exploring our comprehensive list of Pajero accessories. ... Lift Kit. Spare Wheel.
Vinyl Cover. Weight Distribution Hitch. 50mm Chrome Towball. Towbar Package.
Nudge Bar
Alloy Front Protection Bar
Steel Front Protection Bar
Driving Lights
Bonnet Protector – Clear or Tinted
Chrome Door Edge Moulding
Chrome Door Handle Protectors
Front Skid Plate
Illuminated Side Step
Headlamp Protectors
Bonnet Protector Headlamp Protectors
Before you head off on your next great adventure, get down to your Mitsubishi dealer and spend some time exploring our comprehensive list of Pajero accessories. Visit www.mitsubishi-motors.com.au for the complete listing.
Driving Lights
Mitsubishi Genuine Accessories go through an extensive program of design, development and stringent testing
Alloy Nudge Bar
to ensuring they meet all applicable government standards as well as Mitsubishi’s own rigorous engineering and specifications and performance targets. Using Mitsubishi’s Genuine Accessories will ensure you get the best quality accessories that are as durable and reliable as the Pajero you drive.
Illuminated Side Step
Pictures shown for illustration purpose and may not be product specific. Please check with your Mitsubishi dealer for specific model applications.
Pa j e ro Ge n ui n e A c c e s s o ri e s
Luggage Pod
Roof Rack Cross Bars
Spare Wheel Vinyl Cover
Spare Wheel Lift Kit
Roof Rack Cross Bars
Thule Bike Carrier
Towbar Package – Towball and Cover Optional
Weight Distribution Hitch
50mm Chrome Towball
Chrome Towball Cover
Towbar Hitch Cover Plate
Flat 12 Pin Plug
Thule Kayak Carrier
Spare Wheel Vinyl Cover
Spare Wheel Lift Kit
Rear Dust Deflector*
Rear Parking Assist Sensors
Alloy Wheel Lock Nut Set
Chrome Exhaust Tip
Thule Luggage Carrier
*Not compatible when rear spoiler fitted.
Pa j e ro Ge n ui n e A c c e s s o ri e s
N OT G E N U I N E ? DO N ’ T R IS K I T.
Rubber Mats
Carpet Mats
Safety Warning Triangle
Dash Mat
Cargo Barrier
Cargo Liner –Hard Plastic
Cargo Carpet Mat
Luggage Floor Hook
Neoprene Seat Covers Front, Rear and Third Row Seats