Geographic variation in Congrogadus subducens

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Australia New Guinea plate (group I ) and the Sunda shelf associated with the Asian plate (group 2) (see ...... leads to the conclusion that dispersal has occurred. Since the range of C. ..... dem Commando des Hrn. Capitan z. S. Freiherm von ...
Geographic variation in Congrogadus subducens (Teleostei, Perciformes, Congrogadidae) RICHARD WINTERBOTTOM, JAMESD. REIST,AND CHERYL D. GOODCHILD

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Department of Ichthyology and Herpetology, Royal Ontario Museum, I00 Queen's Park, Toronto, Ont., Conado M5S 2C6 Received December 15. 1983 WINTERBOTTOM. R., J . D. REIST,and C. D. GOODCH~LD. 1984. Geographic variation in Congrogodus subducens (Teleostei, Perciformes, Congrogadidae). Can. J . Zool. 62: 1605- 16 17. Congrogadus subducens, which is confined to the western Pacific ocean, is redescribed on the basis of 188 specimens. Differences were found between the Sahul and Sunda shelves populations. Although some of the differences could be the result of ecophenotypic effects, evidence is presented suggesting that at least part of the variation is best accounted for by genotypic components, which may be at least partly due to historical biogeographic events. Evidence for dispersal of C . subducen.~into the range of its sister species C . hierichthvs is presented. WINTERBOITOM, R., J. D. REISTet C. D. GOODCHILD. 1984. Geographic variation in Congrogadus .subducens (Teleostei, Perciformes, Congrogadidae). Can. J . Zool. 62: 1605- 16 1 7. Congrogodus subducens, connu seulement de I'ouest du Pacifique, est ddcrit de nouveau apres l'examen de 188 specimens. 11 y a des differences entre les populations des plateaux de Sahul et de la Sonde. 11 se peut que certaines de ces diffirences soient le resultat d'effets ecophenotypiques, mais une bonne partie de la variation s'explique par des facteurs relies au genotype, eux-mzmes attribuables, du moins en partie. a des CvCnements biogeographiques historiques. Certains rksultats dkmontrent que C . subducens s'est immiscd dans l'aire de repartition de I'espece voisine C . hierichthvs. [Traduit par le journal]

Introduction Congrogadus subducens (Fig. 1 ) has the widest distribution of any congrogadid species, ranging from the Nicobar lslands in the Bay of Bengal (Indian Ocean 7' N, 94' E) in the northwest (Kner 1867), Okinoshima Island, Japan (32'43' N, 132'32' E) in the northeast (Jordan et al. 19 13) to Shark Bay, Western Australia (25'54' S, 116' E) in the southwest, and Masthead Island, Queensland (23'25' S, 151'50' E) in the southeast. Our attention was drawn to a possible systematic problem when, in a preliminary study of this species, we plotted the mean number of dorsal- plus anal-fin rays against locality for each collection of C . subducens available to us (Fig. 2). This suggested that there could be two populations or species involved. The first included specimens from Sumatra, Sulawesi, Timor, Irian Jaya, and the north, west, and east coasts of Australia, in which the means ranged from 125.5 to 134.0. The second group, the distribution of which was divided into two parts by that of the first, consisted of specimens from Thailand, north Borneo, the Philippines, the Riu Kiu lslands (Japan) and northwestern Australia; here the means ranged from 134.3 to 140.4 dorsal- plus anal-fin rays. This paper presents the results of our analysis of variation of C . subducens, and we provide a full redescription and synonymy for this species. Only one other congrogadid species has a distribution that approaches the extent of that of C . subducens. Haliophis guttatus ranges from the northern Red Sea to southern Malagasy, and exhibits geographical variation over that range, which will be dealt with elsewhere (R. Winterbottom, in preparation). The range of C . subducens covers two tectonic plates, the Asian plate outlined by the Sunda shelf to the north and the Australia - New Guinea plate outlined by the Sahul shelf to the south. We wished to test whether the populations of the two plates were different (and if so how), and we divided the specimens available to us into two groups on that basis (see Methods). Other historical events that may have played a part in the history of C . subducens include the changing sea levels

of the Pleistocene (which may well be at least partially responsible for the incredible diversity of marine organisms in the western Pacific by allowing numerous opportunities for allopatry and hence speciation).

Methods Methods of counting and measuring are as described by Winterbottom (1980b). The number of specimens used in the analysis of morphometric and meristic data varied, since some specimens were distorted or damaged. Dorsal-, anal-. and caudal-fin rays and vertebrae were counted from radiographs taken with a Faxitron 43805N soft X-ray system. Simple descriptive statistics were computed for the variables from all samples treated as a pooled group and for the samples divided into two groups. The grouping criterion was based on the geologic history of the area. These were the Sahul continental shelf associated with the Australia New Guinea plate (group I ) and the Sunda shelf associated with the Asian plate (group 2) (see Fig. 2). Simple univariate analysis of variance was used to examine mean differences in meristics and residual variables (see below) for the two groups. Discriminant analysis was used to examine differences between these two groups separately for the suite of meristic variables (excluding lateral-line scales, where numbers were too low) and for residuals. The traditional tendency has been to examine morphometric variation in fish as ratios. However, since ratios do not adequately correct for size differences between groups, and since the distributions of standard lengths differed between the groups (group I .7 = 178.4 mm SL; group 2 .7 = 23 1.6 mm SL; p < 0.001 ), residuals were computed as estimates of size-free "shape" variates for use in all statistical tests (see Atchley et al. 1976). Ratios (and (or) proportions) are used in a descriptive context only. Assuming the standard size variable SL is measured without error, the simple linear equation _Y = o + bSL + E describes the relationship between morphometric variable(s) (that is, DORB to PECF inclusive; see Tables 1 and 2 for clarification of all variable acronyms) and SL, where Y is the predicted value for an individual for any dependant variable, o is the intercept, b is the slope, and SL is the independent or predictor variable. This equation describes the structural relationship between the variables (Kuhry and Marcus 1977). and E is a measure of total deviation of the individual measurements from the line. typically taken as the residual variation. The observed measurement of shape for any individual ( e ) , is expressed as a deviation from the line that describes the size relationship

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FIG. 1. C o n ~ r o ~ c l d.suhduc*ens, u.~ right lateral view. BPBM 21065. 253 mm TL, Salu Island, Singapore. Photo: J. E. Randall. between the variable and SL (i.e., the shape variate is e = Y - 1. where Y is the observed measurement for the individual for a particular dependant variable, and _Y is as defined above). Such residual variation is due to deviations from the structural relationship, and results from two sources: measurement error in the dependant variable and biologicaI scatter representing the deviations of the individuals from the structural relationship (Kuhry and Marcus 1977). 'The simple linear regression was computed for each morphometric variable against standard length for the pooled sample. Residual variates are by definition free from variation in the parameters of the regression equation that was used to compute them. Since this regression equation included an overall measure of specimen size (SL), these variates were free from size influences and thus represent an estimate of shape of the individual. The regression equations utilized are presented as Table I. In the text and tables to follow, the residuals of a particular morphometric variable are prefaced by R (e.g.. RDORB = residual of length of base of dorsal fin vs. standard length).

The placement of the small samples (n = 1 in each case) from Sumatra, Sulawesi. Timor, and Irian Jaya proved to be problematical since geographically, these specimens could be part of group 1 or group 2. The specimen from Timor was too small ( 18.6 mm SL) to be included in the analysis, although fin-ray and vertebral counts were made. To determine to which group they belonged, a discriminant analysis that excluded these individuals was performed, and these individuals were scored a posteriori using the unstandardized coefficients (Table 2). With two exceptions, the mean dorsal- plus anal-fin ray counts were separated by Wallace's line (which runs between Bali and Lombok to the west of Sulawesi and to the south of the Philippines). A sample ( r z = 14) from Sitankai (just south of the northeast tip of Borneo) had a mean count of 134 rays (vs. 136- 140 elsewhere on the Sunda shelf): three contiguous samples from northwest Australia (pooled n = 12) had a mean of 137 (vs. 128- 134 elsewhere on the Sahul shelf). The former was considered unclassified and was sorted a posteriori; the latter, because of its undoubted Sahul

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FIG. 2. Distribution of specimens of C. subducens examined. Numbers give the rounded mean of dorsal plus anal fin-ray counts, followed by the number of specimens in parentheses. Broken lines indicate margins of the Sunda and Sahul shelves. shelf connection, was included in the discriminant function analysis. The general validity of the results based on analysis of variance (ANOVA) and discriminant analysis (DA) was confirmed with principal components analysis in which no a priori designation of groups was required. For the principal components analysis all individuals with nonmissing values for the relevant variables were included. Geographic variation of morphology was examined by regression of the meristics and residuals against latitude and longitude of specimen collection site. In all analyses that tested hypotheses (i.e., ANOVA, DA. regression vs. latitude and longitude), the biological null hypothesis is that there should be no difference in values for a variable between groups and (or) latitude and longitude of sample collection site. G E N U S Congrogadus Svnonymy Machaerium Richardson 1843a, p. 69 (type by monotypy

M. subdueens); Giinther, 187 1, p. 388 (preoccupied in ornithology) Congrogadus Giinther 187 1, p. 388 (type by homonymy, C. subducens ) Stenophus Castelnau 1875, p. 26 (no type species); George and Springer, 1980, p. 7 (junior synonym of Congrogadus) Conyrodus Lydekker, 1896, p. 439 (apparent misspelling of Congrogadus, no species listed) Hierichthys Jordan and Fowler 1902, p. 744 (type by original designation H. encrvptes); Regan, 19 12, p. 269 (junior synonym of Congrogadus); de Beaufort and Chapman, 1951, p. 384 (junior synonym of Congrogadus ) Congrodus Fowler 1958, p. 324 (lapsus for Conyrodus Lydekker, 1896)

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TABLE1. Regression equations used to compute

residuals (1= n + bSL), where 1 = predicted value of that dependcnt variable. n = intercept, h = slope, Sig. = significance of regression model (***, p < 0.001). and r' = variance proportion cxplaincd by that modcl Dependent variable




TABLE 2. Means of all individuals pooled (30 samples) and means of groups I and 2 (see text) for meristic variables as well as significance (Sig.) for analysis of variance between groups (NS, nonsignificant; *, p < 0.5; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001) and discriminant coefficients (standardized (STD) and unstandardized (UNSTD)) for two-group discriminant analysis

r' Variable



154 155 156 144 153 153 45 34 150 150

Pooled Group I Group 2 mean mean mean Sig.

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DORB ANAB SDOR SANA HL HDPTH BDPTH EYDI SNL IORB UPJW LOJW PECF base of dorsal fin: ANAB. base of anal fin; SDoR. snout to origin of dorsal fin; SANA. snout to origin of anal fin; HL. head length: HDPTH. head depth at parietal commissure: BDPTH. body depth at anal Cin origin; EYDI. horirontal eye diameter; SNL. snout length: IORB, bony interorbital width; UPJH'. upper jaw length; L o ~ w .lower jaw length; PECF. pectoral fin length. NOTE: DORB,

Diagnosis The genus Congrogadus differs from all other congrogadid genera except Congrogadoides in having a dark, usually ocellated spot on the opercle (occasionally absent in C. subduc.ens) and in the loss of all unbranched rays in the caudal fin. It differs from Congrogadoides in possessing supraotic and posterior otic sensory canal pores, and in having the gill membranes fused together but free from (vs. fused to) the isthmus. Congrogadus subducens (Richardson) Svnonvrnv (putatively complete) Machaeriurn subducens Richardson 1 843~1,p. 69 (type locality: Port Essington, New Holland = Australia); Richardson, 18436, p. 176 (redescription); Richardson, 1844- 1845, p. 72 (redescription from second specimen); Bleeker, 1855, p. 3 (list, "Diemensland"); Steindachner, 1869, p. 569 (description, Singapore) Machaeriurn nebulaturn Bleeker 1852~1, p. 76 (type locality: Singapore); 1 8526, p. 3 1 (description, Singapore); 186 1 , p. 52 (list, Singapore); Gunther, 1862, p. 388 (belongs in Congrogadus); de Beaufort and Chapman, 195 1 , p. 384 (junior synonym of C. subducens) Machaeriurn reticulaturn Bleeker 1852c*,p. 734 (type locality: Marawang on Banka Island); 1856- 1857, p. 274 (list, Tobali, Banka Island); 1858, p. 224 (list, Biliton); 1858- 1859, p. 45, (list, Riouw, Bintang); 1859- 1860a, p. 2 16 (list, Singapore); 1859- 18606, p. 450 (list, Singapore); 1861, p. 57 (list, Singapore); Gunther, 1862, p. 388 (junior synonym of C. subducens) Congrogadus nebulatus, Gunther, 1862, p. 389 (list); Fowler, 1938, p. 226 (list, Singapore); Martens, 1876, p. 398 (list, Singapore); Peters, 1868, p. 268 (list, Singapore) Congrogadus reticulatus, Giinther, 1 862, p. 388 (list); Bleeker, 1868, p. 293 (list, Bintang) Congrogadus subducens, Giinther, 1862, p. 388 (includes

73.7 62.0 10.0 10.1 2.8 7.5 55.7 54.2 17.8 61.9

71.8 60.5 9.9 9.9 2.9 7.5

75.3 63.2 10.1 10.2 2.8 7.4

Coefficients STD


*** 0.328 *** -0.1 13


** NS NS







17.7 60.1

17.9 63.3

*** ***

-0.014 0.136 -0.065 0.124 -

0.179 0.756

Constant NOTE: IXIRR. dorsal-fin rays: ANAR. anal-fin rays: LPECR. left pectoral-fin rays; RPECR. right pectoral-fin rays; Upci~. gill rakers on upper arch: CLGR. gill rakers on lower gill arch; LLLP. left lateral-line pores: KLLP. right lateral-line pores: ANVERT. abdominal vertebrae; CDVEKT. caudal vertebrae. Note that because ot'small sample sire group means were not . these variables were not included in the discriminant calculated for LLLP and ~ 1 . t . ~and analysis.

M. subducens and M. retic.ulaturn); Kner, 1865, p. 280 (description, Nicobars); Steindachner, 1867, p. 3 18 (description, Cape York); Peters, 1876, p. 842 (list, New Guinea); Macleay, 1878, p. 362 (list, Australia); Klunzinger, 1879, p. 406 (list, Australia); Gunther, 1880, p. 45 (list, New Guinea); Macleay, 188 1 , p. 120 (description, range); Vaillant, 1891, p. 10 (list, Thursday Island); Weber, 1894, p. 272 (list, Thursday Island); Jordan and Seale, 1906, p. 434 (list, Australia and New Guinea); Jordan and Starks, 1907, p. 504 (list, Japan, includes H. encrvptes); Jordan and Richardson, 1908, p. 285 (list, Cuyo); 1909, p. 57 (list, Cuyo); Regan, 1912, p. 269 (figure of palatoquadrate); Weber, 19 1 3, p. 549 (range); McCulloch and Whitley, 1925, p. 176 (list, Queensland); Whitley, 1926, p. 236 (figure, Queensland); Paradice and Whitley, 1927, p. 93 (list, Darwin); Fowler, 1928, p. 444 (range); Whitley , 1929, p. 108 (list, Australia); Schmidt, 1930, p. 134 (list, Riu Kiu Islands); Herre, 1933a, p. 5 (list, Sandakan); 19336, p. 1 1 (list, Dumaguete); 1934, p. 100 (range); Fowler, 1938, p. 226 (list, Singapore); Herre, 1939, p. 369 (description); Aoyagi, 1943, p. 223 (synonymy, description, colour plate); de Beaufort and Chapman, 195 1 , p. 384 (description, includes M. nebulaturn); Smith, 1952, p. 85 (list, western Pacific); Herre, 1953, p. 813 (synonymy); Bertin and Arambourg, 1958, p. 2422 (figure); Fowler, 1958, p. 324 (synonymy, description); Woodland and Slack-Smith, 1963, p. 48 (list, Heron Island); Blanc and Fourmanoir, 1964, p. 60 (Kep, Cambodia); Taylor, 1964, p. 278 (description, Arnham Land); Marshall, 1965, p. 396 (description, figure, Queensland); Munro, 1967, p. 462 (description, figure, range); Kailola, 1975, p. 203 (list, New Guinea); Carcasson, 1977, p. 225 (description, range); Winterbottom, 1978, p. 49 (comparison); 1980a. p. 397 (comparison); Coleman, 1981, p. 242 (description, colour plate); Herwig and Dewey, 1982, p. 6 (description of eggs); Winterbottom, 1982, p. 754 (list)

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Stenophus marmor~ltusCastelnau 1875, p. 27 (type locality: Gulf of Carpentaria); George and Springer, 1980, p. 7 (junior synonym of C . subdue-erzs) Stenophus obscnrus Castelnau 1875. p. 27 (type locality: Gulf of Carpentaria); George and Springer, 1980, p. 7 (junior synonym of C . subducens) Hierichthys encryptes Jordan and Fowler 1902, p. 744 (type locality: Miyaka Island in the Riu Kiu Islands); de Beaufort and Chapman. 195 1 , p. 384 (junior synonym of C . subducens) Congrogadus encryptes, Jordan et al. 19 13, p. 398 (list); Tanaka, 193 1 , p. 4 1 (list, southern Japan); de Beaufort and Chapman, 1951, p. 384 (-junior synonym of C . subducens ) Congrogadus subulatus Fowler, 1938, p. 226 (lapsus, incorrectly attributed to Giinther, 1862, p. 389, and to Martens, 1876, p. 398)

Note on svnonvmv ~ichardson-authored two publications in 1843. both of which describe Mac-haerium subdncens. There is thus some potential confusion as to which represents the original description. The Report ofthe British Assoc.iation.for the Advancement of Science was for the year 1842, and was published in 1843. It fulfills the criteria for a valid description and name. The article in the Annals and Magazine of Natural Historv was intended to be issued in September 1843. In that article, Richardson refers to "Mac-haerium subducens (Rich.), Lurking Machete. Plate VI. Rep. Brit. Assoc. for 1842, p. 69." (p. 176). This seems a clear indication that the Report represents the earlier publication, and thus the correct citation. Richardson confused matters further when in 1844- 1845, he referred to "Machaerium subducens, Richardson, Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist. for September, 1843, xii. p. 175. p1. 6." (p. 72). Material examined Abbreviations of specimen repositories are clarified in the Acknowledgements. Standard lengths in millimetres are given in parentheses. Seventy-two lots, 188 specimens. AM(1) 5 151, 1 (247. I ) , Port Darwin. Australia. AM(1) 5 154, 1 (238.5). as above. AM(1) 6096, 1 (294.1). as above. AM(1) 7589. 1 (193.7). as above. AM(1) 11942, 1 (305.7). Torres Straits, Australia. AM(I) 11985. 1 (40.5). Murray Island, Torres Straits, Australia. AM(1) 156 17-038, 1 ( 183.6), One Tree Island, Queensland, Australia. AM(1) 17060- 1 2. 10 (67.5359.3). Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia. AM(1) 19356-014, 1 (144.9). Torres Straits. Australia. AM(IA) 605, 1 (162. I ) , Port Denison, Queensland. Australia. AM(IA) 1 140. 1 (216.7), Port Darwin, Australia. AM(1A) 3653, 1 (212.3). Masthead Island, Queensland, Australia. AM(IA) 6049, 1 ( 127.0), Port Darwin, Australia. AM(1A) 7642, 1 (272.7), Port Darwin, Australia. AM(1A) 207-02, 2 ( 138.3- 162.2). Palm Island, Queensland. Australia. AM(IA) 1707-08, 2 ( 105.5-231.7). Darwin. Australia. AM(1A) 3752-3. 2 (189.4-193.4). Thursday Island. northern Queensland, Australia. AM(1A) 4389-90, 2 (241.8-280.7).Port Darwin, Australia. AM(IB) 317, 1 (134.6). Shark Bay, western Australia. AM(1B) 407. 1 (372.1). Melville Bay. Australia. AM(IB) 408. 1 (359.6). Cape Arnhem, Northern Territories, Australia. AM(IB) 4691, 1 (205.3), Yirrkala near Cape Arnhem, Australia. ANSP 83276, 1 (damaged), Singapore. BM(NH) 1872.10.18:75-76. 2 (340.6-375.8). Bantayan Island, Philippines. BM(NH) 1933.3.11: 725-727, 3 ( 197.8-226.1), Sitankai, Sulu Province, Philippines. BPBM 144 15. 2 (37.8-61.6). One Tree Island, Queensland, Australia. CAS 35157, 1 (damaged), John's Island, Singapore. CAS 35623. 5 (227.4-297.2). Changi, Singapore. CAS 38834. 3 ( 149.3-252.1). middle of Ban Aangtong off village on west side of Guh Shmui Island. Gulf of Siam. CAS 38835, 3 (275.1-312.2). Bai Dua Embankment. Khanh Hoa Province. South


Vietnam. CAS 38836. 6 (255.2-312.5). NE end of Kawtian. Chumphon Province. Gulf of Siam. CAS(SU) 7 120. 1 (99.7). (holotype of C. encryptes). Miyaka Island. Riu Kiu Islands. CAS(SU) 20648. 3 ( 199.6-2 12.6). Cuyo. Philippines. CAS(SU) 26500, 1 1 ( 1 28.4302.9). Sitankai. Sulu Province. Philippines. CAS(SU) 2650 1 , 3 (292.9-402.0). Culion. Philippines. CAS(SU) 26502. 1 (272.2). Dumaguete. Negros. Philippines. CAS(SU) 26503. 1 (damaged), Jolo, Sulu Province. Philippines. CAS(SU) 26505, 1 (278.4), Bantayan Island, Philippines. CAS(SU) 27774. 2 (203.1-223.4), Pulo Nanuyan. Laut. Sandakan District. N. Borneo.). CAS(SU) 29947, 1 (119.9). Iloilo. Panay, Philippines. CAS(SU) 30695, 18 (41.5321.0). Singapore. CAS(SU) 33860. 3 ( 107.0- 1 16.9). Sibutu Island, Sulu Archipelago. Philippines. CAS(SU)38378. 1 (246.9). Jolo. Sulu Island. Philippines. FMNH 25 159. 1 (238.8): Sandakan. North Borneo. FMNH 47079, 2 ( 163.8-206.9),Singapore. FMNH 5 182 1 , 5 (55.3-205.5), Pulo Nunuyan, Sandakan, North Borneo. RMNH 3683, 1 (290.0). Makasar. Sulawesi. Indonesia. RMNH 6720, 2 (146.3332.0). (syntypes of Mnchnerium retic-ulntum). Leper Island. Marawang (Banka). Indonesia. RMNH 6721. 1 (339.0). (holotype of Machaerium nebulatum ). Singapore. ROM 230 1 2. 2 (308.5-339.5). Singapore. SOSC Ref. No. 397, 1 (24.2). One Tree Island, Queensland. Australia. SOSC Ref. No. 190. 2 ( 183.4-21 1.7). Pulau Gaya, Darvel Bay. East Borneo. SOSC Ref. No. BBC 1731. 1 (120.6). Marchesa Bay. Hawaii Island. NW tip of lrian Jaya, Indonesia. SOSC Ref. No. VGS 74-3 I , 1 (226.7). Pulau Seribu off W side Pulau Ajer, Indonesia. SOSC Ref. No. SP 78- 17, 3 ( 1 10.2-270.3).Cuyo Island, Palawan Province, Philippines. SOSC Ref. No. SP 78-28. 10 (222.1302.5). Cocoro Island, Palawan Province, Philippines. SOSC Ref. No. LK 79- 15. 17 (9.5-325.4). Siquijor Island near Conga Point, Philippines. SOSC Ref. No. BBC 1679. 10 (124.7-176.7). near Weipa, Gulf of Carpentaria. Australia. SOSC Ref. No. BBC 1676A. 2 ( 167.5-192.9). Vernorn Island. Clarence Strait, Australia. SOSC Ref. No. SP 78-5. 2 (72.2- 13 1.0). Paliton Village. Siqui.jor Island, Philippines. UF 3 1318, 1 ( 18.7), Kupang, Timor Island, Indonesia. USNM 1 17521, 1 (240.7). Culion. Philippines. USNM 122412, 1 (213.51, Cebu market. Philippines. USNM 122460, 1 (102.6). Masleate, Catairgan Bay. Philippines. USNM 173800. 1 (28 1.8), Nightcliff near Darwin, Australla. USNM 212291. 7 (3 1.2-156.0). One Tree Island, Queensland, Australia. WAM 10070, 1 ( 109.1), Shark Bay, western Australia. WAM-P 22454. 1 (30.6). Elphick's Knob, Darnpier Archipelago. Australia. WAM-P 22670, 1 ( 101.6). Port Sampson, Australia. WAM-P 22909, 1 ( 122.4). Kendrew Island, Dampier Archipelago, Australia. WAM-P 25532-005. 1 (74.5). Shark Bay, western Australia. ZMK 261. 1 (73.2). Queensland, Australia.

Diagnosis Congrogadus subducens is the only member of the family Congrogadidae (about 20 species) to lack (a) dorsal spine(s), although the underlying pair of pterygiophores that normally support the first dorsal spine of other congrogadids is present. In addition, C . srrbduc-erzs has more serial elements than any other congrogadid (dorsal-fin rays 68-79 vs. 65 or fewer; anal-fin rays 57-66 vs. 54 or fewer; total vertebrae 74-84 vs. 70 or fewer). Finally, C . subducens reaches a larger maximum size than any other species in the family (to 40 cm SL vs. 25 cm in an undescribed genus and species from Malagasy, L. A. Mauge, personal communication). Description Congrogadus subducens inhabits the shallow (to 6 m) waters of coral reefs, although it has also been collected on rubble or muddy substrates. The following counts and measurements are taken from all specimens from which such data could be obtained. The sample size for each variable thus varies, but was seldom less than 150 specimens. The overall description for the species is given here. with populational variation discussed below. Size range was 9.5-402.0 mm SL. Values are given as a mean, followed in parentheses by the range rounded to the

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FIG.3. Left lateral view of the head of C. subducens to show head pore pattern. x = pore present in specimen illustrated but usually absent. AIORB, anterior interorbital; ANIT, anterior intertemporal; AT, anterior temporal; DEN, dentary; NA, nasal; PAR, parietal; PIORB, posterior interorbital; POIT, posterior intertemporal; POP, preopercular; POT, posterior otic; PT. posterior temporal; SUB. suborbital; SOT, supraotic.

nearest whole number. Morphometrics As percentage standard length: soft dorsal-fin base 80.3 (64-86); anal-fin base 64.8 (39-71; snout tip to origin of dorsal fin 20.9 (18-27); snout tip to origin of anal fin 35.7 (30-43); head length 14.9 (13-21). As percentage head length: head depth at parietal commissure 53.8 (40-64); body depth at anal-fin origin 63.4 (39-80); eye diameter 16.8 (13-24); snout length 30.0 (19-34); bony interorbital width 10.4 (8- 13); upper jaw length 45.6 (30-5 1); lower jaw length 75.5 (5 1-84); pectoral-fin length 33.2 ( 1 8-5 1). Meristics Dorsal fin 73.7 (68-79), first ray may be unbranched; anal 62.0 (57 -66), all rays branched; left pectoral fin 10.1 (7- 1l ) , right pectoral fin 10.1 (9- 1 I ) , pelvic fin absent; caudal fin normally with five dorsal and five ventral branched rays, and no unbranched rays. Last dorsal and anal rays fully joined to dorsalmost and ventralmost caudal rays by membrane. Vertebrae 17.8 ( 17- 18) abdominal plus 6 1.9 (56-66) caudal, plus fused ural complex (total = 79.7 (74-84)). Cephalic sensory canal openings somewhat variable but normally consisting of the following (Fig. 3, all pores bilateral except where stated otherwise): nasal double, with one pore just behind the upper lip and the other a little posterior to the posterior nostril; an anterior interorbital and a single, median posterior interorbital, a supraotic; eight suborbitals; a posterior otic; seven preopercular; four dentary; an anterior and posterior intertemporal; usually two parietals (although the pair of parietal pores spanning the midline may be represented by a single median pore); and an anterior and posterior temporal pore. Almost all the canals may lack one or more pores, or extra pore(s) may be present. The commonest of these exceptions is the presence of one or two extra pores in the temporal canal. Gill membranes fused across the ventral midline but free

from the isthmus. Six branchiostegal rays; gill rakers on the first gill arch with 2.8 (1-4) upper and 7.5 (4- 10) lower rakers. Lateral-line system of a single short canal curving posterodorsally from the shoulder above the pectoral-fin base to a point below the base of the 8th to 13th dorsal-fin ray. Number of pored scales in left lateral line 55.7 (44-67); in right lateral line 54.2 (42-68). Olfactory capsule with two nostrils, the anterior tubular, the posterior porelike. Cheek, opercle, and body covered with small elliptical cycloid scales; radii confined to the anterior field. The vomer may bear 0-9 short conical teeth; there are none on the palatines. The dentary bears 34-43 short conical teeth in an outer row, larger anteriorly, and 0-6 smaller conical teeth in an inner row near the symphysis. There are 36-40 short conical teeth in the outer row of the premaxilla, and which decrease in size posteriorly; an inner row of 0-8 smaller conical teeth may be present.

Colour pattern Herwig and Dewey ( 1982) recorded various colour patterns for aquarium specimens of this species, as well as the ability to change colour rapidly. Colouration when alive consists of a mixture of green and brown variegations with irregular light blotches up to eye diameter in size. On occasion, the green may be intensified to a bright but light green; in other specimens a reticulated pattern of bright red is apparent on the body (Herwig and Dewey 1982). Neither of the specimens examined by those authors exhibited the dark, diffuse, rounded blotch on the opercle that is present in many, but not all, preserved specimens. Herre (1939, p. 370) stated "In life color highly variable. Specimens taken at the same time and place may be grass green, maroon, brownish red, dark brown to pale yellowish; the color may be almost uniform but is usually irregularly spotted with darker spots of various sizes, and sprinkled with pearly spots which may form reticulations and crossbands; under side of head and trunk usually much paler, with large

Group 2







S p e c i m e n s n o t in F u n c t i o n C o n s t r u c t i o n

5 lor

Sitankai b lrian Jaya c Sumatra d Sulawesi




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n=13 n=l n=l n=l
















0 1 -1 Discriminant Function Scores





FIG.4. Frequency histograms of meristic scores on discriminant function between groups 1 (below) and 2 (above), with specimens not used in function construction added (middle). Arrows indicate centroids.

pearl-colored or red spots on head, throat and belly. Dorsal and anal with membranes uniformly dark, or one to several rows of dark spots on membrane; sometimes conspicuous dark spots along base of vertical fins. A dark spot often present on opercle; it may be a definite ocellus, but is often absent." Colour (preserved specimens)-Various shades of brown, variegated with light areas and, in some specimens, darker brown areas. Other specimens may be plain light brown. Rounded dark blotch on opercle present or absent. The eggs of C. subducens bear numerous tiny cruciform hooks on their surfaces, as do the eggs of all other congrogadids examined for this character. These hooks were first reported by Smith (1952) for Haliophis guttatus and Halimuraena hexagonata, and were recorded from C. subducens by Herwig and Dewey ( 1982). The latter authors also reported the presence of thin threads over the surface of the eggs. Each thread is attached to the base of a hook at one end and the surface of the egg at the other. According to aquarium observations made on solitary female specimens by Herwig and Dewey ( 1982), the eggs are laid in a clump, which later breaks up. he hooks then deiach from the surface of the egg and hang down like miniature grappling irons on the ends of the threads, the other ends of which remain attached to the surface of the egg. Both males and females appear to mature at about 200 mm SL. Reproductive activity, however, must be cyclical, as both males and females larger than 300 mm SL may have small gonads. These findings may imply that C. subducens is not a protogynous hermaphrodite. There are strong indications that other congrogadids are protogynous (e.g., Haliophis guttatus, Halidesmus scapularis), and it is kiown that the sister group of the congrogadids, the anisochromines, also use that reproductive strategy (Springer et al. 1977). Stomach contents consist of fish and decapod crustacean remains.

Variation In order to test for variation in C. subducens, the samples were divided into those from the Sahul (group 1 ) and Sunda (group 1 ) shelves (see Methods). The meristic and morphometric variables are analysed separately. The key to the

TABLE3. Means, analysis of variance significance (Sig.), and discriminant coefficients for two-group discriminant analysis for residuals from pooled regression lines Coefficients Residual

Group 1 mean

Group 2 mean






Constant NOTE Variable acronyms as in Table 1. groups as in text; STD. standardized coefficient: UNSTD, umtandardi~edcoefficient.

acronyms is given in Tables 1 and 2. Meristic analysis Mean values for meristics for group 1 were consistently lower than, and significantly different from, those for group 2 for all variables except UPGR and CLGR (Table 2). Multivariately, for the suite of eight variables with a large enough sample size, the centroids of the groups were significantly different ( p < 0.0000), and therefore a discriminant analysis was performed. The standardized function was a contrast between the positive coefficients of CDVERT, ANVERT, DORR, RPECR,and CLGR with the negative coefficient of A N A R (Table 2); that is, individuals with negative scores on the discriminant function (generally members of group 1; centroid = - 1.75, range -4.0 to +0.9) had low counts for the variables with positive coefficients and high counts for variables with negative coefficients (ANAR; Fig. 4). Individuals with positive


C A N . J . ZOOL. VOL. 62, 1984

Group 2 n.83

t ti

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Pa L


Specimens not in Function Construction Sitankai n.12 b lrian Jaya n.1 c Sumatra n=l d Sulawesi n = l I


Group 1 n.56

Discriminant Function Scores

FIG. 5. Frequency histograms of residual scores on discriminant function bctwcen groups 1 (below) and 2 (abovc), with specimens not included in function construction added (middle). Arrows indicate centroids.

scores (Group 2; centroid = +0.94, range -0.9 to + 3.2) were the converse. Overlap of the groups was moderate, and a posteriori classification accuracy was reasonably good ( 8 3 7 ~ correct for group 1, 93% for group 2, 90% overall). Univariately, group 2 was less variable than group 1 for all variables except RPECR. Multivariately, these differences in variation were expressed in the discriminant scores of both groups, with those of group 2 being clustered closer to the centroid (Fig. 4). This variation is summarized multivariately as the determinants of the covariance matrices, which were group 1 = 4.75 x lo-', and group 2 = 2.32 x lo-'. Thus group 1 was about twice as variable as group 2. The specimens from the localities not included in the construction of the function (Sumatra, Sulawesi, Sitankai, and lrian Jaya) were also quite variable (Fig. 4). All individuals from Sitankai, Philippines (just below the extreme eastern tip of Borneo; n = 14) scored intermediate to the centroids of groups 1 and 2. The single specimens from Sumatra, Sulawesi, and Irian Jaya all scored more negatively than the centroid of group 1 (Fig. 4). ~ r i n c i ~ a l c o m ~ o nanalysis ent showed much the same results. Positive scores on component 1 (41%) were from samples in group 2. Negative scores were generally specimens in group 1. Specimens from Sitankai scored intermediate to those for both groups. However, the overlap of specimen scores was somewhat greater than that seen in the discriminant results. The specimens from Sumatra, Sulawesi, and Irian Jaya were situated well into the region of the plot occupied by individuals of group 1. Component 11 ( 1 8%) did not add any information about between-group differences. Some specimens from northwestern Australia most closely resemble those from group 2 in mean number of dorsalanal-fin rays, but are geographically associated with the Sahul shelf (group 1 , Fig. 2). In the principal components analysis these specimens were in the region of overlap between groups 1 and 2, and some scored well into the space occupied primarily by group 2.

RBDPTH, RIORB. KPLCF, and RLOWJ, and positive for RSDOR, RSANA, and R E Y D I (Table 3). In terms of relative shape, negative residuals indicated a smaller than average body part and positive residuals indicated a larger than average part. Mean residuals for group 2 tended to be the converse of the above. However, despite fairly large absolute differences between group means, only four variables showed significant univariate RHDPTH, RBDPTH, RIORB; differences between groups (RANAB, Table 3). Multivariately, group centroids were significantly different ( p < 0.0001). and thus a discriminant analysis was performed. The standardized function was a contrast between the positive coefficients of RIORB. RSNL, KANAB, and RDORB with the negative coefficients of RSDOR, REYDI, and RPECF (Table 3). Positive discriminant coefficients corresponded to smaller than average body parts (negative residuals), and negative discriminant coefficients were the converse. In general, individuals of group 1 had negative scores on the discriminant function (centroid = -0.728, range -3.9 to + 1.5) and individuals of group 2 had positive scores on the function (centroid = +0.49 1, range - 1.4 to + 2.6; Fig. 5). Overlap of the groups was substantial, and a posteriori classification accuracy was moderate (68% correct for group 1, 79% correct for group 2, 75% overall). Univariately, group 2 was more variable for seven variables but less variable for the remaining six. Multivariately, however, group 2 was less variable when expressed as scores on the discriminant function (Fig. 5) but more variable as determinants of the covariance matrices (group 1 = 1.73, group 2 = 2.60). As residuals, the specimens from the locations not included in the construction of the function (Sumatra, Sulawesi, Sitankai, and Irian Jaya) were less variable than the meristic scores (compare Figs. 4 and 5). Scores of individuals from the excluded locations were all distributed around the centroid of group 2 (Fig. 5). With the greater overlap of specimens from groups 1 and 2, most of the scores of the excluded individuals also overlapped those of group 1 , but were never less than the centroid of group 1 (Fig. 5). Principal component analysis indicated substantial overlap Morphornetric analysis (residuals) Mean residuals for group 1 were negative for RDORB, RANAB, of groups 1 and 2 on component I (31% total variance) and



TABLE 4. Latitudinal and longitudinal covariation of the variables.


hX. where _Y is the predicted dependent variable. tested by _Y = (I a = intercept. h = slope, and X = either latitude or longitude X

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Variable Sig.




latitude (I





longitude a





N o ~ t :Sig.. significance level of association: NS. nonsignificant: ". p < 0.05: "*. p < 0.01: ***. p < 0.001): r' = proportion ol total variation accounted for by the regression). Variable acronyms as in Tables 1 and 2.

a weak separation on component 11 (18% total variance). Specimens from Sumatra, Sulawesi, Sitankai. and Irian Jaya (excluded from the discriminant function construction), and those from northwestern Australia (included, but problematical a priori group designation; see above) scored intermediate to and overlapped considerably with the scores of both groups 1 and 2. Geographic. covariation Four meristic (DORR, ANAR, ANVERT, and CDVERT) and three morphometric (RHDPTH, RBDPTH, and R I ~ R B variables ) covaried significantly with latitude (Table 4). In all cases the slopes of the relationships were positive; that is, samples from the southernmost latitudes exhibited the lowest counts and smallest residuals, while those from the northernmost latitudes showed highest values. As an example of such variation, the covariation of DORR with latitude is given (Fig. 6). The relationship was quite strong for most meristic variables (r' = 0.03 to 0.41), but was weaker for morphometric variables ( r2 = 0.05; Table 4). The absolute differences of means between samples from the latitudinal extremes was up to, for example, six dorsal rays (Fig. 6). Six meristic (DORR,ANAR,LPECT,RPECT,ANVERT, and CDVERT) and two morphometric (RANAB and RIORB) variables covaried significantly with longitude (Table 4). In all cases, the slopes of the relationships were negative; that is, easternmost samples exhibited lowest values for the variables while those from the westernmost longitudes exhibited higher values. The covariation of DORR with longitude is given as an example of such variation (Fig. 7). The relationship was again quite strong for most meristic variables ( r 2 = 0.04 to 0.55), and was

weaker for the morphometric variables (r' = 0.05 to 0.06; Table 4). For dorsal rays, the absolute difference between eastern and western extremes was up to six rays (Fig. 7).

Discussion Several conclusions can be drawn from the preceding analysis. First, the Sahul and Sunda shelf populations are not equivalent for most characters. This is true for both the morphometric and meristic data (although less so for the former) and for all methods of analysis (analysis of variance, discriminant analysis, principal components analysis). Second, specimens from Sitankai. which have a low combined dorsal and anal fin-ray count within the range of the Sahul shelf group, likely represent members of Sunda shelf population. This conclusion is tentative, since some overall overlap was observed with the Sahul population. Similarly, the remaining specimens excluded from the initial analysis (Sumatra, Sulawesi, and Irian Jaya) were ambiguously associated with either the Sahul (meristic data) or the Sunda (morphometric data) populations, and thus association of these specimens with one or other of these groups is also tentative. Thirdly, many of the characters vary with both latitude and longitude. Fourthly, variation within groups was unequal for each group, but the direction of difference depended on the type of data; for meristic data, the Sahul shelf population was more variable, but for morphometric data the Sunda shelf specimens were more variable. The hypothesis used to construct the groups tested here is supported by these data, indicating that structuring occurs in C. subducerzs. However. the observed differences appear to be more in the nature of clinal variation than a disjunction in variation. Several lines of evidence support this contention: the overlap between the groups, the coincidence of the major dichotomy in a region that has been poorly sampled (Sumatra to Irian Jaya south of Borneo and the Philippines), the tendency for specimens that were excluded from the initial analysis to be intermediate to both groups (although some were clearly associated with one group), the discrepancy in variation between the groups, and the relatively smooth covariation of variables with latitude and longitude. Variation of the type we describe can result from three putative causes: ecophenotypic induction of differences, genotypic components, or sampling errors (including paucity of specimens). Certainly the latter looms large for the area of apparent major disjunction. Covariation of the phenotype with latitude and longitude is not prima facie evidence for ecophenotypic causation of variation, since either latitude, longitude, or both of these factors may also indirectly estimate events that have had effects on the genotype (e.g., separation and subsequent evolution of populations). The most pervasive environmental variable known to cause ecophenotypic effects in fish is temperature. For temperate fishes, numbers of meristic elements and sizes of body parts as well as an increase in overall size increase with decreasing temperature (or increasing latitude) (Barlow 1961 ; Lindsey 1966), and temperature has been experimentally shown to be a causative agent for morphometric variation (Martin 1949). Increased vertebral number with higher latitude may still be apparent after removal of the effects of size (Lindsey 1975). The thermal equator in the area occupied by C. subducens fluctuates from about 10" N of the geographic equator in August to about 10" S in February (Schott 1935). We note with considerable interest that the Sunda shelf population, which is distributed in the warmer part of the range of the species, n


CAN. J . ZOOL. VOL. 62, 1984


Viet Nam n.3 Phi Masbate n.1 P h l Culion n.4

, -& I -


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Ind. Puhu n=l

Phil- Cuyo Is. n i l 3

vPhil. SiquijorSiamIs. n.8n.21 Bor. Nunuyan n.5 rvel n.2 I utu IS. n.14

Rk 8%

Singapore ~ + I Q k i n Jaya n.1



hd. Suhwesi n.1


0 3


'< ,

Aus. Murray Is. n.1 Aus. Thursday Is. n.2 Aus. Pr. of Wales Is. n=l



Aus. Cape Amhem n.3 1 Aus. Pt. Darwh n -13 I Aus. Wepa n.9




AUS.Palm IS. n.2

Aus. Pt. Dermison n.2







Aus. Kendrew Is. n-2 Aus. Pt. Sarnpson n-1 Aus. Exrnouth Gulf n.9

Aus. One Tree Is. n-7

Aus. Shark Bay n=3






FIG.6. Hubbs-Hubbs plots of dorsal fin-ray counts versus latitude.

has the highest values for meristics, and, judging from the collections available, reaches a greater mean length (231 vs. 178 mm SL) than the Sahul shelf population. Finally, sea surface temperature within the range of C. subducens does not vary with longitude (Schott 1935), thus implying that the covariation with longitude observed must be due to causes other than temperature induced ecophenotypic variation. We feel that the above discussion indicates that the entire pattern of variation observed is not due solely to sampling errors or ecophenotypic factors. There is some evidence to support the hypothesis that regular changes in meristics such as are found in geographic clines "reflect adaptive changes of a genetic nature" (Barlow 1961 , p. 1 16). Thus these differences may be at least partly due to genotypic components accruing as a result of historical biogeographical events. The correspondence between the two groups and the continental margins represented by the Sunda and Sahul shelves may well reflect a physical separation of C. subducens into two populations (possibly during Pleistocene sea level fluctuations) with concomit-

tant divergence that did not, in this case, proceed to speciation. We do not feel that the nonecophenotypic variation described above is worthy of taxonomic recognition at any formal level at this time, for the following reasons: ( i ) limited sample size and incomplete geographic coverage of the region; (ii) the limited nature of the variation and of the differences between groups and (or) samples; and (iii) because the genetic basis for the variation is unknown. The genus Congrogadus forms a monophyletic unit within the Congrogadidae (Godkin and Winterbottom 1984). The only other species in the genus, C. hierichthvs, is confined to the Sulu Sea in the Philippines and has been collected from some of the same islands as C. subducens. We conclude from this that the range of the ancestral species of Congrogadus was, or was within, the present range of C. subducens. Given an allopatric model for speciation and a vicariance approach to biogeography, the sympatry of the two species in the Sulu Sea leads to the conclusion that dispersal has occurred. Since the range of C. hierchthys is limited, we suspect that it has been



WINTERBOTTOM ET AL Aus. One Tree Is. n=7

Aus. Pt. Dennison 17.2





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Aus. P a h Is. n=2


Aus. Murray Is. n = l A s Pr of Wales Is. n-1 Aus. ~hursday n.2 14 Aus. Webs n.9


I l 'k:

Aus. Cape Arnhem 17.3



tian Jaya n-1 Aus. Port Darwin 1-1.13

Phil Masbate n = l Phil. Siquijor Is. n 4 1


Phi Cu o Is 1-1.13

Phi. 2uli3n.n.4 Phi. Sbutu Is. n.14 Bor. Darvel 17.2 Bor. Nurtuyan 17.5 Aus. Pt. Sampson n=l Aus. Kendrew Is. 17.2


hd. Suhwesi nzl

Aus. Exmouth Gulf 17.9 AUS. Shark Bay n.3

Viet Nam 17.3


hd. Puhu n =l

- -+-


Singapore 1-1.19

I 1







Siam n B





FIG.7. Hubbs-Hubbs plots of dorsal fin-ray counts versus longitude.

C . subducens that has dispersed into the range of C. hirrichthys (and not vice versa).

script. This study was supported in part by NSERC grant A7619 to the senior author.

Acknowledgments lould like to thank the following for allowing us to examine specimens in their care: W. F. Smith-Vaniz, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (ANSP); D. F. Hoese, Australian Museum (AM(1) or AM(1B)); A. Wheeler (British Museum (Natural History)); W. N. Eschmeyer, California Academy of Sciences (CAS and CAS(SU)); R. K. Johnson, Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH); M. Boeseman, Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie (RMNH); L. W. Knapp, Smithsonian Oceanographic Sorting Centre (SOSC); C. R. Gilbert, Florida Museum (UF); V. G. Springer, National Museum of Natural History (USNM); G. R. Allen, Western Australian Museum (WAM), and J. G. Nielsen, Zoologiske Museum, Kobenhavn (ZMK). Drs. E. J . Crossman (Royal Ontario Museum (ROM)) and A. R. Emery (National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa) kindly commented on the manu-

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