inclusive of all district policies. Page 3 of 17. Glenwood Student Parent Handbook 2016-17.pdf. Glenwood Student Parent
Student/Parent Handbook 2016-2017
Table of Contents Our Mission and Beliefs ..................................................................................................... 3 School Improvement Team Members.............................................................................. 3 Attendance ………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………….4 Arrival Procedure……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5 Request for Educational Opportunity…………………………………………………………………………….6 Awards Programs ................................................................................................................. 7 Sweets & Gum ....................................................................................................................... 7 Child Abuse ........................................................................................................................... 7 Communication ...................................................................................................................... 7 Directory Information/Photographs ............................................................................... 8 Dismissal ................................................................................................................................ 8 Dress Code ............................................................................................................................ 9 Evening/Weekend Events .................................................................................................. 9 Field Trips ............................................................................................................................. 9 Gator Communicator .......................................................................................................... 10 Health Assessments………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10 Health Screenings ............................................................................................................. 10 Homework ............................................................................................................................ 10 Illness/Accidents at School ............................................................................................. 11 Immunizations .................................................................................................................... 12 Insurance ............................................................................................................................. 12 Invitations at School ........................................................................................................ 12 Lost and Found ................................................................................................................... 12 Medication ........................................................................................................................... 12 PTA........................................................................................................................................ 13 Pets ....................................................................................................................................... 13 School Closing Announcements ....................................................................................... 13 Smoke Free Schools .......................................................................................................... 14 Snacks .................................................................................................................................. 14 Telephones .......................................................................................................................... 13 Toys ...................................................................................................................................... 15 Vandalism, Destruction, or Mutilation of School Property ...................................... 15 Visitors ................................................................................................................................. 15 Volunteering ........................................................................................................................ 15 Great Gator Behavior Plan ............................................................................................... 16 GATOR C.H.O.M.P.S…………………………………………………………………………………………………………17
Glenwood Elementary school provides a rigorous and equitable education to all students which will ensure they acquire the attitudes, skills, and content to problem solve and succeed in an ever changing global society. Vision for Equity and Excellence: At Glenwood we value and support each child as an individual and a member of our greater Glenwood family so all children will learn and achieve at high levels. Beliefs We believe academic growth requires hard work and effort, persistence, confidence, and productive work habits by all. We believe all stakeholders are accountable to the rigorous and nurturing learning environment that fosters student growth. We believe every child can learn at high levels and attain at least one year’s growth annually.
School Improvement Team Glenwood Elementary has an elected School Improvement Team (SIT), which serves as a decisionmaking body for the school. Composed of parents and staff members, the SIT meets on the second Tuesday of each month from 6-8 pm. Meetings are open to the public, and you are encouraged to attend. Minutes are posted on the school website following each meeting. Committee members for 2015-2016 are: Darlene Ryan Principal Fei Fei Huang Parent Chris Liles Assistant Principal Melissa Towne Teacher Renee Bosman Parent Bill Rathbun Teacher Katie Jamieson Parent Tammie Eddins Teacher Sandra Wang Parent Maggie Wu Classified Employee Michael Lee Parent See webpage to contact members **Please note*** The Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School District published an Elementary School Parent Handbook this year. The district handbook is also available at The policies and information included in the Glenwood Student/Parent Handbook are specific to our school community and are inclusive of all district policies.
Attendance One of the most important things parents can do is make sure that their children attend school regularly and on time. While some absences for illnesses are unavoidable, nothing can replace the educational, cultural and social contacts that students experience through regular participation in class. All students between ages 7 and 16 are required by law to attend school. Every child is expected to be at school every day unless sick or otherwise excused. If Your Child Will Be Absent Parents should notify the school office by early morning when their children will be absent from school. If no call is received by the school, the office will contact the parent or guardian by midmorning. (919-968-3473) Excused Absences The State Board of Education allows excused absences for these reasons: Illness or injury Quarantine Death in the immediate family Medical or dental appointments Court or administrative proceedings Religious observances Educational opportunity (Principal approval required - form must be completed two weeks in advance and submitted to the office.) Approval Request Form can be found on the school website under “Parents” at the “Forms” link and is also provided on page 7. If possible, absences other than those for illness should be arranged in advance so that the student can begin to make up the work which will be missed. After a student has been absent, he or she should bring a written excuse, signed by the parent, stating the cause of the absence. All students are required to attend at least 83 percent of the total school days in an academic year in order to graduate or to be promoted to the next grade. Exceptions could be made in the case of excused absences and made-up work. Unexcused Absences 3 Unexcused Absences After any student has accumulated three unexcused absences in a school year, the principal or his/her designee will notify the parent, guardian or custodian of the student that the student has been absent an excessive number of times. 6 Unexcused Absences After six unexcused absences, the principal will notify the parent, guardian or custodian by mail that he/she may be in violation of the Compulsory Attendance Law and may be prosecuted if the absences cannot be justified under the established attendance policies of the state and district boards of education.
10 Unexcused Absences After ten accumulated unexcused absences in a school year, the principal will review any report or investigation on the student’s absence and also confer with the student and his/her parent, guardian or custodian to determine whether the parent, guardian or custodian has received notification and made a good faith effort to comply with the law. If the principal determines that the parent, guardian or custodian has not made a good faith effort to comply with the law, the principal will notify the district attorney. Tardies Three unexcused tardies of fifteen minutes or more shall be treated as one unexcused absence under the State’s Compulsory Attendance Law. Arrival Procedures Students should be in their homeroom class and ready for learning by 7:40 am. Students arrival begins at 7:25. Breakfast is available in the hallway each morning for any student with prepaid accounts. There are two locations for the breakfast carts - one in the front hallway and one in the primary hallway. Students take their breakfast to their classroom to eat. All car riders must be dropped off in the Kiss & Go circle which is located at the side entrance of the school. Students should be ready to exit curbside right as cars pull up to the curb. Please maintain a single line of traffic unless directed by school personnel to move forward. Parking is not allowed at the State Employees Credit Union. This business has requested that we notify all parents to park on Prestwick Drive and not in their designated business parking lot. No parking is available in the bus circle lot and back employee lot. Children should be dropped off at the side of the school or walk with an adult to the side door.
Glenwood Elementary School
REQUEST FOR ABSENCE TO BE EXCUSED FOR EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY Prior approval is required for an absence to be excused for an educational opportunity that will result in the students missing days from school. Signing this form assures that the student’s absence is for a valid educational opportunity. Please be aware that educational absences beyond 10 days may not be excused as this severely impacts students learning. Please submit this form to Dr. Darlene Ryan at the main office two weeks before the planned absence(s). Once the principal has made a decision, you will be notified via email. As the parent/guardian of ___________________________________________, I assure that the absence from school for the dates of ____________________________ is for an educational opportunity of comparable value to my child’s attendance in school. Grade_________ Teacher__________________ Parent signature________________________________ Parent’s email__________________________________
Phone number where parent can be reached during school hours: __________________ Please briefly describe the educational opportunities that your child will be involved in. Some examples are visiting museums, aquariums, historical locations and learning about different cultures. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Approved Not Approved Principal Signature_____________________________________________
Awards Programs We believe it is important to recognize and reward the accomplishments of our students. We provide the following opportunities for student recognition:
Gatorific Kids Program. Recognition for meeting PBIS/classroom/school goals agreed upon with teacher. Goals might be for attendance, returning homework, behavior, etc. Quarterly Student Recognition Assemblies. From each class: Art, Music, French, Physical Education Student of the Quarter, Best Effort of the Quarter, and Responsible Student of the Quarter. Perfect Attendance Award for each student who arrives on time and stays all day every day of the quarter. Reader of the Month for meeting reading goals agreed upon with teacher.
Sweets and Gum Sweets may not be served at classroom celebrations. In addition sweets or candy will not be used as a reward or motivation to learn. Gum is not allowed at school at any time. Healthy food celebrations (fruits and vegetables) may only be held after the close of the cafeteria. Any food celebration must have office approval. Child Abuse It is a felony for school officials to fail to report suspected child abuse to the proper authorities. School personnel will report suspected child neglect as well. Communication We will communicate with you in a variety of ways: Gator Communicator (student work sent home weekly) Gator’s Tale (PTA Newsletter electronic) Gator Flash (fliers from the office) Monthly class newsletters Report cards/ mid-quarter progress reports Notes, phone calls, e-mail Web pages School sign ConnectEd messages Facebook Twitter You can communicate with us by phone, by notes, and by e-mail. All staff members have e-mail listed on our website under “Classes.” Directory Information/Photographs Our PTA publishes a student/family directory each year. News and educational organizations may photograph individuals or groups of students as they engage in the educational process. If you object to your child being photographed or having your information included in the directory, please notify the school office in writing by September 9.
Dismissal Unless we receive written instructions from you to the contrary, we will always send a child home his/her usual way. We ask parents and guardians to please send any dismissal changes in writing to the classroom teacher in the morning. However, we know that changes may sometimes come later in the day. Calls to the office (919-968-3473 x38221) for a change in dismissal need to be made prior to 1:45 PM to ensure the message will reach faculty in time for the correct dismissal preparation. Children may be in specials classes rather than with the teacher so multiple people have to be notified for the change to occur seamlessly and safely for the student. If a student is to be picked up by someone other than a parent, a note must be sent to the teacher stating who will be picking the child up. If we are not familiar with the person who you send to pick up your child, we will ask for identification. We are unable to send children home on buses other than their own during the first month of school. After the bus routes are stabilized, we will accommodate occasional requests if space is available. (Please call the office at least one day in advance to check on availability.) We are not able to accommodate requests for groups of children (such as for a birthday party or scout meeting) to ride a particular bus home together. Please be aware that some buses have a “no extra riders” status due to rider capacity standards. As you are aware, Glenwood has a limited traffic pattern and due to construction we have many more vehicles than the pattern is designed to manage. Therefore, it is essential that during rainy or inclement weather, the measures implemented to ensure the safe departure of children are followed explicitly. Please read the procedures below. In the case of rain, kiss and go students will be assigned to cafeteria close to the side of the building. Teachers will have walkie-talkies, check the car tags for student names, and call the office to make the announcement for pick-up. Additional teachers are assigned to ferry students from the cafeteria to the side door. Even more staff will take the students directly to your car. Please remain in your car to receive your child(ren). We will deliver students to the car traffic before any pedestrian pick-up. Sending the car traffic on their way and out of the roadway ensures the safety of walking traffic in difficult weather conditions. Please do not block the doorway, or insist upon receiving your child(ren) from staff who are working to keep the driving traffic moving. We will respond to pedestrians that are waiting when the driving traffic has been serviced. It is particularly important that if you have urgent appointments on a rainy day, you come to
school prior to 1:45 to check out your child(ren). This will ensure that you have ample time to make your appointment and miss the end of day traffic. Dress Code Shirts and blouses must cover the stomach. Boys and girls may not wear caps, hats, or scarves indoors except for religious or other cultural custom requirements. Spaghetti straps, tank tops, and/or bike shorts are not permitted; all shorts and skirts must be of a reasonable length. Tennis shoes, sneakers, or some type of rubber-soled shoes must be worn each day for safety reasons. Students who wear flip-flops, clogs, etc., will not be permitted to participate in physical education/recess activities. Evening, Weekend Events During the course of the school year, we hold a variety of evening and weekend events. Some events are for adults only and will be published as such. When students may attend, they must be supervised by an adult guardian. (They may not be dropped off and then picked up.) The same rules for student behavior apply at evening and weekend events as during the school day, including our dress code. Field Trips Most of our classes go on one or more field trips during the school year. Students may walk, use public transportation, or ride a school activity bus. These trips provide valuable experiences for our children, and we are grateful to the volunteers who assist us on these trips. The school system requires parent permission for student attendance on field trips. Students and parents are responsible for ensuring that permission slips are returned to teachers on time. We must have the signed permission slip before a student can leave school. It is very disappointing to a student when he or she is left behind, but because of the law, we have no choice. It is the district expectation that parents who participate in field trips may not bring preschool age siblings or siblings from other classes. Parents who join field trips in their own cars may take only their own children home. Parents must sign out their child prior to the field trip if they plan on taking their child home from the field trip location. Neighbors, friends, and/or other students must return to school on the bus. Children who leave field trips with their parents will be considered checked out of school early that day. Gator Communicator Each student receives a Gator Communicator, which is sent home each Friday with his or her work and school information. Please follow your child’s teacher’s instructions for signing and returning the envelope. Be sure to check the calendar often; school events (meetings, programs, vacations,
early release days, etc.) are listed. All newsletters and information from the office will be printed on green paper. Health Assessments measure the health of all children entering school in North Carolina. Health issues that affect learning are addressed. State law requires that every child entering public schools in N.C. for the first time receive a health assessment. The assessment must occur within 12 months prior to entering school. The medical provider, parent or guardian must provide a completed health assessment transmittal form to the principal of the school on or before the child's first day of attendance. Many local health departments and physicians across the state perform the assessment. Health Screenings Students are routinely checked for a variety of potential health problems. These vary by grade level and include hearing, vision, and dental screenings. If you have questions, concerns, or objections, please contact our school nurse. Homework At Glenwood Elementary School, we assign homework to provide students the opportunity to 1) practice their grade level skills, 2) practice responsibility. Therefore, we will use the following guidelines for homework: *We will only assign homework students can complete without help. Homework will be practice or application of skills students have learned in class.
*We will not assign homework that requires research. We will provide time and materials in class for research and projects. Students may choose to add to research at home. *We'll use the following guidelines for time: Kindergarten Parents are encouraged to read with their child daily; there could be other simple assigments. Grade 1 20 minutes daily Grades 2-3 30-45 minutes daily Grades 4-5 45-60 minutes daily *Students could have nightly homework in math and literacy. Depending upon their grade level, they may also have other homework. However, when students have more than one teacher (classroom and/or resource, special), all their teachers will communicate with each other to ensure students aren't spending more time on homework than listed above. *We'll provide feedback to students on the quality of their work, but won't assign grades for homework.
*Students will be responsible for bringing their homework to school on time. Classroom teachers will check for completion first thing in the morning, even if the homework is for another teacher. *Reading is the only homework students might have over weekends and holidays. We will not assign any other weekend homework, and we will not assign homework on nights when there are evening events (Curriculum night, Multi-cultural Gala, etc.). *Because all work we assign is important and valuable, we will not give "no homework coupons." Illness and Accidents at School The Student Information Verification Form must be completed with current emergency contacts and other health information. This form includes a space for information about where you can be located during the day in the event that your child becomes sick or injured while at school. It is vital that we be able to reach you if an emergency occurs. If your child has a chronic illness, expect to be contacted by the nurse asking for additional information. Outbreaks of head lice are common when the children return to school in the fall. If head lice are discovered in your child’s classroom, a letter of general information will be sent to everyone. If you find head lice or have questions please call the school nurse. Under the following conditions, students must be sent home: contagious disease, vomiting, diarrhea, and temperature of 100oF or above. Students should be without fever, diarrhea, or vomiting for 24 hours before returning to school. When minor injuries occur here, school personnel will administer first aid treatment. For serious injury, parents or guardians will always be contacted. Please be sure we always have your current home and work telephone numbers, your address, and a person to contact in case of emergency. Immunizations If you are new to our school system, please make sure that the school has a copy of your child’s immunization record within 30 days of school enrollment. If your child is in kindergarten, a physical assessment completed by your health care provider must also be submitted. State law requires the following minimum immunizations:
Immunization Requirements for Grades Kindergarten - 12 5 DTaP (Diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis) One dose must be on or after the 4th birthday. If a 4th DTaP is on or after the 4th birthday, a 5th dose is not required. 4 Polio If the 3rd Polio was on or after the 4th birthday, a 4th dose is not required.
2 MMR (Measles, mumps, rubella) All vaccination dates must be on or after the child's 1st birthday. Two full doses of MMR are recommended; the minimum requirement is 2 Measles, 2 Mumps, 1 Rubella. 3 Hep B (Hepatitis B) 2 Varicella 1st dose for all students born on or after April 1, 2001. 2nd dose for students entering Kindergarten or 1st grade after July 1, 2015 Additional Requirements Entering Kindergarten 1 Hib (Hemophilus influenzae, b) Minimum of 1 dose is required prior to 5th birthday. Physical exam must be completed by a North Carolina licensed health care provider within 1 year prior to the start of kindergarten. Permanent enrollment in school is contingent upon completion of these required immunizations. Students without proof of immunizations with dates signed and stamped by a physician and/or clinic will be suspended from school 30 calendar days after school entrance. If you have questions, please contact the school nurse.
Insurance Optional accident insurance is offered to each student. The policy offered is for accidents only, and is not a general medical/hospital plan. Brochures describing the policy will be sent home the first day of school. Invitations If your child brings invitations to school for a party at home, please make sure all children in the class are invited. Otherwise, please make other arrangements to distribute invitations. Lost and Found Lost-and-found boxes are located outside the cafeteria. Loss of personal items can be minimized if student belongings are labeled. Please label lunchboxes, notebooks, jackets, etc. with your child’s full name, as many students have the same initials. Items will be donated to the PTA Thift Shop on the 15th of each month. Medication For any medication to be taken at school, a Medication Authorization Form must be completed and returned to the nurse. If needed, forms are available in the nurse’s office. All medications must be in a pharmacy labeled bottle and will be kept in the school nurse’s office. School personnel are not authorized to administer any type of medication, including over-the– counter medication such as Tylenol or cough syrup, except under the following conditions:
Medication that is taken on a routine basis, either daily or as needed, for such conditions as allergies, hyperactivity, or seizures, must have a form signed by both a physician and the parent/guardian.
Prescriptions medications such as antibiotics to be given for less than 2 weeks require the parent to sign the authorization form. Ask your health care provider for medicines that only need to be given 2-3 times a day so that all doses can be given at home.
Over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, Benadryl, some cough drops, and first aid creams that are sold without a prescription require the signature of the parent.
Medication of any kind should NEVER be sent to school in a lunch box or unmarked container. When the staff does not know about medication, we cannot take proper precautions to safeguard your child and other students. All medicines should be signed in at the nurse’s office and be in the pharmacy labeled container. Medicines will be kept in the nurse’s office and returned only to an adult. PTA We hope you will actively support and participate in the Glenwood Elementary PTA. Involvement in the PTA is an excellent way to show your children you support their school! Meetings and programs are included in the school calendar on the website and on the back of this handbook, and are also listed on the Gator Communicator. Pets We love pets, but please help us ensure the safety of students and staff. If you bring your pet to school at drop-off or dismissal time, please have him/her wait in your car. Pets are not allowed on school grounds. School Closing Announcements Please listen for announcements about the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools, NOT the Orange County Schools! School closings and delayed openings will be announced on the following stations: Radio: WCHL-AM 1360 WDNC-AM 620 WPTF-AM 680 WUNC-FM 91.5 WRAL-FM 101.5 WRDU-FM 106.1 WQDR-FM 94.7 WQOK-FM 97.5 WDCGFM 105.1 WCPM-FM 101 Television:
Smoke-Free Schools The Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education have adopted the policy that all buildings and grounds are smoke-free. This policy is intended to reinforce the teaching of the harmful effects of smoking, and to provide a healthful teaching and learning environment. This policy applies to all personnel and all visitors to school property; a separate policy prohibits smoking by students.
Snacks Classroom teachers will designate time for snacks in their daily schedules. Please send only nutritious snacks that can be eaten easily and neatly (without spoons, forks, excessive crumbs, etc.). Students may purchase extra items (one per day) in the cafeteria during their regular lunchtime period. In order to ensure good health and provide fullness and satisfaction between meals, all snacks provided to the children should be nutrient rich. Snack foods should be mainly complex carbohydrates combined with some protein, fiber and fat, providing energy for the brain and muscles, and staying power until the next meal. Suggested snacks ideas are: Gold Fish Pretzels Raw Vegetables and cheese or peanut butter Cheez-Its Cheese crackers Saltine crackers and peanut butter or fruit Low-fat Triscuit crackers Mini wheat type cereal String cheese
Harvest Crisp Crackers Fresh fruit plain or with peanut butter Cheese Nips Peanut butter crackers Graham crackers Baked Lays or any baked chip Low-fat granola bars Unsweetened apple sauce
Snacks high in simple sugars such as Gummi Bears, chocolate, cupcakes with frosting and Star Bursts, just to name a few, are strongly discouraged due to their low “health-nutrient” value. Telephones Students may not use the telephones in the classrooms unless given permission to do so by their teachers and administrators. This includes personal cell phones and hand held electronic devices (IPod, MP3, electronic games, etc). Consequences for unauthorized use-Policy Code 4318 If a wireless device is used without permission during instructional time, a warning will be issued to the student for the first offense. If the behavior continues, the device is subject to confiscation by school personnel then returned to the student at the conclusion of the school day. Subsequent repeat offenses will require a parent or guardian to collect the device at school. As a matter of safety within the school setting, if at any time a school employee requests that a student refrain from using such items, failure to comply will result in use of behavior interventions, which includes but not limited to confiscation of the device.
Students are personally and solely responsible for the security of their wireless communication devices. The school system is not responsible for the theft, loss, or damage of a cellular phone or other personal wireless communication device. Toys Students may not bring toys of any kind to school, except for Show and Tell. Toys brought for Show and Tell must be kept in book bags for the rest of the school day. School personnel cannot be responsible for the safety of toys brought to school for Show and Tell. This includes electronic devices such as MP3 players, iPods, and any handheld electronic games. Vandalism, Destruction, or Mutilation of School Property Students are responsible for replacement of or payment for vandalism, destruction, or mutilation of school property. Visitors For the protection of all our students, all visitors after 7:25 and before 2:30 are required to sign in at the office and to wear a visitor’s badge while on the premises. While it may seem like an inconvenience, following this procedure helps ensure the safety of all of our students and staff. Visits to classrooms and conferences with teachers must be scheduled in advance so as not to disrupt the instructional program. Lunches, homework, and other items students have forgotten at home must be left in the office to minimize disruption of class instruction. Office staff will ensure prompt delivery. Volunteering All classroom volunteers should register with the volunteer office - even parents. Here is the link to the district Volunteers & Partners office. ( Please understand that having parents follow this procedure protects the parent, our students, and our staff.
As a community of learners we need an environment that is conducive to teaching and learning. Consistency in expectations for behavior is necessary to achieve this atmosphere. Towards this end, the teachers and staff of Glenwood have established three expectations for behavior that will help foster respect and create a productive learning environment.
All students are expected to: take responsibility for their own behavior understand the consequences of misbehavior follow all directions given by adults
To establish and maintain a positive classroom and school climate, staff members will: learn each child’s name right away establish a discipline plan, including consequences for inappropriate behavior and plans for recognition of responsible behavior send home a copy of the plan within the first week of school submit a copy of the plan to the office by September 6 designate a time-out or cooling off area in the classroom be consistent and fair when applying consequences remain in control and remember that we are role models not use “blanket punishments” refrain from leaving a child in charge of other children never leave the classroom unattended except in case of emergency attend all assemblies and monitor the behavior of all students discipline any Glenwood student who behaves inappropriately Our teachers do a great job of handling student behavior in their classrooms. However, teachers are required to send students to the office when they are physically aggressive towards other children or adults. We do not distinguish between play fighting and real fighting; we treat all incidents of physical aggression (pushing, hitting, biting, kicking, scratching, etc.) in the same way. We will deal with fighting or other violent acts as follows: First offense: In-school suspension for the remainder of day and/or the next day (student remains in office; work is provided by teacher.) Parent conference. Additional offenses will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Students will be assigned to in-school or out-of-school suspension, and referred to the guidance counselor, school based committee, family specialist, or other appropriate person or group. A parent conference will be held at school.
Very severe offenses may result in immediate suspension from school. Students, who bring weapons to school, including pocket knives, will immediately be suspended for three days and a parent conference will be held. We are also required to notify law enforcement officials regarding weapons. This policy includes anything that looks like a weapon (toy guns, squirt guns, etc.), sounds like a weapon (pop guns, etc.), or anything that is used as or intended to be used as a weapon (pencil, pointed stick, etc.).
Sit while eating and use a calm voice
Walk silently in lines so others can learn
Use problem solving steps to resolve conflicts
Clean up for the next person
Speak in a nice, calm voice
Clean up your area
Keep your hands and feet to yourself
Keep your hands and feet to yourself
Respect the privacy of others
Hands and feet to yourself
Eat only your food
Be a good example to other students
Include everyone in games
Leave the stall unlocked and walls, sink, and stalls clean
Be on time and remind others to be appropriate
Eat your food before snacks and dessert
Use body control
Follow the playground rules
Report problems immediately
Listen to rules and follow directions of the bus driver
Use polite words and wait your turn
Walk on the right side on the second tile
Use equipment safely and properly
Wash hands with soap and water. Leave quickly and quietly
Stay seated at all times
Care for Others
Have Respect
Offer Peer Support
Make Good Choices
Practice Safety