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norm in the Lebesgue-Bochner function space Lp(E,ii) is not even .... Current address (I. E. Leonard): Department of Mathematics, West Virginia University,.

GEOMETRY OF LEBESGUE-BOCHNER FUNCTION SPACES-SMOOTHNESS BY I. E. LEONARD AND K. SUNDARESAN1 Communicated by Robert G. Bartle, October 27, 1972 ABSTRACT. There exist real Banach spaces E such that the norm in E is of class C00 away from zero; however, for any /?, 1 ^ p ^ oo, the norm in the Lebesgue-Bochner function space Lp(E,ii) is not even twice differentiable away from zero. It is this fact that led to a deeper study of the order of differentiability of the norm function in the spaces LP(E, JJL), and the main objective of this paper is to announce the complete determination of the order of smoothness of the norm in this class of Banach spaces.

1. Introduction. The class of Lebesgue-Bochner function spaces is discussed in Bochner and Taylor [1] and has been found to be of considerable importance in various branches of analysis. For their importance in Fourier analysis, the reader is referred to [1], and Stein and Weiss [11]. Various geometric properties of these spaces have been discussed in Day [5], Köthe [9], and McShane [10]; however, there has been no discussion of higher order smoothness of the norm in this class of Banach spaces. The only known result concerning smoothness is due to McShane [10], and his result concerns only the directional derivative (Gâteaux derivative) of the norm. In this paper, a complete characterization offc-times(continuous) differentiability of the norm in LP(E, fi) is provided. It might be noted here that the order of smoothness of the Banach spaces Lp(ji) has been discussed in Sundaresan [12], and related results can be found in Bonic and Frampton [2]. 2. Definitions and notation. The definitions and notation used throughout the paper are collected in this section for easy reference. In the following, E denotes a real Banach space. The unit ball of E is U = {x e E\ \\x\\ ^ 1 } , and its boundary S = {xeE\ \\x\\ = 1} is the unit sphere of E. In what follows, (T, Z, fi) is an arbitrary measure space, where [i is an extended nonnegative real-valued measure. To avoid trivialities it is assumed that the range of ju contains at least one nonzero real number, and \i is not supported by finitely many atoms. 2.1. DEFINITION. If 1 ^ p < oo, let AMS (MOS) subject classifications (1970). Primary 46E40, 28A45; Secondary 58C20, 28A15. Key words and phrases. Lebesgue-Bochner function spaces, higher-order differentiability, smoothness. 1 Research supported in part by a Scaife Faculty Grant administered by Carnegie-Mellon University. Copyright © American Mathematical Society 1973



&J&,n) = \f\f:T^E


measurable, and f \\f(t)\\pdfi(t) < oo

Identifying functions in J2?p(£, JJL) which agree ju-a.e., and equipping the resulting linear space with the norm || ƒ || = (Jr|| /(Ollp d^t))1''p, the LebesgueBochner function spaces Lp(E, fx) are obtained. For an account of these Banach spaces, see Bochner and Taylor [1], Dinculeanu [7], and Edwards [8]. 2.2. DEFINITION. Let E and F be Banach spaces, and let {E, @k~ 1(JS, F)) = @k~ \E9 &(E, F)).

2.3. DEFINITION. Let E and F be Banach spaces, and let A be an open subset of E. A mapping f:A-+F is said to be differ entiable at x e A if there exists a mapping f'(x) e ££(E, F) such that Jim || f(x + h)- f{x) - ƒ'(x) • h\\/\\h\\ = 0. In this case ƒ is continuous at x e A and f'{x\ which is unique, is called the derivative off at x. The higher order derivatives ƒ(k) :>1 -* ^\E, F) are defined in the usual manner (see Cartan [3] or Dieudonné [6]). The mapping/: A -• F is said to be of class Ck or k-times continuously differentiate if it is k-times differentiate and the kth-derivative ƒ(k) : A -> J*k(£, F) is continuous. The mapping f:A-^F is said to be of class C00 or indefinitely continuously differentiable if it is indefinitely differentiate. From the results in Cudia [4], it follows that if the norm in a Banach space is differentiable away from zero, it is continuously differentiable away from zero. 2.4. REMARK, (i) Let E and F be Banach spaces and let A be an open subset of E. If the mapping ƒ : A -• F is k-times differentiable on A, then the k-multilinear mapping ƒ(k\x) e @\E, F) is symmetric for each xeA. (ii) Any continuous k-linear mapping is indefinitely differentiable, and all its derivatives of order ^ k + 1 are zero. 3. Summary of results. The order of smoothness of the LebesgueBochner function spaces LP(E, JJL) is summarized in the following theorems.




3.1. THEOREM. If 1 < p < GO, then the norm in Lp(E,p) is differentiable (hence continuously differentiable) away from zero if and only if the norm in E is differentiable away from zero. 3.2. THEOREM. If p > k ^ 2 , then the norm in LP(E, p) is k-times (continuously) differentiable away from zero if and only if the norm in E is k-times (continuously) differentiable away from zero and the kth derivative of the norm in E is uniformly bounded on the unit sphere in E. 3.3. THEOREM, (i) If p > 2 is an odd integer, then the norm in Lp(E, p) is (p — l)-times (continuously) differentiable away from zero if and only if the norm in E is (p — \)-times (continuously) differentiable away from zero and the (p — l)st derivative of the norm in E is uniformly bounded on the unit sphere in E. (ii) If p > 2 is not an integer and I(p) is the integral part of p, then the norm in Lp(E,p) is I(p)-times (continuously) differentiable away from zero if and only if the norm in E is I(p)-times (continuously) differentiable away from zero and the I(p)th derivative of the norm in E is uniformly bounded on the unit sphere in E. 3.4. REMARK. It follows from the results in [12], after noting that Lp(p) is isometrically isomorphic to a subspace of Lp(E, p\ that if p is an odd integer, then the norm in Lp(E, p) is never p-times differentiable away from zero. The results are somewhat different when p is an even integer. 3.5. THEOREM. If p ^ 2 is an even integer, then the norm in Lp(E, p) is p-times (continuously) differentiable away from zero if and only if there exists a continuous homogeneous form T of degree p, T:E x E x • • • x E -* R, such that \\x\\p = T(x, x , . . . , x) for all xe E. There is a rather startling corollary to this theorem, namely 3.6. COROLLARY. The norm in L2(E, p) is twice (continuously) differentiable away from zero if and only if E is a Hubert space. Before proceeding to the counterexample mentioned in the abstract, a lemma is needed. 3.7. LEMMA. If E is a Banach space whose norm is twice differentiable away from zero and the second derivative of the norm is uniformly bounded on the unit sphere in E, then E is uniformly smooth (in particular, E is reflexive). This is an immediate consequence of the generalized mean value theorem (see, e.g., Cartan [3, p. 70, Theorem 5.6.2]). This lemma together with Theorem 3.2 and Corollary 3.6 imply the following theorem :




3.8. THEOREM. If p ^ 2 and the norm in LP(E,JJ) is twice differentiable away from zero, then E is reflexive. Indeed, E is uniformly smooth. 4. Example. In this section an example is discussed, it is this example that led to a deeper study of the order of smoothness of the norm in L p (£, ju), 1 ^ p ^ cc. Before proceeding to the example, a lemma is stated. 4.1. LEMMA [KUIPER]. The Banach space c0 is isomorphic to a Banach space whose norm is of class C00 away from zero. The proof of this lemma can be found on p. 896 of Bonic and Frampton [2]. 4.2. EXAMPLE. Let E be the Banach space whose norm is of class C00 away from zero and which is isomorphic to c0. Let 1 ^ p ^ oo, then the norm in L p (£, /i) is not even twice differentiable away from zero. The cases p = 1 or p = oo are trivial since in these cases the norm in Lp(E, pi) is not even once differentiable away from zero. In the case 1 < p < 2, it follows from the results in [12] that the norm in LP(E, JJL) is not twice differentiable away from zero. Next let 2 ^ p < oo, and suppose the norm in L p (£, //) is twice differentiable away from zero. This implies by Theorem 3.8 that E is reflexive, hence c0 is reflexive, a contradiction. The proofs of the preceding theorems will appear elsewhere. REFERENCES 1. S. Bochner and A. E. Taylor, Linear functionate on certain spaces of abstractly-valued functions, Ann. of Math. 39 (1938), 913-944. 2. R. Bonic and J. Frampton, Smooth functions on Banach manifolds, J. Math. Mech. 15 (1966), 877-898. MR 33 #6647. 3. H. Cartan, Differential calculus, Hermann, Paris, 1971. 4. D. F. Cudia, The geometry of Banach spaces. Smoothness, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 110 (1964), 284-314. MR 29 #446. 5. M. M. Day, Normed linear spaces, 2nd rev. ed„ Academic Press, New York; SpringerVerlag, Berlin, 1962. MR 26 #2847. 6. J. Dieudonné, Foundations of modern analysis, Pure and Appl. Math., vol. 10, Academic Press, New York, 1960. MR 22 #11074. 7. N. Dinculeanu, Vector measures, Internat. Ser. of Monographs in Pure and Appl. Math., vol. 95, Pergamon Press, London, 1967. MR 34 #601 lb. 8. R. E. Edwards, Functional analysis, theory and applications, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1965. MR 36 #4308. 9. G. Köthe, Topologische linear Râume. I, Die Grundlehren der math. Wissenschaften, Band 107, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1966; English transi., Die Grundlehren der math. Wissenschaften, Band 159, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1969. MR 33 # 3069 ; MR 40 # 1750. 10. E. J. McShane, Linear functionate on certain Banach spaces, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 1 (1950), 402-408. MR 12, 110. 11. E. M. Stein and G. Weiss, Introduction to Fourier analysis on Euclidean spaces, Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, N.J., 1971. 12. K. Sundaresan, Smooth Banach spaces, Math. Ann. 173 (1967), 191-199. MR 36 #1960. DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, CARNEGIE-MELLON UNIVERSITY, PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15213

Current address (I. E. Leonard): Department of Mathematics, West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia 26506 Current address (K. Sundaresan) : Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 1, Poland