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at time it is now I ask somebody in your I ruy three things peopleat in. i group a question ... game .pdf. game .pdf. Op
spellyourfirstname andyoursurname

saywhattimeyouusually goto bedduringtheweek andatweekends


attimeit isnow

thatyoudo I sayfivethings


in your eatin I asksomebody I ruythreethingspeople i groupa questionbeginning I yourcountry with Wheredo you...?

I sayonethingyoucan'tdo

in you grup I a* soncbody question a beginning with I ' vyhottimedoyou...?

ona typical day

a)in a cinema b) in a museum c)ona plane

asksomebody in youlgroup a question beginning with Areyougoingto...?

you'regoing saytwothings to dotomorrow

saywhatthelastfilmyousaw was,andwhatyouthought of it

saytwothings thatwere different aboutyourtownin thepast(e.9.fherewosn'ton oirport)

youlovedoing saytwothings inyourfreetime

youdon'tlike saytwothings doingattheweekend

saywhattheweather isgoing to betomorrow

saywherethereisa coffee barneartheschool