Proceedings 4th International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management
NCM 2008 Volume I
Proceedings 4th International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management Volume I Gyeongju, Korea September 2-4, 2008
Corresponding Editors Prof. Jinhwa Kim, Prof. Dursun Delen, Prof. Park, Prof. Franz Ko, and Dr. Yun Ji Na Associate Editors Prof. ACM Fong, Prof. Patrick Ma, Prof. Ling Chen, Dr. Soonwook Hwang, Dr. Kim, Prof. Gencai Chen, Prof. Shigeo Kawata, Prof. Bernard Fong, Prof. We-Duke Cho, Prof. Hee-Dong Yang, and Prof. Park Jai-Woo
Los Alamitos, California Washington
Copyright © 2008 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright and Reprint Permissions: Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Libraries may photocopy beyond the limits of US copyright law, for private use of patrons, those articles in this volume that carry a code at the bottom of the first page, provided that the per-copy fee indicated in the code is paid through the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. Other copying, reprint, or republication requests should be addressed to: IEEE Copyrights Manager, IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 133, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331. The papers in this book comprise the proceedings of the meeting mentioned on the cover and title page. They reflect the authors’ opinions and, in the interests of timely dissemination, are published as presented and without change. Their inclusion in this publication does not necessarily constitute endorsement by the editors, the IEEE Computer Society, or the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. IEEE Computer Society Order Number P3322 BMS Part Number CFP0862E-PRT ISBN 978-0-7695-3322-3 Library of Congress Number 2008928379 Additional copies may be ordered from: IEEE Computer Society Customer Service Center 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle P.O. Box 3014 Los Alamitos, CA 90720-1314 Tel: + 1 800 272 6657 Fax: + 1 714 821 4641
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Fourth International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management
NCM 2008
Table of Contents Volume - 1 Welcome Message from the General Chair - Volume I..............................................................xiv Welcome Message from the Program Chair - Volume I .............................................................xv International Committee - Volume I.......................................................................................................xvi Program Committee - Volume I...............................................................................................................xvii
Conference Papers - Volume I [ETCTR] Efficient Target Localization by Controlling the Transmission Range in Wireless Sensor Networks .........................................................................................................................3 Sajjad Hussain Chaudhary, Ali Kashif Bashir, and Myong-Soon Park
A Calculus to Reduce Spatial and Temporal Complexity for Specification and Analysis of Complex Real-Time Systems ........................................................................................................8 Jungrhan Choi, Jinho On, Moonkun Lee, and Jin-Young Choi
A Database Design of RFID Document Management System with e-Ink technology ........................................................................................................................................................14 Bae Soon Hark, Jong Hwa Choi, and Choon Seong Leem
A Design of One-Time Password Mechanism Using Public Key Infrastructure .............................................18 Hyun-Chul Kim, Hong-Woo Lee, Kyung-Seok Lee, and Moon-Seog Jun
A Frame of Personalized Information Filtering System Based on XML ..........................................................25 Yongming Guo, Dehua Chen, Liangxu Liu, and Jiajin Le
A Hierarchical Routing Protocol for Sensor Network Reconfiguration ...........................................................30 Hoon Kwon, Jeong-Hee Kim, and Ho-Young Kwak
A Hierarchical Storage Strategy Based on Block-Level Data Valuation ..........................................................36 Xiaonan Zhao, Zhanhuai Li, and Leijie Zeng
A Hybrid Interference Model-Based Topology Control Algorithm ..................................................................42 Yongzhen Liu, Xinming Zhang, Qiong Liu, and Shifang Dai
A Misused Key Detection Mechanism for Hierarchical Routings in Wireless Sensor Network ..........................................................................................................................................................47 Min-Woo Park, Jong-Myoung Kim, Young-Ju Han, and Tai-Myoung Chung
A Neural Network Approach to the Optimal Combination of Product Color Design ..........................................................................................................................................................................53 Yang-Cheng Lin, Chung-Hsing Yeh, and Chen-Hui Hung
A Novel Approach for Fault-Tolerant Ethernet Implementation .......................................................................58 Anh Pham Hoang, Jong Myung Rhee, Se Mog Kim, and Dong Ho Lee
A Novel Dynamic Tuning of the Contention Window (CW) for IEEE 802.11e Enhanced Distributed Control Function .................................................................................................................62 Jun Lv, Xinming Zhang, and Xiaojun Han
A Novel Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor MAC Protocol ................................................................................68 Peng Sun, Xinming Zhang, Zhenzhong Dong, and Yi Zhang
A Novel Feedback Scheduling Approach for Resource-Constrained Network Control System ...........................................................................................................................................................73 Qi-Zhang, Xian-ming Tang, and Jin-shou Yu
A Recovery Model for Survivable Distributed Systems through the Use of Virtualization .........................................................................................................................................................79 Thandar Thein, Manish Pokharel, Sung-Do Chi, and Jong Sou Park
A Road Structures Construction and Maintenance Measurement Design Using USN .............................................................................................................................................................................85 Nam-kyun Kim, Mu-wook Pyeon, Byoung-kil Lee, and Jae-sun Park
A Routing Protocol Based on Distance Vector in Ad Hoc Networks ...............................................................92 Zhipeng Liu, SeongKwon Cheon, and ChongGun Kim
A Scalable Linkage Method for Large Scale Event-Data Processing ...............................................................98 Hiromichi Kobashi, Riichiro Take, and Shigeo Kawata
A Self-Training Algorithm for Load Balancing in Cluster Computing ..........................................................104 Parimah Mohammadpour, Mohsen Sharifi, and Ali Paikan
A Simulation for Map Transmission in a DMB Environment ..........................................................................110 Jung Ok Kim, Chillo Ga, and Kiyun Yu
A Smart Medication Prompting System and Context Reasoning in Home Environments ............................................................................................................................................................115 Myungeun Lim, Jaehun Choi, Daehee Kim, and Soojun Park
A Study on the Self-Directed Learning Management System .........................................................................119 Young-Hwan Woo, Suk-Won Hong, and Sang-Bok Kim
A Survey on Training Algorithms for Support Vector Machine Classifiers ..................................................123 Guosheng Wang
A Survey on Visualization for Wireless Security ...............................................................................................129 Chi Yoon Jeong, Beom Hwan Chang, and Jung Chan Na
A System Implementation of Pushing Advertisement to Handheld Devices via Bluetooth ............................................................................................................................................................133 Yu-Liang Chen, Hung-Jen Chou, Chen-Pu Lin, Hsien-Tang Lin, and Shyan-Ming Yuan
A Task-Role Based Access Control Model with Multi-Constraints ................................................................137 Lin Yao, Xiangwei Kong, and Zichuan Xu
A Taxonomy and Survey on Distributed File Systems ......................................................................................144 Tran Doan Thanh, Subaji Mohan, Eunmi Choi, SangBum Kim, and Pilsung Kim
A TMO Based Real-Time Model: Supporting u-GIS Informative Construction Technology Innovation ...........................................................................................................................................150 MyoungJin Kim, Hanku Lee, Muwook Pyeon, Yangdam Eo, Dongkeun Lee, and Wonsa Lee
A Wireless Networking Technologies Overview Over Ubiquitous Service Applications ..............................................................................................................................................................156 Chen-Shu Wang and Yeu-Ruey Tzeng
Adaptive Safety Critical Middleware for Distributed and Embedded Safety Critical System .........................................................................................................................................................162 Zhang Yi, Wandong Cai, and Wang Yue
An Approach for Robust Routing Algorithms in Ad Hoc Network ................................................................167 Hochul Jeon, Taehwan Kim, and Joongmin Choi
An Approach Towards an Architecture for Solving Combinatorial Problems in a Ubiquitous Environment .................................................................................................................................171 Guillermo Cabrera G. and Jose Miguel Rubio L.
An Automatic Identification of a Damaged Malicious File Using HMM against Anti-Forensics .............................................................................................................................................177 Dongju Ryu, Minsoo Kim, and Yong-Min Kim
An Improved Fast Handover Algorithm Based on the Enhanced Access Router (EAR-FMIPv6) ........................................................................................................................................................185 Inwhee Joe and Hoonsang Yun
An Intersection-Centric Priority Algorithm for Traffic Simulation Based on Multi-Agents .......................................................................................................................................................189 Xiao-Fan Zhi, Zhi-Cheng Liao, Shi-Yong Zhang, and Yi-ping Zhong
Analysis and Application of Bio-Inspired Multi-Net Security Model ............................................................195 Ruijuan Zheng, Qingtao Wu, and Mingchuan Zhang
Analysis of the Passenger Pick-Up Pattern for Taxi Location Recommendation .........................................199 Junghoon Lee, Inhye Shin, and Gyung-Leen Park
Application of Combined Traffic Demand Forecasting for Comprehensive Transport Corridor ...................................................................................................................................................205 Yanhong Li, Zhenzhou Yuan, Shouhua Cao, Ying Ding, and Peifeng Hu
Application of Digital Rights Management to Accounting Information Processing in the Semantic Web Environment ...................................................................................................211 Xiaoyi Chen and Dianping Ouyang
Applying Machine Learning Techniques for Environmental Reporting .........................................................217 Sotiris Kotsiantis and Dimitris Kanellopoulos
Behavior Observation-Based Rival's Private Information Inferring ................................................................224 Lihua Zhou, Weiyi Liu, Yufeng Xu, and Hongmei Chen
Compensated Time Synchronization in WSN with Multiple Reference Nodes ............................................229 Woo Hyuk Jang and Youngmi Kwon
Coverage Ratio in the Wireless Sensor Networks Using Monte Carlo Simulation .................................................................................................................................................................235 Seok Myun Kwon and Jin Suk Kim
Convolutional Coding in Cooperative Relay Systems with Spread Spectrum ...............................................239 Kun Hua, Won Mee Jang, and Lim Nguyen
Damage Detection of Structural Members by Prediction of Variation in Strain Energy ........................................................................................................................................................................244 Hee-Chang Eun, Gon Kim, Ki-Bong Park, Tae-Wan Kim, and Min-Su Lee
Data Structures for Storing File Namespace in Distributed File System ........................................................250 Luu Hoang Long, Eunmi Choi, SangBum Kim, and Pilsung Kim
Decoding Cognitive States from fMRI Data Using Single Hidden-Layer Feedforward Neural Networks ..............................................................................................................................256 Hieu Trung Huynh and Yonggwan Won
Density Mining Based Resilient Data Aggregation for Wireless Sensor Network .....................................................................................................................................................................261 Shu Qin Ren and Jong Sou Park
Design and Implementation of Communication System among Heterogeneous Multi-Agent System ................................................................................................................................................267 Yoe-Jin Yoon, Kee-Hyun Choi, and Dong-Ryeol Shin
Design and Implementation of the Publish/Subscribe Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks ......................................................................................................................................................270 Choon-Sung Nam, Hee-Jin Jeong, and Dong-Ryeol Shin
Design Issues of Reliable Data Transfer Mechanisms for Atmospheric Environment Monitoring ........................................................................................................................................274 Taehoon Lee, Sang Boem Lim, Young Sunwoo, Jung-Hun Woo, Bujeon Jung, and Xue Zheng
Design of CALM-Based Service Discovery System .........................................................................................280 Geon-Ha Lee, Seung-Hyun Lee, Kee-Hyun Choi, and Dong-Ryeol Shin
Design of Directory Facilitator for Efficient Agent-Based Service Discovery ..............................................286 Geon-Ha Lee, Seung-Hyun Lee, Kee-Hyun Choi, and Dong-Ryeol Shin
Design of Multimedia SoC Platform with a Crossbar On-Chip Bus for Embedded Systems ...........................................................................................................................................292 Hongkyun Jung, Xianzhe Jin, Younjin Jung, Ok Kim, Byoungyup Lee, Jungbum Heo, and Kwangki Ryoo
Design of New Type License Plates Based on RFID and its Secure Automatic Identification System ..............................................................................................................................................298 Zhiguo Zhou, Wenyin Li, Tong Li, Chunyan Deng, and Xiaodong Fu
Design of the L4 Microkernel Based Lightweight Mobile Middleware for Mobile Phone .....................................................................................................................................................303 Sang-Min Lee, Dong-Geun Kim, and Dong-Ryeol Shin
Design of the Operating System Virtualization on L4 Microkernel ................................................................307 Dong-Guen Kim, Sang-Min Lee, and Dong-Ryeol Shin
Designing through Simulation: Integration of Ubiquitous Street Facilities into the Urban Media Fabric ..................................................................................................................................311 Dongyoun Shin and Sung Ah Kim
Designs of a Secure Wireless LAN Access Technique and an Intrusion Detection System for Home Network ...................................................................................................................318 Tae-Sub Kim, Yi-Kang Kim, Byung-Bog Lee, Seung-Wan Ryu, and Choong-Ho Cho
Detecting Collaborative Fields Using Social Networks ....................................................................................325 Dongwook Shin, Jinbeom Kang, Joongmin Choi, and Jaeyoung Yang
Digital Image Watermarking Algorithm with Double Encryption by Arnold Transform and Logistic ...........................................................................................................................................329 Changjiang Zhang, Jinshan Wang, and Xiaodong Wang
Distributed File Discovery Protocol in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks ..........................................................335 Eunyoung Kang, Wongil Choi, and Ungmo Kim
Distributing OSGi Services: The OSIRIS Domain Connector .........................................................................341 Jose Manuel Marquez, Javier Alamo, and Juan Antonio Ortega
DPW Approach for Random Forgery Problem in Online Handwritten Signature Verification .............................................................................................................................................347 Won-Du Chang and Jungpil Shin
Dynamic Load Balanced Hop Selection Algorithm in Wireless Mesh Network ...........................................353 Minyong Ha and Hyungki Choi
Dynamic Topology Construction for Road Network .........................................................................................359 Yumin Chen, Chenchen Wu, and Ming Yao
Efficiency Reservation MAC Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................365 Trong Hung Nguyen, Soo-Young Shin, and Soo-Hyun Park
Efficient Selective Encryption Scheme for the H.264/Scalable Video Coding(SVC) ............................................................................................................................................................371 Su-Wan Park and Sang-Uk Shin
Embedded Digital Information Integrated by Video-on-Demand System .....................................................377 Chih-Jen Yang, Yuan-Bo Chen, and Gwo-Jia Jong
Embedded System Architecture for an FMC Mobile Handset .........................................................................383 Sung-Bong Jang, Young-Gab Kim, and Doo-Kwon Baik
Error Correcting Output Codes Using Genetic Algorithm-Based Decoding .................................................391 Nima Hatami and Saeed Seyedtabaii
Evaluation of Position Based Gossiping for VANETs in an Intersection Scenario .....................................................................................................................................................................397 Boto Bako, Frank Kargl, Elmar Schoch, and Michael Weber
Extended Hierarchical Routing over 6LoWPAN ...............................................................................................403 Choon-Sung Nam, Hee-Jin Jeong, and Dong-Ryeol Shin
Fault Diameter of Even Networks .........................................................................................................................406 Jong-Seok Kim, Sung Won Kim, and Hyeong-Ok Lee
Finding the Optimal Shortest Path Tree with Respect to Single Link Failure Recovery ...................................................................................................................................................................412 Yueping Li, Zhe Nie, and Xiaohong Zhou
Geographic-Aware Architecture for the Interoperability of Ubiquitous Components ..............................................................................................................................................................416 Giovanni Guzmán, Anabel Pineda, Miguel Torres, Rolando Menchaca-Mendez, and Marco Moreno
Heterogeneous Navigation of Vehicle by Using MIMO-OFDM System .......................................................422 Tsun-Lung Hsieh, Gwo-Jiun Horng, and Gwo-Jia Jong
Hop State Prediction Method Using Distance Differential of RSSI on VANET ..........................................426 Won Seok Choi, Jong Wook Nam, and Seong Gon Choi
How Community-Based Peer-to-Peer Social Networks Can Affect Query Routing? ....................................................................................................................................................................432 Amir Modarresi, Ali Mamat, Hamidah Ibrahim, and Norwati Mustapha
Hybrid and Multi-Agent Approaches on Healthcare Sensor Information Fusing .........................................438 Zhifeng Dai, Baolin Sun, and Chao Gui
Image Encryption Using Self Regressive Function ............................................................................................442 Keun-Moo Rhee
Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Self-Adaptive Fuzzy Clustering Method ................................................446 Hong Zhang, XiaoNan Sun, YanFeng Sun, and Lei Liu
Implementation of a Multi-Hop Vehicular Network Analyzer .........................................................................450 Junghoon Lee
Improvement of Task Retrieval Performance Using AMGA in a Large-Scale Virtual Screening .....................................................................................................................................................456 Sunil Ahn, Namgyu Kim, Seehoon Lee, Soonwook Hwang, Dukyun Nam, Birger Koblitz, Vincent Breton, and Sangyong Han
Incorporating Prior Knowledge in Support Vector Machines: Retrospect and Prospect ..............................................................................................................................................................464 Guosheng Wang
Informative Construction Technology Innovation Based on Ubiquitous GIS ...............................................469 Tae-Woong Jung, Mu-Wook Pyeon, Jee-Hee Koo, and Jong-Hwa Kim
Interference-Aware Probability Forwarding Mechanism for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................474 Qiong Liu, Xinming Zhang, Yongzhen Liu, Dong Shi, and Enbo Wang
Joint Rate Control and Power Control in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with QoS Requirements ............................................................................................................................................................480 Xiaojun Han, Xinming Zhang, and Jun Lv
Knowledge-Based Genetic Algorithms and its Application in Multi-Sensor Fusion ........................................................................................................................................................................485 Yuguang Niu, Gaowei Yan, Gang Xie, Zehua Chen, and Keming Xie
Knowledge-Based Neural Networks and its Application in Discrete Choice Analysis .....................................................................................................................................................................491 Jianchuan Xianyu, Zhicai Juan, and Linjie Gao
Low Duty-Cycling with Spline-Based Curve Fitting of Sensor Data in Wireless Sensor Networks .................................................................................................................................497 Rubina Sultan, Noor M. Khan, and Muhammad Shafiq
Middleware for Improving Security in a Component Based Software Architecture ..............................................................................................................................................................502 Blanca Abraham, Jose Aguilar, and Ernst Leiss
Monitoring Unused IP Addresses on Segments Managed by DHCP ..............................................................510 Seiichiro Mizoguchi, Yoshiaki Hori, and Kouichi Sakurai
Multi-Hop Relay Based Coverage Extension in the IEEE802.16j Based Mobile WiMAX Systems .....................................................................................................................................................516 Se-Jin Kim, Seung-Yeon Kim, Byung-Bog Lee, Seung-Wan Ryu, Hyong-Woo Lee, and Choong-Ho Cho
N-ATL and ATL-G, Two Approaches for Goal Specification in Advanced Distributed Computing Systems ............................................................................................................................523 Zhengyuan Ning, Xianwei Lai, Shanli Hu, and Xiuli Wang
New Digital Forensics Investigation Procedure Model .....................................................................................528 Yong-Dal Shin
Next Generation Delay and Performance Measuring Algorithm for an Overall Network .....................................................................................................................................................................532 Kazi Md. Abdullah Al Mamun, Gyanendra Prasad Joshi, and Sung Won Kim
Node Mapping Algorithm between Hypercube and Petersen-Torus Networks .............................................535 Jung-hyun Seo, HyeongOk Lee, Moon-suk Jang, and EungKon Kim
Node Mapping Algorithm between Torus and Petersen-Torus Networks ......................................................540 Jung-hyun Seo, HyeongOk Lee, Moon-Suk Jang, and Soon-Hee Han
On the Design of Architectural Pattern to Develop Dynamically Reconfigurable Autonomic Component ...............................................................................................................545 Saeed Parsa and Hassan Daryanavard
Ontology-Based Knowledge Portal Development for University Knowledge Management .............................................................................................................................................................552 Tatiana Gavrilova and HaiNan Jin
Optimal Path Cover for Graphs of Small Treewidth ..........................................................................................560 Zhe Nie, Yueping Li, and Xiaohong Zhou
OSGi Based Subway Management System .........................................................................................................564 Hyun-Chul Kim and Dong-Ryeol Shin
Petersen-Torus Networks for Multicomputer Systems ......................................................................................567 Jung-hyun Seo, HyeongOk Lee, and Moon-suk Jang
Privacy in Location Based Services: Primitives Toward the Solution ............................................................572 Abedelaziz Mohaisen, Dowon Hong, and DaeHun Nyang
Properties and Performance of Enhanced Hypercube Networks ......................................................................580 Hongmei Liu
QoS -Traffic Classification in the Internet ...........................................................................................................584 Paula Venosa, Nicolás Macia, and Luis Marrone
RCDS: A Ranking-Based Algorithm to Compute the CDS of the Ad Hoc Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................591 Dong Shi, Xinming Zhang, Wenbo Zhu, and Enbo Wang
Redundancy at Link Level for Non-Traditional Grids Implemented with Intelligent Agents ............................................................................................................................................597 Versavia Ancusa, Razvan Bogdan, and Mircea Vladutiu
Research of Secure Anycast Group Management ..............................................................................................604 Zhiguo Zhou, Gaochao Xu, Jinxin He, Jianhua Jiang, and Chunyan Deng
Research on Intrusion Detection System Based on Pattern Recognition ........................................................609 Youchan Zhu and Ying Zheng
Research on Replication Strategies for Data Grid Based on OptorSim ..........................................................613 Jiong Li, Guangchun Luo, and Haoran Chen
RFID Networking Mechanism Using Address Management Agent ...............................................................617 Dong Geun Yoon, Dong Hyeon Lee, Chang Ho Seo, and Seong Gon Choi
RNet: A Hierarchical P2P Overlay Network for Improving Locality in a Mobile Environment ............................................................................................................................................623 Keon-il Jeong, Uram H. Yoon, Ji-Yon Han, Jae-Min Ahn, Jeong-Hwa Song, and Shin-Dug Kim
Secure Real-Time Integration of Services in a OSGi Distributed Environment ............................................631 Jose Manuel Marquez, Javier Jimenez, and Isaac Agudo
Self Organized Mobility in Nanosensor Network Based on Particle Swarm Optimization and Coverage Criteria .....................................................................................................................636 Khin Haymar Saw Hla, YoungSik Choi, and Jong Sou Park
Short-Range and One-Way Communication Using Encoded Color Light Signal Based on USN ..............................................................................................................................................642 YoungJun Jeon, Gong Lee, Hoon Kim, and SeungHo Shin
Stability Analysis for Discrete Time-Delay Systems .........................................................................................648 Xian-ming Tang and Jin-shou Yu
The Content-Based Image Retrieval Method Using Multiple Features ..........................................................652 Jeong-Yo Ha, Gye-Young Kim, and Hyung-Il Choi
The Design of Routing Framework for Protection & Restoration of Multi-Layer Based on GMPLS Network ........................................................................................................658 Wonhyuk Lee, Kwangjong Cho, Hyuncheol Kim, and Jinwook Chung
The Effect of an Auditory Stressor, with Respect to Affective Style, on Frontal EEG Asymmetry and ERP Analysis .....................................................................................................................662 Ssanghee Seo, Yeongjun Gil, and Jungtae Lee
The Performance Analysis of New Routing Protocol in Sensor Networks Useful in Ubiquitous Home Network Applications ...........................................................................................668 Sung-Hwa Hong, Byoung-Kug Kim, Won-Hee Lee, Woo-Yong Lee, and Doo-Seop Eom
The Study of Applying Sensor Networks to a Smart Home .............................................................................676 Byoung-Kug Kim, Sung-Kwa Hong, Young-Sik Jeong, and Doo-Seop Eom
Thermal Characteristics of All-Optical ADM Using Fiber Bragg Gratings and Mach-Zehnder Interferometer for WDM Optical Communication Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................682 Yong-Hwan Son, Yong-Yuk Won, and Sang-Kook Han
Threshold Accepting Scheduling Algorithm for Scientific Workflows in Wireless Grids .....................................................................................................................................................686 Shajulin Benedict, V. Vasudevan, and Rejitha R.S.
TrustRRM: An Improved Reputation Management Scheme Handling Dishonest Feedback in Peer-to-Peer Networks ...................................................................................................692 Junghwa Shin, Taehoon Kim, and Sungwoo Tak
VIRGO P2P Based Distributed DNS Framework for IPv6 Network ..............................................................698 Lican Huang
Virtual Transmission Method, A New Distributed Algorithm to Solve Sparse Linear Systems .........................................................................................................................................................703 Fei Wei and Huazhong Yang
Author Index- Volume I ................................................................................................................................710
Welcome Message from the General Chair Ladies and Gentlemen, Distinguished Chairs and Committee Members! It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 4th International Conference on Networked Computing and Advance Information Management, held from 2-4 September 2008 in the Hanhwa Resort in beautiful Gyeongju, S. Korea. We look forward to a uniquely international conference with more than 200 contributions from 31 countries such as Austria, France, Germany, India, Japan, Russia, United States and so forth. It definitely proves the world class level of NCM 2008. As regards the capacity of NCM 2008 and its contribution to the development of information technologies, there have been hundreds of excellent papers selected with ground-breaking originality and significant scientific contribution since the previous conferences of NCM. Today the outcomes of NCM conference are widely used in researching convergence technologies and giving innovative ideas for scholars in pursuing information technology projects. Network computing and Advanced Information Management are closely related to Convergence Technologies, and by organizing this conference we sincerely hope to support the further development of convergence technologies. Therefore in NCM2008, we welcome diverse innovative ideas towards the development of convergence technologies and with the help of this conference we will build good framework for fulfillment of most brilliant and promising projects toward convergence information technologies. We hope you will have a technically rewarding experience, and use this occasion to meet old friends and make many new ones. On the other hand, don’t miss the opportunity to explore historical Gyeongju city with, among other things; its mountain Namsan, famous for its rich historical heritage such as Najeong Well, three stone Buddha Statues of Bae-ri and Tongiljeon hall, the Seoak Vicinity and the Bomun Lake Resort. And don’t forget to take a sample of the many and diverse attractions in the rest of the Gyeongju city! In last notes, let me publicly give my thanks to those without the contributions of whom this conference could not have taken place. Special thanks go to the program chairs Prof. Franz Il Seok Ko and Prof. Park Jin Soo, to general chair Prof. Dursun Delen from Oklahoma State University, to our distinguished plenary speakers and to all individuals who took the initiative to organize special sessions. We are also present our high gratitude to Dr. Yun Ji Na who provided crucial support in conference administration and local arrangements. Thanks go to other key organizing committee members for their excellent team contributions: Prof. Patrick Ma from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Prof. Ling Chen from Zhejiang University, and other members of Organization and Publicity committee. The organizing team could not have operated without the support of Sogang University, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information and Korea Electronics Technology Institute. We also acknowledge the support and guidance from the Administrative Committee of the IEEE Computer Society. Finally, thanks go to all the reviewers, authors, speakers and participants for contributing to NCM 2008: you are the heart of the conference! Enjoy the conference and enjoy your stay in beautiful Gyeongju! Prof. Kim Jinhwa, Sogang University
Welcome Message from the Program Chair Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! On behalf of Program Committee, may I welcome you to NCM 2008: the 4th International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management, held in beautiful and historic city Gyongju. In my opening speech, I shall present the role, purpose and vision of the Fourth International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management NCM stands for International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management. It is a premium international conference on all areas related to the Theory, Development, Applications, Experiences, and Evaluation of Networked/Ubiquitous Computing and Advanced Information Management. Network computing and Advanced Information Management are closely related to convergence technologies, and by organizing we want to build sufficient ground for fulfillment of most brilliant and promising ideas for convergence information technologies. I believe that this unique conference will spark fascinating and knowledge-deepening discussions among the invited scholars, and it will enable us to expand our knowledge boundaries in the field of Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management. I am very pleased to announce that this year we have gathered distinguished scholars from over 30 countries around the globe and I am convinced that the works presented during this conference will largely contribute to the development of fields related to Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management, namely ubiquitous computing on a world scale. In addition, there will be five special sessions related to the various sides of convergence IT. The special sessions are headed by eminent scholars of corresponding fields and will provide wonderful opportunity to deepen your knowledge. I am convinced that a global nature of our conference, active participation of the most prominent speakers and delegates, cutting edge innovative ideas will create a stimulating atmosphere for further robust development of ubiquitous and convergence technologies. I also anticipate that NCM will give a wonderful opportunity not only to exchange ideas but also to establish new social ties between the conference participants As my concluding words, let me express my gratitude to you for becoming a part of this unique conference and welcome you to NCM2008! Dr. Franz I. S. Ko (Il Seok Ko), IBC, UK/ Dongguk University, Korea
NCM 2008 International Committee General Chairs Prof. Jinhwa Kim (Sogang University, Korea) Prof. Dursun Delen (Oklahoma State University, USA)
Program Chairs Prof. PARK, JINSOO (Seoul National University, Korea) Prof. Franz Ko (IBC, UK/ Dongguk University, Korea)
Organization and Publicity Chairs Prof. ACM Fong (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) Prof. Patrick Ma (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong) Prof. Ling Chen (Zhejiang University, China) Dr. Soonwook Hwang (KISTI, Korea) Dr. Kim, Seong-Dong (KETI: Korea Electronics Technology Institute, Korea) Prof. Gencai Chen (Zhejiang University, China) Prof. Shigeo Kawata (Utsunomiya University, Japan) Prof. Bernard Fong (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong) Prof. WE-DUKE CHO (Ajou University, Korea) Prof. Hee-Dong Yang (Ewha University, Korea) Prof. Park Jae-Woo (Kumoh University, Korea)
Publication and Special Session Chair Dr. Yun Ji Na (
[email protected], AICIT, Korea)
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Author Index - Vol 1 Abraham, Blanca........................................ 502 Agudo, Isaac............................................... 631 Aguilar, Jose............................................... 502 Ahn, Jae-Min.............................................. 623 Ahn, Sunil................................................... 456 Alamo, Javier.............................................. 341 Ancusa, Versavia........................................ 597 Baik, Doo-Kwon........................................ 383 Bako, Boto.................................................. 397 Bashir, Ali Kashif........................................... 3 Benedict, Shajulin...................................... 686 Bogdan, Razvan.......................................... 597 Breton, Vincent.......................................... 456 Cai, Wandong............................................. 162 Cao, Shouhua.............................................. 205 Chang, Beom Hwan................................... 129 Chang, Won-Du.......................................... 347 Chaudhary, Sajjad Hussain............................. 3 Chen, Dehua................................................. 25 Chen, Haoran.............................................. 613 Chen, Hongmei........................................... 224 Chen, Xiaoyi............................................... 211 Chen, Yuan-Bo........................................... 377 Chen, Yu-Liang.......................................... 133 Chen, Yumin.............................................. 359 Chen, Zehua................................................ 485 Cheon, SeongKwon...................................... 92 Chi, Sung-Do................................................ 79 Cho, Choong-Ho................................ 318, 516 Cho, Kwangjong......................................... 658 Choi, Eunmi........................................ 144, 250 Choi, Hyung-Il............................................ 652 Choi, Hyungki............................................ 353
Choi, Jaehun............................................... 115 Choi, Jin-Young............................................. 8 Choi, Jong Hwa............................................ 14 Choi, Joongmin.................................. 167, 325 Choi, Jungrhan................................................ 8 Choi, Kee-Hyun.......................... 267, 280, 286 Choi, Seong Gon................................ 426, 617 Choi, Won Seok......................................... 426 Choi, Wongil.............................................. 335 Choi, YoungSik.......................................... 636 Chou, Hung-Jen.......................................... 133 Chung, Jinwook.......................................... 658 Chung, Tai-Myoung..................................... 47 Dai, Shifang.................................................. 42 Dai, Zhifeng................................................ 438 Daryanavard, Hassan.................................. 545 Deng, Chunyan................................... 298, 604 Ding, Ying.................................................. 205 Dong, Zhenzhong......................................... 68 Eo, Yangdam.............................................. 150 Eom, Doo-Seop.................................. 668, 676 Eun, Hee-Chang......................................... 244 Fu, Xiaodong.............................................. 298 G., Guillermo Cabrera................................ 171 Ga, Chillo................................................... 110 Gao, Linjie.................................................. 491 Gavrilova, Tatiana...................................... 552 Gil, Yeongjun............................................. 662 Gui, Chao.................................................... 438 Guo, Yongming............................................ 25 Guzmán, Giovanni...................................... 416 Ha, Jeong-Yo.............................................. 652 Ha, Minyong............................................... 353
Author Index - Vol 1 Han, Ji-Yon................................................ 623 Han, Sang-Kook......................................... 682 Han, Sangyong........................................... 456 Han, Soon-Hee........................................... 540 Han, Xiaojun........................................ 62, 480 Han, Young-Ju.............................................. 47 Hark, Bae Soon............................................. 14 Hatami, Nima............................................. 391 He, Jinxin.................................................... 604 Heo, Jungbum............................................. 292 Hla, Khin Haymar Saw.............................. 636 Hoang, Anh Pham........................................ 58 Hong, Dowon............................................. 572 Hong, Suk-Won.......................................... 119 Hong, Sung-Hwa........................................ 668 Hong, Sung-Kwa........................................ 676 Hori, Yoshiaki............................................ 510 Horng, Gwo-Jiun........................................ 422 Hsieh, Tsun-Lung....................................... 422 Hu, Peifeng................................................. 205 Hu, Shanli................................................... 523 Hua, Kun.................................................... 239 Huang, Lican.............................................. 698 Hung, Chen-Hui........................................... 53 Huynh, Hieu Trung..................................... 256 Hwang, Soonwook..................................... 456 Ibrahim, Hamidah....................................... 432 Jang, Moon-suk.................................. 535, 567 Jang, Moon-Suk.......................................... 540 Jang, Sung-Bong........................................ 383 Jang, Won Mee........................................... 239 Jang, Woo Hyuk......................................... 229 Jeon, Hochul............................................... 167
Jeon, YoungJun.......................................... 642 Jeong, Chi Yoon......................................... 129 Jeong, Hee-Jin.................................... 270, 403 Jeong, Keon-il............................................ 623 Jeong, Young-Sik....................................... 676 Jiang, Jianhua............................................. 604 Jimenez, Javier........................................... 631 Jin, HaiNan................................................. 552 Jin, Xianzhe................................................ 292 Joe, Inwhee................................................. 185 Jong, Gwo-Jia..................................... 377, 422 Joshi, Gyanendra Prasad............................. 532 Juan, Zhicai................................................ 491 Jun, Moon-Seog............................................ 18 Jung, Bujeon............................................... 274 Jung, Hongkyun.......................................... 292 Jung, Tae-Woong....................................... 469 Jung, Younjin............................................. 292 Kanellopoulos, Dimitris............................. 217 Kang, Eunyoung......................................... 335 Kang, Jinbeom............................................ 325 Kargl, Frank................................................ 397 Kawata, Shigeo............................................. 98 Khan, Noor M. ........................................... 497 Kim, Byoung-Kug.............................. 668, 676 Kim, ChongGun........................................... 92 Kim, Daehee............................................... 115 Kim, Dong-Geun........................................ 303 Kim, Dong-Guen........................................ 307 Kim, EungKon............................................ 535 Kim, Gon.................................................... 244 Kim, Gye-Young........................................ 652 Kim, Hoon.................................................. 642
Author Index - Vol 1 Kim, Hyuncheol......................................... 658 Kim, Hyun-Chul................................... 18, 564 Kim, Jeong-Hee............................................ 30 Kim, Jin Suk............................................... 235 Kim, Jong-Hwa.......................................... 469 Kim, Jong-Myoung...................................... 47 Kim, Jong-Seok.......................................... 406 Kim, Jung Ok............................................. 110 Kim, Minsoo............................................... 177 Kim, MyoungJin......................................... 150 Kim, Namgyu............................................. 456 Kim, Nam-kyun............................................ 85 Kim, Ok...................................................... 292 Kim, Pilsung....................................... 144, 250 Kim, Sang-Bok........................................... 119 Kim, SangBum................................... 144, 250 Kim, Se Mog................................................ 58 Kim, Se-Jin................................................. 516 Kim, Seung-Yeon....................................... 516 Kim, Shin-Dug........................................... 623 Kim, Sung Ah............................................. 311 Kim, Sung Won.................................. 406, 532 Kim, Taehoon............................................. 692 Kim, Taehwan............................................ 167 Kim, Tae-Sub............................................. 318 Kim, Tae-Wan............................................ 244 Kim, Ungmo............................................... 335 Kim, Yi-Kang............................................. 318 Kim, Yong-Min.......................................... 177 Kim, Young-Gab........................................ 383 Kobashi, Hiromichi...................................... 98 Koblitz, Birger............................................ 456 Kong, Xiangwei.......................................... 137
Koo, Jee-Hee.............................................. 469 Kotsiantis, Sotiris....................................... 217 Kwak, Ho-Young......................................... 30 Kwon, Hoon................................................. 30 Kwon, Seok Myun...................................... 235 Kwon, Youngmi......................................... 229 L., Jose Miguel Rubio................................ 171 Lai, Xianwei............................................... 523 Le, Jiajin....................................................... 25 Lee, Byoung-kil............................................ 85 Lee, Byoungyup......................................... 292 Lee, Byung-Bog................................. 318, 516 Lee, Dong Ho............................................... 58 Lee, Dong Hyeon....................................... 617 Lee, Dongkeun........................................... 150 Lee, Geon-Ha..................................... 280, 286 Lee, Gong................................................... 642 Lee, Hanku................................................. 150 Lee, Hong-Woo............................................ 18 Lee, HyeongOk.......................... 535, 540, 567 Lee, Hyeong-Ok......................................... 406 Lee, Hyong-Woo........................................ 516 Lee, Junghoon.................................... 199, 450 Lee, Jungtae................................................ 662 Lee, Kyung-Seok.......................................... 18 Lee, Min-Su................................................ 244 Lee, Moonkun................................................ 8 Lee, Sang-Min.................................... 303, 307 Lee, Seehoon.............................................. 456 Lee, Seung-Hyun................................ 280, 286 Lee, Taehoon.............................................. 274 Lee, Won-Hee............................................ 668 Lee, Wonhyuk............................................ 658
Author Index - Vol 1 Lee, Wonsa................................................. 150 Lee, Woo-Yong.......................................... 668 Leem, Choon Seong..................................... 14 Leiss, Ernst................................................. 502 Li, Jiong...................................................... 613 Li, Tong...................................................... 298 Li, Wenyin.................................................. 298 Li, Yanhong................................................ 205 Li, Yueping......................................... 412, 560 Li, Zhanhuai................................................. 36 Liao, Zhi-Cheng......................................... 189 Lim, Myungeun.......................................... 115 Lim, Sang Boem......................................... 274 Lin, Chen-Pu.............................................. 133 Lin, Hsien-Tang.......................................... 133 Lin, Yang-Cheng.......................................... 53 Liu, Hongmei.............................................. 580 Liu, Lei....................................................... 446 Liu, Liangxu................................................. 25 Liu, Qiong............................................ 42, 474 Liu, Weiyi................................................... 224 Liu, Yongzhen...................................... 42, 474 Liu, Zhipeng................................................. 92 Long, Luu Hoang....................................... 250 Luo, Guangchun......................................... 613 Lv, Jun.................................................. 62, 480 Macia, Nicolás............................................ 584 Mamat, Ali.................................................. 432 Mamun, Kazi Md. Abdullah Al.................. 532 Marquez, Jose Manuel........................ 341, 631 Marrone, Luis............................................. 584 Menchaca-Mendez, Rolando...................... 416 Mizoguchi, Seiichiro.................................. 510
Modarresi, Amir......................................... 432 Mohaisen, Abedelaziz................................ 572 Mohammadpour, Parimah.......................... 104 Mohan, Subaji............................................ 144 Moreno, Marco........................................... 416 Mustapha, Norwati..................................... 432 Na, Jung Chan............................................ 129 Nam, Choon-Sung.............................. 270, 403 Nam, Dukyun............................................. 456 Nam, Jong Wook........................................ 426 Nguyen, Lim............................................... 239 Nguyen, Trong Hung.................................. 365 Nie, Zhe.............................................. 412, 560 Ning, Zhengyuan........................................ 523 Niu, Yuguang............................................. 485 Nyang, DaeHun.......................................... 572 On, Jinho........................................................ 8 Ortega, Juan Antonio.................................. 341 Ouyang, Dianping...................................... 211 Paikan, Ali.................................................. 104 Park, Gyung-Leen...................................... 199 Park, Jae-sun................................................. 85 Park, Jong Sou.............................. 79, 261, 636 Park, Ki-Bong............................................. 244 Park, Min-Woo............................................. 47 Park, Myong-Soon.......................................... 3 Park, Soo-Hyun.......................................... 365 Park, Soojun............................................... 115 Park, Su-Wan.............................................. 371 Parsa, Saeed................................................ 545 Pineda, Anabel............................................ 416 Pokharel, Manish.......................................... 79 Pyeon, Muwook.......................................... 150
Author Index - Vol 1 Pyeon, Mu-Wook....................................... 469 Pyeon, Mu-wook.......................................... 85 Qi-Zhang...................................................... 73 R.S., Rejitha................................................ 686 Ren, Shu Qin.............................................. 261 Rhee, Jong Myung........................................ 58 Rhee, Keun-Moo........................................ 442 Ryoo, Kwangki........................................... 292 Ryu, Dongju............................................... 177 Ryu, Seung-Wan................................ 318, 516 Sakurai, Kouichi......................................... 510 Schoch, Elmar............................................ 397 Seo, Chang Ho............................................ 617 Seo, Jung-hyun........................... 535, 540, 567 Seo, Ssanghee............................................. 662 Seyedtabaii, Saeed...................................... 391 Shafiq, Muhammad.................................... 497 Sharifi, Mohsen.......................................... 104 Shi, Dong............................................ 474, 591 Shin, Dong-Ryeol...................................................... ............ 267, 270, 280, 286, 303, 307, 403, 564 Shin, Dongwook......................................... 325 Shin, Dongyoun.......................................... 311 Shin, Inhye.................................................. 199 Shin, Junghwa............................................ 692 Shin, Jungpil............................................... 347 Shin, Sang-Uk............................................ 371 Shin, SeungHo............................................ 642 Shin, Soo-Young........................................ 365 Shin, Yong-Dal........................................... 528 Son, Yong-Hwan........................................ 682 Song, Jeong-Hwa........................................ 623
Sultan, Rubina............................................ 497 Sun, Baolin................................................. 438 Sun, Peng...................................................... 68 Sun, XiaoNan............................................. 446 Sun, YanFeng............................................. 446 Sunwoo, Young.......................................... 274 Tak, Sungwoo............................................. 692 Take, Riichiro............................................... 98 Tang, Xian-ming.................................. 73, 648 Thanh, Tran Doan....................................... 144 Thein, Thandar............................................. 79 Torres, Miguel............................................ 416 Tzeng, Yeu-Ruey........................................ 156 Vasudevan, V. ........................................... 686 Venosa, Paula............................................. 584 Vladutiu, Mircea......................................... 597 Wang, Chen-Shu........................................ 156 Wang, Enbo........................................ 474, 591 Wang, Guosheng................................ 123, 464 Wang, Jinshan............................................ 329 Wang, Xiaodong......................................... 329 Wang, Xiuli................................................ 523 Weber, Michael.......................................... 397 Wei, Fei...................................................... 703 Won, Yonggwan......................................... 256 Won, Yong-Yuk......................................... 682 Woo, Jung-Hun.......................................... 274 Woo, Young-Hwan.................................... 119 Wu, Chenchen............................................ 359 Wu, Qingtao............................................... 195 Xianyu, Jianchuan...................................... 491 Xie, Gang.................................................... 485 Xie, Keming............................................... 485
Author Index - Vol 1 Xu, Gaochao............................................... 604 Xu, Yufeng................................................. 224 Xu, Zichuan................................................ 137 Yan, Gaowei............................................... 485 Yang, Chih-Jen........................................... 377 Yang, Huazhong......................................... 703 Yang, Jaeyoung.......................................... 325 Yao, Lin...................................................... 137 Yao, Ming................................................... 359 Yeh, Chung-Hsing........................................ 53 Yi, Zhang.................................................... 162 Yoon, Dong Geun....................................... 617 Yoon, Uram H. .......................................... 623 Yoon, Yoe-Jin............................................ 267 Yu, Jin-shou.......................................... 73, 648 Yu, Kiyun................................................... 110 Yuan, Shyan-Ming..................................... 133 Yuan, Zhenzhou......................................... 205 Yue, Wang.................................................. 162
Yun, Hoonsang........................................... 185 Zeng, Leijie.................................................. 36 Zhang, Changjiang..................................... 329 Zhang, Hong............................................... 446 Zhang, Mingchuan...................................... 195 Zhang, Shi-Yong........................................ 189 Zhang, Xinming........ 42, 62, 68, 474, 480, 591 Zhang, Yi...................................................... 68 Zhao, Xiaonan.............................................. 36 Zheng, Ruijuan........................................... 195 Zheng, Xue................................................. 274 Zheng, Ying................................................ 609 Zhi, Xiao-Fan............................................. 189 Zhong, Yi-ping........................................... 189 Zhou, Lihua................................................ 224 Zhou, Xiaohong.................................. 412, 560 Zhou, Zhiguo...................................... 298, 604 Zhu, Wenbo................................................ 591 Zhu, Youchan............................................. 609
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Fourth International Conference on Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management
Geographic-Aware Architecture for the Interoperability of Ubiquitous Components G. Guzmán1, A. Pineda2, M. Torres1, R. Menchaca-Mendez1 & M. Moreno1 1 - Centre for Computing Research, National Polytechnical Institute, Mexico City, Mexico {jguzmanl, mtorres, rmen, marcomoreno} 2 - Computing and Systems Department Matamoros Institute of Technology, Matamoros, Mexico
[email protected] fundamental services that have been identified as useful and desirable for any ubiquitous system. The Ubicom community has identified two fundamental characteristics of a ubiquitous system: they are physically integrated into everyday objects and their components have to be capable of interacting with other ubiquitous components, without needs of manual reconfigurations. Here, we propose a further step to the second characteristic, which is oriented to the design and the implementation of a software architecture that solves the three main issues related with achieving spontaneous interoperability: initialization, discovering and interaction. For these three scopes we have developed a set of protocols that enables heterogeneous components to dynamically locate other components and invoke any service. Our architecture is designed to take into account that computer networks which provide communication support to ubiquitous systems are heterogeneous and allow the interaction of wired, infrastructure-based wireless and ad hoc networks. Moreover, these networks have to be highly dynamic and support continuous arrivals and departures of new components without need of explicit reconfigurations. To cope with these requirements, we employ a peer-to-peer (P2P) software architecture. P2P systems are highly dynamic, they are composed of a set of independent software elements with equivalent functionality and they do not require centralized management. These characteristics, endow P2P systems with properties such as scalability, flexibility [2], fault tolerance and a fairly simple management [3] that can be quite useful when users design an infrastructure for the development of general ubiquitous systems, and in particular for the infrastructure proposed in this work. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we describe some proposals for the discovery process. Section 3 sketches out our methodology, the tests and results are depicted in
Abstract In this paper we present a novel software architecture (ArUC) to simplify the development of ubiquitous systems, providing a set of fundamental services that have been identified as useful and desirable for any ubiquitous system. This architecture solves the three main issues related to spontaneous interoperability (initialization, discovering and interaction). To solve them we have developed a set of protocols that enable heterogeneous components to dynamically locate other components and to invoke any of their services. The architecture is composed of a set of services implemented in JXTA and an ontologybased inference engine. By using the ArUC infrastructure, clients (mobile or static) are able to perform semantic and geographic-aware queries to the ubiquitous environment and dynamically find instances of a desired service. We also present a couple of applications that were developed using our proposed architecture.
1. Introduction According to Mark Weiser [1], Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicom) is a paradigm that describes a class of computing systems whose main goal is to improve the quality of life of human beings, by means of a seamless integration of hardware and software components into people’s everyday activities. The services provided by these systems are ubiquitous in the sense that they can be provided by almost any everyday object. Moreover, ubiquitous hardware and software components tend to disappear into the environment and the user only perceives their advantages while the complexity is hidden as much as possible. In this work, we define a new architecture for ubiquitous components (ArUC) to simplify the development of ubiquitous systems, providing a set of
978-0-7695-3322-3/08 $25.00 © 2008 IEEE DOI 10.1109/NCM.2008.148
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Section 4. The conclusions and future work of our architecture are pointed out in Section 5.
discovery message that contains a short essential description about the device or its services, i.e., its type, unique identifier, and an URL to obtain more detailed information. The main limitation of SSDP is that it does not support the search for multiple types in the same request and attribute-based search [4].
2. Discovery Service Protocols One of the most relevant aspects in any ubiquitous architecture is the discovery process. There are different solutions related to the integration of peer-topeer infrastructure (P2P) and ontologies to discovery services [12] [13]. In this section we present some of current proposals employed in this task.
2.3. Salutation The Salutation architecture was developed by the Salutation Consortium, in order to solve the problems of discovery service and utilization among a broad set of appliances and equipment in a wide-area or mobile environment [6]. The Salutation architecture is composed of two elements: Salutation Lookup Manager (SLM) and Transport Manager. The SLM functions are the service broker for services in the network. The SLM can classify the services based on their meaningful functionality, called Functional Units (FU). The services are discovery by SLM by means of a comparison of the required type service with the types stored in the SLM directory. The discovery service process can be performed across multiple Salutation Lookup Managers, where one SLM represents its client while communicating with another SML is considered to discover services [7].
2.1. Service Location Protocol (SLP) Originally, this protocol was proposed as an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard track protocol, in order to provide a framework for networking applications to discover the existence, location, and configuration of networked resources in networked resources, such as devices and services. SLP eliminates the need for a user to know the name of a host network that supports a service. Rather, the user supplies the service name and a set of attributes, which describes the resource. The resources are modeled as clients that need to find servers attached to the enterprise network at a possibly distant location. Some cases in which there are many different clients and/or available resources, the protocol is adapted to make use of nearby Directory Agents that offer a centralized repository for advertised services. The basic operation in SLP is that a client attempts to discover the location for a resource. In small installations, each resource is configured to individually respond to each client. In larger installations, the resource will register its services with one or more directory agents and clients contact the directory agent to fulfill requests for resource location information. This is intended to be similar to URL specifications and to make user of URL technology. The main limitations are the ability to reflect SLP’s orientation towards enterprise service discovery and heavyweight directories [5].
2.4. Bluetooth Bluetooth is a radio standard and communications protocol designed for low power consumption, with short-range radio frequency [14]. Bluetooth defines its own protocol stack, including a service-discovery protocol, SDP. This protocol consists of unique identification numbers (UUIDs), with several predefined services such as phones, printers, modems, and headsets. The specifications are developed and licensed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group. Bluetooth communication is P2P, so it does not assume a fixed network infrastructure. The discovery process is based on actual physical proximity rather than closeness in the IP routing infrastructure. In this sense, in comparison to the rest of the services discoveries, it simplifies both the discovery and setup services. A Bluetooth device advertise all its services, making them more accessible, without the need to monitor the network addresses, permissions and all other considerations related to typical networks.
2.2. Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) This is a technology developed in the UPnP Forum [15] for automatically configuring devices, discovering services and providing P2P data transference over an IP network. UPnP technology is built upon IP, TCP, UDP, HTTP and XML, among others. The UPnP discovery protocol is based on the Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP). In essence, to add device or control points the fundamental exchange is a
2.5. Jini Jini is a distributed service-oriented architecture developed by Sun Microsystems [8]. Jini is a simple
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infrastructure for providing services in a network, and for creating spontaneous interactions between these services. They can join or leave the network in a robust fashion, and clients can rely upon the availability of visible services, or at least upon clear failure conditions [9].The service advertisement takes the form of interface descriptions. This simple form of the advertisement mechanism can be easily employed to provide high-level abstraction both for software and hardware entities in the network. Jini discovery infrastructure provides a good base foundation for developing a system with components distributed in the network that need to be discovered with each other. However, the Jini discovery process is tightly bound with the simple interface description advertisement. This leads in a loss of expressive power in the component description. For instance, Jini discovery and lookup protocols are enough for service clients to find a print service. However, they are not enough for clients to find a print service through their geographical localization or particular functionality such as color laser printer service. This is a limitation because it can create problems in a mobile environment. Furthermore, the simplicity of the Jini architecture also leads to the cross-domain service to solve interoperability problem.
The limitation of JTXA is that do not provide a basic advertisement-search mechanism. JXTA needs a flexible discovery service system to locate all services. By this reason, we propose integrate peer-to-peer algorithms and ontologies to enhance the searching method. Ontology in computer science is usually defined as an explicit specification of a domain conceptualization [10]. We can use ontologies to describe a shared domain conceptualization of services, devices and other concepts that could influence the discovery service process, such as different kinds of context [11], for instance, a geographical location of a printer server.
3. Proposed Architecture In this section, we describe the architecture for ubiquitous components. Our software architecture is built on top the P2P infrastructure of JXTA. One of the most benefits of using JXTA is that their protocols implement a virtual overlay network, which hides all details about the particular instantiation of physical communication network. In this way, the components or peers are able to interact with other components, and they do not interoperate regarding the type of communication network that they are using [18] (wired, behind a firewall, infrastructure-based wireless). ArUC is composed of the following elements: Clients (ArUC-MC) that can be mobile or static, Ubiquitous Services (ArUC-US) and at least one Basic Inference Service (ArUC-BIS). The Figure 1 depicts the proposed architecture.
2.5. JXTA JXTA, abbreviation of “juxtapose”, is a set of open protocols that facilities P2P communication. This technology allows connecting a wide variety of devices that they can be anything with an electronic heartbeat [18]. JXTA is based upon a set of open XML protocols; this way allows exchanging messages and collaborating independently of programming language, platform or network transport. In JXTA the peers are organized in peer groups to represent the service type, location, etc. All network resources in JXTA such as peers, peer groups, pipes and services are represented by advertisements that are XML documents that announce the existence and some properties of these resources. Every Advertisement in JXTA has a string Name Field. For the search, JXTA Advertisement usually uses its name to indicate the type of service that the peers can provide. Advertisements give a uniform way to publish and discover network resources and they have a lifetime to specify their associate resource. The general purpose of JXTA is to provide interoperability across P2P systems and communities, platform independence to support different languages, systems, networks, and ubiquity, in which every device has a digital heartbeat.
Figure 1. Proposed ArUC architecture
Mobile Clients (ArUC – MCs). The users can find and interact with the Ubiquitous Services provided by
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the environment using clients of mobile clients. The ubiquitous services are discovered by means of queries that are issued to the Basic Inference Service (ArUCBIS). Each Ubiquitous Service publishes a set of device-independent user interfaces (described in a XML file) that can be analyzed and displayed by the ArUC-MCs. Every ArUC-MC displays the interfaces in the way that best fits its hardware capabilities. The flexibility provided by the device-independent definition of user interfaces is important, because a wide range of devices act as ArUC-MCs and some of them (i.e. cellular phones) may have restricted to display capabilities. Due to the fact that small devices (cellular phone or PDA) have restrictions on storage and computing capabilities we propose the use of JXTA version for mobile devices JXME [18]. Ubiquitous Services (ArUC – US). The Ubiquitous Services (ArUC-USs) are services viewed as functional components. This functionality is typically implemented as software components; some services specifically support, or are offered by devices (hardware components) in which their characteristics and capabilities can play an important role in the description and behavior of the services offered. Examples of Ubiquitous Services: a projector, a printer, a public display, databases, software presentation, among others. The ArUC-USs employs JXTA announcements to publish their services in the environment. These announcements include semantic descriptions codified in OWL [16] about the services that they offer. Basic Inference Service (ArUC – BIS). The Basic Inference Service (ArUC-BIS) is the most important component of ArUC. This component is subdivided into four elements: Communication Administration Service, Ontology Administrator, Geographic Locator and Search Engine. The Communication Administration Service is in charge of establishing and maintaining the communication channels. The Communication Administration Service employs JXTA pipes as its communication abstraction. JXTA pipes provide a virtual pipe that is able to communicate peers that do not have a direct physical link. In other words, it resides in different types of networks or behind different firewalls. The endpoints of the pipes are dynamically linked (at run-time) to the endpoints of the peers and hence, peers are able to move from one domain to another in a transparent way. Moreover, by using the pipe abstraction, our services can transparently recuperate from failures in any of the physical endpoints. In this way, the Communication Administration Service is able to hide the fact that
some devices may be mobile and change from one network to another. The Ontology Administrator is used to create and handle a dynamic ontology that describes the characteristics of the services that are currently part of the ubiquitous system. The Ontology Administrator services periodically refreshes (in tests, we use the value of 5 minutes) the ontology state, and keeps the ontology as small as possible so that the time and space complexity of the semantic searches are reduced. Our objective is to provide a semantic-based discovery service, so that devices and their services can be described in a rich and expressive way. In consequence, we use the description defined by OWL [17]. Figure 2 depicts a section of device ontology.
Figure 2. Device Ontology
The Geographic Locator aids to compute users and services locations by measuring the intensity of radio frequency signals (RF) from different access points in a wireless network. The main differences between this approach and others are: (1) it is based on associative memories and (2) it describes the user location by means of a concept (class) representing a particular location (for example, library, auditorium, etc.). Each concept and its properties are defined on a supervised learning stage, which is oriented to generate a fundamental set composed of intensities and classes. The Search Engine makes the semantic and geographic-context-aware searches that are issued by the clients of the ubiquitous environment considering the location obtained with the geographic locator. As a result of these searches, Search Engine returns references to the services that meet the criteria specified by clients. These references are used by the clients to access the services. ArUC Communication Infrastructure. ArUC is built on the basic advertisement-search of JXTA and defines three additions that have to be implemented in the ArUC Services: A XML document that specifies the service’s graphic interfaces, an OWL file that semantically describes the service and a XML Service Advertisement that contains the information needed to
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publish and obtain the documents previously mentioned. To explain the ArUC Discovery Service Mechanism, it is necessary to describe the interactions among ArUC components for publishing and discovering services. As we explained, the communication among the components of ArUC is carried out by using standard JXTA protocols. A typical communication sequence is shown in Figure 3. (1) The ArUC-BIS publishes an announcement in the distributed hash table implemented by a special-type peer known as rendezvous peer. (2) The ArUC-US peer also publishes its announcement in the distributed hash table implemented by a rendezvous peer (it may or may not be the same peer as in the step 1). (3) In order to make invocations over the services implemented by the ArUC-BIS, it should find the announcement of an ArUC-BIS peer. In JXTA the management of the advertisements is carried out by the rendezvous peers who implement the distributed hash table. (4) Upon receiving a query, the rendezvous peer looks for an index of the announcement in the distributed hash table. If it finds the index, the rendezvous peer relies the query to the peer that published the announcement (in this case the ArUC-BIS). When the ArUC-BIS receives the query, it replies with its advertisement that is further received by the ArUC-US (5). With the advertisement, the ArUC-US acquires the capability of invoking the services provided by the ArUC-BIS. In this way, the ArUC-US is able to record its services in the database of the ArUC-BIS (6). The ArUC-MCs are implemented by a special type of peer that is called edge peer. These peers need to be coupled with another special type of peer that is called relay peer. So, in order to access the services of the ubiquitous environment, every ArUC-MC has to establish communication with a relay peer (7). The functionality of a pair edge-relay peer is equivalent to the one of a regular JXTA peer. When the ArUC-MC is connected to a relay peer, it sends a query to a rendezvous peer looking for the announcement of an ArUC-BIS peer (8). The rendezvous peer examines in the distributed hash table for the index of the announcement. If it finds the index, the rendezvous peer relies the query to the peer that published the announcement (in this case the ArUC-BIS) (9). When the ArUC-BIS receives the query, it replies with its advertisement that it has received further information by the ArUC-MC (10). The ArUC-MC can request to the ArUC-BIS to look for a service that matches with the set of searching criteria (11). When the ArUC-BIS found the service, it replies with the service’s advertisement (12). Now, the ArUC-MC is able to send a request to the ArUC-US, asking for its
device-independent graphic interface (13). Finally, the user can employ this interface to interact with the ubiquitous service (14). It is important to insist of that the graphic interface is described in XML document that is analyzed by the client device and then, it is displayed according to its hardware capabilities.
Figure 3. Interaction among components in ArUC
4. Test and Results In initial case, the user searches all available services in the environment. We activate two services: projection and printing. Figure 4 sketches out these results.
Figure 4. Result of services search
In Figure 5, we show the steps involved in the use of printing services. Initially, the user selects the desired service, and ArUC build the interface of the services consulting its XML interface. With this information, ArUC can determine the parameters required to employ a specific service. In this case the number of file to print and the number of copies.
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[3] Kubiatowicz, J. M., “Extracting Guarantees from Chaos”, Communications of ACM, Vol. 46, No. 2, February 2003, pp. 33-38. [4] Guttman, E., “Service Location Protocol: Automatic Discovery of IP Network Services”, IEEE Internet Computing, Vol. 3, No. 4, August 1999, pp. 71-80. [5] Edwards, W. K., “Discovery Systems in Ubiquitous Computing”, IEEE Pervasive Computing, Vol. 5. No. 2, April 2006, pp. 70-77. [6] Salutation Architecture Specification, version 2.1, Salutation Consortium, 1999.
Figure 5. Using the printing service
[7] Chakraborty, D., Perich, F., Avancha, S. and Joshi, A., “DReggie: Semantic Service Discovery for M-Commerce Applications”, in Workshop on Reliable and Secure Applications in Mobile Environment, Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, October 2001.
5. Conclusions In this paper we have described a software architecture that allows clients (fixed or mobile) to perform semantic and geographic-context-aware searches over the services and resources contained in a ubiquitous environment (UE). Our architecture employs a distributed hash table that works in conjunction with a set of inferences processes based on ontologies. The UE acts a dynamic repository that contains the ontologies that describe the available services in a given point in time. The algorithms employed to implement the repository have been designed with the goal of reducing the time and space complexity involved in the semantic searches. The communication among components is carried out using the standard JXTA protocols, which is based on the interchange of XML documents. In the same way, the user interfaces are specified using XML documents, and each client is free to display those interfaces in the way that best matches its hardware and software capabilities. These last two design choices allow us to implement heterogeneous systems that can be composed of a wide variety of hardware and software platforms.
[8] Waldo, J., The Jini Specifications, edited by Ken Arnold. Addison-Wesley Professional, Second edition. December 15, 2000. [9] Arnold, K., Wollrath, A., O’Sullivan, A., Scheifler, R. and Waldo, J., The Jini Specifications. Addison-Wesley Reading, MA, USA, 1999. [10] Gruber T. “Toward Principles for the Design of Ontologies Used for Knowledge Sharing”. Technical Report KSL-93-04, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Stanford University, CA, 1993. [11] Schmidt, A., “Ubiquitous Computing—Computing in Context”, Submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Lancaster University, England, U.K. November 2002. [12] Bandara, A., Payne, T., De Roure, D. and Clemo, G., “An Ontological Framework for Semantic Description of Devices”, the 3rd International Semantic Web Conference, Japan, November 2004. [13] Verma, K., Sivashanmugam, K., Sheth, A., Patil, A., Oundhakar, S. and Miller, J.,”METEOR-S WSDI: A Scalable Infrastructure of Registries for Semantic Publication and Discovery of Web Services", Journal of Information Technology and Management, under review.
Acknowledgements The authors of this paper wish to thank to CIC, SIP, IPN and CONACYT for their support.
[14] Specification of the Bluetooth System, v.1.1 core, Bluetooth Consortium, 2001;
[15] Universal Plug and Play,
[1] Weiser, M., “The Computer for the 21st Century”, Scientific American, Vol. 265, No. 3, September 2001, pp. 94-104.
[16] [17] OWL Web Ontology Language:
[2] Balakrishnan, H., Kaashoek, F., Karger, D., Morris, R. and Stoica, I., “Looking Up Data in P2P Systems”, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 46, No. 2, February 2003, pp. 43-48.
[18] Project JXTA 2.0 Super-Peer Virtual Network. df.
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