Games as Learning Tools to Promote Environmentally Benign Systems Jacqueline A. Isaacs1, Thomas Cullinane1, Donna M. Qualters2, Ann McDonald3, Jay Laird4 Northeastern University, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Department, Boston MA USA 2 Northeastern University, Center for Effective University Teaching, Boston MA USA 3 Northeastern University, Visual Arts Department, Boston MA USA 4 Metaversal Studios, Boston MA USA
Abstract The goal and challenge of Shortfall is for students to learn to minimize environmental impact while maximizing profit. The auto industry manufacturing supply chain allows exploration of relationships among design considerations, supply chain management, environmental issues, research and development, and profitability. Although the supply chain in the game is simplified, students can experience the ramification of materials selection and processing decisions, i.e., technological solutions on the triple bottom line through a unique educational format. Issues involved with game development are reported along with results and reactions to the game play. Keywords Game, Manufacturing, Environment, Economics, Design
1 INTRODUCTION Solutions to environmental problems associated with human endeavor are generally interconnected with many factors, including technological and economic constraints. With increasing costs of pollution remediation, environmentally benign manufacturing initiatives are becoming more common in industry. Anticipated environmental regulations and liabilities also act as drivers for change. To create a culture for change in industry, engineering students must begin to understand how to assess the tradeoffs among economic, technical and environmental factors (the triple bottom line) if they are to become socially as well as fiscally responsible designers, manufacturers and leaders.
2.1 The Millennial Student Every generation feels that the next generation differs in some significant respect. Millennials were born during the era of the wanted and watched child. This generation is often perceived as dependent on the adults who protected, scheduled, and structured their lives. Millennials, however, are also a pressured high achieving generation that accepts authority and follows rules [2]. Our project will investigate issues directly raised by the millennial generation’s learning styles and technology expertise. Howe and Strauss [3] suggest that each generation rebels by solving a problem faced by the previous generation, correcting the mistakes of adults and leaders. Therefore it is not surprising that this generation is inherently different from its predecessors. Technology has been the greatest influence and has changed the definition of literacy for this generation [4], [5], [6]. Thus the implication for education is the realization that Millennials are being taught by a generation of faculty who have a very different approach to learning. Significant disparities in millennial student learning styles and those of their instructors have been documented [3], [7].While Millennials are computer savvy and technologically advanced, they often lack important social competencies because of the increased amount of time spent in isolation at a computer terminal as opposed to interacting with people [2]. This approach will have implications in the workplace as well. Millennials are self confident, but not used to ambiguous situations. They are accustomed to being organized into teams and evaluated as a unit whose thinking and work is measured collaboratively. They appear to have unrealistically high expectations of how the workplace should be structured and what their role is in an organization [8]. And of course, to this generation, computers are not “technology”, but rather a part of life [9]. Wankat and Oreovicz [10] indicate that this generation is referred to as “gamers” because they played video games for more than 20 hours /wk and that their favored learning style is inductive learning without formal instruction. “They keep punching keys until they find the solution.” These differences in learning styles, technology usage, and workplace expectations of
Engineers will play a critical role in addressing the challenges of sustainability, which is widely defined [1] as “development that meets the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. Enhancing economic and environmental literacy among engineering students is a worthy task, capable of providing real ethical dilemmas for debate, and is a valuable addition to the undergraduate engineering curriculum. In today’s classroom exploration of the tradeoffs in the triple bottom line is most often limited to lectures and descriptions of case studies. The auto industry represents opportunities for excellent case studies to investigate the relationships among design considerations, supply chain management, environmental issues, research and development, and profitability. This paper describes a game that provides an alternative or complement to the traditional lecture case study format used in most colleges and universities. To fully develop a game that accurately measures cross disciplinary learning, it is necessary for its development to be influenced by experts from the major content areas as well as experts in interactive and game design. In this project, a team formed among faculty and staff from three departments at Northeastern University: the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering; the Department of Visual Arts and Multimedia Studies; and the Center for Effective University Teaching. Working with the Northeastern team is the staff of Metaversal Studios, a company specializing in the design of educational games.
the millennial student will have a huge impact on effective methods for teaching and learning in higher education. 2.2 Tradeoffs within supply chains Engineers are becoming aware, more than ever before, that a host of issues needs to be considered prior to selecting a particular manufacturing process or material for a given application. The EPA [11] defines green engineering as the “design, commercialization, and use of processes and products, which are feasible and economical while minimizing 1) generation of pollution at the source and 2) risk to human health and the environment. The discipline embraces the concept that decisions to protect human health and the environment can have the greatest impact and cost effectiveness when applied early to the design and development phase of a process or product.” Recent environmental legislation, such as the European Union Directive on End-of-Life Vehicles and the Japanese Home Electric Appliances Recycling law, has had a major influence on product design from both an engineering and an economic perspective [12]. The U.S. automotive industry, for example, relies on hundreds of suppliers for components and materials to manufacture vehicles, with emissions released to air, water, and soil throughout the supply chain. With the concept of extended producer responsibility taking hold in the European Union, original equipment manufacturers are becoming concerned about environmental repercussions of material and manufacturing choices that affect the use and disposal phases of their products. With concerns for their own accountability, OEMs are beginning to require that their suppliers meet specific standards regarding their manufacturing and material choices. Although the US did not sign the Kyoto treaty, some states have created laws or incentives to pressure companies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Recently the New York Times [13] reported that NY State is “adopting California's ambitious new regulations aimed at cutting automotive emissions, touching off a battle over rules that would sharply reduce CO2 emissions while forcing the auto industry to make vehicles more energy efficient over the next decade. These requirements, on top of the ubiquitous demand for minimum cost, place new burdens on the various tiers in the supply chain. 2.3 Learning through simulation and gaming Many engineering subjects have been characterized as theoretical, thereby lending themselves to didactic lecturebased instruction followed by rigorous and sometimes tiring problem-solving assignments and exercises. Although there is no perfect alternative to such an approach, traditional lecture-based learning, standardized testing, and separated disciplines will need to change in Science and Engineering education if students are going to be taught a full range of the required topics and creative thinking skills. Thorndike long ago recognized the limitation of the lecture model: “The commonest error of the gifted scholar, inexperienced in teaching, is to expect pupils to know what they have been told…... telling is not teaching.”[14]. “Academic pedagogy suggests that the development of critical thinking skills, creative problemsolving abilities, reflective and experience-based learning as well as interdisciplinary learning experiences offer new ways to teach and learn.” [15] One method for fostering such teamwork in engineering curriculum is through the addition of interactive, multimedia simulations and games. The Society for the Advancement of Games and Simulations in Education and Training (SAGSET), is a voluntary professional society that formed in 1970 to
improve the effectiveness and quality of learning through the use of interactive learning, role-play, simulation and gaming [16]. According to SAGSET, simulation and gaming are good teaching tools, because the participants are required to be “directly involved” in the decision making process and thus, these tools allow for learning of interactive decision making. Such games and simulations create memorable experiences that motivate students to continue to learn. In looking at the theoretical foundation of games, some authors noted [17] that “the act of playing a game propels learners through three critical phases: (a) experience, (b) reflection, and ultimately, (c) learning.” Simulations are designed to mimic real world situations and forces, simplifying reality through a dynamic, abstract model, often exaggerating real world experiences to improve understanding or compact time. Role-playing, used for years in case studies, also aims to provide an experience that mimics roles one could play in the real world. Participatory simulations which use role playing offer the ability to teach complex relationships in problems with multiple variables and allow participants an experiential understanding of the link between individual and collective behaviors [18]. Games, on the other hand, typically use rules and competition in support of play or fun. Games are most closely aligned with characteristics common to motivating learning environments: challenge, curiosity, fantasy and control [19]. Games that incorporate simulations and role-playing allow decision making in a dynamic environment. “By and large, simulation-games are considered to be effective as a research, learning and intervention method because they are able to communicate the complexity of real world systems: they allow participants and researchers to see, understand and communicate the big picture...” [20]. Participants are able to try out creative solutions and ‘what if’ approaches in a safe environment; observe what happens and reflect in time for the next required decision. 2.4 Existing games While games such as Fish Banks LTD, Stratagem, and The Beer Game indicate that the use of interactive games can provide solid learning experiences, there are few multi-disciplinary educational programs, activities, or training programs that merge issues related to engineering, business and environment. Keys & Wolfe [21] trace the history of business games used in the classroom to the 1950s, evolving from the intersection of war games and educational theory; including the 1955 Rand Corporation game Monoplogs which was designed to teach management and logistics of the U.S. Air Force supply chain. The entwined history of games and learning can be traced back even further to Chinese war game simulations as early as 3000 B.C. [21]. 3
3.1 Game design Entitled Shortfall, the game was originally developed as a board game as part of an M.S. thesis [22] supported by the NSF, and was played several times with students in engineering classes and once with students in a business class. The game simulates the supply chain for an automobile manufacturing operation. The goal of the game play was to minimize environmental impact while maximizing profit, and further, to foster better understanding and dialogue of these issues for our future industry leaders. An early prototype of the board game was formally assessed, and both engineering and
business students indicated that they enjoyed playing it, and moreover, that the game was informative. By creating a revised board game prototype, Shortfall was more extensively developed with increased attention to game play logistics, more fully developed scenarios and graphic organization. Shortfall was enhanced to help students meet learning objectives in the following areas: • History of environmentally benign technologies within the past decades • Environmental policies and legislation that influence manufacturing in the global economy • Tradeoffs among economical and environmental policies that influence technology • Current strategies used in industry to address environmental issues • New technologies that address reductions in environmental burdens • Economic and business issues associated with decisionmaking • Effects of current global events on a sophisticated and complex supply chain The revised board game prototype of Shortfall was piloted in Fall 2005. Addressing issues in two dimensions of the Ball’s cyclical model [23], the prototype utilized new trends in cognitive learning to develop a new learning tool to begin to test the hypothesis around millennial student learning styles. The objective is to teach students that the decisions that are made in manufacturing or design can have a significant impact on the environment. It is also the intent of the game to impress upon the students that decisions with respect to the environment are not always “cut and dry”. The team wants to impress upon the players that most decisions that involve the design of products, design of equipment to produce products or the disposal of manufacturing waste involve tradeoffs and weighted decision making. The game promotes cooperation, strategy building for the greater good and increased knowledge of duties beyond traditional roles. In the board game, players each take on one of four roles in a company: the CEO, the Environmental Manager, the Research & Development Manager, or the Production Manager. Each four-player company assumes a position in an automobile manufacturing supply chain: the OEM who produces the cars, the first-tier supplier who produces parts, and the second-tier supplier who produces the useable materials from raw materials that create parts as shown in Figure 1.
DEMAND Consumers Car Manufacturer Orig. Equipment Mfgr
Part Manufacturer 1st Tier Supplier Materials Manufacturer 2nd Tier Supplier
Raw Materials SUPPLY Figure 1: The simplified supply chain
3.2 The Rules The game is played in a series of rounds, each of which represents a fiscal quarter. Aft the beginning of the game, each CEO in each company in the supply chain must allocate funds within the company to three managers. After allocation of funds, all managers must decide how money will be spent in their primary areas. The roles for the CEO and the managers are designated as: CEO: The chief executive officer is primarily concerned with the welfare and total cash supply of the company. The CEO makes the ultimate decision on how to allot company resources to increase the company's total income. Production Manager: The production manager is concerned with the production issues, and tries to persuade the CEO to dedicate resources to the manufacture of product. Environmental Manager: The environmental manager is primarily concerned with meeting the environmental regulations, especially regarding waste disposal for the production processes, and tried to persuade the CEO to dedicate resources to waste disposal. R&D Manager: The R & D manager is primarily concerned with the new product development for the company, and tries to persuade the CEO to dedicate resources to R&D.
Figure 2: Sample Innovation Cards for Shortfall. Features of the board game that enhance understanding of the tradeoffs among the triple bottom line include the use of current event cards, which as the name suggests, hold positive or negative ramifications for each company in the supply chain. Events such as work stoppages, economic factors and acts of god are included as well as the influence of environmental regulations. Other features include Innovation Cards which allow reductions in production or storage costs through technological innovations. Innovation Cards require monetary investments to be exploited, but are used to lower the cost of production. Figure 2 illustrates two of the Innovation Cards used in the Shortfall board game. The challenge for Production Managers is that companies may only sell product that is ready to ship. Therefore, teams must plan production at least one Quarter in advance, hoping that their predictions about the other teams’ needs (and random market fluctuations) will be correct. The production of new product is limited by: each company’s production budget, the number of parts/materials that each company currently has available, and the amount of product and waste storage that the company currently has available.
After sales and production, the Environmental Managers must handle waste disposal, recovery, and recycling. The company is assessed a fee for disposal, but may be recompensed for responsible disposal or recycling. Finally, the R&D Managers spend any part of their budgets on factory improvements, which may reduce waste, lower direct costs, or take steps towards future innovations through the use of “Innovation Cards”. At the end of the Quarter, any unsold supplies, product or waste are assessed a storage fee, and a “Current Event” card is drawn. These cards describe real-world situations ranging from air pollution regulations to landfill seepage. Sometimes there was an immediate penalty or reward to one or all teams; sometimes the card affects the play of the entire next Quarter by imposing a fine for some action that could have a negative impact on the environment or some other issue related to waste disposal. In the final 5th Quarter of the game, players do not produce further products, but instead sell off remaining product and overstock supplies, and dispose of remaining waste. After all product is sold and waste disposed, the team with the most profit is declared winner of the game. 3.3 Assessment of student game play As outlined in [24], the game was tested with 12 engineering sophomores (three teams, each with four players, in one supply chain) who self selected to participate from a class entitled, Introduction to Industrial Engineering. In our test play, we played five rounds, including the “sell off” Quarter. The first Quarter took 30 minutes, while subsequent rounds took 5-20 minutes. Each Quarter began with teams conferring privately to decide their budget allocations for the Quarter (Figure 3). The CEOs made the final decision on how much money each of their three managers received for their departments, and then the players came together to negotiate sales and begin the quarter’s production.
The Current Event cards were uniformly agreed to be clear and concise with little change needed. The only suggestion for change was more variety in the cards. The feedback on the Innovation Cards was less uniform. While many students found them clear, there was some feeling that these cards needed to provide more choices, that they should be worded differently, or that some did not make sense in the context of playing. Table 1: Questions for Knowledge Survey Q1
What are 3 positive features of just-in-time manufacturing?
List 5 environmental issues associated with production systems in automotive supply chain.
Name 3 processes associated w/ the reclamation of waste material from manufacturing processes.
Identify 2 government based standards that impact the manufacturing of an automobile.
Identify 2 operations in the manufacturing life cycle performed by automated equipment.
In what areas do companies make trade-offs when striving to maximize profits?
What types of materials are used in the production of engines?
Identify 5 main characteristics of a successful supply chain.
Name 5 events external to the main supply chain that can impact business practices.
Q10 Name 2 materials that are used to produce automobile but do not appear in the final product.
To establish validity of the game, it was tested utilizing participants from a sophomore engineering class, considered as “Millennials”. Students in this project were assessed through a pre/test knowledge survey [25] regarding their knowledge of supply chain and environmental issues related to manufacturing. The knowledge survey questions are shown in Table 1. Analysis of the questions in the knowledge survey showed that on average, students gained new knowledge as a result of playing the game. Increases in knowledge varied from a mean value of +0.08 (σ =0.79) in question 10 to a mean value of +2.42 (σ =1.16) in question 9. Question 7 resulted in an overall decrease in knowledge (x = -0.42, σ =0.51). The strongest perceived learning was in two areas: importance of communication and the role of working together. Students responded unanimously that they enjoyed playing the board game and that it was enjoyable. Research on engineering students’ learning styles support several of the results: the students highlighted visual color coding and the labeling process as very positive visual features of the game. Some of the students even suggested new color schemes and approaches. The feedback around improvements focused mostly on position of the board so that teams would not be within sight of each other’s board. Individual learning style differences were expressed in areas of introductory instructions. There were suggestions of more graphic directions (visual learners) or a comprehensive rule book (context) for each team.
Figures 3: Students involved in game play When asked to think about the process they went through to make strategic decisions during the game, students again identified that the initial rounds were devoted to “learning the game” and only after they understood how to play could they begin to play strategically. It also appears that the strategic aspect depended on how the CEO in
each team functioned: some appeared to be more democratic while others more authoritarian. Students also expressed a strong belief that a computerized version of the game would greatly increase knowledge, motivation, and enjoyment of learning around this topic, allowing more authentic situations to occur and be solved. These results are consistent with findings reported for Millennial students in the literature. Additional information regarding other aspects of Shortfall assessment is reported elsewhere [24]. 4 SUMMARY The auto industry manufacturing supply chain allows exploration of relationships among design considerations, supply chain management, environmental issues, research and development, and profitability. Based on the play test and focus group, the team has determined that students can experience the ramification of materials selection and processing decisions on the triple bottom line through the game’s simplified supply chain. Further, students reported unanimously that they enjoyed learning through this unique educational format. After reflecting on student comments, brainstorming by the NU and Metaversal Studios team has led to the proposal of a networked computer version of the game. By expanding this board game into a networked-based computer game, we expect to 1) reinforce environmentally conscious decision making, and 2) create a platform which will allow dissemination of an educational game that initiates and promotes real student learning, and finally 3) extend the learning objectives and their impact to greater numbers of students. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was initially funded by a CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation (DMI-9734054), and subsequent development of the enhanced board game and its assessment were funded by NSF (DMI-0537056). The assistance of Amin Torabkhani and Kaila Wilcox is greatly appreciated during development and assessment of the board game. REFERENCES [1] (2005). Battle Lines Set as New York Acts to Cut Emissions. New York Times. New York. [2] Ball, D. L. (2003) Mathematics proficiency for all students: Toward a strategic research and development program in mathematics education, RAND Corporation Publishing. [3] Brown, J. S. (2000) "Growing Up Digital: How the web Changes Work, Education, and the way people learn." Change: 11-20. [4] Brundtland (1987) Our Common Future - the Brundtland Report, World Commission on Environment and Development. [5] Corriere, J. (2002) Shortfall: An Educational Game on Environmental Issues in Supply Chain Management. Industrial Engineering. Boston, MA, Northeastern University. M.S. [6] EPA Agency. (2005) "Green Engineering" [7] Golden, T. (2003) Are We Missing the Boat with our Millennial Students? Fall Newsletter, Eastern Academy of Management. [8] Guyot, P. D., A. (2004) "Designing multi-agent based participatory simulations." Proceedings of 5th
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CONTACT J. A. Isaacs Northeastern University, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 360 Huntington Avenue, 334 Snell Engineering Center, Boston, MA 02115, USA.
[email protected]