues (8,10). It is possible that this structure facilitates the binding of HMG-1 to DNA. HMG-1/-2 can bind to both single- and double-stranded DNA, with a preference for the former (2,12). Interestingly, these proteins can also bind to a variety of non-B-DNA structures, such as B-Z DNA junctions (13) and platinated DNA (14,15). It has been suggested that these proteins may play a role in the stabilization or sealing of loop structures in chromatin through their binding to these non-B-DNA structures (16). While the overall structure of HMG-1 is similar to that of many transcriptional activators, it has been shown that HMG-1 is incapable of activating transcription in transfected yeast cells (17), although it can promote the formation of transcription initiation complexes of RNA polymerases II and III (18,19). Increasing numbers of proteins that regulate various cellular functions involving DNA binding and whose target DNA sequences share common structural characteristics are being identified as containing the HMG- 1 box. These proteins include

Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 9 1605 the RNA polymerase I transcription factor UBF (7,20-24), the mammalian testis-determining factor SRY (25,26), and the mitochondrial transcription factors ABF2 and mtTFI (27,28), among others. The number of HMG-1 boxes found in each protein varies; most proteins have a single HMG-1 box, but proteins such as the UBFs can contain as many as six. Based on this diverse group of proteins, a distinct common signature was deduced for the HMG-1 box (29). The diversity in the cellular roles of these proteins strongly suggests that this common signature (and, therefore, this common structural domain) can be used to accomplish a wide variety of productive protein-DNA interactions. In this study, the sequences of 121 full-length HMG-1 boxes have been compiled and aligned in accordance with thermodynamic results from homology model building (threading) experiments (30), basing the alignment on structure rather than by using traditional sequence homology methods. This new structural alignment was then used to determine the clustering relationships between the HMG- 1 box proteins. The proteins cluster into groups consisting primarily of either HMG- 1/-2 proteins or non-HMG proteins containing the HMG-1 box. The proteins in the second group further segregate based on their function, their ability to bind specific sequences of DNA, and their ability to recognize discrete non-B-DNA structures. The large number of proteins identified as containing the HMG-1 box and the range of cellular functions in which they are involved points to a critical role for this conserved DNA-binding region.

METHODS Database searches and sequence alignment The Swiss-Prot version 29.0 (31), PIR version 41.0 (32), EMBL release 39.0 (33) and GenPept version 83.0 (34) databases were searched using the BLAST (35) algorithm, with the human HMG- 1 sequence used as the basis for comparison (36). BLAST search cutoffs used to identify the homologs of human HMG-1 were a Karlin-Altschul score for two aligned sequences 2 70 with a probability < 10-3. These database searches identified 121 proteins containing the target HMG- 1 box motif. Twenty-five of these proteins contain more than one HMG-I box (Table 1), bringing the total number of HMG-1 boxes to 164. Sequence fragments were eliminated from the data set, leaving 121 full domain-length sequences for analysis. The energetic information from homology model building (threading) experiments was used to perform an alignment of all 121 of the full-length HMG- 1 boxes (30). Final positioning of residues within core segment regions represent the alignments producing optimal threading energies (37). The alignment minimizes the total number of gaps present and is consistent with the previously-reported signature for the HMG-I box (29). ALSCRIPT version 1.4.4 (38) was used to format the final alignment (Fig. 1). The sequences used in this study can be accessed through the World Wide Web ( and are available for anonymous ftp at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (, directory /pub/baxevanis/HMG). Classification analysis Tree diagrams were constructed using algorithms contained within the PHYLIP Phylogeny Inference Package, version 3.5c (39). Specifically, 57 of the 164 H-1MG-i boxes found in the database

searches described above were selected to form a representative subset of the entire class. PROTDIST was used on the 57 boxes in this subset to calculate a distance matrix according to the Dayhoff PAM probability model (40). The distances computed represent the expected fraction of amino acid substitutions between each pair of sequences. The distance matrix was then used to estimate phylogenies using the Fitch-Margoliash least-squares distance method (41). Under this method, the sum of the branch lengths between any two species is expected to equal the distances between species found in the calculated matrix. Also, no evolutionary clock is implied using this method; assumption of an evolutionary clock implies that all of the sequences from all of these different proteins have changed at the same rate, an assumption which a priori cannot be supported. The results from the HTCH runs were selected over those obtained using the protein parsimony method PROTPARS and the neighbor-joining method NEIGHBOR (data not shown) due to the rigor of the HTCH method: the parsimony method does not support global rearrangements (below), providing a less exhaustive search for the best tree as does FITCH. In the neighbor-joining method, global rearrangement is again not supported and, more importantly, simulation studies indicate that NEIGHBOR does not provide as accurate an estimate of the phylogeny as is obtained using FHIlCH (39). All FITCH runs were performed with global rearrangement and multiple jumbles (reordering of the data set 25 times) to evaluate the effect of different input orders on the derived trees and to assure that none of the subtrees has become caught in a region of the tree representing a statistical local minimum. Each data set was examined five times in this fashion, producing trees with identical sum-of-squares and average percent standard deviation statistics. CONSENSE was used to compute the consensus tree by the majority-rule method. The final unrooted tree diagram was generated using TREETOOL, a free-standing editor and tree formatter (42).

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Database searches and sequence alignment In order to identify proteins belonging to the HMG- I superfamily, the GenPept, EMBL, PIR and Swiss-Prot peptide sequence databases were searched using the BLAST (35) program to identify sequences significantly similar that of human HMG-1 (36). In this way, 121 proteins were identified as containing HMG-1 box sequences (Table 1). The proteins are from a variety of sources, ranging from simple organisms such as the protozoan Tetrahymena and yeast to plants and animals. More interestingly, the proteins are involved in a variety of cellular functions involving DNA recognition. Upon further inspection, 25 of the 123 proteins were found to contain more than one HMG-1 box, bringing the total number of HMG-1 boxes to 164. Of these 164, only 121 of the sequences were of full-domain length, and only these 121 sequences were used in the analysis that follows. Each HMG-1 box was treated as a separate unit, allowing them to be analyzed independently of other H1MG- I boxes present within the same protein. Multiple alignment of the HMG- 1 boxes was performed based on the results of threading experiments that used the structure of the HMG- 1 box in the B-domain of HMG- 1 as a model for protein structure prediction (30). The method of alignment used here is significantly different than those traditionally used in that the sequences are aligned based on their predicted structure rather

1606 Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 9 10





hH5AG1.1 OH 001.1 HM1.1 40501.1 9dW1.1


mHG.1 pHM02.1 pH= MG HMOC nilT12 -


mU8F12 "O"B12 UM3FI.2 xUBF12 xUBF22









0h4122 tnHAG1 =412 850012

4HM022 .0M022 4050022 N:

ma40rO OSP12


mn : :i


NOHOU3 se11


hUlFI.4 KIJMIA ffU1.4

tAUFF1.4 IF2.S


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 It 1 1 6: It

hUFF1.1 tUBFl.l ff1.1

: : : : : : : : : :



x802.1 NORMO.1



xUBF2.3 NORF02

hUBFlS xUBFl tlJBF2.4




ffb8RY rbBRYmu hSRYmLA FPR1 mHP1 0480 LEF-1 mstlAb




mSWP2 mUtm SOX-5 eTCF mTCFl


Da ati


TIEEE L0 _ _t~~~~~~~ H

A521 Ixrl.l Ixt12








Helix 1

NMR Core













Helix 2



ADs agO









Ka Ao






It a


EL a 0

-HHelix 3 Core 3

Figure 1. Multiple sequence alignment of HMG-1 box domains from members of the HMG-1 superfamily. The abbreviation for each protein corresponds to those listed in Table 1. Decimals appended to the protein name denote multiple HMG-1 boxes within the same protein, the numbers being assigned in the same order as the HMG-1 boxes appear within the protein (N- to C-terminal). The numbering scheme at the top of the figure refers to amino acid positions within the HMG-1 box. For each subgroup, the most prevalent residue at each position is shown in inverse type. The positions of the three a-helices found in the NMR study (8) are shown at the bottom of the figure. ALSCRIPT version 1.4.4 (38) was used to format the alignment.

than through the use of sequence similarity scores or other established procedures [cf.(43) for a review of various structurebased protein modeling methods]. This method produces an alignment with few gaps which also remains compatible with the HMG-1 box signature described above (29). The final alignment of the HMG-1 boxes is presented in Figure 1, with the positions

of the three a-helices determined in the 1H-NMR study (8) and the positions of the core segments defmed in the threading experiments shown at the bottom of the figure. (Most of the sequences from the SOX family of proteins were omitted due to the overwhelming similarity of most ofthe SOX-related proteins, particularly those from Drosophila and alligator.)

Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 9 1607 Table 1. The HMG-l superfamily

Abbreviation ABF2 ADW2 ADW4 ADW5 AESI AES2 AES4 AES6 AMA2 AMA3 Amph atHMG bbHMGlrel bHMG1 btHMG1 cCIIDBP cfXSOXS cfXSOX1 1 cfXSOX12 cfXSOX13 CHI CH3 CH4 CH31 CH60 Chilo cHMG1 cHMG2 cHMG2a cTCF ctHMGla ctHMGlb delta DM10 DM17 DM23 DM33 DM36 DM63 DM64 dmDSOX14 dmDSOX15





Protein/locus ARS-binding factor 2 ADW2 ADW4 ADW5 AESI AES2 AES4 AES6 AMA2 AMA3 Amphoterin HMG HMG-containing protein HMG-1 HMG-1 CIIDBP



XSOX-1 1 XSOX-12 XSOX-13 CHI CH3 CH4 CH31 CH60 HMG homolog HMG-1 HMG-2 HMG-2a T cell-specific transcription factor HMG-la HMG-lb delta DM10 DM17 DM23 DM33 DM36 DM63 DM64 DSOX-14 DSOX-15 DNA-binding protein DSP1 Single-strand recognition protein FPRI HMG-1 HMG-1

HMG-Iretropseudogene HMG-2 HMG-2B HMG-B HMG-C dHMG-D dHMG-Z SOX-4 SOX-5


.9oX-10 Iv

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Alligator Alligator Alligator Alligator Alligator Alligator Alligator Alligator Alligator Rat Arabidopsis Babesia bovis Bovine Bovine testis Chicken Xenopus Xenopus Xenopus Xenopus Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chilo iridescent virus Chicken Chicken Chicken Chicken Chironomus tentans Chironomus tentans Tetrahymena thermophila Drosophila Drosophila Drosophila Drosophila Drosophila Drosophila Drosophila Drosophila Drosophila Drosophila Drosophila Podospora anserina Chinese hamster Human Human Human Human Tetrahymena thermophila Tetrahymena thermophila Drosophila Drosophila Human Human Human Human Human Human

No. of boxes

Accession no. sp1Q02486

gbIM86310 gbIM86311 gbIM86312 gbIM86313 gbIM86314



gbIM86316 gbjM86318

gbIM86319 spIP27428 pirIS35511

pirlJQl490 spIPl0103

gbIM26110 gbIL08815 1 2 2

2 1 1 1 1 1


emb1X65653 embIX65654 emb1X65655 emb1X65656

gbIM86320 gbIM86322 gbIM86325 gbIM86323 gb1M86326

gbIL22300 sp1P36194 sp1P26584 pir1S22359 -

gbIM93253 2


2 2

gbIM87306 gbIM86328 gbIM86329 gbIM86330

2 1 I

gbjM86331 gbjM86332

gbIM86333 gbIM86334 emb1X65667 emb1X65668

gbIU13881 1 1

sp1Q05344 sp1P35693

spIP07156 sp1P09429

gbIL08048 spIP26583 embIZl7240

pirIB39668 pirIA39668 pirjA44382 pir1S32725 embIX65661 emb1X65662 emb1X65663 emb1X65664

embIX65665 emb1X65666

References (27) (66) (66) (66) (66) (66) (66) (66) (66) (66) (67) (68) (69) (70) (71) (72) (25) (25) (25) (25) (66) (66) (66) (66) (66) (73) (74) (75) (76) (77) (78) (78) (64) (66) (66) (66) (66) (66) (66) (66) (25) (25) (79) (47) (80) (81) (36) (82) (83) (84) (85) (85) (86) (87) (25) (25) (25) (25) (25) (25)

1608 Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 9 Table 1. continued hSOXl l hSOX12 hSRY hSRYmut hUBFI IRE-ABP Ixrl LEF-1 LG-1 LG27 LG28 marsTDF matl-Mc Matl-2 MG42 MG43 mHMGI mHMG2 mHPI mHP2 mSDPI mSDP2 mSDP3 mSOXl mSOX2 mSOX3 mSOX4 mSOX5 mSOX6 mSOX7 mSRY

mt-a-I mtsHMG mTCFI mtTFl mUBFI mzHMGlrel NHP6A NHP6B


SBl1 SpHMGI SSRP1 stel 1 T160 tHMGT

tpHMG Tryp vfHMG whHMG xUBFI xUBF2

SOX-l SOX-12 Testis-determining factor Testis-determining factor peptide mutant Upstream binding factor 1 Insulin-response element binding protein Ixrl Lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1

LG27 LG28 Testis-determining factor Mating type protein matl-Mc Mating type protein Matl-2 MG42 MG43 HMG-1 HMG-2 Hypothetical protein Hypothetical protein Sex-determining protein Sex-determining protein Sex-determining protein SOX-1 SOX-2 SOX-3 SOX-4 SOX-5 SOX-6

SOX-7 Testis-determining factor Mating type protein mt-a- I Testis-specific HMG T cell-specific factor Transcription factor 1 Upstream binding factor 1 HMGl-like protein Nonhistone protein 6A Nonhistone protein 6B Autoantigen NOR-90 HMG-1 HMG-2 Testis-determining factor HMG-1 Heme-dependent repression factor Upstream binding factor-I Upstream binding factor-2 SBIl HMG1 Single-strand recognition protein 1 Sexual development regulator stel 1+ Recombination factor T160 HMG-T HMG HMG-l-like protein HMG HMG Upstream binding factor 1 Upstream binding factor 2

Human Human Human Human Human Rat Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mouse Tetrahymena thermophila Eublepharis macularis Eublepharis macularis Sminthopsis macroura Schizosaccharomyces pombe Cochliobolus heterostrophus Tarentola mauritanica Tarentola mauritanica Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Neurospora crassa Mouse testis

sp1P35716 sp1P35717 I

1 6





1 1

sp1P27109 sp1P30681 pilS 10947 pirlS 10950 pinS 10949 pirlS 10938

pirlSl0948 -


embIX65658 embIX65659

embIX65660 embIX55491

gbIM54787 gbILD7107 pirlJH0402 spIQO0OS9

spIP25976 gpIX66077 spIP11632


Saccharomyces cerevisiae Saccharomyces cerevisiae Human Porcine Porcine Rabbit Rat Rat


Saccharomyces cerevisiae


Rat Rat Soybean


Strongylocentrotus purpuratus




Schizosaccharomyces pombe


2 2



2 1 2

(66) (66) (92) (93) (94) (66) (66)

(95) (96) (97) (97) (97) (97) (97) (25) (25)

(25) (25) (25) (25) (25) (97) (98) (45) (99) (28) (20)


spIP12682 spIP17741

(101) (101) (102) (103) (104)




(72) (8,105)

sp1P11633 pirS 18193

spIP07155 sp1P25042 sp1P25977 sp1P25978 sp1P26585

gbIL06453 gbIM86737 sp1P36631 pirIA41265 sp1P07746 pirIJU0038 sp1P26586 pirIS39556

(21) (21) (106)

(46) (107) (48) (108) (109) (110) (111)

pirS 18991


Xenopus Xenopus

spjP36395 sp1P10840 pir1S34810 gb1M86337

gbIM86338 2


Tetrahymena pyriformis Trypanosoma brucei Viciafaba

pinS 19597 sp1P33417 sp1P27782 spiPi 1873

gbIM86335 gbIM86336

Mouse Human mitochondria

Mouse Trout


gbIS53156 spIP17480

(88) (88) (89) (26) (7) (52) (90) (91)

5 4

sp1P25979 spIP25980

(24) (22,23)

Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 9 1609


UBF hUSF1 dfta

HMG 1.2



hUsFT. 3


hUBF 1 4




hHMGl Whal


hPIt%HmG I I


HMG 1.1

A8F2,2 IxrI




h1UF1-2 0.10


Figure 2. Clustering relationships between the members of the HMG-1 box family. Unrooted FITCH trees were generated using the PHYLIP Phylogeny Inference Package, version 3.5 (39) and TREETOOL, a free-standing editor and tree formatter (42). Major subgroups (colored regions) and abbreviations correspond to those in the alignment presented in Figure 1.

It is immediately apparent that, while there may not be absolute identity between all of the sequences in question, discrete regions of high similarity are present. At the N-terminus, a short basic region precedes the beginning of the first helix, with most of the proteins having prolines at positions 1 and 4. This is followed by a group of hydrophobic residues at positions 6-11, a large proportion of which are phenylalanine, tyrosine or tryptophan; helix 1 begins at position 7, within this hydrophobic tract. With very few exceptions, there is a proline at position 24, effectively disrupting the first helix. A number of aromatic residues are highly conserved in the C-terminal region of the HMG-1 box, such as the tryptophan at position 41, a phenylalanine, tryptophan or tyrosine at positions 52 and 70; and a phenylaianine, tryptophan or histidine at position 63. The high conservation of these residues has major implications in the stability of the tertiary structure of the HMG- 1 box: the NMR solution structure shows

that, for rat HMG1.2 (rHMG1.2 in Fig. 1), 8Phe, IlPhe, 41Trp, 49Lys and 52Tyr maintain the angle between the two arms of the HMG-1 box, IPro and 4'Pro at the N-terminus interacts with 63Tyr

at the C-terminus, and 24Pro helps to maintain the non-helical conformation between helix 1 and helix 2 (8). Threading experiments identifying the critical contacts within the HMG-1 box also confirm the involvement of most of these aromatic residues in maintaining the three-dimensional structure of the domain (30).

Classification of 1MG-1 box sequences

The relationships between the proteins belonging to the HMG- 1

superfamily were determined using a representative subset of 57 of the 121 aligned proteins shown in Figure 1. The non-linear least squares algorithm FITCH (41) from the PHYLIP Phylogeny Inference Package (39) were used to perform the analysis, using a Dayhoff PAM distance matrix (40) as the basis for the calculations. The resulting unrooted tree is presented in Figure 2. The first feature regarding the distribution of the component HMG-I boxes over the tree is that, with minor exception, the HMG- 1 and HMG-2 proteins cluster away from the non-HMG

1610 Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 9 proteins containing the HMG- 1 box. The HMG-1/-2 proteins themselves form two separate subgroups, corresponding to HMG-1 box 1 (HMG1.1) and HMG-1 box 2 (HMG1.2). In addition to all of the HMG.1 boxes, the HMG1.1 subgroup contains the second box from the human mitochondrial transcription factor mtTFl, boxes 2 and 5 from the human upstream binding factor UBF (hUBFI.2/1.5), and the HMG boxes from both Tetrahymena thermophila and Tetrahymena pyriformis (tpHMG and HMG-C, respectively). The HMG1.2 subgroup contains all of the HMG1.2 boxes, as well as the fourth box from UBF (hUBF1.4) and the boxes from various plant sources (maize, wheat and soybean). The plant HMG-1 boxes occupy an independent branch within the HMG1.2 subgroup, an observation that may be important from an evolutionary standpoint. The common functional feature of the proteins in the HMG1.1 and HMG1.2 subgroups is their ability to bind to non-B-DNA structures, as previously noted. The UBF subgroup is so named since it contains three of the six HMG- 1 boxes found in the UBF protein (boxes 1, 3 and 6). Also included in the UBF subgroup is the first box from mtTFl, the first box from the mouse testis-specific HMG (mtsHMG), and two boxes from Tthermophila (HMG-B and delta). Of these, HMG-B is found in the macronucleus of Tthermophila, while delta is to be localized to the micronucleus (29). As with the HMG1.1 and HMG1.2 subgroups, the members of this subgroup can recognize non-B-DNA structures, with the majority of proteins in the subgroup being involved in transcription. mtTFl has been shown to bind in a sequence-specific fashion to a conserved segment in the D-loop region of human mitochondrial DNA (44), a sequence very similar to that bound by mtsHMG (45) (Table 2). The SSRP subgroup has amongst its members the HMG-I boxes from both the human and Drosophila single-stranded recognition proteins, the V(D)J recombinase T160 and DBP from both rat and chicken. On a separate branch within the subgroup are the boxes of the Chironomus and Drosophila HMG proteins. A common functional feature in this subgroup is the recognition of discrete non-B-DNA structures; in the case of both SSRP and DssRP, there is an elevated affinity for platinated DNA (46,47). It is not unusual for several HMG proteins to be found within such a subgroup, as the HMG proteins in general do recognize platinated DNA (14,15). It is likely that the SSRP proteins do indeed bind to specific DNA sequences, as T160 has been shown to bind specifically to the sequence CACAGTC (Table 2; 48). The members of the SRY subgroup are unlike those of the subgroups previously discussed in that they are able to bind to DNA in a sequence-specific fashion, rather than in a conformation-specific fashion (Table 2). Included in this subgroup is the transcription repressor ROX 1, the mating-type selection proteins ste 1l, matl-Mc and FPR1; transcription proteins LEF- 1, cTCF and mTCF1; the insulin response element binding protein IRE-ABP, the testis-determining factor marsTDF, as well as the sex-determining protein SRY for which the subgroup is named. Footprinting studies on TCF1 and SRY indicate that the recognition of their specific DNA targets occurs primarily through nucleotide contacts in the minor groove (49). A recent study confirmed the sequence-specific nature of binding through the use of chimeric constructs containing portions of HMG-1 boxes from both TCF1 and HMG-1 (50); this study proposes a model for binding where N-terminal residues and part of helix 1 of the HMG- 1 box makes contact with the minor groove on the outside of a bent DNA duplex.

Table 2. Specific binding sequences recognized by HMG-I box proteins Protein SRY: IRE-ABP LEF-1 matl-Mc mt-a-I ROXI

SOX-5 SRY stell TCF-1 SSRP: T160, heptamer site T160, nonamer site

UBFI-3-6: mtTFI mtsHMG

Binding sitea




(52) (112) (113) (114) (115) (11)


(51,52) (107) (99,116)


(48) (48)


(44) (45)

aThe IUPAC degenerate nucleotide base codes are: R (G or A); W (A or T); Y (C or T).

Each of the known recognition sites for proteins in the SRY subgroup have a central CA/TG dinucleotide pair (Table 2). It is also interesting to note that the binding sites containing this CA/TG pair are flanked by similar downstream sequences. In contrast, T160 (from the SSRP subgroup) exhibits sequence-specific binding to two recombination signal sequences having a central CA/TG pair but whose binding site and flanking regions are otherwise different from those seen for the SRY subgroup (Table 2). The binding sites for mtTFI and mtsHMG (from the UBF1-3-6) also contain the central CA/TG pair but are otherwise different from those seen in the other subgroups. While the published SRY binding sites contain this central CA dinucleotide pair (51,52), it is important to note that the most detailed study on the interaction of SRY with its binding site shows that 9Ile interacts with an AA pair rather than with the CA pair in the binding site (53). This interaction involves a partial sidechain intercalation into the minor groove of the DNA. Further studies indicate that mutation of the AA pair has a greater effect on SRY binding than does mutation of the CA pair (54). The proteins in the SRY subgroup are capable of bending free DNA; for example, gel electrophoretic experiments show that a 1300 bend is induced by LEF-1 (55). Studies of the local geometry of B-DNA crystals containing either the CA/TG pair indicate that this DNA is susceptible to bending or deformation (56-59), and may thereby facilitate the binding of the sequencespecific HMG-1 box proteins. The interplay between sequencespecific binding to linear DNA and non-specific binding to bent DNA by HMG-1 box proteins has previously been addressed (13,29). It is possible that the alignment of HMG-I proteins on the basis of structure allows for the identification of similar target DNA sequences after the classification of the protein sequences. Despite containing most of the elements of the overall HMG- 1 box signature (29), several proteins containing HMG-1 boxes did not fall into any of the clustering groups discussed above. These include the HMG protein from Arabidopsis, the HMG homolog from Chilo iridescent virus, and a number of yeast proteins: Ixrl, ARS-binding factor 2 (ABF2) and the non-histone proteins 6A

Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 9 1611 1



S................ HUG1.1IP. AL HMG12

aiCF F- HDE-






NK --a










D A O -A a



|E K R






f- - - -



* a

A H~~~~R ~~ M8 ~ ~ ~ ~ -





A K- U -.IE -D. PR K A ORR 8 E KS

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Figure 3. Signatures for each of the major subgroups in the HMG- I superfamily. Signatures are based on the multiple sequence alignment in Figure 1 and indicate positions where very high similarity is observed. The signatures unambiguously identify each of the members found within each subgroup. For each signature, the most prevalent residue is shown in the first line. Residues shown in italic represent positions where gaps may be tolerated in the alignment. Positions corresponding to those identified in the global HMG-1 box signature (29) are shown in inverse type.

and 6B. At first, it appears unusual that the Arabidopsis HMG- 1 box falls away from the other plant HMG- 1 boxes located within the HMG 1.2 group. However, inspection of the sequences indicates that the Arabidopsis HMG-1 box is only 30% identical to that from soybean. In contrast, the soybean HMG-1 box is 63% identical to that from wheat and 65% identical to that from maize; the maize and wheat HMG- 1 boxes themselves are 90% identical. The use of a structural alignment has produced a tree significantly different from those previously proposed for the HMG-1 superfamily (60,6 1). These studies relied upon a combination of both automated and manual methods to derive the alignment subsequently used in the clustering analysis. As such, gaps have been introduced into regions that are defined as a-helical in the solved NMR structure (8-10), gaps which may not necessarily be consistent with the maintenance of required contacts within the HMG-1 box. The structure-based threading alignment also remains consistent with the overall HMG-1 box signature (29), a feature which is not consistently seen in either of the alignments previously put forth. The differences in the alignment may explain the dissimilarity seen in the clustering of the six UBF boxes [only three are presented by Griess et al. (61)]. Similarities are seen in the clustering of the HMG-1 boxes 1 and 2 from different organisms, a result that would be expected regardless of alignment technique due to the high degree of sequence identity of these proteins. This study demonstrates how the structure-based alignment, which inherently contains more information than its sequence-based counterparts, produces a significantly different picture of the overall organization of the HMG- 1 box family.

Sequence signatures for the HMG-1 box subgroups Despite the identification of a common signature for the HMG- 1 family (29), members of this family greatly differ in their degree of sequence similarity to one another. Based on the structural alignment of the HMG-1 box proteins, individual amino acid signatures were deduced for each of the major subgroups in the HMG-1 superfamily (Fig. 3). These amino acid signatures unambiguously identify each of the members found within each subgroup. The individual signatures do retain the major features of the overall HMG-1 box signature (29). Hydrophobic residues predominate at positions 6-11, phenylalanine residues being particularly prevalent. The signatures indicate two almost invari-

ant positions: a proline at position 24 and a tryptophan at position 41. The highly conserved aromatic residues at the C-terminus are also observed in the individual signatures: phenylalanine, tryptophan or tyrosine residues are seen at positions 52 and 70, while phenylalanine, tryptophan or histidine residues are seen at position 63. While these significant similarities exist across all five of the HMG-I subgroup signatures, wide variation is observed in the nature of the individual signatures. The highly-conserved positions discussed above show differing degrees of degeneracy from subgroup to subgroup; for example, position 41 can be a tryptophan, phenylalanine or tyrosine in the UBF1-3-6 subgroup, but must be a tryptophan in the other four subgroups. The number of positions needed to unambiguously define each subgroup is very different: the signature for the SSRP subgroup is defined by residues at 62 positions, while that for the HMG1 . 1 subgroup is defined by residues at only 14 positions. The distribution of signature positions also varies substantially; most of the information contained in the signature for the HMG1. 1 subgroup is at positions towards the C-terminus, while the signature positions in the HMG1.2 and SSRP subgroups are fairly evenly distributed across the entire length of the HMG- 1 box. The differences between each of the subgroups are biologically important, as small variations in the otherwise conserved three-dimensional motif are ultimately critical to the maintenance of the separate cellular role of each individual HMG- 1 box protein.

Evolutionary considerations The threading experiments performed on the HMG-1 family using the NMR structure of the second HMG-1 box from rat HMG-1 (8) indicate that there are no rigid sequence requirements for the formation of the HMG-1 box motif (30), an observation that also becomes obvious upon examining the individual HMG-1 box subgroup signatures (Fig. 3). These observations further reinforce the concept that structure is conserved to a greater extent than sequence (62,63). The use of a structural alignment rather than one generated through traditional homology methods (60,61,64) will therefore provide more reliable information due to the evolutionary pressure to maintain the basic three-dimensional structure of the HMG-1 box. The radial tree presented in Figure 2 is necessarily unrooted, since neither the identity or the relative position of the ancestral HMG-I box is known. However, some speculations can be made

1612 Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 9 regarding the origin of the HMG- 1 box. We believe that the second HMG-1 box (HMG1.2) is the most likely candidate for being the ancestral HMG-1 box. First, as mentioned above, plant species contain only one HMG- 1 box, and these boxes (with the exception of the one from Arabidopsis) occupy a discrete branch within the HMG1.2 subgroup. A second consideration is the relative position of the HMG1.2 subgroup within the tree. As this subgroup occupies the most central position of the tree, it is the most closely-related in terms of sequence to the other subgroups. (It is important to make the distinction that the distances in the tree are not representative of time but rather strictly representative of the differences between sequences.) However, since the Arabidopsis HMG- 1 box did not cluster with the HMG-1.2 group due to its lower extent of sequence similarity with other plant HMG-1 boxes, and since no yeast sequences are found within the HMG1.2 group, it is possible that there are alternative explanations. If the HMG- 1 box 2 is indeed the ancestral HMG-I box, it is then possible that the fourth UBF box (UBF1.4) is the HMG- 1 box from which the remaining UBF boxes arose. For the proteins that possess multiple HMG- 1 boxes, there are two possible scenarios which could have led to the duplications (cf. 60,6 1). The first case is represented by a protein such as ABF2, whose two HMG-1 boxes are located on adjacent branches. Here, it is most likely that ABF2 arose from an ancestor with a single HMG-1 box gene and that the single gene was internally duplicated; the individual HMG- 1 boxes are joined on the final protein. In the second case, represented by proteins such as mtTFl and Ixrl, the individual HMG-1 boxes are located in entirely different parts of the tree. Here, a single, common HMG-1 box ancestor gave rise to the different HMG-1 box classes. In turn, the boxes from these two different classes subsequently joined through either a translocation or exon shuffling event, giving rise to the final protein product with multiple HMG-1 boxes. This second case is similar to that previously reported for selected nuclear receptors (65). Both of these scenarios allow for each of the HMG- 1 boxes involved to evolve independently of one another. Future perspectives We have shown how homology model building can be applied to the problem of multiple sequence alignment in clustering studies, thereby emphasizing the structure of a conserved motif over its sequence alone. By emphasizing structural constraints, a more convincing and realistic portrait of the relationship between individual proteins or motifs can be deduced. The protocol is simple in principle and has great potential for its application in other cases where three-dimensional structural information is available. In the case of the high mobility group proteins and the HMG-1 box family in general, studies such as this will hopefully aid in the determination of the precise sites of interaction between HMG-1 box proteins and DNA, as well as in the characterization of the forces behind important processes such as DNA recognition and DNA deformation within this diverse class of DNAbinding proteins.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to thank Drs Mark Boguski and Eugene Koonin for their critical review of this manuscript.

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