to enhance instruction, aide in data collection and encourage student curiosity. The use of calculators on tests or in c
Geometry 20162017 Mr. Krul
[email protected] About the Course: Geometry is the study of two and threedimensional shapes, reasoning, relationships, and constructions. This course develops logical and impartial thinking, critical evaluation, and problem solving through informal proofs. Topics include points, lines, angles, and planes; parallel and perpendicular lines; polygons and circles; congruence and similarity; area and volume; vectors; and an introduction to trigonometry. Grading Policy: You will have homework almost every day this year. You will grade your own homework each day. You will have a homework check 2 to 3 times per week. You will also have tests, quizzes, and projects throughout the year. Homework is worth 20% of your quarter grade while tests/quizzes are worth 80%. Attendance Policy: Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each period. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. The assignments will be posted on the portal and I will have a copy of any papers for you when you return. It is your responsibility to make up the work within the given time. Materials Needed: You will need the following materials every day: pencil with eraser, pen, binder, looseleaf paper, graphing calculator (TI83, TI84, or TInSpire). You must have your materials ready by Friday, August 26th. Classroom Guidelines 1. Always be prepared for class!! 2. Be on time. 3. Be respectful of Mr. Krul, your classmates, the classroom, and yourself. 4. Always give your best effort! You can’t be successful if you don’t try! Goals for the Year 1. Have fun! 2. Learn something about yourself. 3. Learn how to deal with adversity. 4. Learn Math.
Electronic Devices: Digital electronics are welcome on the NAPLS campus and are to be used primarily to support the educational process. However, at no time should personal use interfere with the educational process or operation of the District. Students are to give their full attention to the class and any electronic devices must be “DOWN” (power down/lids closed) unless permission has been given by the teacher. At no time will cell phone calls or texting be allowed during class. Students will connect to the napls_student network as opposed to their own personal 3G/4G networks. Calculator Policy: Basic skills of computation and estimation are essential; calculators in the classroom are used to enhance instruction, aide in data collection and encourage student curiosity. The use of calculators on tests or in class activities may be limited by the teacher with advance notice to the students. The calculator used for instruction in all mathematics classrooms at New Albany High School is the TIInspire and any model of the Texas Instruments TI84. The TI83 Plus is an acceptable substitute if the student already owns the latter. Students are expected to bring their calculator with them to class every day. Teachers do not have graphing calculators for loan and only have a very limited number of four function scientific calculators for student use. Academic Integrity: The Faculty of the Mathematics Department of New Albany High School values the learning process and all of its inherent benefits and responsibilities. Modeling this process for students at New Albany High School and encouraging the same in our students is a goal for the Department Faculty. Work assigned to students is to aid the students in this process. Therefore, in order to take full benefit from the learning experience, students must present their own best work in a timely manner. Representing the work of others as one’s own work, allowing someone to copy one’s work with the intent to represent the work as their own, or using any nonpermissible aid on any evaluation tool constitutes academic misconduct Office Hours, Study Center, ACT Period, and Math Lab: On Monday, Tuesday and Friday all teachers will have office hours in their classroom. I will be available from 7:157:55. You do not need to make an appointment for office hours. You are welcome on any day. I have a study center during 6th period. My ACT Period is 5th period on Wednesday. The Math Lab will be open for help during periods 1, 5, 8 and both ACT periods. It is located in F207.