IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Genetic diversity of merozoite surface protein-2 in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Aceh province, Indonesia To cite this article: K F Jamil et al 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 125 012036
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ICTROMI IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890 125 (2018) 012036
IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1755-1315/125/1/012036
Genetic diversity of merozoite surface protein-2 in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Aceh province, Indonesia K F Jamil1*, S Supargiyono2, D Syafruddin3, N Pratama3 and S Silvy3 1
Division of Tropical and Infectious Diseases,Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Faculty of Syiah Kuala University, dr. Zainoel Abidin Hospital, Banda Aceh, Indonesia 2 Center for Tropical Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 3 Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Jakarta, Indonesia * Corresponding author:
[email protected] Abstract. Estimated 3.3 million Indonesian population were infected with malaria. However, extensive genetic polymorphism of the field isolates MSP-2 of P. falciparum represents a major obstacle for the development of malaria treatment. The aim of this study to investigate the genetic diversity of MSP-2 genotype in field isolates of P. falciparum collected in Aceh Province. A total of 90 patients enrolled in this study who were selected from positive malaria from eleven district Hospitals in Aceh from 2013-2015. Data was collected by anamnesis, complete physical examination and laboratory tests for MSP-2. All protocol to diagnose malaria assigned following the WHO 2010 guideline. All samples were stored in Eijkman Biology Molecular Institute, Jakarta.Among 90 samples were 57.7% male and 42.3% female with the most cases ages between 21-30 years old. Allele typing analysis displayed the polymorphic nature of P. falciparum.The MSP-2 have two alleles, 62.2% (56/90) for FC27 type and 58.9% (53/90) for 3D7 type and 21.2% (19/90) for mixed FC27 and 3D7 infection were identified. Diverse allele types from Aceh Province was identified in MSP-2 P. falciparum patients; there is the almost similar number of patients infected with both allele. A moderate level of the mixed allele was also observed.
1. Introduction Estimated 3.3 million Indonesian population were infected with malaria including 1.2 million in the risk areas which P. falciparumdominant with Annual Parasite Incidence (API) 1.0/1,000 population. [1] Unfortunately,the manifestation of malaria is variated. However, extensive genetic polymorphism of the field isolates of P. falciparumrepresents a major obstacle for the clinical development manifestation and malaria treatment. In this study, genetic of MSP-2 among P. falciparum field isolates from Aceh Province was analyzed. Malaria is the most significant of the parasitic diseases, affecting 198 million people worldwide.[4] Parasite virulence contributes directly to the clinical outcome, and parasite diversity influences the speed at which strain-specific immunity develops in the Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
ICTROMI IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890 125 (2018) 012036
IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1755-1315/125/1/012036
host population.[8] The aim of this study is to investigate the genetic diversity of MSP-2 genotype in field isolates of P. falciparum collected fromAceh Province. 2. Methods This study has been approved by Gadjah Mada University ethicalcommitteereference no: KE/FK/173/EC. Across-sectional study with 90 participants enrolled in this study. Samples selected from positive malaria by microscopic test positive P. falciparum and above 18 years of age from eleven district hospitals in Aceh Province from were collected from October 2013- February 2015.Error: Reference source not found Malaria cases was an individual who had positive P. falciparum from microscopic examination and nPCR. Data was collected by anamnesis, complete physical examination and laboratory tests (microscopic and nPCR for MSP-2 allele).[10] All samples were stored in Eijkman Biology Molecular Institute, Jakarta. All protocol of assignment and malaria treatment followed by manufactures manual and WHO 2010 guideline. Malaria diagnosis used fingerprick blood samples were collected with Whatman 3 M filter paper (GE Healthcare, Buckinghamshire, UK) and stained with 20% Giemsa for 20 min [13] for species identification.[15]Species Plasmodium identification using double assignment microscopic test followed nPCR with five sets of primers (20 mM), nested-1 using primers r-PLU-5 and r-PLU-6 (25 µL total PCR reaction) and nested-2 using primers with PCR condition followed from Snounow et al.(1993).[19] Bands visualized by ultraviolet illumination with DNA ladder 100 bp from Vivantis, Selangor, Malaysia, cat. no.NL-1407.[23] DNA extraction, MSP-2 amplification extracted from peripheral blood collected in ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid (EDTA) tubes using the Chelex-100 kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The polymorphic region of block 2 of MSP-2 was amplified by nPCR using the protocol described by Ntoumi et al.[25] Table 1. The sequences primer nested PCR for identifications genus and species P. falciparum. Name
Amplifications (bp)
Nested-1 (P. Genus)
r-PLU-5 r-PLU-6
1.2 kb
Nested-2 (P. falciparum)
205 bp
r-FAL-2 MSP-2
600 bp
400 bp
ICTROMI IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890 125 (2018) 012036
Patients fever (500)
IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1755-1315/125/1/012036
Inpatientshospital Informedconsent Malaria symptom (500)
Microscopic (-) (324) Microscopic (+) (176) NonP. falciparum (+)(59) P. falciparum (+)(117) PCR
PCRP. falciparum (species) negative (27)
PCRP. falciparum (species) positive (90) PCR Alelle (90) MSP-2 FC27 (37)
3D7 (34)
Mixed (19)
Figure 1. The study flow. 3. Result Among 90 samples were 57.7% male and 42.3% female with the most cases ages between 21-30 years old (46.7%).Diverse allelic of MSP-2 was identified in P. falciparum isolates from Aceh Province. Allele analysis of MSP-2revealed2 different alleles.
Figure 2. Nested PCR result species P. falciparum (205 bp).
Figure 3. Genotyping allele gen MSP-2 result 3D7 (600 bp).
ICTROMI IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890 125 (2018) 012036
IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1755-1315/125/1/012036
The distributions of study participants byallele typing analysis displayed the polymorphic nature of P. falciparum Aceh Province isolates, thetotal of 2MSP-2 alleles 62.2% (56/90) for FC27 type and 58.9% (53/90) for 3D7 type and 21.2% (19/90) for mixed FC27 and 3D7 infection were identified. Table 2. Profile the distribution allele MSP-2 gene. Gene MSP-2
Amplifications (bp)
FC27 3D7 FC27+3D7
37 34 19
41,1 37,7 21,2
260-500 400-610
4. Discussion Analysis of the P. falciparum genetic profile may provide useful information on specific parasite characteristics to design intervention strategies targeting virulence factors.[27]To our knowledge, this is the first study in Indonesia that provide information about the genetic diversity of MSP-2 genotype in field isolates of P. falciparum. The first investigation who study the genetic diversity of P. falciparum isolates done in Libreville, Gabon. Extensive genetic polymorphism within the MSP allelic families (30 alleles identified) is observed. This is consistent with the diversity found in Bakoumba (25 alleles) in 1999, in Senegal (33 alleles) in 1995, and in Mauritania (27 alleles) in 2010.[29,30] In our study, the distribution of MSP-2 genotype only found two alleles. Our study similar to Kang et al. in Myanmar who have same geographical areas, they show that only two alleles were found in Myanmar, FC27 and 3D7. The difference is a number of patients infected with mixed allele are higher in their study; our study found that single infection from either FC27 or 3D7 is higher than mixed infection.[31] 5. Conclusion The genetic diversity of msp-2 genotype of P.falciparum from Aceh Province was identified MSP-2 P. falciparum patients, which the distribution of MSP-2 genotype was founded FC27 and 3D7 allele. A similar number of patients infected with both allelewas founded. A moderate level sign and symptoms of the mixed allele was also observed. References [1] WHO 2006 Guidelines for the treatment of malaria (Geneva: WHO Library Cataloguing in Publication Data) [2] WHO 2010 Guidelines for the treatment of malaria 2 nd edition (Geneva: WHO Library Cataloguing in Publication Data) [3] WHO 2014 Guidelines for the treatment of malaria 2 nd edition (Geneva: WHO Library Cataloguing in Publication Data) [4] Dinkes Aceh 2009 Laporan tahunan dinas kesehatan provinsi aceh [5] Dinkes Aceh 2010 Laporan tahunan dinas kesehatan provinsi aceh [6] Dinkes Aceh 2015 Laporan tahunan dinas kesehatan provinsi aceh [7] Bappeda Provinsi Aceh – BRR 2006 Satuan kerja perencanaan umum, perencanaan teknis dan manajemen rantai pengadaan laporan akhir penyusunan master plan sosial budaya bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan kabupaten aceh besar [8] Depkes R I 2005 Jumlah kasus dan angka kesakitan penyakit malaria Available from: 10.46. [9] Francis D, Nsobya S, Talisuna A, Yeka A, Kamya M, et al. 2006 Geographic differences in antimalarial drug efficacy in Uganda are explained by differences in endemicity and not by known molecular markers of drug resistance J. Infect. Dis. 193 978-86 [10] WHO 2010 Guidelines for the treatment of malaria (Geneva: WHO Library Cataloguing in
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IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1755-1315/125/1/012036
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