fundraising event. Email or text details of your event to everyone in your contact
list, asking ... For example, if you are having a fashion show or cook off, ask one ...
Plan Canada
Fundraising Kit
Plan Canada’s fundraising toolkit provides a step-by-step guide on how to organize an event that can make a valuable contribution to the vital work we’re doing around the world. Thanks to people like you who share a vision of a better world for children, we are able to provide millions of children, their families and their communities with a path out of poverty. Thank you!
About Plan Plan is a global movement for change, mobilizing millions of people around the world to support social justice for children in developing countries. Founded in 1937, we are one of the world’s oldest and largest international development agencies, working in partnership with millions of people around the world to end global poverty. Not for profit, independent, and inclusive of all faiths and cultures, we have only one agenda: to improve the lives of children. Join us and plan to change the world. 1
Plan Canada volunteer fundraising What we do and how your support helps Through our programs in more than 65 countries, we give children, families and communities the tools they need to break the cycle of poverty and build sustainable solutions for improving their own lives. Your support will benefit Plan’s work with communities – building schools, educating teachers, digging wells, opening health clinics, providing vocational training, giving people access to small business loans and much more. Supported by your efforts and generosity, we do whatever is needed to create an environment in which children, families and communities can thrive. What is a volunteer “third-party” event? An event organized by a volunteer, community group or company, that is not an official Plan Canada activity, is considered to be a “third-party” event. Acting independently and with Plan’s approval, third-party events are an important resource for raising funds to help us carry out our work in developing communities. When you organize a third-party event, you’re not only raising money to support Plan – you are also raising awareness about Plan and the important work we do. We ask that all events being held to support Plan Canada be compatible with our mission, vision, values and child protection guidelines. Please refer to our fundraising guidelines for more information.
Your event Before you start Here are a few important things to consider before you start planning your event: Think about why you are fundraising and what you are fundraising for. People are more likely to donate or volunteer to help if you can clearly articulate why a cause is important and why you need their support. A good idea can sell itself. Brainstorm, research and test out your fundraising idea on friends, family and colleagues. Check out our event ideas for some examples. Know your audience. Who are you trying to attract to your event? Tailoring the size of your event to the size of your potential audience helps you narrow options for suitable events and venues, and will give you a better idea of how much advance planning and promotion will be required. Set realistic goals. Setting a realistic fundraising goal helps motivate your team members and gives your supporters something to work towards. Keep expenses in check. Plan Canada strives to spend only 20% of funds it raises on administrative and other costs. Think about expenses and try to keep them in check to avoid any disappointment about the final proceeds you’re able to generate for donation. Don’t over-commit yourself. Give yourself enough time and enlist adequate help to ensure all the elements of your event can be completed successfully. You might consider starting with a small event and work your way up to organizing larger events as you gain more experience. Have a back-up plan. Make sure you have a contingency plan, especially if your event is dependant on unpredictable factors like the weather. Timing is everything. The timing of your event often determines how successful it will be. Check out whether there are competing events on the day or time you have chosen. To give your event special relevance, schedule its theme to coincide with special days. For example, have a St. Valentine’s Day bake sale, Christmas craft sale or swim-a-thon on World Water Day.
Keep time on your side. Remember to contact us at least 2 weeks in advance of your fundraiser if you’d like us to send you promotional materials to display at your event.
Promoting your event Spreading the word about your event is critical to its success. Here are some tips on creating a buzz in advance of your fundraiser through posters, flyers, online and media activities.
Posters and flyers Use Plan’s poster template, ensuring you include all pertinent details to promote your event, or feel free to make your own. If you’re designing your own poster, send it to us for approval so we can help you check it against our child protection policies and brand guidelines before you display or distribute it.
Online promotion The Internet, email and text messaging are the quickest ways to let people know about your fundraising event. Email or text details of your event to everyone in your contact list, asking them to forward it to their friends. Sites like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter are all great ways to spread the word about your event to all your friends. Also check out online event calendars serving your community such as municipal or community centre websites to see if they will accept a posting for your event.
Media If you’re planning a large event, consider sending a press release to local newspapers, radio and TV stations to try to get editors interested in doing an advance story, covering your event or taking photos on the day. Local news outlets love human interest stories, but they receive so many requests to cover fundraising events you often need to have a unique angle.
As easy as a click of the mouse Create an online fundraising page through Plan Canada’s easy-to-use tool:
Let our guidelines guide you to design success Refer to our brand guidelines, for logo usage and writing tips, when designing event posters and promotional materials.
Tips 4
Promoting your event If a reporter does contact you, tell them about your event, what you have planned and why you’re doing it. If they have any questions about Plan, please refer them to us directly at 1-800-387-1418 or (416) 920-1654 or at
[email protected] If the media doesn’t cover your idea for a story, you can still get media promotion on daily event calendars by submitting a media advisory by fax, email, or even in person a minimum of one week in advance. These detail time-sensitive events, so be sure to follow up with all media outlets a few days before your event to make sure they received your advisory and intend to list it on their event calendars. You may also want to include a photo that brings your event or inspiration for hosting the event to life.
Other ideas Contact your local media outlet and ask them if anyone from their staff would like to participate in your event. This provides them with an opportunity to become involved in the cause, and may make them more likely to cover your event. For example, if you are having a fashion show or cook off, ask one of the broadcasters or reporters to be a model or cook. The location can also be a draw for media. For example, try and host your event in a popular, high-traffic area that could create a great photo opportunity. Consider staging a great visual/photo op for media and telling them about it. For example, maybe you’ll be stacking one cookie for every dollar donated to see how high you can go or you may be encouraging all attendees to show up wearing pink, creating a “sea of pink” that may create a great image for the next day’s paper. Create a YouTube video explaining in a creative way why you are passionate about Plan and your event, and include the URL on your press release or media advisory. Be sure to leverage the suggestions above online. The media will monitor online activity for events or issues that have garnered a lot of lead up buzz.
Make our social media work for you.
Post information about your fundraising efforts on the Plan Facebook and Plan Twitter pages or on the Because I am a Girl Canada Facebook and Because I am a Girl Canada Twitter pages.
Planning checklist Planning an event is easy if you’re organized. Use these step-by-step checklists to ensure you don’t forget anything that could help make your event a success!
Before your event Brainstorm fundraising ideas – refer to our event ideas to get started Check into any possible safety or legal issues. Refer to our legal guidance page for help Determine how many people you will need to help you execute your plan and enlist volunteers Let Plan Canada know about your event by completing the event proposal form Plan your budget Find a suitable location Schedule your event Promote your event, ensuring all materials with the Plan name/logo are approved prior to use
During your event Assign someone to be responsible for handling the donations Have a Plan Canada pledge form handy for donations of $25 or more Display and/or distribute Plan Canada brochures
After your event Collect the funds Thank your donors – you can use Plan’s acknowledgement letter template Complete the financial summary form Compile all of your donation forms and money collected. Send to Plan Canada within two weeks of the event Learn from your mistakes … and successes! Evaluate your event and take note of what worked and what didn’t. Keep notes of useful contacts and share your learning experiences with Plan and other fundraisers by completing the fundraising feedback form
Resources Downloads
Fundraising guidelines Brand guidelines Event ideas Legal guidance Sample acknowledgement letter Sample press release Sample media advisory Pledge form
Fundraising toolkit Event proposal form Plan Canada’s website Plan Canada – Facebook Plan Canada – Twitter Because I am a Girl Canada – Facebook Because I am a Girl Canada – Twitter Fundraising feedback form
Contact information Plan Canada 245 Eglinton Ave East, Suite 300 Toronto, Ontario M4P 0B3 Phone: 416-920-1654 ext. 215 Toll Free: 1-800-387-1418 ext. 215 Email:
[email protected] Charitable Registration Number: 11892 8993 RR0001