Global best Harmony Search with a new pitch adjustment ... - Core

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Oct 16, 2012 - Recently, Al-betar et al. (2010a) used HSA with multi-pitch adjustment procedures to solve course timetabling problems with impressive results.
Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences (2013) 25, 145–162

King Saud University

Journal of King Saud University – Computer and Information Sciences


Global best Harmony Search with a new pitch adjustment designed for Nurse Rostering Mohammed A. Awadallah a,*, Ahamad Tajudin Khader a, Mohammed Azmi Al-Betar a,b, Asaju La’aro Bolaji a a b

School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Pulau Pinang, Malaysia Department of Computer Science, Jadara University, Irbid, Jordan

Received 25 May 2012; revised 5 September 2012; accepted 8 October 2012 Available online 16 October 2012

KEYWORDS Nurse Rostering; Harmony Search; Approximation method; Population-based; Global-best

Abstract In this paper, the Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA) is proposed to tackle the Nurse Rostering Problem (NRP) using a dataset introduced in the First International Nurse Rostering Competition (INRC2010). NRP is a combinatorial optimization problem that is tackled by assigning a set of nurses with different skills and contracts to different types of shifts, over a predefined scheduling period. HSA is an approximation method which mimics the improvisation process that has been successfully applied for a wide range of optimization problems. It improvises the new harmony iteratively using three operators: memory consideration, random consideration, and pitch adjustment. Recently, HSA has been used for NRP, with promising results. This paper has made two major improvements to HSA for NRP: (i) replacing random selection with the Global-best selection of Particle Swarm Optimization in memory consideration operator to improve convergence speed. (ii) Establishing multi-pitch adjustment procedures to improve local exploitation. The result obtained by HSA is comparable with those produced by the five INRC2010 winners’ methods. ª 2013 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.

1. Introduction Nurse Rostering Problem (NRP) is tackled by assigning qualified nurses to a set of different shifts over a predefined * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.A. Awadallah), [email protected] (A.T. Khader), [email protected] (M.A. Al-Betar), [email protected] (A.L. Bolaji). Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University.

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scheduling period. Solving NRP is subject to two types of constraints: hard and soft. The hard constraints must be fulfilled to obtain feasible roster while the violations of soft constraints are allowed but should be avoided, if possible. The quality of the roster is evaluated based on the fulfillments of the soft constraints. Based on the above, the basic objective is to obtain a feasible roster with high quality. However, it is almost impossible to find a roster that satisfies all constraints, since this problem is classified as a combinatorial optimization problem (Bartholdi, 1981; Millar and Kiragu, 1998). Over the past years, there have been many methods proposed by researchers from the fields of operations research and artificial intelligence to tackle NRP. Such methods have

1319-1578 ª 2013 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.

146 been classified into two classes: exact and approximation. Exact methods are used to obtain an exact solution, which includes integer and liner programming (Maenhout and Vanhoucke, 2010; Millar and Kiragu, 1998). Nowadays, the exact methods have been used to find a partial solution for NRP, and the rest portion is completed by approximation methods (Burke et al., 2010). In contrast, approximation methods seek to obtain (near-) optimal solutions with a reasonable computational time. These methods are classified into two types: local search-based and population-based (Blum and Roli, 2003). Local search-based methods consider one solution from the search space at a time, which iteratively changes to reach local optima. Several local search-based methods have been investigated for tackling NRP such as Tabu Search (Burke et al., 1999; Dowsland, 1998), Variable Neighborhood Search (Bilgin et al., 2011; Burke et al., 2008), and Simulated Annealing (Brusco and Jacobs, 1995). Population-based methods consider a population of solutions from the search space at a time; these solutions are iteratively recombined and changed to find a global optimum. Several population-based methods are introduced for tackling NRP such as Genetic Algorithm (Aickelin and Dowsland, 2004; Tsai and Li, 2009), Ant Colony Optimization (Gutjahr and Rauner, 2007), Electromagnetic Algorithm (Maenhout and Vanhoucke, 2007), Scatter Search (Burke et al., 2009). More details about some of these methods can be seen in the surveys by Cheang et al. (2003) and Burke et al. (2004). In this paper, we investigate the NRP introduced by the First International Nurse Rostering Competition (INRC2010). INRC2010 was organized by the CODeS research group at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium, SINTEF Group in Norway and the University of Udine in Italy. The dataset presented by INRC2010 was classified into three tracks: sprint, medium, and long datasets which are different in complexity and size. Each track is categorized into four types in accordance with the publication time in the competition: early, late, hidden, and hint. For this challenge, there are several methods proposed to solve the INRC2010 dataset. Valouxis et al. (2010) used Integer Programming (IP) to compete in INRC2010. The solution method consists of two phases: the first includes assigning different nurses to working days while the second schedules the nurses assigned to working days and certain shifts. For medium and long track datasets, the authors used three additional neighborhood structures in the first phase: (i) rescheduling one day in the roster for another time, (ii) rescheduling two days in the roster for another time, and (iii) reshuffling the shifts among nurses. This method ranked first in all three tacks. Burke and Curtois (2010) used two methods to tackle the INRC2010 dataset. The ejection chain-based method is used for the sprint track dataset while the branch and price method is used for medium and long track datasets. These methods ranked second for medium and long tracks, and secured the fourth rank in sprint track. Nonobe (2010) modeled the problem as Constraint Optimization Problem (COP), and then used the ‘‘COP solver’’ based on tabu search to compete in INRC2010. This technique came second, third, fourth in sprint, medium and long tracks, respectively. Lu and Hao (2010) applied tabu search to tackle the competition dataset. The solution method had two phases: (i) a random heuristic method was used to get a feasible roster, and (ii) the two neighborhood structures (i.e., move and swap)

M.A. Awadallah et al. were used to improve the solution. The method kept the previous rosters in an ‘‘elite pool’’. If the local search procedure cannot improve the quality of the roster within a given number of iterations, one of the elite rosters is randomly selected and the method restarts the second phase. Lu and Hao (2010) approach ranked third and fourth in the sprint and medium tracks, respectively. Bilgin et al. (2010) hybridized a hyper-heuristic with a greedy shuffle move to compete in INRC2010. The simulated annealing hyper-heuristic was initially used to generate a feasible roster and tried to satisfy the soft constraints as much as possible. The greedy shuffle was used in the improvement loop. Bilgin et al. hybrid method came third in long track, and fifth in sprint and medium tracks. Rizzato et al. (2010) used a heuristic method for solving the INRC2010 dataset. The heuristic method constructed a feasible roster while simultaneously trying to satisfy five pre-defined soft constraints. Furthermore, three local search procedures were used after constructing the roster for more enhancements. This method achieved the fifth position in long track. It is worth noting that no exact solution has as yet been found for the INRC2010 dataset and, therefore, there is more room for investigation. For the purpose of our study, the Harmony Search Algorithm is investigated for NRP using the INRC2010 dataset. The Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA) is an approximation method proposed by Geem et al. (2001). It has been successfully applied to a wide variety of optimization problems such as the blocking permutation flow shop scheduling problem (Wang et al., 2010), the optimal power flow problem (Sivasubramani and Swarup, 2011), the multicast routing problem (Forsati et al., 2008), water distribution networks (Geem, 2006), course timetabling (Al-betar and Khader, 2009; Al-betar et al., 2012b), examination timetabling (Al-betar et al., 2010b; Al-betar et al., 2010c), protein structure prediction problem (Abual-rub et al., 2012), and many others reported in (Alia and Mandava, 2011; Ingram and Zhang, 2009). HSA has attracted the attention of several researchers to experiment with it due to its impressive characteristics: (i) it has novel derivative criteria (Geem, 2008), (ii) it requires fewer mathematical derivation in the initial search, and (iii) it iteratively generates a new solution by considering all existing solutions in the population (Lee and Geem, 2005). HSA mimics the musical improvisation process in which a group of musicians play the pitches of their musical instruments together, seeking a pleasing harmony as determined by audio-aesthetic standards. It is considered a populationbased algorithm with local search-based concepts (Lee et al., 2005). HSA starts with a population of solutions. It improvises the new harmony iteratively using three operators: memory consideration that selects the variables of the new harmony from harmony memory solutions, random consideration that is used for randomness to diversify the new harmony, and pitch adjustment that is used to improve the new harmony locally. In each iteration, a new harmony is generated, which substitutes the worst solution in the harmony memory. This process is repeated until it converges. To overcome some of the raised shortcomings in the memory consideration and pitch adjustment operators, Mahdavi et al. (2007) proposed adaptive PAR and bw values to empower the exploitation capability of the pitch adjustment operator. Furthermore, Omran and Mahdavi (2008) used the Globalbest idea of particle swarm optimization (PSO) for the pitch

Global best Harmony Search with a new pitch adjustment designed for Nurse Rostering adjustment operator to improve the convergence. The survival of the fittest principle of the natural phenomenon is integrated with the memory consideration operator by means of substituting the random selection of the memory consideration with Global-best, proportional, tournament, linear ranking, and exponential ranking selection schemes to improve the selection capability of this operator (Al-betar et al. (2012a)). The Global-best of memory consideration operator is used in this paper. Recently, Al-betar et al. (2010a) used HSA with multi-pitch adjustment procedures to solve course timetabling problems with impressive results. Other studies (Awadallah et al., 2011a; Awadallah et al., 2011b) proposed HSA to tackle NRP using INRC2010 dataset obtaining promising results. In this paper, two improvements are provided to HSA for NRP: (i) the Global-best selection of Particle Swarm Optimization replace the random selection in the improvisation process to increase the speed of convergence, and (ii) multi-pitch adjustment procedures are established to improve the exploitation capability. The proposed method is evaluated against the INRC2010 dataset, where HSA is able to produce impressive results. This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses the Nurse Rostering Problem, while the Harmony Search Algorithm for Nurse Rostering Problem is described in Section 3. Section 4 discusses the experimental results and compares them with the best results of the winners’ methods reported on the INRC2010 website.1 A conclusion and possible research directions are provided in Section 5.

ðb1Þ X ðr1Þ X ðm1Þ X


H2: A nurse can only work one shift per day is as follows: XXðr1Þ X xi;ðjrþkÞ 6 1:


i2N j2D k¼0

S1: Maximum number of assignments for each nurse during the scheduling period is as follows: "i 2 N, and "f 2 C ! ! ðb1Þ X ðr1Þ X ð3Þ g1 ðxÞ ¼ max xi;ðjrþkÞ  maxShi:f ; 0 : j¼0 k¼0

S2: Minimum number of assignments for each nurse during the scheduling period is as follows: "i 2 N, and "f 2 C ! ! ðb1Þ X ðr1Þ X ð4Þ g2 ðxÞ ¼ max minShi:f  xi;ðjrþkÞ ; 0 : j¼0 k¼0

S3: Maximum number of consecutive working days is as follows: "i 2 N, and "f 2 C ðbmaxWDi;f 1Þ

g3 ðxÞ ¼


! !

ðzþmaxWDi;f Þðr1Þ







xi;ðjrþkÞ  maxWDi;f ;0 : ð5Þ

S4: Minimum number of consecutive working days is as follows: "i 2 N, and "f 2 C ðbminWDi;f 1Þ

g4 ðxÞ ¼


xi;ðjrþkÞ ¼ dmndj;k :

j¼0 k¼0 i¼0


ðzþmaxWDi;f Þðr1Þ




2. Nurse Rostering Problem The Nurse Rostering Problem (NRP) is tackled by assigning a set of nurses with various skills and contracts to a set of shift types over a scheduling period. The NRP solution (or roster) is subject to hard and soft constraints. The hard constraints (see below H1, H2) must be fulfilled in the roster. The fulfillment of soft constraints (see below S1  S15) is desirable, and determines the quality of the roster. The basic objective is to find a roster that satisfies all hard constraints while minimizing soft constraint violations. The NRP consists of a set of m nurses, N = {n0,n1, . . . ,nm1}, each has a specific skill from the set of skill categories K = {k0,k1, . . . ,kq1}, where q is the total number of skill categories. Each nurse has a specific contract from the set of contracts C = {c0,c1, . . . ,cw1}, where w is the total number of contracts. Each day during the scheduling period D = {d0,d1, . . . ,db1}, is split into r different shift types, S = {s0,s1, . . . ,sr1}. The total number of time slots is p = (b · r), where T = {t0,t1, . . . ,tp1} is the set of time slots. A nurse will be assigned to different shifts over the scheduling period restricted by the number of nurses required (i.e., demand requirement) dmndj,k for each shift sk in each day dj. Also, the unwanted patterns PAT = {pat0, pat1, . . . ,patu1} are determined, where u is the total number of patterns. Table 1 contains the notation used to formalize the INRC2010 datasets, while the mathematical formulation for the constraints is provided below. H1: All demanded shifts must be assigned to a nurse is as follows:






! !

xi;ðjrþkÞ ;0 :


S5: Maximum number of consecutive free days is as follows: "i 2 N, and "f 2 C ðbmaxFDi;f 1Þ

g5 ðxÞ ¼


ðzþmaxFDi;f Þðr1Þ








! !

!xi;ðjrþkÞ =r  maxFDi;f ;0 : ð7Þ

S6: Minimum number of consecutive free days is as follows: "i 2 N, and "f 2 C ðbminFDi;f 1Þ

g6 ðxÞ ¼


ðzþminFDi;f Þ




ðr1Þ X




!! !

!xi;ðjrþkÞ =r

;0 : ð8Þ

S7: Assign complete weekends is as follows: "i 2 N, and "f 2 C 0

g7 ðxÞ ¼

ðb=71Þ X




ðw7þwkendDaysi;f þfstDayi;f 1Þ r1



j¼ðw7þfstDayi;f Þ


!xi;ðjrþkÞ A%wkendDaysi;f :

S8: Assign identical complete weekends are as follows: S8a ¼

ðb=71Þ X XXX

jxi;ððw7þfstDayi;f ÞrþkÞ


i2N f2C k2S

 xi;ððw7þfstDayi;f þ1ÞrþkÞ j S8b ¼

ðb=71Þ X XXX

jxi;ððw7þfstDayi;f ÞrþkÞ


i2N f2C k2S

 xi;ððw7þfstDayi;f þ1ÞrþkÞþxi;ððw7þfstDayi;f þ2ÞrþkÞ 1 j



M.A. Awadallah et al. Notations used to formalize the INRC2010 datasets.

Table 1 Indices


b m r w q u p N S C D K T PAT patLene unPate,s nurseSkilli,e shiftSkillk,e dmndj,k maxShi,f minShi,f maxWDi,f minWDi,f maxFDi,f minFDi,f maxWWi,f wkendDaysi,f fstDayi,f dayOffi,j

Scheduling period (i.e., b = 28 days). The total number of nurses. The total number of shifts. The total number of contracts. The total number of skill categories. The total number of unwanted patterns. The total number of time slots p = (b · r). Set of nurses available in the dataset N = {n0,n1, . . . ,nm1}. Set of shift types S = {s0,s1, . . . , sr1}. Set of contracts available for different nurses C = {c0,c1, . . . ,cw1}. Set of days D = {d0,d1, . . . ,db1}. Set of skill categories K = {k0,k1, . . . ,kq1}. Set of time sots T = {t0,t1, . . . ,tp1}. Set of unwanted patterns PAT = {pat0,pat1, . . . ,patu1}. The length of unwanted pattern pate. Unwanted Pattern matrix: contains the details of each pattern pate at time period ts. The skill category of nurse ni is ke. The skill category ke is required for the shift sk. Demand requirement of shift type sk on day dj. Max number of shifts assigned for nurse ni with contract cf . Min number of shifts assigned for nurse ni with contract cf . Max number of consecutive working days for nurse ni with contract cf . Min number of consecutive working days for nurse ni with contract cf . Max number of consecutive free days for nurse ni with contract cf . Min number of consecutive free days for nurse ni with contract cf . Max working weekend in four weeks for nurse ni with contract cf . Number of days as weekend for nurse ni with contract cf . First day as weekend for nurse ni with contract cf . Day_Off matrix: whether the nurse ni prefers not to work on day dj,  1; if the nursen iprefers not to work on dayd j; dayOffi;j ¼ 0; otherwise: Day_On matrix: whether the nurse ni prefers to work on day dj,  1; if the nursen iprefers to work on dayd j; dayOni;j ¼ 0; otherwise: Shift_Off matrix: whether the nurse ni prefers not to be assigned a specific shift sk for day dj,  1; if the nursen iprefers to not assign specific shift s kfor dayd j; shiftOff i; j; k ¼ 0; otherwise: Shift_On matrix: whether the nurse ni prefers to be assigned a specific shift sk for day dj,  1; if the nursen iprefers to assign specific shift s kfor dayd j; shiftOn i; j; k ¼ 0; otherwise: is a binary variable, 1 if nurse ni is assigned at time slot tj, 0 is a two-dimension solution roster (m · p).




xi,j x

( g8 ðxÞ ¼

S8a S8b

wkendDaysi;f ¼ 2; wkendDaysi;f ¼ 3:


g9 ðxÞ ¼

ðb2Þ X




ðr1Þ X

ðr1Þ X



xi;ðjrþkÞ þ

S12: Requested shift-Off is as follows: "i 2 N g12 ðxÞ ¼

S9: Two free days after a night shift is as follows: " i 2 N, and y = index of night shift ! !

xi;ððjþ1ÞrþkÞ  1 ;0 :


ðb1Þ XX



 xi;ðjrþkÞ :


j¼0 k2S

S13: Requested shift-On is as follows: "i 2 N g13 ðxÞ ¼

ðb1Þ XX



 !xi;ðjrþkÞ :


j¼0 k2S


S10: Requested day-Off is as follows: "i 2 N ! ðb1Þ ðr1Þ X X g10 ðxÞ ¼ dayOffi;j K xi;ðjrþkÞ : j¼0

g14 ðxÞ ¼ ð12Þ

ðb1Þ XX


K shiftSkillk;e


 nurseSkilli;e :

j¼0 k2S



S11: Requested day-On is as follows: "i 2 N ! ðb1Þ ðr1Þ X X g11 ðxÞ ¼ dayOni;j K ! xi;ðjrþkÞ : j¼1

S14: Alternative skill is as follows: "i 2 N, and "e 2 K


S15: Unwanted patterns are as follows: ð13Þ

S15 ðxÞ ¼

XX X i2N j2D e2PAT

ðpatLen K1 Xe 1ÞX index¼j


 xi;ðindexrþkÞ K unPate;ðindexrþkÞ :

Global best Harmony Search with a new pitch adjustment designed for Nurse Rostering  g15 ðxÞ ¼

1 S15 ¼ patLene ; 0 S15 –patLene :


The nurse roster is evaluated using the objective function formalized in (18) that adds up the penalty of soft constraint violations in a feasible roster. min

15 X fðxÞ ¼ cs :gs ðxÞ:



Note that s refers to the index of the soft constraint, cs refers to the penalty weight for the violation of the soft constraint s, and gs(x) is the total number of violations for the soft constraint s in solution roster x. 3. Harmony Search Algorithm for NRP

Table 3 method.

Ordering of shifts based on heuristic ordering

Shift type



ðb1Þ X ðr1Þ X

Weekly nurses demand



Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

10 5 7 3 1

10 5 7 3 1


8 4 6 3 1

10 5 7 3 1

10 5 7 3 1

7 3 5 2 1

7 3 5 2 1

5 3 4 2 1


j¼0 k¼0

The Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA) is an optimization method inspired by the musical improvisation process. Naturally, musicians play their instruments, practice by practice, seeking for a pleasing harmony (a perfect state) as determined by an audio-aesthetic standard. In optimization terms, the improvisation process is seeking for the (near-) optimal solution determined by an objective function. The pitch (= value) of each musical instrument (= decision variable) is part of aesthetic quality (= objection function) for the harmony. HSA includes five main steps that will be described below. Algorithm 1 is the HSA pseudo-code for NRP. Step1: Initialize the parameters of the NRP and HSA. The parameters of NRP are extracted from the raw data of the INRC2010 dataset, which includes for each nurse the maximum number of assignments; the minimum number of assignments; the maximum number of consecutive working days; the minimum number of consecutive working days; the maximum number of consecutive free days; the minimum of consecutive free days; the days of weekends; assigning complete weekend; assigning identical weekend; assigning two free days after night shift; defining the alternative skills if they exist; and defining the set of unwanted patterns. Furthermore, the nurse preferences parameters are drawn from the datasets that include day-Off, day-On, shift-Off and shift-On. The roster is represented as a vector of allocations, i.e., x = (x1,x2 . . . ,xE), where each allocation is a combination of four values (Nurse, Day, Shift, MCFlag) as shown in Table 2. MCFlag takes the value 1 when the allocation is assigned by the memory consideration operator or zero, otherwise. The length of roster x is E and is calculated as shown in (19). This roster should be evaluated by the objective function (18).

Table 2 allocation

x1 x2 x .. 3 . xE1 xE

Roster x representation. Value Nurse


1 12 1. .. 9 1

1 27 4. .. 1 7

Shift D L ..N . E DH

MCFlag 1 1 0. .. 1 1

The control parameters of HSA are also initialized in this step, which includes the harmony memory size (HMS) to determine the number of rosters stored in the harmony memory (HM), the harmony memory consideration rate (HMCR) used in the improvisation process to determine the rate of selecting the allocations from HM rosters, the pitch adjusting rate (PAR) also used in the improvisation process to determine the probability of adjusting the allocations in a roster to neighboring allocations, and the maximum number of improvisations (NI) corresponding to the number of iterations. Step2: Initialize the harmony memory (HM). The HM is a space in memory used to keep the set of different rosters as determined by HMS (see (20)). The heuristic ordering (Burke et al., 2008) is used to construct the initial feasible rosters and store them in HM in ascending order based on the objective function value, where f(x1) 6 f(x2) 6    6 f(xHMS). 2 1 3 x1 x12  x1N fðx1 Þ 6 x2 x22  x2N fðx2 Þ 7 6 1 7 7 HM ¼ 6 ð20Þ .. .. .. .. 6 .. 7 4 . 5 . . . . xHMS    xHMS fðxHMS Þ xHMS 1 2 N The procedure of assigning nurses to shifts by using heuristic ordering is carried out as follow: sorting the different shifts in ascending order based on the difficulty level, noting that the lowest weekly nurses demand is the highest difficulty (see Table 3). Then the required nurses of the ordered shifts will be assigned starting with the most difficult and ending with the easiest. Furthermore, the worst roster xworst (i.e., the roster with the highest penalty value) in HM is defined. Step3: Improvise a new harmony roster. In this step, the new  roster x0 ¼ x01 ; x02 . . . ; x0E is improvised based on three operators: (i) memory consideration, (ii) random consideration, and (iii) pitch adjustment. The feasibility of the new roster x0 is considered during the improvisation process. If the improvisation process fails to improvise a feasible roster, the repair procedure will be triggered to maintain the feasibility of the new roster. The three operators work as follows:  Memory consideration. This operator randomly selects a feasible value for the allocation x0j in the new roster x0 from the feasible set of alternative rosters stored in HM. In this paper, we improve HSA for NRP by replacing the random


M.A. Awadallah et al.

selection of this operator with a Global-best selection of Particle Swarm Optimization. The value of the allocation x0j in the new roster x0 will be assigned with the best value from the feasible set of alternative rosters stored in HM n o such as x0j 2 Rj , where Rj ¼ xij ji ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; HMS with probability (w.p.) of HMCR where HMCR 2 [0,1]. In other words, the allocation x0j will be assigned the value of x1j if feasibility is achieved. If not, the value of the second alternative x2j will be assigned and so on until the last alternative xHMS is reached. It is worth mentioning that when Rj = /, j this means that all alternatives have failed to come up with a feasible roster. In this case the random consideration operator will be triggered.  Random consideration. This operator randomly selects a value for allocation x0j from its feasible range Xj with a probability (1-HMCR) where the rules of heuristic ordering are considered. The memory consideration and random consideration operators select the value of x0j as follows:  Rj w:p: HMCR; 0 xj Xj w:p: ð1  HMCRÞ:  Pitch adjustment. This operator adjusts the allocation x0j selected by the memory consideration to its neighboring value during the improvisation process. In this paper, the pitch adjustment operator will be triggered when the improvisation process is completed rather than during the improvisation process. This is due to the fact that some of the soft constraints are not able to evade violation during the improvisation process. In other words, these constraints need a complete roster rather than a partial roster to evade violations such as (S1  S6). This operator adjusts the allocation x0j selected by the memory  consideration (i.e., Memory Consideration Flag MCFlag x0j = true) to its neighboring value with probability PAR, where PAR 2 [0, 1], as follows:  Yes Pitch adjustment forx0j ? NO

w:p: w:p:

PAR; ð1  PARÞ:

For NRP, if the pitch adjustment decision for the allocation x0j is ’Yes’, one out of eight local changes will be triggered as follows:


8 MoveOneShift > > > > > > > SwapOneShift > > > > > > > TokenRingMove > > > > > > > Swap2Shifts > > < CrossMove > > > > > MoveWeekend > > > > > > > SwapConsecutive2Days > > > > > > > SwapConsecutive3Days > > > > : DoNothing


6 rnd 6 PAR=8;


< rnd 6 2  PAR=8;

Algorithm 1. The Harmony Search Algorithm for NRP Step1

Initialize the parameters of NRP and HAS 1: Set the NRP parameters drawn from the INRC2010 dataset. 2: Set the HSA parameters (HMCR, PAR, NI, HMS). 3: Define the roster representation and utilize the objective function. Step2 Initialize the harmony memory 1: Construct rosters of the harmony memory by using heuristic ordering method and store them in an ascending order, HM = {x1,x2, . . . ,xHMS}. 2: Identify the worst roster in HM, xworst = xHMS. Step3 Improvise a new harmony 1: x0 = / {x0 is the new roster 2: for each j 2 [1,E] do 3: if (U(0,1) 6HMCR) then 4: x0j 2 Rj , where n o {memory Rj ¼ xij ji ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; HMS 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15:

consideration operator} if Rj = / then x0j 2 Xj {random consideration operator} else   MCFlag x0j = true end if else x0j 2 Xj {random consideration operator} end if end for for each j 2 [1,E]  do  if MCFlag x0j = true then

16: 17:

if (U(0,1) 6PAR) then   pitch adjustment for x0j {pitch adjustment operator} 18: end if 19: end if 20: end for Step4 Update the harmony memory 1: if (f(x0 ) < f(xworst)) then 2: Replaces xworst by x0 in the HM. 3: Reordering the rosters in HM in an ascending order. 4: end if Step5 Check the stop criterion 1: while (the maximum number of improvisations NI is not reached) do 2: Repeat Step3 to Step5 3: end while

2  PAR=8 < rnd 6 3  PAR=8; 3  PAR=8 < rnd 6 4  PAR=8; 4  PAR=8 < rnd 6 5  PAR=8; 5  PAR=8 < rnd 6 6  PAR=8; 6  PAR=8 < rnd 6 7  PAR=8; 7  PAR=8 < rnd 6 PAR; PAR

< rnd 6 1:

Where rnd is generated randomly between (0, 1). The eight pitch adjustment neighborhood structures are designed to run as follows:

1. MoveOneShift pitch adjustment. The nurse of the selected allocation x0j will be replaced by another nurse selected randomly to decrease the penalty of different soft constraint violations with probability [0, PAR/8]. 2. SwapOneShift pitch adjustment. The shift of selected allocation x0j will be exchanged with another shift with another nurse on the same day for another selected allocation x0k with probability (PAR/8, PAR/4]. 3. TokenRingMove pitch adjustment. The nurse of selected allocation x0j will be replaced by another nurse selected randomly if the soft constraint S7 is violated. Furthermore, the shift of a selected allocation x0j will be exchanged with

Global best Harmony Search with a new pitch adjustment designed for Nurse Rostering






another shift on which another nurse is working on the same day, for another selected allocation x0k to solve the violation of the soft constraint S8. This pitch adjustment procedure is triggered with probability (PAR/4, 3 · PAR/8]. Swap2Shifts pitch adjustment. The shift of selected allocation x0j will be exchanged with another shift having another nurse on the same day for another selected allocation x0k , and selects the third allocation x0q with the same nurse and different day of x0j , and the same shift of x0k to be exchanged with another shift for the same nurse of x0k , day of x0q , and shift of x0j for the fourth selected allocation x0 r with probability (3 · PAR/8, PAR/2]. CrossMove pitch adjustment. The day of a selected allocation x0j will be exchanged with another day with another nurse and the same shifts for another selected allocation x0k with probability (PAR/2, 5 · PAR/8]. MoveWeekend pitch adjustment. If the day of a selected allocation x0j is a weekend day, then the nurse of x0j and all weekend allocations will be moved to another nurse selected randomly with probability (5 · PAR/8, 6 · PAR/8]. SwapConsecutive2Days pitch adjustment. This pitch adjustment is made to move a group of shifts of two consecutive days among nurses. The nurse of a selected allocation x0j and the other allocation x0k , where the two allocations for the same nurse and the day of x0k is the next or previous day of x0j will be exchanged with another nurse selected randomly with probability (6 · PAR/8, 7 · PAR/8]. SwapConsecutive3Days pitch adjustment. This pitch adjustment is designed to move a group of shifts of three consecutive days among nurses. The nurse of a selected allocation x0j and the other two allocations x0k and x0q , where the three allocations for the same nurse and the days of x0k and x0q are the next or previous day of x0j will be exchanged with another nurse selected randomly with probability (7 · PAR/8, PAR].

Table 4 n0 n1 n2 n3


Illustrative example of feasible Nurse Roster. D L D














week scheduling period. Each row represents a schedule of a nurse in the roster, each column represents a day, and each filled cell contains the shift type assigned to a nurse. It is worth mentioning that two types of shifts D for day shift and L for Late shift are available. 4.1. Initialize the parameters of the NRP and HSA The nurse roster in Table 4 includes assigning two shifts S = {D, L} for four nurses N = {n0,n1,n2,n3} over seven days scheduling period D = {d0,d1, . . . , d6}. This is a feasible roster which is mapped to the vector x = (x1,x2 . . . ,x19), where 19 is the number of assignments in the roster. The allocation x1 takes a map value of (Nurse, Day, Shift, MCFlag). Furthermore, the parameters of HSA are initialized as NI = 1000, HMS = 5, HMCR = 0.99, and PAR = 0.1. The rosters x are evaluated using the objective function (see (18)). 4.2. Initialize the harmony memory Table 5 shows the rosters in harmony memory that are generated using a heuristic ordering method as many as HMS. Note that the rosters in harmony memory are sorted in an ascending order in accordance with their objective function values (see the last column of Table 5). 4.3. Improvise a new harmony roster

In this paper, any local changes that do not improve the new roster, or result in an unfeasible roster, will be discarded. It is worth noting that when the improvisation process is completed by using the memory consideration and random consideration operators, the new roster is tested for completion (i.e., all allocations are assigned with values). If not complete, the repair process will be triggered to fulfill unassigned allocations with feasible values. The repair process consists of three steps: first, identify all allocations that are not scheduled in the new roster; second, identify the day(s) where the nurses demand are not completely scheduled in the new roster; and third, for each day identified, copy the allocations of the same day from the previous or next week. Step4: Update the harmony memory. After a new roster x0 is improvised, the HM will be updated by the ‘‘survival of the fittest’’ between the new roster and the worst roster xworst in HM. That is, the new roster x0 replaces the worst roster xworst in HM. Furthermore, reordering the rosters in HM in an ascending order will be considered. Step5: Check the stop criterion. Based on NI (maximum number of improvisation), Step3 to Step5 of HSA are repeated.

In this step, the new nurse roster x0 is improvised based on three operators’ memory consideration (MC), random consideration (RC), and pitch adjustment (PA) as shown in Table 6. Then, the improvisation process is performed and evaluated with the objective function. Assuming the value of the objective function f(x0 ) = 170.

4. Illustrative example of applying HSA for NRP

The proposed Harmony Search Algorithm is programmed using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0, under windows Vista, on an Intel Machine with CoreTM processor 2.66 GHz, and 4 GB RAM. The dataset introduced by the INRC2010 for

Table 4 shows an illustrative example of a nurse roster. The roster includes the different schedules of four nurses for one

4.4. Update the harmony memory Apparently, the objective function value of the new roster x0 is better than that of xworst in HM (i.e., f(x0 ) < f(x5)). Thus, the new roster replaces the worst one in HM and is re-sorted according to the objective function value as shown in Table 7. 4.5. Check the stop criterion The iterative process of Steps 4.3–4.4 in HSA is performed for NI = 1000 iterations. 5. Experimental results

152 Table 5

M.A. Awadallah et al. Harmony Memory restores.

x1 x2 x3 x4 x5

Table 6 x01 x02 0 ..x3 . x018 x019








(n0,d0,D,0) (n0,d0,D,0) (n2,d0,D,0) (n1,d0,D,0) (n3,d0,D,0)

(n2,d0,L,0) (n1,d0,D,0) (n0,d0,L,0) (n3,d0,D,0) (n1,d0,L,0)

(n3,d0,D,0) (n2,d0,L,0) (n3,d0,D,0) (n0,d0,L,0) (n0,d0,D,0)

... ... ... ... ...

(n1,d6,L,0) (n0,d6,D,0) (n1,d6,L,0) (n1,d6,D,0) (n2,d6,L,0)

(n3, d6,D,0) (n3,d6,L,0) (n2,d6,D,0) (n0,d6,L,0) (n3,d6,D,0)

287 301 311 325 450

The sprint track includes 33 datasets, which consist of 10 early, 10 late, 10 hidden, and 3 hint. These datasets are the easiest, including 10 nurses with one skill qualification and 3–4 different contract types, and the daily shifts are 4 for 28 days scheduling period. The medium track includes 18 datasets, which are categorized as 5 early, 5 late, 5 hidden, and 3 hint. These datasets are more complicated than the sprint track datasets, including 30–31 nurses with 1 or 2 skills and 4 or 5 different contracts. The daily shifts are 4 or 5 shifts over 28 days scheduling period. The long track includes 18 datasets, which are categorized as 5 early, 5 late, 5 hidden, and 3 hint. These datasets are the hardest, including 49–50 nurses with 2 skills and 3 or 4 different contracts. The daily shifts are 5 shifts for 28 days scheduling period. Tables 8–10 include the different characteristics of sprint, medium, and long track datasets, respectively, where the combination of ’’Type’’ and ‘‘Index’’ columns is used to label the dataset. The ‘‘Shift’’ represents the number of shifts, ‘‘Contracts’’ is for the number of the contracts available in the dataset, and ‘‘Unwanted’’ is for the number of unwanted patterns. The number of days during the weekends is indicated by the ‘‘Weekend’’ column. The existence of nurse preferences: day-

Improvising the new roster x0 . MC p – p .. . p p




– p

– – p .. . – p

(n0,d0,D,1) (n1,d0,D,0) ..(n2,d0, L,1) fi (n3,d0,L,1) . (n1,d6,L,1) (n3,d6, D,1) fi (n1,d6,D,1)

..– . – –

Nurse Rostering is used for studying the effectiveness of HSA proposed for NRP. 5.1. INRC2010 dataset The dataset established by INRC2010 is classified into three tracks: sprint, medium, and long datasets based on complexity and size. Each track is categorized into four types in accordance with their publication time with reference to the competition: early, late, hidden, and hint.

Table 7 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5

Table 8

Updated harmony memory. x1






(n0,d0,D,1) (n0,d0,D,0) (n0,d0,D,0) (n2,d0,D,0) (n1,d0,D,0)

(n1,d0,D,0) (n2,d0,L,0) (n1,d0,D,0) (n0,d0,L,0) (n3,d0,D,0)

(n3,d0,L,1) (n3,d0,D,0) (n2,d0,L,0) (n3,d0,D,0) (n0,d0,L,0)

... ... ... ... ...

(n1,d6,L,1) (n1,d6,L,0) (n0,d6,D,0) (n1,d6,L,0) (n1,d6,D,0)

(n1, (n3, (n3, (n2, (n0,







Early Hidden

01–10 01–02 03, 05, 08 04, 09 06–07 10 01, 03–05 02 06–07, 10 08 09 01, 03 02

4 3 4 3, 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 4

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 4 8 8 4 8 8 4 0 0 0 8 0

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2, 3 2 2


170 287 301 311 325

Sprint track dataset characteristics.



f(x) d6,D,1) d6,D,0) d6,L,0) d6,D,0) d6,L,0)

Day Off p p p p p p p p p

Shift Off p p p p p p p p p

X X p p

X X p p

Period 1–28/01/2010 1–28/06/2010 1–28/06/2010 1–28/06/2010 1–28/01/2010 1–28/01/2010 1–28/01/2010 1–28/01/2010 1–28/01/2010 1–28/01/2010 1–28/01/2010 1–28/01/2010 1–28/01/2010

Global best Harmony Search with a new pitch adjustment designed for Nurse Rostering Table 9

Medium track dataset characteristics.








Early Hidden

01–05 01–04 05 01 02, 04 03 05 01, 03 02

4 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 4

1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1

4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3

0 9 9 7 7 0 7 7 7

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2



Table 10







Early Hidden

01–05 01–04 05 01, 03, 05 02, 04 01 02, 03

5 5 5 5 5 5 5

2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 3 4 3 4 3 3

3 9 9 9 9 9 7

2 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2


Table 11 HSA.

Day Off p

Shift Off p

X X p p p p p p

X X p p p p p p

Day Off p

Shift Off p



Period 1–28/01/2010 1–28/06/2010 1–28/06/2010 1–28/01/2010 1–28/01/2010 1–28/01/2010 1–28/01/2010 1–28/01/2010 1–28/01/2010

Long track dataset characteristics.




Different cases to study effectiveness of proposed





Case1 Case2 Case3 Case4 Case5 Case1 Case6 Case1 Case7 Case8

10 30 50 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

0.99 0.99 0.99 0.90 0.95 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.4 0.7

Off and shift-Off refer to ‘‘Day Off’’ and ‘‘Shift Off’’, and the last column is for the scheduling period. 5.2. Experimental design A series of experiments is carried out to evaluate the proposed HSA. In this paper, eight experimental cases are used to study the effectiveness of the proposed method. Each case has different values of parameter settings as shown in Table 11. Each experimental case is replicated 10 times for each dataset with the most suitable iteration numbers fixed to 100,000 for all runs. The first three cases are being used to study the effectiveness of the HSA with different HMS values (i.e., 10, 30, and 50). Case4, Case5, and Case1 are employed to study the effectiveness of the proposed method with different HMCR values (i.e., 0.90, 0.95, and 0.99). The last four cases are used to find the best value of PAR for local improvement, and this is done for the purpose of studying the effect of local changes proposed in this paper on the HSA behaviour. In order to

3 3 3 3 3

Period 1–28/01/2010 1–28/06/2010 1–28/06/2010 1–28/01/2010 1–28/01/2010 1–28/01/2010 1–28/01/2010

study the effect of Global-best memory consideration on the behavior of HSA, the case that obtained the best results will be run with the random selection to identify the power of Global-best memory consideration on the HSA behavior. 5.3. Experimental results and discussions The results of the eight experimental cases, defined previously, are summarized in Tables 12–24 for the three tracks: sprint,medium and long datasets, respectively. Note that the numbers in the tables refer to the penalty values of soft constraint violations (lowest is best). For each dataset on each experimental case, the best (B.), mean (M.), worst (W.), and standard deviation (Std.) of 10 runs are recorded. The best result among all experimental cases on each dataset is highlighted in bold. 5.3.1. Studying the effects of HMS The HMS parameter is studied in Case1 to Case3 with different HMS values (i.e., 10, 30, and 50), and the results are summarized in Tables 12–14. The HMS parameter represents the problem search space covered during the search, where the problem search space includes all possible solutions for the problem. The HMS with small value indicates a small number of solutions covered during the search with high speed of convergence. In contrast, the big value of HMS indicates a high number of solutions stored in HM, but with slow speed of convergence. Experimentally, the HMS with small values achieved the best results in most of the datasets, especially for medium and long datasets. Notably, the HMS = 10 shall be used in next cases. 5.3.2. Studying the effects of HMCR The performance of HSA using different HMCR values is investigated in Case4, Case5, and Case1. Tables 15–17 show

154 Table 12 Dataset

M.A. Awadallah et al. The performance of HMS parameter settings for sprint track dataset. HMS = 10

HMS = 30

HMS = 50













Early01 Early02 Early03 Early04 Early05 Early06 Early07 Early08 Early09 Early10

61 64 57 68 63 58 63 59 61 58

64.1 67.6 61.2 71.1 65.5 62.6 65.2 63.7 66.2 60.5

69 76 65 77 69 69 67 68 69 63

2.4 3.6 2.5 3.1 1.8 3.7 1.5 2.8 2.6 1.6

61 65 56 69 62 58 62 63 61 55

64.2 68.9 62.7 72.5 63.9 62.5 65.9 65.7 65.4 61.7

67 73 65 79 68 65 68 70 69 68

2.3 2.4 3.0 2.5 1.9 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.5 3.6

62 66 59 69 64 58 64 63 60 59

65.8 68.3 62.3 71.7 65.9 61.7 66.7 65.2 65.6 63

70 71 66 75 68 67 70 68 70 67

2.9 1.8 2.4 1.9 1.3 3.2 2.0 1.8 3.2 2.4

Late01 Late02 Late03 Late04 Late05 Late06 Late07 Late08 Late09 Late10

53 57 63 112 55 51 60 21 28 61

57.6 61.5 69.9 125.4 62.3 55.6 74.1 32.8 40.9 80.2

64 69 75 152 72 60 86 40 60 96

3.8 3.9 4.3 12 5 3.3 8.4 6.4 10.3 11.1

55 57 55 117 57 53 65 23 30 65

57.3 60.7 64.5 128.1 62.3 56.3 74.4 36.1 37.8 80

61 66 71 143 66 59 90 62 45 96

2.0 3.6 4.6 9.2 2.9 2.2 8.4 11.7 6.2 8.5

50 54 66 112 57 51 68 27 29 60

57 60.6 69.8 129.6 63.8 56.8 76.8 40.8 36.8 74

64 65 78 146 73 63 91 53 48 87

5.1 4.0 3.9 9.9 6.3 4.1 7.0 7.2 5.8 9.0

Hidden01 Hidden02 Hidden03 Hidden04 Hidden05 Hidden06 Hidden07 Hidden08 Hidden09 Hidden10

48 47 78 80 73 207 196 267 373 346

54 53.9 88.1 86.2 80.8 230 262.5 294.3 412.7 412.3

65 58 99 90 88 280 307 327 442 467

4.9 4.3 6.5 3.7 5 20.4 33.8 19.8 24.4 40.1

52 47 80 79 78 215 218 278 383 385

55.5 56.6 86.5 87.7 84.1 237.4 254.8 303.8 424.9 434.9

63 66 95 94 91 269 301 320 444 474

4.0 5.2 5.3 4.3 4.4 16.4 22.6 15.1 20.6 29.7

54 52 79 80 76 202 230 274 400 399

58.5 57.6 89.2 88.9 85.6 228.3 266 318.1 435.5 435.4

66 64 96 99 91 249 309 359 468 530

3.7 3.9 5.0 5.4 5.0 16.4 24.6 25.5 17.5 43.5

Hint01 Hint02 Hint03

101 59 84

120.4 75.6 97.6

136 94 108

10.7 11.1 8.2

111 68 91

126 75.9 107.5

152 83 130

12.7 4.4 12.2

101 64 78

121.5 77.3 111.6

148 89 132

11.4 8.5 14.3

Table 13 Dataset

Performance of HMS parameter settings for medium track dataset. HMS = 10

HMS = 30

HMS = 50













Early01 Early02 Early03 Early04 Early05

328 321 318 314 386

338.5 334.8 329.9 332.1 399.9

354 352 344 342 412

8.2 9 8.5 8.9 8.8

345 347 331 342 413

360.4 360.9 349.8 357.8 424.5

373 371 365 366 431

9.2 7.0 9.4 8.5 5.1

353 352 337 350 433

370.1 364.7 353.7 372.2 441.7

383 379 370 389 448

7.9 10.0 10.0 10.3 5.7

Late01 Late02 Late03 Late04 Late05

366 104 116 103 391

411.8 126.3 141.6 121.6 421.9

461 145 153 132 471

35.9 12.6 11.2 10 29

495 152 167 158 525

542.3 167.3 186.7 174.4 593.7

634 184 202 185 653

43.4 10.6 13.1 9.4 39.3

562 189 215 181 617

634.4 198.8 232.3 195.5 705.3

748 217 252 208 795

59.5 9.2 13.1 9.6 68.8

Hidden01 Hidden02 Hidden03 Hidden04 Hidden05

460 551 158 208 455

514.1 604.2 171.7 224.7 502.8

615 659 188 257 555

47.2 38.8 11.6 13.9 37.1

742 683 215 274 576

818.9 787.7 243.7 292.8 718.3

899 895 265 310 822

58.8 74.0 16.0 12.2 70.7

802 736 238 298 743

932.1 898.4 270.1 324.5 861.3

1050 976 298 351 966

84.2 76.7 18.8 17.0 88.7

Hint01 Hint02 Hint03

134 297 315

158.5 357 445

183 404 536

15.8 34.2 63.2

202 513 729

226.1 573.4 867.7

240 705 1053

10.9 65.6 119.0

233 534 891

257.3 643.3 998.5

270 713 1163

11.5 47.9 105.6

Global best Harmony Search with a new pitch adjustment designed for Nurse Rostering Table 14 Dataset


Performance of HMS parameter settings for long track dataset. HMS = 10

HMS = 30

HMS = 50













Early01 Early02 Early03 Early04 Early05

350 381 356 454 422

362.2 412.3 372.2 466.3 439.2

377 435 394 484 458

9.7 16.5 12.5 8.9 9.7

367 417 369 467 443

386.5 425.6 389.4 487.1 467.1

430 436 403 504 479

20.0 5.5 10.0 10.9 12.0

369 417 379 491 459

393.6 445.8 401 502.8 473.7

414 466 421 511 483

12.8 14.8 14.5 7.1 7.0

Late01 Late02 Late03 Late04 Late05

1355 1297 1288 1385 993

1481 1518.1 1521.3 1503.3 1164

1607 1704 1639 1664 1337

89.7 121.1 115.4 91.1 106.4

1401 1650 1602 1585 1248

1723.7 1825.8 1703.2 1736.8 1402.1

2016 2065 1837 1927 1538

191.7 138.9 73.7 121.9 85.1

1745 1657 1636 1713 1387

1822.4 1916.1 1837.3 1926.2 1476.9

1941 2253 2007 2102 1552

65.1 175.3 121.3 112.0 49.6

Hidden01 Hidden02 Hidden03 Hidden04 Hidden05

1590 401 274 310 296

1651.8 443.6 330.4 336.7 362

1728 484 367 368 431

51.1 28.3 32.7 19 35.1

1851 482 370 364 392

1966.2 505.4 392.3 391.9 418.7

2164 537 424 451 466

117.6 16.9 18.8 24.9 23.3

1887 494 402 401 412

2057.6 520.6 434.8 426.9 453

2265 550 475 463 485

124.6 18.2 22.5 19.2 24.2

Hint01 Hint02 Hint03

338 235 1040

368.8 262.7 1173.9

421 284 1413

25.2 13 107.7

389 280 1179

424.1 307.3 1291.4

457 328 1449

24.4 15.2 81.8

420 302 1252

454 317.4 1446.6

483 336 1712

18.2 12.9 125.1

Table 15 Dataset

The performance of HMCR parameter settings for sprint track dataset. HMCR = 0.90

HMCR = 0.95

HMCR = 0.99













Early01 Early02 Early03 Early04 Early05 Early06 Early07 Early08 Early09 Early10

103 103 102 110 106 102 102 102 113 108

111.1 111.8 110.2 120.4 113.4 105.9 112.5 108.1 118.9 114.2

119 127 123 140 121 111 121 113 122 126

5.5 7.3 6.7 8.7 4.6 3.1 6.3 3.7 3.1 6.0

81 81 77 91 77 76 78 78 80 73

86.9 87.4 83.2 96 85.3 81.2 89.2 83.8 88 84

97 103 88 105 98 89 96 92 96 87

5.1 6.6 4.4 4.1 6.6 4.7 5.4 4.2 5.4 4.0

61 64 57 68 63 58 63 59 61 58

64.1 67.6 61.2 71.1 65.5 62.6 65.2 63.7 66.2 60.5

69 76 65 77 69 69 67 68 69 63

2.4 3.6 2.5 3.1 1.8 3.7 1.5 2.8 2.6 1.6

Late01 Late02 Late03 Late04 Late05 Late06 Late07 Late08 Late09 Late10

122 122 139 476 128 106 210 212 202 251

137.7 127.7 150.3 494.7 140 117.1 267.8 271.1 285.9 294.4

150 132 161 522 158 126 347 373 356 345

7.6 3.6 7.6 15.6 9.0 6.2 34.3 49.1 48.5 32.1

82 82 100 268 88 75 123 93 86 130

92.6 93.8 108.7 288.3 98.8 81.9 149 126 125.4 156.7

103 101 123 321 109 89 166 189 177 183

7.8 5.7 6.9 19.3 6.8 4.4 13.3 26.8 24.3 17.8

53 57 63 112 55 51 60 21 28 61

57.6 61.5 69.9 125.4 62.3 55.6 74.1 32.8 40.9 80.2

64 69 75 152 72 60 86 40 60 96

3.8 3.9 4.3 12 5 3.3 8.4 6.4 10.3 11.1

Hidden01 Hidden02 Hidden03 Hidden04 Hidden05 Hidden06 Hidden07 Hidden08 Hidden09 Hidden10

145 122 177 175 170 752 669 843 939 935

161 132.3 188.7 185.8 186 899.4 751.7 888.8 1031.4 1020.9

181 147 199 198 197 969 875 944 1099 1101

12.0 7.1 7.8 8.0 7.7 69.8 65.8 33.0 43.6 56.8

100 71 122 121 122 432 414 497 623 666

105.6 85.3 138.2 139.7 130.7 498.1 483.3 605.3 718.7 715.4

114 93 146 147 147 590 522 714 775 798

4.6 6.8 7.1 7.7 7.7 51.6 41.8 67.0 52.5 43.8

48 47 78 80 73 207 196 267 373 346

54 53.9 88.1 86.2 80.8 230 262.5 294.3 412.7 412.3

65 58 99 90 88 280 307 327 442 467

4.9 4.3 6.5 3.7 5 20.4 33.8 19.8 24.4 40.1

Hint01 Hint02 Hint03

372 241 415

420.3 287.7 457.8

446 352 509

23.5 31.0 33.5

226 119 240

253.7 151.9 262.5

286 184 289

18.0 22.2 13.8

101 59 84

120.4 75.6 97.6

136 94 108

10.7 11.1 8.2

156 Table 16 Dataset

M.A. Awadallah et al. Performance of HMCR parameter settings for medium track dataset. HMCR = 0.90

HMCR = 0.95

HMCR = 0.99













Early01 Early02 Early03 Early04 Early05

536 530 509 530 599

545.5 540.2 524.6 541.8 606

556 554 538 550 615

6.5 7.2 9.6 7.5 5.4

480 485 471 488 548

497.1 497 483.2 499.5 567.3

520 506 499 513 580

10.8 6.9 8.4 8.1 8.7

328 321 318 314 386

338.5 334.8 329.9 332.1 399.9

354 352 344 342 412

8.2 9 8.5 8.9 8.8

Late01 Late02 Late03 Late04 Late05

2066 506 670 536 2051

2134.5 526.3 685.8 545.3 2214.9

2186 540 708 560 2394

37.6 11.6 11.4 7.6 93.7

1610 427 532 439 1599

1712 452.5 559.3 462.2 1757.9

1814 475 607 491 1840

66.9 14.8 24.8 17.0 71.2

366 104 116 103 391

411.8 126.3 141.6 121.6 421.9

461 145 153 132 471

35.9 12.6 11.2 10 29

Hidden01 Hidden02 Hidden03 Hidden04 Hidden05

2997 2386 749 720 2648

3163.9 2502.7 781.3 745.7 2883.5

3258 2601 807 778 3022

76.3 70.9 17.2 21.1 106.0

2467 1924 621 632 2201

2583.6 2091.2 649.3 651.6 2373.4

2754 2187 682 667 2557

101.6 76.9 19.7 10.6 99.5

460 551 158 208 455

514.1 604.2 171.7 224.7 502.8

615 659 188 257 555

47.2 38.8 11.6 13.9 37.1

Hint01 Hint02 Hint03

730 2361 5251

754 2448.9 5941.5

793 2511 6602

17.5 50.0 397.1

582 1821 3458

628.4 1973.1 3954.3

681 2163 4331

27.1 93.7 277.2

134 297 315

158.5 357 445

183 404 536

15.8 34.2 63.2

the results of HSA with differing HMCR values (i.e., 0.90, 0.95, and 0.99). The HMCR parameter with high value leads to a higher exploitation and a lower exploration, and vice-versa. In other words, the higher value of HMCR parameter indicates intensively using the HM in the improvisation process during the search. The HMCR = 0.99 is recommended to solve the NRP based on achieving the best results in comparison with the other HMCR values. 5.3.3. Studying the effects of PAR The performance of the HSA using different PAR values (i.e., 0.0, 0.1, 0.4, and 0.7) is studied in Case6, Case1, Case7, and Case8. The results of the four cases are summarized in Tables 18–20. The value of PAR represents the percentage of enhancing the solution locally by the different pitch adjustment procedures. The PAR with zero value indicates that the local search procedures are not used during the search. In other words, the solution is not locally enhanced. Experimentally, the PAR with high value (i.e., Case8) obtained the best results in comparison with the other cases of PAR. This is due to the considerable local changes made in each iteration. Furthermore, the results of case! without the pitch adjustment operator perform poorly in comparison with other cases, either little usage of the pitch adjustment operator in Case6, or intensive usage like in Case8. 5.3.4. Studying the effects of Global-best The effectiveness of the Global-best idea of the HSA is studied by running the case that achieved the best results (i.e., Case8) using the original random selection of HSA. The results of the Global-best HSA and original HSA are summarized in Tables 21–23. Notably, the Global-best HSA achieved better results than the original HSA in most of the datasets, especially in medium and long track datasets. However, random selection is able

to overcome the Global-best selection in sprint track dataset results. In contrast, the convergence speed of Global-best is faster than the original HSA, by virtue of the Global-best power to inherit the values of the allocations from the best rosters in HM in the process of improvising the new roster. Fig. 1 shows the best results in HM of Global-best and random selection methods in each iteration for long_hidden03 dataset. Note that, in this figure, 10000 iterations are used to show the distribution among the results visually. The color lines in this figure show the correlation between the number of iterations and the objective function value. These lines represent the best results in HM in each iteration. An analysis of the diagram shows that the objective function value decreases as the number of iterations increases. Apparently, the slope of the Global-best selection is more than the random selection, especially at the beginning of the search. 5.4. Comparison with INRC2010 winners This section compares the results produced by the proposed HSA with those produced by the winners’ methods in INRC2010. The key for the winners’ methods is shown in Table 24. Tables 25–27 show the best results produced by the proposed method for 69 datasets published on the INRC2010 website, and compared with the five winners’ methods of INRC2010. These results are the best results summarized in Tables 12–23 for all cases. Furthermore, these tables include the best results obtained by the winners’ methods in INRC2010. Note that Table 19 includes the results of the Modified Harmony Search Algorithm (MHSA) presented in (Awadallah et al., 2011a). Basically, the proposed HSA was able to produce the best results for two datasets as achieved by the other winners’ methods. In addition, the proposed HSA produced com-


Performance of HMCR parameter settings for long track dataset. HMCR = 0.90

HMCR = 0.95

HMCR = 0.99













Early01 Early02 Early03 Early04 Early05

624 676 626 730 713

648.3 693.1 634.5 744.9 728.5

665 707 650 762 746

12.0 8.3 7.8 9.3 9.5

565 620 562 660 644

578.5 630.9 576.7 685.6 665

596 646 584 711 696

10.3 7.8 7.1 15.3 16.4

350 381 356 454 422

362.2 412.3 372.2 466.3 439.2

377 435 394 484 458

9.7 16.5 12.5 8.9 9.7

Late01 Late02 Late03 Late04 Late05

4750 4795 4543 4783 3906

4891.4 4956.4 4780 4975 4053.5

5033 5148 5090 5084 4209

99.9 119.4 147.8 104.7 101.3

3922 3956 3878 3980 3286

4057.7 4211.8 4019 4115.8 3435.3

4279 4439 4231 4279 3607

100.5 170.9 116.9 86.9 91.9

1355 1297 1288 1385 993

1481 1518.1 1521.3 1503.3 1164

1607 1704 1639 1664 1337

89.7 121.1 115.4 91.1 106.4

Hidden01 Hidden02 Hidden03 Hidden04 Hidden05

5111 1057 1001 930 1132

5246.8 1076.4 1025.5 970.8 1166.8

5416 1097 1046 995 1232

90.3 14.4 16.6 17.4 29.4

4341 914 827 813 932

4418.3 930.1 871.5 848.7 979.8

4520 950 941 901 1046

63.6 10.4 31.4 27.1 39.1

1590 401 274 310 296

1651.8 443.6 330.4 336.7 362

1728 484 367 368 431

51.1 28.3 32.7 19 35.1

Hint01 Hint02 Hint03

973 723 3684

995.2 738.3 3839.3

1025 760 3946

18.7 10.5 96.7

843 605 3031

870.4 629.6 3249.1

899 648 3377

21.3 12.8 89.8

338 235 1040

368.8 262.7 1173.9

421 284 1413

25.2 13 107.7

Global best Harmony Search with a new pitch adjustment designed for Nurse Rostering

Table 17


158 Table 18 Dataset

M.A. Awadallah et al. Performance of PAR parameter settings for sprint track dataset. PAR = 0

PAR = 0.1

PAR = 0.4

PAR = 0.7

















Early01 Early02 Early03 Early04 Early05 Early06 Early07 Early08 Early09 Early10

83 86 76 85 87 83 82 78 86 83

92 93.6 89.7 99.8 94.2 89.7 92 91.4 93.9 92.9

105 104 100 115 106 98 101 104 107 106

6.4 6.4 7.5 8.6 6.8 4.5 6.2 8.2 7.4 8.9

61 64 57 68 63 58 63 59 61 58

64.1 67.6 61.2 71.1 65.5 62.6 65.2 63.7 66.2 60.5

69 76 65 77 69 69 67 68 69 63

2.4 3.6 2.5 3.1 1.8 3.7 1.5 2.8 2.6 1.6

60 63 59 64 61 59 59 59 62 56

64.2 67 61 68.5 63.1 60.6 64.5 63.1 64.1 59.7

67 70 63 73 65 62 69 66 69 63

2.5 2.5 1.4 3.3 1.3 1 2.8 2.2 2.2 1.9

60 62 53 67 60 57 61 58 61 57

62.5 65.3 58.6 69.8 63.2 61.1 64.7 61.6 63.3 59.3

67 69 61 71 69 66 68 64 67 61

2.2 1.9 2.4 1.6 2.8 2.7 1.9 2.2 1.9 1.3

Late01 Late02 Late03 Late04 Late05 Late06 Late07 Late08 Late09 Late10

95 89 104 284 96 79 166 89 135 132

106.7 94.9 114.6 340 110.7 90.7 200.2 175.1 192.4 187

121 105 126 392 123 105 308 252 253 264

8.5 5.9 7.0 32.3 9.1 8.0 42.3 48.7 39.0 38.3

53 57 63 112 55 51 60 21 28 61

57.6 61.5 69.9 125.4 62.3 55.6 74.1 32.8 40.9 80.2

64 69 75 152 72 60 86 40 60 96

3.8 3.9 4.3 12 5 3.3 8.4 6.4 10.3 11.1

53 56 60 114 56 50 64 27 23 64

55.5 60.2 64.9 121.6 61.5 53.5 73.8 36.6 36 73.5

60 70 72 127 65 58 84 43 56 86

2.2 4.1 3.4 3.7 3.1 2.3 6.2 4.5 10.6 7.2

52 54 59 104 59 52 64 17 17 64

55.8 58.4 63.4 118.3 61.4 54.7 71.4 35.3 28.4 74.9

59 63 69 129 67 62 84 47 38 85

2.8 2.8 3.2 7.6 2.9 2.9 7.4 9 6.7 6.8

Hidden01 Hidden02 Hidden03 Hidden04 Hidden05 Hidden06 Hidden07 Hidden08 Hidden09 Hidden10

95 94 135 134 132 429 429 605 590 671

112.7 100.6 148 142.8 146.4 563.6 523.1 638.9 708.1 773.2

127 111 166 152 168 671 657 743 801 906

11.1 5.6 9.6 6.2 12.5 83.8 59.4 43.6 80.7 85.0

48 47 78 80 73 207 196 267 373 346

54 53.9 88.1 86.2 80.8 230 262.5 294.3 412.7 412.3

65 58 99 90 88 280 307 327 442 467

4.9 4.3 6.5 3.7 5 20.4 33.8 19.8 24.4 40.1

43 45 75 79 72 202 240 268 401 355

51.9 52 85 83.7 79.9 237.1 274.7 294.1 431.1 394.5

60 59 94 90 85 271 300 322 453 433

5.3 4.4 6.8 3.3 4.5 21.9 22.1 16.7 18.4 25.6

51 51 78 81 74 208 211 266 395 368

55.7 55.1 86 85.1 78.8 236 244.6 292 417.9 411.4

61 60 98 98 86 260 276 337 457 466

3.2 3.2 5.8 4.8 4.3 17.5 25.1 21.1 17.3 29.2

Hint01 Hint02 Hint03

221 124 209

294.2 229.9 307.2

344 312 358

40.1 60.2 51.9

101 59 84

120.4 75.6 97.6

136 94 108

10.7 11.1 8.2

102 60 80

116.6 72 102.5

130 80 117

8.7 6.3 11

103 64 77

112.4 73.6 100.8

126 87 119

8.1 7 12.2

Table 19 Dataset

Performance of PAR parameter settings for medium track dataset. PAR = 0

PAR = 0.1

PAR = 0.4

PAR = 0.7

















Early01 Early02 Early03 Early04 Early05

501 501 485 506 566

518.9 519.8 501.7 519.5 580.8

540 534 518 536 600

12.6 9.6 9.5 9.2 10.8

328 321 318 314 386

338.5 334.8 329.9 332.1 399.9

354 352 344 342 412

8.2 9 8.5 8.9 8.8

284 282 275 278 341

291.7 291.8 284.7 289.5 357.2

299 302 293 301 374

6 5.9 5.2 7.2 9.2

270 275 265 263 334

281.9 280.4 273.7 280 342.6

290 286 291 287 351

6.7 3.6 7.3 7.6 5.9

Late01 Late02 Late03 Late04 Late05

1535 410 438 413 1667

1697.1 440.3 489.3 438.1 1780.7

1855 494 528 474 1890

105.7 23.0 29.9 17.7 78.7

366 104 116 103 391

411.8 126.3 141.6 121.6 421.9

461 145 153 132 471

35.9 12.6 11.2 10 29

276 89 78 91 270

293 92 89.3 97.2 294.6

317 97 98 104 335

12.5 2.3 7 4.8 25.1

254 72 75 79 238

282.6 79.8 84.7 87.1 265.2

297 89 99 97 284

13.2 7 8 6.9 15.7

Hidden01 Hidden02 Hidden03 Hidden04 Hidden05

2120 1796 529 583 2049

2354.5 2017.4 592.5 626.4 2214.3

2607 2204 645 656 2365

156.7 128.2 43.0 23.6 118.0

460 551 158 208 455

514.1 604.2 171.7 224.7 502.8

615 659 188 257 555

47.2 38.8 11.6 13.9 37.1

279 415 100 146 275

309.4 433.1 113.4 159 342.6

334 449 131 181 396

15.3 11.6 10.8 10.7 37.4

253 361 93 135 280

283.3 416.5 104 144.9 323.5

298 445 118 153 367

13.1 26.2 8.1 7 28.6

Hint01 Hint02 Hint03

557 1703 2958

582.9 1835.5 3529.3

603 1995 3993

14.2 102.6 280.4

134 297 315

158.5 357 445

183 404 536

15.8 34.2 63.2

99 210 252

112.5 256.9 287.1

138 302 317

11.6 28.7 22.2

89 194 242

94.9 216.9 269.6

104 242 299

4.9 17.7 19.2

Global best Harmony Search with a new pitch adjustment designed for Nurse Rostering Table 20 Dataset


Performance of PAR parameter settings for long track dataset. PAR = 0

PAR = 0.1

PAR = 0.4

PAR = 0.7

















Early01 Early02 Early03 Early04 Early05

592 632 592 693 665

611.7 656.7 618.4 718 692.6

633 688 656 746 720

15.2 17.5 18.2 18.1 16.0

350 381 356 454 422

362.2 412.3 372.2 466.3 439.2

377 435 394 484 458

9.7 16.5 12.5 8.9 9.7

282 310 293 384 364

294.8 328.2 308.5 390.8 372.4

312 346 324 405 390

9.9 11.7 9.8 7.5 7.5

256 299 286 356 337

273.4 311 290.1 369.7 349.9

287 321 296 393 362

10.7 8 3.4 10.6 7

Late01 Late02 Late03 Late04 Late05

4035 4000 3944 4027 3196

4290.7 4297.2 4154.5 4373.1 3481.8

4493 4552 4442 4720 3780

140.8 164.6 159.4 198.1 162.0

1355 1297 1288 1385 993

1481 1518.1 1521.3 1503.3 1164

1607 1704 1639 1664 1337

89.7 121.1 115.4 91.1 106.4

755 741 717 801 555

829.1 837.3 819.1 920.9 644.2

1048 970 960 1074 732

83.9 69.2 72 82.7 56.6

601 596 585 621 393

673.8 669.6 670.6 691.8 491

789 718 745 779 541

63.1 39.9 50.9 45 45.9

Hidden01 Hidden02 Hidden03 Hidden04 Hidden05

4212 907 819 814 916

4527.9 975.8 897.5 879.3 999.3

4767 1021 935 953 1066

164.1 39.2 32.9 38.5 42.4

1590 401 274 310 296

1651.8 443.6 330.4 336.7 362

1728 484 367 368 431

51.1 28.3 32.7 19 35.1

901 240 151 169 198

989.4 272.7 170 184 208.3

1106 296 185 203 218

70.2 18.2 10.2 12.7 6.4

747 225 121 134 146

798.9 241.8 130.9 147 167.7

960 279 141 162 194

64.4 14.9 5.9 9.6 12.6

Hint01 Hint02 Hint03

843 611 3112

880.3 641.5 3387.9

926 680 3689

22.0 25.0 187.8

338 235 1040

368.8 262.7 1173.9

421 284 1413

25.2 13 107.7

192 132 501

215 157 585.2

246 178 655

17.9 12.9 55.6

134 102 375

163 126.7 494.2

191 152 579

16.1 21 59.5

Table 21 The performance of Global-best selection for sprint track dataset.

Table 22 The performance of Global-best selection for medium track dataset.



Global-best selection

Random selection









Early01 Early02 Early03 Early04 Early05 Early06 Early07 Early08 Early09 Early10

60 62 53 67 60 57 61 58 61 57

62.5 65.3 58.6 69.8 63.2 61.1 64.7 61.6 63.3 59.3

67 69 61 71 69 66 68 64 67 61

2.2 1.9 2.4 1.6 2.8 2.7 1.9 2.2 1.9 1.3

58 60 53 62 59 56 58 57 57 53

59.4 62.4 56 67.8 62.1 56.8 62.5 58.5 62.5 56.1

61 65 58 88 75 58 75 60 74 58

1.1 1.8 1.7 8.4 4.7 0.8 5.3 1.1 5.9 1.7

Late01 Late02 Late03 Late04 Late05 Late06 Late07 Late08 Late09 Late10

52 54 59 104 59 52 64 17 17 64

55.8 58.4 63.4 118.3 61.4 54.7 71.4 35.3 28.4 74.9

59 63 69 129 67 62 84 47 38 85

2.8 2.8 3.2 7.6 2.9 2.9 7.4 9 6.7 6.8

45 49 56 279 51 43 68 22 86 130

58.4 62.7 76.9 346.4 57.7 48.2 117.9 73.3 125.4 156.7

99 85 115 440 80 57 172 128 177 183

20.1 14.8 21.7 56.1 10.6 4 33.8 39.4 24.3 17.8

Hidden01 Hidden02 Hidden03 Hidden04 Hidden05 Hidden06 Hidden07 Hidden08 Hidden09 Hidden10

51 51 78 81 74 208 211 266 395 368

55.7 55.1 86 85.1 78.8 236 244.6 292 417.9 411.4

61 60 98 98 86 260 276 337 457 466

3.2 3.2 5.8 4.8 4.3 17.5 25.1 21.1 17.3 29.2

41 35 70 138 62 486 286 490 874 599

87.3 40.8 92.5 156.8 83.2 687 436.3 644.4 945.2 663.3

118 45 138 167 123 819 637 843 976 780

31.6 4.2 26.5 10.5 23.2 101.3 108.7 107.6 33.9 62.9

Hint01 Hint02 Hint03

103 64 77

112.4 126 8.1 211 317.1 399 69.2 73.6 87 7 62 150 239 59.1 100.8 119 12.2 192 294.2 436 72.4

Global-best selection

Random selection




Std. B.




Early01 Early02 Early03 Early04 Early05

270 275 265 263 334

281.9 280.4 273.7 280 342.6

290 286 291 287 351

6.7 3.6 7.3 7.6 5.9

443 434 431 440 501

450.9 447.8 440.5 448.3 511.9

457 460 447 457 520

5.2 9.2 4.5 5.5 6.3

Late01 Late02 Late03 Late04 Late05

254 72 75 79 238

282.6 79.8 84.7 87.1 265.2

297 89 99 97 284

13.2 7 8 6.9 15.7

1758 412 477 405 1746

1802.5 425.9 507.8 435.2 1832.7

1855 440 536 465 1922

30 8.4 16 15.8 47.7

Hidden01 Hidden02 Hidden03 Hidden04 Hidden05

253 361 93 135 280

283.3 416.5 104 144.9 323.5

298 445 118 153 367

13.1 26.2 8.1 7 28.6

2440 2069 628 615 2313

2567.1 2127.7 641.2 631.4 2372.9

2688 2174 656 646 2466

76 32.8 10.9 11.8 44.3

Hint01 Hint02 Hint03

89 194 242

94.9 104 4.9 575 595.9 624 14.2 216.9 242 17.7 1910 2043.9 2145 70.4 269.6 299 19.2 3912 4190.1 4420 175.3

petitive results in comparison with those obtained by the winp ners’ methods in the remaining datasets. The symbol ’ ’ indicates that the winner method obtained the best result while the symbol ‘–’ denotes its inability to do so. 6. Conclusion This major contribution of this paper is an improvement made to the Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA) for the Nurse Rostering Problem (NRP). Nurse Rostering as a real-world


M.A. Awadallah et al.


Global-best selection

Random selection




Std. B.




Early01 Early02 Early03 Early04 Early05

256 299 286 356 337

273.4 311 290.1 369.7 349.9

287 321 296 393 362

10.7 8 3.4 10.6 7

492 550 489 587 561

511.9 561.8 503.8 611 581.9

526 576 513 623 596

11.9 8.3 8.4 11.6 11.9

Late01 Late02 Late03 Late04 Late05

601 596 585 621 393

673.8 669.6 670.6 691.8 491

789 718 745 779 541

63.1 39.9 50.9 45 45.9

3734 3712 3537 3583 3058

3825.6 3883.2 3671.1 3752.8 3188

4004 3980 3754 3895 3292

82 89.2 62.5 87.1 63.6

Hidden01 Hidden02 Hidden03 Hidden04 Hidden05

747 225 121 134 146

798.9 241.8 130.9 147 167.7

960 279 141 162 194

64.4 14.9 5.9 9.6 12.6

3976 818 766 719 881

4128.2 846 785.3 738.2 920.5

4236 872 810 759 999

78.9 18.3 16.9 12.1 34.4

Hint01 Hint02 Hint03

134 102 375

163 191 16.1 760 782.8 806 15.5 126.7 152 21 559 584.6 594 9.8 494.2 579 59.5 3036 3105.4 3160 44.3


Objective function value

Table 23 The performance of Global-best selection for long track dataset.

Global−best selection Random selection

1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200







Number of Iterations

Figure 1 The results distribution in HM of different selection methods using long_hidden03 dataset.

The effectiveness of the two proposed improvements to the HSA for NRP has been carried out using eight experimental cases, each with a different parameter setting. Experimentally, for the first improvement, the Global-best selection combined with the process of memory consideration has been able to improve the results considerably. This proves that the Global-

Table 25 A comparison between the results of HSA and winners’ methods for sprint track dataset. Table 24

INRC2010 winners’ methods.





Hyper-heuristic combined with a greedy shuffle approach. Variable Depth Search Algorithm and Branch and Price Algorithm. Tabu search with restart mechanism. Constraint Optimization Problem solver. Integer programming with set of neighborhood structures.

Bilgin et al. (2010)





Burke and Curtois (2010)

Lu and Hao (2010)

Nonobe (2010)

Valouxis et al. (2010))

optimization problem is considered to be NP-hard, which is not easy to solve. HSA is able to solve the NRP efficiently like the other real-world problems solved by HSA: water distribution networks, course timetabling, examination timetabling, etc. The HSA for NRP has been improved in two aspects: first, the Global-best selection of Particle Swarm Optimization replaced the random selection in memory consideration during the improvisation process to improve the convergence speed. Second, multi-pitch adjustment procedures have been established to improve local exploitation capability. The results obtained by the proposed method are positively comparable with those provided by the five winners’ methods in INRC2010.

Datasets Proposed HSA MHSA Competitive methods

Early01 Early02 Early03 Early04 Early05 Early06 Early07 Early08 Early09 Early10

58 60 53 62 59 56 58 57 57 53

60 61 56 66 61 58 62 59 57 58

Late01 Late02 Late03 Late04 Late05 Late06 Late07 Late08 Late09 Late10

45 49 55 104 51 43 60 17 17 54

47 53 59 117 54 47 66 19 34 73

Best result M1 M2 p 56 – p 58 – p 51 – p p 59 p p 58 p p 54 p p 56 p 56 – p 55 – p 52 – p 37 – p 42 – p 48 – p 75 – p 44 – p 42 – p 42 – p 17 – p 17 – p 43 –

Hidden01 Hidden02 Hidden03 Hidden04 Hidden05 Hidden06 Hidden07 Hidden08 Hidden09 Hidden10

41 35 70 79 62 202 196 266 373 346

48 45 76 97 68 278 201 374 916 462

33 32 62 67 59 134 153 209 338 306

Hint01 Hint02 Hint03

101 59 77

104 73 92

78 47 57

– – p – – – – – p – – – – – – – – – – – p – p – p –

M3 p p p

M4 p p p p p p p p p p

M5 p p p p p p p p p p

– – p

p p p

– – p

– p p

– – p p p p

– p p

– p p p p

– p

– p

– – p

– p p p p p p – – – – – p

– – – – – – – – – – – – –

– p – – – – –

– p p

– p p – – –

Global best Harmony Search with a new pitch adjustment designed for Nurse Rostering Table 26 A comparison between the results of HSA and winners’ methods for medium track dataset. Datasets


2. other local changes in the pitch adjustment operator; 3. integration of HSA with other approximation-based methods to improve the HSA performance.

Proposed HSA Competitive methods

Early01 Early02 Early03 Early04 Early05

270 275 265 263 334

Late01 Late02 Late03 Late04 Late05

254 72 75 79 238

Best result M1 M2 p 240 – p 240 – p 236 – p 237 – p 303 – p 158 – p 18 – p 29 – p 35 – p 107 –

Hidden01 Hidden02 Hidden03 Hidden04 Hidden05

253 361 93 135 275

130 221 36 80 122

Hint01 Hint02 Hint03

89 194 242

40 84 129

– – – – – p p p

M3 M4 p – p – p – – – – –

M5 p p p p p

– – – – –

– – – – –

– – – – –

– – – – –

– – –

– – –

– – – – – p – p – – – – –

– p – p p – – –

Table 27 A comparison between the results of HSA and winners’ methods for long track dataset. Datasets

Proposed HSA Competitive methods

Early01 Early02 Early03 Early04 Early05

256 299 286 356 337

Best result M1 p 197 219 – p 240 p 303 p 284

Late01 Late02 Late03 Late04 Late05

601 596 585 621 393

235 229 220 221 83

– – – – –

Hidden01 Hidden02 Hidden03 Hidden04 Hidden05

747 225 121 134 146

363 90 38 22 41

– p

Hint01 Hint02 Hint03

134 102 375

31 17 53

– – – p p p

M2 p p p p p

M3 M4 p – – – p – p – p –

M5 p p p p p

– – – – –

– – – – –

– – – – p

– – – – –

– – – – –

– – – – –

– p p p

– – –

– – –

– – –

– – –

p p p p p


best has a direct effect on the convergence of HSA. For the second improvement, the multi-pitch adjustment procedures with larger PAR have been able to empower the search to greatly exploit the NRP search space and thus have improved the local nearby exploitation. It would be interesting if other researchers can explore the following: 1. the unfeasible regions, as our paper was concerned with exploring the feasible ones;

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