Gallery Chronicle

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Aug 17, 2015 - at the edges of the central painting of Mary as the Virgin of Charity. While ... The trussed lamb represents purity and Jesus as the lamb.
Gallery Chronicle Leann Davis Alspaugh

The Hopkins Review, Volume 8, Number 3, Summer 2015 (New Series), pp. 438-442 (Review) Published by Johns Hopkins University Press DOI: 10.1353/thr.2015.0063

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438 Reviews





Gallery Chronicle: The Spanish Journey: El Greco in the National Gallery of Art (November 2, 2014–February 16, 2015) and Washington-Area Collections—A 400th Anniversary Celebration (National Gallery of Art through February 16, 2015).

Charity in Illescas, Spain. True, he had missed the deadline for completion -


The Hopkins Review 439

was the same man who had approached Pope Pius V in Rome with an Last Judgment. , or arts worthy of free people,

moral certainty of his own creativity.

Laocoön and Saint Martin and the Beggar comparison.

440 Reviews

c. Counter-Reformation doctrine with his own motives of expressiveness -

pose known as the pietà. The Visitation c.


Saint Martin and the Beggar. The former displays -


The Hopkins Review 441


history and a reinforcement of its spiritual and doctrinal authority. Here,

Saint Martin and the Beggar

from the distant past to the present for the purposes of instruction and

horse here is a sentient and spirited animal, one loaded with Christian workshop version is the dull and spiritless horse. c.

in yermo

Saint Jerome Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata The Repentant Saint Peter


442 Reviews

Genius of Victory


Laocoön c. scholars who usually interpret it as the story of the priest of Troy who



“Laocoön is an apotheosis of the stormy history of Toledo, in which the tale of the Aeneid Spanische Reise

The Spanish Journey

tion of cadences and contrasts is here presupposed.”