Pattern Recognition 37 (2004) 1567 – 1571
Rapid and Brief Communication
Gaussian %elds: a new criterion for 3D rigid registration Faysal Boughorbel∗ , Andreas Koschan, Besma Abidi, Mongi Abidi Imaging, Robotics and Intelligent Systems Laboratory, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA Received 4 February 2004; accepted 10 February 2004
Abstract This paper introduces a new and simple criterion for rigid registration based on Gaussian %elds. The criterion is always di2erentiable and convex in a large neighborhood of the alignment parameters; allowing for the use of well-proven optimization techniques. Using this method we can extend the size of the region of convergence so that no close initialization is needed, thus overcoming local convergence problems of Iterative Closest Point algorithms. Furthermore, the Gaussian energy function can be evaluated with linear complexity using the fast Gauss transform, which permits e9cient implementation of the registration algorithm. Experimental analysis on real-world data sets shows the usefulness and points the limits of the approach. ? 2004 Pattern Recognition Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Rigid registration; Gaussian %elds; Moment invariants; Fast Gauss transform; Optimization
1. Introduction The registration of range maps, and in general of 3D free form surfaces, is an important task in many computer vision applications, including scene modeling and object recognition. For volumetric data sets, several similarity measures were employed to align multi-modal and single-modality data sets, which are mostly based on correlating intensity values. In this paper, we address the problem of rigid registration at the point level, the main contribution being the design of a point-sets registration criterion which is di2erentiable and convex in a large neighborhood of the aligned position. This work was motivated by some limitations of standard techniques, and in particular the Iterative Closest Point algorithm (ICP) [1]. For instance, the non-di2erentiable cost function associated with ICP imposed a locally convergent scheme that requires close initialization. In real applications the preliminary point-feature extraction and matching step [2] is necessary before proceeding with the ICP re%nement ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: 1-865-974-9213; fax: 1-865974-5459. E-mail address:
[email protected] (F. Boughorbel).
step. In this paper, we use a straightforward criterion consisting of a Gaussian mixture depending on distances and point attributes, such as local moment invariants computed from the data sets. We show that this criterion can be used for accurate registration, while at the same time extending the region of convergence so that we do not need close initialization. This approach easily ensures convexity in the neighborhood of the solution, as well as continuous di2erentiability, allowing for the use of a wide range of well proven optimization techniques. More importantly, the criterion can be evaluated, with linear complexity, using the recent numerical technique known as the fast Gauss transform [3,4], making it computationally less expensive than current registration algorithms.
2. Gaussian elds for registration The basic idea of our registration method is to use a Gaussian %eld to measure both the spatial proximity and visual similarity of two points belonging to two point-sets M = {(Pi ; S(Pi ))}i=1:::NM and D = {(Qj ; S(Qj ))}j=1:::ND , with their associated attribute vectors. The Gaussian measure of proximity and similarity between two points Pi and Qj is
0031-3203/$30.00 ? 2004 Pattern Recognition Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2004.02.005
F. Boughorbel et al. / Pattern Recognition 37 (2004) 1567 – 1571
given by
d2 (Pi ; Qj ) F(Pi ; Qj ) = exp − − (S(Pi ) − S(Qj ))T −1
2 × (S(Pi ) − S(Qj )) (1) with d(Pi ; Qj ) being the Euclidean distance between the points. Expression (1) can be interpreted as a force %eld whose sources are located at one point and are decaying with distance in Euclidean and attribute space. The parameter controls the decay with distance while , a diagonal matrix with small components, punishes the di2erence in attributes. We de%ne a criterion that measures the registration of M and D as d2 (Pi ; Tr(Qj )) E(Tr) = exp − − (S(Pi )
2 i=1:::N M j=1:::ND
− S(Tr(Qj )))T −1 (S(Pi ) − S(Tr(Qj )))
for Tr the transformation registering the two point-sets. We are mainly interested here in rigid rotations R and translations t, so that Tr(Qj ) = RQj + t. But more general non-rigid transformations can be handled as well. As visual attributes, we use the 3D moments which are invariant to rigid transformations. These are de-correlated and combined using the same approach adopted by Sharp et al. [5]. In the noiseless case, if we choose very small decay parameters the criterion E will just ‘count’ the number of points that overlap at a given pose. This is due to the exponential being very small except for Pi = (RQj + t) and S(Pi ) = S(Qj ). Thus, we meet a rigorous de%nition of registration as maximization of both overlap and local shape similarity between the data sets with a simple C ∞ function. In the experiments section we studied the e2ect of increasing , and hence the region of convergence (determined by the width of the Gaussian) on the registration accuracy. 3. The fast Gauss transform The registration criterion consists of a mixture of ND Gaussians evaluated at NM points then summed together. Direct evaluation will have a relatively expensive cost of O(NM × ND ). Similar limitations are encountered in other computer vision tasks, especially for Gaussian kernel density estimation. A new numerical method, called the fast Gauss transform, was recently employed in color modeling and tracking applications [3] in order to reduce the computational complexity of Gaussian mixture evaluation to O(NM + ND ). The method, which belongs to a new class of fast evaluation algorithms known as “fast multipole” methods, was %rst introduced by Greengard and Strain [4] and applied to potential %elds computations. The basic idea is to exploit the fact that all calculations are required only up to a
certain accuracy. In this framework the sources and targets of potential %elds were clustered using suitable data structures, and the sums were replaced by smaller summations that are equivalent to a given level of precision. To evaluate sums of the form N sj − ti 2 S(ti ) = ; i = 1; : : : ; M; fj exp −
j=1 where {sj }j=1; :::; N are the centers of the Gaussians known as sources and {ti }i=1; :::; M the targets. The following shifting identity and expansion in terms of Hermite series are used −(t − s0 − (s − s0 ))2 −(t − s)2 = exp exp
2 ∞ −(t − s0 )2 1 = exp
2 n! n=0 ×
s − s n 0
t − s 0
; (3)
where Hn are the Hermite polynomials. These series converge rapidly, and only few terms are needed for a given precision, so that (3) can be used to replace several sources by s0 with a linear cost at the desired precision. These clustered sources can then be evaluated at the targets. For a large number of targets the Taylor series (4) can similarly be used to group targets together at a cluster center t0 , further reducing the number of computations. t − s 2 −(t − t0 − (s − t0 ))2 exp − = exp
2 ≈
p s − t t − t n 1 0 0 ; hn n!
where the Hermite functions hn (t) are de%ned by hn (t) = 2 e−t Hn (t). The method was shown to converge asymptotically to a linear behavior as the number of sources and targets increases. Implementation details and analysis can be found in [3,4]. 4. Experiments In our experiments we %rst studied the e2ect of the parameter , that controls the size of the convex region of convergence, on registration results. We also checked the e2ect of uniform sub-sampling with a view to increasing further the speed of our algorithm. We used the two real data sets shown in Fig. 1. Ground truth registration was obtained by accurate position and orientation instruments. The Gaussian criterion was implemented, with the three 3D moment invariants plus curvature employed as point attributes. For the optimization a quasi-Newton algorithm was used along with, fast Gauss transform evaluation, and convergence was obtained in few iterations. The results of the %rst experiment,
F. Boughorbel et al. / Pattern Recognition 37 (2004) 1567 – 1571
Fig. 1. Gaussian criterion analysis. Data sets used: (a) two 3D scans of a 14-passenger van shown in unregistered and registered positions, (b) two 3D scans of multiple objects and parts. Shown in (c) is the pro%le of the criterion for one translation parameter for the ‘Van’ data set. The plots in (d) summarize the evolution of the registration error for the two data sets as increases. The e2ect of uniform sampling for both data sets is displayed in (e).
performed on both the ‘Van’ and ‘Parts’ datasets, are shown in Fig. 1(d). These plots show that the registration accuracy %rst degrades rapidly up to a value of roughly equal to the length of the objects then deteriorates at a much slower rate. Between one and two times the objects length the average translational registration error is around 12% for the ‘Parts’ data set and 17% for the ‘Van’. The rotation error, in the same region, is 7◦ and 13◦ for the ‘Parts’ and ‘Van’ datasets,
respectively. For smaller values of (less than one length) the registration error becomes very small. Based on this behavior, we can design an algorithm that starts from unknown initial pose with a large then decreases the value of this parameter until accurate transformations are obtained. The results of the second experiment are summarized in the plots of Fig. 1(e), showing that the Gaussian energy function is robust to sub-sampling. The registration error
F. Boughorbel et al. / Pattern Recognition 37 (2004) 1567 – 1571
remains very low until we reach a number of points of less than 1% of the original one (we have around 70 000 points for the ‘Parts’ data set and 35 000 points for the ‘Van’ data set). This also, in addition to the fast Gauss transform, permits fast and e9cient implementations. 5. Conclusion In this paper we introduced a new criterion, based on Gaussian %elds for automatic registration of point-sets. By employing a single energy function that allows for arbitrary initialization of the pose parameters, the method overcomes the current two-stage approach: initialization using feature extraction and matching techniques and re%nement using ICP-based algorithms. In addition, linear computational complexity is ensured by using the recent numerical technique known as the fast Gauss transform. Experimental analysis, performed on real noisy data sets, demonstrate the usefulness of the method for real-world applications. Beyond 3D rigid registration, the Gaussian energy approach can be used for the non-rigid case as well, a task that we are currently investigating. 6. Summary The registration of range maps, and in general of 3D free form surfaces, is an important task in many computer vision applications, including scene modeling and object recognition. For volumetric data sets, several similarity measures were employed to align multi-modal and single-modality data sets, which are mostly based on correlating intensity values. In this paper we address the problem of rigid registration at the point level, the main contribution being the design of a point-sets registration criterion which is di2erentiable and convex in a large neighborhood of the aligned position. This work was motivated by some limitations of standard techniques, and in particular the Iterative Closest Point algorithm (ICP). For instance, the non-di2erentiable cost function associated with ICP imposed a locally convergent scheme that requires close initialization. In real applications
the preliminary point-feature extraction and matching step is necessary before proceeding with the ICP re%nement step. In this paper we use a straightforward criterion consisting of a Gaussian mixture depending on distances and point attributes, such as local moment invariants computed from the data sets. We show that this criterion can be used for accurate registration, while at the same time extending the region of convergence so that we do not need close initialization. This approach easily ensures convexity in the neighborhood of the solution, as well as continuous di2erentiability, allowing for the use of a wide range of well proven optimization techniques. More importantly, the criterion can be evaluated, with linear complexity, using the recent numerical technique known as the fast Gauss transform, making it computationally less expensive than current registration algorithms. Acknowledgements This work was supported by the DOE University Research Program in Robotics under grant DOE-DE-FG0286NE37968, by the DOD/TACOM/NAC/ARC Program, R01-1344-18, and by FAA/NSSA Program, R01-1344-48/49. References [1] S. Rusinkiewics, M. Levoy, E9cient variants of the ICP algorithm, Proceedings of 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001, pp. 145–152. [2] R. Campbell, P. Flynn, A survey of free-form object representation and recognition techniques, Comput. Vis. Image Understand. 81 (2) (2001) 166–210. [3] A. Elgammal, R. Duraiswami, L. Davis, E9cient kernel density estimation using the fast Gauss transform with applications to color modeling and tracking, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 25 (11) (2003) 1499–1504. [4] L. Greengard, J. Strain, The fast Gauss transform, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 12 (1991) 79–94. [5] G.C. Sharp, S.W. Lee, D.K. Wehe, ICP registration using invariant features, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 24 (1) (2002) 90–102.
About the Author—FAYSAL BOUGHORBEL received his B.S. and M.S. degrees from The National School of Engineers of Tunis, Tunisia, in 1997 and 1999, respectively, both in Electrical Engineering. He has also worked as a visiting research scholar with the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and serves as a research assistant in the Imaging, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems Laboratory. His research interests include computer vision, image processing and pattern recognition. About the Author—ANDREAS KOSCHAN received his Diploma (M.S.) in Computer Science and his Doktor-Ing. (Ph.D.) in Computer Engineering from Technical University Berlin, Germany in 1985 and 1991, respectively. Currently he is a Research Associate Professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His work has primarily focused on color image processing and 3D computer vision including stereo vision and laser range %nding techniques. He is a coauthor of two textbooks on 3D image processing and he is a member of IS&T and IEEE. About the Author—DR. BESMA R. ABIDI, Research Assistant Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She obtained her Ph.D. from The University of Tennessee in 1995, her Master’s degree from the
F. Boughorbel et al. / Pattern Recognition 37 (2004) 1567 – 1571
National Engineering School of Tunis, Tunisia in 1986, and the Principal Engineer Diploma in Electrical Engineering, with honors, from the same school in 1985. Her general areas of research are 2D and 3D intelligent computer vision, sensor positioning and geometry, and scene modeling. About the Author—MONGI ABIDI, Professor and Associate Department Head in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, directs activities in the Imaging, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems Laboratory. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at The University of Tennessee in 1987, M.S. in Electrical Engineering at The University of Tennessee in 1985, and Principal Engineer in Electrical Engineering at the National Engineering School of Tunis, Tunisia in 1981. Dr. Abidi conducts research in the %eld of 3D imaging, speci%cally in the areas of scene building, scene description, and data visualization.