management of alien plants on American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) plantations in two districts of the Brest region in. Belarus were conducted.
Global Collaborations Between Public Gardens to Preserve Plant Biodiversity Botanic sessions Beyond the borders to conserve genetic diversity: Cross-gardens, cross-countries and cross-continents
Nastassia Vlasava Alena Spirydovich Arkady Skuratovich and Vladimir N. Reshetnikov
Central Botanical gardens NAS of Belarus Institute of Experimental Botany NAS of Belarus
Collaboration Belarus-US Botanical gardens Active partners: • Landscape Arboretum of the University of Minnesota • Matthaei Botanical garden and Nichols Arboretum of University of Michigan • Longwood Gardens • Missouri Botanical Gardens
Areas of Collaboration • • •
• • •
Biodiversity conservation expeditions (US Mid West trip, South East, Mississippi River and Itasca State Park, Belarus nature areas) Seminars Native flora conservation activity: Comparative research of common to US Midwest and Belarus groups of plants (Orchidaceae, Pteridiophyta, aquatic plants, conifers); Rare ecosystems conservation; Genetic banking (seed/ DNA/ tissue culture). Controlling invasive species : In natural areas of Minnesota and Belarus; Cranberry weed control. Genotyping of genetic diversity of field collections – Paeonia. Coming: Grapes, Syringa, Pines, etc. Exchange of certified plant material (grapes, lilacs, peonies, pines, etc.).
Biodiversity conservation expeditions • • • •
US Mid West trip US South East North of Minnesota Belarus nature areas Monitoring of the sites for conservation Herbarium specimens collection Developing future projects
USA Middle West 2012
Expedition to South West of USA, 2013
Glacial Lake State Park, MN - 2014
International Seminars with expedition in Belarus Minsk SPNI Belarus 2013 2014 2015
Minsk, 1.06.2015
Aconitum lycoctonum L. monitoring, Vitsebsk June 2015
Roadside vegetation ecosystems biodiversity enrichment and sustaining
Conservation of the plant resources History of selection
Collections maintaining Genotype identification
Genetic Monitoring of rare species
Evolution and phylogenetics
Basic research
Genetic Diversity conservation of cultivated and natural flora
Adventive flora control
Comparative endangered / common Orchids genetic diversity investigation:
Objects: • • • • • • • •
Malaxis monophyllos (L.) Sw. / var.brachypoda Listera cordata (L.) R. R. Liparis loeselii Cypripedium calceolus L./ Cypripedium parviflorum Salisb. var. parviflorum Goodyera repens (L.) R.Br. Dactylorhiza viridis (L.) Corallorhiza trifida Châtel. Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz
Creation of a Genetic Banks (Tissue Cultures, Seeds, and DNA) for Orchid Species Endangered in USA and Belarus: Cypripedium spp. In situ conservation
Ex situ conservation
Genetic Monitoring DNA banking More sustainable populations
In vitro
Ex situ
Tissue culture banking Seed banking
More weak populations Genetic Resources of American and European Cypripedium Protocols of monitoring, propagation, reintroduction
Genetic monitoring. Population genotyping
Monitoring population and environmental parameters
Sampling At least ~5%
DNA isolation
Calculation of population-genetic parameters based on frequency of alleles Monitoring the dynamics Conservation Programs
PCR / Intra- and Inter population Polymorphism detection Glubokoe
Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) based on RAPD+ISSR loci frequency in populations of Isoёtes lacustris L. Percentages of Molecular Variance
Interregional 6%
Inter population 15%
Intrapopulation variation 79%
Vlasava et. al 2014
Comparative studies of Invasive flora: I. Integrared study of the complex of systematically challenging alien, invasive or potentially invasive species in their secondary habitat: North American species in the secondary habitat within Europe (by the example of Belarus), European species in the secondary habitat within North America (by the example of Minnesota State) : Taxonomy, biology, genetics
Minnesota invasive plants native of Russia/Belarus • Rhamnus cathartica (L.) • Frangula alnus • Alliaria petiolata (Bieb.) • Lythrum salicaria, virgatum (L.) • Euphorbia esula L. • Tanacetum vulgare (L.) • Cardamine impatiens L. • Phragmites australis • Daucus carota • Centaurea solstitialis
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Russia/Belarus invasive plants native of Minnesota Bidens frondosa Solidago canadensis Solidago gigantea Echinocystis lobata Acer negundo Amelanchier spicata Elodea canadenis Erigeron annuus Geum macrophyllum Helianthus tuberosa Oenothera biennis Parthenocissus vitacea Robinia pseudoacacia Cyclachaena xanthiifolia
II. Control of the complex of native flora species of North America in the plantations of American culture of the family Ericaceae (Vaccinium corymbosum, V. macrocarpon, V. vitis-ideae, etc.), including weeds of the natural flora of Belarus, potentially invasive to the flora of Europe The estimation of population dynamics of invasive species and monitoring of the results of control management of alien plants on American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) plantations in two districts of the Brest region in Belarus were conducted. Among 22 new for flora of Belarus alien species after three years of systematic work to eliminate them 3 species have reduced their populations, 7 maintain the stabile low abundance, 9 - retained consistently high number, and 3 species have increased population size and moved into natural plant communities. [Skuratovich A., Dubovik D., Miller D. et al. 2015, In Press]
Table - Effect of control measures on the number of alien species Species, reduced the abundance
Species with stable low abundance
Species with stable high abundance
Solidago graminifolia Scirpus cyperinus Cicuta bulbifera
Juncus breviacaudatus Stellaria longipes Eleocharis obtusa Eutrochium aculatum Campanula aparinoides Hypericum boreale Hypericum ellipticum
Carex crawfordii Penthorum sedoides Triadenum fraseri Hypericum canadense Agrostis scabra Ludwigia palustris Lysimachia terrestris Viola pallens Myriophyllum farwellii
Species, increased the abundance Persicaria sagittata Lycopus uniflorus Aster ontarionis
[Skuratovich A., Dubovik D., Miller D. et al. 2015, In Press]
Actuality/ Perspectives: Weed control on cranberry plantation; Protocols elaboration to limit “Newcomers”. Stages of the project:
– The precise taxonomic identification of native species, invasive for the secondary area (USA, Belarus); – Preparation and provision of information about the features of ecology and biology of development and growth of alien for in Belarus species in their natural (primary) habitat. Identifying the factors, that can effectively constrain their distribution (USA, Belarus). – The development of measures to limit their abundance in secondary habitats or areas of introducing (USA, Belarus). – Comparative genetic studies to identify adaptive potential
Genetic differentiation of historic Paeonia collections: certification, conservation and phylogenetic reconstruction of domestication
Principal Coordinates (PCoA) via Covariance matrix with data standardization (Linear Binary Genetic Distance)
P. tenuifolia P. lactiflora Novost' Altaya_K P. mlokosewitschii
PC 2 (5.12 %)
Arlequin A. Crousse A. D'Hour B. de Neige C.d'Or
Novost' Altaya_A
P. anomala_Kaz
Polar Star M. Jules Elie Edulus Superba Mons. Dupont Mme de Verneville Pasteur
P. Renee O. Demay
Mme E. Galle M. Lemoine M. Gerard
P. Reignoux Novost Altaya F. Crousse La Tulipe Mirnyi Belyi Parus Fortune Teller Suruga_etalon Zhemch rossyp' D. de Nemours Wellington Pamiati Gagarina Pobeda Vechernya Moskva M-lle L.Callot La Rosiere Gigantea Mirazh A. Gaidar Mme Boulanger
K. Majestic
Do Tell
M. d'Hour La Perle M. Crousse
cv Orlenok = P. lactiflora X P. teniufolia (1963 Fomitcheva, USSR)
Vesennii Zor'ka
PC 1 (6.18 %)
Diagram showing the relationships among 53 accessions of Paeonia based on PCA using 113 SRAP markers Visualization of genetic relationships among Paeonia cultivars and species. PC axis 1 and PC2 were calculated from 49 Paeonia cultivars samples, and 4 Paeonia species were subsequently projected onto these axes (the proportion of the variance in parentheses). PCA was performed on 49 cultivars and 4 species using 113 LDpruned SRAPs. [Vlasava, Michener et al. 2014]
[Vlasava N, Michener D, Yukhimuk A, Gaishun V, Bryant R, Agabalaeva E, Spiridovich E, 2015]
Analysis of relationship of Paeonia accessions by their region of origin (wild species, Europe, USSR and USA) by Nei genetic distance/ similarity indices Table – Nei's genetic identity (above diagonal) and genetic distance (below diagonal) between groups of Paeonia by region of origin Group Wild
By SRAP data the closest regions are Europe and USSR (genetic distance – 0.024), and most distant are Wild and USA groups (genetic distance – 0.103). At the same time USA and USSR groups are relatively equally distant to the European group analysed (genetic identity 0.97 and 0.98, respectfully). This finding is consistent with the suggestion that US breeders by early 1900s were using novel source material rather than re-breeding only from existing European cultivars.
Collaboration activity between Belarus and US botanical gardens
Expeditions Talks
Seminars/ Conferences 15
Projects, initiated Projects, funded
Plant material exchange, taxons 5
Agreements 0 2002
“It is better to show excessive thrift now than expose to the destruction what thousands and millions of years was created by nature“ Nikolai Vavilov
Thank you for your attention!