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regular structure, good for optimisation (rendering, collision ... optimisation approach, uses a database of pre-selecte
Genetic Terrain Programming Diploma de Estudios Avanzados Miguel Monteiro de Sousa Frade Supervisors: F. Fernandez de Vega Carlos Cotta Cáceres, 10 July 2008

Summary  Introduction  Artificial

Terrains  Related Work  Genetic Terrain Programming  Conclusions & Future Work  List of publications

Introduction (1)  Artificial

terrain generation algorithms have an important role in the video games’ dynamics  They help keep the user interested in playing by providing new landscapes  There are a wide range of techniques for terrain generation 

elaborated methods depend highly upon designer’s skills, time and effort simpler methods allow only a narrow variety of terrain types

Introduction (2)  All

current techniques try to generate realistic terrains  None of the current techniques is focused on generating terrain accordingly to aesthetic feelings  Video games are the most common application for artificial terrain generation algorithms, but they are also used in other fields

Artificial Terrains  Terrain

Representation  Traditional Generation Techniques  Evolutionary Generation Techniques

Artificial Terrains Terrain Representation  Height  

most common method used to represent terrains Advantages 


regular structure, good for optimisation (rendering, collision detection and path finding) equivalence to grey scale images, image processing techniques can be used easy to be generated automatically

Disadvantages   

unable to represent caves, overhangs, vertical surfaces finite uniform resolution inadequacy to represent terrains on a planetary scale

Artificial Terrains Traditional Generation Techniques (1)  Measuring  

built using remote sensing techniques produces highly realistic terrains with very little effort, but at the expenses of control

 Modeling  

the most flexible technique human artist models the terrain morphology using a 3D modeling program (Blender, 3D Studio, ...) unlimited control over the terrain design and features

Artificial Terrains Traditional Generation Techniques (2)  Modeling 


these techniques imposes high requirements on the designer in terms of time and effort the output is fully dependent on the designer’s skills

 Procedural 

can be subdivided in three categories   

Physical Spectral synthesis Fractals

Artificial Terrains Traditional Generation Techniques (3)  Physical    

simulate the real phenomena (e.g. erosion) generates highly realistic terrains difficult to control the output requires in-depth knowledge of the physical laws to implement and use them effectively very demanding in terms of processing power

 Spectral 


computes the inverse FFT over random frequency components does not allow much control on the outcome

Artificial Terrains Traditional Generation Techniques (4)  Fractals 

fast and simple to implement 

 

is the favourite technique by game’s designers

difficult to control the resulting terrain features based on self-similarity   

“What should the terrain look like at this scale?” “Just like it did at the larger scale, but smaller” allows infinite zooms

Artificial Terrains Traditional Generation Techniques (5)  Fractals 


not all terrains present self-similarity

Artificial Terrains Evolutionary Generation Techniques  Terrain 

terrain silhouette generation phase 

a rough 2D map is used for input

terrain height map generation phase 

optimisation approach, uses a database of pre-selected height map samples representative of the different terrain types

can not be used for procedural generation

 Genetic 

generation using genetic algorithms

Terrain Programming

Aesthetic evolutionary design with genetic programming

Related Work  GP

has been the most fruitful evolutionary algorithm applied to evolve images interactively  Most prominent works 

Karl Sims 

Tatsuo Unemi 

Panspermia, Primordial Dance, Galapagos SBART

Penousal Machado 


Genetic Terrain Programming  Goals  Method  GenTP  Results


Genetic Terrain Programming Goals  Address

the weaknesses of existing methods  Allow the generation of aesthetic terrains  Features: 1. Capable of generating diverse features and terrain types, both aesthetic and realistic 2. Extensibility 3. Intuitive to control 4. Automated generation with arbitrary LOD 5. Low requirements of human input

Genetic Terrain Programming Method (1)  Aesthetic 

Interactive evolution 

 

 

accordingly to a desired terrain feature or aesthetic appeal Intuitive to control low human input

Extensibility assured by GP terminals and functions Output of Terrain Programmes (TPs)  

evolutionary design with GP

mathematical expression Automated generation with arbitrary LOD

Phenotypes are height maps

Genetic Terrain Programming Method (2)  GP 

Function set

plus2; minus2; multiply2; sin1; cos1; tan1; atan1; myLog1; myPower2; myDivide2; myMod2; mySqrt1; negative1; FFT1; smooth1; gradientX1; gradientY1

 Functions

will operate over matrices that represent height maps  Use of some image processing functions

Genetic Terrain Programming Method (3)  GP  

Terminal set

randomness present on all terminals fftGen; gauss; sphere; step; rand; plane

Genetic Terrain Programming Method (4)  GP  

 


Selection and Fitness – Decided by the designer Population – Fixed size 12 individuals; initial depth limit 6; no tree size limits; random initialisation Parameters – If 2 individuals are selected: 90% subtree crossover and 10% mutation; if just one individual is selected: 50% mutation (without crossover) Termination – Decided by the designer Best individual – Decided by the designer

Genetic Terrain Programming Method (5)  GP

individual example (tree representation)

Genetic Terrain Programming GenTP Tool (1)  Implemented  Functional


with GPLAB, toolbox for Matlab

Genetic Terrain Programming GenTP Tool (2)

Genetic Terrain Programming GenTP Tool (3)

Genetic Terrain Programming Results 3


1. obtaining aesthetic appealing terrains (regardless of their realism) 2. achieve terrains with a specific feature in mind 3. test the perseverance of terrain features across several resolutions and generation time impact

Genetic Terrain Programming Results - aesthetic terrains (1) TP1 = myLog(sin(mySqrt(smooth(fftGen(1.25)))))

Genetic Terrain Programming Results - aesthetic terrains (2) TP2 = myLog(myLog(myLog(myLog(myLog(myLog(fftGen(3.00)))))))

Genetic Terrain Programming Results - aesthetic terrains (3) TP3 = myPower(cos(myDivide(myLog(smooth(fftGen(2.75))), myMod(sin(fftGen(0.50)), myDivide(myLog(smooth(fftGen(2.75))), myMod((sin(fftGen(0.50))), fftGen(2.25))))))

Genetic Terrain Programming Results - aesthetic terrains (4) TP4 = myLog(myLog(myMod(myLog(fftGen(3.75)), myLog(myLog(fftGen(4.25))))))

Genetic Terrain Programming Results - aesthetic terrains (5) TP5 = myDivide(myDivide(myDivide(myDivide(plane(1), fftGen(4.00)),fftGen(4.00)), fftGen(4.00)), fftGen(4.00))

Genetic Terrain Programming Results - aesthetic terrains (6)  obtaining

aesthetic appealing terrains (regardless of their realism) ● ● ● ●

30 to 70 generations wide range of terrain types terrains with exotic look terrains generated by each TP are always different, but still present the same features

Genetic Terrain Programming Results - specific feature in mind (1) TP1 = myMod(smooth(smooth(fftGen(0.50))), smooth(plane(5)))


Genetic Terrain Programming Results - specific feature in mind (2) TP2 = myLog(minus(fftGen(2.75), myLog(minus(smooth(fftGen(1.50)), fftGen(2.50)))))


Genetic Terrain Programming Results - specific feature in mind (3)

Mo un tain s

TP3 = times(sin(fftGen(3.00)), smooth(times(sin(cos(sin(cos(times( fftGen(1.75), fftGen(0.75)))))), fftGen(0.50))))

Genetic Terrain Programming Results - specific feature in mind (4) TP4 = plus(fftGen(2.00), smooth(myMod(gauss(0.75), cos( fftGen(1.00)))))


Genetic Terrain Programming Results - specific feature in mind (5) TP5 = myLog(myLog(cos(minus(fftGen(2.00), fftGen(3.75)))))


Genetic Terrain Programming Results - specific feature in mind (6)  terrains ● ● ●

with a specific feature in mind

highly dependent on the initial population generations could vary between 10 to > 100 if after a number of generations an interesting result is not obtained, we have preferred to cancel the experiment and begin again, avoiding this way a long run terrains generated by each TP are always different, but still present the same features

Genetic Terrain Programming Results - LOD (1) TP1 = myLog(myLog(myMod(myLog(fftGen(s, 3.75)), myLog(myLog( fftGen(s, 4.25)))))) 50x50

150x150 450x450

Genetic Terrain Programming Results - LOD (2) TP2 = myPower(cos(myDivide(myLog(smooth(fftGen(s, 2.75))), myMod( sin(fftGen(s, 0.50)), myDivide(myLog(smooth(fftGen(s, 2.75))), myMod((sin(fftGen(s, 0.50))), fftGen(s, 2.25))))))


150x150 450x450

Genetic Terrain Programming Results - LOD (3) TP3 = times(sin(fftGen(s, 3.00)), smooth(times(sin(cos(sin(cos(times( fftGen(s,1.75), fftGen(s,0.75)))))),fftGen(s, 0.50))))


150x150 450x450

Genetic Terrain Programming Results - LOD (4) TP4 = plus(fftGen(s, 2.00), smooth(myMod(gauss(s, 0.75),cos( fftGen(s,1.00)))))


150x150 450x450

Genetic Terrain Programming Results - LOD (5) ●

Perseverance of terrain features across several resolutions ● ●

modification of the terminals to include size due to terminals’ randomness, consecutive calls of the same TP will always generate a slightly different terrain feature perseverance independent of the chosen resolution

Genetic Terrain Programming Results - LOD (6)  Measuring    

generation time

4 different TPs selected, from 7 to 17 GP nodes average time of 10 execution of each TP at each grid sizes from 50x50 to 450x450 Pentium Core 2 Duo 1,66 GHz, 2 GB RAM

Genetic Terrain Programming Results - LOD (7)

Genetic Terrain Programming Results - LOD (8)  Time  


generation time increases at a quadratic pace generation times also increases with the number of GP nodes, which tend to increase with the number of generations Worst test case:   

TP2(450x450) = 3,122 seconds each individual population generation time = 3,122x12 = 37,464 10 seconds is about the limit for keeping the user’s attention focused on the dialogue of an application

Genetic Terrain Programming Results - LOD (9)  Time ●

lower resolutions ● ●

faster times might require more use of the analyse function increasing the overall generation time

a compromise must be made between generation time and ease of visual evaluation ●

impact (continuation)

in our set of experiments the best compromise was 100x100

Short generation times will be also advantageous for the future implementation of automated terrain evolution

Conclusion (1)  multiple

execution of the same TP will always generate different terrains, but with the same features  allows the evolution of real looking terrains and exotic ones (with an alien semblance)  TPs can be used as procedural techniques  feature perseverance is independent of the chosen resolution

Conclusion (2)  low

resolutions can be used during the evolutionary phase without compromising the result 

faster computation times

 offers

2 levels of control regarding randomness 

a TP will always generate terrains with the same features, so they aren't completely random the seed for the random number generator can be kept the same, allowing the same terrain to be regenerated as many times as desired

Conclusion (3)  The 

GTP technique

requires less effort and time than modeling techniques to create complex terrains the result is not solely dependent on the designer’s skills

Future Work (1)  Incorporate

the GTP technique on a video

game  Implement the GTP technique as a Blender plugin  Create a database of TPs and allow users to classify them and their resulting features  Compose a terrain through the use of several TPs, joined on a credibly and smooth way

Future Work (2)  Add

more features so that whole scenarios, including vegetation and buildings, can be generated  Develop fitness functions to allow the automatic evolution of TPs

List of Publications 

Miguel Frade, F. Fernandez de Vega, and Carlos Cotta. Modelling video games’ landscapes by means of genetic terrain programming – a new approach for improving users’ experience. In EvoWorkshops 2008, volume 4974, pages 485-490, Napoli, Italy, 2008. Springer Miguel Frade, F. Fernandez de Vega, and Carlos Cotta. Genetic Terrain Programming - An Aesthetic Approach to Terrain Generation. In Computer Games and Allied Technology 08, pages 1-8, Singapore, 2008. short listed as best paper – selected for possible publication on International Journal for Computer Games Technology ISSN: 1687-7047 Miguel Frade, F. Fernandez de Vega, and Carlos Cotta. GenTP – Uma Ferramenta Interactiva para a Geração Artificial de Terrenos. In 3rd Iberian Conference in Systems and Information Technologies (CISTI 2008), pages 1-12, Ourense, Spain, 2008 (to appear)

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