Science degree in Man-Computer Systems from DeMontfort University (UK), and a ... Michael Condry received his PhD in 1980 from Yale University in Computer .... economically scalable big computation and big storage, (2) Accelerated pace of ... from the influences required to create digital ecosystems online via social.
2013 7th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (DEST)
General Chairs and Keynote Speakers General Chairs PROFESSOR ACHIM P. KARDUCK Furtwangen University, Germany Achim P. Karduck is a Professor for Telematics and Software Architecture at Furtwangen University, Germany. His research activities are in the area of Collaborative Systems, Digital Ecosystems, Innovation Adoption Strategies, and SEED (Social, Economic, and Environmental Development). Often, the research is being done in conjunction with industrial partners and international research centers (such as Daimler Research, SAP Research, Singapore Internet Research Center). He has lectured and researched internationally at TongjiUniversity Shanghai (China), Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil), and the Grand Ecole EMAC (Albi, France). In 2009, Achim P. Karduck has been appointed Adjunct Professor at Curtin University of Technology (Perth, Australia). He has strongly involved in the of IEEE DEST (International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies) conference series. In 2013, he serves as General Co-Chair of IEEE DEST 2013 in Palo Alto (USA), for DEST 2011 in Campione (Italy) and DEST 2010 in Dubai (UAE), and as Co-Chair for the newly introduced Innovation Adoption Forum with SAP. Achim P. Karduck holds a Diplom degree in Computer Science (comparable to B.Sc. Hons.) from Furtwangen University (Germany), a Master of Science degree in Man-Computer Systems from DeMontfort University (UK), and a Ph.D. in Telematics from Freiburg University (Germany). Before his University career, he headed the Innovation Department for New IS of Swiss Bank Corporation in Basel, Switzerland. Subsequently, he was appointed head of UBS Private Banking New Technologies US in New York, USA.
DR. MICHAEL W. CONDRY Intel Senior Security Technologies Strategist San Jose, USA Michael Condry received his PhD in 1980 from Yale University in Computer Science, then taught operating systems and compilers at Princeton University for 3 years. Michael moved to (then part of AT&T) Microprocessor group and worked on several Unix projects, both research and development, including real-time UNIX and 3 releases of UNIX/VME. After this he headed a research group in UNIX Systems Administration at Bell Labs. Michael then moved on to the Computer Science faculty at the University of Illinois where he directed a strategic research team to study impacts of extremely fast networks on applications and their operational environments. 978-1-4799-0786-1/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE
Michael, then in 1992 moved to Sun Microsystems heading up Open Systems Architecture and Standards group. This work started as technology to for software development processes to develop software architectures within Sun consistently. His responsibilities later expanded to include Solaris standards. He served as Sun’s Board of Directors representative to The Open Group and he represented Sun on ANSI CMCEC board. Michael headed up the standards Internet effort and chaired the group to define a new web proxy technology that allows for services to be created “at the edge” of the Interent. This architecture is one of the new technologies to support content management on the Web. Michael moved to Intel. He started in Intel Labs as the Director of Content Delivery Systems Research focusing on the new ways the Internet is evolving and what products can be created to support this evolution. After a few other roles with networking products Michael moved to the main line product area, namely client chips their architecture, customer needs, with a focus on security technologies particularly with firmware. Now Michael leads the Security Enablement Technologies for Intel Client Security capabilities. Michael is senior member the IEEE and he is a Senior member on the Industrial Electronics Society (IES) Administration Committee. Michael created and runs the Industry Forum ( for IES a program to bridge between industry and research in the IEEE. He also is on the IEEE CCP that makes policy recommendations to congress. He co-chairs the standards committee and previously was IES board member for the IEEE Technology Management Council.
JOSEPHINE CHENG IBM Software Group's Silicon Valley Laboratory San Jose, California, USA Josephine M. Cheng (IBM Software Group's Silicon Valley Laboratory, San Jose, Calif.) has been at the forefront of relational database technology for over 20 years. In her current role as the Vice President for IBM China Development Laboratories, Josephine runs the China Software Development Laboratory (CSDL), the xSeries Taiwan Development Center (xTDC), and the Lab Services centres located in three major cities: Beijing, Shanghai and Taipei, with a combined total of over 2000 employees. The CSDL develops products for the 5 software brands (Rational, Tivoli, Websphere, Lotus, and DB2) together with other IBM laboratories located worldwide. The xTDC develops high volume xSeries solutions together with the renowned Raleigh Laboratory in the States. The Lab Services provides technical services and solutions for both software and hardware to IBM customers. She was also principally responsible for developing IBM's database technology to the Web, allowing people to access huge amounts of data via the Internet that was previously accessible only through proprietary systems. Her teams have produced such landmark database technologies and products as: DB2 World-Wide Web and its follow-on, Net.Data, which provide Web access to corporate databases; XML Extender for DB2, which permits popular XML-formatted data to be integrated into DB2; and DB2 Everyplace, a tiny, totally self-managing database system that extends the power of DB2 to convenient pervasive computing devices such as handheld computers and cellular phones. She has been inducted into the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) on Feb.2006, for sustained leadership and contributions to relational database technology and its pervasive applications to a wide range of digital operational systems. She has been awarded 25 patents for her inventions. Born in Vietnam and raised in Hong Kong, Cheng was educated at UCLA (B.S., 1975, Mathematics and Computer Science; M.S., 1977, Computer Science). She is a resident of San Jose, California, but currently based in Beijing, China. 978-1-4799-0786-1/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE
Distinguished International Keynote Speakers
PROFESSOR LOTFI A. ZADEH BISC – The Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing Berkeley University
Keynote Speech: Z-numbers—A New Direction in the Analysis of Uncertain and Complex Systems Lotfi A. Zadeh joined the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, in 1959, and served as its chairman from 1963 to 1968. Earlier, he was a member of the electrical engineering faculty at Columbia University. In 1956, he was a visiting member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey. In addition, he held a number of other visiting appointments, among them a visiting professorship in Electrical Engineering at MIT in 1962 and 1968; a visiting scientist appointment at IBM Research Laboratory, San Jose, CA, in 1968, 1973, and 1977; and visiting scholar appointments at the AI Center, SRI International, in 1981, and at the Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University, in 1987-1988. Currently he is a Professor in the Graduate School, and is serving as the Director of BISC (Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing). Until 1965, Dr. Zadeh's work had been centered on system theory and decision analysis. His 1965 paper on fuzzy sets has received over 26,000 Google Scholar citations and is by far the highest cited paper in Information and Control. Since 1965, his research interests have shifted to the theory of fuzzy sets and its applications to artificial intelligence, linguistics, logic, decision analysis, control theory, expert systems and neural networks. Currently, his research is focused on fuzzy logic, soft computing, computing with words, and the newly developed computational theory of perceptions and precisiated natural language. Dr. Zadeh is a recipient of twenty-four honorary doctorates from: Paul-Sabatier University, Toulouse, France; State University of New York, Binghamton, NY; University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany; University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain; University of Granada, Granada, Spain; Lakehead University, Canada; University of Louisville, KY; State Oil Academy of Azerbaijan; Baku State University, Azerbaijan; the Silesian Technical University, Gliwice, Poland; the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada; the University of Ostrava, the Czech Republic; the University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL; the University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany; the University of Paris(6), Paris, France; Jahannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria; University of Waterloo, Canada; the University of Aurel Vlaicu, Arad, Romania; Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland; Muroran Institute of Technology, Muroran, Japan; Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China; Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India; University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada; the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain and Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Short CV:
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PROFESSOR THARAM DILLON La Trobe University Melbourne, Australia
Keynote Speech: Human Space Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems Professor Tharam Dillon is internationally recognized for his research on Semantic Web, Web services, knowledge discovery, and data mining, neural networks, intelligent systems, object-oriented systems, communications, fault tolerant systems, and distributed protocol engineering. He is head of the IFIP International Task Force WG2.12/24 on Semantic Web and Web Semantics, and the IEEE/IES Technical Committee on Industrial Informatics. He has published 12 books, 650 research papers as book chapters, in journals, and in international conferences. His research has received over 7,500 citations with a Hurst index of 39 (Google scholar), and over 55 PhD theses completion. Research interests includes: Cyber Physical Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks, Semantic Web, Ontologies, XML Systems, Bioinformatics, Expert and Intelligent systems, Data Mining, etc. His research has made significant contributions to a number of application areas including logistics, banking and finance, electrical power systems, telecommunications and management. Abstract: Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) involve the connections of real world objects into networked information systems including the web. It utilises the framework and architecture for such CPS systems based on the Web of Things previously developed by the authors. There is an increasing tendency to integrate these CPS Systems with Cloud Computing to produce the Cloud of Things or a CPS Cloud Ecosystem.
PROFESSOR ERNESTO DAMIANI Computer Science Department, Università degli Studi di Milano Italy
Keynote Speech: Digital Ecosystems - The Resources for Future Humanity and Society Professor Ernesto Damiani is a full professor at the department of information technology of the University of Milan, Italy. He has held visiting positions at several international institutions, including George Mason University (USA), and is an adjunct professor at Curtin University, (Australia). Prof. Damiani coordinates several research projects funded by the Italian ministry of research, the European commission and by a number of private companies including CISCO, ST Microelectronics, Siemens Mobile and BT. His research interests include knowledge extraction and metadata design, advanced software architectures and soft computing. On these topics he has filed international patents and published more than 200 refereed papers in international journals and conferences. Ernesto Damiani is the vice-chair of the IFIP WG on web semantics (wg 2.12) and the secretary of the IFIP WG on open source systems (wg 2.13). In 2000, he was the recipient of ACM SIGAPP outstanding service award. 978-1-4799-0786-1/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE
Keynote Speech: Massive Data Analytics for Smart Planet Hamid Pirahesh, Ph.D., is an IBM fellow, ACM Fellow, and a senior manager responsible for the exploratory database department at IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California. He also has direct responsibilities in various aspects of IBM information management products and is a member of IBM SWG architecture board. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California at Los Angeles in the area of database systems. Pirahesh is a member of IBM Academy. He has served as an associate editor of ACM Computing Surveys and has served on program committee of major computer conferences. Hamid is a winner of several test of time award papers in major information management conferences. Hamid's current focus is analytics at the massive scale on highly scalable servers, and is heavily involved IBM BigInsights product. Hamid was a principle member of the original team that designed the query processing architecture of the IBM DB2 UDB relational DBMS and delivered the product to the marketplace. He has made major contributions to query language industry standards. His research areas include cloud computing, OLAP and aggregate data management, query optimization, data warehousing, Service Oriented Architecture, management of semi-structured and unstructured data, Information integration in web based federated and distributed systems. He also serves as a consultant to various IBM product divisions, including the software division and IBM Global Services. Abstract: Information technology is going through a fundamental change, influenced primarily by (1) economically scalable big computation and big storage, (2) Accelerated pace of analytics around semistructured and unstructured data in the context of semantically rich data objects in the main stream data processing, (3) Much increased human interaction with the cloud due to the use of GPS enabled smart phones, and its application in our daily lives, including location based service, social networking, and smart phone based retail, (4) Cloud Computing, (5) Emergence of cognitive Systems, such as IBM Watson, which are mainly taught not programmed. Continuous arrival of huge amount of data (10's, 100's and even 1000 TB per day) from numerous sources requires continuous discovery of information. Applications such as healthcare analytics, genomic, and climate optimized agriculture are getting national level attention. There is a major shift in investing in smarter planet applications, such as those associated with instrumented cities, green initiatives, and smart power grids. Many of these applications play a significant role in major economies around the world.
PROFESSOR CHRISTIAN WAGNER City University Hong Kong School of Creative Media / Information Systems
Keynote Speech: Social Media for Sustained Digital Ecosystems Christian Wagner is Professor of Information Systems at City University's Information Systems Department. He received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of British Columbia in 1989. Thereafter he spent seven years as a faculty member at the University of Southern California, before joining City University in January 1996. Wagner specializes in the development and study of decision support systems, creativity support, and knowledge management with wikis and weblogs. 978-1-4799-0786-1/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE
He is Professor Associate Provost (Quality Assurance) of City University Hong Kong, and Associate Dean of the School of Creative Media. Abstract: Virtual communities operate as dispersed groups that communicate and collaborate using social media. Not surprisingly, their operational characteristics are similar in many ways to those of regular ecosystems. Similarities range from the influences required to create digital ecosystems online via social media, to the roles of different ecosystem participants, the exchange of benefits between participants, and the overall outcomes. This talk explores these important similarities between online communities and ecosystems. It also identifies the important differences between these digital ecosystems and their counterparts in the real world. Through this exploration, we will encounter some social media based ecosystem idiosyncracies, such as “if you build it they won’t come”, or “biggest fish first”. In recognizing these differences the presentation will draw conclusions on the benefits of using the digital ecosystem perspective for the understanding of social media based systems.
DR. ROBERTO PIERACCINI International Computer Science Institute and UC Berkeley USA
Keynote Speech: New Era of Civilization, Technology Understand Human and Human Roberto Pieraccini joined ICSI as its chief executive officer in January 2012. Prior to that, he was the chief technology officer of SpeechCycle, a research manager at IBM T.J. Watson Research and SpeechWorks International, and a member of the technical staff at Bell Labs and AT&T Shannon Laboratories. He started his career in the 1980s as a researcher at CSELT, the research laboratories of the Italian telephone company. His research interests range from speech recognition to spoken language understanding and dialog, multimodal interaction, and machine learning. He is best known for his original contributions to statistical methods for spoken language understanding and machine learning for spoken dialog systems. He is a fellow of the IEEE and International Speech Communication Association, a member of the Applied Voice Input Output Society board, and on the editorial boards of several scientific and technology magazines. His book, The Voice in the Machine, was released in March 2012 by MIT Press.
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O. SINAN TUMER Senior Director SAP Co-Innovation Lab Princeton, USA
Keynote Speech: SAP Co-Innovation, Envision the Future, Crossroots Innovation Sinan Tumer is the Senior Director of SAP Co-Innovation Lab in the East Coast region of USA. He is responsible for establishing an open innovation process by harnessing SAP’s partner ecosystem to deliver innovative business solutions to SAP’s customers. Previously he was responsible for managing international research policies at SAP Research with special emphasis on innovation deployment and adoption programs of the US Federal Government and the European Commission like pre-commercial public procurement, technology procurement and pre-competitive R&D for commercialization. As the Director of Operations at SAP Research, he was responsible for operations of SAP Research centers around the globe. Sinan joined SAP in 1991 at SAP America in Philadelphia. Before transferring to SAP’s global research senior management team in 2000, he held various management positions at SAP America as the Consulting Director of the North East region and as the Software Partner Alliance Director. Prior to his career at SAP, he had held various IT management positions, eight years as Systems Integration consulting at Andersen Consulting and Price Waterhouse, as well as Information Systems management positions at leading consumer products companies for six years. Sinan is serving on the Foundation Board of German Center for Research & Innovation as the CoPresident in NY USA. He is an Advisory Board member of the BILAT USA consortium funded by the European Commission promoting US-EU Transatlantic innovation cooperation. He is also a member of the International Advisory Board and Co-Chair of the Innovation Adoption Forum of IEEE DEST (Digital Ecosystems) Series. Sinan holds Master degree in Systems Engineering and Master of Science degree in Computer Sciences, both from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia USA.
Abstract: In today’s fast pace global economy, the eco-system for innovation will extend well beyond conventional, technological concepts of IT infrastructure. It will enable a rapid process from formulation of new ideas, through R&D, to evaluation for commercial viability, market acceptability and commercialization. The formation of Market-driven Research & Innovation Clusters in the IT sector will bring together leading companies applying IT, ISVs, SIs, technology vendors, government research and academic institutions in a network of an innovation eco-system focused on turning inventions much faster into innovations successful in the global market. The concept enables a secure test environment for technical validation and development of “proof of concepts” for innovative business scenarios. The keynote will address the challenges to close the gap between R&D and Go-to-Market and how SAP is forming a collaborative environment to stimulate co-innovation and the development of high-impact business solutions. Such clusters are designed to boost open innovation by ensuring that all relevant stakeholders, including end users and ecosystem partners are closely involved throughout R&D and to the commercialization process of new products and services.
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MICHAEL CAYLEY Founder, Cdling Capital Services Inc. Director, Startup Grind Toronto Sunnyvale, California, USA
Plenary Talk: Game On Innovation! Prediction Markets, Virtual Currencies & Social Scores Applied Michael Cayley is joining Canada’s Crowdfunding team as National VP of Startup Advocacy. With the same motive, Cayley founded Cdling Capital Services Inc. Cdling (pronounced “seedling”) is a ratings agency that measures risk and builds trust in the era of low cost, globally funded startups. Having attracted over US$50-million in investment and closed over $21-million in pre-launch sales for startups in China, the USA and domestically, Michael is living the struggle of the self-funded, pre-revenue Founder in Canada. He understands the pace of global innovation. He founded & funded the Ontario Cross-border Technology Innovation Ecosystem (OCTIE) study and he designed and taught the first, post graduate level, social media course in a full time program in Canada: crowdsourcing over 100 global experts as mentors. Cdling grew out of Michael’s Social Capital Value Add thesis, conceived during his MBA in Paris, linking social media to corporate valuation. SCVA was selected as a finalist amoung 379 entries from 48 countries in Ashoka’s WeMedia: Power of Us competition and was published as a ChangeThis manifesto in 2008. In 2012, Cdling was selected for the Canadian Technology Accelerator Program in Sunnyvale, California, where Cayley connected with the Founders of Startup Grind, the fastest growing startup blog and meetup network emerging out of Silicon Valley. In April, he was appointed Director of Startup Grind Toronto and is leading an innovative series of events to inspire, educate and connect startups.
DANIKA PATRICK Innovation Lead, AT&T Foundry Palo Alto, USA
Plenary Talk: Technology Innovation for Networked Life Daniela Patrick is a “passionate designer with strong skills in collaborative environments, and usercentered design seeking to make innovative impact addressing important human needs.” She holds an M.S. on Product Design –Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University, and an M.S. in Management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. “The AT&T Foundry innovation centers are fast-paced and collaborative environments where AT&T and technology providers team with developers to deliver the latest applications and services into the hands of customers more quickly than ever before. More than just showrooms or test labs, AT&T Foundry facilities are unique spaces, built to foster collaboration. We bring the expertise of AT&T innovators into an environment where we can work 978-1-4799-0786-1/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE
with industry technology experts and developers from all over the world to innovate in new ways. The AT&T Foundry innovation centers represent a $100 million investment from AT&T and sponsors Ericsson, Alcatel-Lucent, Cisco, Amdocs, Intel and Microsoft.” AT&T Foundry Palo Alto (opened 2011) is one of 5 SEVERAL AT&T Foundry innovation centers. The others are located in Plano (Texas, USA, opened 2011), Ra'anana (Israel, opened 2011), and Atlanta (Georgia, USA, opened 2013)
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