GIC2016 Convention Brochure_April Revised.pdf - Google Drive

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... AEC Era, October 10—13, 2016, in Bandung, Indonesia. The. convention is a collaboration of Regional Congress on Ge
ASEAN Earth Resources and Geoscientist Role in AEC Era October 10 - 13, 2016 The Trans Luxury Hotel, Bandung - Indonesia

“Invitation to Attend the GeoSEA XIV and 45th IAGI Annual Convention 2016” The Organizing Committee is pleased to invite you to the “GeoSEA XIV and 45th IAGI Annual Convention 2016, ASEAN Earth Resources and Geoscientist Role in AEC Era, October 10—13, 2016, in Bandung, Indonesia. The GIC 2016 Organizing Committee convention is a collaboration of Regional Congress on Geology, Mineral Resources and Energy Members: in Southeast Asia (GeoSEA) with the annual scientific meeting of the Indonesian Association GIC 2016 Convention Chair: of Geologists (IAGI - Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia). Iryanto Rompo PT. Buena Persada Mining SerMessage from GIC 2016 Chairman vices Dear Colleagues and Friends, [email protected] Welcome to the GeoSEA XIV and 45th IAGI Annual Convention 2016, or “GIC 2016” where the Regional Congress on Geology, Mineral Resources and Energy in SE Asia collaborates with the annual scientific meeting of the Indonesian Association of Geologists (IAGI – Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia). This convention aims to bring an excellent opportunity to exchange scientific, technical information and to advance geoscience in multidisciplinary fields including oil, gas, mining industries as well as other related fields. 2016 marks a significant milestone for the ASEAN countries with the AEC era (ASEAN Economic Community). It is also a perfect time for us to highlight the important geological issue of “ASEAN Earth Resources and Geoscientist Role in AEC Era” as the main theme of the convention. We hope this main theme will encourage the government in ASEAN countries to focus more on exploration, production and development of resources as well as inventory. If applied successfully, the result will be a comprehensive transfer of information from upstream to downstream that can be valuable for executives, employees, lecturers, and students. Knowledge, ideas, and experiences will be shared during the technical and nontechnical sessions. This Convention will also serve as a great opportunity for you to expose your visions and core technologies. GIC Bandung 2016 will be held from the 10th to the 13th of October 2016 in Bandung, West Java – just 150 kms southeast of Jakarta. As one of the major cities in Indonesia, Bandung has undergone a long history involving the Indonesian Association of Geologists which was established in 1960. Bandung is also well known as the home of major Indonesian geological experts that have contributed significantly to the development of geoscience and research in Indonesia. On behalf of the committees GIC 2016, it is my pleasure to invite you to participate as delegates, presenters, exhibitors and sponsors. We look forward to welcoming you to GIC 2016, and hope that you can extend your visit to enjoy some of the best that Bandung and the rest of Indonesia has to offer – our geology, food, museums, and beautiful landscapes. Selamat datang. Iryanto Rompo (IAGI #4078) Chairman of GIC Bandung 2016

Vice Chairman: Ipranta Wignyowinoto Centre of Geological Survey [email protected] Secretary: Rosalyn Wullandhary PT. Harita Mineral [email protected] Rina Zuraida PPGL Dwi Putri Novitasari Centre of Geological Survey [email protected] GIC 2016 Secretariat: Fisco Raseno [email protected] Cindi Kamelina [email protected] Sutarjo & Ajar [email protected] Treasury: Asri D Wijayanti PT. Greenland Resources [email protected] Isnu Sulistiawan Centre of Geological Agency [email protected]

TECHNICAL PROGRAM DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACT SUMISSION IS MARCH 11, 2016 Approximately more than 200 non-invited speaker plus 50 poster slots available

“ASEAN Earth Resources and Geoscientist Role in AEC Era” The theme is ASEAN Earth Resources and Geoscientist Role in AEC Era will cover the issues in oil and gas, minerals and coal, engineering as well as related fields. This convention will include panel discussion and invited speakers from leaders in research, industry and government. The 48 sessions of technical presentation in 2 days will feature distinguished speakers plus 30 posters and pre– and post-convention events and field trips comple- GIC 2016 Organizing Committee Members: menting the convention theme. Technical Program

Keynote Presentation and Panel Discussion

Technical Program Chair: Mega F Rosana University of Padjajaran [email protected]

Invited keynote and panel discussion session include two separate and coordinate talks on the earth resources in ASEAN countries and development of the ASEAN geoscientists. These comprehensive talks will include the re- Paper & Invited Paper: Nurcahyo I Basuki (ITB) sources industries (oil-gas, coal and minerals), infrastructure development, Rizqi Syawal (FGMI) disaster management and environmental conservation as well as the reAlaslami Dzara (Unpak) search development of basic geological sciences. Euis T Yuningsih (Unpad)

Technical Session

Aldis Ramdhan (Pertamina) Indra Sanjaya (PSG) IT & Publication:

Approximately more than 200 non-invited speakers and 50 posters will be Gayuh Putranto (Bumi Res.) presented in 2 days of technical session from October 12 - 13, 2016. The Mirzam Abdurrahman (ITB) technical session presentation will cover 12 main topics including General Ahmad Aksin (Elnusa) Tectonic of SE Asia; Renewable Resources; Mineral, Petroleum and Energy; Resources Management; Energy Scenario and Policy; G & G Methods, Tech- Judge: Benyamin Sapiie (ITB) nology and Application; Sedimentology and Stratigraphy; Environmental IsAde Kadarusman (Independent) sue and Hydrogeology; Geo-hazard and Mitigation; Volcanology and GeoZuardin Azzaino (Pertamina) thermal; Engineering Geology; Culture and Geo-tourism.

For online abstract submission, please visit: Deadline: March 11, 2016

Field Trips and Courses: Budi Brahmantyo (ITB) Hari Utomo (IAGI LC) Muh Najib (IAGI LC) Purnama Suwandi (GDA)

PRE-CONVENTION EVENTS The number of events will be preceding the GIC 2016 main convention. Please visit the GIC 2016 official website for the update ( or email us at [email protected] for further information

MGEI Annual Meeting 2016

GIC 2016 Organizing Committee Members:

MGEI Annual Meeting 2016 will introduce main theme Non-technical Program “Unconventional Exploration Target and Latest Technique and New Tools in Mineral and Coal Exploration”, this will Non-technical Program Chair: Benyamin Sembiring include talks on specific deposits such as orogenic gold PT. Geo-eksplorasi Persada type, IOCG, deposit associated with oceanic crust, REE, radioactive, coal, [email protected] dustrial mineral and PGE. A 2 days of Workshop on Breccia will be presented by Prof. Dr. David Cooke from CODES University of Tasmania - Australia pre- Venue and Exhibition: Surahmat (Solway), Asep Rahceding this MGEI Annual Meeting. Date

: October 4-6, 2016

Contribution : IDR 2,500,000


: Hotel Aston Bandung



: Herryadi Wachyudin, [email protected]

: +300 persons

Student Competition (Preliminary)

man (PSDG), Tri Febrianto (Independent) Sponsorship: Putrisunan H (Independent), Danu Widhisiaji (Total), Iman K Sinulingga (BG), Gusti Ayu Purnatika (Bima Sakti), Reza (Unpad)

Six competitions will be hosted by FGMI preceding the GIC Geophoto: 2016 main convention. This event will encourage students Andri M Subandrio (ITB), Okki who are joining IAGI student chapter (SM-IAGI) to compete Oktariadi (PSDAGL), Rubima A their geosciences skill. This event will be followed also by Yulman (Geoservices), Reza Permadi (Geotour) leadership session from HAGI - IAGI and IAGI student chapter (SM IAGI) conference. Date

: October 6-8, 2016

Contribution : IDR 300,000


: Jakarta


: +70 students


: Ari Yusliandi, [email protected]

GIC 2016 Committee reserves the right to cancel pre-convention events should minimum attendance number not be met by September 15, 2016.

Golf, Running 5k and Bike: Romdoni (Birdie), Satrio Agung (MSP), Pandu (Geotour), Rahman (Geotour), Esti Handayani (Tekmira), Terry Alfa Furqon (ITB), Ismawan (Unpad) Publication and Memento: Amran Dewangga (ITB), Muh Azka (Andalas), Haris Siagian (Independent), Adi Hardiyono (Unpad)

PRE-CONVENTION EVENTS The number of events will be preceding the GIC 2016 main convention. Please visit the GIC 2016 official website for the update ( or email us at [email protected] for further information

Gowes Bareng Geologist (Preliminary) Gowes Bareng Geologist is a social program to introduce, educate and share the geological knowledge to the public. This event will giving you extraordinary biking experience by follow the challenging track and visiting some interesting outcrop and landscape. Whilst you are enjoying the view, a trip leader will explain to you the geological phenomenon occurred. Date

: September 2016

Contribution : TBA


: Bandung and adjacent

Attendee Max : 150 persons

Trip Leader

: Budi Brahmantyo


: Terry Alfa Furqon, [email protected]

Geophoto Hunting

GIC 2016 Organizing Committee Members: Non-technical Program Registration: Mika (Landmark), Agata V Kindangen (PSDG), Widya Suleman (PSDG), Malia Adityarani (PVMBG) Social Events: M. Malik (ITB) Dian Novita (PSDG) Student Volunteer: Elok (Paradigm), Indra Gunawan (ITB), Irvan Sopyan (Unpad), Sokhwatul Aghnia (Tekmira)

Everyone can take a good picture, but it’s hard to make a great one. GEOPHOTO is a Photography event conducts an Transportation: annual photography hunting and comArti Primadona (GBU), Isnianto petition for everyone to educate and share the geological knowledge through (JOB Simanggaris), Arvi Perwira photography. This event will be taught and accompanied with expert photog(Independent) rapher during hunting. Shot the geological phenomenon and your picture will describe it. Be honored by receiving the sense of geology through photog- Ice Breaker, Opening and Closing: Dwandari Ralanarko (CNOOC), raphy, be featured in the GIC Exhibition in Bandung, and win a prize. Farrah Anggraeini (Drill Chem), Date

: October 7 - 10, 2016


: Bandung and adjacent

Contribution : IDR 3,000,000

Attendee Max : 28 persons Organizer

: Geotour Indonesia, [email protected]

GIC 2016 Committee reserves the right to cancel pre-convention events should minimum attendance number not be met by September 15, 2016.

Asriati Latief (BSA) Panel Discussion: Aveliansyah (PHE ONWJ), Syefriandi (Bima Sakti), Lia Reulina (ITB), Ildrem Syafri (Unpad)

PRE-CONVENTION EVENTS The number of events will be preceding the GIC 2016 main convention. Please visit the GIC 2016 official website for the update ( or email us at [email protected] for further information

Fun Run 5k (Preliminary)

GIC 2016 Organizing Committee Members:

If you want to run but are not sure where to start, then Paper Reviewer: this event offers a nice entry level. It’s open to people of all Abdurrokhim (Unpad), Ade Kaages and abilities including wheelchair entrants and childarusman (Consultant), Agus dren accompanied by adults. So if you’re thinking you’d Didit (Unpad), Arifuddin Idrus like to do some running but haven’t had the opportunity, (UGM), Arif Zardi Dahlius the 5K Fun Run is for you. The start/finish will be at Museum Geologi, Ban(MGEI), Budi Brahmantyo (ITB), Budi Muljana (Unpad), Boy dung. Completion of a 5K is certainly an achievement to be proud of! Entries Yosef (Unpad), Chairul Nas are limited so don’t be slow to get your place. Date

: October 2, 2016

Contribution : TBA


: Bandung and adjacent

Attendee Max : 500 persons


: Geotour Indonesia, [email protected]

GIC 2016 Committee reserves the right to cancel pre-convention events should minimum attendance number not be met by September 15, 2016.

GIC 2016 SECRETARIAT: Badan Geologi, Pusat Survey Geologi Gd. A Lt. 1 RG Jl. Diponegoro No 57, Bandung,, Indonesia - 40122 Telp. +62-22-7203205 ext 162, Facs. +62-22-7202669 Email: [email protected]

(Usakti), Dicky Muslim (Unpad), Djedi Widarto (Pertamina), Emi Sukiyah (Unpad), Euis T Yuningsih (Unpad), Gatot Sudrajat (Badan Geologi), Gede Swantika (Badan Geologi), Hendarmanan (Unpad), Hermes Panggabean (Badan Geologi), Herriyadi Rahmat (Badan Geologi), Igan Sutawijaya (Badan Geologi), Ildrem Syafri (Unpad), Imam Sadisun (ITB), Jatmiko P Atmojo (Pertamina), Johnson A Padju (SKK Migas), Lucas D Setiadji (UGM), Mega F Rosana (Unpad), Moh Saiful (Unpak), Nana Suwarna (Badan Geologi), Ninik Rina H (ITB), Nurcahyo I Basuki (ITB), Oke Sobarin (Unpad), Rovicky D Putrohari (SAKA), Surono (Badan Geologi), Wafid (Badan Geologi), Yoseph Swamidharma (KCMI IAGI-MGEI), Zulfiadi Zakaria (Unpad)

POST CONVENTION EVENTS The number of place is limited for the following events. Visit the GIC 2016 official website for the update ( or email us at [email protected] for further information


GIC Golf Tournament


: Sunday, October 16, 2016


: Riverside GC


: Birdie, [email protected]

Description: The committee is organizing golf tournament in Jakarta. The similar golf tournament organized by Birdie has successfully done last year as a post convention event of JCB 2015. Please visit to join in this event and win a luxury car. Attendee Maximum Registration

Ciletuh National Geopark, Sukabumi (Preliminary)

FT-01 Date

: 144 players : IDR 2,500,000


Friday - Sunday October 14 - 16, 2016 (3 days) Ciletuh Geopark, Sukabumi - West Java


Hari Utomo, [email protected]

Trip Leader

Mega F Rosana, Awang H Satyana

Description: Ciletuh is known as a complex geological phenomenon in Java Island. The complexity of Ciletuh represented by the occurrence of mélanges, ultrabasic

rocks, metamorphic rock and deep sedimentary rocks in various sizes. The group tour starts with a drive to the southwest of Bandung for panoramic amphitheater view of the Ciletuh. By visiting Ciletuh, you will enjoy to see the pre-Tertiary outcrops mixed with alluring landscape of mountain, hills and shore. Attendee Maximum Registration

FT-02 Date

: 20 persons : To be announced

Gunung Padang Megalithic Site (Preliminary)


Friday - Saturday October 14 - 15, 2016 (2 days) Karyamukti, Cianjur - West Java


Hari Utomo, [email protected]

Trip Leader

Danny Hilman Natawidjaja

Description: The Gn. Padang is known as a largest megalithic site in Southeastern Asia. Located at 855 m above sea level, the site covers a hill in a series of terraces bordered by retaining walls of stone that are accessed about 400 successive andesite steps rising about 95 m. Attendee Maximum Registration

: 30 persons : To be announced

POST CONVENTION EVENTS The number of place is limited for the following events. Visit the GIC 2016 official website for the update ( or email us at [email protected] for further information

FT-03 Date

Cibaliung Gold Mine Krakatoa Volcano


Thursday - Sunday October 13 - 16, 2016 (4 days) Banten and Sunda Strait


MGEI, [email protected]

Trip Leader

Igan Sutawijaya

Attendee Maximum Registration


Bandung Basin (To be confirmed)


Friday October 14, 2016 Bandung and adjacent area



GIC, [email protected]

A 4 days field trip will bring you to visit the underground gold mine and to Krakatoa Volcano in Sunda Strait. The Cibaliung Gold Mine located in Banten, is epithermal gold silver deposit and has been produce 412,000 oz of gold over 6.5 years from its mechanised cut and fill underground mine. After visiting Cibaliung, the tour will continue to climb up to the peak of Krakatoa Volcano.

Trip Leader

To be confirmed


Friday - Monday October 14 - 17, 2016 (4 days) South Sulawesi and adjacent area

Attendee Maximum Registration


GIC, [email protected]

Trip Leader

To be confirmed

FT-04 Date

: 30 persons : To be announced

Penjom Gold Mine, Malaysia (To be confirmed)


Friday - Monday October 14 - 17, 2016 (4 days) Penjom, Pahang - Malaysia


MGEI, [email protected]

Trip Leader

To be confirmed


: 30 persons : to be announced

Attendee Maximum Registration

FT-06 Date

: 30 persons : to be announced

Geology of South Sulawesi (To be confirmed)

Attendee Maximum Registration

: 20 persons : to be announced

GIC 2016 Committee reserves the right to cancel post convention event and field trips should minimum attendance number not be met by October 01, 2016.

ASEAN Earth Resources and Geoscientist Role in AEC Era October 10 - 13, 2016 Transtudio Hotel, Bandung - Indonesia

“Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunity” By sponsoring or exhibiting at GIC 2016 means you will be supporting and play important part in this regional convention and technical program to be presented in Indonesia. Your financial support will directly benefit to the GIC 2016 events. We are expect an audience of more than 500 geologists and exploration professionals from SE Asia and Pacific. This will include a mix of industry, government, and academia. There are a wide variety of sponsorship opportunities available at the convention. We also invite any new proposals you may wish to put forward; the Committee is happy to negotiate a package that will be of maximum benefit to your organization and the convention. If you wish to purchase a sponsorship or exhibition package, please complete the booking form on the back page of the Proposal. If you have any questions regarding the opportunities, please contact Putrisunan Haryanto ([email protected]) Chair of the GIC 2016 Sponsorship Committee; Benyamin Sembiring ([email protected]) Chair of the Non-technical Program, Rosalyn Wullandhary ([email protected]) Secretary of GIC 2016 Committee, or direct to GIC 2016 Secretariat ([email protected]). For questions on the exhibition, please contact Surahmat ([email protected]). Details on the Convention and sponsorship/exhibition can be found on our website at http:// Join us as a sponsor or exhibitor to reach the SE Asia leading geoscience in beautiful Bandung, Indonesia in October 2016. Kind regards,

Iryanto Rompo GIC 2016 Chairman

Sukmandaru Prihatmoko IAGI Chairman

A number of sponsorship options are available to support the convention, ranging from multiple sponsors at IDR 25,000,000 to exclusive sponsor at IDR 250,000,000. Cooperation is also can support by becoming a sponsor at one of the following levels:

Platinum Gold Silver A full Sponsorship and Exhibition Proposal is available at http:// Benefits include in all categories and complimentary registration in upper level sponsorship. If you would like to discuss Sponsorship/Exhibition for the convention or require further information, please contact either Putrisunan Haryanto [email protected] Benyamin Sembiring [email protected] Rosalyn Wullandhary [email protected] or email us at: [email protected]

EXHIBITION Exhibition Sites (IDR 4,000,000 per sq. meter) Included :  Area measuring 3m wide x 3m deep for Earth Booth Type; 3m wide x 2.5m deep for Mars Booth Type; and 3m wide x 2m wide for Lunar Booth Type.

 Booth structure with side walls and back walls.

 Header board with your company name  Table and chairs, lighting and power  Your organization listed on the convention official website.

Booking an Exhibition Space: Surahmat [email protected] Putrisunan Haryanto [email protected] GIC 2016 Secretariat [email protected] Telp. +62-22-7203205 ext. 162

Exhibition Hour: Tuesday, October 11, 2016 08.00 to 17.00 Wednesday, October 12, 2016 08.00 to 17.00 Thursday, October 13, 2016 08.00 to 12.00

SPONSORSHIP AND EXHIBITION BOOKING FORM To complete your application, please fill the booking form below and send to: [email protected] Payment Terms: A payment of 30% of the sponsorship package and/ or exhibition fee must accompany your completed booking form. The balance is to be paid 1.5 months prior to the convention. If transferring internationally, please ensure that you add the international transaction fee to your payment.

Cancellation: A cancellation fee of 25% will be applicable for any sponsorship package or exhibition booking cancel up to 2 months prior to the convention. No refund will apply after August 10, 2016.

Transfer could be addressed to: Bank Account: Bank Mandiri Account Name: Ikatan Ahi Geologi Indonesia Account Number: 123 0085 005314 Swift Code: BRMIIDJA

REGISTRATION GIC 2016 Registration — Opens April 10, 2016 Early Registration - before July 31, 2016

Late Registration - after July 31, 2016

IAGI Member* — IDR 2,000,000

IAGI Member* — IDR 2,500,000

Non-member — IDR 2,500,000

Non-member — IDR 3,000,000

*Please ensure that your membership is valid until 2015

*Please ensure that your membership is valid until 2015

Register online at To complete your registration, please fill the registration form below and send to: [email protected] Transfer could be addressed to: Bank Account: Bank Mandiri Account Name: Ikatan Ahi Geologi Indonesia Account Number: 123 0085 005314 Swift Code: BMRIIDJA

GIC 2016 SECRETARIAT: Badan Geologi, Pusat Survey Geologi Gd. A Lt. 1 RG Jl. Diponegoro No 57, Bandung Indonesia - 40122 Telp. +62-22-7203205 ext 162 Facs. +62-22-7202669 Email: [email protected]