Gas and Steam Turbines - euturbines

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Gas and steam turbines provide technology solutions to different global ... Still, many of these primary energy sources

EUTurbines General Secretariat

Brussels Office

Lyoner Str. 18

Diamant Building · Boulevard A. Reyers 80

60528 Frankfurt am Main

1030 Brussels



Phone +49 69 66 03 - 17 48

Phone +32 2 706 - 82 11



+32 2 706 - 82 10 10-2010

+49 69 66 03 - 27 48

European Association of Gas and Steam Turbine Manufacturers hosted by VDMA

Gas and Turbine applications today and in the future Steam Turbines

Solutions for a sustainable energy mix


Elblag Manchester Lincoln Derby Rugby Bristol


Whetstone Peterborough Berlin


London Duisburg


Oberhausen Mülheim

Gosselies Frankenthal



Bexbach Belfort



Le Havre Levallois


Bourogne Baden



Schio Genova

Plzen Brno


Introduction Gas and steam turbines are core components of Europe’s energy generation. Today, almost 70% of Europe’s energy is generated with the support of gas and steam turbines. EUTurbines

We are globally operating companies for energy technologies with a strong European basis. The European gas and steam turbine manufacturers provide high-tech solutions for power generation as well as oil and gas and industrial processing industries in a highly competitive global market. The industry employs more than 70,000 people across Europe, generating an annual business volume of around 25 billion euros. Each year, the European gas and steam turbine industry invests more than 6 billion euros for purchases in Europe. Tens of thousands of small and medium sized enterprises are among our suppliers. As one of the most competitive industry sectors, we have proven that manufacturing in Europe is still profitable. Turbines of the highest technology and quality standards are the basis for our success in worldwide markets.



Phone +49 69 66 03 - 17 48

Phone +32 2 706 - 82 11



+49 69 66 03 - 27 48

+32 2 706 - 82 10

It also explains the changing roles turbines fulfil in a decarbonising energy system: while the past was characterised by central base-load power plants using large turbines for generating electricity, the new European energy mix will consist of a much bigger variety of energy sources, most of them low-carbon, and a more decentralised structure. Still, many of these primary energy sources will drive turbines to generate electricity, a fact most people are not aware of. Now, the sun, the heat of the earth or waste heat from industry help producing the steam that drives the steam turbine, which in the past was generated by burning coal. Also, hydrogen, methane and biogas EuropeanorAssociation Gasbe andincreasingly Steam Turbine Manufacturers hosted VDMAturbines. The future applicafrom agricultural waste sewageofwill used as input forbygas tions include many renewable energy sources, but also the fast gas-fired power plants that quickly start up to fill the gap, when there is not enough wind and sun, as well as the extremely efficient cogeneration plants, providing electricity and heating for households or industry at the same time. We hope you will agree that, after reading this brochure, the European gas and steam turbine industry offers “solutions for a sustainable energy mix”!


Industry Portrait Who we are…

Gas and steam turbines provide technology solutions to different global energy needs and policy prioriBrussels Office General Secretariat ties, as they are not bound to a specific type of fuel. This brochure presents an easy-to-read overview on Diamant Building · Boulevard A. Reyers 80 Lyoner Str. 18 1030 Brussels 60528 Frankfurt am Main turbine technology and their applications.

Gas and Turbine applications today and in the future Steam Turbines Solutions for a sustainable energy mix


Elblag Manchester Lincoln Derby Rugby Bristol


Whetstone Peterborough Berlin


London Duisburg


Oberhausen Mülheim

Gosselies Frankenthal



Bexbach Belfort



Le Havre Levallois


Bourogne Baden


Plzen Brno



Schio Genova

General Secretariat Lyoner Str. 18

Industry Portrait Who we are…

60528 Frankfurt am Main Germany Phone +49 69 66 03 - 17 48 Fax

+49 69 66 03 - 27 48

We are globally operating companies for energy technologies with a strong European basis. The European gas and steam turbine manufacturers provide high-tech solutions for power generation as well as oil and gas and industrial processing industries in a highly competitive global market. The industry employs more than 70,000 people across Europe, generating an annual business volume of around 25 billion euros. Each year, the European gas and steam turbine industry invests more than 6 billion euros for purchases in Europe. Tens of thousands of small and medium sized enterprises are among our suppliers. As one of the most competitive industry sectors, we have proven that manufacturing in Europe is still profitable. Turbines of the highest technology and quality standards are the basis for our success in worldwide markets.

What do these things have in common? Brussels Office

Diamant Building · Boulevard A. Reyers 80 1030 Brussels Belgium

Phone +32 2 706 - 82 11 Fax

+32 2 706 - 82 10

European Association of Gas and Steam Turbine Manufacturers hosted by VDMA



Gas and Turbine applications today and in the future Steam Turbines

Solutions for a sustainable energy mix


Turbine Technology Elblag

Whetstone Peterborough



Turbines convert the kinetic energy of a moving fluid into mechanical energy through the rotation of a bladed rotor. This energy then drives a generator that produces electrical energy.




tat ion a


l En ergy

Manchester Lincoln Derby




Le Havre Levallois




Hot fluid

Oberhausen Mülheim





Plzen Brno

Bexbach Belfort







Steam turbine

Gas turbine






Turbine Blades EUTurbines Secretariat Turbine General Blades

A gas turbine, also called combustion turbine, is a type of internal combustion engine. The European gas and steam turbine manufacturers provide high-tech solutiIts componentsonsare: for power generation as well as oil and gas and industrial processing

Did you know?

1030 Brussels



Phone +49 69 66 03 - 17 48

Phone +32 2 706 - 82 11



+49 69 66 03 - 27 48

+32 2 706 - 82 10

Combustion Chamber

We are globally operating companies for energy technologies with a strong European basis.

The temperatures in the combustion chamber can reach up to 2,000°C. Therefore, turbine blades consist of highly sophisticated materials including ceramic layers.

Diamant Building · Boulevard A. Reyers 80

60528 Frankfurt am Main

industries in a highly competitive global market. The industry employs more than 70,000 people across Europe, generating an annual business volume of around 25 billion euros. Each year, the European gas and steam turbine industry invests more than 6 billion euros for purchases in Europe. Tens of thousands of small and medium sized enterprises are among our suppliers.

Compressor The incoming air is compressed and pressurised. This air is fed into the combustion chamber. Combustion Chamber As one of the most competitive industry sectors, we have proven that manuin Europe is still profitable. Turbines of the highest technology and Gas or liquid fuelfacturing is injected and ignited into the combustion chamber, generating a high temperature-pressure quality standards are the basis for our success in worldwide markets. gas stream that expands. Turbine Blades The expanding gas is converted into mechanical energy causing the blades in the turbine to spin. The rotating blades drive a generator to produce electrical energy.

Gas and Turbine applications today and in the future Steam Did you know? Turbines 10-2010

Industry Portrait Who we are…

Brussels Office

Lyoner Str. 18

A steam turbine converts the heat energy contained in high-pressure and high-temperature steam into mechanical energy. Its components are: Rotor An impeller with mounted blades extracts theSteam energy from steam and transfers European Association of Gas and Turbine Manufacturers hosted by VDMAthis energy to the shaft. Turbine Blades A set of blades with increasing size are connected to the rotor shaft, while moving blades are connected to the casing. The blades are turned by the steam passing through them. Casing The casing function is to dissipate the steam and to ensure proper sealing.

Turbine blade tips can rotate at over 1,700 kilometers per hour (km/h) which is 1,5 times faster than the speed of sound.

Solutions for a sustainable energy mix


Turbines in power generation – generating electricity with steam Elblag Manchester Lincoln Derby

Steam Power Plant


Whetstone Peterborough






Oberhausen Mülheim

Gosselies Le Havre Levallois


Feed Pump



Geothermal Frankenthal



Oberursel Erlangen



Harnessing solar energy to create steam through a central receiver, parabolic trough or linear Fresnel reflectors.


Cooling Tower

Plzen Brno

UsingBelfort the heat from the earth. Energy is accessed Bourogne Baden by drilling water Birr or steam wells in a process similar Zurich to drilling for oil.


Boiler/ Steam Generator Steam Turbine Generator

Schio Genova


Industry Portrait WhoandweBiofuel are… Biomass, Biogas

60528 Frankfurt am Main


Brussels Office Diamant Building · Boulevard A. Reyers 80 1030 Brussels

Steam can be produced through a wide range of sources, ranging from traditional to renewable sources. Belgium Germany Phone +32 2 706 - 82 11 +49 69 66 03 - 17 48 Once the steam is Phone created, it is used to drive the steam turbine. The process, in which the steam turbine is Fax +32 2 706 - 82 10 Fax +49 69 66 03 - 27 48 involved, is CO2 neutral.

Generating steam with crops, manure, waste or Using a nuclear reactor as the heat source. biofuels. We are globally operating companies for energy technologies with a strong European basis.

Did you know? The steam temperature of advanced power plants can reach up to max 630 °C. With steam pressures of about 330 bar, the state of aggregation is far beyond the super critical point.

The European gas and steam turbine manufacturers provide high-tech solutions for power generation as well as oil and gas and industrial processing industries in a highly competitive global market. The industry employs more than 70,000 people across Europe, generating an annual business volume of around 25 billion euros. Each year, the European gas and steam turbine industry invests more than 6 billion euros for purchases in Europe. Tens of thousands of small and medium sized enterprises are among our suppliers.

Waste heat – an additional source of steam

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

CCS is a technology that can capture up to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions As one of the most competitive industry sectors, we have90% proven of thatthe manufacturing in Europe is still profitable. Turbines of the highest technology and produced from the use of fossil fuels in electriquality standards are the basis for our success in worldwide markets. city generation and industrial processes, preventing the CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Coal Burning thermal coal. Combined with CCS, it allows generating carbon-free electricity.

Heat can be recovered from hot streams, such as hot flue gases, steam from cooling towers or heat from industry processes. With the use of a heat recovery steam generator, a steam turbine can produce electricity, increasing the energy efficiency of any process releasing waste heat.

European Association of Gas and Steam Turbine Manufacturers hosted by VDMA

Gas and Turbine applications today and in the future Steam Did you know? Turbines 10-2010

General Secretariat

Lyoner Str. 18 A clean power generation technology

Concentrated solar power plants can integrate thermal storage systems, making them more flexible than photovoltaics.

Solutions for a sustainable energy mix


Turbines in power generation – generating electricity with gas Elblag Manchester Lincoln Derby

Open Cycle Power Plant (OCGT) – The flexible solution

Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCGT) – The efficient solution


Whetstone Peterborough





London Duisburg


Oberhausen MülheimExhaust


Fuel Gosselies Frankenthal



Bexbach Belfort

Cooling Tower


Le Havre Levallois


Water Pump



Heat Recovery Steam Generator


Steam Turbine Bourogne Baden








Intake air Schio

Intake air


The central component of a OCGT is the gas turbine, driving electrical power generation in a stand-alone configuration

Industry Portrait

• Quick: low start-up times – even in cold start Who we are… • F lexible: adapting and reacting to demand requirements globally operating companies for energy technologies • Simple: limitedWetoarethree highly efficient components with a strong European basis.

Did you know? A modern heavy duty gas turbine is able to cover the electricity demand of a city with 2.2 million people.

The European gas and steam turbine manufacturers provide high-tech solutions for power generation as well as oil and gas and industrial processing industries in a highly competitive global market. The industry employs more than 70,000 people across Europe, generating an annual business volume of around 25 billion euros. Each year, the European gas and steam turbine industry invests more than 6 billion euros for purchases in Europe. Tens of thousands of small and medium sized enterprises are among our suppliers.

Micro-turbines – the option for small scale, Due to their flexibility, gas turbines can perfectly decentral power generation Micro-turbines are a simple form of gas turbines, complement the variability of other energy sources, As one of the most competitive industry sectors, we have proven that manuapproximately the size of a refrigerator with outputs delivering flexible, fast and efficient electricity when facturing in Europe is still profitable. Turbines of the highest technology and quality the of basis for our success in worldwide markets. needed, and so, ensure security of supply and the of 25 kW to 500 kW.standards Typicalareuse micro-turbines is in offices, hotels, hospitals, small industries and stability of the grid. schools.


Designed for maximum efficiency, a gas turbine and General Secretariat a steam turbine areLyoner used in conjunction. Str. 18 60528 Frankfurt am Main The gas turbine produces electricity and waste heat, Germany Phone +49 69 66 03 - 17 48 which, in turn, is used to produce steam to generate Fax +49 69 66 03 - 27 48 additional electricity through the steam turbine. • Efficient: using the waste heat of the process • Flexible: adapting and reacting to demand requirements

Cogeneration: Reaching even higher efficiency levels 1030 Brussels In cogeneration, the heat generated by gas turbines Belgium Phone +32 2 706 - 82 11 is used for district heating or industrial applications Fax +32 2 706 - 82 10 with a high demand for process heat or cooling. By this, the overall combined efficiency reaches levels up to 90%. Brussels Office

Diamant Building · Boulevard A. Reyers 80

OCGT and CCGT in a nutshell Properties



European Association of Gas and Steam Turbine Manufacturers hosted by VDMA

Start-up time (hot start)

~ 9 min Load following capability – Ramp-up

10 – 25%/min

Minimum load



> 40%

~ 30 – 50 min

10 – 15%/min

30 – 50% > 60%

Gas and Turbine applications today and in the future Steam Did you know? Turbines 10-2010


A CCGT can produce up to 50% more electricity from the same volume of fuel compared to a single gas turbine – by simply using the waste heat in a steam turbine.

Solutions for a sustainable energy mix


Turbines in the sustainable energy mix Europe’s energy needs of the past Manchester were almost


Lincoln exclusively served by central coal, Derbynuclear and Rugby

gas-fired power plants with gas and steam turBristol

Turbines ensuring energy supply


Whetstone Peterborough

bines being their central component.





Now, as we move to a more decarbonised energy Le Havre system, the power generation landscape chanLevallois

ges – and connected with this, the applications for turbines: The future system comprises less


Oberhausen Mülheim







Bexbach Belfort

central large central power plants, and more de-


Bourogne Baden



Plzen Brno


We all know it: sometimes the wind does not blow as predicted … We need thermal power solutions. ● Flexible gas back-up power plants: The natural ally to variable renewables, delivering very fast when needed. ● Cogeneration plants: One of the most efficient technology solutions, using the heat for district heating or industrial processes. ● Coal-fired power plants with CCS/U: Capturing the carbon emissions and storing or using them will allow countries with large coal-reserves to generate carbon-free electricity from coal.

centralised solutions with a high share of energy Additionally, a fleet of flexible thermal power

Schio Genova

plants will ensure the stability of the electricity grid and security of supply. Turbines, which are improving continuously, will be the core component of many of these solutions using heat to

Industry Portrait Who wewillare… The new aspect: the heat come from many drive a generator or a mechanical drive. different sources.

Turbines for renewables There are other renewable energy technologies other than wind turbines and solar panels – and most of these solutions work with turbines: They generate hot steam, which is driving a steam turbine EUTurbines connected to a generator. Brussels Office ● Biomass/biogasGeneral and Secretariat biofuels plants: All of them can contribute increasing the share of steady reneDiamant Building · Boulevard A. Reyers 80 Lyoner Str. 18 1030 Brussels 60528 Frankfurt am Main wable energy – by driving a turbine. Belgium Germany +32 used 2 706 - 82 Phone +49 69 66 03 - 17 48plants: Sunlight Phone ● Concentrated solar power (CSP) can be not11 only by photovoltaics. CSP plants Fax +32 2 706 - 82 10 Fax +49 69 66 03 - 27 48 have an integrated heat storage solution – and a steam turbine. ● Geothermal plants: How to use the heat of the earth? With the help of steam turbines!

We are globally operating companies for energy technologies with a strong European basis.

Did you know? Aeroderivates are gas turbines that are based on jet-engine-technology. They are especially optimised for open cycle applications.

The European gas and steam turbine manufacturers provide high-tech solutions for power generation as well as oil and gas and industrial processing industries in a highly competitive global market. The industry employs more than 70,000 people across Europe, generating an annual business volume of around 25 billion euros. Each year, the European gas and steam turbine industry invests more than 6 billion euros for purchases in Europe. Tens of thousands of small and medium sized enterprises are among our suppliers. As one of the most competitive industry sectors, we have proven that manufacturing in Europe is still profitable. Turbines of the highest technology and quality standards are the basis for our success in worldwide markets.

Turbines for energy storage and waste heat Storing energy is key for the future energy system. There are more solutions other than batteries – and some are cheaper, better developed… and use turbines! European Gas andelectricity Steam Turbinedemand Manufacturers hosted by VDMA ● Cogeneration with heatAssociation storage:of When is low, these plants generate heat instead – which can be easily stored for peak energy demand times. ● Power-to-gas: Excess energy – may it come from large wind parks or other power plants – can be transformed into hydrogen or methane through electrolysis, stored and when needed, burned completely carbon-free in gas turbines.

Gas and Turbine applications today and in the future Steam Did you know? Turbines 10-2010

generated by renewable energy sources.

No CO2 is emitted when gas turbines burn hydrogen or methane – which can be generated from excess energy when there is too much wind and sun.

Solutions for a sustainable energy mix


Energy solutions for industrial applications Turbines also provide solutions in Manchester areas other


Lincoln than electricity generation. TheseDerby“mechanical Rugby


Whetstone Peterborough

applications” contribute to make industrial proBristol




cesses more energy efficient and, by this, help Portsmouth

reducing carbon emissions globally.


Oberhausen Mülheim

Gosselies Le Havre Levallois



Oberursel Plzen

Recovering waste gases and waste heat Frankenthal





In industrial production processes, often waste Belfort Bourogne Baden gases or waste Birr heat are generated. They do not have Zurich to be blown away and can often be used with the help of turbines. Residual gases of the steel indusSchio try can be burned in special turbines and the waste heat of a paper Genova factory can be used to drive steam turbines and, by this, reduce the need for external energy supply.

We are globally operating companies for energy technologies with a strong European basis.

Did you know? Turbines are often used as a compressor drive in LNGplants. They ensure variable speed operation, full pressure start-up and high reliability of the plant.

Compressing air and pumping fluids

From chemical plants to ice cream factories, many industries need heat or cold to run their processes. Turbines can be used to provide at the same time heating or cooling and electrical power. This is called cogeneration, or – if all three options are provided – trigeneration.

Pneumatic tools are used in many industrial processes. They are powered by compressed air which is generated by compressors and stored. These compressors can be driven by turbines. Pumps driven by turbines are used in municipal or waste water utilities or flood control. The turbines used are often aeroderivates.

EUTurbines General Secretariat

Brussels Office

Lyoner Str. 18

Diamant Building · Boulevard A. Reyers 80

60528 Frankfurt am Main

1030 Brussels



Phone +49 69 66 03 - 17 48

Phone +32 2 706 - 82 11



+49 69 66 03 - 27 48

+32 2 706 - 82 10

Gas and Turbine applications today and in the future Steam Did you know? Turbines 10-2010

Industry Portrait Who we are…


Providing heat and cooling

Supporting the oil and gas sector

Getting the salt out of the water

Industrial turbines are used in many areas of the oil and gas sector: they provide power to oil fields and platforms, compress gas and help transporting it in the pipelines.

Turning salty sea water into fresh potable water Gas turbines are used on large naval or cruise is important for many countries around the world. ships to support the diesel engines, allowing highThis is mainly done with the support of turbines er speeds and lower emissions. Steam turbines are providing electricity and Association steam forof Gas theand desalinarunning onhosted nuclear ships or special vessels like ice European Steam Turbine Manufacturers by VDMA tion process. breakers or LNG carriers.

The European gas and steam turbine manufacturers provide high-tech solutions for power generation as well as oil and gas and industrial processing industries in a highly competitive global market. The industry employs more than 70,000 people across Europe, generating an annual business volume of around 25 billion euros. Each year, the European gas and steam turbine industry invests more than 6 billion euros for purchases in Europe. Tens of thousands of small and medium sized enterprises are among our suppliers. As one of the most competitive industry sectors, we have proven that manufacturing in Europe is still profitable. Turbines of the highest technology and quality standards are the basis for our success in worldwide markets.

… and even driving ships

District heating For private and commercial buildings, one of the most efficient ways to generate energy is the combined production of electrical power and heat with turbines, reaching overall efficiencies up to 90%. These solutions can go from large central power plants to small decentral solutions.

The latest large turbines have the weight of a fully loaded Boeing 747 and deliver an equivalent of over 500.000 hp, the power of more than 500 Formula One cars.

Solutions for a sustainable energy mix


European high-tech for global challenges Elblag Manchester Lincoln Derby Rugby Bristol


Whetstone Peterborough

Innovation from Europe



London Duisburg


Oberhausen Mülheim

Gosselies Frankenthal



Bexbach Belfort

Steam and gas turbines are the result of European innovation. Ever since, the leading edge technology of turbines has been developed and manufactured in Europe. A unique network of manufacturers, qualified suppliers, universities and research institutes drives innovation forward and helps Europe to stay on top. Based on the competence for integrated energy solutions, the industry provides innovative turbine-based solutions for the energy sector and the energy intensive process industry.



Le Havre Levallois


Plzen Brno

Bourogne Baden




Schio Genova

Energy needs around the world differ widely. While parts of Europe face overcapacities in generation and focus on the system’s decarbonisation, for many other countries around the world, access to affordable energy and electrification of rural areas are still the main challenge. The European turbine industry transfers the European know-how about clean and efficient high-tech power plants into efficient and affordable solutions for all parts of the world and, by this, contribute to decarbonising the global energy sector. The application of this best available technology from Europe will contribute to drastic cuts in emissions worldwide.

Industry Portrait Who we are…

EUTurbines General Secretariat

Brussels Office

Lyoner Str. 18

Diamant Building · Boulevard A. Reyers 80

60528 Frankfurt am Main

1030 Brussels



Phone +49 69 66 03 - 17 48

Phone +32 2 706 - 82 11



+49 69 66 03 - 27 48

+32 2 706 - 82 10

We are globally operating companies for energy technologies with a strong European basis.

Did you know? More than 70% of the global electricity production is based on turbine technology.

The European gas and steam turbine manufacturers provide high-tech solutions for power generation as well as oil and gas and industrial processing industries in a highly competitive global market. The industry employs more than 70,000 people across Europe, generating an annual business volume of around 25 billion euros. Each year, the European gas and steam turbine industry invests more than 6 billion euros for purchases in Europe. Tens of thousands of small and medium sized enterprises are among our suppliers. As one of the most competitive industry sectors, we have proven that manufacturing in Europe is still profitable. Turbines of the highest technology and quality standards are the basis for our success in worldwide markets.

Gas and Turbine applications today and in the future Steam Did you know? Turbines 10-2010

Providing solutions for global energy needs

Providing growth and jobs in Europe The European gas and steam turbine industry is providing directly 70,000 highly qualified jobs in Europe. In addition to these engineers, maintenance experts and skilled workers in production, a strong network of European Association of Gas and Steam Turbine Manufacturers hosted by VDMA European suppliers, as well as research and academia employ additional staff, depending heavily from the success of this industry. Facing a strong global competition, the key factors for success of Europe’s industry and the European economy will be a framework that ensures constant innovation, the stability of the network and free access to the markets worldwide.

Replacing a typical European old coal-fired power plant by a state-of-the-art CCGT gas plant reduces CO2 emissions by more than 55%.

Solutions for a sustainable energy mix



About EUTurbines Elblag Manchester Lincoln Derby


Whetstone Peterborough Berlin

Bristol London have in common? Bielefeld What do the sun, wood pellets and hot water Oberhausen Duisburg Mülheim Portsmouth They can all be used to drive a turbine and generate electricity! Gosselies Le Havre



What do cogeneration and district heating have in common? Levallois Frankenthal Erlangen Mannheim Bexbach it to a given area! They employ turbines to first use waste heat and then transport Belfort


E UTurbines advocates an economic and legislative environment for European turbine manufacturers to develop and grow R&I and manufacturing in Europe.


Bourogne Baden

Birr How can salt be filtered from water or a large cruise reach highest speed? Zurich With the support of turbines!

How is natural gas converted and transported? Gas is compressed and carried in pipelines thanks to turbines!

EUTurbines is the only association of European gas and steam turbine manufacturers.


Schio Genova

How can the stability of the grid be ensured when the sun does not shine or the wind does not blow? Through the flexibility provided by fast-reacting turbines!

Industry How does industry increase itsPortrait energy efficiency? Sectors such as Who chemicals, paper and steel use waste heat or gases with the help of turbines! we are…


EUTurbines promotes the role of the turbine-based power generation in a sustainable, decarbonised European and global energy mix and contributes to the political and regulatory discussions by continuous exchanges with the European institutions and other stakeholders.   EUTurbines General Secretariat

Brussels Office

Lyoner Str. 18

Diamant Building · Boulevard A. Reyers 80

60528 Frankfurt am Main

1030 Brussels



Phone +49 69 66 03 - 17 48

Phone +32 2 706 - 82 11



+49 69 66 03 - 27 48

+32 2 706 - 82 10 10-2010


Gas and steam turbines are not a technology of the past. On the contrary, these complex machines We are globally operating companies for energy technologies continuously adapt and evolve to meet and deliver new requirements: an energy system with an inwith a strong European basis. creasing share of renewable energy sources, the pressure to decarbonise our economy and the need to The European gas and steam turbine manufacturers provide high-tech solutiincrease energyons efficiency demands. for power generation as well as oil and gas and industrial processing industries in a highly competitive global market. The industry employs more than 70,000 people across Europe, generating an annual business volume of around 25 billion euros. Each year, the European gas and steam turbine industry invests more than 6 billion euros for purchases in Europe. Tens of thousands of small and medium sized enterprises are among our suppliers.

Turbines: European high-tech solutions now and in the future!

As one of the most competitive industry sectors, we have proven that manufacturing in Europe is still profitable. Turbines of the highest technology and quality standards are the basis for our success in worldwide markets.

Picture credites: Fotolia, EUTurbines members

European Association of Gas and Steam Turbine Manufacturers hosted by VDMA

Gas and Turbine applications today and in the future Steam Turbines

Solutions for a sustainable energy mix

General Secretariat Lyoner Str. 18 60528 Frankfurt am Main/Germany Phone +49 69 66 03 - 17 48 Fax +49 69 66 03 - 27 48

Brussels Office Diamant Building · Boulevard A. Reyers 80 1030 Brussels/Belgium Phone +32 2 706 - 82 11 Fax +32 2 706 - 82 10


EUTurbines General Secretariat

Brussels Office

Lyoner Str. 18

Diamant Building · Boulevard A. Reyers 80

60528 Frankfurt am Main

1030 Brussels



Phone +49 69 66 03 - 17 48

Phone +32 2 706 - 82 11



+32 2 706 - 82 10 10-2010

+49 69 66 03 - 27 48

Turbine applications today and in the future

European Association of Gas and Steam Turbine Manufacturers hosted by VDMA
