Meditative Tools For a Successful Journey. Daniel Shankin, Mt. Tam Psychedelic Integration. | taminte
Get Your Set Together. Meditative Tools For a Successful Journey
Daniel Shankin, Mt. Tam Psychedelic Integration |
[email protected]
I’m Not Advocating Anything I’m not telling you to use illegal, mind altering
substances. That is for you to decide. These are tools for people who have already made that choice. These tools will also work for sober people who want to work with their mind set.
I’m Not a Doctor This is not medical advice. These are resources for
Disclaimers Let’s Get This Out of The Way
healthy people who want a wider range of tools for conscious living and mind-body health.
Nature Provides, I Don’t Please don’t ask the nice person on the stage for drugs. It’s about as funny as asking your coworker “Working Hard or Hardly Working?” Also, you’re putting you, me, and the lovely people who graciously organized this talk at risk.
Dedicated with humility and
gratitude to my teacher, Doug Silsbee
What Is Psychedelic Integration? Psychedelic Integration is a process by which we approach all aspects of the journey with as much consciousness as possible. It often looks like a collection of practices that enable people to be maximally present to the psychedelic experience, to understand that experience at the highest possible level and to live the fullest expression of that experience in their lives.
Living the Answers:
Time, Space, Vibration, Compatriots, Guides,
Encounter the moment in a way that creates
What was the message?
Boundaries, Agreements
insight. Aka Harmony, Wisdom, Compassion
What is my work?
Where do I remain confused?
Mind, Body, Emotions, Balance, Intentions
How do I proceed sustainably & ethically?
Responsibilities, Bandwidth, Cosmology
Proactive Approaches to Set and Setting
Creation of an environment that possesses the least possible
Creation of a mindset that is less prone to being disturbed
potential to disturb the mind, and the greatest potential to
by both external phenomena and the patterns of the
enhance the experience. There can be no perfect setting.
mind-body complex.
Psychedelic Prayers I-4 Let there be simple, Natural things To contact during the sessions − hand woven cloth uncarved wood flowers − growing things ancient music burning fire a touch of earth a splash of water
Timothy Leary
fruit, good bread, cheese fermenting wine candles temple incense
Coined The Term, ‘Set and Setting’
a warm hand fish swimming anything which is over five hundred years old
Of course it is always best to be secluded with nature
The Three Quadrants Of A Healthy Mind Set What two words best describe Zen? Not Always So
We work with concentration,
We aren’t heads in jars. Our body has
There has to be a hunger to uncover
attention, and awareness in order to
to be taken along for the ride. We
the deeper parts of our suffering. This
cultivate a sense of groundedness,
practice both enervating and deeply
requires curiosity, humility, and
centeredness, resilience, and calm
relaxing the system, while paying
dissatisfaction with the compensatory
abiding with a greater range of
attention to its messages
capacities or our normal way of
Cultivating Concentration We narrow our lens of focus, reducing the choices for our
mind’s attention. By watching the breath or using a mantra, we train ourselves to take the reins of the mind. One result is a better understanding of what is urgent and important.
Experiencing as the Witness We practice not getting involved with what we notice, not
Calm Abiding Training our attention and awareness to create a mind that responds rather than reacts
rejecting, grasping, or explaining. We notice sensation as sensation, emotion as pure emotion. One result is a deeper intimacy and understanding of who we are.
Rest in our centeredness Spending time in the part of ourselves that is restful, grounded, centered, and secure builds resilience. We learn that this part of ourselves is always available, and that we have the choice in each moment to move through the world from this place.
Mantra and Breath
Ram Dass
Bob Marley
I am Loving Awareness
One Love, One Heart
Guy From Barsana, “Radhe, Radhe” Me, left to my own devices: “I screwed up my life” - “What am I going to do now?” “God, I’m a mess” - “I hate everything” - “I don’t have enough” “What’s going to happen to me?”
Recalibration of the Urgent and Important We’re super off about this stuff and drugs make it worse
Our survival instincts supercede all of our other mental and emotional processes, and seep into all of our decision making. We’re always subconsciously moving away from danger, and towards safety. As a result, what we see as urgent and important is skewed by fear and grasping. This is magnified in a psychedelic experience. (Ever been on a mission?) Practicing calm abiding de-escalates the insistence of the mind about what is urgent.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Breathe and/or chant mantra Notice the mind matrixing Label, ‘oh, you’re matrixing again’ Kindly and gently return to step 1.
The P.A.T.H. to Somatic Awareness And Mindfulness of the Body When there is a perceived threat to the ego’s fragile security, there is a fixation on that threat. These fixations send impulses stimulating the fight or flight instincts of the sympathetic nervous system into the musculature. Over extended periods of time, a myriad of confused, contradictory, and ineffectual impulses are sent to the musculature. These impulses lodge in the system as patterns of tension. This body tension reduces the level of presence, aliveness and joy. The ego becomes ruled by negative, unconscious, reactive thought patterns. Talking and thinking will not solve this problem. Only by listening to the messages of the body and allowing it to gently release the long held tensions can we find embodied peace.
Bringing your body along for the trip Denise Kaufmann/Mary Microgram Psychedelic Integration Superstar ● ● ● ● ● ●
Traveled with the Merry Pranksters, participating in The Acid Tests Played bass is first all-female rock band, Ace of Cups, formed in 1967 Avid Surfer Speaks about the role of women in the counterculture International Yoga Teacher Advocate for ‘Squatter’s Rights’ campaign to teach people the power of squatting.
Owning Your Set The Buddha’s Far Out Trip The three afflictions of the mind as taught by the Buddha are greed, hatred, and ignorance. He teaches that these mental processes precede the appearance of the material world. ●
When the mind is in greed, the world looks alluring.
When the mind is in hatred, the world looks threatening.
When the mind is in ignorance, we don’t understand the true nature of things, including ourselves.
Creating Antidotes Turning The Poisons into Medicine We can counter our deeply ingrained patterns towards the three poisons by actively working to cultivate their antidotes ●
greed - generosity
hatred - loving kindness
ignorance - wisdom
We don’t have to stop here. We realize that we have the capacity to generate a limitless variety of good vibes, including: ● ● ● ● ● ●
gratitude humility unconditional positive regard acceptance comfort neutrality
It’s Your Mind You can do what you want with it.
The mind makes a wonderful servant, but a terrible master. -
The Bhagavad Gita
It’s Your Heart, Too How much love can you blast through the thing?
Mt. Tam Psychedelic Integration -Based in Marin, events across the Bay Area -Integration Sharing Circles -Psychedelic Science and Culture Events -One on One Coaching and Consulting -6 Week Integration Intensive Program -Partnered with The SF Psychedelic Society | @tamintegration
Mt. Tam Psychedelic Integration 6 Week Online Integration Intensive Tam Integration’s 6 week online intensive is designed to create a powerful container for people with emerging spiritual visions. The six sessions will offer group members an opportunity for community connection, coaching, guidance, and conscious practice.
Begins September, 2018 Six Community Calls, Six Smaller Circles (12 total) Private Online Chat Forum Optional One on One Sessions Save $50 with coupon code ‘onesalon’