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GREAT LAKES BAY EARLY COLLEGE Your path continues here
What is an Early College? Early College provides high school students with programs of study, academic skills and personal support to earn cer fica on and 60 college credits. We offer an extraordinary opportunity of personalized educa on designed to meet your learning needs and fully immerse students into the college learning environment. Early College is an excellent fit for students who are advanced, struggling or unsure if college is an op on. Through this vision, the Great Lakes Bay Early College will focus on college readiness and the 21st Century Skills required for all careers including Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathema cs fields.
talking points
High School 10th, 11th & 12th graders enroll in the early college, a end classes on a university campus with the support of mentors, and earn a high school diploma, cer ficates and up to 60 college credits in 3 years.
Students learn in a college environment that fosters maturity and academic growth. High expecta ons and standards for all students are establish in educa onal plans. Real-world learning experiences in S.T.E.M.– embedded classes, internships and service learning help students build their own bridges between school and the world of work.
Students are comfortable using technology and a variety of media to gather informa on and are expected to present their learning and make their work public. Students regularly use college services such as tutoring programs, career development, theater facili es, labs, gym and collegiate clubs. Business partners offer students internships or job opportuni es and parents ac vely par cipate in the life of the school. All teachers meet at least once a week with the same small group of students, mentoring them throughout their college experience. When choosing to work hard, students will gain vital skills for college success. The Early College is FREE to high school students in the Great Lakes Bay Region.
Contact the GLBEC office for more information
[email protected] & 989-964-2059 &