Jun 14, 2018 - GBGI Limited (LSE: GBGI) is incorporated in Guernsey and listed on the London Stock Exchange AIM market.
GBG updates privacy policy to better protect customer data FOOTHILL RANCH, California, USA (14 JUN 2018) – At Global Benefits Group, we are constantly working to improve our products, services, and processes. This includes how we transmit, secure, and process personal and sensitive personal information. In light of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that comes into effect 25 May 2018 we would like to provide you with certain information about how we process personal information. Personal information, including sensitive personal information, known as “special category” data under the GDPR (e.g. medical history) is required to run our business; from evaluating an application for insurance coverage, reviewing a medical pre-authorization of benefits, to processing a claim for benefits. Personal information is collected in a lawful manner and Global Benefits Group will rely upon obtaining the consent of the individual to process such data when required by law. Global Benefits Group values the privacy of all individuals with whom we do business and is committed to the responsible handling of personal information. We have updated our privacy policy to reflect the types of personal information we collect, how we collect that information, and how we use it and share it. We encourage you to read our updated Privacy Policy that is available at: https://www.gbg.com/#/AboutGBG/PrivacyPolicy. In the interim, do not hesitate to contact us at
[email protected].
ABOUT US GBG is a leading integrated provider of international benefits insurance, operating globally across more than 120 jurisdictions. GBG distributes and underwrites health, life and disability, and travel insurance, with a client base that spans multinational corporations, expatriates, local high net-worth individuals, international schools, non-profit organizations and international students. GBG is a fully integrated insurance group providing services from policy sales to claims administration and servicing, and is committed to delivering high levels of customer service. Parent company GBGI Limited (LSE: GBGI) is incorporated in Guernsey and listed on the London Stock Exchange AIM market. GBG Insurance Limited is rated B++ (Good) by A.M. Best. GBG has offices in Southern California (Administrative Office); Belgrade, Serbia; Hyderabad, India; Jakarta, Indonesia; Johannesburg, South Africa; London, England; Manila, Philippines; Miami, Florida, USA; Shanghai, China; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; and Vienna, Austria. In addition, GBG has local field representation in Ethiopia, South Korea, Denmark, Singapore, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates.
GBG | 27422 Portola Parkway, Suite 110 | Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 USA | +1.949.470.2100 | www.gbg.com
For Global Benefits Group, Inc.
The Data Protection Officer:
The Data Protection Officer:
GBG Insurance Limited Level 5, Mill Court, La Charroterie St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1EJ
[email protected]
Global Benefits Group, Inc. 27422 Portola Parkway, Suite 110 Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 USA
[email protected]
For Global Benefits Group (UK) Limited
For Global Benefits Europe B.V.
The Data Protection Officer:
The Data Protection Officer:
Global Benefits Group (UK) Limited 32 Threadneedle Street, Suite 308, London EC2R 8AY, United Kingdom
[email protected]
Global Benefits Europe B.V. Penningkruid 20, 3984 BK Odijk Netherlands
[email protected]
For Global Benefits Group Gesellschaft m.b.H.
All other GBG Group companies
The Data Protection Officer:
To contact the Data Protection Officer for any of the other companies in the GBG Group, please email
[email protected]
Global Benefits Group Gesellschaft m.b.H. Fillgradergasse 7/8, 1060, Vienna, Austria
[email protected]
On the web: www.gbg.com
GBG | 27422 Portola Parkway, Suite 110 | Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 USA | +1.949.470.2100 | www.gbg.com