Future Directions in Malaysian Environment Friendly Renewable ...

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Renewable energy sources, such as biomass, solar, ocean ... 2. Status of Research and Development in. Renewable Energy. Overview of National Research ...
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Future Directions in Malaysian Environment Friendly Renewable Energy Technologies Research and Development

dies nation wide has to be studied. Research and deveMalaysia's viable renelopment in the field of renewable energy resources wable energy have been are biomass, solar, wind and conducted by various instituhydro. The agricultural sections of higher learning and tor generated substantial research institutions. amount of agro-industrial Funding for such activities waste. Others biomass are given by the government. resources include wood Funding for research and waste, biofuel and municipal K. Sopian, M.Y.Othman, B. Yatim, development in this field of solid waste. Biomass geneand W.R.W. Daud renewable energy should be rating plants are presently allocated with the objectives being considered for grid of solving fundamental proUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia connections. The tropical cliblems and product develop43600 Bangi Selangor mate and adequate sunshine ment. Centers of excellence MALAYSIA make solar energy as a in solar, biomass and fuel cell potential energy resources. will serve as a platform for However, due to the predominately diffuse nature of the globringing together government, university, and industry researbal radiation certain technologies are not viable. Solar enerchers to foster the exchange of ideas and to build collaboratigy has great potential to be used in drying of agricultural ve relationships. A national center for renewable energy produce and medium temperature industrial process heat. resources database should be setup since it is important for Stand alone photovoltaic systems are technically and econodesigners, engineers, architects and policy makers to use the mically feasible. Grid connected photovoltaic system have correct data for implementing renewable energy projects. been demonstrated for its technical feasibility, however, more Keywords : Research & Development, Solar energy, wind incentives have to be formulated for its economical feasibilienergy, hydrogen energy, biomass ty. Wind energy conversion systems have great potential in tourist resort islands. However, wind energy assessment stu-

1. Introduction

reduce the use of depletable conventional energy sources. Their combustion products produce pollution, acid rain and global warming. Conversion to clean and environment friendly energy sources such as solar energy would enable the world to improve the quality of life throughout the planet Earth, not only for humans, but also for its flora and fauna as well.

The total population for Malaysia is expected to be 28 million by the year 2010. Population is expected to grow at rate of 2%. Hence, the energy demand is also expected to increase in Malaysia since energy has become an integral part of the development for Malaysia. Energy is required in almost all aspect of every day life including agricultural, drinking water, lighting health care, telecommunication, and industrial activities. Presently, the demand of energy is met by fossil fuels (i.e. coal petroleum and natural gas). However, the world fossil fuel production, beginning with petroleum and natural gas, will soon start to decline. In the seventies, the oil crisis forced many to look for alternative renewable energy sources and in the nineties, the global environmental concerns created the awareness to use clean energy. Moreover, the use of fossil fuels have many side effects. The last thirty years has catapulted the search for a clean and renewable energy in order to keep the environment clean and to

Renewable energy sources, such as biomass, solar, ocean thermal, wind, currents, tides, waves, geothermal etc., are being considered as possible sources of energy to meet these challenges. Biomass, solar energy and wind energy for instants are the world’s most abundant permanent source of energy and are also an important and environmentally compatible sources of renewable energy. The paper presents the future direction in renewable energy research and development in Malaysia. The present status of renewable energy research and proposed projects and centers of excellence in renewable energy are presented.


K. Sopian, M.Y.Othman, B. Yatim, and W.R.W. Daud /ISESCO Science and Technology Vision - Volume 1 (May 2005) (30-36)

2. Status of Research and Development in Renewable Energy

project between UTM and UKM amounting to RM 4 million. A project on the development of high voltage rechargeable lithium-ion battery for electric vehicle application has been approved to SIRIM amounting to RM712,000. A project amounting to RM909,000 for the development of the solar car have been approved for UTM. In addition, a project for the fabrication of high efficiency solar cell has been approved for USM amounting to RM 851,000. However, in the 8th Malaysia Plan only the PEMFC and the advanced battery projects have been considered for approval to an undisclosed amount under the prioritized research (PR) of the IRPA grant.. The other projects have not been successful in obtaining further research grants. The main reason for this is that energy has not been seen to be is an important area in the IRPA strategic research (SR) and prioritized research (PR). Most energy related areas are listed under the experimental and applied (EA) research areas.

Overview of National Research and Development Research and development promote and support the production of high quality, up-to-date and relevant output, products and services for citizens, business companies and other organizations. Research and development also play an important role in understanding, explaining, predicting social and economic changes, generating new concepts and frames of interpretation. It also has a crucial and important part in the on going efforts to further improve production processes, to raise the quality standards of products and services and to cut costs through the introduction of new and innovative methods. The sources of funding for R&D in Malaysia are (a) IRPA (Intensification of Research in Priority Areas) Funds, (b) Industrial Research and Development Grant Schemed (IGS), Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) Research and Development Grant Scheme (MGS), Demonstrator Application Grant Scheme (DAGS), MTDC (Malaysia Technology Development Corporation) – CRDF (Commercialization of Research and Development Fund) and TAF (Technology Acquisition Fund), Human Resource Development Scheme (HRDS) and ITAF (Industrial Technical Assistance Fund). The main areas of research are agricultural sciences, marine sciences, biological sciences, social sciences, engineering sciences, physical sciences, applied sciences and technologies, medical and health sciences, information, computer and communication technologies, earth sciences, material sciences and chemical sciences.

Figure 1 shows the allocation of research funding for various research institutions in the field of renewable energy. Leading he way is UTM with a total of RM6.98 million followed by UKM, UPM, and USM with total funding of RM3.7 million, RM 1.7 million and RM1.3 million respectively. Table 1 shows the detail allocation of funding for the renewable energy projects. The projects have been further subdivided into various renewable energy resources. Research in the use of solar energy technologies can be divided into solar thermal and solar photovoltaics. Development in solar thermal technologies include fabrication and testing of solar thermal system for high temperature applications, peripheral daylighting, core daylighting using fibre optics, and innovative solar assisted drying system for agricultural produce and medical herbs. Others include alternative low cost materials for the absorber plates for solar hot water heaters and innovative design in solar collector with integrated storage system.

The IRPA programme supports R&D activities in the public sector on areas that address the need of Malaysia industry for the enhancement of the national socio-economic position. Under the 7th Malaysia Plan (1996 – 2000) the allocation for R&D was RM1 billion. RM100 has been allocated to IGS where 16 projects amounting to RM 30 million were approved, RM100million for MGS where a sum of RM5.5 million was approved for four projects and RM50 million for DAGS. The allocation for R&D has been increased to 1.5 billion in the 8th Malaysia Plan (2001 – 2005).

Research and development in photovoltaic include simulation studies, solar cell fabrication, inverter design and performance of grid-connected systems. Some of the work for example the grid-connected system has been the pioneer in studying the performance under the Malaysian climate conditions. The system is located in the Solar Energy Research Park, UKM. Presently, there are six experimental grid connected photovoltaic systems in Malaysia. IRPA Funding (RM)

Research and Development in Renewable Energy under the IRPA Energy Sector A total number of 102 energy R & D projects amounting to RM 31.83 million under the IRPA in the 7th Malaysia Plan have been approved from 1996 up to cycle 1 year 1999. Out of the 102 energy projects, a total of 33 renewable energy projects amounting to RM 15.8 million have granted during the same period. In terms of funding almost half of the funds has been allocated to renewable energy projects. However, in terms of number of projects it represented only a third of the approved energy projects. The reason for this has been that the funding for some renewable energy projects cost more than RM 1 million. The pioneering solar bowl project of UPM cost more than RM 1.2 million. The cost of the solar furnace projects in UTM cost more than RM 1.9 million. Another pioneering work was the development of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) was a joint research















Universities and Research Institutions

Figure 1 Allocation of IRPA funding for R&D in Renewable Energy (IRPA RM7)



K. Sopian, M.Y.Othman, B. Yatim, and W.R.W. Daud /ISESCO Science and Technology Vision - Volume 1 (May 2005) (30-36) 5,000,000

IRPA Funding (RM)

Research in the utilization of biomass includes development of incinerator technologies such as fluidized bed combustion system, pyrolysis and gasification. Most of the research in biomass concentrated on the oil palm solid wastes as alternative fuels. The research on wind energy technology focuses on a new design for low wind speed. Hydrogen is the future fuel and research on hydrogen production concentrated on the production of hydrogen using the photoelectrochemical cell. Figure 2 shows the specific renewable energy field of research with the amount of IRPA funding.


0 Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Production


Solar Thermal Solar Thermal (High (Low temperature) Temperature)

Solar Photovoltaic


Advanced Batteries

Wind Energy Conversion

Figure 2 Allocation of IRPA funding for specific renewable R&D projects (IRPA RM7)

The term "biomass" means any plant derived organic matter available on a renewable basis, including dedicated energy crops and trees, agricultural food and feed crops, agricultural crop wastes and residues, wood wastes and residues, aquatic plants, animal wastes, municipal wastes, and other waste materials. There are five major sectors that wastes contribute to biomass energy in Malaysia; Oil palm cultivation, forestry (wood), rubber cultivation, paddy cultivation, animal farming and urban wastes. In addition to that, several sectors have been studied in the same reference. They are coconut cultivation, cocoa cultivation and sugarcane cultivation. Table 1 shows the estimation of the energy productivity and biomass production and utilisation.

Oil Palms



3. Future Directions in Research and Development

Crops/ Activities


There are strong reasons for selecting biomass as the first of the renewable energy sources to be developed for largescale application. Some of these are : (i) availability of biomass resources in abundant supply, especially in the palm oil industry; (ii) availability of clean technology for power generation from biomass; (iii) availability of working experience in using biomass for heat and power generation in the country. The palm oil industry has had more than forty years of experience in operating biomass cogeneration systems; (iv) application of biomass power generating system contributes zero net carbon loading to the atmosphere. This is because the mass of biomass used in power generation must be balanced by the mass of new biomass growth in Table 1. Estimation of the energy productivity order to sustain the system. Looked at and biomass production and utilisation [1] from another angle, the mass of carbon released to the atmosphere will be comEnergy Current Annual Amount Current Annual Energy pletely absorbed by new plant growth Productivity Used for Energy Purposes Potential of Unutilised which will be needed for fuel in the (boe/ha/yr) (million boe) Biomass (million boe) future. Hence biomass power generation system is in principle environmen23.609 Pruned fronds 77.665 88.7 Fruit shells tally benign. Moreover, handling tech13.630 EFB 11.444 Fruit fibres nologies, collection logistics and infra0.022 Effluents 2.928 Effluents structure are important aspects of the 12.94 Replanting wastes biomass resource supply chain.

Rubber trees


Paddy plants


Coconut trees


Cocoa trees





4.967 Wood Effluents - Risk husks Rice straws

Fronds Shells

1.578 Fronds 0.785 Pruning wastes Pod husks Replanting wastes





Timber processing


Sawdust & waste

3.707 0.210 1.025 2.541 0.164

16.850 0.085 0.630

0.421 Leaves and tops




Tree bark & 3.733 Sawdust



Among the renewable energy resources available in the country, biomass is perhaps the most understood. In the palm oil industry the use of biomass for heat and power generation is widespread. In the wood and furniture industry demonstration projects have been successfully applied under the ASEANEC COGEN Programme. Feasibility studies have been carried out on municipal solid wastes and land fill gas. These demonstration projects and feasibility studies have shown positive results. Hence there is no doubt that biomass as a renewable energy source should be given top priority.

K. Sopian, M.Y.Othman, B. Yatim, and W.R.W. Daud /ISESCO Science and Technology Vision - Volume 1 (May 2005) (30-36)

Table 2: Livestock waste production in 1994 [2] Biopower technologies are proven electricity generation options. All of today's capacity is based on mature direct-combustion technology. Animal Population Weight of Waste (kg) Waste produced animal per kg of Future efficiency improvements will include co(kg) body weight firing of biomass in existing coal fired boilers Tons/day % and the introduction of high-efficiency gasifica11 192 39.0 Cattle/beef 595 319 200 0.094 tion combined-cycle systems, fuel cell systems, 1 052 3.7 Dairy 76 227 300 0.046 and modular systems. A variety of fuels can be 3 023 10.5 made from biomass resources, including the Buffalo 107 181 300 0.094 liquid fuels ethanol, methanol, biodiesel, 232 0.8 Goat 258 239 25 0.036 Fischer-Tropsch diesel, and gaseous fuels such 205 0.7 Sheep 227 866 25 0.036 as hydrogen and methane. Biofuels research and 10 364 36.1 Swine/pig 2 517 959 49 0.084 development is composed of three main areas: 1 246 4.3 Poultry : broiler 45 143 590 1.2 0.023 producing the fuels, finding applications and 1 019 3.6 Layer 17 719 029 2.5 0.023 uses of the fuels, and creating a distribution 75 0.3 infrastructure. Biobased chemicals and mateBreeder 1 302 896 2.5 0.023 rials are commercial or industrial products, 104 0.4 Rural fowl 3 783 891 1.2 0.023 other than food and feed, derived from biomass 183 0.6 Duck 3 184 455 2.5 0.023 feedstocks. Biobased products include green chemicals, renewable plastics, natural fibers, and the heat content is 13.5 MJ/kg manure, then the total and natural structural materials. Many of these products can amount of energy produce by the poultry are in the last replace products and materials traditionally derived from column in Table 3. petrochemicals, but new and improved processing technologies will be required. Table 3: Production of poultry and the expected energy produced by its manure in Malaysia [3]

Research and development on models for integrated bioenergy systems and its assessments must be carried out. The economic, social, environmental, and ecological consequences in growing and using biomass are important to understand and consider when addressing technological, market, and policy issues associated with bioenergy systems.

Animal Wastes Animal wastes in large amount can cause hazard to the environment and health if not properly managed. Animal farming areas are places where high concentration of this waste accumulated. Some of these animals are concentrated over a small area such as poultry and pig can create mount of wastes. In Malaysia, animal farming forms five major categories: 1. Cattle, 2. Goat, 3. Poultry and 4. Pigs. Among all the animals, pig farming has caused quite a problem to the country due to its most hazardous waste and sensitive-toMuslim-population trouble. The wastes from other animal have not became so a problem and they are being managed properly. Efforts were being made to convert pig wastes into biogas through anaerobic digestion. As far as it concerns, only little has been done along line with this matter. In this section we will explore some experience of biogas production from pig wastes in the country. Table 2 below lists down the relative amount of waste produced by the animal farming in the country in 1994.


Broiler x1000 (tonne)

Poultry eggs no x 106

Energy from broiler (MW)

Energy from layer (kW)

Energy from chicken dung (MW)





























































Solar Energy Solar photovoltaic stand-alone systems of course have been introduced in the rural electrification programmes, as described in a previous chapter. However, this application is considered only as a stop-gap measure. These stand alone systems as applied in rural electrification is a social programme and fully financed by the government. Recent developments world wide is towards what is termed grid connected photovoltaic systems. Experience with the grid connected system is substantial in other countries such as Switzerland, U.S.A., Germany, Japan and the Netherlands. In this country there are several installations on trial. Six 3kW systems have been installed and operated by Tenaga Nasional Research and Development Sdn. Bhd. One of the earliest is the 5.6kW,

A study by Othman et al [3] shows that there is potential to use chicken dung as a source of energy in Malaysia. Table 3 shows the amount of broiler and poultry in Malaysia since 1985 until 1994. Average weight for each broiler is 1.35 kg while each layer produces on average 200 eggs. If the average amount of manure (air-dry basis) produced by broiler and layer are 0.02 kg/bird/day and 0.03 kg/bird/day respectively,


K. Sopian, M.Y.Othman, B. Yatim, and W.R.W. Daud /ISESCO Science and Technology Vision - Volume 1 (May 2005) (30-36)

single phase installation operated by the Solar Energy Research Group in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia funded by IRPA. Others include two 8 kW systems at BP petrol pumping stations. Experience gained from these trial systems will be used in planning for wider application in future.

large commercial, industrial facilities and other manufacturing facilities [4]. Traditionally all the agricultural crops were dried in the sun. Consequently, it was believed that the harnessing of solar energy using the appropriate technology for the drying process could be achieved without much difficulty. However, this has not materialised. The present status of post harvest drying technology for selected Malaysian agricultural produce is shown in Table 4 [4]. Small scale trial solar drying experiments have been carried out by various agencies. The Malaysia Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) has carried out trial on many commodities and products. The Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia (RRIM) has carried out technical and economic analysis on solar assisted rubber smoke house. Some universities have carried out trial on solar drying of various products. Nevertheless the penetration of solar drying technology is not significant so far.

There are many advantages of the photovoltaic energy system. The most important of which is that it is a clean energy source. The most important disadvantage of the photovoltaic system is its cost. Photovoltaic generated electricity costs as much as twenty times the cost of electricity generated by conventional plants. Furthermore, photovoltaic systems cannot match conventional systems in capacity. The world’s current total production of photovoltaic modules is only about 150 – 200 MW per year. Closer to home, the Projass-BP Solar photovoltaic module fabrication plant in Glenmarie, near Kuala Lumpur, has a capacity of 5 MW per year. So it would take a very long time to build up the megawatts using photovoltaic technology.

Solar resource information provides data on how much solar energy is available to a collector and how it might vary On the other hand photovoltaic generated electricity, whether standalone or grid connected, is electricity generated at from month to month, year to year, and location to location point of use. So one megawatt of photovoltaic generated elec[5, 6] Collecting this information requires a national network tricity is equivalent in fuel saving to about four megawatts of of solar radiation monitoring sites. Hence, a comprehensive conventional electricity once generation and transmission solar resource database can be developed and the use of the losses of the conventional system are factored in. Another latest techniques in satellite imagery can be use to accompliadvantage of using the photovoltaic system is that in diversish it. Studies on the diffuse nature of the global solar radiafying energy sources, it slows down the rate of increase of tion in Malaysia must be carried out. The spectral distribuconventional fuels usage. This would, perhaps defer putting tions of the global solar radiation must be conducted. This up of new conventional plants. Taking into consideration the will also contributed to the studies on air pollution studies in above discussion it seems to be quite feasible to set a target the atmosphere. of about 10 MW of grid connected photovoltaic system for Malaysia. Table 4 : The present status of post harvest drying technology Another area of interest would be the use of passive solar designs to enhance natural ventilation for cooling. The basic knowledge of using these features would be very attractive to architects and landscape architects. In addition, landscaping can improve a building's energy performance. Trees and bushes can provide shading or block a prevailing wind. A typical solar hot water system will reduce the need for conventional water heating by about twothirds. Medium-temperature solar water heaters can provide energyefficient hot water and hot water heat for large commercial and industrial facilities. There are huge potential for the use solar hot water heating in hotels where 24.62% of the total energy consumption is for water heating. Other promising application is the use of solar industrial process heat in textile factories

for Malaysian agricultural produces [4]


Present Drying System

Energy Source

Drying Time


(a) Open drying (b) Fixed bed dryer (c) Moisture extraction unit

Sun Diesel Diesel/Electric

5 – 6 hours 4 – 5 hours 2 – 3 hours


(a) Sundry on cement/tray (b) Kerosene drying (c) Burner blower (d) Rotary drying

Sun Kerosene Kerosene/Diesel Diesel

6 days 35 – 40 hours 36 hours 45 – 48 hours




14 days




7 days (black pepper) 3 days (white pepper)


Conventional curing

Rubber wood LNG

100 hours 100 hours


Drying chamber


25 min at 95∞C



Sun and wood for smoking

1 day


(a) Sundry (b) Fixed bed dryer

Sun Diesel

7 days 5 – 7 hours


(a) Sundry

Sun and wood for smoking

1 day


K. Sopian, M.Y.Othman, B. Yatim, and W.R.W. Daud /ISESCO Science and Technology Vision - Volume 1 (May 2005) (30-36)


IRPA [9]. However, this need not be a hindrance. As they say there is no need to rediscover the wheel. We can adopt and adapt. So this calls for demonstration projects that could be used for training and building expertise and experience in this future technology. A demonstration project of 100 to 150 kW capacity should be targeted for Malaysia.

The minihydro potential of the country has been assessed and viable sites have been identified [7]. Some of these sites have been implemented with government funding under the rural electrification programme. These are based on run-ofthe-river systems ranging from 500 kW to 1000 kW capacity. Currently there are thirty nine units with total capacity of 16.185 MW in Peninsular Malaysia, seven units of total capacity of 2.35 MW in Sabah and five units of total capacity 5 MW in Sarawak. There is substantial experience in building, operating and maintaining minihydro plants. It is expected that similar plants can be built as and when required. Minihydro is a mature technology based on proven equipment. The area of R and D is the creation and dynamic use of detailed hydrodynamic and computer models. The models can be used to predict and forestall problems caused by extremes conditions of weather or power demands.

Hydrogen is produced from sources such as natural gas, coal, gasoline, methanol, or biomass through the application of heat; from bacteria or algae through photosynthesis; or by using electricity or sunlight to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. The use of hydrogen as a fuel and energy carrier will require an infrastructure for safe and cost-effective hydrogen transport and storage. Hydrogen has an excellent safety record, and is as safe for transport, storage and use as many other fuels. Nevertheless, safety remains a top priority in all aspects of hydrogen energy. The hydrogen community addresses safety through stringent design and testing of storage and transport concepts, and by developing codes and standards for all types of hydrogenrelated equipment.

Wind Energy A 150 kW wind turbine in the Terumbu Layang Layang has been demonstrated with some success. However, the availability of wind resource varies with location. It is necessary to first carry out a general assessment of the wind energy potential nationwide [8] This can then be followed with detailed assessment in promising locations. These assessments must be completed before further action can be decided on. Understanding the wind resource is a crucial step in planning a wind energy project. Detailed knowledge of the wind at a site is needed to estimate the performance of a wind energy project.

The vision of building an energy infrastructure that uses hydrogen as an energy carrier — a concept called the "hydrogen economy" — is considered the most likely path toward a full commercial application of hydrogen energy technologies.

Daylighting The breakdown of energy used for lighting and air conditioning is shown in Table 5 [10]. More than half of the total energy used in commercial buildings is for lighting and air conditioning. If daylighting is used, less electricity is needed to light the lamps and to run the air conditioners to cool the buildings, as part of the thermal load is caused by the heat dissipated by the lamps. Innovative daylighting systems can also reduce heat gains and glare. The energy saved through the use of such daylighting systems could be in the order of 20 - 40% of the total energy consumption. In Europe, it has been estimated that half of the energy used in non-domestic buildings goes to artificial lighting. In Southeast Asia, studies have shown that the use of daylighting can reduce overall energy consumption by 20% and also reduce the sensible heat load on air-conditioning. The energy consumption for lighting in Malaysia is about 25 - 35% of the total energy supplied to buildings.

Wind energy is considered a green power technology because it has only minor impacts on the environment. Wind energy plants produce no air pollutants or greenhouse gases. However, any means of energy production impacts the environment in some way, and wind energy is no different.

Hydrogen Energy Scientists have dreamed of the ultimate source of energy that will power the world forever. This ultimate source is hydrogen. Hydrogen can be produced by the electrolysis of water from the sea and when burned in oxygen produces only energy and water, without any of the green house gases. However, when hydrogen is burnt in air oxides of nitrogen, the old green house gases will be produced also.

Table 5: Energy consumption by building type in Malaysia (%)

A cleaner way to get energy from hydrogen is through the fuel cell. The fuel cell is an electrochemical cell, which produces electricity directly from hydrogen and air, without the production of green house gases. Research and development on the fuel cell is intensively carried out in the U.S.A., Europe and Japan. Some have claimed to be able to produce fuel cells of 25 kW capacity at the cost of less than US$300 per kilowatt. This price is much reduced from those used in the space shuttle, which was US$500,000 per kilowatt. In this country research and development on the fuel cell is only beginning with the experimental PEMFC funded by




Shopping Complexes







Air Conditioning










K. Sopian, M.Y.Othman, B. Yatim, and W.R.W. Daud /ISESCO Science and Technology Vision - Volume 1 (May 2005) (30-36)

Daylighting can be achieved, conventionally through window openings and fenestrations while innovative techniques require the use of daylighting technologies such as light pipes and light tunnels. Daylight is desirable over artificial light because the quality and colour rendering produced by daylight is far superior. Human vision is adaptable and respond to the effects of colour, texture and light in architectural space. The human eye can then help the mind to orderly shape the environment in accordance to how it is perceived. As a result, daylighting can produce architecture of great beauty besides reducing the need for artificial lighting which generate heat and increase the cooling loads of buildings.

Research and development in this field should see a synergy between the architects and engineers. The systems and technologies that will be developed must help us to make better use of what is being provided for free which is the sun. The future of daylighting as a renewable energy resource applied in buildings is therefore, very promising. There are plenty of avenues for research and development in this area and in particular, daylighting systems design and daylighting in architecture [11].

5. Conclusions The energy sector is one of the most important sectors in the nation. The sector has contributed to the development and economic well being of the country. Education and training should emphasized on effective public awareness on energy issues such energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy. Research and development should lead towards understanding of fundamental sciences and commercialization of research products. Commercialization of the technology is being driven by four major challenges namely that the world will rely even more heavily on a few energy rich nations for primary energy. Secondly, security and price will be threatened as countries scramble to ensure supply. When fossil fuels burn they leave by-products that damage both the environment and health, causing misery for millions of people. Fourthly, build-up of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is leading to global warming with unpredictable but potentially catastrophic consequences and finally deregulation of the electricity supply industry is changing the market. New companies are entering the market offering energy services based on distributed on-site power generation. This segment of the energy market is likely to grow rapidly and utilities will have to adapt to the opportunity and challenge.

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