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Kate Brian. Jessica Brody. Susane Colasanti. Andrea Cremer. Matt de la Peña. Lauren DeStefano. Kevin Emerson. Andrew Fukuda. Margaret Peterson Haddix.
Gazette Spring 2013 1 Fairport Village Landing Fairport, NY 14450 585-223-9091

Volume 27, number 2

TBF 2013! What are you doing Saturday, May 18, 2013? 34 authors who write for teens are coming to our area to spend the day with you!

VOTE Annual Library Budget and Trustee Election Tuesday, May 21st 7:00am – 9:00pm Johanna Perrin Middle School gymnasium Copies of the Budget Proposal and Petitions for the Trustee election are available in the library and on our webpage at

TBF: The 8th Annual Greater Rochester Teen Book Festival 8:45am - 5:00pm Shults Center, Nazareth College Meet all these authors: Gennifer Albin Tom Angleberger Charles Benoit Coe Booth Alexandra Bracken Kate Brian Jessica Brody Susane Colasanti Andrea Cremer Matt de la Peña Lauren DeStefano Kevin Emerson Andrew Fukuda Margaret Peterson Haddix Faith Erin Hicks with Prudence Shen Ellen Hopkins

Amy Ignatow Stacey Kade Dan Krokos Robin LaFevers David Levithan Lisa McMann Marissa Meyer Megan Miranda Mary Pearson Mark Shulman Jennifer E. Smith Margaret Stohl Laurie Faria Stolarz Stephanie Kate Strohm Terry Trueman Sara Zarr

Special Appearance by Michael Morpurgo, Author of War Horse Visit for more information.

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Gazette Spring 2013

Just a Sample of Upcoming Programs— Something for Everyone

Brown Bag Book Review

April 10 April 10 April 10 April 13 April 15 April 17 April 18 April 26/29 April 29 May 6 June 7/14 June 25

Wednesday, June 12th 12noon—1pm

2013 GAZEBO CONCERTS June 6 Perinton Concert Band June 13 Genesee Valley Orchestra & Chorus June 20 New Horizons June 27 8 Days A Week July 11 The Swooners July 18 Smugtown Stompers July 25 Brockport Community Big Band Aug 1 Hip Replacement August 9 Fairport Fire Department Band Summer concerts are in the park next to the Fairport Village Landing All performances are on Thursdays, from 7:00 8:00pm. Seating is limited and we encourage you to bring your own lawn chair. In case of rain, concerts will be canceled.

9:30am 2:00pm 6:00pm 1:00pm 6:30pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 9:30am 6:30pm 10:00am 9:30am 10:30am

Toddler Dance Party Library e-Books 101 Earring Trio Children’s Film Festival Beat the Crowd: Highlight/Resume... Lego Club Library e-Books 101 AARP Safe Driving Managing a Career Fair for Success Sing, Sign & Play AARP Safe Driving Charlie & Checkers Magic Show

All programs require registration. Please visit for a complete listing of available programs.

Library Budget At its March meeting, the Library Board adopted the 2013-2014 budget in compliance with the New York State Property Tax Cap legislation. A copy of the proposed budget, a copy of the library budget presentation, and an explanation of the NYS property tax cap calculations are available on the website at

On the Web 

The library’s website is getting a makeover. Watch for a new design with new features later this spring.

Downloading e-books and e-audiobooks just got a little easier with Overdrive—that website had a makeover too!

Search through years of Fairport/Perinton history from microfilmed newspapers that have been digitized:

Working at the Library Fairport Public Library has a variety of staff positions and some of our most dedicated and hardworking employees are the high school pages. The library hires 15 and 16 year old students, hoping that they will work for two years before moving on to college. The library can be a great place to work about 10 hours during the week: afternoons, evenings and weekends, all year round. Applications are available at our Information desk or on the Internet at The interviewing begins in May and usually 6—8 students are hired from a huge pool of 50-60 applications. New pages will begin training around July 1st, learning how to sort and shelve carts of library materials before beginning computer training at the Check-out Desk. Any questions about this process can be answered by Mrs. Kelly at 223-9091.

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Gazette Spring 2013


A Walk Back in Time with Bill Poray, Town Historian North & South of Main Street Lift Bridge Monday, June 10, 17, or 24 Meet at Gazebo at 7:00pm. Registration is required and begins 4 weeks before each walk. Please call 223-9091 for more information.

Just For Kids

Just for Teens Book Group Discussion Dates April 17 2:00pm Death Comes to Pemberley

Just for Adults Summer Teen Volunteer sign-up begins Tuesday, May 28th If you are going into 7th grade or older, visit the library to sign up in person to help with the summer reading programs. We have limited slots for volunteers so please sign up early. Then choose a time to attend one mandatory training session: 6/17 at 6:30pm OR 6/18 at 3:30pm.

April 22 7:00pm Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time May TBA 6:30pm Combined Groups and Potluck Dinner June 4 7:00pm Mennonite in a Little Black Dress June 19 2:00pm June 24 7:00pm Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand

1 Fairport Village Landing Fairport, NY 14450 585-223-9091 Mon—Thu 9am—9pm Fri 9am—6pm Sat 9am—5pm Sun 2pm—5pm (Oct—Apr)

Betsy Gilbert, Library Director Lin Macholz, Asst. Director Tori Reilly, Asst. Director & Gazette Editor

Friends of Fairport Public Library 43rd Annual Book Sale Details have not been finalized for donations and sale location. Watch for more information in all the usual places: in the library, newspapers, & websites.

Non Profit Org U.S Postage PAID Permit No. 973 Rochester, NY

Tuesday Travelogues Fourth Tuesday at 1:00pm 4/23 Mountains & Lakes of Adirondacks 6/25 Alaska 7/23 Ecuador 8/27 Coast 2 Coast: A Walk Across England 9/24 Maine


Library Board of Trustees Mark Haefele (P) Bethanne M. White (VP) Jim Donahue Beth Puckett Suzanne Stockman Library Board meetings are open to the public and are held the second Tuesday of each month, at 7:00pm in the Elma Gaffney Meeting Room. The Board President may be contacted by email at

The Children’s Room Staff is looking for donations to use for summer reading prizes. Please bring clean, gently used toys to the Children’s Room by June 22nd. We would be happy to provide a receipt for tax purposes. If you have any questions, call Robin or Amy at 223-9091.

The Library will be closed the following dates: Memorial Day Weekend, May 25-27 Canal Days, June 1 Independence Day, July 4