Singer. ➢ Futura CE-‐100/CE-‐150/CE-‐200/CE-‐250/CE-‐350. ➢ Futura ...
Quantum XL-‐5000/XL-‐6000 .... No More Problems with Manual Punching.
Generations 64 Upgrade Features New & Updated Thread Charts
The newest threads are now updated in Generations. We now have over 50 thread charts included. Use these charts when creating or editing your embroidery designs. Generations will color match Windows Colors or convert from one thread chart to another. Customize your thread charts and combine different threads to match what you have in your embroidery room! Here is a list of the new & updated thread charts included: Arc Poly
Arc Polyester
Arc Rayon
Brother Country
Brother Embroidery
Brother Fleshtones
Echidna Polyester
Floriani Metallic
Floriani Polyester
Floriani Premium
FuFu Poly
FuFu Polyester
Guetermann Dekor
Gunold Cotty 12
Gunold Cotty 30
Gunold Filaine Acrylic
Iris Rayon
Isacord Polyester Madeira Polyneon 60
FuFu Rayon Generations
Gunold Poly 40
Gunold Poly Hemingworth Iris 60 Polyester Polyester
Madeira Frosted Matt
Madeira Rayon 40
Madeira Polyneon 40
Marathon Poly
Marathon Polyester
Marathon Rayon
Mettler Poly
Mettler Rayon
Mettler Metrosene
Mettler Quilting
Mettler Seracor
Mettler Seraflock
Mettler Seralene
Robison Anton Rayon 35
Robison Anton Rayon 40
Robison Anton Super Brite Polyester
Royal Rayon
Sylko Polyester
Mettler Silk Finish
Softlight Mercerized Sulky Rayon Cotton
Hoop Updates
The hoop files within Generations View Preferences now include many different machine models with their appropriate hoops/frames. Generations now has over 250 hoops within the preferences. In addition to these new hoops, you can add, delete, and modify the hoops to your desire. Machine Make and Models that are included are: v Babylock Ø BL60E Ø BMP 6 / EMP 6 / BMP 8 / Endurance Ø Ellageo Ø Ellegante / Ellegante 2 Ø Ellissimo Ø Ellure / Ellure Plus / Emore Ø Esante 1 & 2 / New Esante Ø Espree v Bernina Ø Artista 165E Ø Artista 180E Ø Artista 185QEE Ø Artista 200E Ø Artista 630/640E Ø Artista730E Ø Aurora 430E Ø Aurora 440QEE Ø Deco 330/340 Ø Deco 500 v Brother Ø Duetta 4500D Ø Entrepreneur PR-‐1000 / PR-‐1000e Ø Entrepreneur PR-‐650/PR-‐650e Ø Innov-‐is 1250D Ø Innov-‐is 1500D Ø Innov-‐is 2800D Ø Innov-‐is 950D Ø Isadore Innov-‐is 5000 Ø LB-‐6800PRW Ø PE-‐770 Ø PE-‐780D Ø Quattro 2 6700D Ø Quattro 6000D Ø SE-‐400 v Elna Ø 8200 eXperience Ø 9500/9600 Haute Couture Ø eXpressive 820/8300/8600 Ø eXpressive 940
v Generations Ø GC-‐1201 CS Ø GC-‐1501 CS Ø GMC-‐1501 Ø Legacy 6 v Husqvarna / Viking Ø Designer Diamond Ø Designer I Ø Designer Ruby Ø Designer SE Ø Designer Topaz 30 Ø Designer Topaz 30/20 Ø Iris Ø Platinum 770/950E/955E Ø Platinum Plus Ø Quilt Designer II Ø Rose Ø Scandinavia 300/400 v Janome Ø Horizon Memory Craft 12000 Ø MB-‐4 Ø Memory Craft 10000/10001 Ø Memory Craft 11000SE Ø Memory Craft 200E Ø Memory Craft 300E/350E Ø Memory Craft 9000 Ø Memory Craft 9500/9700 v Pfaff Ø 2124/2134 Ø 2140/2144/2170 Ø 7560/7570 Ø Creative 2.0/4.0 Ø Creative Vision/Sensation v Singer Ø Futura CE-‐100/CE-‐150/CE-‐200/CE-‐250/CE-‐350 Ø Futura Quartet/XL-‐400 Ø Quantum XL-‐1000 Ø Quantum XL-‐500 Ø Quantum XL-‐5000/XL-‐6000 Ø SEQS-‐6000 Ø SES-‐2000
Updated Formats
Generations Plus extended modules includes the Monogramming as well as the Enhanced Formats. These formats have more flexibility including breaking up the file by stitch & color change commands as well as matching color palettes for certain formats. Over time, these formats have been updated and improved to work with the newer machine technology. Formats included are: PES, PEC, EMD, PCS, PCD, PCQ, SEW, JEF, JEF+, CSD, XXX, DST, HUS, VIP, VP3, and CND.
Shortcut Keys & Selection Modes
In the edit menu, you now have a whole new way to select – select by areas, lines, stitch types, & line types. This makes it a lot easier when trying to change all areas or lines of one stitch type to another – or just changing properties across the board. In addition to selecting these areas or lines, there are pre-‐programmed shortcut keys – or – you can re-‐program them yourself!
Print Options – Print only the second page
Our best feedback comes from our loyal customers – and this is one of those features many of you have requested. You can now print just the second page of your worksheet (instead of having to print both pages). The second page will print just the design (with or without the design origin point) for design placement. In the print option menu, you can choose to print or not to print the first page of your worksheet.
Text Improvements
Utilizing True Type fonts is only one of the powerful pieces to the Generations Plus digitizing program. The ability to not only bring in lettering, but also designs from dingbats or even wingdings allow your creative side to overflow. In addition to using true type fonts, Generations also has the ability to read different keyboard inputs as well as the fonts that are utilized with these keyboards – such as Chinese, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, etc. To utilize these languages, all you need to do is go into the Control Panel in the computer, and then go to the Region and Language options. In here, you can access the keyboards and languages – you can install any Microsoft input languages that are available.
In addition to these great features, we have updated the layout tools to work a bit smoother and more precise when working with the letting.
Saving Feathering with Designs
Special effects such as feathering (jagged edges) now save with any design that has been created in Generations. Create a distressed look or even digitize realistic animals with fur using the feathering options. Feathering can be applied to virtually any stitch type. It can also be customized and saved into the feathered pattern library. Generations allows for editing up to 20 edge points or even creating your own jagged edges within the feathered edge libraries. Once you have digitized a design with this setting, your feathered positive, negative and edges will be saved within the design.
Embossing can really add dimension to any design. Now, with the new emboss features, you can emboss a design and keep all the embossing features with it no matter where it goes! You can create embossing on any area with design elements, drawing lines, drawing areas, lettering, and much more. Shapes & lines can be carved into an area or multiple areas – you can even apply this effect with other texture options. Right click on the area you would like to emboss. If you would like to emboss multiple areas, you can hold down the CTRL key while right clicking. Then, select View (from the Main Menu bar) and scroll down to View Embossed – or you can click on the View Embossed Icon. You can emboss by inserting text, freehand area, freehand line, rectangle, circle, true arc or even copy and pasting elements from the design. After creating the embossed area(s), there are several embossing options to choose from – border, recessed, raised, and split (stamped patterns). Within these options, you can change and personalize the embossing. Instead of the embossing only staying with the single area at the position it was embossed at, the embossing can now travel with the area, copy and paste as well as move all over the screen. The program keeps the embossing with the design while altering the layout throughout the design – move, mirror, align, reshape, group/ungroup, resize, spacing, copy & paste, and rotating. In addition, embossing now works with all stitch length settings and break long stitch option.
No More Problems with Manual Punching
The 64-‐bit operating system had given Generations quite a battle – constantly fighting with black/white screen inversions, pixelated images, color fades, and more. With the new upgrade, we are now excited to say that these issues are a thing of the past. You will no longer have those frustrating punching moments! Along with the manual punching, turning off the option Auto Generate after Punching and Stitch Property Edit can improve the efficiency of punching designs – you can stay in the outline view (or whichever view you desire) and punch each area without generating stitches each time. Once you punch it, the program remembers the order (stitch sequencing), the color, the in and out points as well as the stitch types. You no longer have to punch and generate stitches each time to keep these properties together.
Improved Image Processing & Stitch Pathing
In the background, we are constantly improving the automatic digitizing to match the decisions a digitizer would make if manually punching. Generations has the world’s most powerful image processor and can now read your images with more precision and better stitch generation. In working with our conceptual developers, we learn throughout the industry that manual punching is still necessary because of the decisions a human can make regarding a pattern – we strive to match these decisions in our automation and continue to improve.