season ticketholders! Register today to park for $10 per game at the.
GAME DAY PARKING PACKAGE Great parking deal for TENNESSEE NFL season ticketholders! Register today to park for $10 per game at the Metro Courthouse Parking Garage. Just a five-minute walk across the Woodland Street Bridge to LP Field. • Complete this form and mail it with your check today to GUARANTEE your convenient parking space for the ENTIRE season. First come, first served basis --- as long as spaces are available! • You will receive directions to the garage and an activated parking access card within 7 to 10 business days. This access card will be programmed for all home game dates included in your season ticket package. •Questions? Call 615-244-2330 or e-mail
[email protected] Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________ FULL SEASON – parking package ($105*) 10 GAMES** (which includes preseason games) PARTIAL SEASON – dependent on the number of games you request ($10 per game, plus $5 fee for access card) Mail this form with your check payable to: NASHVILLE DOWNTOWN PARTNERSHIP ATTN: TITANS PARKING 151 6th Avenue North Nashville, TN 37203 Your check will be returned promptly if demand exceeds availability of parking spaces. *Includes $5 for re-usable access card, handling and postage. Card can be used in future seasons. **Packages are not pro-rated and fees are non-refundable. Replacement access card fee of $10 for lost access cards.