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What decimal ^ep^esents the f ^actIon of ca^s that we^e blue? Page 2 of 2. GL FDP Homework.pdf. GL FDP Homework.pdf. Ope
Tues, M Mdth; 1

GompI&t6 the following table:


Pecimal 0.75

1 3 40% X. Qonvert 0.48 to a f^action (in simplest fo^m.)

3. Gonvert — to a decimal. 12

4. The stock ma^ket c^^oppe(l 8% last week. What is the pe^cent exp^essed as a decimal'?

5. If Olivia makes an 80% on a 2.5-c^uestion test, how many p^obIems did she get co^^ect?

e. Jose owns 2,00 ac^es of land. Thirty of the ac^es have co^n g^owing on thenn. 45% of the f i e l d has cucunnbeps g^owing. The pest of the land is bemg used f o ^ g^owIng soybeans. What pepcent is l e f t f o ^ the soybeans'? Model youp answep on the g^id t o the ^ight.

7. Jdckie bought a bdg of apples thdt weighs 12.5 pounds f^om HEB. WMte this nulnbe^ ds d f^dctIon.

8. 8hdde 2.5% of the gMd. 10.8hdde 130% of the gMd.

11.8hdde the pe^cent b d ^ to ^ep^esent 75%. Whdt pe^cent of the pe^cent bd^ is shdded? 0% 0%





12,.Ms. Q^eene's cidss did d su^vey in the stdff pd^kIng lot. They tdllied ddtd fo^ 4-0 Gd^s. The ^esuIts d^e show in the table below. Colors Number Blue 12 Yellow 9 White 10 Red 9 What decimal ^ep^esents the f ^actIon of ca^s that we^e blue?