lU.U'N'l' COUNTY }. ll1IFDl!E ME, 1he undersigued mithority, on this day personally appeared. Dll'l'BCTWB ~ Pl!IU1Z 112S
Case 4:15-cv-00476-Y Document 1-1 Filed 07/01/15
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Case 4:15-cv-00476-Y Document 1-1 Filed 07/01/15
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T.11.lU.U'N'l' COUNTY
ll1IFDl!E ME, 1he undersigued mithority, on this day personally appeared Dll'l'BCTWB ~ Pl!IU1Z 112SSI, a po)igc officer with 1he Arlington. Texas, Police Department, who aftEr beiqg duly sworn on oad1 depoaes and says that SBE &fS (l(>OD KEASON TO BELIEVE JIND JKJl!S BBLIEVE 771.A.T:
Ci1Y of Arlington,
Tammt County, Tex&S, QIJJNN EAKER, A WB1TE MALE BORN RJIRUARY 7, 1983, did then and there oommit the On or about July 30, 2013. in 1he
I ..'
offense at POSSESSION
OF MARIJUANA UNDER TWO OfJNCIS, a .MISDDBANOR. m that he did then Biid 1hcre intentionally or knowingly possess a usable quantity .o fM!\JWUANA OF TWO omrCES OR I.US,
AND SBB BAS GOOD llll!UON TO :6ELll!l'E AND lHJ'B llllUBPE 17IAT '/'BE YOUOfl'INO PROPBIUTNl1J 1TllM8: 1) 2) 3) 4)
Live marijuaa pbmfs in~ stages of growth, Cultivam and usable 1Ul'ijmlm mady for distribution, Materials used in the packaging, cnuin& welgNng and dis&n"bution ofmarijuana. Componc:nts of a marijuana apvwing ~on including. but not limited t.o, stndQlal ... -eu ~..... :inte.aa!tu 1:...a..... ballmd.s1 ..... s... ..... ...w.:.....n..-- olectricll _ . . , suppot..., -~ U....-, '&IUllt wyw JJIQDps, """J'""W-J C8l'bon dimddo generston. - air 1lltratfon. S)'ltems, grow medift, mr.asurirtg cups. and
.lqdropmllc mdricllt fommlalfa1ilizer, 5) Documcl11I including but not Hmi1lad to a calendar or date hook ,,,.iik.b ilJmtrates a time klqJing l)'Bkm noting im.Poata.t:s kp in tbe marijumm gmwhtg tttocms ofone or more fooations that am used fur tbe sole pwpose of growing marijuana, 6) ~records, oatm, icdps, bank teeards, md papcm, band\\lfiueu or ,.JecUonic, \\ofdcb. relate to GmdistnlmliDn ofmarijuana or the n=Ring of~ from the ille8aI ·diltribuliQQ and aJc ofmarijuana, 1) Books.~ DDtes. ledgen. bank record&. and pspero. handwlitten or c:1cctnJt,~ which ldate to mcmbel'S ofa tra.ffiddtfg OipDizalfon 1hm distnliutes m&lijUllGa, 8) US Cumoey relati:d w !!le illegal distribution cfmarijmma. 9) Property, fncluding _but not limited 1D ~ vehicles. jcmieby aDdfar COJbPUIMI dlll ~used or fnttmdrxl tu be used .in the illepl distn"blUion ofmarijuau.
Case 4:15-cv-00476-Y Document 1-1 Filed 07/01/15
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SEARCH WARRANT AFFIDAVIT PAGE 2 l 0) Property, including but not limitM to. electronics, whidcs.jewdty and/or computas i!lfJt ware traded fur and/or acquired wiVJ. proceeds pinied ftom dac illl:pl distnDution of marijmma aod, l l )Photo~ or~ of comabdnd and/or, Jllembcrs ofa tnlftickina o.rganf?Bfjon that
distribma marijwma.
ARB NOW CONCllALBD BY QUINN EAm, A wm1"& BORN JBBRVARY 7, tm. AND 811Jtl.JJE 8MlTll. A WW.I S n:M4IJC BORN ftOv.DIBD t. DD, in aid county Biid state at. THE SDIP!!CT.ED PLACE AND ntiMISJCS D~ AND .LOC4.TED AB fOLLOWS: the cmtire lot al 7125 Mansfield c.dinal Road. Kennedale, Tarrant Cotmty, Texas, including the main IC;t1dwe and any ourtilagD ad outbuildfop. The SUSPBCTED PUCE AND PRBMlSBS, is more fully described as listed by Tammt Appraisal District as 7325 Mansfield Cardinal RD8d, and is a trUmgu1ar ~ property of approxima!ely 3 ames. The SUSPECTED PLACE. ha&·a .Kcmedale ac!dress, but is located the taTitarial limitl of the City of ~ Tammt County, Tcus. The SUSP.BCTIID PLACB is approximately 200 ym'Cls southeast of the intencction of Eden Tap Road at its intcnection with Mansfield Cardinal Road. The frontage road of the SUSPBCTBD PLACH along Manafidd Cardinal Road is abom ISO feet·Nld the rear of the proporty appears 1B come to a point_ completing the 1rianguiar shape. The ptoperty is fenced tm tdl sides m