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... Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ont., Canada M5S 2C6 ... Zircons from trondhjemite from Blow Me Down Mountain, Bay of Islands ...
Geochronology of ophiolites of the Newfoundland Appalachians G. R. DUNNING AND T. E. KROGH Department of Mineralogy and Geology, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ont., Canada M5S 2C6 Received November 5, 1984 Revision accepted June 6, 1985

Precise U/Pb zircon ages (2u errors) are reported for four ophiolite complexes from the Newfoundland Appalachians. Zircons from trondhjemite from Blow Me Down Mountain, Bay of Islands Complex, give an age of 485.7+:.: Ma (five points). Those from gabbro from Blow Me Down Brook give a minimum 207Pb/20h~b age of 480 Ma (one point), confirming that this is the age of the main plutonic episode. These data refute previously determined latest Cambrian U/Pb zircon and Sm/Nd (mineral-rock isochron) ages of 504 2 10 and 505 Ma for the complex. Gabbro from the Betts Cove Complex yielded zircon that gives an age of 488.6;: Ma (four points). This refutes the interpretation of an earlier U/Pb (zircon) age of 463 2 6 Ma for a trondhjemite dyke as the age of the ophiolite. It was inconsistent with the presence of Arenigian graptolites in the overlying Snooks Arm Group. Two zircon ages from a pegmatitic and medium-grained trondhjemite of the Annieopsquotch Complex are 477.5+:.: (five points) and 481.4'::: Ma (two points). Zircon from trondhjemite of the Pipestone Pond Complex of central Newfoundland gives an age of 493.9:::; Ma (five points). Analysis of a single zircon fraction from the Coy Pond Complex gives a minimum 207Pb/Z06Pbage of 489 Ma. The ages are comparable to those of the Lushes Bight Terrane, Newfoundland, the M'Clintock West Massif, Arctic Canada, and the Ballantrae Complex, Scotland, and together span 18 Ma of the Tremadocian and Arenigian stages. This short age range may imply that only young "hot" oceanic crust was emplaced and preserved in the Appalachian-Caledonian mountain belt. Les rksultats de dktermination prkcise d'lges par U/Pb sur zircons (erreurs a 2u) sont prksentks pour quatre complexes ophiolitiques des A ~ ~ a l a c h edes Terre-Neuve. Un lge de 485,7-,:; Ma (cinq points) est foumi par les zircons d'une trondhjtmite du mont Blow Me Down appartenant au complexe Bay of Islands. Les zircons du gabbro du Blow Me Down Brook procurent un Lge 207Pb/206Pbminimum de 480 Ma (un point) et certifient que cet Lge correspond au principal kpisode plutonique. Ces nouveaux rksultats contredisent I'lge cambrien antkrieurement attribuk a ce complexe de 504 2 10 par U/Pb (zircon) et de 505 Ma par Sm/Nd (isochrone minkral -roche). Les zircons du gabbro du complexe de Betts Cove foumissent un lge de 488,6'::: Ma (quatre points). Ce rksultat repousse I'interprktation d'un Lge de 463 2 6 Ma pour l'ophiolite fondee sur une mesure U/Pb d'un dyke de trondhjkmite. La prksence de graptolites arknigiens dans le groupe de Snooks Arm sus-jacent s'opposait a cette interprktation. Les zircons d'une trondhjkmite pegmatitique et a grain moyen du complexe de Annieopsquotch procurent des Lges 477,5:::: (cinq points) et 481,4'::: Ma (deux points). Les zircons d'une trondhjemite du complexe de Pipestone Pond, au centre de Terre-Neuve, foumissent un Lge de 493,9',:: Ma (cinq points). L'unique dktermination sur zircons du complexe de Coy Pond donne un Lge 207Pb/206Pbminimal de 489 Ma. Les Lges obtenus se comparent a ceux de la terrane Lushes Bight de Terre-Neuve, du massif occidental de M'Clintock de 1'Arctique canadien et du complexe de Ballantrae de L'Ecosse, et dans leur ensemble ils couvrent une pkriode de 18 Ma des Ctages trkmadocien et arknigien. Ce court intervalle d'lges suggbre que seulement la crodte ockanique "chaude" et jeune fut mise en place et prkservke dans la chaine appalachienne-caltdonienne. [Traduit par le journal] Can. I. Earth

Sci. 22,

1659-1670 (1985)

Introduction and previous work The age of origin and the time of emplacement of ophiolites in Newfoundland are of fundamental importance in deciphering the history of formation and destruction of the Iapetus Ocean. New U/Pb (zircon) age determinations are presented for the Bay of Islands Complex, Betts Cove Complex, Annieopsquotch Complex (two samples), Pipestone Pond Complex, and Coy Pond Complex. These are discussed in relation to local stratigraphy and compared with ages determined for ophiolites elsewhere in the Appalachian-Caledonian mountain belt. Bay of Islands Complex The Bay of Islands Complex of west Newfoundland is the largest and most studied ophiolite in the Appalachians (Fig. 1). It occurs as the highest of at least five structural slices, separated by mklanges, in the Humber Arm Allochthon (Stevens 1970). Early models for the emplacement of the allochthon (Rodgers 1965; Stevens 1970; Church and Stevens 1971) were constrained in time by fossil data. The first occurrence of

ophiolitic detritus in sandstones of the Blow Me Down Brook Formation derived from the east was interpreted by Stevens (1970) to indicate initiation of ophiolite obduction. Evidence from the graptolite fauna indicates that this formation is late Arenigian in age. The final emplacement of the assembled Humber Arm Allochthon is dated by fossils in the unconformably overlying (neoautochthonous) sediments of the Long Point Formation (Rodgers 1965; Stevens 1970). Conodonts indicate a Caradocian age for this formation (Fihrreus 1973). Correlations between these ages and the absolute time scale are very uncertain. The many Ordovician time scales now in use attest to the problem (van Eysinga 1975; Armstrong 1978; McKerrow et al. 1980; and others). The Bay of Islands Complex has been the subject of four previous radiometric age studies. Two of these were directed at the metamorphic aureole, interpreted to have formed during initial displacement of the ophiolite from its oceanic setting (Williams and Smyth 1973; Malpas 1979), and two attempted to determine the primary age of crystallization of the plutonic sequence within the ophiolite suite. In addition, Mattinson

CAN. J . EARTH SCI, VOL. 22, 1985












St L a w r e n c e


Cope R o y

FIG.1. Ophiolite complexes (black) of western and central Newfoundland after Williams (1978),Dunning (1981),Colman-Sadd (1981), and Swinden and Collins (1982). A = Long Point Formation; B = Coastal Complex; C = Burlington granodiorite and Baie Verte Peninsula; D = Nippers Harbour; E = Pilley's Island and Brighton gabbro. (1975) determined an age for the "Trout River ophiolite" that he thought to be that of the Bay of Islands Complex too. Dallmeyer and Williams (1975) analyzed hornblende from three samples of amphibolite from the aureole at North Arm Mountain. The three 40Ar/'9Ar ages overlap between 462 and 457 Ma to give a best estimate of the age of the aureole of 460 -C 5 Ma. This they took to be the synchronous metamorphic age of the three samples. With the new K decay constant (Steiger and Jager 1977), this age recalculates to 469 ? 5 Ma (R. D. Dallmeyer, personal communication, 1983). Archibald and Farrar (1976) dated seven samples of hornblende from the metamorphic aureole of North Arm Mountain and Table Mountain by the K/Ar method. They determined an age of 454 k 9 Ma, on the assumption that all samples incorporated equal amounts of initial argon of uniform composition. With the new decay constant, this age recalculates to approximately 464 + 9 Ma. Mattinson (1975) determined a U/Pb (zircon) age of 508 k 8 Ma for trondhjemite of the "Trout River ophiolite." He considered this to be the age of the Bay of Islands Complex as well. However, the rocks at Trout River are now included in the "Coastal Complex" (Karson and Dewey 1978) and are thought not to be directly correlative with the Bay of Islands Complex. Mattinson (1976) sampled the trondhjemites of Blow Me Down Mountain and determined a U/Pb (zircon) age of 504 + 10 Ma. The 207~b/2"Pbages for individual points are 480 ? 7, 485 + 7, and 494 + 5 Ma. All three points are concordant within the limits of uncertainty, and a line through them is nearly parallel to concordia. To fit a line to the points, Mattinson (1976) assumed a Pb-loss event occurred at 460 Ma, the age of the metamorphic aureole as determined by Dallmeyer and Williams (1975). He fixed the lower intercept at 460 such

that the assumed discordia line projected to a significantly older age than that suggested by the concordant points. Jacobsen and Wasserburg (1979) determined two Sm/Nd internal isochrons for pyroxene gabbros of the Bay of Islands Complex as part of a larger study of the petrogenesis of the complex. The first isochron was based on three points, one each for a plagioclase mineral separate, a clinopyroxene mineral separate, and the total rock, and gave an age of 508 k 6 Ma. The points for the total rock and the clinopyroxene separate were very close together. The second isochron, based on one point each for plagioclase and clinopyroxene mineral separates, gave an age of 50 1 ? 13 Ma. They therefore quoted an average age for the Bay of Islands Complex of 505 Ma. No error was stated for this age. Betts Cove Complex The Betts Cove Complex, mapped in detail by Upadhyay (1973), is located on the east coast of the Baie Verte Peninsula (Fig. 1). It is the largest of several ophiolite complexes underlying the northern part of the peninsula. Recent work by Hibbard (1983) has led to the suggestion that the ophiolites, which are progressively more deformed and metamorphosed westwards, are imbricate slabs of oceanic crust (sensu lato) of essentially the same age. In this model, the Betts Cove Complex is the least deformed, uppermost slab. The stratigraphic units of the ophiolite dip and face southeast. The complex is broken by faults parallel to strike that locally thin or remove some zones and locally juxtapose gabbro and pillow lava. The complex has unusual ultramafic dykes and some high-MgO, low-Ti flows, interpreted to be boninites by Coish et al. (1982). The Betts Cove Complex is conformably overlain by a pile


of volcanic flows, tuffs, and volcanogenic sediments dated as Arenigian by graptolites (Snelgrove 1931). The volcanic sequence, the Snooks Arm Group, has been interpreted to represent depositon in an island-arc (Upadhyay 1973) or oceanic-island environment (Jenner and Fryer 1980). Mattinson (1975) determined a U/Pb (zircon) age of 463 k 6 Ma for a trondhjemite dyke cutting the Nippers Harbour Ophiolite. This ophiolite is believed to be part of the Betts Cove Complex, but the dyke itself has been the subject of controversy. Church (1976) suggested, on the basis of its geochemistry, that it is not directly related to the ophiolite and thus provides only a minimum age for the Betts Cove Complex. Mattinson (1977) conceded this possibility. Ross et al. (1978) found it "difficult to reconcile" this age with the presence of Arenigian fossils in the overlying sediments. It has been suggested (D. F. Strong, personal communication, 1980) that the dyke is an offshoot of the Burlington Granodiorite, a nearby subvolcanic intrusion dated at 464 ? 5 Ma by the 40Ar/39Ar method (J. Hibbard and R. D. Dallmeyer, personal communication, 1982). On the basis of the trace-element geochemistry of the dyke, Epstein (1983) suggested that it is related to the Stocking Harbour intrusive suite, a part of the Burlington Granadiorite. Annieopsquotch Complex The Annieopsquotch Complex (Fig. I) is in fault contact with volcanic rocks of the Victoria Lake Group (Dunning and Herd 1980), which are of Llanvirnian- Llandeilian age. Dykes, thought to be related to the Victoria Lake Group lavas, cut the pillow lava zone of the ophiolite, providing a minimum age for the latter. In addition, the Annieopsquotch Complex is unconformably overlain by terrestrial clastic sedimentary rocks with interbedded rhyolite and minor basalt. A preliminary U/Pb (zircon) age of 43 1 + 5 Ma for a rhyolite flow in the sequence places an upper limit on the time of emplacement of the ophiolite (Chandler and Dunning 1983). Pipestone and Coy Pond complexes The Pipestone Pond Complex occurs centrally in the Dunnage Zone (Fig. 1) and was recently mapped in detail by Swinden and Collins (1982). It is entirely fault bounded and is composed of periodotite, dunite, layered clinopyroxene-rich rocks, gabbro, and pillow lavas (Fig. 9). No direct age determinations are available for the complex or the related Coy Pond Complex to the east (Colman-Sadd 1981); however, they are presumed to predate the volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the fossiliferous Baie d'Espoir Group of LlanvirnianLlandeilian age. Colman-Sadd and Swinden (1984) modelled these two ophiolites as erosional remnants of a once continuous allochthon thrust southeastwards over migmatized metasedimentary rocks in Silurian time.

Sample preparation and anaytical techniques Each sample consisted of 60-80 kg of fresh, handspecimen-sized pieces collected from a single outcrop. The zircons were processed into five magnetic fractions, and each of these was sieved into five size fractions: +70, + 100, +200, +325, and -325 mesh. The nomenclature of these fractions is explained in Table 1. Clear, crack-free grains from the nonmagnetic (NO) fraction, abraded to remove outer surfaces that might have undergone Pb loss (Krogh 1982), generally plot closer to or on concordia. The most discordant point was usually provided by analysis of the M3, -325 fraction or M3 grains that were cracked, cloudy,


or turbid. These features have all been shown to indicate that the zircons are of lower integrity and likely have lost more Pb. Zircons were processed by the method of Krogh (1973), with modifications. A mixed 205Pb/235~ isotopic tracer (Krogh and Davis 1975) was introduced into the Teflon capsules with the zircon before dissolution. The samples were sealed, with 0.5- 1.0 mL of HF and one drop HN03, inside steel jackets and placed in an oven at 220°C for 1 week. U and Pb were separated on ion-exchange columns and held as solid samples in sealed beakers until analysis. All measurements were done using the Micromass 30 solidstate mass spectrometer. Ratios were measured using a Faraday cup, except for 207Pb/2wPb,which was measured using a Daly detector in an integrating mode. Pb ratios were measured several times with incremental increases in filament temperature in the range 1050- 1550°C, depending on the sample size. Two or more sets of the ratios 2071206, 2071204, and 2071205 were measured. U ratios were measured in the temperature range 1250- 1600°C, with a "flash between each set of data to help average out fractionation. The flash consisted of turning the filament current slowly up to about 3 A and quickly back down to the standard range. For small samples, a gentle heating was substituted for the flash. Analytical errors of 0.5 and 0.10% (2u) were assigned to Pb/U and 207Pb/206Pb ratios, respectively. These errors are of estimated overall reproducibility that includes both isotopic fractionation in the mass spectrometer and uncertainty in the common Pb correction. The method of age calculation is explained in the Appendix. New data Bay of Islands Complex A sample of trondhjemite (80HPAD257) was collected from Blow Me Down Mountain by the first author, guided by J. Malpas, within 100 m of Mattinson's (1976) sample location (Fig. 2). Abundant small yellow (euhedral to subhedral) zircons were separated from the sample. They contain tiny needle-like inclusions of an unknown mineral. Five zircon fractions with differing magnetic properties and grain sizes were analyzed (Table 1). They follow the general rule that fractions abraded to remove outer surfaces plot closer to concordia (Krogh 1982). Two fractions (analyses 1, 2, Table 1; Fig. 3), both - 100, $200 mesh and abraded, plot together close to concordia (1.2 and 1.3% discordant). The -200, + 325, 0" magnetic fraction (analysis 3) is 1.7% discordant, slightly more so than the abraded fractions. The 3" magnetic fraction (analysis 4) is 2.2% discordant, and the -325, 3" magnetic fraction (analysis 5), consisting in part of turbid grains, is the most discordant at only 2.8%. These -325, magnetic zircons have the lowest integrity and have lost a greater proportion of their lead, but even they are not greatly di~cordant~zhe age determined by Ma (2u, Fig. 3). This fitting a line to all five points is 485.7 line was constrained to pass through 50 Ma + 90% (see Appendix for discussion). A sample of hornblende-bearing gabbro (81HPAD221) collected from Blow Me Down Brook 5 km from the trondhjemite sample, yielded sufficient zircon for one analysis (6, Table 1). This analysis plots to the left of the best-fit line for the trondhjemite data and indicates a minimum 207Pb/206Pbage of 480 Ma for this rock. This provides further evidence that the main plutonic episode occurred at approximately 485 Ma and

-, ,

CAN. 1. EARTH SCI. VOL. 22, 1985


TABLE1 . U-Pb isotopic data

Analysis No.

Fraction and preparation

Weight" (mg)

Concentrationb (PP~)


2 3 4 5

Sample 80HPAD257, Bay of M1, -100 +200 A 6.03 318 NO, MO, MI, -100 +200 A 1.44 302 NO, MO, -200 +325 0.82 264 M3 0.89 353 M3, -325, ?turbid 1.70 494


N10, all zircon A



Atomic ratios corrected for blank and common Pb'

Pb/Pb Measured age 2 0 h ~ b / Z 0 4 ~2 b0 6 ~ b / 2 3 K 2~ 0 7 ~ b / 2 3 5207Pb/206Pb ~ (Ma)

Islands Complex (485.7': ~ a 24.6 29832 0.0773 22.3 6400 0.0773 20.2 8662 0.0769 27.4 8273 0.0766 35.9 9430 0.0761

Sample 81HPAD221, Bay of Islands Complex 0.51 1058 91 12520 0.0762 Cove Complex (488.6:; 7652 10.3 5337 10.2 839 3.8 640 10.2


~ 0.6056 0.6055 0.6034 0.6000 0.5966

0.05680 0.05682 0.05688 0.05685 0.05687

484 484 487 485 486




0.6137 0.6104 0.6093 0.5923

0.05693 0.05687 0.05688 0.05676

489 486 487 482

A Ma)

7 8 9 10

Sample 80HPAD224, Betts 129 NO, -100 +200, clear A 21.2 128 NO, -100 +200, bulk A 11.61 48 NO, -70 +100, wh. frosted A 2.55 M3, -70 + 100, cracked 131 2.57

11 12

Sample 80HPAD222, Annieopsquotch Complex (481.4:::; Ma) NO,MO,Ml,M2,-100+200A 20.55 41 3.5 4628 0.0766 M3,-325,?turbid 5.35 154 13.1 1129 0.0759

0.5993 0.5932

0.05675 0.05667

482 479

13 14 15 16 17

Sample 80HPAD223, Annieopsquotch Complex (477.5:::; Ma) NO, -40 +70, gems A 15.67 46 3.4 7877 0.0768 NO,-70+100gemsA 7.65 49 3.6 4151 0.0765 NO, -70 +100,4 h HF 2.96 44 3.2 4343' 0.0764 NO, -70 +I00 8.65 55 4.4 14054' 0.0762 M2, M3, -40 +70, cloudy 4.23 48 3.8 2176 0.0755

0.5992 0.5969 0.5972 0.5955 0.5894

0.05660 0.05658 0.05667 0.05668 0.05664

476 475 479 479 478

18 19 20 21 22

Sample 81HPAD216, Pipestone Pond Complex (493.9:;: Ma) N5, best, clear A 0.15 2272 203 28740 0.0789 M5, - 100, cracked, cloudy A 0.98 1792 134 17518 0.0781 N5, cracked, cloudy 1.01 1436 120 13236 0.0778 M5, - 100, clear 0.24 3876 340 14836 0.0775 M5, -325 0.51 1490 120 14293 0.0754

0.6208 0.6144 0.6131 0.6095 0.5941

0.05708 0.05705 0.05712 0.05703 0.0571 1

495 493 496 493 496


N10, M10 A




Sample 8 1HPAD214, Coy Pond Complex 0.82 2851 267 8979

0.0782 0.0779 0.0777 0.0757


NCTES:NO, M3 = nonmagnetic, magnetic fractions; 0 and 3 indicate degrees of tilt on a Frantz isodynamic separator;both NO and MO are nonmagnetic fractions; = grain size between 100 and 200 mesh; A = sample abraded. See Krogh (1982) for details of sample preparation. "Error in weight, 50.01 mg, l a . "Error in absolute concentration approx. 2 2 % defined by weight of sample and weight of tracer, but U/Pb ratios are known 20.25% ( l a ) . 'Corrected for 0.1 ng blank and common lead at the age of the sample calculated from the model of Stacey and Kramers (1975) and 36 X lo-" g "'u. "Concordia intercept age with 2 a error. 'Measured value corrected for common lead in 205 spike; other analyses include this lead.

- 100 +200

not at 505 Ma, as suggested by Jacobsen and Wasserburg (1979), or 504 Ma, as suggested by Mattinson (1976). These older dates are discussed later. Betts Cove Complex Zircons were obtained from a coarse-grained, quartz-bearing gabbro (0.25% quartz) of the Betts Cove Complex at Long Pond near Tilt Cove (80HPAD224, Fig. 4). These are clear, coarse, dark to light brown anhedral fragments, which are interpreted to be pieces of larger skeletal zircons. Zircons found in gabbro are commonly skeletal (Krogh et al. 1982), and X-ray analysis confirmed their identification. Four fractions were analyzed. Three of these (analyses 7 - 9, Table 1) are of the 0" nonmagnetic fraction. After abrasion they plot near concordia at 1.O, 1.6 and 1.9% discordant (Fig. 5). Clear grains picked from the bulk are the closest to the upper intercept (analysis 7). Frosted grains (analysis 8) are the most

discordant of the 0" fractions, and the bulk sample (analysis 9) plots between the clear and frosted grains, as expected. All of the 0" abraded fractions plot close together, indicating that lead loss was not significantly greater from frosted grains than from clear. This is likely due to the very low U content of these zircons (48 - 131 ppm, Table I). The 3" magnetic fraction (analysis 10) is 5.6% discordant. A best-fit line through all four points, constrained to pass through 50 Ma + 90%, gives an age of 488.6:::; Ma (2a, Fig. 5). This is interpreted to be the age of crystallization of the Betts Cove gabbro. Annieopsquotch Complex Samples were collected from two trondhjemitic bodies located 6 km apart in the gabbro zone of the complex (Fig. 6). The first sample (80HPAD222) forms the matrix of an intrusion breccia that incorporates blocks of gabbro and diabase and






m8 0






I r m

FIG. 2. Geology of Blow Me Down Mountain of the Bay of islands Complex after Williams (1972), showing sample locations. A = Coastal Complex; B = Blow Me Down Brook Formation.


BAY OF ISLANDS COMPLEX frondhjernite (257) 485.7 +I9Ma

0.0791 Gabbro (221) -I2



4 krn?

5krn ,

FIG. 4. Geology of part of the Betts Cove Complex after Upadhyay (19731, showing sample location.




FIG.3. Concordia diagram showing U-Pb isotopic data from trondhjemite (80HPAD257) and gabbro (81HPAD221) of the Bay of Islands Complex and the best-fit line through all trondhjemite points. is strongly epidotized. It occurs next to a fault that cuts the gabbro zone (Fig. 6) and is interpreted to be a sea-floor feature. The geochemistry of this sample is consistent with differentiation from mid-ocean ridge basaltic (MORB) magma (Dunning 1984). Zircons from this sample are small, euhedral grains, few in number. Two fractions were analyzed (analyses 11, 12, Table 1). The first was a collection from the nonmagnetic and magnetic splits of the +200 size fraction from which turbid grains were removed. This fraction was abraded and is 1.4% discordant (Fig. 7). The second fraction, -325, 3" magnetic, includes turbid grains and is 2.5% discordant. A line through the two points, constrained to pass through 50 Ma 2 90%, gives an age of 48 1$ 4 Ma (20, Fig. 7), which is interpreted to be the age of crystallization of the trondhjemitic liquid.


FIG. 5. Concordia diagram showing U-Pb isotopic data from gabbro of the Betts Cove Complex (80HPAD224) and the best-fit line through all points.

The second sample (80HPAD223) is from a pegmatitic pod that contains hornblende crystals up to 15 cm long as well as abundant quartz (Fig. 6). The pod has a core of pegmatitic trondhjemite that grades through hornblende diorite to typical "high-1evel"gabbro of the ophiolite. Trace-element and rareearth-element geochemistry of the trondhjemite is consistent with interpretation of this pod as a differentiate of the ophiolitic gabbro (Dunning 1984). Abundant coarse, clear, euhedral "gem" zircons were obtained from this sample, and five fractions with different size and magnetic properties, both abraded and unabraded, were analyzed (analyses 13- 17, Table 1). The +70, 0" nonmagnetic "gem" zircons, after abrasion, plot on concordia (0.1% discordant, analysis 13, Table 1; Fig. 8). The 207Pb/206Pb age of this fraction is 476 Ma. Three + 100, 0" nonmagnetic fractions were analyzed. The first (analysis 14, Fig. 8), after abrasion, plots on concordia (0.5% discordant) slightly lower than

CAN. I. EARTH SCI. VOL. 22, 1985 '




8 7







FIG.6. Geology of the Annieopsquotch Complex after Dunning (1984), showing sample locations.



FIG.7. Concordia diagram showing U-Pb isotopic data from medium-grained trondhjemite of the Annieopsquotch Complex (80HPAD222) and the discordia line.



the 70 fraction. The second 100 fraction (analysis 15) was etched in HF for 4 h at 220°C as an experiment to induce lead loss. The high integrity of the zircons is indicated by the fact that this leached fraction plots on the best-fit line for all points and is essentially concordant (0.6% discordant). The third + 100 fraction (analysis 16), unabraded, is more discordant (0.9%) on the best-fit line (Fig. 8). All four 0" nonmagnetic fractions form a tight grouping, demonstrating that they have undergone little or no lead loss. This is certainly due in part to their low uranium content (44-55 ppm), which is among the lowest measured for zircon in the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) laboratory. The +70, 2 and 3" magnetic, cloudy, cracked grains (analysis 17) are the most discordant. The age obtained for the best-fit line through all five analyses, well controlled by the concordant +70 abraded upper point and constrained to pass through 50 Ma -+ 90%, is 477.5 Ti:; Ma

f;-g Mo


FIG.8. Concordia diagram showing U-Pb isotopic data from pegmatitic trondhjemite of the Annieopsquotch Complex (80HPAD223) and the best-fit line through all points. (2u, Fig. 8). The two ages obtained for the Annieopsquotch Complex trondhjemites overlap within the errors quoted, indicating that there may be no real age difference between these two bodies. Pipestone Pond Complex Coarse-grained trondhjemite (81HPAD216) was collected from the Pipestone Pond Complex from a pod within gabbro. The pod is cut by several diabase dykes. This trondhjemite yielded abundant small euhedral colourless to yellow grains. Five fractions were analyzed (analyses 18-22, Table 1). The least magnetic grains separated with the Frantz isodynamic separator were nonmagnetic at 5' (N5). The best clear grains from this fraction, abraded to spheres, are 1.2% discordant (analysis 18). Three fractions (analyses 19-2 1) plot close together and are about 1.7 -2.4% discordant. The finest grains (-325, analysis 22) are 5.6% discordant. All five fractions are colinear, with a 20% probability of fit, and give an upper intercept age of 493.9:;:; Ma (2a, Fig. 10). This age is Tremadocian by the time scale of van Eysinga (1975) and therefore predates the associated Bay du Nord Group, consistent with the field evidence presented by Swinden and Collins (1982). Coy Pond Complex A trondhjemite sample (8 1HPAD214), identical in appearance to that from the Pipestone Pond Complex, was collected from a small pod in gabbro of the Coy Pond Complex (Fig. 9). Only enough zircon for one analysis was recovered from the sample. It was abraded, is 4.4% discordant, and indicates a minimum 207Pb/206Pb age of 489 Ma for the complex (analysis 23, Fig. 10). As this point is significantly discordant, it is reasonable to suggest that the Coy Pond Complex could be equivalent in age to the Pipestone Pond Complex, a relationship suggested by the field evidence (Colman-Sadd and Swinden 1984).

Discussion Comparison with previously determined ages The new U/Pb (zircon) ages reported here indicate that the formation of ophiolite complexes found in the Newfoundland Appalachians spans a time range of 17 Ma (from 477.5:;:; to 493.9:;:; Ma) rather than 41 Ma (463 + 6 Ma, Betts Cove







5 4 3 2


FIG.9. Geology of the Pipestone Pond and Coy Pond complexes after Colman-Sadd and Swinden (1984), showing sample locations. PIPESTONE POND COMPLEX (216) 493.9 f:,$~a


COY POND COMPLEX Trordhjernlte (214) X



FIG. 1 1 . Radiometric dates for the Bay of Islands Complex and fossil age data for related sedimentary rocks compared with three Ordovician time scales. See text for sources of information. Arrows with K/Ar ages point to values recalculated with the new decay constant. All fossil ages are plotted in relation to the time scale of van Eysinga ( 1975).

FIG. 10. Concordia diagram showing U-Pb isotopic data from trondhjemite of the Pipestone Pond Complex (81HPAD216) and the best-fit line through all points and the single analysis from the Coy Pond Complex (8 1 HPAD2 14).

the lower metamorphic grade that affected the plutonic rocks of the complex was insufficient to "reset" or modify the zircon U/Pb isotopic system at that time. In fact, with the new decay constant, the 460 Ma age recalculates to 469 Ma (see above), so there is no justification for projecting a line from 460 Ma. The two Sm/Nd ages of gabbro from the complex (Jacobsen and Wasserburg 1979) do not overlap the new U/Pb (zircon) age. The less precise Sm/Nd age of 501 k 13 Ma is within 0.4 Ma at the maximum quoted error limits. It is suggested that the errors on the Sm/Nd ages may be larger than reported. Both are based on two-point isochrons (in statisticalterms), and neither has a point close to the initial 143Nd/144Nd ratio. In addition, it is suggested that the mineral separates analyzed were not free of alteration effects. No perfectly fresh gabbros were encountered in this study, and Jacobsen and Wasserburg (1979) described their plagioclase separates as having "minor saussuritization," with one of the samples containing secondary amphibole and serpentine.

Complex, to 504 k 10 Ma, Bay of Islands Complex) as previously thought. This 41 Ma age gap, initially reported by Mattinson (1976), resulted from the producton of a poor discordia line for the Bay of Islands sample and the dating of a nonophiolitic dyke at Nippers Harbour. The207Pb/206Pb ages of individual size and magnetic fractions from the Bay of Islands 7, 485 k 7, 494 k 5 Ma) determined by Complex (480 Mattinson (1976) are in fair agreement with the new age determination of 485.7 '1.; Ma. They are concordant, and two of the ages overlap the new intercept age, within error limits. The error in the conclusion of Mattinson (1976) resulted from projecting a line through 460 Ma based on isotopic disturbance at the time of metamorphic aureole formation (Dallmeyer and Williams 1975). High temperatures (locally of the granulite facies) achieved in the metamorphic aureole were not present throughout the ophiolite during aureole formation, and it seems

Bay of Islands Complex stratigraphic relationships The new age for the Bay of Islands Complex is compatible with all information available on its stratigraphic relationships and time of emplacement (Fig. 1I). This age is early Arenigian according to van Eysinga (1975). Fossil evidence indicates that the flysch that contains ophiolitic detritus, derived from the east, is of Arenigian age (Stevens 1970). It is possible for this detritus to have been derived from a young, hot, uplifted Bay of Islands Complex, but the detritus could equally well have come from an older fragment of oceanic crust, obducted earlier and not now preserved (or not yet dated!). Acritarchs in sedimentary rocks deposited on the Bay of Islands Complex during emplacement and termed parallochthonous by Casey and Kidd (1981) are of Llanvirnian age, and final emplacement is dated as pre-Caradocian, based on conodonts from the neoautochthonous Long Point Formation (FAhraeus 1973; Rodgers 1965; Stevens 1970). These data



CAN. 1. EARTH SCI. VOL. 22, 1985

(Fig. 11) are compatible with formation of the Bay of Islands Complex in Arenigian time and imply a history from igneous crystallization to final emplacement spanning 40 Ma using the van Eysinga (1975) time scale.

Date of formation of other Appalachian-Caledonian ophiolites North America Deformed ultramafic rocks of the Thetford Mines ophiolite contain many granitic to dioritic bodies, one of which, at Black Lake, Quebec, gives an Rb/Sr age of 466 + 13 Ma (Wanless and Poole 1980). This was interpreted by these authors to indicate a minimum middle Ordovician age for the ophiolitic rocks, but Laurent et al. (1984) reinterpreted these granites to be tectonically emplaced slivers, in which case they do not limit the age of the ophiolite. Disrupted ophiolitic rocks, including sheeted dykes and pillow lava, constitute the Lushes Bight Terrane of central Notre Dame Bay. These rocks are cut by the ophiolitic Brighton gabbro on Pilley's Island (D. F. Strong, personal communication, 1982). A 40Ar/39Arage of 495 2 5 Ma, determined for the gabbro by Stukas and Reynolds (1974b), is thought to be the age of the ophiolitic rocks. The M'Clintock West and East ultramafic massifs (Frisch 1974) on northern Ellesmere Island, Arctic Canada, have recently been reported as ophiolitic fragments (Trettin and Balkwill 1979; Trettin 1982). They are actually part of the Arctic continuation of the Greenland Caledonides and contain dioritic phases interpreted by Frisch to be cogenetic with the ultramafic suite. The U/Pb (zircon) age of the diorite phase is 48 1 Ma (Trettin et al. 1982). Gaudette (1981) reported a U/Pb (zircon) age of 410 + 7 Ma for the Union ultramafic complex in Maine, which he interpreted to be a fragment of Iapetus oceanic crust. This age would be incompatible with the Arenigian-Tremadocian ages reported for other Appalachian ophiolites. However, Talkington and Gaudette (1983) have shown that the Union Complex is an intrusion into sedimentary rocks, and they considered the earlier interpretation invalid. Europe A U/Pb (zircon) age has been determined for an ophiolite complex in the Caledonian mountain belt. Zircon from trondhjemite of the Ballantrae ophiolite gives an age of 483 + 4 Ma (Bluck et al. 1980). This was interpreted to be the time of crystallization of the trondhjemite magma. Thirwall et al. (1982) have recently reported a Sm/Nd age of 490 14 Ma, based on mineral isochrons from two samples of basalt lavas from the Southern Uplands of Scotland. These basalts have MORB chemistry, occur at the base of accreted ocean trench sedimentary sequences, and are associated with transitional and alkali basalts of ocean-island type. The age, although imprecise, is consistent with the data from Newfoundland ophiolites and Ballantrae. The limited age data available for sediments unconformably overlying the Karmoy Complex in Norway indicates a premiddle Ordovician age for that complex (Sturt et al. 1980). An Rb/Sr age of approximately 450 Ma for a granite intruding the Karmoy Complex similarly indicates a pre-middle Ordovician age for the complex (A. Rahaeim, personal communication, 1983). The Storen basalts of Norway, interpreted to be ophiolitic by Gale and Roberts (1974), are overlain by middle Arenigian fossil-bearing rocks. This age may closely approximate that of


the ophiolitic rocks as well. However, there is evidence for erosion of the ophiolite before deposition of the middle Arenigian and younger sequence (Fumes et al. 1980). In summary, the new ages reported here are Arenigian or Tremadocian, according to the van Eysinga (1975) time scale. Evidence from all other Appalachian-Caledonian ophiolites discussed above is consistent with their being of Arenigian or Tremadocian age as well (Fig. 12). The minimum age range for all ophiolites that is consistent with all the age data now available is 479 to 492 Ma. This range is shown by the black bar in Fig. 12.

Timing of obduction Malpas (1979) observed that ophiolites with well developed basal "dynamothermal" aureoles must have been hot, possibly recently formed, when they were obducted in order to metamorphose adjacent oceanic crust as they overrode it. He suggested that these ophiolites might even represent segments of the ridge itself. With their high relief, they might be more likely to be obducted. Ophiolites preserved in the Appalachian-Caledonian mountain belt may thus be close to the last oceanic crust formed before ocean closure. The 40Ar/39Ardate of 469 5 Ma (new decay constant) for the metamorphic aureole of North Arm Mountain (Dallmeyer and Williams 1975) indicates that first obduction of the hot oceanic crust and mantle (Malpas 1979) occurred in Llanvirnian time (van Eysinga 1975). This is later than the first indication of ophiolitic detritus in easterly derived flysch (Fig. 1I) (Stevens 1970) and implies that either older oceanic crust or crust of the same age obducted earlier provided some of the ophiolitic detritus in the flysch, or that the 40Ar/39Ardate for hornblende from the aureole does not indicate the time of formation of the aureole. With the present state of knowledge of age relations among Newfoundland ophiolites, either of these suggestions might be correct. In a recent paper, Dewey and Shackleton (1984) stated that the time between crystallization of the Bay of Islands Complex and its first obduction was less than 10 Ma. The new age data clearly indicate that the time gap between these two events is approximately 17 Ma. The older 40~r/39Ar age of 480 + 5 Ma from hornblende of the metamorphic aureole of the St. Anthony Complex led Dallmeyer (1977) to propose the diachronous obduction of ophiolites of the Humber Zone. There is some sedimentological evidence to support this hypothesis. Stevens (1970) reported that easterly derived flysch immediately beneath the ophiolitic rocks in the Hare Bay area is older than that at Bay of Islands. In fact, the St. Anthony Complex aureole age recalculates to 489 Ma with the new decay constant, making obduction of this complex synchronous with the formatio~of the Betts Cove Complex. A new 40Ar/39Arage of 456 + 3 Ma from the dynamothermal aureole of the Mount Albert body, Quebec (Lux and Trzcienski 1985), also supports the idea of diachronous obduction of ophiolites from St. Anthony to the Gas#. The age of 489 + 5 Ma from the aureole of the St. Anthony Complex does not require that the primary (igneous) age of the complex be much older than that of the Bay of Islands Complex. Obduction may have started sooner after formation of the oceanic crust at the point of origin of the St. Anthony Complex than at that of the Bay of Islands Complex. Relevance of ophiolite ages to the Ordovician time scale Ross et al. (1978) considered Mattinson's (1975) U/Pb (zircon) age of 508 + 5 Ma, which is actually for the "Trout


Ma -

McKerrow et al (1980)

vanEysfngo (19751


Armstrong (1978)





4 40


















+ VI







A -








~ T





1 ~ 1 %



FIG. 12. Summary of radiometric and fossil age data for ophiolitic rocks of the Appalachian-Caledonian mountain belt and three versions of the Ordovician time scale. Black bar shows minimum possible age range for all ophiolites.

River ophiolite" or the "Coastal Complex" of Karson and Dewey (1978), to be the age of formation of the ophiolite. They considered this to be correlative with [he Bay of Islands Complex hut did not relate it directly to an Ordovician stage. Mattinson's (1976) age for trondhjemite of Rlow Me Down Mountain was not then available. Dallmeyer and Williams (1975) considered their age of 460 Itl 5 Ma from the aureole to date the Arenigian phase of obduction. Archibald and Farrar (1976) related their age of 460 Ma (not reported above) to the Arenigian as well. Yet they related the 452 Ma K/Ar age from gabbro and diabase dykes to the late Llanvirnian - early Llandeilian emplacement of the ophiolite. Ross et al. (1978) concluded their discussion by proposing two possible time scales for the Ordovician; one involved considerable conflict with Scottish and Irish tectonics. Their favoured scale assigned the approximately 460 Ma ages to the Llanvirnian and placed the Arenigian at 500-480 Ma. They assumed that most of the K/Ar ages were minimum estimates and were concerned with the origin of the dynamothermal aureole of the Bay of Islands Complex and the possibility of later reheating. Ma for the Bay of Islands The new zircon age of 485.7 Complex is most reasonably interpreted to be pre-Arenigian or Arenigian, to conform with the stratigraphic evidence discussed above. Of the three time scales shown in Fig. 12, only that of van Eysinga (1975) is appropriate. If either of the other scales is correct and the fossil evidence is to be believed, the deposition of the easterly derived flysch bearing ophiolitic detritus and of the parallochthonous sediments on North Arm Mountain would have to have predated crystallization of the Blow Me Down trondhjemite. The latter is clearly a plutonic rock related to the ophiolite and must predate the sediments. These relationships provide strong evidence against the validity of the time scales of McKerrow et al. (1980) and Armstrong (1978) for the early Ordovician. Ross ei al. (1978) challenged the age of 463 Ifr 6 Ma for the Betts Cove Complex and suggested that the dyke might be younger than the ophiolite. They were also critical of the "slight" paleontologic evidence, as published by Snelgrove (193 1), for a middle Arenigian age for the Snooks Arm Group.


The new date of 488.6:::; Ma for the Betts Cove Complex is compatible with the presence of Arenigian fossils in the Snooks Arm Group and provides an important point on the Ordovician time scale. This date is in agreement with the van Eysinga (1975) time scale, which places the Arenigian stage at 490-475 Ma.

Modern analog These ages place no limits on the width of the earIy Paleozoic lapetus ocean. An unknown and possibly large amount of older, cold oceanic crust may have been completely subducted. The "Ar/"Ar age of 614 + IO Ma (Stukas and Reynolds 1974a) for rift-related (Smng 1975) diabase dykes of the Great Northern Peninsula indicates that spreading related to opening of Iapetus began in the tate Precambrian. Certainly, a well developed continental margin sedimentary sequence was present by Cambrian time (Williams 1979). Paleotectonic models to explain the juxtaposition of ophiolites and volcanic sequences in the Newfoundland Appalachians generally assume that they represent an oceanic basement - island-arc cover sequence pair (e.g., Dewey and Shackleton 1984). Although this is likely true of some ophiolites such as the Betts Cove Complex, the widely varied geology and geochemistry of the ophiolites indicate that some formed in other tectonic settings. Origins proposed for different complexes include marginal basin and major ocean spreading ridges and oceanic islands. The Annieopsquotch Complex has MORB chemistry (Dunning 1984) and is similar in age to some Newfoundland arc volcanic sequences. Possibly the-~nnieo~s~uotch Complex and related fragments (Dunning 1981) represent remnants of a marginal basin. The opening of such a basin could have forced the conversion of the-ridge that generated the Bay of Islands and St. Anthony complexes into an obduction zone. The cooling age of the abduction-related aumole of the St. Anthony Complex (489 4 5 Ma) overlaps within error that of crystallization of the Annieopsquotch Complex (48 1.4;: Ma). However, this suggestion, like most models proposed for the Iapetus Ocean, involves the assumption that the present distribution of ophiolites and arc volcanic sequences issimilar to that which existed in the oceanic realm. The amount of strike-slip move-





ment along faults, if any, in the Iapetus Ocean before o r during closure is unknown. By analogy with the western Pacific, major displacements may have occurred along such faults, and the present arrangement of ophiolites and volcanic sequences may, in fact, bear little or n o relationship to the Ordovician paleogeography. The ages of many volcanic sequences in Newfoundland are not known, and some may well predate the oldest recognized ophiolites: Pipestone Pond - Coy Pond complexes and Lushes Bight Terrane. More chemical and isotopic age data are required for many volcanic groups before any detailed paleotectonic model can be developed. The evidence of an extensive continental margin by Cambrian time and early Ordovician ophiolites of many different geochemical, and by inference tectonic, affinities suggests that the Iapetus Ocean was extensive. It is suggested that this ocean may have resembled the present-day western Pacific Ocean, with ridge segments, both active and inactive, island arcs and back-arc basins of various sizes present along its length (cf. Gale and Pearce 1982: Nur and Ben-Avraham 1982). Only relicts of these different tectonic packages' of rocks from the Iapetus Ocean are now preserved in Newfoundland, and the challenge is to discover which of them are related and which were juxtaposed by later tectonic activity. The determination of precise radiometric ages for these rocks is an important step in solving the jigsaw puzzle. u

Acknowledgments The Geological Survey of Canada provided field support and expenses to G. R. Dunning through project 770026 of R . K. Herd. G . R. Dunning received a Memorial University of Newfoundland fellowship, and this work constitutes part of his Ph.D. thesis. Laboratory expenses were offset by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) grant A4261 to T. E . Krogh, and excellent assistance with laboratory work was provided by B. Podstawskyj and D. W . Davis. Sampling assistance was provided by D . W. Davis, S . Colman-Sadd, S. Swinden, D. F. Strong, and M . A. Best. Improvements were suggested to an earlier version of the manuscript by J. Malpas, H. Williams, and R . K. Stevens. W e thank reviewers A. Halliday and C. Gariepy for their comments.

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CAN. J. EARTH SCI. VOL. 22, 1985

Appendix: Method of age calculation The closely grouped data for each sample in this study, which vary from concordant to 5.6% discordant, tend to give widely varying lower intercepts because of the length of the projection. Because of the lack of spread of points, i .e., the small range of observed Pb loss, it is often not possible to use the method of Davis (1982) to calculate the best-fit line. By adding a point chosen arbitrarily to lie on concordia at a low age, with a large assigned uncertainty, one can use the linear regression technique of Davis (1982) to calculate an upper intercept age. Forcing the line through 50 Ma 2 90% gives a positive lower intercept in the range often seen in natural Pb loss discordia from lower Paleozoic rocks, and the assigned error of "90% does not unduly restrict the actual upper intercept age. A value of 50 Ma with a smaller error range, for example, +30%, could have been used, but this would restrict the error on the upper intercept age unreasonably. Table A l shows the results of calculations limiting the range of the lower intercept error to

varying degrees. If the lower intercept is not restricted in this way ( with the resultant minor effect on the calculated age) and the 207Pb/206Pbage of the most concordant point for each sample is used, the result is 0- 1 Ma younger. Therefore, this procedure, though unorthodox and not to be generally used, makes little or no difference to the age determined. Of course, since the line has been calculated using an arbitrary lower intercept, a probability of fit statistic would have no real significance. It is perhaps ironic that the main problem in accurately determining the age of these samples from Newfoundland ophiolites has been to produce a significantly discordant analytical point. In most samples, the concordant points are the hard ones to achieve! This is part of the larger problem, that data from the lowest quality zircons (from a geologic standpoint, the most altered with the greatest degree of Pb loss) are given great emphasis in line-fitting techniques used to determine the upper intercept age. This problem has been discussed further by Krogh and Turek (1982).

TABLE Al. Errors (2u) in age calculated by restricting error in lower intercept to varying degrees, Bay of Islands trondhjemite (80HPAD257)" Error on lower intercept 50 Ma

95% confidence.


Intercept age (Ma)

Calculated lower intercept (Ma)

Pos. error

Neg. error

? 30 +45 ?60 +75 ? 90

486.1 486.6 485.9 485.8 485.7

45.51 42.78 33.97 26.70 16.36

1.25 1.56 1.64 1.84 1.95

1.14 1.26 1.23 1.26 1.23

"See Table 1 and Fig. 3 for relevant U-Pb isotopic data and concordia diagram.