Glass: The Right Choice - AAMA

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Construction utilizing glass offers many unique advantages: • Protection from the ...... Understand the impact of specialized glass solutions on th ll. j t h d l.
Glass: The Right Choice


• AAMA is a registered provider with the American Institute of Architects’ continuing education program. Credits earned upon completion of this program will be reported to CES records for AIA members. Certificates of completion for non-AIA members are available il bl upon request. t • This program is registered with the AIA/CES for continuing professional education. As such, it does not include content that may be deemed or construed to be an approval or endorsement by the AIA of any material of construction or any method th d or manner off handling, h dli using, i distributing, di t ib ti or dealing d li in i any material or product. Questions related to specific materials, methods, and services will be addressed at the conclusion of this presentation presentation. 2

This presentation is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. Reproduction, distribution, display, or other use of the presentation without written permission from the speaker is prohibited. © AAMA Glass Material Council 2008

L Learning i Objectives Obj ti This course is designed to improve your understanding of: • • • •


Uses of glass Types of glass Fabricated glass solutions M Measuring i and d evaluating l ti glass l performance f


Glass Functionality and Performance

Glass: How It Functions in a Building Construction utilizing glass offers many unique advantages: • Protection from the elements • Natural light • View of the outdoors • Strength to weight ratio superior to concrete, which allows the use of smaller, less costly foundations Using readily available and efficient glassmaking technologies, glass can be specified to meet the four main functions of glass in a wall: 1 Complementing 1. C l ti overallll aesthetics th ti 2. Meeting life and safety requirements 3. Maximizing energy efficiency 4 Providing 4. P idi comfortable f t bl productivity d ti it 6

Gl Glass Function F ti and d Solar S l Energy E Three elements that can be reflected, absorbed, or transmitted by commercial windows and doors: 1) Ultraviolet (UV) light • Not visible • Represents only about 3% of the solar spectrum 2) Visible light • Detected by human eye (perceived as “daylight”) • Represents approximately 38% of the solar spectrum 3) Infrared light • Occurs at wavelengths just below red light—hence the name “infra” or “below” red • Represents approximately 59% of the solar spectrum 7

S l Energy: Solar E A Key K C Consideration id ti for Architects

Wavelength (nm) 780 700


Visible Light




There is a broad spectrum of energy around us everyday— but solar energy is unique for its ability to impact the energy performance and comfort of commercial structures.

H How IIs Solar S l Energy E Transferred? T f d? Three ways y to heat the atmosphere p or any yp physical y substance: 1)Conduction: Heat transfer through solid matter through direct contact with a hot or cold surface 2)Convection: ) Heat transfer through g a moving g fluid (liquid or gas) across or around solid matter 3)Radiation: Heat transfer in the form of electromagnetic waves from one matter to another regardless of matter form


H tG Heat Gain i and d Loss L in i Buildings B ildi Three components of solar heat gain in a commercial structure: • • •

Transmitted solar energy Reflected solar energy The inward-flowing part of the solar energy absorbed by glass

Components of total heat gain (or heat loss): •

Differences in temperature between interior and exterior spaces can also cause heat gain (or heat loss, in cold climates).




Total T t l Glass Gl Performance: P f Beyond Solar Energy While solar heat gain is an important measure of glass performance for energy efficiency and comfort, it is just the first in a long g list of glass g performance p characteristics that architects must understand and consider: • Solar Heat Gain Coefficient • U-Factor • Light Transmittance • Damage-Weighted Index • Light-to-Solar Gain


Glass Performance: Solar Heat Gain • The Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) is the fraction of solar radiation that is transmitted through architectural glass—expressed as a number between 0 and 1 1. gy it • The lower a window’s SHGC,, the less solar energy transmits—and the greater its shading ability. • SHGC can be expressed in terms of glass alone alone—or or can reflect the performance of an entire window assembly including the frame.


Gl Glass Performance: P f U-Factor UF t


U-Factor is a measure of how well a material transmits heat.

The lower the U-Factor, the greater a window’s window s resistance to heat flow—and flow and the better its overall insulating value.

U-Factor using imperial measurements are expressed in units of BTU/hourBTU/hour square foot-°F.

U-Factor can be calculated for glass alone or—more commonly—for an entire window unit, including the frame and spacer materials that help to impro e ins improve insulation. lation

Gl Glass P Performance: f Li Light ht T Transmittance itt


Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) – The fraction of solar radiation in the visible light wavelengths that passes through the glass.

Readily R dil available il bl glass l products d t for f today’s t d ’ commercial i l construction projects range from 0% VLT up to and including glass products in the mid-90% VLT.

An emerging measure—the Damage-Weighted Index—helps architects to assess the potential for fading far more accurately y than looking g at VLT measures alone.

Glass Performance: Damage-Weighted Index The Damage-Weighted Index, which combines both visible and ultra violet radiation, helps architects assess the potential for fading far more accurately than looking at ultra violet measures alone. Two ways of calculating the DWI for architectural glass and window units: 1) Tdw-K: Created by Europe’s Jurgen Krochmann, this measure covers co e s tthe eU UV a and d visible s b e pa parts ts o of tthe e spect spectrum u from o 300 to 500 nm. 2) Tdw-ISO: A more comprehensive measure—recommended by g measure Commission Internationale de L’Eclairage—this covers the solar spectrum from 300 to 700 nm. 15

Gl Glass Performance: P f Light-to-Solar Li ht t S l Gain G i


Light-to-Solar Gain (LSG), emerging as an important glass performance measure, is a gauge of the efficiency of a glass product in transmitting daylight—while blocking solar heat gain. gain

LSG is the ratio between VLT and SHGC (LSG = VLT/SHGC).

U.S. Department of Energy defines spectrally selective glass as glass with a Light to Solar Gain ratio of 1.25 or higher. The g the LSG,, the more energy gy efficient the glass g product p higher is.


Different Glass Types—for Varying Performance Needs

O Overview i off Different Diff t Glass Gl Types T Today, architects can choose from a wide range of glass products that meet different criteria for functionality and performance: • Float • Rolled • Coated


Fl t Glass: Float Gl An A Industry I d t Standard St d d • The architectural glass found in most buildings today is commonly referred to as “float glass,” which consists primarily of silica sand, soda, and lime. process these materials • In the float manufacturing process, are heated to their molten state—then drawn over a liquid bath of tin, before the mixture is cooled under controlled conditions. conditions Because tin has a higher specific gravity than molten glass, the glass “floats” on the tin—forming a perfectly flat layer.


The Float Glass Process: Mixing the Batch

The “batch” is digitally weighed and mixed with cullet, as well as small amounts of other materials—then transferred by conveyor into the batch house. The batch is continuously fed into the furnace, where it is melted. 20

The Float Glass Process: Melting

The batch materials are continuously fed into the furnace, where they are heated to their melting point. The molten glass flows to the end of the furnace where it moves through a canal onto a pool of liquid tin. furnace, tin


The Float Glass Process: Glass Ribbon Formation

As the glass moves over the liquid tin, metal knurls contact the glass ribbon at its edges—helping to control both its width and speed. The molten glass “floats” and forms a perfectly flat layer. 22

The Float Glass Process: Pyrolytic Coating

As the glass ribbon is pulled over the liquid tin, reflective or low-E coatings can be applied to the “atmosphere” surface of the glass. These coatings are known k as pyrolytic l ti or “hard” “h d” coats. t 23

The Float Glass Process: Annealing

Lifted out by rollers, the glass ribbon finally leaves the tin bath. Now it is cooled slowly or “annealed” in order to remove any residual stresses and make it stronger. stronger After annealing annealing, the glass can be cut into pieces pieces.


The Float Glass Process: Cutting

Cooled glass passes through inspection booths to ensure that it has the uncompromising quality needed for its end use. Defects are marked, and g edges g are trimmed. The remainder is cut for packaging. p g g The the rough glass is then inventoried and ready to be shipped. 25

Fl t Glass Float Gl Products P d t Three Categories of Glass Substrates: 1) High Solar Transmittance (approximately 70-90%) • •

Absorb little of the heat energy from the sun providing little protection from solar heat gain and potentially damaging UV and visible light Offer excellent clarity and color neutrality

2) Medium Solar Transmittance (approximately 40-50%) • •

Provide more p protection against g solar heat g gain and visible light g transmittance Features color

3) Low Solar Transmittance (approximately 33% or less) • Provide excellent protection against solar heat gain, as well as high levels of damaging light transmission • Heavily colored Note: Solar heat gain can actually be beneficial in cold, northern climates 26

El Eleven Float Fl t Glass Gl Substrates S b t t 1) Lower-Performing Glass Substrates Clear


2) Medium-Performing Glass Substrates Green G Gray

Bronze Bl G Blue-Green Blue

3) Higher Higher-Performing Performing Glass Substrates Azure Dark Green



Low-Iron Low Iron


Dark Blue Dark Gray






Dark Green

Dark Blue

Dark Gray

R ll d Glass: Rolled Gl AP Patterned tt d Option O ti


R ll d Glass Rolled Gl Applications A li ti Patterned Glass • Interior I t i and d exterior t i d decorative ti elements, l t especially i ll iin h heavier i glass thicknesses Rolled Glass • Help channel or direct visible light energy to be used in lighting panels, including solar or photovoltaic cells


Coated C t d Gl Glass: Customized Performance • “Hard” or Pyrolytic Coatings applied during the float process that become part of the finished glass itself Soft or Sputter Coatings applied • “Soft” through a magnetic sputter vapor deposition process separate from the float glass process • Reflective and Low-Emissivity g offer excellent solar control,, Coatings minimizing heat gain 30

Surface Orientation: The Science of the Surface


Low-E Low E Coatings: Outstanding Thermal Performance “Emissivity” “E i i it ” is i a measure off a material’s ability to re-radiate absorbed infrared radiation. Low-emissivity or “low-E” glass coatings • Metallic layers applied to float glass to reflect radiant energy back toward its source • Heat stays outside during the summer, and inside during the winter


Location of Low-E Low E Coatings: Critical to Performance To maximize the performance of low-E coatings, g , there are some general guidelines: • The U-Factor is the same, whether

low-E coatings are placed on surface 2 or 3 • The SHGC is generally lower with low-E coatings on surface 2


P Pyrolytic l ti Coatings: C ti Hard H d Benefits B fit Glass products that feature a pyrolytic coating have a number b off advantages: d t •

Easy to handle, transport, stack, and store

Can be heat-treated and laminated to meet specialized pp applications

Durable enough to be used monolithically – consult with product manufacturer for details p

Can be exposed to weather— positioned on the #1 surface—but this is not recommended as the coating may be easily damaged.


Damage to Low-E coating that was placed on the #1 surface and cleaned using an organic cleanser.

Sputter Coatings: Soft on Energy “Sputter” or “soft” glass coatings are applied through the bombardment of metal atoms onto the surface of float glass. Though less durable than pyrolytic coatings, they offer many benefits: • Versatile, can be applied to any glass substrate • Cover the full range of performance and aesthetic requirements (literally hundreds of sputter coating possibilities) • Feature new post-temperable technologies that allow them to be heat-treated 35

Reflective Coatings: Superior Solar Control Reflective R fl ti Glass Gl Coatings C ti are metallic t lli layers l applied to float glass in order to reflect shortwavelength g solar energy gy back into the atmosphere. p Though reflective coatings can make glass very hot, its benefits include:


• Significantly reduce solar heat gain, making interior spaces cooler and more comfortable • Lower the capital costs needed for air-conditioning systems • Reduce ongoing air conditioning expenditures • Provide a distinctive appearance for architectural facades

Vi i Coated Viewing C t d Glass Gl Products P d t Reflective Glass • Most of the light reaching the observer g is reflected from the coating • Little read-through • View in a vertical position, against a dark background

Low-E Low E Glass • A lot of transmitted light • Significant read-through


• Assess in a vertical position, against a medium- or dark-colored background


Fabricated Glass Solutions— Taking Performance One Step Further

O Overview i off Fabricated F b i t d Solutions S l ti Fabricated glass products that are widely available include: • Heat-Treated H tT t d

• Laminated • Insulating • Fire-Rated • Spandrel • Silkscreen


Heat-Treated Heat Treated Glass: Stress-Resistant Solutions • All float glass is annealed—or cooled slowly—after manufacturing to remove residual stresses and make the glass stronger • Heating the glass can strengthen it for use in some specific applications • There are two common heat heat-treating treating methods used to strengthen glass: 1) Heat Strengthening 2) Tempering 40

What Causes Thermal Stress? Contributing Factor


Importance Rating (1-10) 10 being the most important

Edge quality


Energy absorption of glass (tinted, reflective)


g from overhangs g Shading


Shading from vertical members


Altitude of building (solar intensity and temp. change)


Geographic location of building


Heat sinks


Inclusion of low-E coating


Use of labels on glass


Adjacent reflective surfaces


Color of window frame


Interior shades


Glass size


Heat-Strengthened Glass

Annealed glass is reheated to a high temperature, then cooled quickly in a process called “quenching”—making it twice as strong.

Heat-strengthened g glass g is used in spandrels, p , windows in high wind load areas and applications where the glass has a risk of thermal stress.

Heat strengthening does not result in a “safety” safety glass product; it breaks in a pattern similar to annealed glass.

T Tempered d Glass Gl

Similar to heat strengthening g g but cooled with a much more intense air flow during the “quench” phase. Four times stronger than annealed glass.

Breaks into small small, pebble-like pebble like pieces resulting in significantly less safety hazard.

Excellent for commercial storefronts, entryways, display cases, railings skylights, railings, sk lights and overhead o erhead lighting fixtures. fi t res

H t S k d Gl Heat-Soaked Glass • Tempered glass is frequently specified to meet higher wind loads and ensure safety in large glass installations. • Heat soaked glass is a solution that helps to reduce the risk of spontaneous breakage. • While many international building codes demand heat-soaked glass this trend is only beginning to i impact t North N th American A i architecture. hit t

Laminated Glass • Laminated glass consists of two or more lites of glass bonded together g by yap plastic interlayer. y • When broken, the glass fragments remain bonded to the plastic interlayer to retain the lite in the opening and reduce hazard potential. • Customized applications for laminated glass products include safety, f t security, it hurricane h i resistance, i t and d sound d control. t l

Photo courtesy of GANA

Laminated Glass Applications: Safety • U Used d as safety f t glazing l i in commercial and residential construction • Retains glass shards within framing system • Building codes often require laminated safety glass for storefronts, entrance doors, and overhead g glazings g

Laminated Glass Applications: Security • Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 have increased focus on laminated glass for security and protection. • Laminated glass products are integral components to design for blast and ballistic protection. • Can also be designed for protection against forced entry while allowing for emergency access and egress. • Specialized laminated products are available that also protect against g electronic eavesdropping g and electromagnetic interference.

Laminated Glass Applications: Hurricane Resistance • Laminated glass meets new hurricane resistance building codes. • Glazing and framing impacted with either large missile (9 lb. 2x4 @ 3 34 mph) p )o or small s a missiles (2 gram steel shot @ 88 mph) without penetration • S System t th then pressure cycled l d 9000 times and glazing must remain in opening 48

373 Photography

Laminated Glass Applications: Sound Control •

Multi-layer construction dampens the transmission of certain sound frequencies

Significantly increases Sound Transmission Loss (STL) to improve Sound Transmission Class ((STC)) and Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class (OITC)

Dramatically improves sound control characteristics near airports, highways, railroads, manufacturing facilities, etc.

Also used sed for interior so sound nd control in audio studios and other production environments.


Fi R t d Glass Fire-Rated Gl Options O ti Glazing g options p available that meet fire code requirements q 1) Glass With Intumescent Interlayers (and similar gel-filled products) 2) Ceramic C i Gl Glass 3) Fire-Rated Framing Systems


Fire-Rated Fi R t d Glass: Gl Fire-Protective Fi P t ti Versus Fire-Resistant Ceramic Fire-Rated: Fire-resistant but not fire-protective •

Stops the direct expansion of fire but does not stop heat transfer

Can lead to spontaneous combustion of objects in protected areas

Ceramic products are listed for use in non-impact safety-rated locations and are appropriate for applications ranging from 20 to 90 minutes.

Intumescent Fire Fire-Rated: Rated: Both fire fire-protective protective and fire fire-resistant resistant •

Expand at about 250°F, transform into a rigid and opaque shield that blocks both convected and radiated heat transmission

Listed for complete p transparent p non-load bearing g wall assemblies up p to 120 minutes This illustration demonstrates how intumescent interlayers p at about 250°F expand

Fire-Rated Glass: Framing Systems • Allow for through through-vision vision fire protection • Flexible framing solutions can include: 1) Wood, aluminum, or steel framing 2) Thermally broken framing for transparent walls 3) Butt glazing (glass butted together, jjoined by y virtually y invisible silicone sealant)

• Framing solutions can offer varying degrees of fire or safety protection, depending upon the glass products installed within them 52

Fire-Rated Fi R t d Glass: Gl Key Terminology Integrity (E)—ability to prevent the passage of flames and hot gases Low Radiation (EW)—ability to keep heat radiation below 15 KW/m2 on the protected side (measured from a one-meter distance) Insulation (EI)—ability to stop heat transfer on the protected side (maximum allowed Tº rise on the glass +285ºF average/350ºF locally) Internal Grade (IG)—suitable for internal applications not exposed to UV rays External Grade (EG)—suitable for external applications (facades) (facades), as well as internal applications exposed to direct UV rays


Insulating Glass: Designed for Energy Efficiency • Two or more lites of glass assembled to created a hermetically sealed insulating space • Reduce heat gain/loss between interior and exterior spaces to improve energy efficiency • Incorporate various glass types, coatings or tints depending upon coatings, requirements • May also have high-performance spacer systems, insulating gas, decorative muntins and internal blinds 54

Insulating Glass: Spacer Options Purpose of the spacer • Provides structural integrity to maintain airspace between glazing lites • Act as a carrier for the desiccant system • Act as the support system for sealants Purpose of the spacer system (spacer, desiccant and sealants) within an IG unit • Maintain space between glazing lites • Dry gas in space to prevent moisture condensation • Retain insulating gas fills within space • Maintain hermetic seal around IG perimeter 55

Insulating Glass: Gas Filling Options • Inert insulating gases reduce conductive and convective heat transfer through IG unit. • Argon is most common but may utilize krypton and other high performance gases for special applications • Typically a percentage of gas content mixed with air


I Insulating l ti Glass: Gl Special S i l Features F t • Muntins inside IG units simulate a true divided lite without the labor and expense. A variety of shapes and colors are available. • IInternal t l blinds bli d used d for f light li ht and d heat h t control t l also reduce cleaning and maintenance requirements.


Spandrel Glass: Creating a Seamless Appearance • Spandrel glass conceals structural components such as floor and ceiling joists which would interfere with the seamless appearance of curtain wall facades • There are two types of spandrel glass silicone coated and ceramic i frit f it coated t d 58


Silkscreen Glass: Silk Gl Custom C t Aesthetics—and Solar Control • Silkscreen designs provide a decorative, colored pattern on float or coated glass. • Ceramic frit paint is silkscreened to glass substrate in a pattern of dots, lines, or holes then “fired” to becomes a durable, durable permanent part of the glass glass. • Silkscreen glass also acts to diffuse light and radiant providing g solar control. heat transmission, thus p • Custom silkscreen colors and patterns can be specified, to create a truly one-of-a-kind effect.



Making the Right Glass Choice

Gl Glass S Selection l ti Criteria C it i In specifying the best possible glass solution for each project, architects must consider a range of factors, including: • Glass Aesthetics • Performance Needs • Application Demands • Product Considerations


Choosing a Glass: Aesthetic Considerations • • • • • •


Unique aesthetic vision Increasing demand for natural light Selection of the glass substrate and color Glass coatings (performance and aesthetics) Fabricating options Understanding of the design implications

Choosing Ch i a Glass: Gl Performance Needs Consider long-term energy efficiency •

Significantly impacted by glass choice

Daily comfort of those who will occupy the building

Maximize year-round energy performance Invest in energy-efficient solutions (may be larger investment) •

Cutting edge technologies

Labor-intensive processes



International Energy Conservation Code (IECC)

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDTM) Green Building Rating System

IECC®: Mapping Performance Needs • IECC® prescribes energy performance requirements • Eight U.S. regions with patterns of annual heating/cooling demands • Glass and window products can be specified based upon their “fit” for the region in which they will be installed


All of Alaska in Zone 7, except for the following Boroughs in Zone 8: Bethel, Dellingham, Fairbanks N. Star, Nome, North Slope, Northwest Arctic, Southeast Fairbanks, Wace Hampton, Yukon-Koyukuk

Zone 1 includes Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands

E Encouraging i “Green” “G ” Design: D i LEEDTM


LEEDTM Green Building g Rating g System y has created guidelines g and recommendations for specifying windows.

Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, LEED is g to accelerate the development p and implementation p designed of green building practices.

LEED recognizes not only energy efficiency, but also indoor quality—considering y g thermal comfort,, as well environmental q as ample daylight and views.

In addition, LEED awards points for manufacturers’ recycling practices,, and their proximity p p y to job j sites (decreasing ( g transportation impacts).

Low-E windows and other innovative glass solutions are ideal g LEED’s “green” g building g design g criteria. for meeting

Choosing Ch i a Glass: Gl Application Demands


In addition to meeting building codes where hurricane resistance, security, or fire safety may be a concern, consider the everyday strength needs of the glass.

Loads on architectural glass can include mechanical stresses (caused by high winds or snow accumulation) and thermal stresses (caused by heat build build-up). up).

Vertical, sloped, overhead, and flooring installations include their own special set of concerns and product requirements Be cognizant of the extra strength and requirements. safety needs of glass installed in these applications.

Also consider appropriate framing systems and glass sealants, which can lend structural support and longevity.

Choosing Ch i a Glass: Gl Understanding Product Considerations •

A il bl thicknesses, Available thi k sizes, i and d fabricating f b i ti options ti

Product customization does come with its costs

It may y make sense to choose standard g glass sizes and finishing options whenever possible.

Partner with glass suppliers to balance creativity with practicality and cost effectiveness.

Customized products can also take time •

Restrictions imposed by building codes •


Understand the impact of specialized glass solutions on th overall the ll project j t schedule. h d l Ensure that glass suppliers have conducted adequate product testing to ensure that their products meet these requirements.

S Sources off Additional Additi l Information I f ti For more information, contact the following organizations: • American A i A Architectural hit t l Manufacturers M f t Association, A i ti t • American Society for Testing and Materials International, • Ca Canadian ad a Window do and a d Door oo Manufacturers a u actu e s Association, ssoc at o , c d a ca • Efficient Windows Collaborative, • ENERGY STAR® program, • Glass Association of North America, • International Energy Conservation Codes, • Insulating Glass Manufacturers Alliance Alliance, www igmaonline org • National Glass Association, • National Fenestration Rating Council, • U.S. Green Building Council, 68

Course Summary Following this course, course you should have an increased understanding of: • How glass is used in architectural applications—and the functionality and performance benefits it can provide • Different types of glass—and their applications • Fabricated glass solutions and their applications applications—including including insulating units, heat-treated glass, and fire-rated glass • How to measure and evaluate glass performance—to make better-informed bette o ed choices c o ces when e spec specifying y gg glass ass


Thank you! This concludes the American Institute of Architects C ti i Education Continuing Ed ti System S t Program. P Are there any yq questions?


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