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krell/tizhoosh/lilie/[email protected]. **North Western Medical Physics Department. Christie Hospital NHS Trust. Wilmslow Road, Withington.
Fuzzy Image Enhancement and Associative Feature Matching in Radiotherapy G. Krell*, H. R. Tizhoosh*, T. Lilienblum*, C. J. Moore**, B. Michaelis* *Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg Faculty of Electrical Engineering Institute for Measurement Technology and Electronics D-39016 Magdeburg, P.O.Box 4120 Germany krell/tizhoosh/lilie/[email protected]

**North Western Medical Physics Department Christie Hospital NHS Trust Wilmslow Road, Withington Manchester M20 9BX United Kingdom [email protected]

1 Introduction 1The Electronic Portal Imaging Device has become an The conventional EPI allows only a rough verification of patient position relative to bony structures. At the state of the art conventional enhancement techniques can be applied to EPIs that give some improvement for further visual analysis after the treatment (off-line). This paper presents an approach that combines an Associative Restoration algorithm with an Fuzzy Image Enhancement technique to reach a new quality. Fig. 1 demonstrates the overall system. The main idea of the Associative Restoration is the merger of the EPI with the SI to generate a much better in-treatment image than obtained by simple enhancement and to allow a more reliable feature matching. Firstly, the images are enhanced by the Fuzzy Image Enhancement as a result of which the visibility of structures like bones is improved. This is important also for the following alignment of corresponding structures in the images. A specially structured Artificial Neural Network that we call Modified Associative Memory is trained by the enhanced SI.

important tool for the clinician to verify the shape and the location of the therapy beam with respect to the patient’s anatomy [13]. Electronic Portal Imaging Devices use the high-energy treatment beam to project the body interior of the patient onto a fluorescent screen that is scanned by a camera. After on-line digitization, the images are available on a computer screen next to console of the accelerator. Normally, a visual comparison of the real patient position related to the beam with the planned treatment field is performed. This treatment field is defined during diagnostics and treatment planning. For this purpose, a treatment simulation takes place as a result of which a simulator image (SI) is captured. Because of the imaging physics the unprocessed Electronic Portal Images (EPI) are very poor in quality compared with the SI that is usually an X-ray image from CT. Together with the increasing importance of 3-D treatment planning, CT slices and their projections (Digitally Reconstructed Radiographs) or CT scout view images are used. static (a-priori knowledge from pre-treatment data)

Simulator Image (SI)

Modified Associative Memory (MAM)

Fuzzy Image Enhancement (FIE)

Enhanced SI


Warped and enhanced EPI



Electronic Portal Image (EPI)

Fuzzy Image Enhancement (FIE)

enhanced image with extracted features

dynamic (in-treatment data)

Figure 1. Illustration of the presented approach

Presented at the International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN ’97), Houston, Texas, June 9-12, 1997


The associative memory is then recalled by the warped and enhanced EPI. In this way, an image with a much higher quality than from conventional solutions is obtained. Variations in shape and position are considered by this method. The Fuzzy Image Enhancement is developed both for a pre-processing of the EPI to allow an improved visual online analysis of the EPI and also for an improved matching of corresponding structures in the EPI and SI to guarantee the recall of the Associative Memory at the correct position. The advantage of the FIE compared to conventional image enhancement algorithms is its stability on the one hand and the simple adjustment to reach a desired effect in the resulting image on the other hand. The technique works locally adaptive and causes, depending on the fuzzy parameters, a wide range of effects from a simple contrast amplification to the segmentation of certain regions. In the result, this combined approach should allow a much more reliable visual analysis of the images by the physician. In future, it could be a useful tool for a feedback to the 3-D treatment planning model. In the following, the two methods are introduced and first examples of their application are given.

2 Fuzzy Image Enhancement The object of all enhancement techniques is to transform the original image in a result image that is more suitable for further processing steps and human perception, respectively. For the visual analysis of the EPI by the physician a reliable knowledge about the position of the inner organs of the patient within the treatment field is more important than a correct reproduction of the grayscale intensity distribution. The method should be robust and a certain enhancement effect should easily to be reached. One of the most popular enhancement methods is the histogram equalization [3,14]. The conventional global histogram equalization, however, delivers occasionally unsatisfactory results because images have variable and different gray-level dynamics and nature. Other variations of histogram equalization have been developed to increase the effectiveness of this method, for example a technique called selective contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (SCLAHE) [6]. In this work we apply a method called fuzzy histogram hyperbolization (FHH) to develop a locally adaptive enhancement technique.

2.1 Fuzzy image definition L.A. ZADEH introduced fuzzy set theory in 1965 [17] which provides a suitable way in analyzing pattern recognition problems when the system complexity and uncertainty are due to ambiguity and fuzziness rather than

randomness [12,5]. A fuzzy set A in a space of points X={x} is a class of objects with a continuum of grades of membership in the interval [0, 1] and is defined as a collection of ordered pairs


{(x, µ


( x ))

x ∈X



where µA(x) is the membership value of x in the fuzzy set A [17]. The basic operations on fuzzy sets such as intersection, union and complement are defined in [17]. A new image definition should enable us to process images as fuzzy sets. An image I of size M x N and L gray levels can be considered as an array of fuzzy singletons, each having a value of membership denoting its degree of brightness relative to some brightness level l with l =0, 1, .., L-1 [12]. A fuzzy singleton is a fuzzy set with only one supporting point. For an image I, we can write in the notation of fuzzy sets : µ ( g mn ) I= . (2) g mn m n


gmn is the intensity of (m, n)th pixel and µ(gmn) its membership value [12]. The membership function characterizes a suitable property of image (e.g. edginess, darkness, textural property) and can be defined globally for the whole image or locally for its segments.

2.2 Implementation of enhancement algorithm




Some researchers have applied the concept of fuzzy sets to develop new enhancement techniques [7,11,15,16]. In this work, we use the concept of histogram hyperbolization [2] and fuzzy histogram hyperbolization [16], respectively. The gray-level transformation through FHH is defined as follows β  L −1  −µ g gmn ′ =  −1  ⋅  e ( mn ) − 1 . (3)   e − 1  The constant L denotes the maximum number of graylevels in an image, e.g. 256 in the case of 8 bit images, µ(gmn) the membership value of gray-level gmn, and β∈[0.5, 2] a parameter to modify the meaning of a fuzzy set. This operation is called a dilation if β=0.5 and a concentration if β=2 [18]. For instance, if we interpret the original image as a bright image, the fuzzifier β operates on membership values as a linguistic hedge and can produce very bright, slightly bright and quite bright result images [18]. Generally, the global approaches to contrast enhancement fail to achieve satisfactory results in the case of EPIs. Hence, we have implemented a locally adaptive version of FHH to increase the performance of enhancement procedure. Suppose we understand the image as a bright image. In order to do this in a fuzzy sense, we have to assign low membership values to dark pixels and high

Presented at the International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN ’97), Houston, Texas, June 9-12, 1997


membership values to bright pixels. For generation of membership values we can use a simple membership function as illustrated in Fig. 2a. The histogram normalization in Fig. 2 serves only a better visualization of the fact that the membership function is defined with respect to the minimum and maximum gray-levels. The shape of the membership function is intuitively selected. One may use other functions, e.g. a triangular function if one is interested in edginess rather than brightness of the image. The dilation and concentration of the membership values yielded in new membership functions as demonstrated in Fig 2b and 2c, respectively. To develop a locally adaptive version of fuzzy image enhancement we (a)

can compute the minimum and maximum gray-levels for some subimages and interpolate these values to obtain corresponding values for all image pixels. These will not be the exact values really existing for each pixel, but since we are using the concept of fuzziness we do not need precise data. This kind of local enhancement is very fast compared with classical approaches. The disadvantage of computing with minimum and maximum gray-levels, however, is that noise could falsify the result of membership generation. This can be prevented either by selection of sufficiently great subimages or, more efficiently, by histogram calculation in each subimage. (b)


Figure 2. Fuzzification of gray-levels with a linear membership function with respect to the minimum and maximum gray-levels of the image histogram (a), membership modification with β =0.5 (b) and β =2 (c).

3 Feature Alignment EPI and SI are divided into several small patches that include representative features. To find the corresponding features in the EPI and in the SI is an essential demand for the associative approach like it is also the case when the physician compares the correct position of the patient relative to the treatment beam. The corresponding patches are aligned by a suitable transformation. Therefore an algorithm was developed that correlates patches of both images in a certain region. This assumes that a rough alignment of the images is given. The maximum position of the normalized crosscorrelation function x

CorrSI / EPI =


∑ ∑ (SI y

∑ ∑ (SI x



− SI


− SI EPI xy − EPI y

) ∑ ∑ (EPI 2






⇒ Max.



is determined for each patch in the region of interest (ROI). Patches without reasonable maximum value or without an unambiguous maximum in the considered neighborhood are removed. The FIE that is applied to the images before the correlation, improves the result considerably.

This way, a rough displacement map is obtained. Outgoing from this estimation a transformation matrix R is calculated for the warping operation C’ = CR ( 5) that is applied to the coordinates of the EPI with matrix C containing the original and C’ containing the warped coordinates (x,y) and (x’,y’), respectively. A quadratic component is included in R - so besides scaling, rotation and shift also a non-linear distortion is possible. An iterative application of Eq. (4) and (5) improves the result of this alignment. After warping the coordinates, the gray levels at the original pixel grid positions are calculated by bi-linear transformation.

4 Associative Restoration For noise-degraded images, the obtainable improvement by restoration techniques depends essentially on the apriori information about the object. The creation of a mathematical model for the object by systematic methods is often impracticable and closely tied to the concrete data. The theory of artificial neural networks provides a powerful method for image restoration when the parameters are trained in such a way that it compensates degrading properties of the EPI scanning system [9]. A new aspect is introduced when dimensioning of the system is performed by training of an Artificial Neural

Presented at the International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN ’97), Houston, Texas, June 9-12, 1997


Network, called Associative Memory [1,4], with a-priori data. In common applications an associative memory is used for pattern recognition and reconstruction. The main idea here is to apply a knowledge-based method which uses a-priori knowledge about the object and to store them in associative memories. If possible, suitable models for the object description can be used to keep the number of free parameters small. But this is not possible in the considered case where the SI represents the prototype of the object and we do not want to introduce constraints for the shape of its structures. Therefore a Modified Associative Memory on the basis of an ANN structure was developed that prevents an explicit mathematical analytic description (Fig. 3.) dl




... w11 a2


wm l




am G

gm n

g11 g12

... d*1



d n*

Figure 3. Modified Associative Memory (MAM) Inputs ( d = d1K d l ) are provided by gray values of images. d * = d1*K d n* are the output values (Recall). For our restoration task the number of input and output values is equal (l=n). The weights of the corresponding neural layers are assigned to W and G. The output values d * are calculated by the weights W and G from the input values d. Normally m is much smaller than l (Fig 1). This results in a smoothing effect and a reduction of stochastic disturbances. The estimation of weights is possible by conventional solution of an eigenvalue problem or the Hebbian learning rule [10]. The training data set can be expanded in a simple way [8] described in section 4.

5 Example Fig. 4d) shows an EPI from the human scull of typical quality and Fig. 4a) the corresponding Radiograph (SI) from treatment simulation. The better image quality of the SI is obvious. A Fuzzy Histogramm Hyperbolization with a non-linear membership function (Fig. 2c) was

applied to both images what yielded in images (e) and (b). The SI was divided into several patches sized of about 20² pixel² and matched with the corresponding regions in the EPI. The maximum positions of each match characterize the corresponding displacement vectors for the particular regions. Image 4c) shows the displacement map for the whole region of interest that is already flattened by the quadratic transformation rule as described above. For every patch of the SI, the weights of an associative memory were estimated. To include small spatial and shape differences of interesting regions it is theoretically necessary to image all positions and variations of the object and to store them in the associative memory. This is practically impossible and therefore another way is chosen. The SI was superimposed by band-limited noise of suitable amplitude. The bandwidth of noise determines the smallest detectable difference from the ideal gray value distribution. In this manner the learning data set for the associative memory is virtually enlarged without necessity of increasing the number of real images for training of the associative memory [8]. After determination of the weights for the associative memory the recall is performed by the corresponding data of the aligned and enhanced EPI which results in the images 4(g,h and i). The recall of the associative memory interpolates the real data of the EPI. All important features are visible at the correct positions (compare the clarity of the images with the original EPI Fig. 4d). The ability of the associative memory to modify the influence of SI and EPI within the recall depends on the number of hidden neurons. The more hidden neurons are used for recall the less the information from the SI is dominating.

6 Conclusions The presented approach combines a sophisticated enhancement algorithm with a restoration method that uses a-priori knowledge from the SI. The visual expressiveness of the EPI is considerably enhanced. This is a great benefit for the alignment verification of the patient related to the intended position and can help to minimize the exposure of non-target regions. Because such deviations can be caused by movements of the patient and his organs during the irradiation, on-line capabilities of the processing are an important requirement. Next investigations will consider this point. This work was supported by EU grant (Contract No BMH4-CT95-0567) and by LSA grant (FKZ: 002 KE 1996).

Presented at the International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN ’97), Houston, Texas, June 9-12, 1997












Figure 4. Example for the application of the MAM to the restoration of an EPI, (a) Radiograph from treatment simulation (SI); (b) Fuzzy-enhanced SI; (c) displacement map; (d) Electronic portal image (EPI); (e) Fuzzy-enhanced EPI; (f) Warped and Fuzzy-enhanced EPI; Recall of the MAM by the EPI (g) by 5 Hidden Neurons; (h) by 50 Hidden Neurons; (i) by 250 Hidden Neurons


(Original images from Christie Hospital, Manchester, UK)

Presented at the International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN ’97), Houston, Texas, June 9-12, 1997


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Presented at the International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN ’97), Houston, Texas, June 9-12, 1997