GENERAL WRITING RUBRIC Criteria Confident use of language. Shows wide range of structures and vocabulary within the task. Well organized and coherent, uses simple linking devices. Errors are minor and non-impeding. No effort by the reader needed. Fairly ambitious use of language. More than adequate range of structures and vocabulary within the task set. Evidence of organisation and some linking devices. Some errors, generally non-impending. Little effort by the reader is needed. Language is unambitious. Adequate range of structures and vocabulary. Some attempt at organisation; linking of sentences is not always maintained. A number of errors may be present, but are mostly nonimpending. Some effort by the reader is required. Language is simplistic/limited/ repetitive. Inadequate range of structures and vocabulary. Some incoherence; erratic punctuation. Numerous errors sometimes impede communication. Considerable effort by the reader is needed. Restricted command of language. No evidence of range of structures and vocabulary. Seriously incoherent; absence of punctuation. Difficult to understand. Excessive effort by the reader is needed. Language is impossible to understand or totally irrelevant to the task. Score: ________ X 2 = _________
Adapted from PET Practice Tests Practice Tests for the Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) exam by Jenny Quintana