Dystopia: A futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and
the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic,.
Picture Book Examples. Compiled by .... Through My Eyes: [the Autobiography of]
Ruby Bridges. ..... Kids' Poems: Teaching First Graders to Love Writing Poetry.
PEER REVIEW WORKSHEET. Your Name: ... Grammar. There are no
grammatical errors. There are a few grammatical errors. ... story interesting to the
Aug 17, 2007 - There are no precise rules about punctuation (Fowler lays out some general advice (as best he can under t
Baby Name Books. 50,001 Best Baby Names by Diane Stafford (Sourcebooks,
2005). 75,000+ Baby Names for the 21st Century by Lori Cooper (Lothian, 2000).
Reading Habits Survey. 1. Have you read an entire book in the last 12 months? a
. Yes. b. No. 2. How much time do you spend reading web pages each day? a.
Book Rubric Name _____ 3 2 1 Does the student have a picture showing what caused the event? Picture is present with
Page 1 ... An easy way to think about characters is to use a simple chart like the
one below. You can start anywhere. There's no wrong way to make your list:.
List the page number and a brief reminder of the genre characteristics you find as
you read. Talking Animals or Objects p. p. p. p. Magical Powers p. p. p. p.
HISTORICAL FICTION: • stories centered around the basis of a partially historical
situation. • a novel set in a historical period. MYSTERY: • a novel involving:.
Genre Characteristics FANTASY: • contains elements that are not realistic o talking animals o magical powers o often set in a medieval universe o possibly involving mythical beings HISTORICAL FICTION: • stories centered around the basis of a partially historical situation • a novel set in a historical period MYSTERY: • a novel involving: o strangeness o solving a puzzling event or situation o something unknown o solving a crime o centered around a person who investigates wrongdoing o centered around a person or persons employed to obtain secret information REALISTIC FICTION: • stories that take place in modern times • characters are involved in events that could happen. SCIENCE FICTION: • stories that often tell about science and technology of the future • involving partially true fictions laws or theories of science • Settings: o in the future o in space o on a different world o in a different universe or dimension