gender commitments fact sheet - Open Government Partnership [PDF]

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Jul 13, 2018 - Bojonegoro developed the Dasa Wisma open data application to address the absence of basic social, economic, and demographic data ...
GENDER COMMITMENTS FACT SHEET Through the new Feminist Open Government initiative in partnership with the Government of Canada, OGP seeks to encourage participating countries to adopt more gender commitments and to consider gender throughout the co-creation and implementation process. Doing so will ensure that women and girls are part of the action plan process from start to finish. Current OGP gender commitments cover a variety of thematic and strategic objectives. In particular, they focus on increasing women’s political participation and mechanisms through which citizens can hold governments accountable for the treatment and status of women and girls.

Numbers at a Glance

23 OGP members have included gender commitments in their action plans to date.

42 Gender Commitments made 25

Currently being implemented

13 Commitments assessed by the IRM. 1 Has transformative potential impact 1 Starred 1 Has shown significant early

results in increasing government transparency, citizen participation, or public accountability1

How many OGP participants are doing gender? Gender is a prominent topic in the open governance community, yet only a fifth of OGP participants are doing Gender commitments.

What’s the state of gender commitments at OGP?

• Notably few OGP commitments pertain specifically to gender. Those that do have below-average completion rates and often lack ambition.

• More than half of all gender-specific commitments since 2011 were made in action plans submitted in 2016 and 2017, indicating an uptick in this thematic area.

As of June 2018. Since delays can occur between Action Plan submission, IRM report releases, and when data are updated in OGP databases, data may not reflect the most up to date information for every country/local entity. 1

Scored Major or Outstanding on the Independent Report Mechanism’s (IRM) Did It Open Government metric. 1

• OGP’s Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) assesses commitments for whether they are verifiable, use open government (relevant), would create change on the ground, and are on their way to credible completion (We call these “starred commitments”.) Based on these criteria, Ireland’s commitment to hold a referendum on same-sex marriage was the only starred reform (out of 12) in this thematic area.

What does it all mean?

• Countries should consider opportunities to integrate a gender focus when designing commitments. There is untapped potential for cross-pollination between gender-specific reforms and others that could easily take on a gender angle. For example, countries should consider commitments on gender budgeting for specific programs or public services (such as health services) or create systems for gender-disaggregated data (such as gender disaggregated procurement data).

• Countries should involve agencies and ministries working on gender-related issues and stakeholders with expertise on analyzing issues with a gender-lens in commitment design and implementation.

• Countries should engage in further research to identify how many of their commitments are (1) gender-specific or explicitly gender-sensitized; (2) which commitments have differential gender impacts and how these impacts might be mitigated and; (3) which commitments are in fact, gender-neutral.

Notable Commitments Brazil: Tackling violence against women Brazil developed a unified information system for data on violence against women based on the 2006 Maria da Penha Law on Domestic and Family Violence. This led to the launch of the “Woman, to Live without Violence” program, which used the Dial 180 system to route complaints about domestic violence to the public-security authorities and inform the public prosecutor’s office in each state.

Bojonegoro: Establishing a women-led open data platform Bojonegoro developed the Dasa Wisma open data application to address the absence of basic social, economic, and demographic data available to support local public services and development programs. The application builds on a women-led community movement to collect village-level demographic and service data. For every ten households in a village, a trained woman civilian administrator enters data into the data application which CSO partners will publish on Indonesia’s national data portal. These datasets will encompass a wide range of previously uncollected information, and will be available through the Dasa Wisma website in reusable, open formats to better inform government service delivery and policy making.



OGP Members with Gender Commitments KEY: Year One Year Two


11 5 Norway

Guatemala Jordan Macedonia Montenegro Norway





Brazil Guatemala Jordan Macedonia Montenegro


Ireland Macedonia Brazil

Colombia Malta Ireland Macedonia

Jalisco, Mexico Buenos Aires, Argentina El Salvador Côte d’Ivoire Mexico Paraguay Sierra Leone Sri Lanka Uruguay Colombia Malta






Afghanistan Argentina Colombia Costa Rica Germany Spain Jalisco, Mexico Buenos Aires, Argentina El Salvador Côte d’Ivoire Mexico Paraguay Sierra Leone Sri Lanka Uruguay