Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers of the

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Oct 9, 2014 - Keywords: Generalized Fibonacci numbers; generalized Lucas .... More generally, we can give the following theorem proved by Shorey and ...
March 25, 2015 9:34 WSPC/S1793-0421



International Journal of Number Theory Vol. 11, No. 3 (2015) 931–944 c World Scientific Publishing Company  DOI: 10.1142/S1793042115500517

Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers of the form 5x2

Refik Keskin∗ and Olcay Karaatli† Department of Mathematics, Sakarya University Sakarya, 54187, Turkey ∗[email protected][email protected] Received 26 June 2014 Accepted 3 September 2014 Published 9 October 2014 Let (Un (P, Q) and (Vn (P, Q) denote the generalized Fibonacci and Lucas sequences, respectively. In this study, we assume that Q = 1. We determine all indices n such that Un = 5 and Un = 5Um  under some assumptions on P. We show that the equation Vn = 5 has a solution only if n = 1 for the case when P is odd. Moreover, we show that the equation Vn = 5Vm  has no solutions. Keywords: Generalized Fibonacci numbers; generalized Lucas numbers; congruences. Mathematics Subject Classification 2010: 11B37, 11B39, 11A07

1. Introduction Let P and Q be nonzero integers with P 2 + 4Q = 0. The generalized Fibonacci sequence (Un (P, Q)) and Lucas sequence (Vn (P, Q)) are defined by the following recurrence relations: U0 (P, Q) = 0,

U1 (P, Q) = 1,

Un+2 (P, Q) = PU n+1 (P, Q) + QU n (P, Q) for n ≥ 0

and V0 (P, Q) = 2,

V1 (P, Q) = P,

Vn+2 (P, Q) = PV n+1 (P, Q) + QV n (P, Q) for n ≥ 0.

Un (P, Q) is called the nth generalized Fibonacci number and Vn (P, Q) is called the nth generalized Lucas number. Also generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers for negative subscripts are defined as U−n (P, Q) =

−Un (P, Q) (−Q)n

and V−n =


Vn (P, Q) (−Q)n

for n ≥ 1,

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R. Keskin & O. Karaatli

  respectively. Taking α = (P + P 2 + 4Q)/2 and β = (P − P 2 + 4Q)/2 to be the roots of the characteristic equation x2 − P x − Q = 0, we have the well-known expressions named Binet’s formulas Un (P, Q) = (αn − β n )/(α − β)

and Vn (P, Q) = αn + β n

for all n ∈ Z. From now on, we assume that P > 0 and P 2 + 4Q > 0. Instead of Un (P, Q) and Vn (P, Q), we will use Un and Vn , respectively. For P = Q = 1, the sequence (Un ) is the familiar Fibonacci sequence (Fn ) and the sequence (Vn ) is the familiar Lucas sequence (Ln ). If P = 2 and Q = 1, then we have the well-known Pell sequence (Pn ) and Pell–Lucas sequence (Qn ). For Q = −1, we represent (Un ) and (Vn ) by (un ) and (vn ), respectively. For more information about generalized Fibonacci and Lucas sequences, one can consult [15, 19, 25, 21]. Investigations of the properties of second-order linear recurring sequences have given rise to questions concerning whether, for certain pairs (P, Q), Un or Vn is square (=). In particular, the squares in sequences (Un ) and (Vn ) were investigated by many authors. Ljunggren [18] showed in 1942 that if P = 2, Q = 1, and n ≥ 2, then Un =  precisely for n = 7 and Un = 2 precisely for n = 2. In 1964, Cohn [8] proved that if P = Q = 1, then the only perfect square greater than 1 in the sequence (Un ) is U12 = 122 (see also [1, 6, 30]), and he [9, 7] solved the equations Un = 2 and Vn = , 2. Furthermore, in other papers, Cohn [10, 11] determined the squares and twice the squares in (Un ) and (Vn ) when P is odd and Q = ±1. Ribenboim and McDaniel [22] determined all indices n such that Un = , 2Un = , Vn =  or 2Vn =  for all odd relatively prime integers P and Q. Bremner and Tzanakis [3] extend the result of the equation Un =  by determining all generalized Fibonacci sequence (Un ) with U12 = , subject only to the restriction that (P, Q) = 1. In a later paper, the same authors [4] show that for n = 2, . . . , 7, Un is square for infinitely many coprime P, Q and determine all sequences (Un ) with Un = , n = 8, 10, 11. And also in [5], they discuss the more general problem of finding all integers n, P, Q for which Un = k for a given integer k. In 1998, Kagawa and Terai [14] considered a similar problem, such as the problem considered by Ribenboim and McDaniel [22], for the case when P is even and Q = 1. Using the elementary properties of elliptic curves, they showed that if P = 2t with t even and Q = 1, then Un = , 2Un = , Vn =  or 2Vn =  implies n ≤ 3 under some assumptions. Besides, for Q = 1, Nakamula and Petho [20] gave the solutions of the equations Un = w where w ∈ {1, 2, 3, 6}. In 1998, Ribenboim and McDaniel [23] showed that if P is even, Q ≡ 3 (mod 4), and Un = , then n is a square or twice an odd square and all prime factors of n divides P 2 + 4Q. In a later paper, the same authors [24] solved the equation Vn = 3 for P ≡ 1, 3 (mod 8), Q ≡ 3 (mod 4), (P, Q) = 1 and solved the equation Un = 3 for all odd relatively prime integers P and Q. Moreover, in [12], Cohn solved the equations Vn = Vm x2 and Vn = 2Vm x2 when P is odd. Keskin and Yosma [17] gave the solutions of the equations Fn = 2Fm , Ln = 2Lm , Fn = 3Fm , Fn = 6Fm , and Ln = 6Lm . Also, Keskin and S¸iar prove in [16] that there is no integer x such that Fn = 5Fm x2

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Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers of the form 5x2


for m ≥ 3. In [29], S ¸ iar and Keskin, assuming Q = 1, solve the equation Vn = 2Vm  when P is even. They determine all indices n such that Vn = kx2 when k | P and P is odd, where k is a square-free positive divisor of P. They show that there is no integer solution of the equations Vn = 3 and Vn = 6 for the case when P is odd and also they give the solution of the equations Vn = 3Vm  and Vn = 6Vm . More generally, we can give the following theorem proved by Shorey and Stewart in [27]. Let A > 0 be an integer. Then there exists an effectively computable number C > 0, which depends on A, such that if n > 0 and Un = A or Vn = A, then n < C. In this study, we assume, from this point on, that Q = 1. We determine all indices n such that Un = 5 and Un = 5Um  under some assumptions on P. We show that if P is odd, then the equation Vn = 5 has a solution only if n = 1. Moreover, we prove that the equation Vn = 5Vm  has no solutions. 2. Preliminaries In this section, we give some theorems, lemmas, and well-known identities about generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, which will be needed in the proofs of the main theorems. Through the paper ( ∗∗ ) denotes the Jacobi symbol. The proofs of the following two theorems can be found in [28]. Theorem 2.1. Let n ∈ N ∪ {0}, m, r ∈ Z and m be nonzero integer. Then U2mn+r ≡ (−1)mn Ur

(mod Um ),


V2mn+r ≡ (−1)

(mod Um ).




Theorem 2.2. Let n ∈ N ∪ {0} and m, r ∈ Z. Then U2mn+r ≡ (−1)(m+1)n Ur

(mod Vm ),


V2mn+r ≡ (−1)(m+1)n Vr

(mod Vm ).


We state the following theorem from [20]. Theorem 2.3. Let P > 0. If Un = wx2 with w ∈ {1, 2, 3, 6}, then n ≤ 2 except when (P, n, w) = (2, 4, 3), (2, 7, 1), (4, 4, 2), (1, 12, 1), (1, 3, 2), (1, 4, 3), (1, 6, 2), and (24, 4, 3). We give the following two theorems from [10, 11, 22]. Theorem 2.4. If P is odd, then the equation Vn = x2 has the solutions n = 1, P = , and P = 1 or n = 1, 3 and P = 1 or n = 3 and P = 3. Theorem 2.5. If P is odd, then the equation Vn = 2x2 has the solutions n = 0 or n = 6 and P = 1, 5.

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R. Keskin & O. Karaatli

The first one of the following three theorems can be obtained from Theorem 6 and the others from Theorems 11 and 12 given in [12]. Theorem 2.6. Let P > 1 be an odd integer, m ≥ 2 be an integer, and Un = 2Um x2 for some integer x. Then n = 12, m = 6, P = 5. Theorem 2.7. Let P be an odd integer, m ≥ 1 be an integer, and Vn = Vm x2 for some integer x. Then n = m. Theorem 2.8. If P is an odd integer and m ≥ 1, then there is no integer x such that Vn = 2Vm x2 . We can give the following theorem from [29]. Theorem 2.9. Let k > 1 be a square free positive divisor of P and P be an odd integer. If Vn = kx2 for some integer x, then n = 1 or n = 3. We omit the proof of the following theorem due to Keskin and Demirt¨ urk [13]. Theorem 2.10. All nonnegative integer solutions of the equation u2 − 5v 2 = 1 are given by (u, v) = (L3z /2, F3z /2) with z nonnegative even integer and all nonnegative integer solutions of the equation u2 − 5v 2 = −1 are given by (u, v) = (L3z /2, F3z /2) with z positive odd integer. The following lemma can be found in [24]. Lemma 2.11. Let P be odd, m   2   V2r m ≡ 3   7

be an odd positive integer, and r ≥ 1. Then (mod 8)

if 3 | m,

(mod 8)

if 3  m and r = 1,

(mod 8)

if 3  m and r > 1.

By the above lemma, when P is odd, it can be seen that   −1 = −1 V2r


for r ≥ 1. We now state the following lemma without proof since its proof can be given by induction. Lemma 2.12. If n is even, then Vn ≡ 2 (mod P 2 ) and if n is odd, then Vn ≡ nP (mod P 2 ). The following lemma can be proved by using Theorem 2.1. Lemma 2.13.

  2|n   5 | Un ⇔ 3 | n   5 | n

if 5 | P, if P 2 ≡ −1 2

if P ≡ 1

(mod 5), (mod 5),

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Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers of the form 5x2


 3 | Un ⇔


if 3 | P,


if 3  P.


We omit the proof of the following lemma, as it is based a straightforward induction. Lemma 2.14. If n is even, then Un ≡ 1 (mod P 2 ).

n 2P

(mod P 2 ) and if n is odd, then Un ≡

We need the following identities concerning generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers: U2n = Un Vn ,


V2n = Vn2 − 2(−1)n ,


Vn2 − (P 2 + 4)Un2 = 4(−1)n ,


U3n = Un ((P 2 + 4)Un2 + 3(−1)n ) = Un (Vn2 − (−1)n ),


u3n = un ((P 2 − 4)u2n + 3),


 U5n =

Un ((P 2 + 4)2 Un4 + 5(P 2 + 4)Un2 + 5) if n is even, Un ((P 2 + 4)2 Un4 − 5(P 2 + 4)Un2 + 5) if n is odd,  Vn (Vn4 − 5Vn2 + 5) if n is even, V5n = Vn (Vn4 + 5Vn2 + 5) if n is odd.



If Vm = 1, then Vm | Vn if and only if m | n and n/m is odd.


If Um = 1, then Um | Un if and only if m | n.  1 if 3  n, If P is odd, then (Un , Vn ) = 2 if 3 | n.


Let m = 2a k, n = 2b l, k and l are odd, a, b ≥ 0, and d = (m, n). Then  if a > b, Vd (Um , Vn ) = 1 or 2 if a ≤ b.



If 5 | P and n is odd, then from Lemma 2.12, it is seen that 5 | Vn . Therefore from (2.12), it follows that V5n = 5Vn (5a + 1) for some positive integer a.


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R. Keskin & O. Karaatli

Let P be odd. Then    −1, if 5 | P or P 2 ≡ 1 5 = V2r 1, if P 2 ≡ −1

(mod 5),


(mod 5),

for r ≥ 1. From Lemma 2.12 and identity (2.8), we can give the following corollary. Corollary 2.15. 5 | Vn if and only if 5 | P and n is odd. 3. Main Theorems From this point on, we assume that m, n ≥ 1. Theorem 3.1. If P is odd, then the equation Vn = 5x2 has a solution only if n = 1. Proof. Assume that Vn = 5x2 . Then by Corollary 2.15, it follows that 5 | P and n is odd. Hence, by Theorem 2.9, we have n = 1 or n = 3. If n = 3, then V3 = P (P 2 + 3) = 5x2 . Since 5 | P, it follows that (P/5)(P 2 +3) = x2 . Clearly, d = (P/5, P 2 +3) = 1 or 3. Assume that d = 1. Then P = 5a2 and P 2 + 3 = b2 for some positive integers a and b. This implies that b2 ≡ 3 (mod 5), which is impossible. Assume that d = 3. Then we get P = 15a2 and P 2 + 3 = 3b2 for some positive integers a and b. It is seen from P 2 + 3 = 3b2 that 3 | P and therefore P = 3c for some positive integer c. Hence, we obtain the Pell equation b2 − 3c2 = 1. It is well known that all positive integer solutions of this equation are given by (b, c) = (vm (4, −1)/2, um(4, −1)) with m ≥ 1. On the other hand, substituting P = 15a2 into P = 3c, we get c = 5a2 . So, we are interested in finding whether the equation um (4, −1) = 5 has a solution. Assume that the equation um (4, −1) = 5 has a solution. Since 5 | u3 , it can be m = 3r for some positive integer r. seen that if 5 | um , then 3 | m and therefore Thus from (2.10) we get um = u3r = ur (P 2 − 4)u2r + 3 = ur (12u2r + 3). Clearly, (ur , 12u2r + 3) = 1 or 3. Assume that (ur , 12u2r + 3) = 1. Then either ur = a2 , 12u2r + 3 = 5b2 or ur = 5a2 , 12u2r + 3 = b2 for some positive integers a and b. If the first of these is satisfied, then it is clear that 3 | b and therefore b = 3c for some c > 0. This implies that (2ur )2 + 1 = 15c2 . But this is impossible since (2ur )2 ≡ 2 (mod 3) in this case. The second one is also impossible since b2 ≡ 3 (mod 5). Assume that (ur , 12u2r + 3) = 3. Then either ur = 3a2 ,

12u2r + 3 = 15b2

ur = 15a2 ,

12u2r + 3 = 3b2 .


or (3.2) 2


Assume that (3.1) is satisfied. A simple computation shows that (2ur ) − 5b = −1. Thus by Theorem 2.10, we obtain 2ur = L3z /2 for some positive odd integer z. Substituting ur = 3a2 into the previous equation gives 3a2 = L3z /4, i.e. L2 a2 = L3z /4. This implies that L2 | L3z . Then by (2.13), we get 2 | 3z, which is impossible since z is odd. Assume that (3.2) is satisfied. It is easily seen that (2ur )2 + 1 = b2 ,

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Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers of the form 5x2


that is, b2 − (2ur )2 = 1, implying that ur = 0. This is impossible since r is a positive integer. So n = 3 cannot be a solution. If n = 1, then V1 = P = 5. It is obvious that this is a solution. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.1. Theorem 3.2. Let Vm = 1. There is no integer x such that Vn = 5Vm x2 . Proof. Assume that Vn = 5Vm x2 for some x > 0. Then by Corollary 2.15, it follows that 5 | P and n is odd. Moreover, since Vm | Vn , there exists an odd integer t such that n = mt by (2.13). Thus m is odd. Therefore we have Vn ≡ nP (mod P 2 ) and Vm ≡ mP (mod P 2 ) by Lemma 2.12. This shows that nP ≡ 5mP x2 (mod P 2 ), i.e. n ≡ 5mx2 (mod P ). Since 5 | P, it follows that 5 | n. Also since n = mt, first, assume that 5 | t. Then t = 5s for some positive odd integer s and therefore n = 4 2 + 5Vms + 5). mt = 5ms. By (2.12), we readily obtain Vn = V5ms = Vms (Vms Since ms is odd and 5 | P, it follows that 5 | Vms by Corollary 2.15 and therefore 4 2 4 2 + 5Vms + 5)/5) = x2 . Clearly, (Vms /Vm , (Vms + 5Vms + 5)/5) = 1. (Vms /Vm )((Vms 4 2 2 This implies that Vms + 5Vms + 5 = 5b for some b ≥ 0. But the integral points on 5Y 2 = X 4 + 5X 2 + 5 are immediately determined by using MAGMA [2] to be (X, ±Y ) = (0, 1), which gives Vms = 0, which is impossible. Now assume that 5  t. Since n = mt and 5 | n, it is seen that 5 | m. Then we can write m = 5r a with 5  a and r ≥ 1. By (2.17), we obtain Vm = V5r a = 5V5r−1 a (5a1 + 1) for some positive integer a1 . Thus we conclude that Vm = V5r a = 5r Va (5a1 + 1)(5a2 + 1) . . . (5ar + 1) for some positive integers ai with 1 ≤ i ≤ r. Let A = (5a1 + 1)(5a2 + 1) . . . (5ar + 1). It is obvious that 5  A. Thus we have Vm = 5r Va A. In a similar manner, we see that Vn = V5r at = 5r Vat (5b1 + 1)(5b2 + 1) . . . (5br + 1) for some positive integers bj with 1 ≤ j ≤ r. Let B = (5b1 + 1)(5b2 + 1) . . . (5br + 1). It is obvious that 5  B. Thus we have Vn = 5r Vat B. This shows that 5r Vat B = 5.5r Va Ax2 , i.e. Vat B = 5Va Ax2 . By Lemma 2.12 and Corollary 2.15, it is seen that atP B ≡ 5aP Ax2 (mod P 2 ) and therefore we get atB ≡ 5aAx2 (mod P ). Using the fact that 5 | P, we get 5 | atB. But this is impossible since 5  a, 5  t, and 5  B. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.2. Theorem 3.3. If P is odd and 5 | P, then the equation Un = 5x2 has the solution n = 2, P = 5. If P 2 ≡ 1 (mod 5), then the equation Un = 5x2 has the solution n = 5, P = 1. If P is odd and P 2 ≡ −1 (mod 5), then the equation Un = 5x2 has no solutions. Proof. Assume that P is odd and 5 | P. Since 5 | Un , it follows that n is even by Lemma 2.13. Then n = 2t for some positive integer t. By (2.6), we get Un = U2t = Ut Vt = 5x2 . Clearly, (Ut , Vt ) = 1 or 2 by (2.15). Let (Ut , Vt ) = 1. Then either U t = a2 ,

Vt = 5b2


Ut = 5a2 ,

Vt = b2



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for some positive integers a and b. Assume that (3.3) is satisfied. By Theorem 3.1, we get t = 1 and therefore n = 2. Then P = 5 is a solution. Assume that (3.4) is satisfied. Since 5 | Ut , it follows that t is even by Lemma 2.13. Thus t = 2r for some positive integer r. By using (2.7), we get V2r = Vr2 ± 2 = b2 , which is impossible. Let (Ut , Vt ) = 2. Then either Ut = 10a2 ,

Vt = 2b2


Ut = 2a2 ,

Vt = 10b2



for some positive integers a and b. Equation (3.5) has no solutions, because the values of t and P for which Vt = 2b2 are t = 6 and P = 5 by Theorem 2.5, which gives U6 = 3640 = 10a2 . Assume that (3.6) is satisfied. Since 5 | Vt , it follows that t is odd by Corollary 2.15. If t = 1, then U1 = 1 = 2a2 , which is impossible. Assume that t > 1. Then t = 4q ± 1 for some q > 1. And so by (2.1), we get Ut = U2.2q±1 ≡ U±1 (mod U2 ), implying that 2a2 ≡ 1 (mod P ). Since 5 | P, the previous congruence becomes 2a2 ≡ 1 (mod 5), which is impossible since ( 25 ) = −1. The proof is completed for the case when P is odd and 5 | P. Assume that P 2 ≡ 1 (mod 5). Since 5 | Un , it follows that 5 | n by Lemma 2.13. Thus n = 5t for some positive integer t. Since P 2 ≡ 1 (mod 5), it is obvious that 5 | P 2 + 4 and therefore there exists a positive integer A such that P 2 + 4 = 5A. By (2.11), we get Un = U5t = Ut ((P 2 + 4)2 Ut4 ± 5(P 2 + 4)Ut2 + 5). Substituting P 2 + 4 = 5A into the previous equation gives Un = U5t = 5Ut (5A2 Ut4 ± 5AUt2 + 1). Let B = A2 Ut4 ±AU 2t . Then we get Un = U5t = 5Ut (5B +1) = 5x2 , i.e. Ut (5B +1) = x2 . It can be seen that (Ut , 5B + 1) = 1. This shows that Ut = a2 and 5B + 1 = b2 for some positive integers a and b. By Theorem 2.3, we get t ≤ 2 or t = 12 and P = 1. If t = 1, then n = 5 and therefore we get U5 = P 4 + 3P 2 + 1 = 5x2 . With MAGMA [2], we find that P = 1. So the equation Un = 5x2 has the solution n = 5 and P = 1. If t = 2, then n = 10 and therefore we obtain U10 = 5x2 , implying that U5 V5 = 5x2 by (2.6). Since 5 | U5 , it follows that (U5 /5)V5 = x2 . By (2.15), clearly, (U5 /5, V5 ) = 1. This implies that U5 = 5a2 , V5 = b2 for some a, b > 0. Since U5 = P 4 + 3P 2 + 1, it follows that 5a2 = P 4 + 3P 2 + 1. With MAGMA [2], we get P = 1. But then V5 = 11 = b2 , which is impossible. If t = 12 and P = 1, then it follows that n = 60. Thus we obtain U60 = 5x2 , which is impossible by Theorem 3 in [26]. The proof is completed for the case when P 2 ≡ 1 (mod 5). Assume that P is odd and P 2 ≡ −1 (mod 5). Since 5 | Un , it follows that 3 | n by Lemma 2.13 and therefore n = 3m for some positive integer m. Assume that m is even. Then m = 2s for some positive integer s and therefore n = 6s. Thus by (2.6), we get Un = U6s = U3s V3s = 5x2 . By (2.15), clearly, (U3s , V3s ) = 2. Then either U3s = 10a2 ,

V3s = 2b2


U3s = 2a2 ,

V3s = 10b2



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Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers of the form 5x2


for some positive integers a and b. Assume that (3.7) is satisfied. By Theorem 2.5, it follows that 3s = 6 and P = 1, 5. But this is impossible since P 2 ≡ −1 (mod 5). Assume that (3.8) is satisfied. Since 5 | V3s , it follows that 5 | P by Corollary 2.15. But this contradicts the fact that P 2 ≡ −1 (mod 5). Now assume that m is odd. 2 2 − 3). Clearly, (Um , (P 2 + 4)Um − Then by (2.9), we get Un = U3m = Um ((P 2 + 4)Um 3) = 1 or 3. Since m is odd, it follows that 3  Um by Lemma 2.13 and therefore 2 − 3) = 1. Then (Um , (P 2 + 4)Um Um = 5a2 ,

2 (P 2 + 4)Um − 3 = b2


or U m = a2 ,

2 (P 2 + 4)Um − 3 = 5b2


for some positive integers a and b. Assume that (3.9) is satisfied. Since m is odd, we obtain Vm2 + 1 = b2 by (2.8). This shows that Vm = 0, which is impossible. Assume that (3.10) is satisfied. Since both m and P are odd, it follows that m = 1 by Theorem 2.3. If m = 1, then n = 3 and therefore P 2 + 1 = 5y 2 , which is impossible since we get y 2 ≡ 2 (mod 8) in this case. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.3. In [16], the authors show that the equation Fn = 5Fm x2 has no solutions when m ≥ 3. Now, we give the following theorem. Theorem 3.4. Let P > 1 and m > 1. The equation Un = 5Um x2 has no solution in any of the following cases: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

P 2 ≡ 1 (mod 5); P 2 ≡ −1 (mod 5), n is odd, and P is odd or 4 | P ; P 2 ≡ −1 (mod 5), n is even, and P is odd ; P is odd and 5 | P.

Proof. Assume that Un = 5Um x2 for some positive integer x. Since Um | Un , it follows that m | n by (2.14). Thus n = mt for some positive integer t. Since n = m, we have t > 1. Case I. Let P 2 ≡ 1 (mod 5). It is obvious that 5 | P 2 + 4. Since 5 | Un , it follows that 5 | n by Lemma 2.13. Now we divide the proof into two subcases. Subcase (i). Assume that 5 | t. Then t = 5s for some positive integer s and therefore n = mt = 5ms. By (2.11), we obtain 4 2 ± 5(P 2 + 4)Ums + 5) = 5Um x2 . Un = U5ms = Ums ((P 2 + 4)2 Ums


4 2 ± 5(P 2 + 4)Ums + 5. Also we have (P 2 + It is easily seen that 5 | (P 2 + 4)2 Ums 2 4 2 2 4 2 4) Ums ± 5(P + 4)Ums + 5 = Vms ± 3Vms + 1 by (2.8). So rearranging Eq. (3.11) gives 4 2 ± 3Vms + 1)/5). x2 = (Ums /Um )((Vms

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R. Keskin & O. Karaatli

4 2 4 2 Clearly, (Ums /Um , (Vms ± 3Vms + 1)/5) = 1. This implies that Vms ± 3Vms + 1 = 5b2 2 4 2 for some b > 0. But the integral points on 5Y = X ± 3X + 1 are immediately determined by using MAGMA [2] to be (±X, ±Y ) = (1, 1) or (±X, ±Y ) = (2, 1), which gives Vms = 1 or Vms = 2. The first of these is impossible. If the second is satisfied, then ms = 0, which contradicts the fact that m > 1.

Subcase (ii). Assume that 5  t. Since 5 | n, it follows that 5 | m. Then we can write m = 5r a with 5  a and r ≥ 1. Since 5 | P 2 + 4, it can be seen by (2.11) that Um = U5r a = 5U5r−1 a (5a1 + 1) for some positive integer a1 . And thus we conclude that Um = U5r a = 5r Ua (5a1 + 1)(5a2 + 1) . . . (5ar + 1) for some positive integers ai with 1 ≤ i ≤ r. Let A = (5a1 + 1)(5a2 + 1) . . . (5ar + 1). It is obvious that 5  A and we have Um = 5r Ua A. In a similar manner, we get Un = U5r at = 5r Uat (5b1 + 1)(5b2 + 1) . . . (5br + 1) for some positive integers bj with 1 ≤ j ≤ r. Let B = (5b1 + 1)(5b2 + 1) . . . (5br + 1). It is obvious that 5  B. Thus we have Un = 5r Uat B. Substituting the new values of Un and Um into Un = 5Um x2 gives 5r Uat B = 5.5r Ua Ax2 . This shows that Uat B = 5Ua Ax2 . Since 5  B, it follows that 5 | Uat , implying that 5 | at by Lemma 2.13. This contradicts the fact that 5  a and 5  t. Case II. Let P 2 ≡ −1 (mod 5) and n is odd. Then, both m and t are odd. Thus we can write t = 4q ± 1 for some q ≥ 1. And so by (2.1), we get 5Um x2 = Un = U(4q±1)m = U2.2mq±m ≡ Um

(mod U2m ).

Using (2.6) gives 5x2 ≡ 1 (mod Vm ). Since m is odd, it follows that P | Vm by Lemma 2.12. Then we have 5x2 ≡ 1 (mod P ).


Assume that P is odd. Then (3.12) implies that 1 = ( P5 ). Since P 2 ≡ −1 (mod 5), it can be seen that P ≡ ±2 (mod 5). Hence we get       5 P ±2 1= = = = −1, P 5 5 a contradiction. Now assume that P is even. If 8 | P, then it follows from (3.12) that 5x2 ≡ 1 (mod 8), which is impossible since we get x2 ≡ 5 (mod 8) in this case. If 4 | P and 8  P, then from (3.12), we get 5x2 ≡ 1 (mod P/4). 5 This shows that ( P/4 ) = 1. Since P 2 ≡ −1 (mod 5), it can be seen that P/4 ≡ ±2 (mod 5). Hence we get       5 P/4 ±2 1= = = = −1, P/4 5 5 a contradiction.

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Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers of the form 5x2


Case III. Let P 2 ≡ −1 (mod 5), n is even, and P is odd. Since n = mt, we divide the proof into two subcases. Subcase (i). Assume that t is even. Then t = 2s for some positive integer s. Thus we get 5x2 = Un /Um = U2ms /Um = (Ums /Um )Vms . Clearly, d = (Ums /Um , Vms ) = 1 or 2 by (2.15). Let d = 1. Then either Ums = Um a2

and Vms = 5b2


Ums = 5Um a2

and Vms = b2 .



Assume that (3.13) is satisfied. Since 5 | Vms , it follows that 5 | P by Corollary 2.15. This contradicts the fact that P 2 ≡ −1 (mod 5). Assume that (3.14) is satisfied. By Theorem 2.4, we get ms = 3 and P = 3. Since m > 1, it follows that m = 3. This is impossible since we get 1 = 5a2 in this case. Let d = 2. This implies that either Ums = 2Um a2

and Vms = 10b2


Ums = 10Um a2

and Vms = 2b2 .



Assume that (3.15) is satisfied. Since 5 | Vms , it follows that 5 | P by Corollary 2.15. This contradicts the fact that P 2 ≡ −1 (mod 5). Assume that (3.16) is satisfied. By Theorem 2.5, we get ms = 6 and P = 1, 5. But this is impossible since P 2 ≡ −1 (mod 5). Subcase (ii). Assume that t is odd. Since t > 1, we can write t = 4q + 1 or t = 4q + 3 for some q > 0. On the other hand, since n is even and n = mt, it follows that m is even. Therefore we can write m = 2r a with a odd and r > 0. Assume that t = 4q + 1. Then n = mt = 4qm + m = 2 · 2r+k b + m with b odd. Hence, we get 5Um x2 = Un = U2·2r+k b+m ≡ −Um

(mod V2r+k )

by (2.3). Since (Um , V2r+k ) = (U2r a , V2r+k ) = 1 by (2.16), it follows that 5x2 ≡ 5 ) = 1 and ( V −1 ) = −1 by −1 (mod V2r+k ). This is impossible. Because ( V r+k 2 2r+k (2.18) and (2.5), respectively. Now assume that t = 4q + 3. Then we have n = mt = 4qm + 3m. And so by (2.1), we get 5Um x2 = Un = U4qm+3m ≡ U3m

(mod U2m ).

By using (2.6) and (2.9), we readily obtain 5x2 ≡ Vm2 − 1 (mod Vm ), which implies that 5x2 ≡ −1 (mod Vm ). Using the fact that m = 2r a with a odd, we have 5x2 ≡ −1 (mod V2r a ), implying that 5x2 ≡ −1 (mod V2r ) by (2.13). But this is ) = −1 by (2.18) and (2.5), respectively. impossible since ( V52r ) = 1 and ( V−1 2r Case IV. Let P be odd and 5 | P. Since 5 | Un , it follows that n is even by Lemma 2.13. Moreover, since Um | Un , there exists an integer t such that n = mt by

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R. Keskin & O. Karaatli

(2.14). Assume that t is even. Then t = 2s for some positive integer s. By (2.6), we get Un = U2ms = Ums Vms = 5Um x2 , implying that (Ums /Um )Vms = 5x2 . Clearly, (Ums /Um , Vms ) = 1 or 2 by (2.15). If (Ums /Um , Vms ) = 1, then Ums = Um a2 ,

Vms = 5b2


Ums = 5Um a2 ,

Vms = b2



for some positive integers a and b. Assume that (3.17) is satisfied. Then by Theorem 3.1, we get ms = 1. This contradicts the fact that m > 1. Assume that (3.18) is satisfied. Then by Theorem 2.4, we have ms = 3 and P = 1 or ms = 3 and P = 3. But both of these are impossible since 5 | P. If (Ums /Um , Vms ) = 2, then Ums = 2Um a2 ,

Vms = 10b2


Ums = 10Um a2 ,

Vms = 2b2



for some positive integers a and b. Assume that (3.19) is satisfied. Then by Theorem 2.6, we get ms = 12, m = 6, P = 5. On the other hand, since 5 | Vms , it follows by Corollary 2.15 that 5 | P and ms is odd. This is a contradiction since ms = 12. Equation (3.20) has no solutions, since the possible values for which Vms = 2b2 are given by Theorem 2.5 and none of them gives a solution to Ums = 10Um a2 . Now assume that t is odd. Since n = mt and n is even, it follows that m is even. Therefore we have Un ≡ (n/2)P (mod P 2 ) and Um ≡ (m/2)P (mod P 2 ) by Lemma 2.14. This shows that (n/2)P ≡ 5(m/2)P x2 (mod P 2 ), i.e. (n/2) ≡ 5(m/2)x2 (mod P ). Since 5 | P, it is obvious that 5 | n. Now we divide the remainder of the proof into two subcases. Subcase (i). Assume that 5 | t. Then t = 5s for some positive integer s and therefore n = mt = 5ms. By (2.11), we obtain 4 2 + 5(P 2 + 4)Ums + 5) = 5Um x2 . Un = U5ms = Ums ((P 2 + 4)2 Ums


Since ms is even and 5 | P, it is seen that 5 | Ums by Lemma 2.13. Also we have 4 2 4 2 + 5(P 2 + 4)Ums + 5 = Vms − 3Vms + 1 by (2.8). So rearranging the (P 2 + 4)2 Ums equation (3.21) gives 4 2 x2 = (Ums /Um )((Vms − 3Vms + 1)/5). 4 2 4 2 − 3Vms + 1)/5) = 1. This implies that Vms − 3Vms + 1 = 5b2 Clearly, (Ums /Um , (Vms 2 4 2 for some b > 0. But the integral points on 5Y = X − 3X + 1 are immediately determined by using MAGMA [2] to be (±X, ±Y ) = (2, 1), which gives Vms = 2, implying that ms = 0, which is impossible.

Subcase (ii). Assume that 5  t. Since 5 | n, it follows that 5 | m. Then we can write m = 5r a with 5  a, 2 | a, and r ≥ 1. It can be seen by (2.11) that Um =

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Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers of the form 5x2


U5r a = 5U5r−1 a (5a1 + 1) for some positive integer a1 . And thus we conclude that Um = U5r a = 5r Ua (5a1 + 1)(5a2 + 1) . . . (5ar + 1) for some positive integers ai with 1 ≤ i ≤ r. Let A = (5a1 + 1)(5a2 + 1) . . . (5ar + 1). Then we have Um = 5r Ua A. In a similar manner, we get Un = U5r at = 5r Uat (5b1 + 1)(5b2 + 1) . . . (5br + 1) for some positive integers bj with 1 ≤ j ≤ r. Let B = (5b1 + 1)(5b2 + 1) . . . (5br + 1). It is obvious that 5  B. Thus we have Un = 5r Uat B. Substituting the new values of Un and Um into Un = 5Um x2 gives 5r Uat B = 5.5r Ua Ax2 .


On the other hand, since a and at are even, it follows from Lemma 2.14 that Uat ≡ (at/2)P (mod P 2 ) and Ua ≡ (a/2)P (mod P 2 ). So (3.22) becomes 5r (at/2)P B ≡ 5.5r (a/2)P Ax2

(mod P 2 ).

Rearranging the above congruence gives (at/2)B ≡ 5(a/2)Ax2

(mod P ).

Since 5 | P, it follows that 5 | (at/2)B, implying that 5 | atB. This contradicts the fact that 5  a, 5  t, and 5  B. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.4. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the anonymous referee for careful reading and suggestions that improved the clarity of this manuscript. References [1] U. Alfred, On square Lucas numbers, Fibonacci Quart. 2 (1964) 11–12. [2] W. Bosma, J. Cannon and C. Playoust, The MAGMA algebra system. I: The user language, J. Symbolic Comput. 24(3–4) (1997) 235–265. [3] A. Bremner and N. Tzanakis, Lucas sequences whose 12th or 9th term is a square, J. Number Theory 107 (2004) 215–227. , On squares in Lucas sequences, J. Number Theory 124 (2007) 511–520. [4] , Lucas sequences whose nth term is a square or an almost square, Acta Arith. [5] 126 (2007) 261–280. [6] S. A. Burr, On the occurrence of squares in Lucas sequences, Amer. Math. Soc. Notices 10 (1963) 11–12 (Abstract 63T-302). [7] J. H. E. Cohn, Square Fibonacci numbers, etc., Fibonacci Quart. 2 (1964) 109–113. , On square Fibonacci numbers, J. London Math. Soc. 39 (1964) 537–540. [8] , Lucas and Fibonacci numbers and some Diophantine equations, Proc. Glas[9] gow Math. Assoc. 7 (1965) 24–28. , Eight Diophantine equations, Proc. London Math. Soc. 16 (1966) 153–166. [10] , Five Diophantine equations, Math. Scand. 21 (1967) 61–70. [11] , Squares in some recurrent sequences, Pacific J. Math. 41 (1972) 631–646. [12] [13] B. Demirt¨ urk and R. Keskin, Integer solutions of some Diophantine equations via Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, J. Integer Seq. 12 (2009), Article ID 09.8.7, 14 pp. [14] T. Kagawa and N. Terai, Squares in Lucas sequences and some Diophantine equations, Manuscripta Math. 96 (1998) 195–202.

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