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Pen˜a 180, B1876BXD, Bernal, Argentina (*authors for correspondence; e-mails: ... Ulm, Germany; 4UMR 5097 R.E.G.E.R., CNRS-Universite´ Victor Segalen.
Plant Molecular Biology 55: 193–207, 2004.  2004 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Gamma carbonic anhydrases in plant mitochondria Gustavo Parisi2, , Mariano Perales1, , Marı´ a Silvina Fornasari2, , Alejandro Colaneri1, , Nahuel Gonza´lez-Schain1, Diego Go´mez-Casati1, Sabrina Zimmermann5, Axel Brennicke3, Alejandro Araya4, James G. Ferry5, Julia´n Echave2,* and Eduardo Zabaleta1,* 1

Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnolo´gicas, IIB-INTECH (CONICET/UNSAM), C.C. 164, 7130, Chascomu´s, Argentina; 2Centro de Estudios de Investigaciones, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Roque Sa´enz Pen˜a 180, B1876BXD, Bernal, Argentina (*authors for correspondence; e-mails: [email protected] (E. Zabaleta); [email protected] (J. Echave)); 3Abteilung Molekulare Botanik, Universita¨t Ulm, Albert Einstein Allee, D-89069, Ulm, Germany; 4UMR 5097 R.E.G.E.R., CNRS-Universite´ Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2, 146 rue Le´o Saignat, 33076, Bordeaux, France; 5Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Eberly College of Science, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 168024500, United States of America.  These authors have contributed equally to the article. Received 17 January 2004; accepted in revised form 13 April 2004

Key words: Gamma Carbonic anhydrase, phylogenetic, plant mitochondria, protein modelling

Abstract Three genes from Arabidopsis thaliana with high sequence similarity to gamma carbonic anhydrase (cCA), a Zn containing enzyme from Methanosarcina thermophila (CAM), were identified and characterized. Evolutionary and structural analyses predict that these genes code for active forms of cCA. Phylogenetic analyses reveal that these Arabidopsis gene products cluster together with CAM and related sequences from a and c proteobacteria, organisms proposed as the mitochondrial endosymbiont ancestor. Indeed, in vitro and in vivo experiments indicate that these gene products are transported into the mitochondria as occurs with several mitochondrial protein genes transferred, during evolution, from the endosymbiotic bacteria to the host genome. Moreover, putative CAM orthologous genes are detected in other plants and green algae and were predicted to be imported to mitochondria. Structural modeling and sequence analysis performed in more than a hundred homologous sequences show a high conservation of functionally important active site residues. Thus, the three histidine residues involved in Zn coordination (His 81, 117 and 122), Arg 59, Asp 61, Gin 75, and Asp 76 of CAM are conserved and properly arranged in the active site cavity of the models. Two other functionally important residues (Glu 62 and Glu 84 of CAM) are lacking, but alternative amino acids that might serve to their roles are postulated. Accordingly, we propose that photosynthetic eukaryotic organisms (green algae and plants) contain cCAs and that these enzymes codified by nuclear genes are imported into mitochondria to accomplish their biological function.

Introduction Carbonic anhydrase (CA; carbonate dehydratase, carbonate hydro-lyase, EC is a zinc-containing enzyme that catalyzes the interconversion Gene bank accession numbers: AY113936 (At1g19580), AY085025 (At1g47260) and AY087379(At5g66510).

of CO2 and HCO3 . Since the discovery of the enzyme in bovine erythrocytes in 1933 (Meldrum and Roughton, 1933), isoenzymes have been found in virtually all mammalian tissues and cell types, where they function in CO2 transport and other physiological processes (Henry, 1996). Carbonic anhydrases are also abundant in plants and unicellular green algae, where they are essential for

194 photosynthetic CO2 fixation (Badger and Price, 1994). They are ubiquitous in highly evolved organisms from the Eukarya and are also prevalent in Archaea and Bacteria. The enzyme is distributed among metabolically diverse groups reflecting the importance of carbonic anhydrases in all three domains of life (Veitch and Blankenship, 1963; Adler et al., 1972; Yagawa et al., 1984; Alber and Ferry, 1994; Braus-Stromeyer et al., 1997; Smith et al., 1999). All carbonic anhydrases are divided into three classes (a, b, and c) that evolved independently (Hewett-Emmett and Tashian, 1996). Carbonic anhydrases from mammals (including the 10 active human isoforms) (Hewett-Emmett and Tashian, 1996; Mod et al., 1999, Hewett-Emmett, 2000), together with the two periplasmic enzymes from the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (Fukuzawa et al., 1990), and at least two EST homologues in plants (Hewett-Emmett and Tashian, 1996) belong to the a class. The b class is comprised of enzymes from the chloroplasts and mitochondria of algae and both monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants (Hewett-Emmett and Tashian, 1996). Within the Bacteria domain, the enzymes purified from Neisseria gonorrhoeas and Escherichia coli also belong to the a and b classes (Guilloton et al., 1992; Chirica et al., 1997), respectively. A carbonic anhydrase purified from the archaeon Methanosarcina thermophila (designated CAM) differs from the a and b classes and is the prototype of a different class, the c class (Alber and Ferry, 1994). A fourth class, the d class has been proposed to be present in the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (Lane and Morel, 2000, Cox et al., 2000). As outlined above, plants and green algae contain homologues to a class and chloroplastic b carbonic anhydrases. Early reports (Kisker et al., 1996; Moroney et al., 2001) have mentioned the existence of Arabidopsis ESTs homologues to CAM. Here, we report on the identification of at least three nuclear open reading frames (ORF) from Arabidopsis thaliana showing high similarity and sequence-structure compatibility with prokaryotic c class carbonic anhydrase (cCA). We found that several amino acid residues essential for activity are very conserved and properly arranged in the active site cavity of the structural models we built. Most plants and green algae contain homologous sequences. Thus, we define a sequence pattern characteristic of cCA useful to identify this

kind of enzyme among the large LbH protein family (Raetz and Roderick, 1995). Furthermore, our in vivo and in vitro experiments indicate that these gene products are imported into isolated mitochondria and present mitochondrial transit signals according to the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria (Gray et al., 1999). These results imply that cCAs are widely spread among Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryotic photosynthetic organisms. Possible implications on the mitochondrial cCAs in photosynthetic organisms are also discussed.

Materials and methods Similarity searches and evolutionary analysis Starting with the deduced protein sequence of CAM (accession number: P40881) similarity searches in the database were performed using BLASTP with default parameters (BLOSUM62 matrix). We obtained eight sequences. Then, using the deduced protein sequence of the first one, At1g19580 (EST T04294, HewettEmmett and Tashian, 1996), similarity searches in the non-redundant database at NCBI were performed using PSI-BLAST with default parameters (BLOSUM62 matrix and E-value threshold 0.005) until convergence. For a complete description of the species found in this study please refer to the supplementary material. Due to the large amount of sequences retrieved (1462 sequences) we clustered the sequences obtained using the program CD-HIT (Li et al., 2002), in such a way that sequences with more than 40% of identity were grouped and replaced by a single representative. This subset of sequences was aligned using the program CLUSTALX (Thompson et al., 1997) under default parameters settings. This alignment was used to obtain a maximum parsimony topology with the program PROTPARS of PHYLIP (Felsenstein, 1993). Bootstrapping (100 re-samplings) to obtain branching point statistical support was performed with the programs SEQBOOT and CONSENSE. The cluster containing gamma carbonic anhydrases and related proteins was expanded to include all sequences with 40% identity or less that were included in the initial clusters. Then, new maximum parsimony and distance trees were obtained. Maximum likelihood distances

195 were estimated using the program CODEML from the PAML package (Yang, 1997) under the JTT model with the frequencies estimated from the data and a discrete gamma distribution with eight categories to include variable substitution rates across sites (JTT + F + G). The final topology was obtained with the FITCH program of the PHYLIP package. To further study sequence conservation patterns and species distribution we also performed similarity searches using the EST database at NCBI. Model building and structural analysis Ten three-dimensional models for each of the deduced Arabidopsis gene products were constructed using the program Modeller 6a (Sail and Blundell, 1993). The template structure used was the quaternary structure of the gamma CA (PDB ID 1qrg). This quaternary structure (the homotrimeric form) was obtained from the PQS server (Henrick and Thornton, 1998) at EMBL. The Zn ion and the two water molecules bonded to the metal ion included in the active site of the cCA were explicitly considered in the modeling process. The representative structure was chosen as the model with the lowest value of the Modeller’s target function. The representative structure was subjected to an energy minimization procedure using the program Tinker (http://dasher. under Charmm27 parameters (Brooks et al., 1983). To evaluate the accuracy of the model we used an evaluation criterion (Sanchez and Sail, 1998) based on Prosall Z-score (Sippl, 1993). Also, the r.m.s.d. value between the model and the template structure was calculated. Secondary structure predictions of the Arabidopsis proteins were performed in the Loopp (Meller and Elber, 2001) and Fugue (Shi et al., 2001) servers. The hydrophobicity pattern of the predicted C-terminal alpha helix was studied with the program HELIXDRAW. Protein analyses Protein extracts were obtained following standard techniques (Mathur and Koncz, 1998). Recombinant AtcCA proteins were isolated following pGEX (AmershamPharmaciaBiotech, Piscataway, NJ) or pET24a (Novagen, Madison, Wl) protocols. In the case of GST-cCA fusion, the GST

moiety was cleaved off and the cCA moiety further purified. CAM was isolated following the procedure described by Alber and Ferry (1994). Samples were subjected to standard SDS-PAGE and blotted onto Nitrocellulose membranes (BioRad, Hercules, CA). Blots were incubated with antiCAM antiserum (Alber and Ferry, 1996) following standard techniques (Sambrook and Russell, 2001). After incubation, blots were incubated with secondary antibodies conjugated with Alkaline Phosphatase (Sigma-Aldrich, Madison, WI) and developed with BCiP and NBT (Promega, Madison, WI). Mitochondria isolation Mitochondria were prepared from wheat embryos (Triticum aestivum) and potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum). Embryos were obtained as previously described (Farre´ and Araya, 2001). Briefly, after sterilization with NaCIO, the embryos were incubated overnight at 22 C, homogenized in a solution containing 0.4 M mannitol, 25 mM MOPS pH 7.8, 1 mM EGTA, 8 mM cysteine and 1 mg/ ml BSA and filtered through a nylon membrane. Highly purified mitochondria from T. aestivum and S. tuberosum were prepared accordingly to Echeverria et al. (1986) and Douce et al. (1987), respectively. Under these conditions, the mitochondrial fraction is essentially deprived of cytoplasmic and plastid contamination as determined by Glu-6-P dehydrogenase and lypoxygenase activities, respectively. The mitochondrial pellet was resuspended in a buffer containing 300 mM mannitol and 10 mM K2HPO4 pH 7.4 Import and processing assays 35

[S] Methionine –35[S] Cysteine labeled precursors were synthesized using TnT Coupled Reticulocyte Lysate System (Promega, Madison, WI). Protein import into mitochondria were performed in a buffer containing 250 mM mannitol, 50 mM KCI, 2 mM MgCI2, 20 mM HEPES pH 7.4, 1 mM K2HPO4, 1 mM DTT, 10 mM ATP, 20 lM ADP, 10 mM sodium succinate, 10 ll of purified mitochondria (10 mg/ml protein) and the radiolabeled protein (5 ll of the translation mixture) with constant shaking for 30 min at 25 C. After import, the reactions were separated into mitochondrial pellet and supernatant by centrifu-

196 gation through a 20% sucrose solution, at 15 000 g for 5 min at 4 C. Alternatively, we treated the reaction mixtures with proteinase K (200 lg/ml for 30 min at 4 C or 1% triton X-100 and proteinase K, and then separated into pellet and supernatant by centrifugation in the sucrose solution (Figueroa et al., 1999). The pellet was analyzed by SDS-PAGE as described by Laemmli (1970) and exposure to X-ray films. In vivo subcellular localization Coding sequence of AtcCA2 was subcloned into the vector pGBTV (Becker et al., 1992). The coding sequence of the uidA gene was replaced by a cassette containing the coding sequence of AtcCA2 fused to the coding sequence of Green Fluorescence Protein (psmGFP). The new plasmid containing 35S::AtcCA 2-GFP was completely sequenced to ensure that the Arabidopsis protein and GFP were in frame. This plasmid was used to transform Arabidopsis plants (var. Co) by floral dip methods (Clough and Bent, 1998). Transgenic plants were analyzed by PCR and fluorescence at 488 nm of excitation and 500/520 nm of emission. Leaf protoplasts were isolated from transgenic plants showing GFP following standard procedures. Protoplasts were also incubated with Mito Tracker Red CM-Xros (568 nm and 590/600 nm, for excitation and emission wave length, respectively) (Molecular Probes). Protoplasts were analyzed under confocal microscope (Leica TCS sp2).

Results Arabidopsis genome encodes at least three CAM homologues The prototype of cCAs was first identified in the archaeon Methanosarcina thermophila (Alber and Ferry, 1994). Although homologous sequences to cCAs are widely spread in Archaea and Bacteria (Smith et al., 1999), no eukaryotic gamma carbonic anhydrase has been identified so far. In order to identify putative plant cCA homologues, a search of Arabidopsis databases ( was done using the

BLASTP program using the CAM protein sequence. Three novel ORFs were identified, At1g 19580, At1g47260 and At5g66510, annotated as transferase hexapeptide repeat family with no predicted function (unknown proteins) or ferripyochelin binding protein-like, respectively; all of them supported by full-length cDNAs. They show 29%, 28% and 27% of identity and 44%, 44% and 42% of similarity to CAM, respectively. The homology spans the region around predicted amino acids 50–220. This region is also annotated as PaaY (COG0663) as carbonic anhydrase/acetyltransferase/isoleucine patch superfamily. The isoleucine patch family contains the hexapeptide-repeated motif that could be expressed as [LIV]-[GAED]-X2-[STAV]-X (Vaara, 1992). If these sites in the motif are identified with letters i, i+1,. . ., i + 5, it is found that sites i and i + 4 point towards the inside of the fold. When several LbH proteins are compared, these are the only truly conserved sites characterizing the hexapeptide motif (Parisi and Echave, 2001). Proteins belonging to this family fold into a left-handed parallel b-helix (Raetz and Roderick, 1995) (LbH) as does CAM. In addition, the predicted gene products for these three ORFs contain conserved positions related with enzyme activity (Iverson et al., 2000). Three Histidine residues important to coordinate a Zn atom characteristic of CAs and other important residues of CAM: Arg 59, Asp 61, Gln 75, and Asp 76 are conserved. However, two other functionally important residues (Glu 62 and Glu 84) are missing. In the similarity search, three additional predicted ORFs showed 40% similarity; however, none contained essential amino acid residues characteristic of cCA. The predicted molecular mass for the first three Arabidopsis proteins is about 30 kDa. The At1g19580, At1g47260 and At5g66510 sequences were accordingly re-named as Arabidopsis cCA1, cCA2 and cCA3, respectively. The corresponding transcripts were amplified by RT-PCR and subcloned into appropriate vectors for sequencing and overexpression in E. coli for further analyses. Figure 1 shows that Arabidopsis cCAs cross-react with the antiserum raised against CAM in Western blot analysis whereas the GST moiety does not (Figure 1, lane 1). This result indicates that the similarity is sufficient to be recognized by a heterologous antibody.


Figure 1. Western blot analysis showing crossreactivitiy of putative AtcCAs with antisera raised against CAM. Western blot analysis of purified AtcCAs using the antiserum raised against CAM. Proteins were overexpressed in E. coli by addition of 1 mM IPTG and purified using either GST (AmershamPharmaciaBiotech) or TALON (Clontech) purification systems as indicated. Purified proteins were separated by SDSPAGE and blotted onto nitrocellulose membranes. The blots were probed with anti-CAM antiserum (Alber and Ferry, 1996) and detected with anti-rabbit IgG-alkaline phosphatase conjugate. Lane 1: 100 ng of purified GST protein (26 kDa, negative control). Lane 2: 100 ng of purified GST-AtcCA2 fusion protein without signal peptide (55 kDa). Lane 3: 100 ng of purified GST-cCA1 fusion protein (59 kDa). Lane 4: 100 ng of purified polyHis-AtcCA3 fusion protein (23 kDa). Molecular mass markers are shown at the left.

Arabidopsis putative cCAs cluster together with CAM According to phylogenetic analyses, enzymes of the same subfamily or group can share similar enzymatic activities and are often involved in similar metabolic pathways (Parisi et al., 2000). Therefore, subfamily membership can be indicative of the putative function of a given gene. We found 1462 sequences from PSI-BLAST similarity searches using At1g19580 as starting sequence. (For a complete description of the species found in this study please refer to the supplementary material.) All these sequences show the hexapeptide-repeat motif with different degrees of conservation. Thus, all the sequences found belong to the LbH fold family. As an evolutionary analysis with such a large number of sequences is prohibitive, a procedure of clustering based on similarity was done. Sequences, representative of clusters, showing less

than 40% identity (362 sequences) were grouped and aligned using the ClustalX program. A phylogenetic analysis using the maximum parsimony approach was carried out and the topology obtained is shown in Figure 2. The topology represents the evolution of several paralogous genes that probably originated by a series of gene duplications. The functional diversification of these genes is shown in the different clusters sustaining different biological functions (e.g. c carbonic anhydrases, acetyl or acyltransferases, among others). Genes in each of the clusters in Figure 2 belong to different organisms and, thus, are examples of orthologous genes that were originated by speciation events. The high number of paralogous genes within the LbH superfamily shown in Figure 2 confirms and complements previous results in the study of functional divergence in the evolution of LbH proteins (Parisi et al., 2000). In this figure, many different biological functions cluster separately (e.g. cCA, acetyl or acyl-transferases, among others). In bold, is shown the cluster containing carbon dioxide concentrating proteins from cyanobacteria, CAM from Methanosarcina thermophila, putative cCAs from Archaea, proteobacteria, plants and green algae (node A, Figure 2). This result suggests that plants and green algae contain in their genomes genes expected to code for cCAs. The clusters containing cCAs and related proteins in Figure 2 were expanded to include all sequences with 40% identity or less that were included in the initial clusters. New phylogenetic analyses using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood distance approaches were performed. The same branching pattern was obtained by both parsimony and distance methods. In Figure 3 we show the results obtained using maximum parsimony analysis. Some correlation emerges from the analysis of the conservation of functionally important residues and the clustering pattern. All the proteins in the topology of Figure 3 contain the three His residues important to bind a metal ion in the active site of cCA (His 81, His 117 and His 122 following CAM annotation). Predicted proteins in one of the bolded branches originating in node A of Figure 3, the one containing Archaea and cyanobacteria, contain all the catalytically important residues described previously (Iverson et al., 2000; Tripp and Ferry, 2000; Tu et al., 2002). In contrast, predicted proteins of b and c proteobacteria (for a

198 b

putative translation initiation factor c



Gamma carbonic anhydrase/ carbon dioxide concentrating proteins /

serine acetyltransferase A



sugar-phopsphate transferases xenobiotic and galactoside acetyltransferases

ADP glucopyrophosphorylase UDP glucosamine and acetylglucosamine

Figure 2. Maximum parsimony tree showing putative AtcCAs clustering with CAM. Maximum parsimony tree of 362 sequences with less than 40% identity obtained by clustering from a pool of 1500 sequences obtained using PSI-BLAST searches (For a complete description of the species found in this study please refer to the supplementary material). The branching pattern obtained shows the main biological functions found in proteins containing the left-handed parallel b helix fold. The cluster in bold contains cCAs, carbon dioxide concentrating proteins and putative CAs from plant and cyanobacteria. The bifurcating node containing these proteins has a bootstrapped statistical support of 68. In this cluster, (a) indicates putative cCAs in plants, (b) cCAs in Archaea arid c. carbon dioxide concentrating protein in cyanobacteria.

review see Brown, 2001; Brown et al., 2001) originating in the same node A, lack the Glu84 described as an essential residue for proton transfer (Iverson et al., 2000; Tripp and Ferry, 2000; Tu et al., 2002). A conserved Ser residue occupies this location. Putative plant and green algae CAs (indicated by node B in Figure 3) share a common ancestor with c proteobacteria. This group of proteins lacks the Glu62 and Glu84 residues essential for CAM. It should be noted that this clade contains only a few representatives of plant and green algae species but in a search on EST database we have found more than 30 sequences, all with catalytically important amino acids (except Glu62 and Glu84) covering diverse plant and algae species (e.g. Oryza sativa and Synechococcus sp., see the alignment of proteins from different species in Figure 4). It is important to note that some of these sequences contain conservative replacements in those residues probably participating in metal binding. In particular Oryza sativa sequence in the alignment in Figure 4, shows a conservative

replacement of one of the three important His (His 122 in reference with CAM notation) by Gln. It has been shown that in human CA II, one of the His coordinating the Zn ion could be replaced conservatively by Gln and Asn (Lesburg et al., 1997). AtcCA protein modeling shows active site conservation with CAM Deduced amino acid sequences of putative cCAs from Arabidopsis were subjected to protein modeling using the Modeller 6a program (Sali and Blundell, 1993). The template structure used for this purpose was the quaternary structure of CAM, deduced by protein crystallization at 2.8 A˚ (Iverson et al., 2000). CAM is a homotrimeric protein where each subunit adopts the left-handed b helix fold. The deduced structure of the Arabidopsis homologues presents a structure similar to CAM (Figure 5a and b and Kisker et al., 1996). Monomers of the Arabidopsis sequences also fold in the same particular manner as CAM with an a-

199 α / β / γ proteobacteria

β / γ proteobacteria


archaea / cyanobacteria


gamma carbonic anhydrase (CAM)

CFB /green sulfur

cyanobacteria / actinobacteria / thermus / deinococcus


bacillus / actinobacteria B bacillus / clostridium

* α proteobacteria

* Rickettsia prowazekii

Plants / green algae


γ proteobacteria

Figure 3. Maximum parsimony tree of putative cCAs from plants and green algae using all of the proteins found in node A of the tree in Figure 2. Maximum parsimony tree obtained using all the proteins found in the node A of the tree in Figure 2. All the proteins in this tree contain the three His residues important to bind the Zn atom in the active site of cCA (His 81, His 117 and His 122 following CAM annotation). The cluster branching from node A contains the cCA from archaeobacteria and cyanobacteria. Sequences in this clade contain all the catalytically important residues described previously (see text). However, the branch containing c and b proteobacterias does not contain the Glu 84 proton transfer typical for cCAs. Instead, in this location there is a conserved Ser residue. Putative plant CAs (bold branch originating in node B) share a common ancestor with a group of gamma proteobacteria. This node has a low statistical support but a similar branching patter is found using maximum likelihood distances (see Materials and methods).

helix protruding from the left-handed center to the C-terminus. This a-helix was predicted using Loopp (Meller and Elber, 2001) and Fugue (Shi et al., 2001) servers. Also, this helix is predicted to be anphipathic and arranged in such a way that the hydrophobic phase points towards the interior of the protein. As for CAM, the homologous Arabidopsis sequences contain six coils separated by loops or turns. Each coil generally contains 18 residues as a tandem repetition of three hexapeptide units. However, some loops of CAM are longer than those of the Arabidopsis models (not shown). To evaluate the accuracy of the models obtained, a previously established evaluation criterion was used (Sanchez and Sali, 1998) based on Prosall Z-score (Sippl, 1993). All models obtained were found to be reliable. To further study the adequacy of Arabidopsis sequences to the LbH fold, we calculated the mean-energies per position

for classes i and i + 4 (Raetz and Roderick, 1995). We found that most of the positions corresponding to these classes have negative energy values. This result provides further complementary evidence for the compatibility between Arabidopsis sequences and the LbH fold. Indeed, the calculated r.m.s.d. value between the models and the template structure is 0.7 A indicating a significant similarity. As shown in Figure 6, a high conservation of functionally important active site residues was observed. Thus, the three Histidine residues coordinating Zn (His 81, His 117 and His 122 following CAM annotation) are present in the homologous Arabidopsis model and might be able to coordinate a Zn atom (compare Figure 6a and b). Following the predicted reaction mechanism of CAM (lverson et al., 2000; Tripp and Ferry, 2000; Tu et al., 2002) Arg 59, Asp 61, Gln 75, and Asp


Figure 4. Comparison of amino acid sequences of CAM with putative cCAs from cyanobacteria, a and c proteobacteria, plants and green algae. Sequences were aligned using the ClustalX program. The species compared and the accession numbers of protein-coding genes are as follows: Methanosarcina thermophila (P40881), Synechococcus sp. (416775), Arabidopsis thaliana (At1g19580, At1g47260, At5g66510), Oryza sativa (1348671, 23237914), Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (AV390428), Sulfolobus solfataricus (158997307), Rickettsia prowazekii (15604376), Shewanella oneidensis (24371642) Xylella fastidiosa Temecula (28198727), Agrobacterium tumefaciens (15888842), Shigella flexneri (24114557). Conserved substitutions are shaded in black-gray scale accordingly to 100%, 80% and 60% of conservation using the Blosum 62 matrix. Black circles indicate residues functionally conserved among all 13 proteins. Among these, and following CAM notation are: Arg 59, Asp 61, Gin 75, Asp 76, His 81, His 117, His 122. Black squares indicate essential residues of CAM that are not conserved in other homologous sequences (Glu 62, Glu 84 and Asn 202). It is important to note that Asn 202 in CAM is replaced by Tyr 207, the probable proton transfer postulated in this study. Black asterisks indicate important positions for the hexapeptide-repeat motif that is fully conserved.


Figure 5. Quaternary structures, (a). Top view of homotrimeric form of the structural model of the protein At1g 19580. Small circles represent Zn cation showing the position of the active site built by residues from both subunits (b). Monomer representation of the same protein shown in (a). Cylinders indicates a helix and arrows b strands. The models were obtained using the Modeller 6a program. Compare this model to CAM structure published by Kisker et al. (1996).

76 (CAM residues) are important residues. All these residues are conserved and properly arranged in the active site cavity of the models. The main difference observed between the models and CAM structure is the lack of Glu 62 and Glu 84 (replaced by Val 89 and Lys 110 in the model). These residues are predicted to function in proton transfer in the CAM mechanism (Iverson et al., 2000). In spite of the lack of conservation of these two other functional important residues, alternative amino acids that might serve to their role are postulated. For example, Asp 88 and/or Tyr 207

Figure 6. Active site of cCA. (a). The main residues involved in the enzyme mechanism are shown. The ball in the center of the figure is the Zn atom with two water molecules showing their hydrogen atoms. Histidine residues, recognized by their imidazol ring (His 81, His 117 and His 122, following CAM annotation) participating in the binding of the Zn are not labeled for simplicity. We also show Glu 62 and Glu 84 residues involved in the extraction of a proton from bound water to generate the hydroxide anion that will attach CO2 to generate CO3H2. Other residues participating in the mechanism are shown as Asn 202, Gin 75 and Asp 76. In (b) we show the active site for the structural model obtained using the protein At1g19580. Histidine residues, recognized by their imidazol ring (His 107, His 130 and His 135, following At1g 19580 annotation) that could participate in the binding of the Zn are not labeled for simplicity. The main difference observed in comparison with the active site of CAM is the lack of Glu 62 and Glu 84 (residues Val 89 and Lys 110 in the figure). Asn 202 is not conserved either. However residues Gin 75/101, Arg 59/86 (not shown) and Asp 76/102 are well conserved in the model. Of particular interest in the active site of the model is the presence this Asp 102 and Tyr 207 as possible proton transfer residues. These are 100% conserved in more than 100 sequences homologous to At1g 19580.


Figure 7. Structural superposition of cCA and a structural model of At1g19580. The r.m.s.d. obtained for the superposition of the homotrimeric form is 0.7 A. Gray residues correspond to cCA while white correspond to the model. In the center of the figure a sphere represent Zn and water molecules are indicated with arrows.

could replace Glu 84 and or Glu 62 in their role of proton transfer from the water molecule bound to Zn and then to buffer in solution. It is interesting to note that Tyr 207 is 100% conserved in all 131 homologous sequences analyzed. In Figure 7 we show a superposition of the CAM active site and the Arabidopsis cCA model. In that superposition, Histidines (81, 117 and 122), Gln 75, Asp 76 are in the same position, whereas Asp 88 (At) coincides with Asp 61 (CAM) and Tyr 207 (At) with the conserved Asn 202 (CAM). Both sequence and structural conservation of catalytically important residues suggest that the enzymatic reaction could take place in Arabidopsis cCA.

proteins and (2) in vivo subcellular localization using GFP fusion proteins. In vitro synthesized AtcCA2 labeled proteins were incubated with isolated mitochondria. As shown in the Figure 8, AtcCA2 is efficiently imported into both wheat and potato mitochondria showing the cleavage of a signal peptide of about 5 kDa. This indicates that, at least AtcCA2, is imported into mitochondria by a classical mechanism. This result was confirmed in transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing AtcCA2 fused to GFP as indicated by the co-localization of GFP fluorescence and the red fluorescence of the specific mitochondria staining ‘Mito Tracker’ in leaf protoplasts (Figure 9).

AtcCAs are imported into mitochondria Application of the PSORT program using the amino acid sequences of AtcCAs and other plant and green algae similar sequences, the mitochondrial localization was predicted from a presequence of 40–80 amino acids in length. This suggestion together with the induction of their transcripts in flower tissues as observed for other nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins (Zabaleta et al., 1998) and the presumed prokaryotic origin of these sequences, prompted us to investigate the subcellular localization of these proteins in more detail using two different approaches: (1) in vitro import experiments using in vitro synthesized

Discussion In this report, we have identified three novel Arabidopsis nuclear ORFs that code for putative cCAs imported to mitochondria. Modeling of these amino acid sequences from Arabidopsis compared to the CAM structure (Kisker et al., 1996; Iverson et al., 2000), show that most amino acid residues important for catalysis are conserved and properly arranged in the predicted active site. In contrast to CAM, two residues required for proton transfer during the CO2 hydration enzymatic reaction, Glu 62 and Glu 84, are lacking.


Figure 8. Import of AtcCA2 into mitochondria. In vitro translated AtcCA2 was incubated with potato (lanes B–D) or wheat (lanes E–G) mitochondria. Lane A shows the precursor protein without incubation. After incubation, samples were treated with proteinase K (lanes C and F) or triton X-100 plus proteinase K (lanes D and G).

However, it is possible that some other residues could replace them during catalysis (see below). Concerning the enzyme activity, several attempts to measure the activity of Arabidopsis recombinant proteins produced in E. coli have been unsuccessful. One possibility is that the localization of the protein in the mitochondrial complex I might be required for proper CA activity. In that case, the crucial Glu 62 and Glu 84 residues of the AtcCAs might be replaced by other residues for catalysis (see below). It is interesting to note that the absence of CA activity in a cCA homologue, CcmM, from Synechococcus PCC7942 has been described (Price et al., 1993). The protein is a subunit of the carboxysomal complex, a key compartment in the CO2 concentrating mechanism (Badger and Price, 2003). Recently, it has been shown for other very similar proteins (CaiE) postulated to work in coordination with multi-enzymatic complexes as

coenzymes (Merlin et al., 2003). Based on this model, it is possible that At putative cCA would be active only as part of the mitochondrial complex I. Early reports have mentioned the existence of several Arabidopsis ESTs homologues to CAM (Kisker et al., 1996; Moroney et al., 2001). The presence of homologous ESTs in several plants and green algae, predicted to be imported to mitochondria, indicate that these enzymes are conserved throughout the evolution from Archaea and Bacteria to Eukarya, but exclusively in plants and green algae. However, an EST derived from human placenta with a cCA-like sequence similar to the cCA-like CaiE genes of E. coli and Salmonella has been deposited by R.K. Wilson in GenBank (R79184) (Hewett-Emmett, 2000). Could Tyr be a proton transfer molecule? We postulated that Tyr 207 of AtcCAs could serve as a proton transfer residue replacing the function of the missing Glu84 and Glu62 of CAM. This assumption is first supported by the presented models. According to the models, this residue is located at 3.61 A˚ of the Zn and water position, even if it is located in the C-terminal a helix. Considering the mitochondrial localization of AtcCAs, where the pH in the matrix is generally between 8.0 and 9.0, this residue could be considered as a putative proton transfer residue. Indeed, early reports on human isoforms of a carbonic anhydrase (CA V) have shown that these enzymes

Figure 9. AtcCA2 is located in leaf mitochondria. The plasmid p35S::AtcCA2-GFP was introduced into Arabidopsis thaliana by floral dip methods35. Transgenic plants were selected onto selective medium and grown into maturity. Protoplasts were isolated from leaves and scanned under confocal microscope. (A) GFP showing mitochondria! localization of the fusion protein (lighted green). Auto fluorescence of chloroplasts is also seen. (B) Mito-tracker showing mitochondria (red). (C) Overlay of A and B showing coincidence between GFP localization and Mito-tracker (yellow).

204 contain Tyr as proton transfer residue (Boriacksjodin et al., 1995; Qian et al., 1999). These human mitochondrial aCAs show maximal activity in alkaline environment (optimum pH 8.0–9.0) due to the high pK (9.2) of the Tyr residue (Boriacksjodin et al., 1995). Analysis of hydrophobicity performed on the a helix half of the At1g 19580, predicts a certain polarity of the helix. This might imply that the Tyr residues should be oriented towards the protein rather than the solvent. The ternary structure of ferripyochelin binding protein from Pyrococcus horikoshii Ot3, synonym carbonic anhydrase, has been recently resolved and deposited in the database by Jeyakanthan, J. and Tahirov, T.H. This protein, a Zn metalloenzyme (crystallized with HCO3 showing a r.m.s.d. value compared to CAM of 1.5) show a Tyr residue in the same position as AtcCAs and participates in a similar active site. A zinc atom is bonded to three histidine residues. Close to the Zinc atom, HCO3 bound to a Gln residue, conserved either in CAM as in AtcCAs. These strong similarities further strengthen the idea that these Arabidopsis proteins could be considered as cCAs. Interestingly, CAM presents an Asn residue in that position, which was proposed to participate in the enzymatic reaction (Iverson et al., 2000; Tripp and Ferry, 2000). Although some of the plant homologous sequences contain an Asn residue located in the a-helix half, this residue is not conserved. Conversely, the Tyr residue is conserved in all 131 homologous sequences analyzed. It should be noted that AtcCAs present a C-terminal extension relative to CAM. This region is not considered in our models and could represent another domain currently with unknown function. Predicted physiological role in plant mitochondria In this report we identified three novel ORFs coding for putative cCAs. They seem to be located in the mitochondrial compartment based on the ability of cCA2 to be imported into mitochondria in in organello assays and in vivo analysis using transgenic plants expressing a GFP fusion. Moreover, two independent proteomic studies were published indicating that the products of all three ORFs are present into the mitochondria (Millar et al., 2001). Interesting data published recently indicate that at least two of these proteins

(At1g47260 and At5g66510) are tightly associated with Arabidopsis and Rice mitochondrial complex I (Eubel et al., 2003; Heazlewood et al., 2003). Further studies will be necessary to ascertain the role of these proteins. Our results suggest that these genes may encode proteins acting as carbonic anhydrases, This could be consistent with some roles in decarboxylation/ carboxylation reactions, modulation of mitochondrial matrix pH or in local points near mitochondrial complex I. Association of CAs with chloroplastic NAD(P)H dehydrogenases has been postulated to function as local pH regulators (Maeda et al., 2002) necessary for proper electron flux between PSI and quinones. Based on this observation, it is tempting to postulate that Atc CAs function, in association with complex I, to regulate the differential pH caused by proton efflux. It would be expected that these putative plant mitochondrial cCAs have an important role in cellular function since these genes have been conserved through a large evolutionary distance, from green algae to higher plants. The presence of these enzymes as novel subunits of mitochondrial complex I could imply a relation between the respiratory chain and CA activity. It is interesting to note that the active-site His residues of CAM have been recently shown to coordinate Fe2+ instead of Zn (Tripp et al., 2004). Preliminary results in our laboratory suggest that putative Arabidopsis mitochondrial ortologues are able to bind Fe (data not shown). Fe is present in most mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes. Moreover, many Fe-metalloenzymes are sensitive to the oxidation state of the Fe ion. Taken together, these observations could suggest a possible role of cCAs in respiratory control in plant mitochondria. The Arabidopsis proteins reported in this work have been annotated as ferripyochelin binding protein-like by similarity with a protein of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Sokol, P. et al., unpublished results). Upon further study, this sequence was corrected and now is designated as unknown ORF (accession number, AAG07140) (Sokol, P. personal communication). Based on the evidences reported here, we propose to annotate these proteins as putative cCAs. Interestingly, Zabaleta et al. (unpublished results) have annotated one of the genes encoding these proteins (At1g47260) in GenBank (AAK28403) as a ‘novel transcription

205 factor involved in the anther-specific expression of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial complex I genes’. The discovery of the same gene product as a physical component of mitochondrial complex I (Eubel et al., 2003; Heazlewood et al., 2003) raises some intriguing questions about the regulation of complex I expression in plants and deserves to be further investigated. It would be interesting to extend this knowledge to other homologous cCAs from Algae, Archaea and Bacteria domains which could be also associated with complex I. Acknowledgements We would like to Mr. Jose´ Luis Burgos (CIC, Argentina) for excellent technical assistance. This work was supported in part by ANPCyT (05008 and 09538) (Argentina), Fundacio´n AntorchasDAAD (Germany-Argentina), Volkswagen Foundation (VW I/76525) (Germany), ECOS-Sud, (A00B01) (France-Argentina), Universidad Nacional de Quilmes and Fundacio´n Antorchas. JE and EZ are members of the National Research Council (CONICET). DGC was supported by Fundacio´n Antorchas (Argentina) and at present is a member of CONICET. PM (ANPCyT, Argentina) and CA (CONICET, Argentina) are doctoral fellows and this work is part of their doctoral theses.

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