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in Physics (Condensed matter and Synchrotron radiation) from the University J. Fourier in Grenoble. (France) in 2004. Af
The 3th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (ICAMN2016) October 2nd-5th, 2016 • Hanoi, Vietnam

Curriculum Vitae Personal Information Name

Gianluca Ciatto

Personal Title



Staff scientist


Experimental division


Synchrotron SOLEIL



○ Please write your biography briefly. It should NOT exceed a half page. Gianluca Ciatto received his MS in Physics from the University of Bologna (Italy) in 2000, and his PhD in Physics (Condensed matter and Synchrotron radiation) from the University J. Fourier in Grenoble (France) in 2004. After a three-year postdoctoral position at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), he joined in 2007 the French national synchrotron facility, SOLEIL (Paris area), as a permanent research staff member. There, at the beamline SIRIUS, he is in charge of the research line devoted to the study of surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures of semiconductors and magnetic materials and of several instrumentation projects. His research interests focus on understanding the structure of defects and complexes in semiconductors, mainly through the application of synchrotron radiation techniques. In particular, Dr. Ciatto is interested in III-V semiconductors for optoelectronics and solar cells applications and in dilute magnetic semiconductors and oxides. Recently, he also focused on the real-time study of the incipient growth of oxide nanostructures by using in situ characterization techniques. He is author or coauthor of over 50 refereed publications, mostly in the field of semiconductor materials and applied physics, and of three book chapters. He is editor of a book about the theory, properties and applications of hydrogenated dilute nitride semiconductors.

○ Selected publications. It should NOT exceed 5 publications. 1) Boichot, R., Tian, L., Richard, M. I., Crisci, A., Chaker, A., Cantelli, V., Coindeau, S., Lay, S., Ouled, T., Guichet, C., Chu, M. H., Aubert, N., Ciatto, G., Blanquet, E., Thomas, O., Deschanvres, J. L., Fong, D. and Renevier, H., Evolution of Crystal Structure During the Initial Stages of ZnO Atomic Layer Deposition, Chemistry of materials, 2016, 28 (2): 592–600. 2) Ciatto, G., Hydrogenated Dilute Nitride Semiconductors: Theory, Properties, and Applications, Pan Stanford, Singapore, 2015. 3) Ciatto, G., Di Trolio, A., Fonda, E., Alippi, P., Testa, A. M., & Amore Bonapasta, A., Evidence of Cobalt-Vacancy Complexes in Zn1-xCoxO Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors, Physical Review Letters, 2011, 107(12): 127206. 4) Ciatto, F. Boscherini, A. A. Bonapasta, F. Filippone, A. Polimeni, and M. Capizzi, Nitrogenhydrogen complex in GaAsxN1-x revealed by x-ray absorption spectroscopy, Physical Review B (Rapid Communications), 2005, 71, 201301. 5) Ciatto, G., Thomasset, M., Glas, F., Lu, X., & Tiedje, T., Formation and vanishing of short range ordering in GaAs1-xBix thin films, Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) , 2010, 82(20), 201304.

[The 3th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (ICAMN2016)] [email protected]