Stephen Berer for âThe Live Adventures of Paranoid Pete, Revisitedâ. Elizabeth Caswell for âMapping Mannyâ. Mark
Glimmer Train May 2015 New Writer Award 1st place: Lauren Green for “When We Hear Yellow” 2 place: Emory Harkins for “We’re Talking to Ourselves” 3rd place: Ellen Graham for “Livingston” nd
Rest of the Top 25, listed in alphabetical order: Alyssa Asquith for “And by Me I Mean You” Samantha Atkins for “Momma Puss” Stephen Berer for “The Live Adventures of Paranoid Pete, Revisited” Elizabeth Caswell for “Mapping Manny” Mark Christopherson for “Mange” Michael Cooper for “Blue” Leah Esau for “The Robbers” Scott Gloden for “Phosphorous” Jesse Goulard for “Bravo Down” Hampton Williams Hofer for “Hurricane Season” Jenna Hymes for “The Drought” Olivia Lori for “Hound Man” Amanda Niehaus-Hard for “Age of Deceit” Palu for “Terrorists” Jennifer Porter for “Army Mom” Molly Reid for “The Permutations of A” Gregory Scheiber for “Between Bath and Heaven” William Shih for “Two Lives” Dana Thomann for “Burial” Michael Tracy for “The Bold and Subtle Miracles” Julia Travers for “Float” Aaron Zuckerman for “Disarmed Brothers” Congratulations, and thank you for letting us read your stories!
Glimmer Train Press, Inc. • P.O. Box 80430 • Portland, OR • 97280-1430