Games at business environment

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have available to work with. ... have 10 minutes to answer this question. The candidate says: - I would like to ... beneficial changes to the business environment;.
Games at business environment. General explanations; steps and examples linked to companies.

Matheus C. N. Soares Marcelo Negri Soares

Index  Title;  Introduction;  Structure/Creation;  Examples and explanations (1 & 2);  Final thoughts;  Bibliography.

Introduction • At the beginning of times, men created games. When men couldn’t talk, th ey used the game of gesticulation and sounds to communicate; once talkin g was discovered, it was then the beginning of the “game of the words”. • Company games can be applied to analyze employees, or soon to be employees. The games are not only for entertainment, but also to, through signal language, you can get subconscious messages of what people can not express with words. • The aim of a company game is the same as the “game of the words” as said in the top part of this slide. The intention is to make employees communicate better with coworkers and clients, in a clearer way of speech.

Structure/Creation • To establish a game at your company the first step is to assign what is the game for. • Study the place where the game is going to be applied, specially the things that you have available to work with. You should think about the presentation, because if you make a video and there is nowhere to play it, your work is lost. • The game you choose to do has to get people’s attention. Remember that the game itself is not what’s most important, people’s interactions is what matters at this game. • Have in mind, the number of people that are going to take part in the game, the game structure should change according to the number of people that are involved.

Structure/Creation • To make creating the game easier, consult a company manager, looking for the general profile of the player. • Adapt according to who is going to play it.

• The person who is going to conduct the game must have knowledge about all the steps of it, in order for the players to feel secure while playing the game. • Before starting, give the players a general explanation of the objective of the game, how it was created and it’s rules. • The final step is to test your game beforehand, making sure you know exactly what you are going to say, and what achievements the game will bring to this company.

Examples (1 & 2) 1. In a job interview 2. Leadership

Example 1 In a job interview...

The employer asks the candidate: -Which object would like to be? You have 10 minutes to answer this question. The candidate says: - I would like to be a “X”. - Why did you chose to be a “X”? You have 15 minutes to think about it. - I chose to be a “X” because...

Explanation of Example 1

 This game aims to get to know the candidate;  The secret to this game is the second question. When the candidate explains the chosen object it reflects who this person is, it is a subconscious message shining through the choice of the object;  It is a lot easier to talk about a random object than to talk about ourselves, so showing your qualities through an object is a great option to the candidate.

Example 1 One time at a company, the director selected sixteen people, in order to assign who was going to be the new leader. He communicate that they were to do an activity that consisted of five difficult questions, and the group should answer in ten minutes. After explaining the activity, the diretor asked ten random players to come with him to a different room. In the room he told them to act against the activity, be inconvenient, verbally aggressive or simply not to help other players. This was all set up without the other six players knowing. The game started and four groups of four people were formed to answer the questions in groups. The director wanted to choose 2 leaders, so he started to analyse the six players who didn’t know why the other 10 weren’t collaborating in the game. Some turned aggressive and stressed, others ignored or even started to argue with the group.

Explanation of Example 1

With this activity, the director tested the capability of the leader where no one else wants to collaborate. To the director, the answers did not matter, he was just looking for communication and leadership amongst caos.

Final Thoughts

 When games are played in companies, they can result in beneficial changes to the business environment;  Games are a different way to approach solving problems, a way to make people communicate and find a better solution to everyday obstacles;  Another reason to establish games is to improve logic and agility of the employees.



Gramigna, Maria Rita Miranda. "Jogos de empresa." Jogos de empresa. Makron Books do Brasil, 2004. Jacobi, Pedro. "Educação ambiental, cidadania e sustentabilidade." Cadernos de pesquisa 118.3 (2003): 189-205. Galtung, Johan. "Teoria e métodos da investigação social." Novos Rumos Sociológicos 1.1 (2013).