Okanagan College: Geography, Earth and Environmental Science Department -. 2018 Articulation .... Mastering Geography wi
Okanagan College: Geography, Earth and Environmental Science Department 2018 Articulation Report Prepared by: Stephanie Bunclark (Chair of GEOG/EESC) Enrollment Data: We have been seeing quite high enrollment in Geography, Earth and Environmental Science (GEOG/EESC) courses this past year, enrollment has been increasing for the past 4 years, please see chart 1 below.
GEOG EESC Annual Enrollment Trends 700 600 500
Salmon Arm Penticton
100 0 2017/2018
Please note: Chart 1 does not include the enrollment for lab sections of courses. This trend seems likely to increase over the next few years as we are seeing an increase in the number of students taking an Associate of Arts degree, and Associate of Science degree. Additionally, we have seen a large increase in the numbers of international students attending Okanagan College this past year The ES Diploma has a 2nd year retention rate of 80%, which is up 15% over last year. This retention rate is also substantially higher than most of the programs within Okanagan College (OC), the Associate of Arts has a 2nd retention rate of 40% and Associate of Science has a 2nd year retention rate of 50%. Enrollment in the program could be improved by marketing to the Science, so we will be working with the Science Faculty to that end this year to establish an AS in Geography
and Earth Sciences. This may result in an increase in GEOG/EESC student numbers in the coming years. We are also working with the International Education Office, as the ES diploma is the 7th best enrolled program for international students at OC. We have 34 International students currently enrolled; which represents about 3% of the International students at OC. This number could be improved with increased communications between our department and International Education Office, which has been initiated and is looking promising. The International students are largely looking for 2 year programs in which to enroll at OC, so the ES diploma fulfills that requirement. Our new AA in Geography (starting 2018) may lead to increase in our student numbers from both domestic and international students. 14.26% of international students are enrolled in the AA, so we may see a slight increase in our student numbers as a result. Outreach to our local high schools has also resulted in a better understanding of the discipline of human geography which may also help enrollment numbers. Note: The enrollment and retention rates only reflect students enrolled in the program, it is possible to graduate out of the program without officially enrolling in the program. We are working with the Registrar’s office to better identify all students in our programs Program Development: No new budget development for our department for 2017/2018 Salmon Arm GIS program: on hold as it is being revised. Associate of Arts in Geography to begin September 2018. Associate of Science in Geography to begin September 2019. Associate of Science in Earth Sciences to begin September 2019. Discussions regarding a Business concentration with an environmental sustainability focus are beginning. Discussions regarding a Business concentration with a focus on tourism are beginning. Viticulture program has begun and has resulted in our offering 3 new TLUs (2 new Geography courses on Penticton campus: 1.5 TLUs in September 2017 and 3 TLUS by September 2018). Current funding is temporary, set for a 2 year period. This program is undergoing some changes; it is not yet known how they may affect our department. Staffing: 2017/2018 5 full-time permanent faculty members with one full-time permanent vacancy to be filled:
Stephanie Bunclark- Chair- Vernon and Kelowna campuses- going on Extended Study Leave: August 1st, 2018- July 31st, 2019 Terence Day- Kelowna campus Arthur Green- returning from parental leave May 2018 Todd Redding- Penticton campus- Department Chair elect- term beginning July 1st, 2018 Weisheng Zang- Vernon and Kelowna campuses- full-time- as of summer 2017 Salmon Arm campus position: a new full time position is to be filled this year once the revisions of the GIS program have been completed. 2 part-time, permanent faculty members: Markus Heinrichs: 50% part-time continuing department member- as of summer 2017 Barb Ramovs: 50% part-time continuing department member– as of summer 2017 Recruitment and Other Initiatives: PD Day for HS Science teachers Working with various NGOs and the municipal government agencies to provide our student real world work experience through their class projects and work-study projects. Finalised new/ modified block transfer agreements with UNBC and with RRU GEOG/EESC Offerings for 2017/2018: 57.5 TLUs across 4 campuses with the Viticulture program offerings Textbooks for 2017/2018: GEOG 111 & GEOG 121: depends on the prof Geosystems: An Introduction to Physical Geography, Fourth Canadian Edition Plus Mastering Geography with Pearson eText and/ or Physical Geography: Great Systems and Global Environments, W. Marsh and M. KauffmanGEOG 128 & GEOG 129: Fouberg et al. 2015. Human Geography: People, Place and Culture. 2nd Canadian Edition. John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd. Canada. ISBN : 9781-119-02281-7
GEOG/EESC 205: Readings GEOG/EESC 206: Brady, NC and Weil, RR. 2010. Elements of the nature and properties of soils (3rd ed.). Pearson Education. Upper Saddle River, NJ. 624 pp. GEOG 210:Middleton, Nick. 2008. The Global Casino, Fourth Edition. Hodder Arnold Publisher, London, England GEOG/EESC 212: Ross, Weather and Climate GEOG 213: Sommers, The Geography of Wine GEOG/EESC 222: Paul R. Bierman, David R. Montgomery. 2013, Key Concepts in Geomorphology, ISBN-10: 1-4292-3860-7, MacMillan Education. ISBN-13: 978-1-42923860-1 GEOG 250: Filion, P., M. Moos, T. Vinadrai, and R. Walker (Eds). 2015. Canadian Cities in Transition: Perspectives for an Urban Age (Fifth Edition). Oxford University Press. Ontario, Canada. GEOG 270: GEOG 272: Campbell and Shin http://2012books.lardbucket.org/books/geographicinformation-system-basics/index.html GEOG 311: no text EESC 101: Withgott, Environment 3rd Cdn Ed. EESC 111: Steven Earle, 2016, Physical Geology, http://open.bccampus.ca EESC 121: Reed Wicander & James S. Monroe, 2016, Historical Geology, 8 th edition, Cengage Learning