materials Article
Generalized Effective Medium Theory for Particulate Nanocomposite Materials Muhammad Usama Siddiqui and Abul Fazal M. Arif * Mechanical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia;
[email protected] * Correspondence:
[email protected]; Tel.: +966-138602579 Academic Editor: Thomas Fiedler Received: 23 May 2016; Accepted: 29 July 2016; Published: 13 August 2016
Abstract: The thermal conductivity of particulate nanocomposites is strongly dependent on the size, shape, orientation and dispersion uniformity of the inclusions. To correctly estimate the effective thermal conductivity of the nanocomposite, all these factors should be included in the prediction model. In this paper, the formulation of a generalized effective medium theory for the determination of the effective thermal conductivity of particulate nanocomposites with multiple inclusions is presented. The formulated methodology takes into account all the factors mentioned above and can be used to model nanocomposites with multiple inclusions that are randomly oriented or aligned in a particular direction. The effect of inclusion dispersion non-uniformity is modeled using a two-scale approach. The applications of the formulated effective medium theory are demonstrated using previously published experimental and numerical results for several particulate nanocomposites. Keywords: nanocomposite; effective medium theory; thermal conductivity estimation; multiple inclusions; non-uniform dispersion
1. Introduction Typically, the process of heat conduction is treated using the classical Fourier’s law. Although Fourier’s law is widely applied, its application to systems with characteristic lengths comparable to or lower than the mean-free-path of the energy carriers (phonons or electrons) leads to large errors in any or all variables in the system such as the thermal conductivity, temperature and the temperature gradient [1]. Examples of such systems include nanoparticles, nanowires and thin films. The reason for the inapplicability of Fourier’s law for nanostructures is that during heat conduction in such systems, equilibrium conditions are not achieved and therefore, a local temperature gradient is not established. Without a temperature gradient, Fourier’s law is not applicable and thermal conductivity, which relates heat flux to the temperature gradient, has no meaning. However, if one is interested in heat conduction in a domain with a characteristic length much greater than the characteristic length of the nanostructures, Fourier’s law may still be applied using an effective value of thermal conductivity. An example of such a case is a nanocomposite where the domain under consideration is considerably larger than the characteristic length of the nanoparticles. The problem of estimation of the effective thermal conductivity of composite materials has been widely studied. Early works in the area were done by Maxwell [2] and Lord Rayleigh [3] who studied the thermal conductivities of composites with low concentrations of inclusions. Their works were later extended by Hasselman and Johnson [4] and Benveniste [5] who studied the effects of thermal boundary conductance on the effective thermal conductivity of the composite. Bruggeman [6] derived a model for the effective thermal conductivity of a composite when the inclusion concentration was high. His model was later extended by Every and coworkers [7] to include the effect of thermal boundary conductance. Modifications to the model by Every and coworkers to include the effect of particle Materials 2016, 9, 694; doi:10.3390/ma9080694
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shape have also been presented [8]. An effective medium theory (EMT) for the estimation of thermal conductivity of composites with dilute concentrations of inclusions of different shapes was presented by Nan and coworkers [9]. The major drawbacks of the effective medium theory approach discussed above include the limitation of using inclusions of regular shapes, inability to handle non-uniformly dispersed and2016, percolating inclusions and inability to deal with nanocomposites [1]. To overcome the Materials 9, 694 2 of 21 inability to handle percolating networks of inclusions, Prasher and coworkers [10,11] and Evans and include the effect of particle shape have also been presented [8]. An effective medium theory (EMT) coworkers [12] presented a three-level homogenization methodology capable of handling clustering for the estimation of thermal conductivity of composites with dilute concentrations of inclusions of of inclusions. different shapes was presented by Nan and coworkers [9]. The major drawbacks of the effective The application of the models mentioned above nanocomposites can lead significant medium theory approach discussed above include the to limitation of using inclusions of to regular errors shapes, in the predicted effective thermal conductivity. Many times, the addition of nanoparticles inability to handle non-uniformly dispersed and percolating inclusions and inability to deal with nanocomposites overcome the inability to handle which percolating networks of inclusions, in a matrix can result in [1]. an To effective thermal conductivity is significantly lower than the Prasher and coworkers [10,11] and Evans and coworkers [12] presented a three-level homogenization thermal conductivities of both the matrix and the inclusion [13,14]. The use of conventional modeling methodology capable of handling clustering of inclusions. approaches for such composites results in an overestimation of the effective thermal conductivity The application of the models mentioned above to nanocomposites can lead to significant errors even when using very high interface thermal resistance [15,16]. Wu and coworkers [15] used Nan in the predicted effective thermal conductivity. Many times, the addition of nanoparticles in a matrix and coworkers’ to estimate thermal conductivity of aluminum composites can result model in an [17] effective thermal the conductivity which is significantly lower matrix than the thermal with carbon conductivities nanotube (CNT) inclusions andand found the model the resultsmodeling even when the of both the matrix the that inclusion [13,14].over-predicted The use of conventional such composites results in anAhmad overestimation of the effective thermal out conductivity thermalapproaches interface for resistance was set to infinity. and coworkers [16] carried a similar study even when using very highand interface thermal resistance [15,16]. Wu and coworkers [15] used Nan and for alumina–CNT composite arrived at the same conclusion. coworkers’ model [17] to estimate the thermal conductivity of aluminum matrix composites with To reduce the errors in effective medium theory predictions for nanocomposites, a modified carbon nanotube (CNT) inclusions and found that the model over-predicted the results even when effective medium theory was presented by Minnich and Chen [18] for spherical inclusions and was the thermal interface resistance was set to infinity. Ahmad and coworkers [16] carried out a similar extended byforOrdonez-Miranda and and coworkers for spheroidal study alumina–CNT composite arrived at[19] the same conclusion. inclusions. In their approach, modified thermal conductivities of the medium matrix and inclusions are calculated and then used in To reduce the errors in effective theory predictions forfirst nanocomposites, a modified effective medium theory. theory was presented byChen Minnich andthe Chen [18] for spherical inclusions the effective medium Minnich and used modified values of matrixand andwas inclusion extended by Ordonez-Miranda and coworkers [19] for spheroidal inclusions. In their approach, thermal conductivities in Nan and coworkers’ EMT for spherical inclusions and found good agreement modified thermal conductivities of the matrix and inclusions are first calculated and then used in the between the effective thermal conductivities predicted by the modified EMT and Monte Carlo effective medium theory. Minnich and Chen used the modified values of matrix and inclusion simulations. The shortcomings of the modified effective medium theory approach of Minnich and thermal conductivities in Nan and coworkers’ EMT for spherical inclusions and found good Chen and Ordonez-Miranda and thermal coworkers include predicted the inability handleEMT multiple inclusions, agreement between the effective conductivities by thetomodified and Monte randomly inclusions, and non-uniformly inclusions. Other approaches Carlooriented simulations. The shortcomings of the modifieddistributed effective medium theory approach of Minnich used Chen and of Ordonez-Miranda and coworkers include inability to handleinclude multiplethe inclusions, for theand estimation effective thermal conductivity ofthe nanocomposites Monte Carlo randomly oriented inclusions, and non-uniformly distributed inclusions. Other approaches used for[23–27]. simulation method [14,20,21], molecular dynamics [22] and the Boltzmann transport equation the estimation of effective thermal conductivity of nanocomposites include the Monte Carlo The current work shows the formulation of a generalized effective medium theory which simulation method [14,20,21], molecular dynamics [22] and the Boltzmann transport equation [23–27]. can be used to determine the effective thermal conductivity of particulate nanocomposites. The current work shows the formulation of a generalized effective medium theory which can be The proposed effectivethe medium shortcomings in theThe effective medium used to determine effectivetheory thermalovercomes conductivityseveral of particulate nanocomposites. proposed theory effective approaches reported in the literature. These include capabilities to include the effect of multiple medium theory overcomes several shortcomings in the effective medium theory approaches reported in the literature. These include include the or effect multiple nanometer-sized inclusions, the effect ofcapabilities oriented to (randomly at of any anglenanometer-sized relative to heat flow inclusions, the effect of oriented (randomly at any angle and relative heat flow spheroidal, direction) spheroidal, cylindrical or plateletorinclusions thetoeffect of direction) non-uniformly dispersed cylindrical or platelet inclusions and the effect of non-uniformly dispersed inclusions. Figure 1 inclusions. Figure 1 graphically shows the capability of the formulated generalized effective medium graphically shows the capability of the formulated generalized effective medium theory in theory in comparison to those proposed by Minnich and Chen [18] and Ordonez-Miranda and comparison to those proposed by Minnich and Chen [18] and Ordonez-Miranda and coworkers [19]. coworkers [19].The formulation of theeffective generalized effective is presented in Section 2 The formulation of the generalized medium theory ismedium presentedtheory in Section 2 while Section 3 while Section 3 shows the of application of the formulated EMT. shows the application the formulated EMT.
Figure 1.Cont. Cont. Figure 1.
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1. Inclusion geometries and orientation for: for: (a) and Chen [18];[18]; (b) Ordonez-Miranda Figure Figure 1. Inclusion geometries and orientation (a)Minnich Minnich and Chen (b) Ordonez-Miranda and coworkers [19]; and (c) generalized EMT—current work; (d) A schematic representation nonand coworkers [19]; and (c) generalized EMT—current work; (d) A schematic representation uniformly distributed inclusions—current work (inclusion sizes are not to scale). non-uniformly distributed inclusions—current work (inclusion sizes are not to scale).
2. Framework of the Generalized Effective Medium Theory
2. Framework of the Generalized Effective Medium Theory
The formulation of the generalized effective medium theory is presented in this section. First, the effective medium formulation for multiple medium inclusions is presented in Section 2.1. The formulation of theory the generalized effective theory is presented inSecond, this section. the effect of multiple nanometer-sized inclusions on the matrix and inclusion thermal conductivities First, the effective medium theory formulation for multiple inclusions is presented in Section 2.1. is derived in Section 2.2. Lastly, a two-scale approach to handle non-uniformly dispersed inclusions Second, the effect of multiple nanometer-sized inclusions on the matrix and inclusion thermal is presented in Section 2.3.
conductivities is derived in Section 2.2. Lastly, a two-scale approach to handle non-uniformly dispersed inclusions is presented inTheory Section 2.3. 2.1. Effective Medium for Composites with Multiple Inclusions To derive the effective medium theory for composites with multiple inclusions, a two-phase composite was first considered. The thermal conductivity of the composite was assumed to vary from
2.1. Effective Medium Theory for Composites with Multiple Inclusions
K is the to point according medium to the function constant part of K for r composites K 0 K n rwith Topoint derive the effective theory multiple inclusions, a two-phase where n composite was first considered. The thermal conductivity of the composite was assumed to vary Kn rK (isr)the thermal conductivity function in thermal conductivity due to 0+ from point to point according to theand function = Kfluctuation ∑ δKn (r) where K0 is the constant part of 0
inclusion particle n. The effective thermal conductivity ofn the composite was then defined by
thermalEquation conductivity (1) [28].function and δKn (r) is the fluctuation in thermal conductivity due to inclusion particle n. The effective thermal conductivity of the composite was then defined by Equation (1) [28]. 1 K eff K 0 T I GT 0
Ke f f = K + hTi (I + hGTi)
is the unit tensor, G is the Green’s tensor [29] and
denotes volumetric average.
Theunit tensor T, defined by Green’s Equation tensor (2) is the matrix and it describesaverage. the effect of where I is the tensor, G is the [29]transition and h i denotes volumetric individual particles on the effective conductivity of the composite. The tensor inclusion T, defined by Equation (2) isthermal the transition matrix and it describes the effect of individual inclusion particles on the effective conductivity of the composite. T = Tthermal n Tn GTm ... (2) n
n,m n
If the inclusion volume fraction the. .matrix thermal conductivity Kmat, T = is low, Tn K + can beTtaken . n GTas m+ n,mbe 6=napproximated as, the fluctuating part becomes Kinc − Kmatnand T can 0
1 T Tn 0 K n I G K n (3) If the inclusion volume fraction is low, K can be taken as the matrix thermal conductivity Kmat , n n the fluctuating part becomes K − K and T can be approximated as, mat inc Using this approach, Nan and coworkers [9] formulated the effective medium theory of
composites with spheroidal inclusions of one type. In the current work, their approach was used to −1 T∼ Tn = δKn (Equation I − GδK(3) = inclusions. n ) was extended to Equation (4) for extend the methodology for multiple First, n n multiple types of inclusions. The effective thermal conductivity of the composite was then calculated using Equations (5)–(13) which are valid for spheroidal inclusions of multiple types.
Using this approach, Nan and coworkers [9] formulated the effective medium theory of 1 composites with spheroidal inclusions one type. In the current work, their approach was used to T Tof (4) inc.i , n Kinc.i , n I G Kinc.i , n i ninclusions. i nFirst, Equation (3) was extended to Equation (4) for extend the methodology for multiple multiple types of inclusions. The effective thermal conductivity of the composite was then calculated using Equations (5)–(13) which are valid for spheroidal inclusions of multiple types. T∼ =
∑ ∑ Tinc.i,n = ∑ ∑ δKinc.i,n (I − GδKinc.i,n )−1 i
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Ke f f ,11 = Ke f f ,22 = Kmat
h i N i i i i 2+ ∑ ϕi βi11 (1− L11 ) 1+hcos2 θ i + βi33 (1− L33 ) 1−hcos2 θ i i =1
h i N i i i i 2− ∑ ϕi βi11 L11 1+hcos2 θ i + βi33 L33 (1−hcos2 θ i) i =1
Ke f f ,33 = Kmat
i i i i i 1+ ∑ ϕi βi11 (1− L11 ) 1−hcos2 θ i + βi33 (1− L33 ) hcos2 θ i h
i =1
h i N i i i i 1− ∑ ϕi βi11 L11 1−hcos2 θ i + βi33 L33 hcos2 θ i i =1
i Kc,11 i Kc,33
i Li K Kinc.i / 1 + γ11 inc.i /Km , for platelet inclusions 33 = i Li K Kinc.i / 1 + γ11 11 inc.i /Km , for other shapes ( i Li K Kinc.i / 1 + γ33 inc.i /Km , for cylindrical inclusions 11 = i Li K Kinc.i / 1 + γ33 33 inc.i /Km , for other shapes i i2 −1 i p − p p , for pi ≥ 1 3/2 cosh 2 i 2 2 p −1
i i L11 = L22 =
2 p i −1
2 pi
2 p −1
βikk = D
i γkk
2 1− p i
3/2 cos
−1 p i ,
for pi < 1
i Kc,kk − Km i − Km Km + Likk Kc,kk
ρi (θ ) cos2 θsinθdθ R ρi (θ ) sinθdθ ( 2 + 1/pi αk , for pi ≥ 1 = 1 + 2pi αk , for pi < 1
cos2 θ
i i L33 = 1 − 2L11
αik = RiTB Km /aik
pi = a3i /a1i
where ϕi is the volume fraction, a1i and a3i are the particle radii, pi is the aspect ratio, RiTB is the interfacial thermal resistance, Kinc.i is the thermal conductivity of inclusion of type i, Kmat is the thermal
i conductivity of the matrix, and cos2 θ is a factor defining the orientation of inclusion of type i. 2.2. Effect of Nanometer-Sized Inclusions on Matrix and Inclusion Thermal Conductivities The effect of multiple nanometer-sized inclusions oriented in any random direction on the thermal conductivities of the matrix and inclusions was calculated by extending the approach of Minnich and Chen [18]. According to their approach, the addition of the nanometer-sized particles modifies the thermal conductivities of the matrix and the inclusions. The modified thermal conductivities are calculated by first calculating the effective mean-free-path of the energy carriers (phonons or electrons) in the matrix or the inclusions using Matthiessen’s rule. 1 y Λ x,e f f
1 y Λ x,bulk
1 y Λ x,coll
where x can be p or e for phonons or electrons respectively and y can be mat for the matrix or inc.i for the ith inclusion. y The bulk mean-free-paths, Λ x,bulk for a material are known quantities. The unknown quantity in y
Equation (14) is the collision mean-free-path, Λcoll , defined as the average distance traveled by the
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energy carriers between collisions. Once the effective mean-free-paths of the energy carriers have been calculated, the modified thermal conductivities of the matrix and inclusions can be calculated using, y
Kx =
1 y y y Cx νx Λ x,e f f 3
To calculate the collision mean-free-paths of the matrix, Λmat coll , the densities of the inclusions in the matrix, ni , were calculated using Equation (16). ni =
N ϕ = i V Vi
where N is the number of inclusions in a sample of volume V and Vi is the volume of a single particle of inclusion type i. To determine the collision mean-free-path of the matrix, it was noted that the number of inclusions of type i that an energy carrier (phonon or electron) encounters in a volume A⊥1 L is ni A⊥1 L assuming A⊥1 = max ( A⊥1 , A⊥2 , A⊥3 , . . . , A⊥N ) where A⊥ i is the collision cross-section area of the ith inclusion type. The matrix collision mean-free-path is therefore, Λmat coll =
L ( n 1 + n 2 + . . . + n N ) A ⊥1 L
By replacing the expressions for ni in Equation (17), we get, Λmat coll =
1 ( ϕ1 + rV2 ϕ2 + . . . + rV N ϕ2 ) σ⊥1
where rVi = V1 /Vi and σ⊥1 = A⊥1 /V1 . Equation (18) reduces to Ordonez-Miranda and coworkers’ formulation [19] when only a single inclusion was considered; that is when ϕi = 0 for i = 2, 3, . . . , N. It is also interesting to note that in Equation (18), the relative sizes of the inclusions, represented by rVi , determines their contribution to the collision mean-free-path for the matrix. Applying Matthiessen’s rule, the effective mean-free-path of energy carriers in the matrix was estimated as, Λmat x,bulk Λmat = (19) x,e f f 1 + Λmat ϕ + r ϕ2 + . . . + rV N ϕ2 ) σ⊥1 ( V2 1 x,bulk The modified thermal conductivity of the matrix material was calculated using Equation (15), which led to Equation (20). Kxmat =
mat Kx,bulk
1 + Λmat x,bulk ( ϕ1 + rV2 ϕ2 + . . . + rV N ϕ2 ) σ⊥1
The total matrix thermal conductivity is given by Equation (21). mat Kmat = K mat p + Ke
For the calculation of the modified matrix thermal conductivity, the collision cross-sectional area of the inclusion is required. For the general case of a spheroidal inclusion oriented at any angle, Equation (22) was derived for the calculation of the collision cross-sectional area. The detailed derivation for Equation (22) is presented in Appendix A. A⊥1 = πb1 b2
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Equation (22) was derived for the calculation of the collision cross-sectional area. The detailed derivation for Equation (22) is presented in appendix A. A b1b2
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where, where,
aa111 b1b1= 1
1 1
aa11aa31 b2b2= q 1 2 11 3 1 1 2 1 a 1cos 2 aa1 1sin 2 1 1 sin θ + 3a3 cos θ
6(22) of 21
(23) (23)
and θ1 1is is the average orientation angle inclusion the average orientation angle of of inclusion 1. 1. The dependence of the spheroidal cross section area AA⊥1 on θ1 1is shown is shown Figure in in Figure 2. 2.
Figure 2. Variation of collision cross-sectional area with angle θ1 for a spheroidal inclusion. Figure 2. Variation of collision cross-sectional area A⊥1 with angle θ 1 for a spheroidal inclusion.
For the inclusions, the collision mean-free-path depends only on the size and orientation of the For the inclusions, the collision mean-free-path depends only on the size and orientation of the inclusion itself. For the special cases of inclusion aligned parallel ( i i 0◦) or perpendicular ( ii 90◦) inclusion itself. For the special cases of inclusion aligned parallel (θ = 0 ) or perpendicular (θ = 90 ) to the direction of heat conduction, the collision mean-free-path for inclusion particles can be to the direction of heat conduction, the collision mean-free-path for inclusion particles can be calculated calculated using Equations (25) or (26), respectively [19]. For the general case of particles oriented at using Equations (25) or (26), respectively [19]. For the general case of particles oriented at any angle any angle between 0° and 90°, Equation (24) were derived to calculate the collision mean-free-path of between 0◦ and 90◦ , Equation (24) were derived to calculate the collision mean-free-path of inclusion inclusion particles. Figure 3 shows the reasoning behind Equation (24). For randomly oriented particles. Figure 3 shows the reasoning behind Equation (24). For randomly oriented inclusions, the i
2estimated i
i cos 2 −11/ 3√ as inclusions, the average orientation of the inclusions was from average orientation of the inclusions was estimated from cos θ = 1/3 as θ = cos 1/ 3 . i .i i variation cos1 1/ of3Λ.inc.i Thewith variation withinangle is shown in Figure 4 forratios spheroids of aspect inc The angleof θ i is shown Figure 4 for spheroids of aspect 0.1, 1 and 10. coll
ratios 0.1, 1 and 10.
inc.i c12 =
inc.i c12 inc.i , for p ≥ 1 min sinθ i,c c12inc. i 33 inc . i = Λinc.i min , c , coll cinc.i i 33 for p 1 sin33 , cinc.i , for p < 1 inc . i min coll cosθ i 12 inc . i c33 inc . i min i , c12 , for p 1 2 2 cos ε − 1 −ε2 Eellip −ε2 − 8a1i 1 + ε Kellip √ , for pi < 1 3πε ε 1 + ε2 + arcsinh (ε) 1 − ε2 Kellip ε2 − 1 + ε2 Eellip ε2 8a1i √ , for pi ≥ 1 3π (iε) (iε) 1 − ε2 + arcsinh (iε)
.i inc . i cc12inc 12
Materials 2016, 9, 694
8 a ii 11 2 11 2 EEellip 2 , for p ii 1 K ellip 2 K ellip ellip 8 a11 , for p 1 33 11 22 arcsinh arcsinh 2 22 11 22 EEellip 22 , for p ii 1 88aa1ii 11 2 K K ellip ellip ellip 1 , for p 1 ii 11 22 arcsinh ii 33 arcsinh ii
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2 33 44aa3ii q 11 2 11 i 3 3 2 i 11 for ppi 3 (1 22+ ε ) − 1 ,, for 4a i 1), the effect was reversed and reduced effective thermal conductivity, which is the main purpose of the development of Ge–Si randomly oriented prolate inclusions were more effective in reducing the thermal conductivity of nanocomposites. On the other hand, for prolate inclusions (p > 1), the effect was reversed and Ge–Si composites. randomlyThe oriented prolate inclusions were more in reducing the thermal conductivity of difference in the behavior of oblate andeffective prolate shaped inclusions was because of two Ge–Sireasons. composites. First,9,the Materials 2016, 694 cross-sectional area of the inclusion obstructing the motion of energy carriers 16in of the 21 matrix was reduced due to random orientation of particles in case of oblate inclusions while it increased for prolate inclusions. This resulted in the matrix thermal conductivity to increase due to random orientation of oblate inclusion and reduce due to the random orientation of prolate inclusions. Second, the collision mean-free-path of the energy carriers inside the inclusion increased due to random orientation of oblate inclusions while it reduced due to the random orientation of prolate inclusions. This resulted in an increase in the inclusion thermal conductivity for oblate inclusions and a decrease in the inclusion thermal conductivity for prolate inclusions due to random orientation.
Figure 16. Dependence of Ge–Si effective thermal conductivity on inclusion alignment for inclusion
Figure 16. Dependence of Ge–Si effective thermal conductivity on inclusion alignment for inclusion aspect ratio p equal to: (a) 0.2; and (b) 5 (RTB = 6.80 × 10−9 m2·K/W). aspect ratio p equal to: (a) 0.2; and (b) 5 (RTB = 6.80 × 10−9 m2 ·K/W). 3.4. Effect of Non-Uniform Dispersion of Inclusions The two-scale approach presented in the current was used to study the effect of non-uniform dispersion on the effective thermal conductivity of Ge–Si nanocomposites. Without loss of generality, Ge–Si nanocomposites with 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% Si inclusions with a diameter equal to 10 nm were considered in the study. The results, presented in Figure 17, show the effective thermal
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The difference in the behavior of oblate and prolate shaped inclusions was because of two reasons. First, the cross-sectional area of the inclusion obstructing the motion of energy carriers in the matrix was reduced due to random orientation of particles in case of oblate inclusions while it increased for prolate inclusions. This resulted in the matrix thermal conductivity to increase due to random orientation of oblate inclusion and reduce due to the random orientation of prolate inclusions. Second, the collision mean-free-path of the energy carriers inside the inclusion increased due to random orientation of oblate inclusions while it reduced due to the random orientation of prolate inclusions. This resulted in an increase in the inclusion thermal conductivity for oblate inclusions and a decrease Figure 16. Dependence of Ge–Si effective thermal conductivity on inclusion alignment for inclusion in the inclusion thermal conductivity for prolate inclusions due to random orientation. aspect ratio p equal to: (a) 0.2; and (b) 5 (RTB = 6.80 × 10−9 m2·K/W).
3.4. Effect of Non-Uniform Dispersion of Inclusions 3.4. Effect of Non-Uniform Dispersion of Inclusions The two-scale approach presented in the current was used to study the effect of non-uniform The two-scale approach presented in the current was used to study the effect of non-uniform dispersion on the effective thermal conductivity of Ge–Si nanocomposites. Without loss of generality, dispersion on the effective thermal conductivity of Ge–Si nanocomposites. Without loss of generality, Ge–Si nanocomposites with 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% Si inclusions with a diameter equal to 10 nm were Ge–Si nanocomposites with 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% Si inclusions with a diameter equal to 10 nm considered in the study. The results, presented in Figure 17, show the effective thermal conductivity of were considered in the study. The results, presented in Figure 17, show the effective thermal theconductivity Ge–Si nanocomposite normalized with effective thermal conductivity of Ge–Si nanocomposite with of the Ge–Si nanocomposite normalized with effective thermal conductivity of Ge–Si uniformly dispersed against the non-uniformity in inclusion distribution (shown nanocomposite withinclusions uniformlyplotted dispersed inclusions plotted against the non-uniformity in inclusion in distribution the figure as(shown the ratio of standard deviation, σ , and average inclusion volume fraction, ϕSi,avg ). ϕ in the figure as the ratio of standard deviation, σφ, and average inclusion volume To fraction, analyze the variation of results due to randomness, each case was repeated five times by randomly φSi,avg). To analyze the variation of results due to randomness, each case was repeated five generating an inclusion distribution in the RVE. As can in bethe seen from the effectiveness times by randomly generating an inclusion distribution RVE. Asthe canfigure, be seen from the figure, of Si inclusions in reducing the effective thermal the conductivity of the composite is adversely affectedisby the effectiveness of Si inclusions in reducing effective thermal conductivity of the composite non-uniformity in inclusion dispersion. adversely affected by non-uniformity in inclusion dispersion.
Figure 17. Effect of non-uniform dispersion on Ge–Si effective thermal conductivity (RTB = 6.80 × 10−9 Figure 17. Effect of non-uniform dispersion on Ge–Si effective thermal conductivity m2·K/W). (RTB = 6.80 × 10−9 m2 ·K/W).
4. Sensitivity Analysis of the Generalized Effective Medium Theory To identify the relative importance of the material properties and other parameters used in the generalized effective medium theory, a sensitivity analysis was carried. The model parameters considered in the sensitivity analysis were the matrix and inclusion thermal conductivities, mean-free-path of the energy carriers in the matrix and inclusion, the inclusion volume fraction and the thermal interface resistance. Using the case of Ge-20% Si nanocomposite as the nominal case, normalized sensitivity coefficients (NSCs) were calculated for each parameter. Normalized sensitivity coefficients, calculated using Equation (34) express the order of magnitude change in the analyzed
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function that will result from one order of magnitude change in the concerned parameter [37,38]. Using normalized sensitivity coefficients, one-to-one comparison between the model parameters can be carried out and parameters to which the model is more sensitive to can be determined. NSCi =
∆Y X i Y ∆Xi
where Y is nominal value of the function at nominal model parameters X i and ∆Y is the change in the function value to due to a change of ∆Xi in the model parameter Xi . For the case of Ge–Si nanocomposite, the results of the sensitivity analysis are presented in Table 3 for three inclusion sizes and the variation of the normalized sensitivity coefficients with inclusion size is presented in Figure 18. The results of the study showed that the NSCs of three model parameters, bulk matrix thermal conductivity, matrix phonon mean-free-path and inclusion volume fraction, were at least an order of magnitude higher than the NSCs of the remaining three parameters. This implies that the effective thermal conductivity of the Ge–Si nanocomposite is an order of magnitude more sensitive to changes in these three parameters. An analysis of Figure 18 also revealed several important points regarding the sensitivity of the generalized effective medium theory to the model parameters. First, the NSC of the bulk matrix thermal conductivity remained almost constant for inclusion radii from 5 nm to 100 nm. This means the sensitivity of the effective thermal conductivity of the composite is independent of the inclusion size. Second, with an increasing inclusion size, the NSCs of matrix phonon mean-free-path and the inclusion volume fraction decreased while the NSC of the thermal interface resistance showed a significant increase. Both inclusion volume fraction and matrix phonon mean-free-path affect the reduction in the matrix thermal conductivity due to nanometer sized inclusion. This suggests that with an increase in the inclusion size, the effect of interfacial thermal resistance starts to dominate the effect of reduced matrix thermal conductivity. Table 3. Normalized sensitivity analysis results for generalized EMT.
Parameter K mat p,bulk K inc p,bulk Λmat p,bulk Λinc p,bulk RTB ϕ Parameter K mat p,bulk K inc p,bulk Λmat p,bulk Λinc p,bulk RTB ϕ Parameter K mat p,bulk K inc p,bulk Λmat p,bulk Λinc p,bulk RTB ϕ
Y = 6.3443 W/m·K
a1 = 5 nm X
51.70 150.00 1.71 × 10−7 2.68 × 10−7 6.80 × 10−9 0.20
56.87 165.00 1.88 × 10−7 2.95 × 10−7 7.48 × 10−9 0.22
46.53 135.00 1.54 × 10−7 2.41 × 10−7 6.12 × 10−9 0.18
6.98 6.37 5.89 6.36 6.33 5.70
5.75 6.36 6.92 6.37 6.36 7.12
10.34 30.00 3.42 × 10−8 5.36 × 10−8 1.36 × 10−9 0.04
1.23 0.01 1.04 0.01 0.03 1.42
0.97 8.35 × 10−3 0.82 7.88 × 10−3 25.69 × 10−3 1.12
Y = 19.58 W/m·K
a1 = 25 nm X
51.70 150.00 1.71 × 10−7 2.68 × 10−7 6.80 × 10−9 0.20
56.87 165.00 1.88 × 10−7 2.95 × 10−7 7.48 × 10−9 0.22
46.53 135.00 1.54 × 10−7 2.41 × 10−7 6.12 × 10−9 0.18
21.44 19.60 19.04 19.56 19.51 18.26
17.72 19.56 20.57 19.60 19.66 21.23
10.34 30.00 3.42 × 10−8 5.36 × 10−8 1.36 × 10−9 0.04
3.72 0.04 1.52 0.04 0.15 2.98
0.95 11.26 × 10−2 0.39 10.27 × 10−2 39.15 × 10−2 0.76
Y = 33.5943 W/m·K
a1 = 100 nm X
51.70 150.00 1.71 × 10−7 2.68 × 10−7 6.80 × 10−9 0.2
56.87 165.00 1.88 × 10−7 2.95 × 10−7 7.48 × 10−9 0.22
46.53 135.00 1.54 × 10−7 2.41 × −7 6.12 × 10−9 0.18
36.62 33.68 32.99 33.53 33.36 32.30
30.57 33.50 34.22 33.66 33.86 34.96
10.34 30.00 3.42 × 10−8 5.36 × 10−8 1.36 × 10−9 0.04
6.05 0.18 1.24 0.13 0.49 2.65
0.90 26.60 × 10−2 0.18 19.26 × 10−2 73.60 × 10−2 0.40
K p , bu lk
K pinc, bu lk
26.60 × 10−2
mp ,atb ulk
1.71 × 10−7
1.88 × 10−7
1.54 × 10−7
3.42 × 10−8
inc p , b ulk
2.68 × 10−7
2.95 × 10−7
2.41 × −7
5.36 × 10−8
19.26 × 10−2
6.80 × 10−9 0.2
7.48 × 10−9 0.22
6.12 × 10−9 0.18
33.36 32.30
33.86 34.96
1.36 × 10−9 0.04
0.49 2.65
−2 73.60 ×18 10of 21 0.40
RTB9, 694 Materials 2016, φ
Figure18. 18.Variation Variation of of normalized normalized sensitivity coefficients Figure coefficients for: for: (a) (a)bulk bulkmatrix matrixthermal thermalconductivity, conductivity, matrix phonon mean-free-path and inclusion volume fraction; and (b) bulk inclusion matrix phonon mean-free-path and inclusion volume fraction; and (b) bulk inclusion thermal thermal conductivity,inclusion inclusionphonon phononmean-free-path mean-free-path and and thermal thermal interface interface resistance. conductivity,
Conclusions 5.5. Conclusions Inthis this paper, paper, we we presented presented aa generalized generalized effective effective medium In medium theory theory for for the the estimation estimationofofthe the effective thermal conductivity of particulate nanocomposites. The formulated EMT has the capability effective thermal conductivity of particulate nanocomposites. The formulated EMT has the capability incorporating the the effects effects of of size, size, shape, shape, orientation orientation and ofofincorporating and dispersion dispersion non-uniformity non-uniformityof ofmultiple multiple inclusions on the estimated thermal conductivity of particulate composites. Several applications of inclusions on the estimated thermal conductivity of particulate composites. Several applications of the the formulated EMT were also presented. formulated EMT were also presented. For the Ge–Si nanocomposite, it was found that spherical Si inclusions result in better effective For the Ge–Si nanocomposite, it was found that spherical Si inclusions result in better effective thermal conductivity reduction in the nanocomposite. It was also found that aligned oblate inclusions thermal conductivity reduction in the nanocomposite. It was also found that aligned oblate inclusions result be better thermal conductivity reduction than randomly oriented oblate inclusions. The effect result be better thermal conductivity reduction than randomly oriented oblate inclusions. The effect is reversed for the case of prolate inclusions for which randomly oriented prolate inclusions show is reversed for the case of prolate inclusions for which randomly oriented prolate inclusions show better thermal conductivity reduction. Finally, the effective thermal conductivity was found to be better thermal conductivity reduction. Finally, the effective thermal conductivity was found to be strongly dependent on the dispersion uniformity of the inclusion particles for Ge–Si nanocomposites. strongly dependent on the dispersion uniformity of the inclusion particles for Ge–Si nanocomposites. The effectiveness of nanometer-sized Si particles in reducing the thermal conductivity of Ge matrix The effectiveness of nanometer-sized Si particles in reducing the thermal conductivity of Ge matrix reduced with increasing non-uniformity in Si dispersion. reduced with increasing non-uniformity in Si dispersion. For alumina–MWCNT and aluminum–MWCNT nanocomposites, the effect of high scattering of For alumina–MWCNT and aluminum–MWCNT nanocomposites, the effect of high scattering energy carriers on the effective thermal conductivity increased with reducing interface thermal of energy carriers on the effective thermal conductivity increased with reducing interface thermal resistance. Between alumina and aluminum, aluminum showed a greater sensitivity to CNT size due resistance. Between alumina and aluminum, aluminum showed a greater sensitivity to CNT size due to its relativity large electron mean-free-path. to its relativity large electron mean-free-path. A sensitivity analysis carried out to determine the relative effective of the model parameters on A sensitivity analysis carried out to determine the relative effective model parameters on the effective thermal conductivity of Ge–Si nanocomposites showed that of thethe model was an order of the effective thermal conductivity of Ge–Si nanocomposites showed that the model was an order magnitude more sensitive to changes in the matrix thermal conductivity, matrix phonon mean-free-of magnitude more sensitive tofraction changesthan in the matrixin thermal conductivity, matrix phonon mean-free-path path and inclusion volume changes inclusion thermal conductivity, inclusion phonon and inclusion volume fraction than changes in inclusion thermal conductivity, inclusion phonon mean-free-path and thermal interface resistance. The analysis also showed that as inclusion size increases, the model becomes increasingly sensitive to variation in thermal interface resistance. Acknowledgments: The authors would like to acknowledge the support provided by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) through the Science and Technology Unit at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) for funding this work through project 12-NAN2374-04 as part of the National Science, Technology and Innovation Plan. Author Contributions: A.F.M.A. conceived and defined the problem; A.F.M.A. and M.U.S. developed the methodology and case studies; M.U.S. implemented the model and run test cases; Both authors analyzed the results; M.U.S. wrote the paper; A.F.M.A. reviewed and contributed in discussions and conclusions. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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Appendix A. Calculation of the Collision Cross-Section Area A general spheroidal inclusion particle placed at an angle θ in the direction of heat flow projects an area A⊥ perpendicular to the direction of the heat flow. To calculate this cross-sectional area, we start with the general equation of an ellipsoid,
(x − c)T RT AR (x − c) = 1
where x = [ x, y, z] T , c is the vector defining the center of the ellipsoid, R is the rotation matrix and A is 3 × 3 matrix with diagonal terms 1/a21 , 1/a22 , 1/a23 . Assume a spheroid (a1 = a2 ) centered at the origin (c = [0, 0, 0] T ) and rotated about the y-axis by an angle θ (a rotation about the x-axis will provide the same result). To calculate the area of the ellipse projected on the global 12 plane, we need to calculate its major and minor axes of the projection. This can be done by replacing z = 0 and determining the derivative dy/dx which is, dy x = − a21 dx y
sin2 θ cos2 θ + a21 a23
! (A2)
x-intercepts can be determined by setting the numerator equal to zero which leads to the points (0, ±b1 ). Similarly, y-intercepts are determined by setting the denominator equal to zero, which leads to the points (±b2 , 0) where, b1 = a1 a1 a3 (A3) b2 = q 2 2 a1 sin θ + a3 cos θ The area of the projected ellipse is therefore, A⊥ = πb1 b2
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