PO Box 340-505 Brooklyn NY 11234 www.GBCares.org hotline: 718-648-3745.
501(c)3 Not-for-profit organization. Board Members. President. John Douglas.
Gerritsen Beach Cares, Inc. PO Box 340-505 Brooklyn NY 11234 www.GBCares.org hotline: 718-648-3745 501(c)3 Not-for-profit organization
Board Members
March 31, 2013 Dear Neighbor,
President John Douglas Vice President Dan Foster (Chair Health & Welfare)
Chairman of the Board [open] Vice Chair of the Board Margaret Zang Treasurer Jane DeWitt Bookkeeper Dave Stevens Recording Secretary Janet Behrens Corresponding Secretary [open] Promotional Director Ray Schaefer Membership Administrator Mary Douglas Website Administrator Eileen Stevens Sergeant at Arms Mike Bianco
This year has been one of radical change for all of us and for GB Cares. Many of us have suffered greatly because of Super Storm Sandy. GB Cares has had to adapt its mission statement to stand in the gap in the recovery of Gerritsen Beach. We never imagined that our community-based service organization would be thrust into the forefront of at first a relief, and now a recovery, operation. As most of you know our Chairman, Michael Taylor, resigned from the organization in February. Without Mike's leadership and vision we would not have been in a position to take on the monumental task of relief and rebuilding. There are not enough words to thank Mike for all his hours of selfless dedication to GB Cares and the Gerritsen Beach neighborhood. Because of GB Cares’ standing and involvement in community affairs we were recognized as a "go to" organization. We were quickly able to partner with Heart 911, Tunnel to Towers, and other organizations. We were able to get grants from the Robin Hood Foundation, the Brooklyn Community Group, other donor organizations and many private citizens. We would like to express a sincere and very hearty Thank You for these donations! These funds are being used to help our residents and rebuild our neighborhood. We will be moving into an office on Gerritsen Avenue and will continue to partner with several groups that are looking to help our neighbors and community. We are now starting our annual membership drive. As in years past, all of the dues money and donations go directly back into our community. Your money will go to support our local organizations, neighborhood charitable causes, and our operations. Your membership money also supports GB Cares programs and events such as the Halloween Fest, the Holiday Lights and the U.S. Flag display on Gerritsen Avenue. Please renew your membership or become a member of Gerritsen Beach Cares. Our motto of "We Care, We Live Here" has never been more meaningful, and with your membership you’ll be showing you care, and be helping us help Gerritsen Beach be better than ever. Please consider volunteering as well – we need you now more than ever! Just come up to the site or call the number above. Sincerely,
1st Trustee Christine Busuttil
John Douglas
2nd Trustee Bob O’Reilly
John Douglas President Gerritsen Beach Cares
[email protected]
3rd Trustee Joe DeSimone