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Mar 21, 2009 - Plasma scenarios, equilibrium configurations and control in the design of FAST ... possible option for a European ITER Satellite facility [2], aimed at ..... variables, besides plasma current, six linear combinations of 39.
Fusion Engineering and Design 84 (2009) 1562–1569

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Plasma scenarios, equilibrium configurations and control in the design of FAST G. Ramogida a,∗ , G. Calabro a , V. Cocilovo a , F. Crisanti a , A. Cucchiaro a , M. Marinucci a , A. Pizzuto a , C. Rita a , F. Zonca a , R. Albanese b , G. Artaserse b , F. Maviglia b , M. Mattei b a b

Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione, Via Enrico Fermi 45, I-00044 Frascati, RM, Italy Associazione Euratom-ENEA-CREATE sulla Fusione, Via Claudio 21, I-80125 Napoli, Italy

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history: Available online 21 March 2009 Keywords: FAST ITER Plasma Equilibrium Scenario H-mode Hybrid Advanced Tokamak Position control Shape control

a b s t r a c t The Fusion Advanced Studies Torus (FAST) conceptual study has been proposed [A. Pizzuto on behalf of the Italian Association, The Fusion Advanced Studies Torus (FAST): a proposal for an ITER Satellite facility in support of the development of fusion energy, in: Proceedings of 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, October 13–18, 2008; Nucl. Fusion, submitted for publication] as possible European ITER Satellite facility with the aim of preparing ITER operation scenarios and helping DEMO design and R&D. Insights into ITER regimes of operation in deuterium plasmas can be obtained from investigations of non linear dynamics that are relevant for the understanding of alpha particle behaviours in burning plasmas by using fast ions accelerated by heating and current drive systems. FAST equilibrium configurations have been designed in order to reproduce those of ITER with scaled plasma current, but still suitable to fulfil plasma conditions for studying burning plasma physics issues in an integrated framework. In this paper we report the plasma scenarios that can be studied on FAST, with emphasis on the aspect of its flexibility in terms of both performance and physics that can be investigated. All plasma equilibria satisfy the following constraints: (a) minimum distance of 3 energy e-folding length (assumed to be 1 cm on the equatorial plane) between plasma and first wall to avoid interaction between plasma and main chamber; (b) maximum current density in the poloidal field coils, transiently, up to around 30 MA/m2 . The discharge duration is always limited by the heating of the toroidal field coils that are inertially cooled by helium gas at 30 K. The location of the poloidal field coils has been optimized in order to: minimize the magnetic energy; produce enough magnetic flux (up to 35 Wb stored) for the formation and sustainment of each scenario; produce a good field null at the plasma break-down (BP /BT < 2 × 10−4 at low field, i.e. BT = 4 T and ET = 2 V/m for at least 40 ms). Plasma position and shape control studies will also be presented. The optimization of the passive shell position slows the vertical stability growth time down to 100 ms. © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Fusion Advanced Studies Torus (FAST) has been proposed as a possible option for a European ITER Satellite facility [2], aimed at supporting the preparation of operation scenarios and the exploration of technologies relevant to DEMO physics and technology issues in a wider (dimensionless) parameter space than JT-60SA and with characteristic values closer to ITER. FAST has been conceived to contribute drawing the maximum benefit from ITER before as well as in parallel with ITER exploitation in a time window lasting significantly longer than currently foreseen for any existing European devices and within reasonable financial constraints.

∗ Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Ramogida). 0920-3796/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2009.02.026

The R&D objectives in fusion physics, technology and engineering have been structured by the Fusion Facilities Review Panel in seven interrelated missions [2] along the path from ITER towards DEMO and further: FAST has been designed to address several different aspects of the first five of these interconnected objectives in a integral fashion. FAST will be able to explore Fast Particle physics issues (mission 1), to investigate general aspects of ITER relevant Plasma Operations (mission 2), to look into the physics of large heat loads on divertor plates (mission 3), to investigate Advanced Tokamak (AT) scenarios (mission 4) and to promote the validation of numerical simulation codes to predict ITER fusion and burning plasma performance (mission 5). As the contribution to mission 1 objectives on burning plasma achievement in ITER, FAST will be able to investigate non linear dynamics that are relevant for the understanding of alpha particle behaviours in burning plasmas by using fast ions accelerated by heating and current drive systems, working with deuterium plasmas in a dimensionless parameter range closer to the ITER one

G. Ramogida et al. / Fusion Engineering and Design 84 (2009) 1562–1569


Even if it is not a superconducting machine, FAST will be indeed capable to approach steady state conditions of interest for mission 4 objectives, thanks to its availability of heating and current drive power sufficient to access a full non inductive current drive scenario with high bootstrap current fraction. The contribution of FAST to extend the validation of predictive codes to wider parameter regimes, as far as mission 5, will be also relevant, to fill the gap in operational space foreseen between ITER and JT-60SA. The various physics that can be addressed in FAST to verify and validate numerical codes and theoretical models are described in Refs. [7–12] and in the extended versions of Refs. [13,14]. 2. The FAST machine The requirement for plasma behaviour sufficiently close to ITER sets stringent constraints to FAST features that must be accomplished:

Fig. 1. FAST physics operational space in the (Q/(Q + 5), a/RLarmor ) plane. Since Q/(Q + 5) = N/Nc ∝ T5/2 and T controls edge physics conditions as well as PWI [5,6], this Fig. emphasizes one of the fundamental aspects of burning plasma physics integration, which is the very original motivation of FAST.

than that of existing machines [1], as depicted in Fig. 1. Although the use of the Q factor to define the physics operational domain is questionable for a machine dedicated to operate with deuterium plasmas and not with a deuterium–tritium mixture, it has been emphasized in [3,4] that  SD / E ∝ T5/2 /N, with N = nT E and  SD / E the ratio of alpha particle (fast ions) collisional slowing down time to the energy confinement time. Thus, for fixed  SD / E in order to ensure similarity of ˇfast /ˇ (ˇfast /ˇ is the ratio of fast ion to thermal plasma kinetic energy densities) and of electron–ion equipartition, N ∝ T5/2 and it is reasonable to fix T when defining operation scenarios of a burning plasma relevant experiment since Q/(Q + 5) = N/Nc [3,4], with Nc the critical triple product at ignition. Meanwhile, fixing T corresponds to controlling edge physics conditions and plasma wall interactions (PWI) [5,6]. Thus, although the choice of the y-axis in Fig. 1 may be questionable and is not the most general one, it captures one of the fundamental aspects of burning plasma physics integration, which is the very original motivation of FAST. Meanwhile (see Section 4), the fact that FAST can operate with characteristic dimensionless (both thermal and fast) particle orbits similar to those of ITER ensures that FAST transport physics will indeed be relevant since it will reproduce micro- to meso-scale cross-couplings typical of burning plasma conditions [7–11] and the ratio between energy confinement time and electron–ion equipartition time will be comparable to that of ITER; thus, the access to the high performance regimes will occur at dominant and DEMO relevant electron heating. FAST will be able to contribute, as other machines, to several aspects related to mission 2 issues on reliable operations: plasma and ELM control, assisted break-down development, assessment of the toroidal field ripple (TFR) effects, power coupling studies in a fast particles operational space closest to that of ITER. The high magnetic field in FAST together with its compactness will make possible to obtain a very high power flux P/R, greater than ITER and approaching the DEMO target value, allowing FAST to test, in relevant conditions, technical approaches to mission 3 issues, related to first wall and divertor power handling, such as full-tungsten wall/divertor and liquid lithium divertor solutions.

(1) plasma current, Ip , from 2 MA (corresponding to full non inductive current drive scenario) up to 8 MA (corresponding to maximized performance scenario); (2) auxiliary heating systems able to accelerate the plasma ions to energies in the range 0.5–1 MeV; (3) plasma major radius of about 1.8 m and minor radius around 0.65 m; (4) pulse duration from 20 s for the reference H-mode scenario up to 160 s (∼40 resistive times  res ) for the longest Advanced Tokamak scenario at 3 MA/3.5 T. These features have been satisfied in the current FAST design of a compact (Ro = 1.82 m, a = 0.64 m, triangularity ı = 0.4) and costeffective machine able to investigate, at the same time and in integrated way, non linear dynamics effects in the fast particle behaviours [1], plasma wall interaction under ITER relevant power load [13], ITER relevant operational issues and Advanced Tokamak regimes up to fully non inductive plasma current driven scenarios. FAST load assembly is shown in Fig. 2: it consists of 18 toroidal field coils (TFC), a central solenoid (CS) vertically segmented in six coils to allow plasma shaping flexibility, manufacture easiness and efficient cooling, six external poloidal field coils, the vacuum vessel (VV) with its internal components and the mechanical support structure.

Fig. 2. The load assembly of FAST.


G. Ramogida et al. / Fusion Engineering and Design 84 (2009) 1562–1569

Fig. 3. Coils temperature evolution for the longest (AT2) scenario.

The copper coils are kept at cryogenic temperatures (30 K) before the pulse starts, to lower their adiabatic heating during the plasma pulse increasing the duration of the AT scenarios: the final temperature at the end of the pulse is never expected to exceed 85 K for any poloidal coil and 150 K for the inner legs of the TFCs; in Fig. 3 the coil temperature tim evolution is reported for the AT2 scenario. The cooling of the magnet system after the pulse is guaranteed by helium gas flow. Each TFC is contained by a stainless steel belt fitted to the outside zone of the coil. Two pre-compressed rings situated in the upper–lower zone keep the whole toroidal magnet structure in wedged configuration. A preliminary 3D magnetostatic analysis [15] showed that in FAST the toroidal field ripple can be kept at an acceptable value (below 0.3% on the plasma separatrix) by mean of ferromagnetic inserts located inside the VV on the outboard side, in front of the TF coils [15]. A future proper optimization of the size of this inserts [16] and of the plasma shape should allow to limit the TFR within acceptable values at all the toroidal field configurations, ranging from 3.5 to 8.5 T. An alternative active system to reduce the TFR guaranteeing the greatest flexibility of the machine operation with any value of the magnetic field has been studied, by using of small active control coils located between the outer branches of the TFC [15]. A preliminary analysis showed that this system could reduce the maximum TFR on the plasma separatrix well below 0.3% in all the toroidal field configurations, feeding the active coils with a current never exceeding 1/14 of the TFC current. Further analyses will be nevertheless required to assess the stray fields, the EM loads, the electrical feed-through, the power supply and cooling requirements for this solution. The vacuum vessel, segmented by 20◦ modules, is a single shell made of Inconel 625 with 30 mm maximum thickness, in order to minimize the flux consumption during the plasma start-up. The vertical, oblique and equatorial access ports are made of 20 mm thick stainless steel. The operating temperature of the vessel ranges from room temperature to above 100 ◦ C. A suitable water loop is dedicated to regulate the vessel temperatures. A copper shell is inserted inside the vacuum vessel aimed at slowing down the growth rate of the vertical instability to ≈13 s−1 , making the control of the plasma vertical position easier. To avoid flux shielding during plasma break-down the shell is toroidally segmented. The first wall (FW) consists of a bundle of tubes armoured with ∼4 mm plasma spray tungsten. The divertor is made with the monoblock technology, which has been tested in high value heat flux range. FAST is equipped with three auxiliary heating systems: ion cyclotron resonant heating (ICRH), electron cyclotron resonant heating (ECRH) and lower hybrid (LH). The injection of 30 MW ICRH

Fig. 4. FAST poloidal field coils system and field null region during the plasma breakdown.

accelerate the plasma ions to energies in the range of 0.7–0.8 MeV in H-mode scenario (6.5 MA/7.5 T) [14]; 6 MW of LH have been adopted to actively control the current profile and 4 MW of ECRH are devoted to MHD control. 3. Plasma equilibrium configuration The location and the dimension of the poloidal field coils, shown in Fig. 4, have been optimized with the constrains to minimize the

Fig. 5. FAST reference H-mode equilibrium.

G. Ramogida et al. / Fusion Engineering and Design 84 (2009) 1562–1569


Table 1 FAST plasma parameters for the analysed configurations (the H-mode extreme configuration is foreseen in a second phase of the machine, with the additional NNBI system. FAST

H-mode reference

H-mode extreme




AT full NICD

Ip (MA) q95 BT (T) H98 n20  (m−3 ) Pth H (MW) ˇN  E (s)  res (s) T0 (keV) Q tdischarge (s) tflat-top (s) INI /Ip (%) Padd.heat (MW) heat (MW) PICRH heat PLH (MW) heat (MW) PECRH heat PNNBI (MW)

6.5 3 7.5 1 2 14–18 1.3 0.4 5.5 13.0 0.65 20 13 15 30 30 0 0 –

8 2.6 8.5 1 5 22–35 1.8 0.65 5 9.0 2.5 10 2 15 40 30 0 0 10

5 4 7.5 1.3 3 18–23 2.0 0.5 3 8.5 0.9 20 15 30 30 30 0 0 –

3 5 6 1.5 1.2 8.5–12 1.9 0.25 3 13 0.19 70 60 60 30 30 0 0 –

3 3 3.5 1.5 1.1 8.5–12 3.2 0.18 5–6 13 0.14 170 160 80 40 30 6 4 –

2 5 3.5 1.5 1 5–7 3.4 0.13 2–5 7.5 0.06 140 130 100 40 30 6 4 –

magnetic energy, to have enough flux to allow any selected plasma scenario and to have a quite good field null during the plasma breakdown, shown in Fig. 4: a very large central exapolar region with BP /BT < 2 × 10−4 at low field, BT = 4 T. The toroidal electric field for the break-down has been imposed to be 2 V/m for a time lasting at least 40 ms. The poloidal field circuit can provide the necessary flux (∼35 Wb stored) to build-up an X-point plasma equilibrium with Ip = 6.5 MA and to sustain a scenario with a high current flat-top of around 13 s (the discharge lasting around 22 s) in a high density (n = 2 × 1020 m−3 ) H-mode configuration, assuming 32 MA/m2 as maximum current density in the PFC. All plasma equilibria guarantee a minimum distance between plasma and first wall greater than 3E , where E is the energy efolding length assumed to be about 1 cm on the equatorial plane. The maximum transiently allowable current density in the poloidal field coils is around 32 MA/m2 . Within these constraints, sufficient flexibility is maintained to allow different plasma shapes. The divertor region has been designed to provide enough space to scan substantially the plasma triangularity, to allow some strike point sweeping and to have an efficient pumping capability. The FAST divertor concept is well described in [17]. The crucial aspects of the thermal loads on the divertor plates and of the core plasma purity for the proposed scenarios are discussed in [13]. 4. FAST flexibility in physics and performances FAST is a very flexible device able to reproduce, with scaled plasma current, the three ITER main equilibrium configurations: standard H-mode with broad pressure profile, hybrid mode with narrower pressure profile and Advanced Tokamak scenario with peaked pressure profile. Although FAST will work at lower plasma current than ITER, it is still suitable to fulfil plasma conditions for studying operation problems, plasma wall interaction and burning plasma physics issues in an integrated framework. The achievement of these capabilities in a compact, costeffective device, has been obtained by designing a machine working in a dimensionless parameter range close to ITER, with similar equilibrium profiles, dominant electron heating and plasma performances in the fusion parameter space with Q ≥ 1. The choice of Q as indicator of equivalent “fusion performance” in a machine working with deuterium captures one of the fundamental aspects of burning plasma physics integration, which is the very original

motivation of FAST, although it involves some questionable issues (see Section 1). A similarity scaling of FAST dimensionless parameters based on those of ITER implies an electron temperature Te ∼10 keV and effective fast particles perpendicular temperature Tf ∼ 600 keV for the 3 He minority ions accelerated by ICRH in a D plasma. This condition is reached, at the proper ˇN , with less than 30 MW of ICRH additional power, as currently foreseen in FAST. The requirement to preserve the fast ion induced fluctuation spec∗ ∗ trum, both in mode number fast,FAST ∼ fast,ITER and in frequency (normalized to Alfvén frequency) (ωfast /ωA )FAST ∼(ωfast /ωA )ITER , are satisfied by Ip ∼6.5 MA and (n/nGW )FAST ∼0.5(n/nGW )ITER . Refs. [1,14] present detailed discussions of the self-consistency and physics integration of FAST plasma scenarios, based on the fact that similarity scalings can be equally and consistently derived from both fast particle dynamics as well as thermal plasma properties. The duration of the plasma flat-top is greater than the resistive diffusion time in all scenarios and the ratio tflat-top / RES is about half of that in ITER. The design of FAST allows reaching ITER and DEMO relevant PWI regimes with large power load P/R ∼22 MW/m and expected ELMs comparable in size with those tolerable by ITER, WELM ∼1.5 MJ. The external heating power in all scenarios is provided by the ICRH system (30 MW) and, for the Advanced Tokamak scenarios, by the LH system (6 MW) plus the ECRH system working in second harmonic (4 MW). For the most extreme H-mode scenario (Ip = 8 MA, BT = 8.5 T), additional power by a suitable NNBI system (10 MW) has been assumed, which can be accommodated in equatorial ports of the machine, which have been designed for this scope. In all cases the configuration has been designed to have always the same geometrical plasma features, shown in Fig. 5: major radius R = 1.82 m, minor radius a = 0.64 m, elongation k = 1.7, average triangularity ı = 0.4, plasma volume > 20 m3 . An overview of the main possible configurations is given in Table 1, where the H-mode extreme scenario is foreseen only in a second phase of the machine life, with the additional NNBI system.

Table 2 Main parameters of the reference H-mode equilibrium. Ip (MA) ˇN P0 /P q95 qaxis Volume (m3 )

6.5 1.3 2.35 3 1.09 22.8


G. Ramogida et al. / Fusion Engineering and Design 84 (2009) 1562–1569

Fig. 8. Predictive JETTO simulations: plasma current density (Jp ), safety factor (q), electron (Te ) and ion temperature (Ti ) profiles during the high ˇ phase.

Fig. 6. Evolution of the plasma configurations in the reference H-mode scenario.

5. H-mode scenarios Two possible H-mode scenarios have been extensively investigated: a reference H-mode (Ip = 6.5 MA, BT = 7.5 T) to be used in the extensive integrated studies and an extreme H-mode (Ip = 8 MA, BT = 8.5 T) corresponding to the highest achievable performance by assuming the availability of an additional 10 MW NNBI power input. The main parameters of the reference H-mode equilibrium, obtained by using MAXFEA [18] and FIXFREE [19] codes, are reported in Table 2. The time evolution of the equilibrium configurations is shown in Fig. 6 and the time evolution of the PFC currents that is reported in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7. Evolution of the PFC currents in the reference H-mode scenario.

After the break-down the plasma current rises at Ip = 2 MA in 1.5 s, maintaining a circular shape, then the plasma begin to elongate while its current keep raising for the next 3 s, when the final X-point plasma shaped is achieved with Ip = 4.5 MA. The plasma current achieves its target value Ip = 6.5 MA at t = 7 s. At t = 7.5 s it is assumed to apply the full additional heating, causing an increase of the internal kinetic energy on a time scale (about 1 s) longer than the plasma energy confinement time. During this strong increase of ˇN the plasma boundary it is assumed to be preserved by using a shape control technique like the extreme shape controller (XSC) used in JET [20]. A long experimental flat-top (up to 13 s, corresponding about two resistive decay time) is then possible at maximum ˇN with 6.5 MA plasma current. The plasma parameters obtained for this scenario have been fully validated in order to determine the transport and the confinement of fast ions (∼0.7 MeV) produced by the 3 He minority ions accelerated by 30 MW of ICRH [14]. Predictive simulations of

Fig. 9. FAST reference equilibrium configuration and passive structures (vessel and stabilizing shell) in CREATE NL model.

G. Ramogida et al. / Fusion Engineering and Design 84 (2009) 1562–1569

this scenario have been performed by means of JETTO code, using a semi-empirical mixed Bohm/gyro-Bohm transport model [21,22], TORIC code [23] and SSQLFP code allowing the fully simulation of the scenario dynamic evolution. The plasma density current, the safety factor, the electron and ion temperature profiles obtained during the high ˇ phase are shown in Fig. 8. The extreme H-mode scenario (Ip = 8 MA, BT = 8.5 T, safety factor q95 ∼2.6), corresponding to the highest achievable performance, has been also studied. In this transient ( flat-top = 2 s,  E ∼0.7 s,  RES ∼5 s) scenario, the plasma density has been assumed to be close to the Greenwald limit, so a quite large species coupling is foreseen with Te = Ti . 6. Hybrid and Advanced Tokamak scenarios The hybrid scenario would allow to reach an equivalent Q ∼ 1 considering an enhanced confinement factor equal to 1.3H98 , meanwhile, ˇN = 2 and n/nGW = 0.8. FAST design permits to accomplish Advanced Tokamak scenarios with quite different features: moderate ˇN ∼2 with large toroidal field BT = 6 T (AT scenario), ˇN ∼3.2 greater than the MHD stability with lower toroidal field BT = 3.5 T (AT2 scenario), very large ˇN ∼3.4 with fully non inductive driven plasma current Ip = 2 MA (full NICD scenario with n = 1 × 1020 m−3 ) consisting of a 60–70% bootstrap fraction and a 30–40% driven by the LH system (3.7 or 5 GHz) fraction of the total plasma current.


For all the Advanced Tokamak cases, the plasma boundary shape is essentially the same of the reference H-mode scenario, reported in Fig. 5 and the q profile is assumed to be slightly reversed with qaxis > 2 and qmin < 2 with a peaked pressure profile, as it should be expected in an Advanced Tokamak scenario. The poloidal circuit can sustain the discharge for a long time in the two scenarios with residual inductive current, assuming the plasma residual resistivity about 60–100 mV (tflat-top ∼60 s in AT and tflat-top ∼160 s in AT2). In the fully non inductive scenario a maximum tflat-top ∼160 s is foreseen as constrained by the toroidal magnet heating. In all these cases the discharge last quite longer than the resistive time (up to 40 times). The LH current drive system at 3.7 or 5 GHz (6 MW) will generate a significant fraction of the total plasma current for the AT scenarios, guaranteeing the access, control and sustenance of the required current profiles. A study of the LH penetration and absorption has been performed in a parameter range typical of FAST AT scenarios [1,14]. In the reference AT scenario the LH driven current is 0.65 MA, corresponding to 22% of the total plasma current, while 38% is driven by the bootstrap current. According to simulations this is enough to produce a negligible evolution of the current profile during the whole discharge. An analysis of the global MHD stability for the long pulse AT scenarios has been performed using the MARS code [24] in order to investigate the possibility of stabilizing resistive wall modes (RWM) [1]. The ECRH system (4 MW) will provide enough power for MHD

Fig. 10. Position and shape controller performances for a minor disruption simulation by CREATE NL model.


G. Ramogida et al. / Fusion Engineering and Design 84 (2009) 1562–1569

control. Besides the stabilization of neoclassical tearing modes (NTM) in long pulse AT scenarios, the ECRH system on FAST is also used for electron heating and current drive tasks at lower densities.

current and gaps, are showed in Fig. 10 in the case of the minor disruption simulation. 8. Conclusions

7. Plasma position and shape control The control of the plasma position and shape is a crucial issue as in every compact, elongated and high performance Tokamak as FAST. The capability of the poloidal field coil system, as presently designed, to provide an effective vertical stabilization of the plasma has been investigated using the CREATE NL response model [25], assuming axisymmetric deformable plasma described by few global parameters. The plasma chamber has been schematized as an Inconel 625 vessel, 25 mm thick, with a resistivity equals to 1.29 ␮ m at operating temperature: the torus resistance results 62.6 ␮, neglecting the 3D effects of the ports. A stabilizing copper shell inside the vacuum vessel has been designed, optimizing its thickness (26 mm) and location to provide a slowing down of the growth rate of the vertical instability around 13 s−1 with a safe stability margin equals to 0.973. To avoid flux shielding during plasma break-down the shell has been toroidally segmented, providing the up–down connection by the poloidal path around the ports, so the net total toroidal current flowing in it is zero. Fig. 9 describes the FAST reference equilibrium, modelled by CREATE NL code, together with the passive stabilizing structures: vessel and copper shell. Preliminary analyses have been performed to study the control of the plasma current, shape and position during the flat-top of the reference H-mode plasma scenario. The structure of the proposed controller consists in a feedback loop which controls the derivative of the vertical position (using CS2U-CS2L and PF3–PF4 coil imbalance current) and a slower multivariable feedback loop, which controls the plasma current, shape and position. The two pairs of coils selected for the vertical control will be fed by up–down anti-symmetric currents provided by a dedicated power supply. The voltage for the vertical stabilization system is supplied by a converter driven by simple saddle network controller driven by the plasma vertical velocity. The vertical diagnostics has been modelled as a first order low pass filter with a time constant of 3 ms. The closed loop system guarantees that, in the presence of a disturbance, the plasma vertical velocity goes to zero, while the plasma vertical position of the current centroid is not recovered. The stability of the vertical velocity loop is guaranteed with a phase margin of about 65◦ and a gain margin of 5 dB. The current and shape controller structure uses as controlled variables, besides plasma current, six linear combinations of 39 gaps (between the plasma separatrix and the plasma facing components), strike points and X-point descriptors, obtained using a SVD approach. The power supply system has been modelled, in a conservative approach as a pure time delay of 10 ms: under this assumption the vertical stabilization controller and the power supplies voltage limits have been designed so as to guarantee a settling time for the plasma velocity of about 800 ms. As far as the current/shape disturbances rejection (recovery of the gaps within 1 cm), the controller has been evaluated simulating the system response to a 1 cm plasma Vertical Displacement Event, to a 100 kA step in the plasma current and to a minor disruption characterized by a 20% fall in internal inductance and poloidal beta. In all these cases, the recovery is guaranteed by the current/shape controller as presently designed, with a settling time less than 2 s. The maximum power required for this stabilization is about 14 MW, in the range of the capabilities of the designed PFC system, with the most demanding disturbances, VDE and minor disruption. The voltage and current required for the stabilization, together with the time evolution of the plasma position, velocity,

The Fusion Advanced Studies Torus has been designed to provide a European ITER Satellite facility able to explore Fast Particle physics, to investigate ITER relevant Plasma Operations issues, to study the physics and test the technologies required to deal with large heat loads on ITER and DEMO plasma facing components, to investigate long lasting Advanced Tokamak regimes up to fully non inductive scenarios, to validate numerical simulation codes predictions of ITER fusion and burning plasma performance. FAST will be able thus to address most of the EFDA strategic missions and to support the preparation of ITER operation scenarios by using fast ions accelerated by heating and current drive systems, working with deuterium plasmas in a dimensionless parameter range close to that of ITER. FAST equilibrium configurations permit the preparation of ITER scenarios in a compact, cost-effective device still suitable to fulfil plasma conditions required to study burning plasma physics issues in an integrated framework. The FAST flexibility in terms of both performance and physics that can be investigated is emphasized by the variety of plasma scenarios that can be studied, from the extreme high performance H-mode to the full not inductive current driven scenario. The feasibility of a proper plasma position and shape control with the current poloidal field system design has been also introduced, showing the possibility of guaranteeing a wide stability region and of rejecting undesired shape modification. References [1] A. Pizzuto on behalf of the Italian Association, The Fusion Advanced Studies Torus (FAST): a proposal for an ITER Satellite facility in support of the development of fusion energy, in: Proceedings of 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, October 13–18, 2008; Nucl. Fusion, submitted for publication. [2] Report of the Fusion Facilities Review Panel, R&D Needs and Required Facilities for the Development of Fusion as an Energy Source, Bruxelles, Belgium, October 2008. [3] F. Romanelli, A. Coletti, C. Gormezano, F. Lucci, A. Pizzuto, G.B. Righetti, et al., Fusion Sci. Technol. 45 (2004) 483. [4] The FAST Team, FAST Conceptual Study, Technical Report ENEA/FPN-FAST-RT07/001, Frascati, Italy, 2008. [5] K. Lackner, Comments Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 15 (1994) 359. [6] P.J. Catto, D.A. Knoll, S.I. Krasheninnikov, Phys. Plasmas 3 (1996) 3191. [7] F. Zonca, S. Briguglio, L. Chen, G. Fogaccia, T.S. Hahm, A.V. Milovanov, et al., Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 48 (2006) B15. [8] L. Chen, F. Zonca, Nucl. Fusion 47 (2007) S727. [9] F. Zonca, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 23 (2008) 1165. [10] F. Zonca, L. Chen, in: P.K. Shukla, B. Eliasson, L. Stenflo (Eds.), Frontiers in Modern Plasma Physics, CP1061, AIP, 2008, pp. 34–44. [11] F. Zonca, L. Chen, in: O. Sauter, X. Garbet, E. Sindoni (Eds.), Theory of Fusion plasmas, CP1069, AIP, 2008, pp. 355–360. [12] L. Chen, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 50 (2008) 124001. [13] G. Maddaluno, R. Zagórski, V. Pericoli Ridolfini, M.L. Apicella, G. Calabrò, F. Crisanti, et al., Edge Plasma Issues of the Tokamak FAST (Fusion Advanced Studies Torus) in Reactor Relevant Conditions, in: Proceedings of 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, October 13–18, 2008; Nucl. Fusion, submitted for publication. [14] A. Cardinali, S. Briguglio, G. Calabrò, F. Crisanti, C. Di Troia, G. Fogaccia et al., Minority Ions Acceleration by ICRH: a tool for investigating Burning Plasma Physics, in: Proceedings of 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, October 13–18, 2008; Nucl. Fusion, submitted for publication. [15] G. Calabrò, V. Cocilovo, F. Crisanti, A. Cucchiaro, F. Lucca, A. Marin, et al., Toroidal field ripple reduction studies for ITER and FAST, Fusion Eng. Des., this issue, doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2009.01.030. [16] M. Roccella, F. Lucca, R. Roccella, A. Pizzuto, G. Ramogida, A. Portone, et al., Fusion Eng. Des. 82 (2007) 709–715. [17] A. Cucchiaro, R. Albanese, G. Ambrosino, G. Brolatti, G. Calabrò, V. Cocilovo et al., Load Assembly Design of the FAST Machine, in: Proceedings of 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, October 13–18, 2008. [18] P. Barabaschi, The MAXFEA code, ITER Plasma Control Technical Meeting, Naka, Japan, 1993.

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