Gina M

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Updated: 11/18/15. 2013-present Faculty Member of the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, Georgetown University, Washington, ... Law & Psychiatry Program & Center for Mental Health Services Research ...... Amsterdam: IOS Press. Odgers ...
Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.


Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Director of Translational Law & Psychiatry Research Systems & Psychosocial Advances Research Center (SPARC) Department of Psychiatry University of Massachusetts Medical School 222 Maple Ave, Chang Building Shrewsbury, MA 01545

E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (508) 856-8727 Fax: (508) 856-8605


PhD, Experimental Psychology - Law and Forensic Psychology Specialization Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada Dissertation: The Legitimacy of Psychopathy Assessments in Young Offenders: Contributions of Item Response Theory

Apr 1999

M.A., Experimental Psychology – Law and Forensic Psychology Specialization Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada Thesis: Criminal Responsibility After Bill C-30: Factors Predicting Acquittal and Lengths of Confinement in BC

Dec 1994

B.A., Psychology University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage, Alaska Cum Laude, Departmental Honors, Leadership Honors


President, National Youth Screening and Assessment Partners (NYSAP) A technical assistance, research and training center for screening and assessment tools for juvenile justice agencies. Worcester, MA


Co-Director of the Law & Psychiatry Program Department of Psychiatry University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA


Research Associate Professor of Psychiatry Systems & Psychosocial Advances Research Center (SPARC) Department of Psychiatry University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA


Director of Translational Law & Psychiatry Research Department of Psychiatry University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA


Faculty Member of the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Law, Brain & Behavior (CLBB) Harvard Mind, Brain and Behavior (MBB) Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA

Updated: 11/18/15

Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.



Faculty Member of the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, Georgetown University, Washington, DC


Affiliate Member Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC


Co-Director of the National Youth Screening and Assessment Project (NYSAP) SPARC, Department of Psychiatry University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA


Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Law & Psychiatry Program & Center for Mental Health Services Research Department of Psychiatry University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA

2002 –2004

Instructor Department of Psychiatry Law & Psychiatry Program University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA

OTHER PAST POSITIONS AND EXPERIENCE 2011 – present Juvenile Assessment and Research Consultant State of Connecticut Judicial Branch Court Support Services Division 2006–present Adult Psychopathic Personality Assessment Consultant To the Mentally Ill/Problematic Sexual Behavior Program Massachusetts Department of Mental Health 2005–present National Risk Assessment Consultant for Juvenile Justice Department of Psychiatry University of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester, MA 2003-present

Juvenile Personality Assessment Consultant Wayside Youth & Family Support Network Massachusetts Department of Mental Health


Research Consultant Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center School of Public Health, Juvenile Justice Program

2001 - 2002

Research Officer Riverview Hospital Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada

Updated: 11/18/15

Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.

1999 - 2002

Mental Health Intake Interviewer Surrey Pretrial Services Centre Surrey, BC, Canada

1994 – 1996

Program Evaluator Center for Psychosocial Development University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage, AK

1993 - 1996

Grant Writer Center for Human Development: University Affiliated Program (CHD:UAP) University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage, AK


Post-Graduate Educational Activities/Trainings 2011 – AAMC Early Career Women in Medicine Leadership Training Four day training in leadership qualities for academic careers in medicine, Washington DC. 2009 – Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) Three-day train-the-tramer workshop on administration of the YLS/CMI, Robert Hoge, Harrisburg, PA. Sponsored by Models for Change Initiative. 2007 – Structured Assessment Violence Risk for Youth (SAVRY) One-day workshop on administration of the SAVRY, Patrick Bartel, Burnaby, British Columbia. 2002 – Test Construction and Item Response Theory Four month course, Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada 2001 - Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version Assessment Training 1 day workshop, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Sponsored by the Department of Psychiatry, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 1997 - Psychopathy Checklist-Revised and HCR-20 Risk Assessment Training 3-day workshop included HCR-20 & VRAG; Vancouver, BC. Sponsored by the Mental Health, Law, & Policy Institute 1994 - Grant Writing Certificate of Competency, University of Alaska Anchorage 8-month experiential training program sponsored by the Center for Human Development: University Affiliated Program HONORS & AWARDS 2011 – AAMC Early Career Women in Medicine Leadership Conference – accepted attendee after competitive application process and nomination from one’s institution. 2010 – American-Psychology Law Society Interdisciplinary Research Grant Award - “fMRI Study of CallousUnemotional Conduct Disorder and Co-Morbid Drug Abuse”, $5000. 2009 – Invited member of the National Institute of Justice Workgroup on the Scientific Study of Early Adult Offending 2009 – UMass Psychiatry Junior Investigator Research Fellowship – “fMRI Study of Adolescents with CallousUnemotional Conduct Disorder and Co-Morbid Drug Abuse”, $5000. 2006 –Renewed Recipient of the National Institutes of Health Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program Updated: 11/18/15

Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.


2004 – Nominee for the William T. Grant Young Scholars Award, University of Massachusetts Medical School. 2003 – 2005 –National Institutes of Health Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program – Grant recipient; based on potential for a career in research in the behavioral sciences. 2003 – American Psychology-Law Society Dissertation Award 2002 - Canadian Research Policy Award: Graduate Student Prize –Awarded by the Policy Research Initiative to recognize excellence in the advancement and use of research that contributes to public policy development 2002 - Graduate Research Stipend – Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC 1999 - Matanuska Electric Association Scholarship - Private Corporation funding based on academic merit $3000 1998 –2001 - Graduate Fellowships- Received for 3 academic years, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC 1998 - APLS Grants-in-Aid - Research funding award for Risk Factors, Trial Outcomes, and Disposition Decisions for Criminal Responsibility: British Columbia’s Experience with Bill C-30 1995 - Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society 1995 - All-USA College Academic Team: Honorable Mention - USA Today National Recognition award based on outstanding academic performance 1994 - Distinguished Psychology Student Award - University of Alaska Anchorage recognition award based on outstanding academic performance and research activities PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy (SSSP) 2009-present Full Member 2003-2009 Affiliate Member American Psychology-Law Society (APLS) 2013-present Professional Development of Woment Committee Chair 2012 Professional Development of Women Committee Member 2010-present Teaching, Training, Mentoring Committee Member 2010-present Conference Committee Member 2009 Conference Co-Chair for the 2009 Annual APLS Conference 2007 – 2010 Dissertation Awards Committee Member 2005-present Member and Chair of the Psychopathy & Juvenile Justice Specialty Reviewer Panels 2002-present Member 1998-2005 Conference proposal reviewer 1996-2002 Student Affiliate 1998-present Conference Reviewer, American Psychological Association: Division 41 International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAFMHS) 2006-2012 Scientific Review Committee Member 2002-present Member 1999-2002 Student Affiliate Updated: 11/18/15

Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.


EDITORIAL SERVICE Editorial Board Appointments 20122006 2006 2004 –

Law and Human Behavior Assessment Behavioral Sciences and the Law International Journal of Forensic Mental Health

Reviewer Scholarly Journals: Aggressive Behavior; Criminal Justice and Behavior; The Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science; Law and Human Behavior; Journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology; Cognitive and Behavioral Practice; Personality and Individual Differences; Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; Psychology, Public Policy, & the Law, BMJ Reviewer Books: Guilford Press, Oxford Press Scientific Review Committee for Professional Conferences: American Psychological Association: Division 41 (Reviewer since 1998) American Psychology/Law Society (Reviewer since 1998) International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (Reveiwer since 2006) Grant reviewer: 2009 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada 2008 National Science Foundation 2008 University of Pennsylvania 2007 -pres NIH Loan Repayment Program Products/Book Reviewer 2013 – National Institute of Justice (monograph review) EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Teaching Activities 2013 – Massachusetts Treatment Center Didactic. Didactic presented to clinicians and staff regarding psychopathy in youth. 2011-present – UMass Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Fellows, Seminar Lecturer, Umass Medical School. Teach one seminar per year to fellows about psychopathic personality disorder and violence risk assessment among youth. 2007-2009 – UMass Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Resident Journal Club, Facilitator, UMass Medical School. Bimonthly group to provide 5 residents with experiential training in how to evaluate and interpret research and statistical methods in research journal articles. 2007 – Effect Sizes and Meta-Analyses, Seminar Developer and Lecturer, Umass Medical School. Seminar to the 5 residents in the Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Resident program 2006 – Item Response Theory: Principles and Uses, Seminar Developer and Lecturer, Umass Medical School. Two seminars provided to the 10 members of the CMHSR Methods Core and 25 individuals in the Psychiatry Behavioral Statistics Department Updated: 11/18/15

Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.


2003-present – UMass Law & Psychiatry Fellowship program, Seminar Developer and Lecturer, Umass Medical School. Teach two seminar sessions per year pertaining to psychopathic personality disorder and juvenile violence risk assessment; and a two-day workshop on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised yearly. Approximately 60 postdocs & fellows taught. 2003-present – UMass Clinical Psychology Internship program, Seminar Developer and Lecturer, Umass Medical School. Teach two seminar sessions per year pertaining to psychopathic personality disorder, mental health screening for juvenile justice, or juvenile violence risk assessment; and a two-day workshop on the Hare Psychopathy ChecklistRevised. Approximately 60 interns taught. 2003-present – UMass Psychiatry Residents (PGY3 & 4), Seminar Developer and Lecturer, Umass Medical School. Teach one seminar per year to psychiatry residents about psychopathic personality disorder and violence risk assessment. Approximately 50 residents taught. 2000–01 – Abnormal Psychology, Tutor Marker, Simon Fraser University (SFU), Burnaby, BC. Developed grading criteria, marking, and maintained student records; Instructor: Barry Ledwidge, PhD 2000 – Introduction to Law and Psychology, Teaching Assistant for Distance Education, SFU. Weekly supervision of 40 undergraduate students, supervise the development of major papers involving the psychological analysis of independently selected legal assumptions, marking, and maintained student records; Professor: James Ogloff, PhD 1998-99 – Abnormal Psychology, Teaching Assistant SFU. Developed curriculum and all instruction materials for weekly tutorials, lectured for tutorials (4 tutorials/semester, 4 hrs./wk), marking, and maintained student records; Instructor: Barry Ledwidge, PhD 1996-98 – Experimental Research Methods in Psychology, Lab Instructor, SFU. Developed lab curriculum and all instruction materials, instructor for labs (2 labs/semester, 4 hrs./wk), supervised undergraduate student (40 per semester) research projects, graded, and maintained student records 1995-96 – Research Methods for Psychology, Teaching Assistant, UAA. Taught workshops on data analysis, supervised undergraduate student research, lectured, graded, and maintained student records; Professor: Greg Meyers 1995 – Graduate Advanced Statistics for Psychology: Computer Applications, Teaching Assistant, UAA. Taught labs regarding statistics and use of data analysis software and supervised graduate students; Professor: Claudia Lampan 1993-94 – Statistics for Psychology, Teaching Assistant, University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA). Taught study groups and occasional course lectures, developed some instructional materials, marking, and maintained student records; Professor: John Petraitis, PhD Guest Lectures June 2008 – “Psychopathy”, seminar for the forensic psychology doctoral program, Fordham University, New York. July 2004 – “Psychopathy: Ethical and Policy Implications”; seminar for the doctoral program in social work, Smith College, Northampton, MA. March 2004 & 2005 – “The Massachusetts Youth Screening Inventory: National Norm Study”, Graduate Psychiatry and Epidemiology Course, Boston University, Boston, MA July 2003 – “Researching and Impacting Policy”; seminar for the doctoral program in social work, Smith College, Northampton, MA. Updated: 11/18/15

Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.


March 2003 – “The Massachusetts Youth Screening Inventory and Mental Disorder in Juvenile Delinquents”, Undergraduate Psychiatry and Epidemiology Course, Boston University, Boston, MA March 2001 – “Criminal Responsibility and Competence to Stand Trial”, Undergraduate Special Topics in Psychology Course, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC May 2000 – “Psychopathy in Adolescents”, Undergraduate Young Offenders and Criminal Justice: Advanced Topics Course, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC November 1999 – “Psychopathic Personality Disorder”, Undergraduate Young Offenders and Criminal Justice: Advanced Topics Course, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC Advising & Supervision 2008-2014 – Laura Guy, PhD, UMMS Research Fellowship, Research Postdoc Supervisor, Faculty Mentor – supervised on coordinating grant funded research and her UMMS research fellowship (Intimate Partner Violence for Women project). 2008-2010 –Research Grant Submission Advising –Advise senior, junior, and clinical faculty by reviewing and editing grant submissions and providing statistical consultation – approximately 15 grant submissions (four as co-investigator). Clinicians assisted included Bruce Meltzer, MD and Kamlyn Haynes, MD. 2004-present – Debbie Truong, MA, Rebecca Nelson, PhD Candidate, Nathan Cook, PhD, Samantha Fusco, PhD Candidate, Melissa Paiva, PhD Candidate, Rachael Perrault, MA, & Anna Terry, PsyD, Research supervisor for undergraduate and graduate students. Supervise one to three research associates per year, who are in transition to doctoral programs to assist with grant funded research projects; leading to five co-authored publications, approximately 24 co-authored professional conference presentations, and four accepted into or completed doctoral programs. 2004-present – Psychopathy Assessment supervisor – Supervise assessments of psychopathic personality disorder with the Hare Psychopathy Checklist by forensic psychiatrists, forensic psychologists, post-doctorate students, and fellows at Worcester State Hospital for over 40 patient cases. 2003-2008 –Law & Psychiatry postdoctoral fellowship program, Research Supervisor. Supervised one fellow or postdoc’s research project requirement per year. Thesis and Dissertation Committees May 2013 - Scarlett Woods, MA Candidate, Predictive Validity of the SAVRY Within a Diverse Population of Juvenile Offenders, Rodger Williams University. MA Thesis Committee member. Sept 2011 – Kathryn Lawing, PhD Candidate, Predicting Risk in Juvenile Sexual Offenders; University of New Orleans. May 2009 – Anna Terry, PsyD, High-conflict Parents’ Experiences of Being Court-Ordered to a Child Custody Evaluation: A Pilot Study. Dissertation project Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology (MSPP) May 2008 - Trevor Barase, MA, Psychopathy and Adolescent Females: Does Gender Moderate the Relation Between Childhood Trauma and PCL:YV Scores? MA Thesis, Roger Williams University May 2008 - Nathan Cook, MA, The confluence of psychopathic traits, violence, and mental health needs in adolescent females: Theoretical and treatment implications; MA Thesis, Roger Williams University May 2008 - Jim Conway, Psy.D., Psychopathy and Moral Culpability; Dissertation project MSPP Updated: 11/18/15

Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.


May 2007 – Leah Logan, Psy.D., MAYSI-2 Scores in Juvenile Detention: Changes Over Time; MSPP CME/CLE WORKSHOPS CONDUCTED

March 2015 - Making Risk Management Decisions in Diversion, Placement, & Community Supervision with Thomas Grisso & Edward Dolan. 6-hour workshop for 50 leaders in juvenile justice in Massachusetts (commissioners, attorneys, court clinicians, probation chiefs, judges, etc). Presented in the Department of Youth Services’ SAG Leadership Series, Grafton, MA. February 2015 – Probation Officer Training on the Juvenile Probation – Arraignment/Appearance Screening Tool (J-PAST) with Rachael Perrault. Half-day training workshop for probation officers on how to complete and implement the J-PAST for use in youth bail and pretrial detention decisions. The curriculum includes adolescent development and delinquency, design of the tool, and practice cases. Two workshops presented to 100 juvenile probation officers per workshop. February 2015 – Judges’ Training on the Juvenile Probation – Arraignment/Appearance Screening Tool (JPAST). 2.5 hour workshop on the development and use of the J-PAST presented to all juvenile judges in MA. Screening and Assessment for Youth Diversion Programs. 3-hour module presented at the Georgetown University Diversion Certificate Program. Sponsored by The Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, Georgetown University. • Sept 2014 – Washington, DC. Training for 50 selected juvenile justice administrators and staff. Screening and Assessment of Youth in Custody. 3-hour module presented at the Georgetown University Youth in Custody Certificate Program. Sponsored by The Center for Juvenile Justice Reform at Georgetown University. • July 2015 - Washington, DC. Training for 50 selected juvenile justice administrators and staff. • June 2014 - Washington, DC. Training for 50 selected juvenile justice administrators and staff. • June 2013 – Washington, DC. Training for 50 selected juvenile justice administrators and staff. Use of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk for Youth (SAVRY). Conducted over 15 2-day SAVRY workshops to train probation officers and other juvenile justice personnel on how to rate the SAVRY and use it in juvenile risk assessments. Conducted the following additional one-day SAVRY workshops for clinicians that involved obtaining CMEs. • March 2014 – New Orleans, LA. A full-day training workshop for 30 forensic clinicians and post-doctoral students as a pre-conference workshop at the American Psychology-Law Society (APLS). • September 2013 - Worcester, MA.A full-day training workshop for 40 forensic clinicians and post-doctoral students in use of the SAVRY for youth risk assessments. Sponsor: NAFI. May 2013 – Youth Violence: Strategies for Effective Assessment, Implementation, and Treatment. A half-day workshop for 120 substance abuse providers and juvenile justice personnel. Sponsored by the Summer Change Agent Conference: Assessing and Managing Violent Behavior, Anchorage, AK. ASTAR Courts National Judges’ Science School: Features and Limitations of Risk Assessment Tools for Youth. A 1-hour seminar within a 2-day training for regional judges on neurobiology and violence evidence in court. • December 2012 – Seattle, WA. Training for 40 ASTAR judges from the western region. • October 2012 – Chicago, IL. Training for 40 ASTAR judges from the midwestern region. August 2012 – Identification of the Serious Violent Offender Among Youth: Contributions of Risk Assessment. A full-day training workshop for psychiatric hospital staff, correctional staff, and juvenile justice personnel sponsored by Larned State Hospital, Larned, KS. Updated: 11/18/15

Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.


May 2012 – Youth Risk Assessment in Juvenile Justice Systems. A 1-hour training for clinicians and juvenile justice personnel presented in the Court Based Assessment Series on Violence and Violence Risk Assessment, Rocky Hill, CT. Sponsored by the Juvenile Services Branch of the CT Court Support Services Division. June 2010 – Risk Assessment Strategies for Diversion, Worcester, MA. Presentation at the annual DMH Forensic Psychology/Psychiatry conference. December 2009 - Imaging the Brain: Possibilities and Limitations in the context of Psychiatric Disorders and the Law with Jean King, Worcester, MA. Monday UMass Law & Psychiatry Seminar. A 1.5 hour CME session for postdocs, interns, fellows, and state forensic clinicians March 2009 - Risk Assessment and Case Management for Juvenile Justice: The Role of Psychopathy, Banff, Alberta, Canada. The 41st Banff International Conference on Behavioural Science, Psychopathy Traits in Youth: Research and Practice. June 2008 - Mental Health Assessments and Risk/Needs Assessments for Recidivism. Workshop for 50 attorneys at the Barry University Juvenile Defender’s Summit, Cocoa Beach, FL. Psychopathy: Use of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) & its Screening Version (PCL-R:SV) Trainings. A 2 full-day training workshop for clinicians including a review of psychopathy literature, coding and scoring of the PCL-R and SV, practice cases, and violence risk assessment.  October 2009 – Salem, OR. Short trainings for various levels of over 200 staff at the Oregon State Forensic Hospital.  March 2008 –Worcester, MA. Training for 20 forensic clinicians. Sponsor: Mentally Ill & Problematic Sexual Behavior program, Department of Mental Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  November 2007 –Worcester, MA. Training for 22 forensic clinicians, post-doc students, and interns. Sponsor: Department of Mental Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  September 2006 –Brockton, MA. Training for 40 forensic psychiatrist and psychologist qualified examiners and MA treatment center clinicians working with sex offenders. Sponsor: Forensic Health Services.  February 2006 –Washington, DC. Training for 35 forensic and civil psychiatric clinicians. Sponsor: St. Elizabeth’s Hospital.  June 2005 –Worcester, MA. Training for 15 forensic clinicians. Sponsor: Mentally Ill & Problematic Sexual Behavior program, Department of Mental Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  May 2004 –Worcester, MA. Training for 30 Union Social Workers and LHMCs in Massachusetts. Sponsor: Department of Mental Health, Commonwealth of Massachusetts.  May 2004 –Milledgeville, GA. Training for 50 Forensic Psychologists and Psychiatrists in the Forensic system of Georgia. Sponsor: Georgia State Forensic Department.  May 2003 –Newton, MA. Training for 40 forensic clinicians and case managers. Sponsor: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, Forensic Services, and the University of Massachusetts Department of Psychiatry.  April 2003 with Stephen Hart, Newton, MA. Training for 40 forensic clinicians. Sponsor: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, Forensic Services, and the University of Massachusetts Department of Psychiatry.  March 2003 with Stephen Hart, Newton, MA. Training for 40 forensic clinicians. Sponsor: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, Forensic Services, and the University of Massachusetts Department of Psychiatry. Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) & its Screening Version (PCL-R:SV) Practice Case Trainings. A half-day training workshop for clinicians needing to complete five to six practice cases before conducting PCL-R assessments in the field without supervision. Participants view a video case, score the PCL-R and PCL:SV, and receive feedback in a group. Updated: 11/18/15

Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.

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January-December 2008 – Worcester, MA. Five half-day sessions for clinicians from the Mentally Ill/Problematic Sexual Behavior Program, Worcester State Hospital, and Westborough State Hospital January 2007 - Brockton, MA. Training for 40 forensic psychiatrist and psychologist qualified examiners and MA treatment center clinicians working with sex offenders. Sponsor: Forensic Health Services.

Assessing Juveniles’ Adjudicative Competence to Stand Trial Trainings. A 1.5 day regional training workshop for 37 juvenile court clinic clinicians in the Assessing Juveniles’ Adjudicative Competence: A Guide for Clinical Practice (Grisso, 2005), a product of the Juveniles’ Adjudicative Competency Project: Phase II funded by the MacArthur Foundation.  March 2008 – with Thomas Grisso & Albert Grudzinskas, Jacksonville, FL. A half-day training for 30 clinicians, attorneys, and students about developmental, legal, and clinical issues in the assessment of competence to stand trial for juveniles. Sponsor: American Psychology/Law Society Conference.  December 2005 with Thomas Grisso, St. Louis, OH.  October 2005 with Thomas Grisso, Atlanta, GA  August 2005 with Thomas Grisso, San Francisco, CA  June 2005 with Thomas Grisso, Philadelphia, PA June 2007 – Risk Assessment for Juveniles, Baton Rouge, LA. Presentation in a 1-day training workshop for 50 Louisiana juvenile justice stakeholders about screening and assessment practices for youth. Sponsor: MacArthur Foundation, Models for Change Project. December 2006 – MAYSI’s Across the Nation: What do 70,000 Delinquents Tell us About Youths’ Mental Health Symptoms? with Tom Grisso, Monday UMass Law & Psychiatry Seminar, Worcester, MA. A 1.5 hour CME session for postdocs, interns, fellows, and state forensic clinicians. October 2005 – Using Forensic Assessment Instruments with Chad Tillbrook and Denise Mumley, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. A half-day training workshop for 70 psychiatrists at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law. October 2003 – Juvenile Psychopathy Assessment, Monday UMass Law & Psychiatry Seminar, Worcester, MA. A 1.5 hour CME session for postdocs, interns, fellows, and state forensic clinicians. Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version (PCL:YV; Forth, Kosson, & Hare, 2003) Research Administration Trainings, A 2 full-day training workshop including a review of the adult psychopathy and adolescent psychopathy literature, etiological theories, coding the PCL:YV, uses of the PCL:YV, interview techniques, and practice cases.  March 2003 University of Virginia Arlington, Arlington, VA. Sponsor: Aggressive and Violent Girls: Contributing Factors, Developmental Course and Intervention Project, funded by the Canadian Institute for Humanities Research: Institute of Gender & Health.  February 2003 - Burnaby Youth Forensic Clinic, Burnaby, BC, Canada. Sponsor: Aggressive and Violent Girls: Contributing Factors, Developmental Course and Intervention Project, funded by the Canadian Institute for Humanities Research: Institute of Gender & Health WEBINARS Vincent, GM, & Clement, K. (2015, February). Implementing Risk Assessment & Measuring Outcomes. Webinar presented to juvenile justice practitioners. Sponsored by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Deliquency Prevention. Vincent, GM, & Chapman, J. (2014, October). Screening and Assessment for Youth in Custody. Webinar presented to juvenile justice practitioners. Sponsored by the National Youth in Custody in conjunction with NTTAC. Vincent, GM (2013, April). Doing it Right : Risk Assessment in Juvenile Justice. Webinar presented to juvenile justice practitioners. Sponsored by the National Juvenile Justice Network. Vincent, G. M. (2012, September). Maximizing the Impact of Juvenile Justice Interventions: The Importance of Risk/Needs Assessment. Video taped training sponsored by the Center for Safe Schools, PA. Updated: 11/18/15

Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.


Vincent, G. M. (2012, July). Maximizing the Impact of Juvenile Justice Interventions: The Importance of Risk/Needs Assessment. Webinar presented to US prosecutors. Sponsored by the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, Georgetown University, Washington, DC. Vincent, G. M. (2012, April). Importance of Risk/Needs Assessment for Reentry. Webinar presented to US juvenile justice administrators. Sponsored by the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, Georgetown University, Washington, DC. Vincent, G. M. (2011, May). Maximizing the Impact of Interventions of Youth : The Importance of Risk/Needs Assessment. Webinar to juvenile justice practitioners, sponsored by the Council of State Governments. Vincent, G. M. (2011, April). Charting the Road Ahead : Using Screenings and Risk/Needs Assesssments in Juvenile Justice. Webinar to Systems of Care grantees, sponsored by the Technical Assistance Partnership. OTHER TRAININGS DiCataldo, F., Kinscherff, R., & Vincent, G. M. (2015, May). Assessment of Violence Risk Among Court-Involved Youth. 3-hour training at the MA Department of Mental Health Juvenile Court Clinicians Conference, Worcester, MA. Vincent, G., Guy, L., & Grudzinskas, A. (2012, August) Maximizing the Impact of Juvenile Justice Interventions: The Importance of Risk/Needs Assessments & the YLS/CMI, Lehigh County Juvenile Justice Division, PA. Vincent, G., Fritz, B., Steele, R., Rea, B., Schantz, D., Semmel, S., Tannous, R., Wess, C., & Miller, S. (2010, June). Implementation of the YLS/CMI Phase II Training. Mechanicsburg, PA. Guy, L., Fritz, B., Steele, R., & Vincent, G. (2011, September). Implementation of the YLS/CMI and Phases I, II, & III Booster Training. Mechanicsburg, PA. Vincent, G. M., Rea, B., Schantz, D., Semmel, S., Tannous, R., Fritz, B., & Steele, R. (2010, June). Implementation of the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory in Pennsylvania Probation. Sponsored by the PA Juvenile Court Judge’s Commission, Harrisburg, PA. Vincent, G. M. (2009, April). Risk/Needs Assessment for Recidivism and the YLS/CMI in Pennsylvania. Orientation training presented to 100 probation officers and administrators from three YLS/CMI counties, Lehigh, PA. GRANTS & CONTRACTS ACTIVITIES Grants awarded are organized by role and include research grants during graduate school (1998-2001), at Riverview Hospital, Burnaby, BC ( 2000 - 2002), and at UMass Medical School (2002 - onward): CURRENT As Principal Investigator 1.

Subcontract with Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, funded by the Public Welfare Foundation. Validation and Implementation of the OYAS-Div Risk Screen Project. April 2015 to March 2016. Total direct costs: $20,000.

2. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). Risk Assessment in Juvenile Probation: Contributions of Mental Health and Substance Abuse to Case Planning and Reoffending. August 2014 – July 2016. Total direct costs: $250,000. 3. John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. MACFDN/11-99672-000-USP. Risk Assessment in Juvenile Probation: Implementation Study. May 2014- April 2016. Total direct costs: $250,000. 4. John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. JCMF/13-1 03826-000-USD. Adolescent Domestic Battery Typologies Validation Study. 7/2013-6/2015. Total direct costs: $195,000. 5. National Institute of Drug Abuse. 1 K01 DA026502-01A1. Neuroimaging Youth with Callous-Unemotional CD and Co-morbid Substance Abuse. 7/2010 – 6/2015. Total direct costs: $900,000. As Co- Investigator Updated: 11/18/15

Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.


1. High Risk Juveniles: Changing Trajectories Through Early Intervention Principles That Target Neural Development. PI: Jennifer Skeem. 6/2015 – 5/2016. Zellerbach Family Foundation 2. Massachusetts Trial Court. Center of Excellence for Specialty Courts. 12/2014 – 11/017. Total direct costs: $450,000. COMPLETED As Principal Investigator 1. Subcontract with Center of Juvenile Corrections Administrators, funded by the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. 93.CON. Statewide Implementation of the SAVRY in Juvenile Probation in Mississippi. 2014. Total direct costs: $25,000. 1.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Youth Services via funding from OJJDP. JJDPA Formula Block Grant Program: MA Statewide Implementation of a Pretrial FTA Tool. 7/2012 – 9/2014. Total direct costs: $89,000.

2. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Youth Services. Development and Validation of a Failure to Appear Risk Screening Tool. 10/2011 – 6/2012. Total direct costs: $32,000. 3. John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Risk Assessment Guidelines for Juvenile Justice Project. 6/201012/2012. Total direct costs: $120,000. 4. John D & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Risk/Needs Assessment for Recidivism in Juvenile Probation: Implementation and Effectiveness Study. 2008-2012. Total direct costs: $655,000. 5. American-Psychology Law Society Interdisciplinary Research Grant Award. fMRI Study of Callous-Unemotional Conduct Disorder and Co-Morbid Drug Abuse. 2009-2011. Total direct costs: $5000. 6. National Institute of Justice, subcontract with University of Pittsburgh. Secondary Analyses for The Prediction and Assessment of Early Adult Criminal Activity. 2009-2010. $2500. 7. Umass Psychiatry Junior Investigator Research Fellowship. fMRI Study of Adolescents with Callous-Unemotional Conduct Disorder and Co-Morbid Drug Abuse. 2009-2010. $5000. 8. NIH, Division of Developmental Psychopathology. 1 R03 MH071295-01A1 - Item Response Theory and Early Psychological Symptoms. 2005-2006. Total direct costs: $50,000. 9. NIH. National Institutes of Health Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program. 2003-2006. Three time grant recipient; based on potential for a career in research in the behavioral sciences. Total direct costs: $33,000 As Co-Principal Investigator 1. Blended funding from the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and Office of Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention. MACFDN/11-990672-000-USP. Advancing Use of Risk Assessment in Juvenile Justice Project. PI: Laura Guy, Ph.D.; 2011-2014. Total direct costs: $500,000. 2. John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. 09-92435-000-HCD. National Youth Screening Assistance Project MacArthur Models for Change Initiative. PI: Thomas Grisso, Ph.D.; 2009 – 2014. Total direct costs: $1.2 mil. 3. John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Planning Grant: Mental Health Screening and Assessment in Juvenile Justice. PI: Thomas Grisso, Ph.D.; 2007-2008. Total direct costs: $175,000 4. Commonwealth Medicine. Personality and Treatment Outcomes in Forensic Psychiatric Patients: A Pilot Study. PI: Ira Packer, Ph.D.; 2006 – 2010. Total direct costs: $50,000 Updated: 11/18/15

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As Co-Investigator 1. William T. Grant Foundation. National Norms for the MAYSI-2. PI: Thomas Grisso, Ph.D.; 2002 – 2005. Total direct costs: Total direct costs: $500,000. 2. John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. National Youth Screening Assistance Project. PI: Thomas Grisso, Ph.D.; 2005 – 2008. Total direct costs: $975,000 3. Small Social Sciences and Humanitites Research Council of Canada Instiutional Grant. Assessing and Managing Adolescent Offenders’ Risk of Future Violence and Offending: Practices Used by Mental Health. Clinicians. PI: Jodi Viljoen, Ph.D. 2007 – 2008. $5,000 4. European Economic Community's Biomedical II Programme . Forensic and Civil Psychiatric Aftercare Project – Britsh Columbia Site, Canada. PI: Sheliagh Hodgins, Ph.D.; 1999 – 2002. As Psychometrician 1. NIH. RC1, The Blurring of Treatment and Research in Clinical Trials: Two Problems. Co-PIs: Lidz, Appelbaum; Oct 2009 – Oct 2010. As Consultant 1. Canadian Institute for Humanities Research: Institute of Gender & Health . Aggressive and Violent Girls: Contributing Factors, Developmental Course and Intervention Project. Co-PIs: Moretti, Hymel, Artz, Leadbeater, Pepler, LeBlanc, & Lanctot; 2003 – 2006. 2. British Columbia Law Foundation. New Westminster Family Law Project, Burnaby, BC, Canada. PI: Lynda Murdoch, M.A., LL.B.; 1998. As Project Director 1. John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Juvenile Adjudicative Competency: Phase II. PI: Thomas Grisso, Ph.D.; 2002 – 2006. Total direct costs: $619,112. 2. Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada . Vancouver Young Offenders Project, Burnaby, BC, Canada. PI: Raymond Corrado, Ph.D.; 1998 – 2000. PUBLICATIONS Peer-Reviewed Journals * - denotes mentees Vincent, G. M., Vitacco, M. J., Grisso, T., & Corrado, R. R. (2003). Subtypes of adolescent offenders: Affective traits and antisocial behavior patterns. Juvenile Psychopathy [Special Issue]. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 21, 695-712. Lee, Z., Vincent, G. M., Hart, S. D., & Corrado, R. R. (2003). The Validity of the Antisocial Process Screening Device as a self-report measure of psychopathy in adolescent offenders. Juvenile Psychopathy [Special Issue] Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 21, 771-786. Corrado, R. R., Vincent, G. M., Hart, S. D., & Cohen, I. M. (2004). Predictive validity of the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version for general and violent recidivism. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 22, 5-22. Lexcen, F., Vincent, G. M., & Grisso, T. (2004). Validity of the Psychopathy Content Screening Scale. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 22, 69-84.

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Saleh, F., & Vincent, G. M. (2004). Juveniles who commit sex crimes. In L. T. Flaherty (Ed) Adolescent Psychiatry: The Annals of the American Society of Adolescent Psychiatry, Vol 28 (pp. 183-208). Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press. Vitacco, M. J., Rogers, R., Neumann, C. S., Harrison, K. S., & Vincent, G. M. (2005). A comparison of factor models of the PCL-R with mentally disordered offenders: The development of a four-factor model. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 32, 526-545. Andrade, J.*, Vincent, G. M., Saleh, F. (2006). Juvenile sex offenders: A complex population. Journal of Forensic Sciences, 51, 163-167. Vitacco, M. J., & Vincent, G. M. (2006). Applying adult concepts to youthful offenders: Psychopathy and its implications for risk assessment and juvenile justice. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health Services, 5, 29-38. Viljoen, J., Vincent, G. M., & Roesch, R. (2006). Assessing juvenile adjudicative competence with the Fitness Interview Test: Interrater reliability and factor structure. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 33, 467-487. Vincent, G. M. (2006). Psychopathy and violence risk assessment in youth. Child Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 15(2), 407-428. Murrie, D.C., Marcus, D.K., Douglas, K.S., & Lee, Z., Salekin, R., Vincent, G. M. (2007). Youth with psychopathy features are not a discrete class: A taxometric analysis. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 48, 714-723. Vincent, G. M., Grisso, T., Terry, A., Banks, S. (2008). Gender and race differences in mental health symptoms in juvenile justice. Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 47, 282-290. Vincent, G. M., Odgers, C. L., McCormick, A., & Corrado, R. R. (2008). The PCL:YV and recidivism in male and female juveniles: A follow-up into young adulthood. Psychopathy and risk taxation [Special Issue], International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 31, 287-296. Murrie, D.C., Henderson, C.E., Vincent, G., Rockett, J, & Mundt, C. (2009). Psychiatric symptoms among juveniles incarcerated in adult prison. Psychiatric Services, 60, 1092-1097. Viljoen, J., Machlan, K, & Vincent, G. (2010). Assessing reoffense risk and psychopathy in juvenile and adult offenders: A survey of clinical practices. Assessment, 17, 377-395 Vincent, GM, Chapman, J, & Cook, NE (2011). Risk/Needs assessment in juvenile justice: Predictive validity of the SAVRY, racial differences, and contribution of needs factors. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 38, 42-62. Vincent, G. M., Guy, L. S.*, Fusco, S.L.*, & Gershenson, B.G. (2011). Field reliability of the SAVRY with probation officers: Implications for training. Law and Human Behavior, 36, 225-236. DOI: 10.1007/s10979-011-9284-2 Vincent, G. M., Paiva, M.*, Cook, N. E.*, Guy, L. S.*, & Perrault, R.* (2012). Impact of Risk/Needs Assessment on Juvenile Probation Officers’ Decision-Making: Importance of Implementation. Psychology, Public Policy, & the Law, 18, 546-576. Piquero, A. R., Farrington, D. P., Fontaine, N., Vincent, G. M., & Coid, J. (2012). Childhood Risk, Offending Trajectories, and Psychopathy at Age 48 Years (in the Cambridge Study in Delinquent Development). Psychology, Public Policy, & the Law, 18, 577-598. Perrault, R. T.* Paiva, M.*, & Vincent, G. M. (2012). Probation officers’ perceptions of youth’s risk of reoffending and self-reported decision making practices. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 30, 384-405. Vincent, G. M., Guy, L. S.*, Gershenson, B. G., & McCabe, P. (2012). Does Risk Assessment Make a Difference? Results of Implementing the SAVRY in Juvenile Probation. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 30, 487-505. Aharoni, E., Vincent, G. M., Harenski, C. L., Calhoun, V. D., Sinnott-Armstrong, W. Gazzaniga, M.S., & Kiehl, K. A. (2013). Neuroprediction of future arrest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Cope, L. M., Vincent, G. M., Jobelius, J. L., Nyalakanti, P.K., Calhoun, V., & Kiehl, K. A. (2014). Psychopathic traits modulate brain responses to drug cues in incarcerated offenders. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 1-16. Aharoni, E. Mallett, J., Vincent, G. M., Harenski, C. L., Calhoun, V., Sinnott-Armstrong, W., Gazzaniga, M. S., & Kiehl, K. A. (2014). Predictive accuracy in the neuroprediction of rearrest. Social Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1080/17470919.2014.907201 Guy, L.* Nelson, R.*, Morin, S.*, & Vincent, G.M. (2014). What do juvenile probation officers think of using the SAVRY and YLS/CMI for case management, and do they use the instruments properly? International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 13(3), 227-241. DOI: 10801/14999013.2014.939789. Tsang, S., Schmidt, K. M., Vincent, G. M., Salekin, R. T., Moretti, M. M., & Odgers, C. L. (2015). Assessing Updated: 11/18/15

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psychopathy among justice involved adolescents with the PCL: YV: An item response theory examination across gender. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 6, 22–31. Vincent, G. M. (2015). Application and Implementation of Risk Assessment in Juvenile Justice for the Courts. The Science of Aggression and Violence in the Courts. [Special Issue], Science in the Courtroom, 1(1), . Steele, V., Claus, E. D., Aharoni, E., Vincent, G. M., Calhoun, V. D., Kiehl, K. A. (2015). Multimodal Imaging Measures Predict Rearrest. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00425. In Progress Vincent, G. M., Clark, A.*, Byrd, A., & Kiehl, K. (in progress). Adolescent Gang Membership and Behaviors: Contributions of Psychopathic Traits. Criminal Justice and Behavior. Maurer, J. M., Steele, V. R., Cope, L. M., Vincent, G. M., Calhoun, V. D., & Kiehl, K. A. (in progress). Dysfunctional error-related processes in incarcerated adolescents with psychopathic traits. Books/Manuals Grisso, T., Vincent, G. M., & Seagrave, D. [Eds.] (2005). Mental Health Screening and Assessment for Juvenile Justice. New York: Guilford Press. Vincent, G. M., Guy, L. S.*, & Grisso, T. (2012). Risk Assessment in Juvenile Justice: A Guidebook for Implementation. Chicago, IL: John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Vincent, G. M., Grisso, T., & Perrault, R. (2014). Juvenile Probation – Arraignment/Appearance Screening Tool (JPAST) Training Manual. MA Department of Probation and Parole. Vincent, G. M., Gropman, M., Moreno-Rivera, R, & Perrault, R (November 2015). Massachusetts Arrest Screening Tool for Law Enforcement (MASTLE). Worcester, MA: Systems for Psychosocial Advances and Research Center. Guest Editor: Special Issues Vincent, G. M. & Grisso, T. (2005). The empirical limits of forensic mental health assessment. Law and Human Behavior, 29. Invited Articles/Editorials Hart, S. D., Watt, K., & Vincent, G. M. (2002). Commentary on Seagrave and Grisso: Impressions of the state of the art. Law and Human Behavior, 26, 241-246. Vincent, G. M. & Kinscherff, R. (2008). The use of psychopathy in violence risk assessments of adolescent females. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 8, 309-320. Edens, J. F. & Vincent, G. M. (2008). Juvenile psychopathy: A clinical construct in need of restraint. Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, 8(2), 186-197. Vincent, G. M. (2011). Screening and Assessment in Juvenile Justice Systems: Identifying Mental Health Needs and Risk of Reoffending.Washington, DC: Technical Assistance Partnership for Child and Family Mental Health. Vincent, G.M. (2012). Commentary on Dawson What to do about adolescent psychopathy? International Journal of Forensic Mental Health, 11:87-90. DOI: 10.1080/14999013.2012.676151. Vincent, G.M., Perrault, R.T.*, Guy, L.S.*, Gershenson, B.G. (2012). Developmental Issues in Risk Assessment: Implications for Juvenile Justice. Victim & Offenders, 7(4): 364-384. DOI: 10.1080/ 15564886.2012.713900 Vincent, G. M. & Guy, L.S.* (2013). How to Get the Most Out of Risk Assessment in Juvenile Justice. Perspectives: A Journal of the American Probation and Parole Association. Vincent, G. M. & Lovins, B. (2015). Using a decision matrix to guide juvenile dispositions: Where do we go next? Policy Essay. Criminology & Public Policy, 14, 1-8. DOI:10.1111/1745-9133.12112

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Chapters/Book Reviews/Encyclopedia Entries/Other publications Petraitis, J., Vincent, G. M., & Bumpus, S. E. (1994). Statistics for Psychology Workbook. Anchorage, AK: Department of Psychology, University of Alaska Anchorage. Vincent, G. M. (1997). Experimental Research Methods in Psychology: Psyc 201 Lab Manual. Burnaby, BC: Department of Psychology, Simon Fraser University. Dinges, N. G., Atlis, M. M., & Vincent, G. M. (1997). Cross-cultural perspectives on antisocial behavior. In D. M. Stoff, J. Breiling, & J. D. Maser (Eds.), Handbook of antisocial behavior (pp. 463-473). New York: John Wiley & Sons. Vincent, G. M. & Hart, S. D. (2002). Psychopathy in childhood and adolescence: Implications for the assessment and management of multi-problem youths. In R. R. Corrado, R. Roesch, S. D. Hart, & J. K. Gierowski (Eds.), Multiproblem violent youth: A foundation for comparative research on needs, intervention, and outcomes (pp. 150163). Amsterdam: IOS Press. Odgers, C. M., Vincent, G. M., & Corrado, R. R. (2002). A preliminary conceptual framework for the prevention and management of multi-problem youth. In R. R. Corrado, R. Roesch, S. D. Hart, & J. K. Gierowski (Eds.), Multiproblem violent youth: A foundation for comparative research on needs, intervention, and outcomes (pp. 302329). Amsterdam: IOS Press. Vincent, G. M. & Hart, S. D. (2002). Psychopathy in childhood and adolescence. In E. Blauuw & L. Sheridan (Eds.), Psychopaths: Current International Perspectives (pp. 113-126). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier. Vincent, G. M. (2004). Book Review: Juvenile Sexual Homicide by Wade Myers, M.D. Psychiatric Services. Vincent, G. M. & Grisso, T. (2005). A developmental perspective on adolescent personality, psychopathology, and delinquency. In T. Grisso, G. Vincent, & D. Seagrave (Eds.) Mental Health Screening and Assessment for Juvenile Justice (pp. 22-43). New York: Guilford Press. Douglas, K., Vincent, G. M., & Edens, J. (2006). Risk for criminal recidivism: The role of psychopathy. In C. Patrick (Ed.), Handbook of Psychopathy (pp. 533-554). New York: Guilford. Vincent, G. M., Grisso, T., & Terry, A. (2007). Mental health screening and assessment in juvenile justice. In C. L. Kessler & L. Kraus (Eds.), Mental health needs of young offenders: Forging paths toward reintegration and rehabilitation (pp. 270–287). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Spidel, A, Vincent, G. M., Huss, M. T., Winters, J., Thomas, L., & Dutton D.G. (2007). Psychopathy: Subtyping perpetrators of domestic violence. In H. Herve. & J. C. Yuille (Eds.), Psychopathy: Theory, Research, and Implications for Society (pp. 327-340). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Vincent, G. M. (2008). Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument - Version 2. In B. Cutler (Ed.), Law and Psychology Encyclopedia. Sage Publications. Vincent, G. M., Maney, Shannon, & Hart, S. D. (2009). The use of actuarial risk assessment instruments with sex offenders. In F. Saleh, A. Grudzinskas, J. Bradford, & D. Brodsky (Eds.), Sex offenders: A multi-disciplinary approach to risk assessment, treatment, and litigation (pp. 70-88). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Vincent, G. M., Terry, A., & Maney, S. (2009). Risk/Needs tools for antisocial behavior and violence among youthful populations. In J. Andrade (Ed.) Handbook of Violence Risk Assessment and Treatment for Forensic Mental Health Practitioners (pp. 337-424). New York: Springer Vincent, G. M. & Hart, S. D. (2012). Legal uses and assessment of psychopathy. In D. Fiske & M. Ziskin (Eds.) Ziskin’s Coping With Psychiatric and Psychological Testimony, Sixth Edition (6th Ed.) (pp. 563-586). Oxford University Press. Hoge, R. D., Vincent, G., & Guy, L. S. (2012). Prediction and risk/needs assessment. R. Loeber & D. Farrington (Eds.), From Juvenile Delinquency to Adult Crime: Criminal Careers, Justice Policy, and Prevention. New York: Oxford University Press. Vincent, G. M., Kimonis, E., & Clark, A. (in press). Juvenile psychopathy: Appropriate and inappropriate uses in legal proceedings. In K. Heilbrun, D. DeMatteo, & N. Goldstein (Eds.), APA Handbook of Psychology and Juvenile Justice. Washington, DC: APA Books. Douglas, K., Vincent, G. M., & Edens, J. (in press). Risk for criminal recidivism: The role of psychopathy. In C. Patrick (Ed.), Handbook of Psychopathy. New York: Guilford. Schwalbe, C. S. & Vincent, G. M. (in press). Putting risk in its place. In ___________. Updated: 11/18/15

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PRESENTATIONS Vincent, G. M. (2014, October). Congressional briefing to the House and Senate on Risk Assessment and its use in juvenile justice. Keynote Address & Grand Rounds Presentations Vincent, G. M. (2014, November). Risk Assessment in Juvenile Justice : Maximizing the Benefit of Interventions. Arkansas Administrative Office of the Courts annual Judicial Training, Little Rock, AR. Vincent, G. M. (2013, November). Keynote Address : Risk Assessment in Juvenile Justice : Enhancing Decision-Making, Case Planning, and Service Delivery. Annual conference of the PA Juvenile Court Judges Commission. Vincent, G. M. (2013, November). Risk Assessment : Keynote Address : What it Can Do For Your Juvenile Justice System. Juvenile Justice Reform Conference, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Vincent, G.M. (2013, May). Keynote Address : What to Do About Youth Violence? Summer Change Agent Conference : Assessing and Managing Violent Behavior, Anchorage, AK. Sponsor : State of Alaska Dept of Health and Human Services. Vincent, G.M. (2013, January). What Can the Brain Tell Us About Psychopathic Personality and Adolescent Substance Abuse? Grand Rounds: University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry, Worcester, MA. Vincent, G. M. (2012, November). What Can You Do With a Degree in Psychology? Invited induction speaker for the Psi Chi International Honors Society in Psychology, Assumption College, Worcester, MA. Vincent, G. M. (2011, February). Psychopathic Personality Disorder and Risk Assessment. Worcester State Hospital Grand Rounds sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, Worcester, MA. Vincent, G. M. (2010, October). Keynote Address : Risk Assessment in Juvenile Justice. Annual Juvenile Forensic Conference, Sponsored by the State of Connecticut Judicial Branch’s Court Support Services Division, Rocky Hill, CT. Vincent, G. M. (2006, November). Expert panel for the assessment, treatment, and management of risk of individuals with mental illness and problematic sexual behavior. Mentally Ill/Problematic Sexual Behavior (MI/PSB) Program Summit Conference, Worcester, MA. Vincent, G. M. (2006, April). Keynote Address: Psychopathic Personality Disorder: Contemporary Issues. Behavioral Sciences Conference of the North, University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage, AK. Vincent, G. M. (2005, May). Keynote address: Psychopathy 101. The Ontario Review Board’s Education Session, Toronto, ON, Canada. Vincent, G. M. (2004, October). Psychopathy: Assessment, Risk, and Treatment. Invited forensic training presentation in the Forensic Training Series, Bridgewater State Hospital, Bridgewater, MA. Vincent, G. M. (2004, May). Keynote Address: Psychopathic Personality Disorder. 2004 annual Public Sector Conference, Mad or Bad: When is it Psychopathy? Leominister, MA. Vincent, G. M. (2004, February). Preliminary Findings of the MAYSI-2 National Norm Study. Grand Rounds, Juvenile Justice Program, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. Grisso, T., & Vincent, G. M. (2003, October). Mental Disorders Among Adolescent Offenders: New National Data on Prevalence and its Implications for Policy. Grand Rounds: University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry, Worcester, MA. Vincent, G. M. (2002, July). Criminal Responsibility After Bill C-30: Factors Predicting Acquittal and Lengths of Confinement in British Columbia. Grand Rounds: Forensic Psychiatric Hospital of British Columbia, Port Coquitlam, BC, Canada. Vincent, G. M. (2001, February). Psychopathy in young offenders: Serious delinquency and risk. Symposium Psychopathie, Department of Psychiatry, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Invited Presentations & Colloquia Vincent, G. M. (2015, June). Risk-Need-Responsivity: Managing Risk While Managing Resources for Adults and Youth. Presentation at the annual MA Department of Mental Health Forensic Conference, Leominster, MA.

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Vincent, G. M. (2015, June). YLS/.CMI and Maximizing the Impact of Juvenile Justice Interventions : Risk-NeedResponsivity. Presentation at the MA Department of Youth Services Caseworker Prfssional Development Day, Westborough, MA. Smelson, D. A., Vincent, G. M., & Bates, K. (2015, April). Co-Occurring Disorders in Mental Health Specialty Courts. Presented at the 2015 MA Trial Court Mental Heatlh Courts Conference, Worcester, MA. Vincent, G. M. (2015, April). Maximizing Preventative Interventions: Use of Risk Assessment In Juvenile Justice. Presentation at the 2015 Annual MA Department of Mental Health Centers of Excellence Conference, Boston, MA. Vincent, G. M. & Chapman, J. (2014, October). Screening and Assessment for Youth in Custody. Invited talk and live webinar at the annual conference of the National Center for Youth in Custody (NCYC), Charlotte, NC. Vincent, G. M. (2014, September). Maximizing the Impact of Juvenile Justice Interventions : Importance of Risk Assessment. Invited talk at the conference of the National Center of State Courts (NCSC), Northampton, MA. Vincent, G. M. (2014, July). Risk Assessment and Mental Health Screening for Diversion. Invited talk at the Policy Academy seminar funded by SAMSHA, Washington, DC. Vincent, G. M. (2014, June). Individual Prediction ? Lessons from the Field of Violence Risk Assessment. Invited talk given to the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s Neuroscience and the Law Network, Chicago, IL. Vincent, G. M. (2014, May). Maximizing the Impact of Interventions for Youth : Importance of Risk/Needs Assessment. Invited talk at the annual conference of the Committee for Public Counsel Services, Worcester, MA. Vincent, G. M. (2013, September). Maximizing the Impact of Interventions for Youth : Importance of Risk/Needs Assessment. Invited talk at the annual conference of the National Council of State Legislatures, Boston, MA. Vincent, G. M. (2013, August). Risk Assessment Instruments : Uses and Limitations. Invited talk at the Annual Forum at the National Juvenile Justice Network, Washington, DC. Vincent, G. M. (2012, October). What Do We Know About Psychopathic Personality Disorder? Colloquia presentation to the Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts Amerhst, MA. Vincent, G. M. (2012, June). Risk Assessment for Diversion. Invited talk at the Policy Academy seminar funded by SAMSHA, Washington, DC. Vincent, G. M., Perrault, R., & Grisso, T. (2011, October). Development of a Risk for Failure to Appear Tool. Invited presentation at the MA Department of Youth Services Juvenile Detention Alternatives Conference, Devens, MA. Vincent, G. M. (2011, July). Maximizing the Impact of Interventions of Youth : The Importance of Risk/Needs Assessment. Invited presentation to the Southern Legislative Conference, Memphis, TN. Vincent, G. M. (2011, May). Identification of the Serious Violent Offender Among Youth : Challenges of Risk Assessment. Invited presentation to the Adolescent Brains and Juvenile Justice Conference for judges & attorneys. Phoenix, AZ. Vincent, G. M. (2011, January). Callous-Unemotional Conduct Disorder : Underlying Functionalities of Cocaine Abuse. Colloquia presentation to the Shriver Institute, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Waltham, MA. Vincent, G. M., Clement, K., & Ryals, J. S. (2010, March). SAVRY & the Use of Screening & Assessment Tools – The Louisiana Experience. Invited presentation to the 2010 Louisiana Governor’s Conference, New Orleans, LA. Vincent, G. M. (2009, Nov). Implementing Risk/Needs Assessment in Juvenile Justice. Open World Association, New Haven, CT. Russian Delegates and Juvenile Justice Personnel. Vincent, G. M., Miller, S., Fritz, B., & Rea, B. (2009, Nov). Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory in PA. Invited presentation to the 2009 Conference of the Pennsylvania Juvenile Court Judge’s Commission, Harrisburg, PA. Vincent, G. M. (2009, Oct). SAVRY Implementation in Louisiana : Use of Risk/Needs Assessments in Juvenile Probation. Invited presentation at the Juvenile and Family Court for Judges Together we Can Conference , Lafayette, LA. 70 judges, DA’s and Public Defenders. Vincent, G. M. (2009, Aug). Violence Risk Assessment : Contemporary Issues. Colloquium at the MIND Institute, Albuquerque, NM. 50 students, academics, attorneys Vincent, G.M. & Scali, M. (2008, Nov). Benefits and Pitfalls of Risk/Needs Instruments. Invited presentation at the National Juvenile Defender’s Summit, New Orleans, LA. Vincent, G. M. & Phillippi, S. (2008, June). Evidence Based Practices. Invited presentation at the Louisiana Youth Planning Board Conference, Baton Rouge, LA. Updated: 11/18/15

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Vincent, G.M. & Scali, M. (2008, May). Appropriate Uses of Risk/Needs Instruments. Invited presentation at the Ohio Juvenile Defender Leadership Summit, Dayton, OH. Vincent, G. M. (2008, March). Juvenile Psychopathy: A construct in need of restraint? Invited presentation to the American Society of Adolescent Psychiatry, Boston, MA. Vincent, G. M., & Rondeau, R. (2008, March). Looking Through the Glass: Use of Mental Health Screening and Assessment Tools in Juvenile Justice. Invited presentation to the Louisiana Governor’s Conference, Lake Charles, LA. Vincent, G. M. (2008, March). Risk Assessment of Youth: What Attorneys Need to Know. Invited presentation to the 26th Annual Juvenile Delinquent Law Training Seminar, Los Angeles, CA. Vincent, G. M. (2007, October). Appropriate Uses of Risk/Needs Instruments for Youth. Invited presentation to the National Juvenile Defender’s Summit, Portland, OR. Vincent, G. M. (2007, August). Youth Risk/Needs Assessment & Psychopathy. Invited seminar presentation to Mat-Su Behavioral Health, Wasilla, AK. Vincent, G. M. (2007, July). Juvenile Psychopathy: Assessment, Risk, and Treatment. Invited seminar presentation to the Youth Diagnostic and Detention Center, Albuquerque, NM. Vincent, G. M. (2007, May). Juvenile Psychopathy; A Clinical Construct in Need of Restraint. Colloquium at Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI. Vincent, G. M. (2006, July). Psychopathy in Adolescent Offenders. Invited colloquia presentation at the Neuropsychiatry Research Center, Institute of Living, Yale University, New Haven, CT. Fisher, W., & Vincent, G. M. (2003, November). Minority Representation in Jails, Prisons, and Juvenile Justice. Invited presentation at the All-Forensic Training sponsored by The Forensic Division, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health, Worcester, MA. Hart, S. D. & Vincent, G. M. (2000, May). Psychopathy and Youth. Presented at the Youth Violence: Approaches to Evaluating Needs and Risk Management Workshop, Vancouver, BC. Community Outreach: Vincent, G. M. (2015, June 22). Risk Assessment Overview. Presentation to Shannon Grant awardees in Massachusetts to assist with planning for youth gang prevention programs. Vincent, G. M. (2013, Nov 27) Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds: Addressing and assessing the mental health of youthful offenders. Cable access TV program hosted by the SHINE Network. Vincent, G.M., Scali, M., & Fritz, E. (2013, April 13). Children's Law Center's "Spolight on Youth" Radio Show: The Role of Risk Assessments and Juvenile Justice. Vincent, G. M. (2013, February). What is Forensic Psychology? Presentation to 30 high school students at Claremont High School Academy, Worcester, MA. Vincent, G. M. (2012, October). Psychopathy, Callous-Unemotional Conduct Disorder, and Substance Abuse. Presented to 20 clinical staff at the Motivating Youth Recovery Center, Worcester, MA. Vincent, G. M. (2012, June). Psychopathic Personality Disorder and Callous-Unemotional Conduct Disorder. Presented to 20 clinical staff at the Motivating Youth Recovery Center, Worcester, MA. Vincent, G. M. (2012, April). fMRI Study of Youth with Callous-Unemotional Conduct Disorder and Cocaine Abuse. Presented to 20 clinical staff at Y.O.U., Inc., Worcester, MA. Vincent, G. M. (2009, Nov). Callous-Unemotional Conduct Disorder : Underlying Functionalities of Cocaine Abuse. Colloquia presentation to Community Health Link, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA. Selected Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations since 2000: • - denotes mentees Perrault, R. T., Guy, L. S., & Vincent, G. M. (2015, March) Field IRR of the SAVRY: Examining Non-traditional But Clinically Useful Ratings. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, San Diego, CA. Guy, L.S., Perrault, R. T., Grisso, T., & Vincent, G. M. (2015, March) Evaluation of Case Management Following Implementation of Standardized Violence Risk Assessment Practices in Juvenile Probation. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, San Diego, CA. Updated: 11/18/15

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Guy, L.S., Perrault, R. T., Gershenson, B., Vincent, G. M., & Grisso, T. (2014, March). Impact of SAVRY Training on Juvenile Probation Officers’ Knowledge about Risk Assessment and Inter-rater Agreement. Symposium presented at the 2014 annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA. Vincent, G.M., Guy, L., Perrault, R. & Gershenson, B. (2014, March). Institutionalizing youth: Does it lead to higher rates of recidivism? Paper presented at the 2014 annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA. Vincent, G. M., Cope, L., Nyalakanti, P., & Kiehl, K. (2014, March). fMRI study of adolescents with CU-CD and comorbid stimulant abuse. Paper presented at the 2014 annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, New Orleans, LA. Perrault, R.T.*, Guy, L.S.,* & Vincent. G.M. (2013, June). Probation supervision practices: Impact of implementing the SAVRY. Paper presented at the 2013 annual conference of the Canadian Psychological Association, Quebec City, Canada. Guy, L. S.*, Nelson, R.J.*, Woods, S.*, Perrault, R.T.*, & Vincent, G. M. (2013, June). How well do probation officers match youths’ services to their needs? And is that related to recidivism? Paper presented at the 2013 annual conference of International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Nelson, R.J.,* Woods, S.*, Salomone, G.*, Guy, L.S.*, & Vincent. G.M. (2013, June). Matching services to youths’ criminogenic needs: Does it cut re-offending? Paper presented at the 2013 annual conference of the Canadian Psychological Association, Quebec City, Canada. Vincent, GM & Scali, M (2013, April). Understanding Risk/Needs Assessment Tools at the System’s Deep End. Presented at the 2013 annual conference of the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative. Sponsored by the Anne E. Casey Foundation. Barry, S., Hartnett, S., & Vincent, GM (2013, April). Developing a Continuum of Response to Effectively Manage Adolescent Domestic Battery. Presented at the 2013 annual conference of the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative. Vincent. G.M.; Guy, L.S.; Gershenson, B. (2013 March). The Risk/Needs Assessment in Juvenile Probation: Implementation Study. In G.Vincent (Chair) Implementing the SAVRY in Juvenile Probation. Symposium presented in the 2013 annual confernce of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR. Woods, S.; Nelson, R.J.; Salomone, G.; Guy, L.S.; Vincent, G.M. (2013 March). Implementation of Risk/Needs Assessment in Young Offender Case Management. In G.Vincent (Chair) Implementing the SAVRY in Juvenile Probation. Symposium presented in the 2013 annual confernce of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR. Nelson, R.J.; Woods, S.; Salomone, G.; Guy, L.S.; & Vincent. G.M. (2013, March). Matching Services to Youths’ Criminogenic Needs: Does it Cut Re-Offending? In G.Vincent (Chair) Implementing the SAVRY in Juvenile Probation. Symposium presented in the 2013 annual confernce of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR. Perrault, R.T.; Guy, L.S.; Gershenson, B.; Vincent, G.M. (2013 March). Change Over Time on the SAVRY Among Youth Probationers. In G.Vincent (Chair) Implementing the SAVRY in Juvenile Probation. Symposium presented in the 2013 annual confernce of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR. Salomone, G.*, Nelson, R.J.*, Woods, S.*, Guy, L.S.*, Vincent, G.M. (2013 March). Gender: An important factor in the implementation of services for juvenile offenders. Poster presented at the 2013 annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Portland, OR. Vincent, G.M., Guy, L. S., & Steele, R. (2012, December). Risk Assessment Step-by-Step: A Guidebook for Effective Implementation. Presented at the 2012 MacArthur Models for Change Initiative Annual Conference, Washington, DC. Barry, S., Hartnet, S., Mueller, H., Nussbaum, W., & Vincent, G.M. (2012, December). Developing a Continuum of Response to Effectively Manage Adolescent Domestic Battery. Presented at the 2012 MacArthur Models for Change Initiative Annual Conference, Washington, DC. Guy, L. S.*, Vincent, G. M., & Perrault, R. T., & Gershenson, B. (2012, April). The relation between field reliability and predictive validity: Use of the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory in juvenile probation. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Miami, FL. Updated: 11/18/15

Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.


Vincent, G. M. (2012, March). Paying for your research and for yourself: Funding in a medical school or research center. Paper presented at the 2012 annual meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico Clark, A.*, Vincent, G. M., Byrd, A., & Kiehl, K. (2012, March). Adolescent Gang Membership and Behaviors: Contributions of Psychopathic Traits. Paper presented at the 2012 annual meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Perrault, R. T.*, Guy, L. S., & Vincent, G. M. (2012, March). Probation officers perceptions of youth’s risk of reoffending and self-reported decision making practices. Paper presented at the 2012 annual meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Vincent, G. M., & Grisso, T. (2011, October). Screening & Assessment tools in juvenile justice: Best practices. Presentation at the 2011 annual conference of the American Association of Psychiatry & the Law, Boston, MA. Vincent, G.M., King, J., Huang, W., Caillouet, B., Smelson, D., & Kiehl, K. (2011, March). fMRI study of adolescents with CU-CD and co-morbid stimulant abuse. Presentation at the 2011 annual meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, Miami, FL. Fusco, S.L*., Perrault, R.T.*, Paiva, M.L.*, Cook, N.E.*, & Vincent, G.M. (2011, March). Probation officer perceptions of gender differences in youth offending and implications for practice in the field. Presentation at the 2011 annual meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, Miami, FL. Paiva, M.L.*, Vincent, G.M., & Cook. N.E.* (2011, March). Implementation integrity of risk/needs assessment in juvenile probation: Changes in probation officer practices. Presentation at the 2011 annual meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, Miami, FL. Cook, N.E.*, Fusco, S.L*., Guy, L*., & Vincent, G.M. (2011, March). Decision making and use of risk/needs assessment tools in juvenile probation. Presentation at the 2011 annual meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, Miami, FL. Guy, L*., & Vincent, G.M. (2011, March). Field inter-rater reliability of the SAVRY and YLS/CMI with probation officers. Presentation at the 2011 annual meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, Miami, FL. Vincent, G.M., Guy, L., Cook, N.E., & Gershenson, B. (2011, March). The impact of implementing risk/needs assessment on juvenile case processing. Presentation at the 2011 annual meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, Miami, FL. Cook, N.E.*, Vincent, G.M., & Chapman, J. (2011, March). Predictive validity of the SAVRY with female juvenile offenders: Is risk assessment gendered? Presentation at the 2011 annual meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, Miami, FL. Paiva, M.L.*, Fusco, S.L.*, & Vincent, G.M. (2011, March). Socioeconomic status: Does it affect juvenile compliance while on probation? Presentation at the 2011 annual meeting of the American Psychology Law Society, Miami, FL. Vincent, G. M., Clement, K., & Livers, M. (2010, December). Effective Statewide Implementation of Risk/Needs Assessment : The Louisiana Experience. Presented at the 2010 MacArthur Models for Change Initiative Conference, Washington, DC. Vincent, G. M., Cook, N. E., & Paiva, M. (2010, August). Implementation of Risk /Needs Assessment in Juvenile Probation Study : Changes in Probation Officer Recommendations. Presentation at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA. Vincent, G.M., Hart, S. D., & Ross, D. (2010, March). Psychopathic Traits and Psychiatric Symptoms Among Civil Psychiatric Patients. Presentation at the American Psychology-Law Society annual conference, Vancouver, BC. Cook, N. E.*, Guy, L. S.*, & Vincent, G. M. (2010, March). Probation officer self-appraisal of clinical judgment efficacy: How well do think they can predict risk for reoffending? Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Vancouver, British Columbia. Guy, L. S.*, Fusco, S. L.*, Cook, N. E.*, & Vincent, G. M. (2010, May). Juvenile probation officers’ decision-making processes and experiences using risk/needs assessment tools in the field. Paper presented at the annual conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Vancouver, British Columbia. Guy, L. S.*, Fusco, S. L*, Cook, N. E.*, & Vincent, G. M. (2010, August). Juvenile probation officers’ experiences using risk/needs assessment tools in the field. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA. Updated: 11/18/15

Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.


Vincent, G.M. (2009, March). Risk Assessment Tools for Juvenile Justice : Potential and Pitfalls . Symposium session at AP-LS Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. Chapman, J.F., Vincent, G.M., Cook, N.E.* (2009, March). Differential Predictive Validity of the Structured Assessemtn of Violence Risk in Yough (SAVRY) by Race. Presentation at AP-LS Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. Viljoen, J., McLachlan, K, Vincent, G.M. (2009, March). Assessing Reoffense Risk and Psychopathy in Juvenile and Adult Offenders : A Survey of Clinical Practices. Presentation at AP-LS Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. Vincent, G. M., Odgers, C, Watkinson, A., & Corrado, R. (2007, June). Predictive Validity of the Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version for Recidivism with Female Adolescent Offenders. Presented in the 30th International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Padua, Italy. Vincent, G. M., Grisso, T., Terry, A., & Banks, S. (2007, June). Mental Health Systems in Juvenile Justice: Results of the National Norm Study for the MAYSI-2. Presented in the 30th International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Padua, Italy. Vincent, G.M. (2007, June). The Use of Risk Assessment Tools with a Sex Offender Population. Presented in the 30th International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Padua, Italy. Vincent, G. M., Odgers, C., Salekin, R., & Moretti, M. (2007, April). Psychopathy in adolescent female offenders: Contributions of Item Response Theory. Presented in the 2007 bi-annual conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy, St. Petersburg, FL. Vincent, G. M., Grisso, T., Terry, A., & Banks, S. (2007, March). Gender and Race Differences in Juvenile Mental Health Symptoms: MAYSI-2 National Norm Study. Presented in the Massachusetts Correctional Health Conference, Brockton, MA. Vincent, G. M., Grisso, T., & Terry, A. (2006, October). Mental Health Problems in Juvenile Justice: MAYSI-2 National Norm Study. Presented in the 53rd annual conference of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, San Diego, CA. Vincent, G. M. (2006, October). Psychopathic Personality Disorder: Risk Assessment and Treatment. Presented in J. Geller (Chair) Sex, Lies, and Heat: Assessment and Treatment of Pedophiles, Psychopaths, and Firesetters. APA Institute on Psychiatric Services (IPS), NYC, NY. Vincent, G. M., Odgers, C., Salekin, R., & Moretti, M. (2006, March). Psychopathy in adolescent female offenders: Contributions of item response theory. In K. Douglas (Chair) Psychopathy in Juvenile Offenders. Presented in the 2006 annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, St. Petersburg, FL. Andrade, J.*, Vincent, G. M., & Saleh, F. (2005, October). Meta-analysis of Psychopathy and Sex Offending: Preliminary Findings. Presented at the 2004 annual convention of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Montreal, Quebec. Vincent, G. M. (2005, October). Psychopathic Personality Disorder: Assessment and Risk for Violence. Presented in J. Geller (Chair) Dangerous Ones: Assessing and Treating Psychopaths, Pedophiles, and Firesetters, APA Institute on Psychiatric Services (IPS), San Diego, CA. Vincent, G. M. (2005, August). Assessing risk for youth violence: Precautions and procedures. Invited symposium presentation in A. Miller (Chair) Assessment and Treatment of Adolescent Violence, Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC. Vincent, G. M., & Vitacco, M. (2005, April). Psychopathic Traits and Offending: Trajectories in Adolescent Offenders. Presented in the 2005 annual conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Melbourne, Queensland, AUS. Packer, I., Vincent, G. M., & Pinals, D. (2005, March). Informing Management Decisions With Factors of the PCL:SV. In K. Douglas (Chair) Psychopathy: Relevance of (Three- and Four-Factor) Symptom Clusters to the Development, Nature, and Management of Violence. Presented in the 2005 annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, La Jolla, CA. Vincent, G. M., Odgers, C., Watkinson, A., & Corrado, R. (2005, March). Assessing Risk With the PCL:YV in Girl Offenders. In K. Cruise (Chair) Assessing and understanding multi-problem girls. Presented in the 2005 annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, La Jolla, CA. Viljoen, J., Vincent, G. M., & Roesch, R. (2005, March). Assessing Juvenile Adjudicative Competence With the Fitness Interview Test: Interrater Reliability and Factor Structure. Presented in the 2005 annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, La Jolla, CA. Updated: 11/18/15

Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.


Tillbrook, C. E., & Vincent, G. M. (2005, March). Novaco’s Model of Anger and Violence Among Civil Psychiatric Patients: Mediating and Moderating Influences. In J. Skeem (Chair) Identifying High Risk Patients and Isolating Their Dynamic Risk Factors for Violence. Presented in the 2005 annual conference of the American PsychologyLaw Society, La Jolla, CA. Vincent, G. M., Grisso, T., Terry, A., & Banks, S. (2005, March). The MAYSI-2 National Norming Study: A New Approach to Norming Tests. In G. Vincent (Chair) Not Just Another MAYSI-2 Symposium: Lessons for Reforming Social Policy and Research. Presented in the 2005 annual conference of the American PsychologyLaw Society, La Jolla, CA. Andrade, J.*, Vincent, G. M., & Saleh, F. (2004, October). Psychopathy Among Sex Offenders: A Systematic Review. Poster presented at the 2004 annual convention of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, Scottsdale, AZ. Ross, D., Vincent, G. M., Wayte, T., Hart, S. D., Eaves, D., Webster, C., & Hodgins, S. (2004, June). The relationship between mental disorder, substance misuse, and violence among patients discharged from two psychiatric facilities: Comparing three different operational definitions of substance misuse. In S. Hodgins (Chair) Preventing Violence Among Persons Suffering from Major Mental Disorders. Presented in the 2004 annual conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Stockholm, Sweden. Vincent, G. M., & Grisso, T. (2004, May). Massachusetts Youth Screening Inventory, Second Version: Screening for Mental Health Symptoms in Juvenile Justice. Presented in the 2004 annual GAINS conference, Las Vegas, NV. Odgers, C., Moretti, M. M., & Vincent, G. M. (2004, March). Psychopathy and Alternative Forms of Aggression Among Adolescent Girls. In E. Cauffman (Chair) Assessing Juvenile Psychopathy. Presented in the 2004 biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescents, Baltimore, MD. Vincent, G. M., Vitacco, M., Grisso, T., & Corrado, R. R. (2004, March). Subtypes of Adolescent Offenders: Reevaluating the Notion of Fledgling Psychopath. In E. Cauffman (Chair) Assessing Juvenile Psychopathy. Presented in the 2004 biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescents, Baltimore, MD. Vincent, G. M., Vitacco, M. J., Grisso, T., & Corrado, R. R. (2004, March). Recidivism and subtypes of adolescent offenders: Psychopathy and risk assessment. In J. Skeem (Chair) Contemporary Issues in Juvenile Psychopathy. Presented in the 2004 biannual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Scottsdale, AZ. Vincent, G. M., Odgers, C., & Corrado, R. R. (2004, March). Psychopathy in girl offenders. In E. Cauffman (Chair) Improving Our Understanding of Female Offenders. Presented in the 2004 biannual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Scottsdale, AZ. Vincent, G. M., Grisso, T., & Gabriele, C. (2004, March). Psychological Disturbance in Juvenile Justice: Introduction to the MAYSI-2 National Norming Study. In G. Vincent (Chair) The Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument, Second Version (MAYSI-2): Utility and Practical Applications in Juvenile Justice. Presented in the 2004 biannual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society, Scottsdale, AZ. Vincent, G. M., Quinlan, J. C, Nitschelm, S., & Ogloff, J. R. P. (2003, April). Differential Recidivism Prediction by Mental Disorder. In G. M. Vincent (Chair) Risk Assessment in Special Populations. Presented in the 2003 annual conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Miami, FL. Vincent, G. M. (2003, April). Psychopathy in Young People: Does it Exist and Can We Find It? In D. Cooke (Chair) Psychopathy in Special Populations. Symposium in the 2003 annual conference of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Miami, FL. Vincent, G. M., Hart, S. D., Corrado, R. (2002, November). Investigating the Legitimacy of Juvenile Psychopathy Assessments: Contributions of Item Response Theory. In E. Cauffman (Chair) Assessing Juvenile Psychopathy: Developmental and Legal Implications. Symposium in the 2002 annual conference of the American Criminology Society, Chicago, Illinois. Kropp, P. R., Herve, H., Vincent, G. M. (2002, August). Psychopathy and Spousal Assault. Paper presented at the 2002 annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. Vincent, G. M., Ross, D. J., Whittemore, K., Eaves, D., Hart, S. D., Ogloff, J. R. P., & Webster, C. D. (2001, April). Using the HCR-20: File-Based Researcher Ratings vs. File and Interview-Based Psychiatrist Ratings. Presented at the 2001 founding conference of the International Association of Mental Health Services, Vancouver, BC. Herve, H., Vincent, G. M., Kropp, P. R., & Hare, R. D. (2001, April). Psychopathy and Spousal Assault. (2001, April). Presented at the 2001 founding conference of the International Association of Mental Health Services, Vancouver, BC. Updated: 11/18/15

Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.


Corrado, R. R., Vincent, G. M., Cohen, I., & Odgers, C. (2000, July). Predicting recidivism in young offenders: The utility of the PCL:YV. Paper presented at the 25th Anniversary Congress on Law and Mental Health, International Academy of Law and Mental Health, Siena. COMMITTEE AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE: NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL 2013 – pres Chair - Professional Development of Women Committee – American Psychology/Law Society 2013 – Consultant – Council of Juvenile Court Administrators Leadership Network 2013 – Counsultant – Juvenile Justice Summit, International Association of Chiefs of Police 2011 to 2015– Chair – Outstanding Teaching and Mentoring Award Committee - American Psychology/Law Society 2011- pres – Member – Massachusetts Juvenile Detention Alternatives Intiative (JDAI) Risk Assessment Subcommittee 2010 to 2015– Member - Teaching, Training, Mentoring Committee - American Psychology/Law Society 2010 to 2013 – Member – American Psychology/Law Society Conference Committee 2010 – Girls’ Study Group on Delinquency – Consultant for mental health screening and risk assessment tools for the OJJDP funded web tools project, RTI International. 2010 – Expert Panel for Girls in Juvenile Justice - Consultant to the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, meeting to plan funding priorities for girls involved with juvenile justice 2009 – Conference Co-Chair – 2009 American Psychology/Law Society Conference 2007 – 2010 Committee Member – American Psychology/Law Society Dissertation Awards Committee 2006-2010 –Scientific Review Committee Member, conferences of the International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services 2006 – Member, MA DMH Violence Risk Assessment Subcommittee, an expert panel charged with drafting evidencebased procedures for violence risk screening and assessment of patients with mental illness under the care of the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health 2005 – pres – Psychopathy & Juvenile Justice Specialty Reviewer Panels - American Psychology/Law Society 2005 - pres – RISC-TEAM Member, an international special interest group on risk assessment and risk management 2002-pres - Affiliate Member – Mental Health, Law, and Policy Institute, Simon Fraser University

ADVISORY BOARDS 2014 -pres Member – Center for Law, Brain and Behavior - Juvenile Justice Faculty Working Group 2014 – pres Member, Academic Consortium for Criminal Justice Health Board of Directors 2014-pres Member, Adolescent Risk Reduction and Resilient Outcomes (ARROW) Project, Advisory Group Updated: 11/18/15

Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.


2013 –pres Consultant/Member – RFK Child Action Corp’s Practice Network on Dual-Status Youth 2013 –pres Consultant/Member – RFK Child Action Corp’s Practice Network on Probation Systems Review 2013 – 2015 Member - Council of State Governments Justice Center Juvenile Justice Advisory Group 2013 – 2015 Member - National Reentry Resource Center’s advisory committee on Juvenile Justice 2013 – Member – Leadership Network for Juvenile Prosecutors Advisory Group 2011 –Advisory Board Member – Crossroads: Formal vs. Informal Processing of Juvenile Offenders. Research grant funded by the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Cauffman, PI). 2010– 2013 - Expert Panel on Risk and Needs Assessments: A Primer for the Courts. Grant to the National Center for State Courts from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (Casey, PI). 2007–Member -Advisory Council Campaign for Youth Justice 2006 –– Advisory Board Member, Girls’ Health Screen Project and Validation Study, a project led by the Juvenile Law Center and In Our Daughters’ Hands funded by the California Endowment Foundation

COMMITTEE AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE: UNIVERSITY 2015 –present Member, UMass Law & Psychiatry Postdoctoral program selection committee 2015 – Member, Chair, Faculty Search Committees for the Law & Psychiatry Program 2014 – Member, Faculty Search Committee for the Systems for Psychosocial Advances Research Center (SPARC) 2014 – Member, Psychiatry Research Day Planning Committee 2013-Present – Member, Executive Committee for the Systems for Psychosocial Advances Research Center (SPARC) 2008-Present – Member, UMass Psychiatry Neuroimaging area interest group 2008-Present – Member, UMass Psychiatry Addictions area interest group 2007-Present – Member, UMass Clinical Psychology Internship program selection committee 2008-2011– Co-Chair, UMass Psychiatry Aggression and Violence Area Interest Group 2008-2010 – Member, Center for Mental Health Services (CMHSR) Grant Review Committee 2008-2010 – Member, Center for Comparative Neuroimaging (CCNI) Faculty Search Committee 2008 – 2010 - Member, CMHSR Biostatistician Search Committee 2007-Present – Co-Chair, UMass Psychiatry/CMHSR Juvenile Justice Research Interest Group 2007-Present - Co-Chair, Junior faculty subcommittee to the UMass Psychiatry Departmental Leadership Committee Updated: 11/18/15

Gina M. Vincent, Ph.D.


2007-2008 – CMHSR Representative, UMass Correctional Health Research Steering Committee 2006-2008 – Member, UMass Psychiatry Research Day Organizing Committee 2005-2008 – Co-Chair, CMHSR Issue Brief Committee 2005 –2008 - Member, UMMS Psychiatry Research Day Committee 2004 - Chair, UMMS Psychiatry Research Day Committee – Department of Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts Medical School, junior faculty committee to facilitate collaborative research activities and host an annual conference 2004 - Psychology Representative for the UMASS Public Sector Conference 2004 - Conference Organizer – “Mad or Bad: When is it Psychopathy?”, 2004 Annual Public Sector Conference sponsored by the University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA 2003-2006 – Member, CMHSR Faculty Mentoring Committee, UMass Department of Psychiatry 2003-2006 – Member, CMHSR Grant Streamlining Committee, UMass Department of Psychiatry 1998-2000 - Treasurer - Psychology Graduate Caucus, Simon Fraser University 1995-1996 - Vice President - Psychology Graduate Student's Association, University of Alaska Anchorage 1995-1996 - Graduate President - Psi Chi National Honor Society in Psychology, University of Alaska Anchorage Chapter

Updated: 11/18/15