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Feb 20, 1999 - SOx and NOx emissions [Benkovitz et al., 1996]. In most cases ... to define a policy framework for addressing these problems. The policy ...


20, 1999

Global nitrogen and sulfur inventoriesfor oceangoingships James J. Corbett Departmentof Engineeringand PublicPolicy,CarnegieMellon University,Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania

Paul S. Fischbeck Departmentsof Socialand DecisionSciences andEngineeringandPublicPolicy,CarnegieMellon University Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania

SpyrosN. Pandis Departmentsof ChemicalEngineeringand Engineeringand PublicPolicy,CarnegieMellon University,Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

Abstract. We presentgeographically resolvedglobalinventories of nitrogenandsulfur emissions frominternational maritimetransport for usein globalatmospheric models. Currentinventories of globallyresolvedsources of naturalandanthropogenic emissions do notincludethe significantcontribution of SO2or NO• fromoceangoing ships[Benkovitzet al., 1996]. We estimatetheglobalinventoryof shipemissions, usingcurrentemissiontest datafor ships[Carltonet al., 1995] anda fuel-basedapproach similarto thatusedfor automobileinventories[SingerandHarley, 1996]. This studyestimates the 1993 global

annual NOxandSO2emissions fromships tobe3.08teragrams (Tg,or1012 g)asN and4.24 Tg S, respectively.Nitrogenemissions from shipsare shownto accountfor morethan 14% of all nitrogenemissions fromfossilfuel combustion, andsulfuremissions exceed5% of sulfuremittedby all fuel combustion sourcesincludingcoal. Shipsulfuremissions correspond to about20% of biogenicdimethylsulfide (DMS) emissions.In regionsof the NorthernHemisphere,annualsulfuremissions fromshipscanbe of thesameorderof magnitudeas estimatesof the annualflux of DMS [Chinet al., 1996]. Monthlyinventories of shipsulfurandnitrogenemissions presented in thispaperaregeographically characterized

ona 2øx 2øresolution. Temporal andspatialcharacteristics of theinventory arepresented. Uncertaintyin inventoryestimates is assessed: thefifth andninety-fifthpercentilevaluesfor globalnitrogenemissions are 2.66 Tg N and4.00 Tg N, respectively; thefifth andninetyfifth percentilevaluesfor sulfuremissions are 3.29 Tg S and5.61 Tg S, respectively.We suggestthattheseinventories,availablevia the ShipEmissions Assessment (SEA) web site, be usedin modelsalongwiththeGlobalEmissions InventoryActivity(GEIA) inventories for land-based anthropogenic emissions andmodeledwithocean-biogenic inventories for DMS.

1. Introduction

Global and regionalassessment of atmosphericchemistry, air quality, and anthropogenic influenceson climatic factors (e.g., cloud formation)dependupon accurateand complete emissioninventories.Producingsuchinventorieshasbeenan important endeavorin regions where air quality concerns receivepublicattention.Regionalestimatesfor anthropogenic and biogenicemissionshave been aggregatedto assemble global inventories. However, ship emissionshave not been addressed in a coherentmannerin any existinginventoriesof SOx and NOx emissions [Benkovitz et al., 1996]. In most

sulfurand admittedly have misassigned their geographic distributions byattributing emissions fromtrade(byshipsand otherwise)to the nationsof export. National emission inventoriesexclude internationalship fuel, or bunkers [b•ternational EnergyAdtninistration (lEA), 1987]. In fact, nationsseparate inventories of fuel suppliedto international shippingwith the objectiveof removingthese fuel distributions from their domestic inventories of energy

consumption. Regional inventories typically includedomestic emissions only,admittingdifficultyin includingcommercial ship emissions[U.S. EnvironmentalProtectionAgency (EPA), 1991]. Regionalinventoriesfor ships often use methodologies that approximate emissions basedon trade

cases,methodologies to determineglobalemissionsassignall energyemissions(includingship emissions)to land masses volume;herethecomplexities of oceantradelimit thescopeto [Spiro et al., 1992]. These attempts appear to have only a few typesof cargo,thusunderestimating emissions significantlyunderestimated ship emissionsof nitrogenand [Streetset al., 1997]. The mostcomplete regionalstudiesof Copyright1999by theAmericanGeophysical Union.

international ship emissions assemble detailedinformation aboutrouteorigin and destination, ship size, powerplant

Paper number 1998JD100040.

characteristics, speed,and otherparameters, from everyport in the regionstudied[Carltonet al., 1995]. Only recently,





regionalstudieshavebegunto includeemissionsfrom ships as sulfur, ash, asphaltenes,and metals has increasedin residualfuels [Ewart, 1982; htternationalOrganizationfor in comparisons with globalemissions [Cooperet al., 1996]. Air pollution control of mobile sources presents a Sta•wlardization (ISO), 1987]. Residual fuel has been multidisciplinary, technicalpolicy problemfor all formsof describedas "black, thick as molassesand has an odor that's transportation, but the problemof estimatingand controlling pungentto put it politely"[Brubakerand Eley, 1992]. By air pollutionfrom oceangoingships carryinginternational contrast, "other" bunkers include marine distillate oils of cargois particularlycomplex.Currentinternational policy highergrade;however,theyoftenconsistof a blendof heavier effortsby the InternationalMaritime Organization(IMO) to fractions (residuals) with distillate oils and are not to be reduceair pollutionfromshipsystemsmarkthefirstattempts confusedwith the more highly refineddieselfuels usedin to definea policyframeworkfor addressing theseproblems. motorvehicles. Becausefuel is the greatestsingleoperating The policy implicationsof a global understanding of ship costfor a ship, commercialshipperspreferto use residual emissions inventories have been discussed [Corbett and fuels if their enginescan accommodate its poorerquality Fischbeck,1997]; this paper providesa full technical [Brubakerand Eley, 1992]. discussionof the data sets that we have developed. We suggestthat theseinventories be combinedwith the Global 1.2. Current PolicyStatusand TechnicalStudies EmissionsInventoryActivity(GEIA) inventoriesin modeling The IMO's Annex VI, Regulationsfor the Preventionof anthropogenic emissions.Scientistscan us the inventories Air Pollutionfrom ShipslIMO, 1996]addresses severalforms presented hereon bothglobaland regionalscalesto reduce of air pollutionfrom shipsincludingoxidesof nitrogenand uncertainty in existinginventories of anthropogenic emissions oxidesof sulfur. Whereaspreviousenvironmentalpolicy and to better model the effects of these emissions on actionsby IMO have focusedon protectingthe marine atmospheric chemistryandregionalair quality. environment, the motivationfor controllingshipair emissions concernspotential impact on land regions and coastal populations.IMO's NO,, controlregulationsapply to new 1.1. Ship PropulsionOverview engineinstallations and majorconversions after January1, The world'sshipsareprimarilypoweredby dieselengine 2000. SO,`controlregulations applyto all shipboard fuels systems, consisting of oneor moredieselenginesin oneof (bunkers), cappingfuelsulfurcontentat 4.5% (by weight)and threetypicalpropulsion configurations.Dieseldirect-drive outliningprovisions for SO,`EmissionControlAreas. (The engines aretypicallylarge,slow-speed dieselengines directly BalticSeais the onlyregioncurrentlydesignated by IMO to connected to the propeller;they rotateat exactlythe same be a SO,•EmissionControlArea.) Shipsoperatingwithin revolutions per minute(rpm) as the propeller(0-130 rpm), SO,, Emission Control Areas must use reduced-sulfurfuels

exceptwhenconnected tocontrollable pitchpropellers. Diesel (lessthan or equalto 1.5% by weight)or apply exhaustgas gearengines drivethepropeller indirectly, througha setof sulfur emission controls. gears,allowingenginespeedto be selected independently of Studiesbegan measuringship emissionsfrom marine propeller rpm. Dieselelectricengines drivegenerator systems dieselpropulsionenginesin the late 1980s. The most that turn the propeller;theseenginestypicallyoperateat comprehensive study to date was conductedby Lloyd's constantspeedwith electricpowerprovidingvariablepower Register of Shipping and was reportedin three phases

to the shaft. Diesel electric and diesel gear enginescan [Carltonet al., 1995;Lloyd'sRegister,1990, 1993]. Phase operateat speedsgreaterthan propellerrpm; these are one lookedat medium-and slow-speeddieselenginesand generallymedium-speed enginedesignsoperatingbetween measured steadystateemissions at variousshipengineloads 130 rpm and2000 rpm. A fourthmajorcategory of marine from approximately 60 engineson 50 vessels[Carltonet al., engine,steam-turbine systems,relies on conventionalsteam 1995]. Phase two studied transientemissions,and phase generation to drivea turbine(s)gearedto the propellershaft; threequantifiedregionalship emissions.Thesedata are the thesesystems havethermalandfuelefficiency lowerthanthat bestcurrentlyavailableto evaluateshippropulsion emissions, of modemmarinediesels[Packard,1984]. Otherpropulsion althoughthe sampleset is small in comparisonwith the systems include combustion turbines and older or approximately 86,000 registeredcommercialvessels[Lloyd's nontraditionalpropulsiondesignssuch as wind-powered Maritime b•formation Services(LMIS), 1996] and 20,000 vessels,reciprocatingsteampistons,and nuclear(for some militaryvessels[AdcockandStitt,1995]operating globally. militaryvessels). As technology for large marinediesel enginesenabledtheconsumption of lower-cost residualfuels,

2. Global Inventory of Ship Emissions

thesebecamepreferredover the steamplant technology. Dieselenginesconsume lessfuel thando otherpropulsion Our estimationof globalshipemissionsis basedon three systems [Packard,1984;Osbourne, 1943]andhavereplaced primary sources: (!) marine exhaustemissiontest data by steam-turbinesystemsthat were dominantin the 1940s [Turpinand McEwen, 1965]. Marine fuels,or bunkers,can be generallyclassifiedinto two categories:residualfuels and otherfuels. Residualfuels are a blendof variousoils obtainedfromthe highlyviscous residueof distillationor crackingafterthe lighter(andmore valuable)hydrocarbon fractionshavebeenremoved.Sincethe 1973 fuel crisis, refinerieshave used secondaryrefining technologies(known as thermal cracking)to extract the maximumquantityof refinedproducts(distillates)fromcrude oil. As a consequence theconcentration of contaminants such

Lloyd's Register [Carlton et al., 1995; Lloyd's Register, 1990] that reportsfuel-basedemissionrates for sulfur and nitrogenemissions,(2) internationalmarine fuel (bunkers) usage information reported in the Energy Information Administration's(EIA's) WorldEnergyDatabase[Malone)', 1996], and (3) engine characteristics (slow-speeddiesel, medium-speed diesel,and otherenginetypesincludingsteam turbine)for the world'sregistered shipsgreaterthanor equal to 100 grossregisteredmetrictons(t) from Lloyd'sMaritime InformationServices[LMIS, 1996]. The generalmethodology is illustratedin FigureI anddiscussed in detailbelow.




Ship Stack

Ship Registry





By Geographic




Fuel-Based Emission

By Vessel

Factor(s) (kgPollutant/


tonne f

(Enginetype, Vessel Type, etc,)

Global Ship Propulsion Emissions (kg Pollutant/yr)

Temporal and Spatial Resolutions

,•Annual Marine Fuel (Bunkers)

(Monthly,Seasonal, Latitudinal)



Figure1. Generalmethodology for(a) estimation and(b) characterization of shipemissions.

2.1. Estimation Methodology

CONCAWE data for comparison with EIA data, EIA's consistencywith CONCAWE fuel This study analyzed data from Lloyd's Maritime demonstrating usages previously consideredby the Marine Environment Information Services to determine engineprofiles(Table1) for Protection Committee (MEPC), the IMO bodythat developed registeredcommercialvessels 100 gross registeredtons current language in Annex V1,Regulations for thePrevention (GRT) and greater[LM1S, 1996]. Data for naval propulsion of Air Pollution From Ships.) Fuel use data show that were providedby AMI Internationalin their Naval Main 70% to 80% of the bunkersused by Propulsion Market Overview lAdcock and Stitt, 1995]; approximately oceangoing shipsareresidualbunkers. militarysalesto world naviesby enginemanufacturers B&W, international, The Lloyd's research reported meanfuel-basedemission MAN, and Sulzer were assumedto be slow-speeddiesels, factors of 57 kg NO•/t fuel for medium-speed enginesand 87 sincethesefirms are leadingmanufacturers of suchengines. engines[Carltonet al., 1995]. The total world fleet (commercialand military) includes kg NO•/t fuel for slow-speed approximately55% slow-speeddiesel, 40% medium-speed Note that NOs emissionratesdependboth on the'type of system(because of peaktemperature profiles)and diesel, and 5% other engine types (the most common combustion to a lesser extent on the nitrogen content in the fuel. Sulfur nondieselpropulsionbeingsteamturbinetechnology). by contrast,dependsolelyon the The fuel-basedemissionsinventorywas computedfrom emissionsfrom combustion, fuel contentof sulfurand are independent of the combustion available fuel data for international marine bunkers. EIA's system (e.g., diesel engines, boilers, and gas turbines). The WorldEnergyDatabasereportsusagefor marinebunkersin Lloyd's study determined that sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions international shipping[Malone),,1996]. This studyusedfuel follow an empirical relationship, where S% is the percent of usedatafrom the mostrecentyearsavailable,1992 and 1993. Table 2 presentsworld bunker usagefor theseyears,along sulfurcontainedin thefuel by mass[Carltonet al., 1995]: kg is simplytheresult with 1990 CONCAWE (The Oil Company's European SO2/tfuel= (20 * S%). (Thisrelationship of convening all fuel-sulfur to SO: during combustion, Organizationfor Environment,Health and Safety) reported expressed in the above units.) fuel usage data [CONCAWE, 1993]. (We include the Marine fuel specifications establishmaximumlimits for fuel sulfurcontentenablingmarineenginemanufacturers to Table 1. WorldShipEngineProfile Military Fleet


Total Fleet


En[tineTypes Number,%


1,289 (7%)

Number. %

56,628 (66%)

Number, %


14,940 (76%)

27,758 (32%)

41,894 (40%)



Steam turbine, other types Total vessels


3,417 (17%)





1993 19,646


Data Source

58,287 (55%)



Table 2. Annual World Marine fuel (Bunkers)Usage



[1993] Maloney [1996] Maloney [1996]


Other Bunkers,











designenginesthat efficiently performacrossa rangeof

studiesconsidered onlydomestic shipemissions or reliedon

marine fuel characteristics. Marine residual fuels have a

incomplete datatbr commercial shipping andthatregional

to air districtboundaries in their maximumsulfurcontentof 5% by weight;marinedistillate studieslimitedtheiranalyses fuelshavea maximum sulfurcontent of 2% by weight[ISO, scopeandignoredtransportfrom shipsoutsidetheircontrol 1987]. However, actual sulfur contentin fuels varies. In one volume(s). Theseconclusions aresupported by thegeneral studythe Fluid AnalyticalConsultancy Servicesat Lloyd's perception thatshipsoperatein theopenocean,andmoreover Registryassumedfuel sulfurcontentsof 2.7% and 0.5% for

that they are widely distributed,at distancesfar from

residualbunkersand marinedistillatefuels,respectively;populatedland regions. However, on secondlook these however,justification for these values or correlationwith "common sense"assumptions areclearlyquestionable, since actualaveragesulfurcontentwas not presented [Carltonet manyof theworld'smostpopulated regions developed along al., 1995]. In theworkpresented herewe usedtherangeof traderoutesincludingheavyshippingroutes. fuel sulfurvaluesreportedby CONCAWE andsubmitted to 2.2.1. Geographic domain.Evaluating theimportance of theIMO in 1993by the Oil Companies International Marine globalsulfuremissions to particulargeographic regions Forum [CONCA WE, 1993], as describedbelow. requiresa knowledgeof globalvessel-traffic densities.The Our global emissionscalculationsused the following Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (COADS), equation to obtain the total emissionsfrom international Standardla, from the NationalCentertbr Atmospheric shipping: Research (NCAR)andtheNationalOceanic andAtmosphere Administration (NOAA), provides a source for this

Pp-' • Epi.(F.Ai)



•n...... aL.,.,nt,vuu•,tujj, 1996]. COADS is the mostextensive collectionof surface marine data available for the world ocean

over the past centuryand a half [Woodruffet al., 1993]. COADSStandardl a is a subsetof one of the longest Pp total propulsion emissions for pollutantP (either continuous climaterecordsin existence, begunin 1854 by nitrogenor sulfur); international agreementof the world maritimenations. The Ep, i fuel-based pollutant emission factorbased onengine Standardla data set summarizes on a 2ø latitudeby 2ø type(fornitrogen) or fueltype(forsulfur); longitude(2"x 2") resolution ship locationand weather where

F annualmarinefuel (bunkers)used; observations takenby merchant andnavalmariners coveting Ai percentof all vesselswith eachenginetype (for the periodof 1980-1993. By obtainingand plottingthe NO,,)or witheachfueltype(forSO2); numberof observations withineachgrid locationan estimate i forNO,,calculation: enginetype(1, slowspeed; 2, of the traffic densityof marine vesselscan be obtainedon mediumspeed;and 3, steam/other); for SO: calculation: fuel monthly,seasonal,annual,or evenmultiannuallevels. type(1, residualbunkers; 2, otherbunkers); The monthlysummaryof COADS observations for 1993 n numberof categories: threeenginetypesfor NO,, was usedhere. Global emissions(averagebestestimates) calculation; twofueltypesforSO2calculation. weredividedby thetotalannualCOADS shipobservations to Emission ratesfromLloyd'swereapplied todiesel engines. get the averageemissionsper observation.This value was A steamturbineemission rate of 8.8 kg NOx/tfuel was thenmultipliedby the numberof observations in each20 x 2ø derivedfromdatain a 1991 studyby TRC Environmentalgrid locationto map the distributionof global marine

Consultants, Inc.[Hottenstein, 1991].SincetheTRCstudy emissions. Thespatial distribution of theseemissions perunit

reportsonly hotellingemissions(emissions while at the dock areais presented, shownaloneand with the GEIA datasets, operatingat low loads),the emissionrate is considered to be a

in PlateI for sulfuremissions andin Plate2 for nitrogen lowerbound. The annualbestestimates for globalNO,, emissions.Sincethe grid sizesfor theseinventories are not emissions usedin thispaperwerecalculated byweighting the thesame,wecalculated theunitareas(whichalsovarywith yearlymarinefuelusebytheactualpercent of marineengines latitude) independently forthe2øx 2øshipsdataandthe1øx of eachtype(slow-speed diesel,medium-speed diesel,and 1oGEIAdata.Onecaneasily identify routes ofheavy trade, steamturbine)fromTablel. The average bestestimate for particularly in theNorthern Hemisphere. Thisgeographic annualnitrogen emissions is simplytheaverage of thebest analysis isbased onthefollowing assumptions: estimates foreachyear:10.12TgNO,,/yr(3.08Tg N/yr). The 1. Ship locationand meteorological observations

bestestimatesfor global SO2 from residualfuels use the summarizedin COADS representdata obtainedfrom Europeanaveragesulfurlevelof 3.3%; the bestestimates for commercial shiplog entriesvia the WorldMeteorological marinedieseloil, the mostcommonmarinedistillate,usethe

Organization's (WMO's)GlobalTelecommunication System

maximumallowablesulfurlevelof 2% [CONCAWE,1993]. (GTS)transmissions ongenerally equalintervals, ordinarily Theaverage bestestimate forSOxis 8.48Tg SO•/yr(4.24Tg every 6 hours(S.D. Woodruff,personalcommunication, S/yr). 1996). Observations madeat equalintervals allowus to assume a linearrepresentation of shipobservations withship 2.2. Characterization of ShipEmissions trafficdensity.

International shipshavebeenconsidered to bea relatively 2. COADSdatarepresent approximately 10%of the small air pollutioncontributor by most policystudies, worldfleetin number[Woodruff,1996]. We assume thatthe includingreportsby the U.S. EPA [EPA, 1991], studies COADSsummary is representative of globalmerchant and funded bystateandregional airdistricts [PortofLosAngeles navalshippingpatterns. et al., 1994], and those submitted to international bodies



estimates of


emissions are

[CONCAWE,1993;Det NorskeVeritas(DNV), 1994]. The representative of actualshiptrafficprofiles(i.e., the vessel reasonstbr theselow estimatesmay includethat national types,bunkers usage,and emission profilesin eachgrid



Table 3 summarizesannualemissionsfrom shipsby global

Table 3. RegionalSummaryof ShipEmissions NitrogenFrom


Ships, T•/yr

Ships, Tg/yr

3.08 2.63

4.24 3.62

region. The NorthernHemisphere accounts for 85% of the world'sship emissions. The North Atlantic (including northern Europe)shiptrafficaccounts for 52% of globalship emissions; theNorthPacificregionaccounts for 27% of ship

North Atlantic a




North Pacifict'



North Indian c



0.01 0.45

0.02 0.62

2.2.2. Vessel-typedomain. Characterizing emissions by vesseltypefollowsdirectlyfromLMIS data[LMIS, 1996], exceptfortheinclusion of militaryvessels, whicharenotpart of Lloyd's data. World military vesselquantityand propulsion characteristics wereprovided byAMI International in itsNavalMain Propulsion MarketOverview[Adcock and Stitt, 1995]. Figure2 summarizes the world fleet (both commercial andmilitary)andestimated emissions by vessel type.Thedataarepresented in percentage formatfirstforthe followingdata:(1) thepercent of totalfleetof 106,000ships, (2) the percentof totaldeadweighttonnage(DWT) in the world fleet, (3) the percentof global nitrogenemissions estimated by thisanalysis, and(4) the percentof estimated globalsulfuremissions. Thentheestimated percent of total

Globalshipemissions NorthernHemisphere

North of Russiaa SouthernHemisphere South Atlantic e






South Indian g



NorthernHemisphere watersbetweenNorthAmericaandEurope, with the Atlantic side of Central America (Gulf of Mexico) included(39øE to 97øW, IøN to 89øN).

Northern Hemisphere waters between AsiaandNorthAmerica, with the Pacificsideof CentralAmericaincluded(117øEto 89øW, 1øN to 89øN).

FromAfricato 115oE,including Indonesia waters,Northern Hemisphere.

Northernwaters(29øNto 89øN)between 4 IøEand115øE. SouthernHemisphere waters,Southern Africantip to southern tip

emissions for eachtypeof vesselis presented.

of SouthAmerica(21"E to 69øW, løS to 89øS).

The numberof vesselsand DWT in each vesseltype was

Pacific sideofSouth America to 117øE, including Australia (117øE

obtained directlyfromLloyd'sdataandAMI Intemational's to 71øW, løS to 89øS). report. To estimate theemissions contributed byeachtypeof AfricatoAustralia, Southern Hemisphere waters(115øEto vessel, brake horsepower data were used as an indicatorof 23øE,IøSto 89øS). relative fuel consumption. For commercialships this approach assumes thatall vessels operate alongsimilarengine locationare similar to the global vesseldistribution). We duty cycle profiles. This assumption was chosenbecause know of no regionswhereeconomics of tradeor otherfactors commercialships are designedto provideoptimumfuel would favor a lower-polluting,nondieselpropulsiontype in economy at somecruisingspeed.Enginesaresizedaccording commercialshipping. In heavily tradedroutes,larger ships with higher-polluting, slow-speed dieselsmaybe preferred for theirfuelefficiency; thissituationcouldadjustourdistribution slightly,althoughTable 1 showsthatslow-speed dieselpower

to a ship'sfull-loadweight. For an established cruisingspeed the fraction of rated engine RPM and engine power are relativelyconstant[MarkleandBrown,1996]. Thenumberof operatingcombinationsfor commercialships is limited, by the limited numberof duty cyclesin ISO alreadyis the dominantpropulsiontype. Thereforethis demonstrated 8178-4 [ISO, 1996]. similarityassumption appearsreasonable.

Self-Propelled Seagoing Vehicles 100%



Non-Transport 58% of Ships

Transport 42% of Ships 86% of DWT

14% of DWT

69% of NOx

31% of NOx

73% of SOx

27% of SOx

Bulk Cargo 15% of Ships



I General Cargo 23% of Ships

Passenger 4% of Ships

Fishing 23% of Ships



15% of Ships

Other Military 19% of Ships Marine Craft 11% of DWT 1% of Ships

67% of DWT

18% of DWT

5% of NOx

7% of NOx

10% of NOx

13% of NOx

1% of DWT

35% of SOx

32% of SOx

6% of SOx

7% of SOx

10% of SOx

9% of SOx

1% of NOx

1% of SOx

Figure 2. World fleet of marinevehicles1996andestimatedemissions by vesseltype. Total (100%) valuesare as follows:106,000ships;771 milliondeadweighttonnage (DWT); 3.08 Tg N; 4.24 Tg S. Commercialvessels 100 grossregisteredtonsand greater[Lloyd'sMaritimeInformationServices(LMIS), 1996]; world military vesselsincludeall navalpropulsion lAdcockand Stitt, 1995].



E •

o•o•o•o•o .


o o o•o_.o•o


-b z----•






Military vesselpropulsion systemsare sizeddifferently 3. Comparison With Other Emission from commercial ships. They are sizedfor powerand Inventories performance definedby theirmilitarymission, notplantfuel economy.In fact, the navalshipis designedfor sustained We comparethis globalshipinventorywith otherestimates speeds in excess of theendurance (cruise)speed[Markleand in threecontexts.First, althoughour inventoriesare the first Brown,1996]. Averageenginepowercharacteristics for the to characterizefully ship emissionsglobally and by vessel U.S. Navyshowthatmilitaryshipsoperate below50% power type, we can comparethem to otherglobal or regionalship for 90% of the time that they are underway[NavalSea inventories. Second,we compareship emissionsto other SystemsCommand(NAVSEA),1994]. Moreover,military land-basedanthropogenicsources,particularly the GEIA shipsspendgreatertime in port than modemcommercial inventoriesof nitrogenand sulfur. Third, we compareship biogenicsulfuremissions, ships. Where a commercialship cannoteffectivelyearna sulfuremissionswith ocean-based, profitunless underway, militaryshipstypicallyspendasmuch namely,dimethylsulfide(DMS). as60%to 70% of theirtimein port[Westinghouse Machineo' Technology Division,1992]. A reviewof NavyNewsService 3.1. ComparisonWith Other ShipInventories Messages[NaD' Media CenterPublishing,1996]for various Ship emissionsreportedherecan be comparedto at least monthsin 1996 showsthatthe U.S. Navy deployedbetween two other global estimates (Table 4) and to two recent 29% and 57% of its fleet in any given month;typical regional estimates. On a global basis the SOx and NOx deployment ratesappearto rangebetween40% and 55% of inventoriesproducedby MARINTEK [Bremnes,1990; Kolle the fleet. For this analysisan averagemilitary vessel et al., 1989], cited by [Benkovitzet al., 1996], and produced deployment rateof 50% waschosen,althoughtheU.S. Naval by the EmissionsData for Global AtmosphericResearch deploymentrates may be greaterthan the world military (EDGAR) [Olivier et al., 1996] are significantlylower than average. To derive a fuel usefactorfor emissionsestimation, ours(Table 4). We suggestseveralreasonsfor this: (1) our inventoryused the Lloyd's registership inventoryshowing that commercial ship populationis more than 95% diesel powered[LMIS, 1996], wherepreviousstudiesassumed75% motor ships and 25% steamships;(2) the NOx emission

the military brake horsepowerwas multipliedby 22.5%, representing the productof the percentload(50% for 90% of time underway)and the percenttime deployed(50% of the time). This factor was directly applied to estimateNO,, emissionsfrom militaryships. In estimatingSO,,emissions frommilitaryvessels thefractionof militaryshipsusinghigh sulfurfuel is required.Of 154 oceannavies,up to 65% use lower-grade (higher-sulfur)fuels (G.A. Stitt, personal communication, 1996). For example,theenginemanufacturer MTU is the largestsupplierof marinedieselenginesto the worldnavies,andthecompany's enginesaredesigned to bum residualbunkerswithoutspecialfiltering(G.A. Stitt,personal communication,1996). The more developed navies, particularly NATO navies,usehigherdistillateswith verylow sulfurcontent.Applyingthisinformation, we multipliedthe militaryfuel usefactorderivedfor NO,, emissions by 65% to estimatemilitaryvesselSO,,emissions.

A primaryinsightprovided by thisanalysis is thattransport shipsemitmuchgreateramounts of nitrogenandsulfurthan their numberswould suggest. Approximately 70% of the world'sship nitrogenand sulfuremissions are emittedby transport ships;however,thetotalnumberof transport shipsis

factorsused in our study are the most currentavailable [Carltonet al., 1995]; (3) we usehigherfuel sulfurvalues, moreaccuratelyreflectingtheactualaveragefuel sulfurvalues of ship fuels [CONCAWE, 1993]; and (4) the inventoryyears are different (1993 in our case), reflecting difl•rent ship profilesand/or fuel consumption, althoughwe expectthis difference to be minor or even negligible. However, comparingcarbondioxide emissionsin EDGAR with our estimatefor CO2 providesbetteragreement(Table 4). This suggests thattheoverallmethodologies areconsistent andthat usingengine-specific emissionthctorsfor nitrogenand sulfur makesan importantdifference. Two regionalstudiesof international ship emissions are

also relevantfor comparison.Lloyds,underthe Marine Exhaust EmissionsResearchProgramme,producedan

inventoryof ship emissions for the northeastern Atlantic Ocean,including theNorthSea,theNorwegian Seas,theIrish Sea,andtheEnglishChannel,equivalent to theareaof study only 42% of ships in the world fleet. Within this vessel usedby the Convention of Long-Range Transboundary Air category,bulk cargovesselshavethe highestemissions (33% Pollution, CooperativeProgrammefor Monitoring and and 35% of nitrogenand sulfur estimates,respectively), Evaluationof the LongRangeTransmission of Air Pollutants lbllowedby generalcargovessels (31% and32% of nitrogen in Europe(EMEP) [Carlton et al., 1995]. This studywas and sulfurestimates,respectively), with passenger vessels contributing only 6% of worldnitrogenand sulfurestimates. Nontransport shipsemitmuchlesstbr two primaryreasons: Table 4. Comparisonof GlobalInventories for Ship 1. Although greater in number of ships, most Emissions nontransport vessels(fishingvessels,servicecraft, and other This EDGAR [01ivier MARINTEK ShipPollutant marinecraft) havesignificantly lessbrakehorsepower than transportships.

Oxides of


eta!., 1996]






2. A lowerpercent of militaryshipshavedieselengines nitrogen(as N) (83% fromTable1), andfewermilitaryshipsuseslow-speed Sulfur dioxide 4.24 dieselenginesand medium-speed enginesdesignedto bum (as S) 123.46 high-sulfurresidualbunkers(approximately 32%); in fact, Carbon NATO F-76 fuel standardsrequireuse of 1% sulfurfuels dioxide (as C) [NATOIndustrialAdvisory. Group(NIAG), 1996]. Emissionsare in Tg/yr. ,


[Bremnes, 1990]

CORBE'I'TET AL.: GLOBAL NOx AND SO2EMISSIONS FROM SHIPS performedfor 1990, includingan estimated625,000 vessel movementswithin the region. Lloyds studiedtwo 2-week periods(in Februaryand August), obtainingship movement informationand vesselcharacteristics from all vesselsgreater than250 GRT. Using thisapproachto derivetrafficdensities, Lloyd'sappliedemissionratesto estimatesulfurand nitrogen emissionsin an approachsimilar to the onethat we haveused, exceptthat Lloyd's useda fuel sulfur value of 2.7%. When


internationaltransportin the region, in addition to that considered by the Streetset al. [1997] study. Thereforewe morecompletelycaptureall shiptrafficin theregion. 3.2. Comparison With Land-Based Anthropogenic Emissions

General comparisonsof global ship emissions with emissionsof Organizationfor EconomicCooperationand area, our estimates for sulfur emissions are within 2% of Development (OECD) nations showed that sulfur and Lloyd's. Using Lloyd's fuel sulfurcontentwould reduceour nitrogenemissionsfrom shipscomparein magnitudewith the global inventory by about 13%. This agreement is largest energy-consumingnations; ships also represent encouraging, given that the methodologies for derivingtraffic significantsourcesof emissionswhen comparedwith global densities in the region were different. It may provide inventoriesof nitrogenand sulfur [Corbett and Fischbeck, justificationfor applyingour resultsto otherregionsof interest 1997]. Nitrogenemissionsfrom shipsaccounttbr 14.7% of the 21.0 Tg N emitted from all ibssil fuel combustion withoutadditionaldatagatheringeffort. Anotherstudyof internationalshipemissions, focusingon estimatedby GEIA; ship sulfuremissionsaccountor 6.5% of Asianwaters,providesanotherpointof comparison [Streetset the 65.1 Tg S estimatedby GEIA for all anthropogenic al., 1997]. This study focusedon trade volumesfor four sources[Benkovita et al., 1996]. For further context, carbon commodities:crude oil, grain, coal, and iron ore. Average dioxideemissionsfi'om shipsare only 2% of the 6,000 Tg characteristicsof the ships carrying these cargoes were carbon emitted from fossil fuel use [Khalil and Rasmussen, assumed;for example,all crudeoil was "carriedby typical 1995]. In short, ships are among the world's highest 200,000 deadweightton (DWT) tankersconsuming120 t of pollutingcombustionsourcespertonof fuel consumed. Threefurtherremarksin comparisonwith GEIA shouldbe oil perday,while travelingat 15 knots"[Streetset al., 1997]. The fuel sulfurcontentassumedin this studywas 3%. While made. First, the ratio of nitrogento sulfur emissions(N/S to theN/S theauthorsestimatethat,by usingtheirfourcargocategories, ratio)for shipsis 0.76, perhapslessbutcomparable theymayaccountfor as muchas 75% of shipemissions in the ratiosin industrializedand heavilypopulatedareas. Second, Asia region, our ship sulfur estimatesfor this region are a nearly70% of ship emissionsoccurwithin 400 km of land. factorof 2 higher. We suggestthatthiscanbe expected for at This hasbeenshownto be the fifth percentilemeantransport with an averageof 900 km leasttwo reasons:(1) Therehasbeensignificantgrowthin distancein the marinetroposphere, shippingin the Asia regionsincethe Streetset al. [1997] and a ninety-fifthpercentilevalueof 1700 km [Benkovitzet study,which used 1988 data. Accordingto Table 3 in the al., 1994]. Dependingon prevailingwind directions,thereare Review of Maritime Transport 1994 [United Nations clearimplicationsfor regionalair qualityanalyses.Third, the Conferenceon Trade and Development(UNCTAD), 1995], mostimportantissuestill to be resolvedis whetherto add the the Asia regionsaw a 0.7% increasein its shareof world ship emissiondata to GEIA without adjustment,as we have we use those values for sulfur content and focus on the same

goodsloadedanda 0.9% growthin its shareof worldgoods done in Plates 1 and 2, or whether the GEIA values should be unloaded between 1992 and 1993. With world seaborne trade

increasing about3c• duringthat 1 yearperiod,growthin the Asia regioncouldhaveaveragedasmuchas4% peryear. (2) Our inventoryis not limitedto the fourcargoesmentioned, as thetrafficdensityderivedfromCOADS doesnotdifferentiate by typeof cargo. Furthermore, our methodology capturesall

adjusteddownwardto maintain a constantglobal inventory. Approximately5% of our inventoryoverlapsthe GEIA data set, with slightly more overlapbetweenour ship inventories (which have the same spatial distributions)and GEIA's nitrogen inventory than GEIA's sulfur inventory (5.72% versus5.34%). Where overlapbetweenour ship inventories

Ship Ave ......


09 '-• 0.04 '-


0 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10












Figure 3. Comparisionof latitudinaldistributionof averageship sulfuremissionsand dimethylsulfide(DMS) emissions[Chin et al., 1996].



Table 5. Ratioof ShipSulfurto DMS Sulfur

ShipSulfur to DMSRatio 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1 10 100 1,000 10,000

Frequency (usin•4x5[•ridcells)

layer atmospheric chemistrymodelsoften underpredict

Percent ofGlobal Surface Area

678 1276 199 94 61 246 167 39 3

24.5 46.2 7.2 3.4 2.2 8.9 6.0 1.4 0.1

systematically the SO2concentrations measured overremote ocean areas, particularlyin the Northern Hemisphere [Capaldo andPandis,1997]. Untilnowthisunderprediction has been attributedto persistentcontinentalpollutionor uncertainty in the DMS chemistry; however,highership trafficdensities in the NorthernHemisphere oceansmay provideanalternateexplanation.

4. Characteristics of the ShipEmissions Inventories

The semiempiricalmethodthat we usedto derivetraffic

densities and calculate internationalship emissions and GEIA's anthropogenic inventoriesdid occur,we plot the maximumvaluefor that location. The overlapin the Northern Hemisphere is about3.2 timesas greatas the overlapin the SouthernHemisphere;this discrepancymay be primarily a functionof the EMEP area, which explicitlyincludessome internationalshippingemissions.

inventories results


inventories with


important to thoseusingthedatasetin atmospheric modeling or otherstudies.Becausethe COADS datasetis provided with monthly resolution,we are able analyze these characteristics temporally andspatially. 4.1. Variation by Month and Season

3.3. Comparisonof Ship Sulfur EmissionsWith DMS

The variationof ship emissions by seasonis drivenby routing and navigationconcernswith a strongseasonal of ship traffic. Becauseshipsare uniqueamonganthropogenic sources in influencein both quantityand distribution maybeimportant toconsider in modeling the that they occuron the world's oceansand are a significant Thesevariations sourceof SO2emissions, theircomparison with oceanDMS is seasonality of emissions in globalchemicaltransport models important.We compareglobalDMS estimatesfrom Chin et or in regionalanalyses. Figure 4 showsmonthlyship al. [1996] with our inventory. While this is a modeled emissions asa percentage of annualshipemissions. Globally, inventory forDMS, usinga 4øby 5øresolution, thisdepiction ship transportappearsnearlyconstantduringmuchof the of theglobalDMS sourceof 22 Tg S/yrappearsto be thebest year, with a minimum in December. This may be due to influences,such as winter holidays,or to available geographicallyresolveddata set. Ship sulfur socioeconomic emissionsequal about 20% of global DMS emissions; weather.The influenceof weatheron navigation canbe seen however,as shownin Figure3, averageshipsulfuremissions more dramaticallyin Figure 5, where ship traffic in the duringnon-winter canequalor exceedaverageDMS emissions in the Northern northernlatitudesoccursalmostexclusively Hemisphere midlatitudes. Table5 indicates thattheratioof months; during winter months (December, January, shipsulfuremissionsto DMS flux is greaterthan unityover February), ship traffic in the southernlatitudes is most prevalent. about16% of theglobalsurface.


3.4. Qualitative ComparisonWith SO2Observations

4.2. VariationWith Latitudeand Longitude

Plates2 and3 show,theshipemissions flux in manyareas Qualitativeagreement with empiricaldatacanbe foundin oceancampaignsthat measuredsulfurdioxideconcentrations (particularlythe NorthernHemisphere)can be of the same anthropogenic emissions.Ship in remote areas (i.e., ocean regions far from !and). orderasflux fromland-based can be comparable sources of nitrogenand sulfur Measurements of atmosphericconcentrations in the North and emissions in someregionsof importance, for example,in SouthPacific Oceansshow higher "background"levelsfor emissions aged marine air in the Northern Pacific than the Southern northernEurope, South Asia, and the West Coast of the Pacific [Gregor)' et al., 1996]. Moreover,marine boundary United States. However, on averagethey are about5% and




8.0% 7.5% 7.0%



,'.......... , .......... ,..... , ....... 1............... l-'


Figure 4. Monthlyvariationin shipemissions (aspercentof annual).



0.012 .... •nt•rr 0.01


----summer, .... '






o.oo. 0.002 -90-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-10


10 20







Figure5, Seasonality of latitudinaldistribution of shipsulfuremissions.

10% of totalanthropogenic emissions of sulfurandnitrogen, and AMI International. However, each of the values usedin shipemissions is uncertain to somedegree. An respectively. The latitudinal distribution of shipemissions is estimating depicted by usingaverage emission fluxesin Figures6a and uncertaintyanalysiswas performedfor global estimates 6b; these can be directly comparedto the latitudinal (Figure7) and for the vesseltypedomain(Table6) using distributions of land-based anthropogenic emissions presented MonteCarlo simulation.The fifth and ninety-fifthpercentile valuesfor globalnitrogenemissions are2.66 Tg N and4.00 byBenkovitz et al. [1996]in theirFigure3. Tg N, respectively. Thefifthandninety-fifth percentile values forsulfuremissions are3.29Tg S and5.61Tg S, respectively. Uncertainty Uncertainty in the followinginputvariablessignificantly (listedin orderof importance): The emissionsreportedabovewere calculatedby using affectedthe globalestimates (1) mean emission rates reported by Lloyd's Register;the meanvaluesfrom Lloyd'semissions research,reportedfuel analysisappliedthe NOx statistical distribution usefromtheEIA, anddirectanalysisof shipdatafromI3,IIS uncertainty


,• 0.035 ß-






0.005 -90



































E u,i




0.02 0.015

Z •




0 Latitude

Figure6, Latitudinal distribution of average (a) sulfurand(b) nitrogen emission flux.





NOx from

Ships (as N)


Total SOxfrom Ships (as S)


2.01 2.31 2.62 2.92 3.23 3.53 3.84 4.14 4.45 4.76 5.06 5.37 5.67 5.98

Ship PropulsionEmissions(Tg/yr)

Figure 7. Resultsof uncertainty analysisfor globalshipemissions.

data from Lloyd's tests (A.A. Wright, personalHowever,it alsoidentifiesthe potentialvalueof assessing communication, 1996);and(2) fuel sulfurcontentfor bunkers. globalemissions frommilitaryvessels morerigorously. This

Residualfuel sulfurvalueswere assigned a triangle work has beendoneratherthoroughly by the U.S. Navy distribution, allowing thesulfurcontent tovarybetween a low [NAVSEA, 1994], and estimates have been made for other of 2%, a modeof 3.3%,anda highof 5%, andotherbunkers NATO navies[NIAG, 1996]. Thesestudiesaccurately wereassigneda uniformdistributionbetween0.5% and 2.5% demonstrate that modernnavalpropulsion, with a greater sulfur.

numberof gas turbineand otherlow-emissionalternatives to

Theimpactof uncertainty in thesevariables ontheglobal dieselenginesandspecifying verylow sulfurfuels,emitsfar estimates is 2 ordersof magnitude greaterthanotheruncertain lessthanmodern commercial marine dieselpropulsion. inputs,including EIA fuelaccuracy [Heppner andFrench, We believethattheuncertainty in ourestimates forship 1996]anduncertainty in fleetenginedistributions (Table1). emissions is smallerthantheuncertainty in overallglobal

Although Lloyd's Marine Exhaust EmissionsResearch anthropogenic emissions.For example,our estimatefor Programmeprovidesthe best availabledata, furtherstack nitrogen emissions fromshipshas loweruncertainty than testingand improvedfuel sulfur data are recommended to land-based combustion systems, because nearlyall ship

reduce uncertainty in globalestimates andto identifytrends emissions arefromsimilardieselengines usingsimilarfuel, thatmayaccount forvariability.Evenso,shipemissions still whereas land-based combustion sources are not as appearto be importantif one considered only the fifth homogenous in process or fueltype. Globalsulfurinventories percentileestimates. havelessuncertainty thanglobalnitrogeninventories, since Uncertainty in the contribution to ship emissions by sulfuremissions arefueldependent, whilenitrogen emissions differentvesseltypesdepends on estimates for military are process dependentand more variable. However, vessels.As wediscussed above,theengineoperating profile international shipsuseonlytwoprimary fueltypesandpay for militaryvessels is muchdifferentfromthatfor commercial close attention to fuel sulfur content as a matter of routine

vessels, andnavalshipsspendlesstimeunderway thando operation;thereforewe believe that we have characterized othervesseltypes.MonteCarlosimulation wasperformed,shipsulfurestimates with loweruncertainty thanland-based allowing thepercent ofglobalemissions frommilitary vessels sourceinventories.This findingagainraisesthe question to vary accordingto a triangledistributionwith low of 9%, posed in section 3.2aboutwhether to addtheshipinventories mode(bestestimate) of 23%,andhighof 100%of totalbrake presented hereto theGEIA inventory or makeadjustments to horsepower capacity. (The100%valuetreats militaryvesselskeepthe totalinventory constant.If someadjustments are thesamewayas commercial vesselemissions.)As Table6 indicated, wesuggest (onthebasisof theuncertainty analysis shows, theuncertainty in emissions contribution fortransportdiscussed here)that the GEIA inventories be modified by ships(bulkcargo,generalcargo,andpassenger) is much using some appropriateschemeto remove international lowerthanthatfor nontransport ships(fishing,service craft, maritimetradeemissionsfrom nationalemissions.However,

military,andothermarinecraft). Thisfindingis expected,where national inventoriesdo not include theseemissions, because uncertainty in militaryvesselemissions directly littleadjustment maybeneeded.Perhaps anoverallreduction affectsnontransport emissionestimates(see Figure 2). in uncertainty of the GEIA emissions maybe achieved by accounting forshipemissions.

Table6. Uncertainty Bounds forVesselTypeEmissions

Contribution (5thand95thPercentile) Vessel Type Bulk cargo Generalcargo Passenger Nontransport

NO,, Emissions


Contribution, %

Contribution, %

27.1-36.8 25.5-34.8 5.7-9.5 30.5-50.1

30.2-37.7 28.4-35.7 6.0-9.5 27.4-43.4

Uncertainty in theglobaldistribution of shipsmustalsobe considered.As we statedin section2.2.1, the COADS data set includesobservations from about 10% of the world fleet.

Weassumed thatthissample isstatistically representative and showed thatourmethod yieldscloseagreement withthemore directmethodusedby Lloyds[Carltonet al., 1995]. This indicates thatourapproach maybe equivalently accurate to morecomplicated methodologies usedat the regionallevel. Thetrafficdensities thatwe derivedshouldbe confirmed by



additional studies usingmethods ascomprehensive asthose of Brubaker, N., and G.D. Eley, Marine Fuels: Burning Crude's Lloyds; additionally, theapproach takenherecanberepeated Leftovers,Surveyor,23(2), 2-7, 1992. Capaldo,K., and S. Pandis,Dimethylsulfide chemistry in the remote byusing therecently released 1øx1øversion ofCOADS. marineatmosphere: Evaluationand sensitivity analysisof available 6. Conclusions

International shipnitrogen andsulfuremissions arelarger thantheywerepreviously considered tobe,withestimates of the orderof the largestnations'domestic emissions; this findingis confirmed by analysisof uncertainty in input variables. These emissionsare characterizedaccordingto whereandwhentheyoccurgeographically andwhichtypesof vessels produce them. When these emissions are characterized geographically, they are shownto be largerin the NorthernHemisphere,particularlyalong heavily traded routes. Nearly 70% of ship emissionsoccurwithin potential transportdistance of land regions, dependingon wind direction. In allocatingemissionsby vesseltype, transport vessels(bulk cargo,generalcargo,and passenger) accountfor nearly70% of emissions fromships.

mechanisms, J. Geophys.Res.,102(D19), 23,251-23,267, 1997. Carlton, J.S., S.D. Danton, R.W. Gawen, K.A. Lavender, N.M. Mathieson,A.G. Newell, G.L. Reynolds,A.D. Webster,C.M.R. Wills, and A.A. Wright, Marine Exhaust EmissionsResearch Programme,Lloyd'sRegist.Eng. Serv.,London,1995. Chin, M., D.J. Jacob, G.M. Gardner, M.S. Foreman-Fowler, P.A.

Spiro, and D.L. Savoie,A global three-dimensional model of tropospheric sulfate,J. Geophys.Res., 101(D13), 18,667-18,690, 1996.

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