Generated Surfaces via Inextensible Flows of Curves in

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May 9, 2016 - we get the time evolution of Serret-Frenet frame and the evolution of curvatures. In Section 5, we study the geometric. Hindawi PublishingΒ ...
Hindawi Publishing Corporation Journal of Applied Mathematics Volume 2016, Article ID 6178961, 8 pages

Research Article Generated Surfaces via Inextensible Flows of Curves in R3 Rawya A. Hussien and Samah G. Mohamed Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut 71516, Egypt Correspondence should be addressed to Samah G. Mohamed; samah [email protected] Received 18 February 2016; Accepted 9 May 2016 Academic Editor: Mustafa Inc Copyright Β© 2016 R. A. Hussien and S. G. Mohamed. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We study the inextensible flows of curves in 3-dimensional Euclidean space R3 . The main purpose of this paper is constructing and plotting the surfaces that are generated from the motion of inextensible curves in R3 . Also, we study some geometric properties of those surfaces. We give some examples about the inextensible flows of curves in R3 and we determine the curves from their intrinsic equations (curvature and torsion). Finally, we determine and plot the surfaces that are generated by the motion of those curves by using Mathematica 7.

1. Introduction The evolution of curves and surfaces has important applications in many fields such ascomputer vision [1, 2], computer animation [3], and image processing [4]. The motion of curves and surfaces in R3 leads to nonlinear evolution equations, which are often integrable. The connection between integrable systems and the differential geometry of curves has been studied extensively. Some integrable systems arise from invariant curve flows in certain geometries such as affine and centroaffine geometries [5–7] and similarity and projective geometries [8, 9]. Motion of curves in Minkowski space 𝑅13 is studied in [10–12]. Hashimoto [13] showed that the integrable nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLS) 󡄨 󡄨2 π‘–πœ™π‘‘ + πœ™π‘ π‘  + σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨πœ™σ΅„¨σ΅„¨σ΅„¨ πœ™ = 0


is equivalent to the system for the curvatures π‘˜ and 𝜏 of curves in R3 : π‘˜π‘‘ = βˆ’πœπ‘  π‘˜ βˆ’ 2πœπ‘˜π‘  , πœπ‘‘ = π‘˜π‘˜π‘  +

πœ• βˆ’πœ2 π‘˜ + π‘˜π‘ π‘  ( ), πœ•π‘  π‘˜


via the so-called Hashimoto transformation πœ™ = π‘˜ exp𝑖 ∫ 𝜏(𝑠,𝑑)𝑑𝑠 . System (2) is equivalent to the vortex filament equation 𝛾𝑑 = 𝛾𝑠 Γ— 𝛾𝑠𝑠 = π‘˜π‘,


where 𝑏 is the binormal vector of 𝛾. In [14], Schief and Rogers studied the binormal motion of curves of constant curvature or torsion. This line of research has been extended to motions of curves in three-dimensional space forms. Recently, Abdel-All et al. [15–18] constructed new geometrical models of motion of plane curves. Also, they constructed a Hashimoto surface from its fundamental coefficients via numerical integration of Gauss-Weingarten equations and fundamental theorem of surfaces. Also, they studied kinematics of moving generalized curves in 𝑛dimensional Euclidean space in terms of intrinsic geometries. Mohamed [19] studied the motions of inextensible curves in spherical space S3 . In this paper, we will present the flows of curves in R3 . The outline of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, we study the geometry of curves in R3 . In Sections 3 and 4, we study the motion of curves in R3 and we get the time evolution of Serret-Frenet frame and the evolution of curvatures. In Section 5, we study the geometric


Journal of Applied Mathematics

properties of the surfaces that are generated by the motion of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 . In Section 6, we give some examples of motions of inextensible curves in R3 , and we plot the surfaces that are generated by the motion of those curves. For these surfaces, we study the Gaussian and Mean curvatures. Finally, Section 7 is devoted to conclusion.

there is a point 𝛾(𝑒, 𝑑) ∈ R2 . An evolution equation which is a differential equation that describes the evolution of 𝛾(𝑒, 𝑑) in time can be specified by the form 𝛾̇ =

𝑑𝛾 = π‘Šπ‘‡ + π‘ˆπ‘ + 𝑉𝐡, 𝑑𝑑


2. Geometric Preliminaries

where π‘Š, π‘ˆ, 𝑉 are the velocities along the frame 𝑇, 𝑁, 𝐡. Consider a local motion; that is, the velocities π‘Š, π‘ˆ, 𝑉 depend only on the local values of the curvatures {π‘˜, 𝜏}.

Consider a smooth curve in a 3-dimensional space. Assume that 𝑒 is the parameter along the curve in R3 . Let π‘Ÿ(𝑒) denote the position vector of a point on the curve. The metric on the curve is

4. Main Results

𝑔 (𝑒) = ⟨

πœ•π‘Ÿ πœ•π‘Ÿ , ⟩, πœ•π‘’ πœ•π‘’


𝐹 = (𝑁) ,


where 𝑀 is the evolution matrix and it takes the form 𝑀 0













.. .

.. .

.. .

𝑀3𝑛 ) ) (13) ) , .. ) ) . )

βˆ’π‘€1(π‘›βˆ’1) βˆ’π‘€2(π‘›βˆ’1) βˆ’π‘€3(π‘›βˆ’1) . . . 𝑀(π‘›βˆ’1)𝑛


( βˆ’π‘€1𝑛






where the elements of the matrix 𝑀 are given explicitly by

𝑄 = (βˆ’π‘˜ 0 𝜏) .

𝑀1𝑗 = 𝐴 𝑗 = V𝑗,𝑠 + π‘˜π‘—βˆ’1 Vπ‘—βˆ’1 βˆ’ π‘˜π‘— V𝑗+1 ,

0 βˆ’πœ 0 Lemma 2. Consider the curve 𝛾(𝑠(𝑒)) with an arbitrary parameter 𝑒 ∈ 𝐼. Then the Serret-Frenet frame satisfies 𝐹𝑒 = βˆšπ‘”π‘„ β‹… 𝐹,

𝐹𝑑 = 𝑀 β‹… 𝐹,

( βˆ’π‘€ ( 13 ( =( . ( .. (


π‘˜ 0


Theorem 4. The evolution for the frame 𝐹 = (𝑒1 , 𝑒2 , . . . , 𝑒𝑛 )𝑑 can be given in a matrix form




𝑔̇ = 2π‘”πœ†, where πœ† = (πœ•V1 /πœ•π‘  βˆ’ π‘˜V2 ).

Lemma 1. The Frenet frame for the curve in R3 satisfies the following:


where V𝑗 are the velocities in the direction of 𝑒𝑗 , we had the following.


we use {𝑒, 𝑑} as coordinates of a point on the curve. Consider the orthonormal frame I = {𝑇, 𝑁, 𝐡}, such that 𝑇 is the tangent vector and 𝑁, 𝐡 denote the normal vectors at any point on the curve.

𝐹𝑠 = 𝑄 β‹… 𝐹,


Lemma 3. The evolution equation for the metric 𝑔 is given by

𝑠 (𝑒) = ∫ βˆšπ‘” (𝜎)π‘‘πœŽ, πœ• 1 πœ• = ; πœ•π‘  βˆšπ‘” πœ•π‘’

𝑛 𝑑𝛾 = βˆ‘V𝑗 𝑒𝑗 , 𝑑𝑑 𝑗=1


where 𝑒 is the parameter of the curve. The arc length along the curve is given by


From [18], we considered the curve 𝛾(𝑒, 𝑑). For the curve flow


where 𝑄 and 𝐹 are given as in (6).

3. Curve Evolution An evolving curve can be considered as a family of curves parametrized by time. This means that each curve in the family is a mapping 𝛾 : 𝐼 Γ— (0, 1] β†’ R2 that assigns for each space parameter 𝑒 ∈ 𝐼 and each time parameter 𝑑 ∈ (0, 1];

π‘€π›Όπœ‡ =

1 π‘˜πœ‡βˆ’π›Ό

𝑗 = 2, 3, . . . , 𝑛,

(𝑀(π›Όβˆ’1)πœ‡,𝑠 + π‘˜πœ‡βˆ’1 𝑀(π›Όβˆ’1)(πœ‡βˆ’1) (14)

+ π‘˜πœ‡ 𝑀(π›Όβˆ’1)(πœ‡+1) + π‘˜π›Όβˆ’2 𝑀(π›Όβˆ’2)πœ‡ ) , 𝛼 = 2, . . . , 𝑛 βˆ’ 1, 𝛼 < πœ‡ ≀ 𝑛, π‘˜0 = π‘˜π‘› = 0. Theorem 5. The time evolution equations for the curvatures take the form π‘˜1,𝑑 = 𝑀12,𝑠 βˆ’ π‘˜1 πœ† βˆ’ π‘˜2 𝑀13 , π‘˜π›Ό,𝑑 = π‘€π›Όπœ‡,𝑠 βˆ’ π‘˜π›Ό πœ† + π‘˜π›Όβˆ’1 𝑀(π›Όβˆ’1)πœ‡ βˆ’ π‘˜π›Ό+1 𝑀𝛼(πœ‡+1) , π‘˜0 = π‘˜π‘› = 0.


Journal of Applied Mathematics


For 𝑛 = 3, we can study the motion of curves in R3 ; we choose π‘˜1 = π‘˜, π‘˜2 = 𝜏, V1 = π‘Š, V2 = π‘ˆ, and V3 = 𝑉; then we have the following. Theorem 6. The time evolution of the Serret-Frenet frame can be written in matrix form as follows: 𝐹𝑑 = 𝑀 β‹… 𝐹,

5. Examples of Inextensible Flows of Curves in R3 Example 11. If π‘Š = constant = π‘Ž =ΜΈ 0, π‘ˆ = 0,




𝑇 𝐹 = (𝑁) ,

𝑀 = (βˆ’π‘€12

𝑀12 𝑀13 0

βˆ’π‘€13 βˆ’π‘€23



𝑀13 = 𝑉𝑠 + πœπ‘ˆ,


1 (𝑀13,𝑠 + πœπ‘€12 ) . π‘˜

𝑔𝑑 βˆ’π‘€13 𝑀12,𝑠 π‘˜ 2𝑔 ). ( ) =( 𝑔𝑑 ) ( ) + ( 𝜏 𝜏 𝑑 𝑀23,𝑠 𝑀13 βˆ’ 2𝑔


Definition 8. An inextensible curve is a curve whose length is preserved; that is, it does not evolve in time:

Theorem 9. The flow of the curve is inextensible if and only if πœ•π‘Š/πœ•π‘  = π‘˜π‘ˆ. Lemma 10. If the curve 𝛾(𝑠, 𝑑) is inextensible (𝑔𝑑 = 𝑔̇ = 0), then the evolution equations for the curvature and torsion (19) are (21)

Then the PDE system (21) can be written explicitly in the following form: π‘˜π‘‘ = (π‘˜2 βˆ’ 𝜏2 ) π‘ˆ + π‘ˆπ‘ π‘  + π‘˜π‘  π‘Š βˆ’ πœπ‘  𝑉 βˆ’ 2πœπ‘‰π‘  , πœπ‘‘ = π‘˜ (𝑉𝑠 + πœπ‘ˆ) 1 + ( (βˆ’πœ2 𝑉 + 𝜏 (π‘˜π‘Š + 2π‘ˆπ‘  ) + 𝑉𝑠𝑠 + πœπ‘  π‘ˆ)) . π‘˜ ,𝑠



Example 12. If π‘Š = constant = π‘Ž,


The necessary and sufficient conditions for inextensible flows are then given by the following theorem.

π‘Ž (π‘Žπ‘1 βˆ’ 𝑐2 ) , 2𝑐1

where 𝑐1 , 𝑐2 , and 𝑐3 are constants. The curvature of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 as a function of the coordinates 𝑠 and 𝑑 is plotted in Figure 1. Substitute (23) and (25) into systems (6) and (16) and solve them numerically. Then we can get the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 = 𝛾(𝑠, 𝑑), so we can determine the surface that is generated by this family of curves (Figure 2).

π‘ˆ = 0,

i.e., 𝑔𝑑 = 𝑔̇ = 0.

𝑀12,𝑠 π‘˜ 0 βˆ’π‘€13 π‘˜ )( ) + ( ). ( ) =( 𝜏 𝑀13 0 𝑀23,𝑠 𝜏 𝑑


π‘˜ (𝑠, 𝑑) = βˆ’2𝑐1 sech (𝑐1 𝑠 + 𝑐2 𝑑 + 𝑐3 ) , 𝜏 (𝑠, 𝑑) =


πœ•π‘  = 0, πœ•π‘‘

1 (βˆ’π‘˜πœπ‘  + (π‘Ž2 βˆ’ 2𝜏) π‘˜π‘  ) , π‘Ž

One solution of this system is

Theorem 7. The time evolution of the curvature and torsion of the curve 𝐢𝑑 can be given by π‘˜

π‘˜π‘‘ =

π‘˜ π‘˜ 𝜏 πœπ‘‘ = π‘˜π‘  + ( (βˆ’πœ2 + π‘Ž2 ) + 𝑠𝑠 ) . π‘Ž π‘Ž π‘˜ ,𝑠

𝑀23 ) ,

𝑀12 = π‘˜π‘Š + π‘ˆπ‘  βˆ’ πœπ‘‰,

𝑀23 =

π‘˜ (𝑠, 𝑑) , π‘Ž

the PDE system (22) takes the form

𝐡 0



and assuming that 𝜏(𝑠, 𝑑) = π‘˜(𝑠, 𝑑), then PDE system (22) takes the form πœπ‘‘ = π‘Žπ‘˜π‘  βˆ’ πœπ‘  𝑉 βˆ’ 2πœπ‘‰π‘  , 1 πœπ‘‘ = π‘˜π‘‰π‘  + ( (βˆ’πœ2 𝑉 + π‘Žπœπ‘˜ + 𝑉𝑠𝑠 )) . π‘˜ ,𝑠


One solution of this system is 𝜏 (𝑠, 𝑑) = π‘˜ (𝑠, 𝑑) = 𝑐4 tanh (𝑐1 𝑠 + 𝑐2 𝑑 + 𝑐3 ) , 𝑉 (𝑠, 𝑑) =

π‘Žπ‘1 βˆ’ 𝑐2 , 𝑐1


where 𝑐1 , 𝑐2 , 𝑐3 , and 𝑐4 are constants. The curvature of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 as a function of the coordinates 𝑠 and 𝑑 is plotted in Figure 3. Substitute (26) and (28) into systems (6) and (16) and solve them numerically. Then we can get the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 = 𝛾(𝑠, 𝑑), so we can determine the surface that is generated by this family of curves (Figure 4).


Journal of Applied Mathematics 8 6 t

4 2





k(s, t)

βˆ’0.5 βˆ’1.0


βˆ’1.5 βˆ’2.0





Figure 1: The curvature of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝑠 ∈ [0, 5], 𝑑 ∈ [0, 8], π‘Ž = 0.5, 𝑐1 = 1, 𝑐2 = βˆ’0.001, and 𝑐3 = 0.

Figure 4: The surface that is generated by the motion of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝑠 ∈ [0, 5], 𝑑 ∈ [0, 3], π‘Ž = 0.6, 𝑐1 = 1, 𝑐2 = 0.01, 𝑐3 = 0, and 𝑐4 = 1. The bold black curves in this surface represent the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝑑 = 0, 1, 2.


Example 13. If π‘Š = π‘˜ (𝑠, 𝑑) ,




π‘˜π‘  , π‘˜


𝑉 = 𝑏 = constant =ΜΈ 0, then the PDE system (22) takes the form π‘˜π‘‘ = (π‘˜2 βˆ’ 𝜏2 ) ( πœπ‘‘ = π‘˜πœ Figure 2: The surface that is generated by the motion of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝑠 ∈ [0, 5], 𝑑 ∈ [0, 8], π‘Ž = 0.5, 𝑐1 = 1, 𝑐2 = βˆ’0.001, and 𝑐3 = 0. The bold black curves in this surface represent the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝑑 = 0, 4, 7.

π‘˜π‘  π‘˜ ) + ( 𝑠 ) + π‘˜π‘˜π‘  βˆ’ π‘πœπ‘  , π‘˜ π‘˜ 𝑠𝑠

π‘˜π‘  π‘˜


π‘˜ πœπ‘˜ 1 + ( (βˆ’πœ2 𝑏 + 𝜏 (π‘˜2 + 2 ( 𝑠 ) ) + 𝑠 𝑠 )) . π‘˜ π‘˜ 𝑠 π‘˜ ,𝑠 One solution of this system is π‘˜ (𝑠, 𝑑) = 𝜏 (𝑠, 𝑑) = βˆ’βˆš2

3 2


1 0

k(s, t)


𝑐1 𝑐 (βˆ’π‘  + 𝑏𝑑) + 𝑏𝑐2 sech ( 1 ) , (31) 𝑏 𝑏

where 𝑐1 and 𝑐2 are constants. The curvature of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 as a function of the coordinates 𝑠 and 𝑑 is plotted in Figure 5. Substitute (29) and (31) into systems (6) and (16) and solve them numerically. Then we can get the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 = 𝛾(𝑠, 𝑑), so we can determine the surface that is generated by this family of curves (Figure 6).

0.5 0.0



4 s

Figure 3: The curvature of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝑠 ∈ [0, 5], 𝑑 ∈ [0, 3], π‘Ž = 0.6, 𝑐1 = 1, 𝑐2 = 0.01, 𝑐3 = 0, and 𝑐4 = 1.

5.1. Examples of Binormal Motion of Inextensible Curves. Consider the binormal motion of inextensible curves in R3 , so π‘Š = π‘ˆ = 0. Then the evolution equation (9) takes the form π‘ŸΜ‡ =

π‘‘π‘Ÿ = 𝑉𝐡. 𝑑𝑑


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5 8

The PDE system (22) takes the form



π‘˜π‘‘ = βˆ’πœπ‘  𝑉 βˆ’ 2πœπ‘‰π‘  ,


1 πœπ‘‘ = π‘˜π‘‰π‘  + ( (βˆ’πœ2 𝑉 + 𝑉𝑠𝑠 )) . π‘˜ ,𝑠

k(s, t)

2 0.0 βˆ’0.2 βˆ’0.4 βˆ’0.6


Example 15. The famous example of binormal motion is the motion of the vortex filament in R3 , where the binormal velocity equals the curvature of the curve 𝑉 = π‘˜, and the evolution equation is

3 2 t



π‘ŸΜ‡ =


Figure 5: The curvature of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝑠 ∈ [0, 8], 𝑑 ∈ [0, 3], 𝑏 = 1.5, 𝑐1 = 0.8, and 𝑐2 = 0.5.

π‘‘π‘Ÿ = π‘˜π΅. 𝑑𝑑


If 𝑉 = π‘˜, then the PDE system (35) takes the form π‘˜π‘‘ = βˆ’π‘˜πœπ‘  βˆ’ 2πœπ‘˜π‘  , 1 πœπ‘‘ = π‘˜π‘˜π‘  + ( (βˆ’πœ2 π‘˜ + π‘˜π‘ π‘  )) . π‘˜ ,𝑠



The solution of the PDE (37) is t=1

π‘˜ (𝑠, 𝑑) = βˆ’2𝑐1 sech (𝑐1 𝑠 + 𝑐2 𝑑 + 𝑐3 ) ,


𝜏 (𝑠, 𝑑) = 𝜏0 =

t = 2.9

Figure 6: The surface that is generated by the motion of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝑠 ∈ [0, 8], 𝑑 ∈ [0, 3], 𝑏 = 1.5, 𝑐1 = 0.8, and 𝑐2 = 0.5. The bold black curves in this surface represent the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝑑 = 0, 1, 2, 2.9.


Example 16. If 𝑉 = constant = π‘Ž, then (35) takes the form π‘˜π‘‘ = βˆ’π‘Žπœπ‘  , πœπ‘‘ = (

𝑇 𝐡 βˆ’πœπ‘‰


1 (βˆ’πœ2 𝑉 + 𝑉𝑠𝑠 )) . π‘˜ 1 0 βˆ’π‘‰π‘  βˆ’ (βˆ’πœ2 𝑉 + 𝑉𝑠𝑠 ) π‘˜

𝑀 = ( πœπ‘‰


π‘Žπ‘1 (𝑐 + 𝑐 tanh (𝑐1 𝑠 + 𝑐2 𝑑 + 𝑐3 )) , 𝑐2 4 5


𝜏 (𝑠, 𝑑) = 𝑐4 + 𝑐5 tanh (𝑐1 𝑠 + 𝑐2 𝑑 + 𝑐3 ) ,

𝐹 = (𝑁) , 0

βˆ’π‘Žπœ2 ) . π‘˜ ,𝑠

The solution of the PDE system (39) is π‘˜ (𝑠, 𝑑) =



where 𝑐1 , 𝑐2 , and 𝑐3 are constants. The curvature of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 as a function of the coordinates 𝑠 and 𝑑 is plotted in Figures 7 and 8. Substitute (38) into (6), (33) for 𝑉 = π‘˜ and solve them numerically. Then we can get the family of curves 𝛾(𝑠, 𝑑), so we can determine the surface that is generated by this family of curves. For 𝜏 = 𝜏0 = βˆ’1/2 see (Figure 9), and for 𝜏 = 𝜏0 = 0 see (Figure 10).

Lemma 14. Consider the binormal motion of inextensible curves in R3 ; then the time evolution of the Serret-Frenet frame can be written in matrix form as follows: 𝐹𝑑 = 𝑀 β‹… 𝐹,

π‘Ž (π‘Žπ‘1 βˆ’ 𝑐2 ) , 2𝑐1



where 𝑐1 , 𝑐2 , 𝑐3 , 𝑐4 , and 𝑐5 are constants. The curvature of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 as a function of the coordinates 𝑠 and 𝑑 is plotted in Figure 11. Substitute (40) into (6), (33) and solve them numerically. Then we can get the family of curves 𝛾(𝑠, 𝑑), so we can determine the surface that is generated by this family of curves (Figure 12).


Journal of Applied Mathematics t=3


k(s, t)




0 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0

t=0 t=1 15 10 t

5 0

Figure 7: The curvature of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝑠 ∈ [0, 10], 𝑑 ∈ [0, 15], 𝑐1 = 1, 𝑐2 = βˆ’1, and 𝑐3 = 0.

Figure 10: The surface that is generated by the motion of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝜏0 = 0, 𝑠 ∈ [0, 5], 𝑑 ∈ [0, 6.3], 𝑐1 = 1, 𝑐2 = 0, and 𝑐3 = 0. The bold black curves in this surface represent the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝑑 = 0, 1, 3, 5. 4 t

2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 βˆ’5


1 6




0 βˆ’0.5 k(s, t)



k(s, t)


βˆ’1.0 βˆ’1.5


5 0

Figure 8: The curvature of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝑠 ∈ [0, 5], 𝑑 ∈ [0, 6.3], 𝑐1 = 1, 𝑐2 = 0, and 𝑐3 = 0.


2 4

Figure 11: The curvature of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝑠 ∈ [0, 8], 𝑑 ∈ [0, 3], 𝑏 = 1.5, 𝑐1 = 0.8, and 𝑐2 = 0.5.





t = 3.9

Figure 9: The surface that is generated by the motion of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝜏0 = βˆ’1/2, 𝑠 ∈ [0, 10], 𝑑 ∈ [0, 15], 𝑐1 = 1, 𝑐2 = βˆ’1, and 𝑐3 = 0. The bold black curves in this surface represent the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝑑 = 0, 6.

Figure 12: The surface that is generated by the motion of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝑠 ∈ [0, 8], 𝑑 ∈ [0, 3], 𝑏 = 1.5, 𝑐1 = 0.8, and 𝑐2 = 0.5. The bold black curves in this surface represent the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 for 𝑑 = 0, 1, 2, 2.9.

Journal of Applied Mathematics

7 Lemma 22. The Gaussian curvature 𝐾 and the Mean curvature 𝐻 for the surface in (Figure 4) are given by

6. Geometric Properties of the Generated Surfaces Let Ξ£ = 𝛾(𝑠, 𝑑) be the surface that is generated by the motion of the family of curves 𝐢𝑑 . In this section, we study some geometric properties of these surfaces. Lemma 17. The first fundamental form of the surface Ξ£ = 𝛾(𝑠, 𝑑) in R3 is given by 2


𝐼 = 𝑔11 (𝑑𝑠) + 2𝑔12 𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑑 + 𝑔22 (𝑑𝑑) ,


where 𝑔11 , 𝑔12 , 𝑔22 are the first fundamental quantities and they are given by

𝑔12 = βŸ¨π›Ύπ‘  , 𝛾𝑑 ⟩ = π‘Š2 + π‘ˆ2 + 𝑉2 ,


𝑔22 = βŸ¨π›Ύπ‘‘ , 𝛾𝑑 ⟩ = π‘Š. Lemma 18. The unit normal vector 𝑛(𝑠, 𝑑) to the surface Ξ£ = 𝛾(𝑠, 𝑑) in R3 at a point 𝑝 = 𝛾(𝑠, 𝑑) on the surface is given by 1 βˆšπ‘ˆ2

+ 𝑉2

(π‘ˆπ΅ βˆ’ 𝑉𝑁) .


Lemma 19. The second fundamental form of the surface Ξ£ = 𝛾(𝑠, 𝑑) in R3 is given by 𝐼𝐼 = 𝐿 11 (𝑑𝑠)2 + 2𝐿 12 𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑑 + 𝐿 22 (𝑑𝑑)2 ,


where 𝐿 11 , 𝐿 12 , 𝐿 22 are the second fundamental quantities and they are given by 𝐿 11 = βŸ¨π›Ύπ‘ π‘  , π‘›βŸ© = 𝐿 12 = βŸ¨π›Ύπ‘ π‘‘ , π‘›βŸ© = 𝐿 22 = βŸ¨π›Ύπ‘‘π‘‘ , π‘›βŸ© =

βˆ’π‘˜π‘‰ √ π‘ˆ2 + 𝑉2 + 𝑉2

1 √ π‘ˆ2 + 𝑉2

(βˆ’π‘ˆπ‘€13 + 𝑉𝑀12 ) ,


βˆ’π‘˜π‘ π‘  , π‘˜2

1 π‘˜3 + π‘˜πœ2 βˆ’ π‘˜π‘ π‘  . 𝐻 (𝑠, 𝑑) = 2 π‘˜2


Lemma 24. The Gaussian curvature 𝐾 and the Mean curvature 𝐻 for the surfaces in Figures 9 and 10 are given by 𝐾 (𝑠, 𝑑) = βˆ’

π‘˜π‘ π‘  , π‘˜

3 2 1 π‘˜ + π‘˜πœ0 βˆ’ π‘˜π‘ π‘  . 𝐻 (𝑠, 𝑑) = βˆ’ 2 π‘˜2


Lemma 25. The Gaussian curvature 𝐾 and the Mean curvature 𝐻 for the surface in (Figure 12) are given by

1 π‘˜2 + π‘˜πœ2 . 2 π‘˜


Hence the surface in (Figure 12) is developable surface.

(π‘ˆπ‘‰π‘‘ βˆ’ π‘ˆπ‘‘ 𝑉

7. Conclusion

Lemma 20. For the surface Ξ£ = 𝛾(𝑠, 𝑑) in R3 , the Gaussian and the Mean curvatures 𝐾 and 𝐻, respectively, are given by 2 det 𝐼𝐼 𝐿 11 𝐿 22 βˆ’ 𝐿 12 , = 2 det 𝐼 𝑔11 𝑔22 βˆ’ 𝑔12

1 𝐿 11 𝑔22 + 𝐿 22 𝑔11 . 2 2 𝑔11 𝑔22 βˆ’ 𝑔12

βˆ’π‘˜π‘ π‘  , π‘˜2

1 π‘˜3 + π‘˜πœ2 βˆ’ π‘˜π‘ π‘  . 𝐻 (𝑠, 𝑑) = 2 π‘˜2

In this paper we studied the inextensible flows of curves in R3 . We constructed and plotted the surfaces that are generated from the motion of inextensible curves in R3 . Also, we studied some geometric properties of those surfaces.

Competing Interests (46)

Lemma 21. The Gaussian curvature 𝐾 and the Mean curvature 𝐻 for the surface in (Figure 2) are given by 𝐾 (𝑠, 𝑑) =

Lemma 23. The Gaussian curvature 𝐾 and the Mean curvature 𝐻 for the surface in (Figure 6) are given by

𝐻 (𝑠, 𝑑) = βˆ’

where 𝑀12 , 𝑀13 , and 𝑀23 are given from (18).



𝐾 (𝑠, 𝑑) = 0,

+ π‘Š (π‘ˆπ‘€13 βˆ’ 𝑉𝑀12 ) + (π‘ˆ2 + 𝑉2 ) 𝑀23 ) ,


βˆ’ (𝑐2 βˆ’ π‘Žπ‘1 ) 𝜏 . π‘Žπ‘1 βˆ’ 𝑐2

Hence the surface in Figure 4 is developable surface.


1 βˆšπ‘ˆ2

𝐻 (𝑠, 𝑑) =

𝐾 (𝑠, 𝑑) =

𝑔11 = βŸ¨π›Ύπ‘  , 𝛾𝑠 ⟩ = 1,

𝑛 (𝑠, 𝑑) =

𝐾 (𝑠, 𝑑) = 0,


The authors declare that there are no competing interests regarding the publication of this paper.

Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Professor Dr. Nassar Hassan Abdel-All, Emeritus Professor, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, for helpful discussions and valuable suggestions about the topic of this paper. The authors also would like to thank the referees for their helpful comments and suggestions.


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