When you be ready, you will pass to the. Dohyo area and when the referee gives the signal both competitors must put thei
“INTERNATIONAL ROBOT‐SUMO TOURNAMENT 2016” (AUTONOMOUS & RC) 1.‐ Before going to the Dohyo, you must do all the modifications of your robot in a corner that will be indicated, so you can do all the necessary settings. For example: connecting the batteries, check it’s working, change programming, etc. When you be ready, you will pass to the Dohyo area and when the referee gives the signal both competitors must put their robot, once the robot is at the Dohyo, the robot CAN'T BE TOUCHED, nor to change programming, etc. If you forget something and you need to change something. You can ask for time off, but that counts as a penalty. (2 penalties is a point for the opponent)
All settings must be done here: power on, check, change programming, adjust, etc.
During the match in the Dohyo area,
Maintenance It’s not allowed, for example: Changing batteries or parts in the Dohyo area.
AUTONOMOUS 2.‐ This year it's mandatory to operate your robot with a control: to start and stop your robot. IT’S NOT ALLOWED TO DO IT MANUALLY.
ロボット相撲大会 3.‐ Once the referee gives the signal to start; The robot must start after 5 seconds, otherwise, it will count a penalty.
ロボット相撲大会 (AUTONOMOUS & RC) 4.‐ All participants must have their own glasses and their safety gloves, they can’t be lend between participants. DURING THE BATTLES, THE USE OF BOTH WILL BE OBLIGATORY. The robot can be operated without gloves if the player desires it.
* There are missing the safety glasses from both competitors.
* Operate the robot without gloves for comfort; it’s allowed.
* All that implies touching the robot; the gloves are mandatory use.
AUTONOMOUS 5.‐ To stop your robot, you must do it below the platform, it’s not allowed to climb to turn off your robot if someone goes to the platform will count as a penalty.
(AUTÓNOMOUS & RC) 6.‐ During the match in the Dohyo area, the changes of batteries, blades, etc. are not allowed. They can be changed by finishing all the rounds and once your team is in the work area (PIT).