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Best Of My Love (A). Borderline (C). Born This Way ... Hit Me With Your Best Shot (E). Holiday (G). Hollaback Girl (B) .
TOP​ ​40


All​ ​About​ ​That​ ​Bass​ ​(A) All​ ​I​ ​Wanna​ ​Do​ ​Is​ ​Have​ ​Some​ ​Fun​ ​(Em) American​ ​Boy​ ​(E) Another​ ​Night​ ​(C) Applause​ ​(G) Bad​ ​Romance​ ​(Am) Be​ ​My​ ​Lover​ ​(Bm) Believe​ ​(F#) Best​ ​Of​ ​My​ ​Love​ ​(A) Borderline​ ​(C) Born​ ​This​ ​Way​ ​(F#) Breakout​ ​(E) Brokenhearted​ ​(E) California​ ​Girls​ ​(Katy​ ​Perry)​ ​(F) Call​ ​Me​ ​Maybe​ ​(G) Can't​ ​Get​ ​Enough​ ​of​ ​Your​ ​Love​ ​(F) Can't​ ​Get​ ​You​ ​Outta​ ​My​ ​Head​ ​(Dm) Conga​ ​(Em) Crazy​ ​In​ ​Love​ ​(Bb) Dancing​ ​Queen​ ​(A) Dear​ ​Future​ ​Husband​ ​(C) Domino​ ​(F) Don’t​ ​Cha​ ​(Bbm) Don’t​ ​Stop​ ​Believing​ ​(E) Edge​ ​of​ ​Glory​ ​(A) Electric​ ​Slide​ ​(C) Evacuate​ ​The​ ​Dance​ ​Floor​ ​(Dm) Everlasting​ ​Love​ ​(C) Everybody,​ ​Everybody​ ​(Dm) Express​ ​Yourself​ ​(F) Ex's​ ​&​ ​Oh's​ ​(Em) Finally​ ​(Bm) Fire​ ​(D) Firework​ ​(G) Forget​ ​You​ ​(D) Freeway​ ​(G) Game​ ​of​ ​Love​ ​(Em) Get​ ​Into​ ​The​ ​Groove​ ​(Db/Bbm) Get​ ​This​ ​Party​ ​Started​ ​(Bm) Girls​ ​Just​ ​Wanna​ ​Have​ ​Fun​ ​(E) Good​ ​Time​ ​(Cm) Groove​ ​Is​ ​In​ ​The​ ​Heart​ ​(Ab) Happy​ ​(F) Heartbreaker​ ​(E) Hella​ ​Good​ ​(No​ ​Doubt)​ ​(Gm) Hips​ ​Don't​ ​Lie​ ​(Bbm) Hit​ ​Me​ ​With​ ​Your​ ​Best​ ​Shot​ ​(E) Holiday​ ​(G) Hollaback​ ​Girl​ ​(B) Hot​ ​‘n’​ ​Cold​ ​(Katy​ ​Perry)​ ​(G) How​ ​Will​ ​I​ ​Know​ ​(D) I​ ​Gotta​ ​Feeling​ ​(G) I’m​ ​Coming​ ​Out​ ​(Dm) I​ ​Love​ ​It​ ​(G) I​ ​Only​ ​Want​ ​To​ ​Be​ ​With​ ​You​ ​(F) I​ ​Think​ ​We're​ ​Alone​ ​Now​ ​(D) I​ ​Want​ ​To​ ​Dance​ ​with​ ​Somebody​ ​(F) If​ ​You​ ​Could​ ​Read​ ​My​ ​Mind​ ​(F) Iko,​ ​Iko​ ​(G) I'm​ ​So​ ​Excited​ ​(Gm) I'm​ ​The​ ​Only​ ​One​ ​(G) Ironic​ ​(Bb) Jump​ ​(G) Just​ ​Dance​ ​(C#m) La​ ​Isla​ ​Bonita​ ​(C#m)

Lady​ ​Marmalade​ ​(Gm) Let's​ ​Get​ ​Loud​ ​(C) Like​ ​A​ ​Prayer​ ​(F) Like​ ​A​ ​Virgin​ ​(E) Living​ ​On​ ​A​ ​Prayer​ ​(Em) Locked​ ​Out​ ​of​ ​Heaven​ ​(Dm) Love​ ​Shack​ ​(C) Macarena​ ​(Ab) Man​ ​I​ ​Feel​ ​Like​ ​A​ ​Woman​ ​(Bbm) Material​ ​Girl​ ​(Bb) Mr.​ ​Saxobeat​ ​ ​(Bm) Old​ ​Time​ ​Rock​ ​&​ ​Roll​ ​(F) 1-2-3​ ​(G) Only​ ​Girl​ ​in​ ​the​ ​World​ ​(F)​ ​1st​ ​ ​ ​Chord​ ​Em On​ ​The​ ​Floor​ ​(Ebm) Part​ ​of​ ​Me​ ​ ​(Dm) Perfect​ ​ ​(G) Pink​ ​Cadillac​ ​(Bb) Please​ ​Don't​ ​Stop​ ​The​ ​Music​ ​(F#m) Poker​ ​Face​ ​(G#m) Proud​ ​Mary​ ​(D) Raise​ ​Your​ ​Glass​ ​(G) Rehab​ ​(Amy​ ​Winehouse)​ ​(C) Rhythm​ ​Is​ ​Gonna​ ​Get​ ​You​ ​(Em) Rolling​ ​in​ ​the​ ​Deep​ ​(Bm) Royals​ ​(D) Rumour​ ​Has​ ​It​ ​(Dm) Saw​ ​Her​ ​Standing​ ​There​ ​(G) Say​ ​A​ ​Little​ ​Prayer​ ​(G) Shake​ ​It​ ​Off​ ​(F#) Shake​ ​Your​ ​Body​ ​(G) Simply​ ​The​ ​Best​ ​(E) Since​ ​You’ve​ ​Been​ ​Gone​ ​(F) Single​ ​Ladies​ ​(D) Something​ ​To​ ​Talk​ ​About​ ​(A) Son​ ​Of​ ​A​ ​Preacher​ ​Man​ ​(E) Straight​ ​Up​ ​(Dm) Sweet​ ​Dreams​ ​(Bm) Teenage​ ​Dream​ ​(Ab) Telephone​ ​(Fm) This​ ​Is​ ​Your​ ​Night​ ​(Am) This​ ​Will​ ​Be​ ​(G) Tik​ ​Tok​ ​(Dm) To​ ​Be​ ​Real​ ​(F#m)​ ​-​ ​starts​ ​in​ ​D Total​ ​Eclipse​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Heart​ ​(Am) Turn​ ​The​ ​Beat​ ​Around​ ​(F#) Uptown​ ​Funk​ ​(D) Venus​ ​(Em) Vogue​ ​(G) Waiting​ ​For​ ​Tonight​ ​(Bbm) Walk​ ​Like​ ​An​ ​Egyptian​ ​(B) Walking​ ​On​ ​Sunshine​ ​(Bb) Want​ ​U​ ​Back​ ​(D) We​ ​Found​ ​Love​ ​(F) What's​ ​Going​ ​On​ ​(4​ ​Non-Blondes)​ ​(F) Whenever,​ ​Wherever​ ​(C#m) Wrecking​ ​Ball​ ​(C#m) You​ ​Gotta​ ​Be​ ​(F) You​ ​Outta​ ​Know​ ​(F#m) You​ ​Shook​ ​Me​ ​All​ ​Night​ ​Long​ ​(G)


60’s​ ​/​ ​MOTOWN

Bad​ ​Girls​ ​(Dm) Boogie​ ​Oogie​ ​Oogie​ ​(D) Car​ ​Wash​ ​(D) Dancing​ ​Queen​ ​(A) Don’t​ ​Leave​ ​Me​ ​This​ ​Way​ ​(Cm) Gloria​ ​(G)​ ​(starts​ ​on​ ​the​ ​5th​ ​ ) Good​ ​Times​ ​(Em) Heaven​ ​Knows​ ​(A) Heaven​ ​Must​ ​Have​ ​Sent​ ​You​ ​(C) Hot​ ​Stuff​ ​(G) I​ ​Love​ ​The​ ​Night​ ​Life​ ​(C) I​ ​Will​ ​Survive​ ​(Am) It’s​ ​Raining​ ​Men​ ​(Fm) Last​ ​Dance​ ​(F) She​ ​Works​ ​Hard​ ​For​ ​The​ ​Money​ ​(Gm) Shake​ ​Your​ ​Groove​ ​Thing​ ​(A) We​ ​Are​ ​Family​ ​(A)

Baby​ ​Love​ ​(C) Be​ ​My​ ​Baby​ ​(E) Boy​ ​From​ ​New​ ​York​ ​City​ ​(F) Chain​ ​of​ ​Fools​ ​(Bbm) Dancing​ ​In​ ​the​ ​Street​ ​(E) Downtown​ ​(E) Heat​ ​Wave​ ​(D) I​ ​Want​ ​You​ ​Back​ ​(F) Knock​ ​on​ ​Wood​ ​(G) My​ ​Guy​ ​(Bb) One​ ​Fine​ ​Day​ ​(F) Rescue​ ​Me​ ​(G) Respect​ ​(Bb) Shame​ ​(Bm) Stop​ ​In​ ​the​ ​Name​ ​of​ ​Love​ ​(Am) The​ ​Locomotion​ ​(Eb) Where​ ​Did​ ​Our​ ​Love​ ​Go​ ​(C) You​ ​Can’t​ ​Hurry​ ​Love​ ​(Bb) You​ ​Keep​ ​Me​ ​Hangin​ ​On​ ​(Gm)



All​ ​The​ ​Way​ ​(Bb) As​ ​Time​ ​Goes​ ​By​ ​(Ab) Bali​ ​Hai​ ​(Bb) Because​ ​Of​ ​You​ ​(Bb) Bewitched,​ ​Bothered​ ​&​ ​Bewildered​ ​(F) Come​ ​Rain​ ​or​ ​Come​ ​Shine​ ​(Bb) Crazy​ ​He​ ​Calls​ ​Me​ ​(Db) Embraceable​ ​You​ ​(Eb) Hey​ ​There​ ​(Bb) I​ ​Could​ ​Write​ ​A​ ​Book​ ​(G) I’m​ ​Beginning​ ​To​ ​See​ ​The​ ​Light​ ​(D) I​ ​Left​ ​My​ ​Heart​ ​in​ ​San​ ​Francisco​ ​(F) I​ ​Only​ ​Have​ ​Eyes​ ​For​ ​You​ ​(D) I​ ​Wish​ ​You​ ​Love​ ​(Bb) I’ve​ ​Got​ ​A​ ​Crush​ ​On​ ​You​ ​(D) Inseparable​ ​(G) It​ ​Had​ ​To​ ​Be​ ​You​ ​(D) La​ ​Vie​ ​En​ ​Rose​ ​(F) Mona​ ​Lisa​ ​(A) Moonlight​ ​In​ ​Vermont​ ​(Bb) My​ ​Heart​ ​Belongs​ ​To​ ​Daddy​ ​(Fm) My​ ​Funny​ ​Valentine​ ​(Gm) Our​ ​Love​ ​Is​ ​Here​ ​To​ ​Stay​ ​(C) Skylark​ ​(A) Someone​ ​To​ ​Watch​ ​Over​ ​Me​ ​(G) Summertime​ ​(Cm) The​ ​Nearness​ ​of​ ​You​ ​(C) The​ ​Very​ ​Thought​ ​of​ ​You​ ​(Eb) The​ ​Way​ ​You​ ​Look​ ​Tonight​ ​(G) What​ ​I​ ​Did​ ​For​ ​Love​ ​(Ab) What’s​ ​New​ ​(G) When​ ​I​ ​Fall​ ​In​ ​Love​ ​(C) You​ ​Made​ ​Me​ ​Love​ ​You​ ​(Ab) You​ ​Turned​ ​The​ ​Tables​ ​On​ ​Me​ ​(C)

Ain’t​ ​Misbehavin’​ ​(Ab)

All​ ​Of​ ​Me​ ​(F) All​ ​That​ ​Jazz​ ​(Bb) Almost​ ​Like​ ​Being​ ​In​ ​Love​ ​(F) Anything​ ​Goes​ ​(F) Cabaret​ ​(C) C’est​ ​Magnifique​ ​(Eb) Cheek​ ​to​ ​Cheek​ ​(F) Chicago​ ​(G) Diamonds​ ​Are​ ​a​ ​Girls​ ​Best​ ​Friend​ ​(C) Don’t​ ​Get​ ​Around​ ​Much​ ​Anymore​ ​(G) 42​nd​​ ​Street​ ​(Bbm) Hello​ ​Dolly​ ​(F) How​ ​About​ ​You​ ​(C) I​ ​Can’t​ ​Give​ ​You​ ​Anything​ ​But​ ​Love​ ​(C) I’ll​ ​Take​ ​Manhattan​ ​(Bb) Is​ ​You​ ​Is​ ​or​ ​Is​ ​You​ ​Ain’t​ ​My​ ​Baby​ ​(C) It’s​ ​D’Lovely​ ​(C) I’ve​ ​Got​ ​You​ ​Under​ ​My​ ​Skin​ ​(A) L-O-V-E​ ​(F) Lullaby​ ​of​ ​Broadway​ ​(Bb) Making​ ​Whoopee​ ​(C) Mame​ ​(G) Night​ ​&​ ​Day​ ​(Bb) NY,​ ​NY​ ​(C) Orange​ ​Colored​ ​Sky​ ​(G) Paper​ ​Moon​ ​(Eb) Pennies​ ​From​ ​Heaven​ ​(F) Puttin’​ ​On​ ​The​ ​Ritz​ ​(Bbm) Route​ ​66​ ​(F) Steppin​ ​Out​ ​With​ ​My​ ​Baby​ ​(Bbm) S’Wonderful​ ​(Ab) Them​ ​There​ ​Eyes​ ​(Ab) They​ ​Can’t​ ​Take​ ​That​ ​Away​ ​From​ ​Me​ ​(Bb) You​ ​Make​ ​Me​ ​Feel​ ​So​ ​Young​ ​(F) You​ ​Took​ ​Advantage​ ​of​ ​Me​ ​(Ab)

ROCK​ ​BALLADS/EASY​ ​LISTENING Angel​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Morning​ ​(G) Anything​ ​For​ ​You​ ​(G) Because​ ​You​ ​Loved​ ​Me​ ​(C) Black​ ​Velvet​ ​(Dm) Blue​ ​Bayou​ ​(A) Breathe​ ​(G) Bubbly​ ​(A) By​ ​Your​ ​Side​ ​(Sade)​ ​(Bm) Can​ ​You​ ​Read​ ​My​ ​Mind​ ​(F) Close​ ​To​ ​You​ ​(Ab) Come​ ​Away​ ​With​ ​Me​ ​(C) Danny’s​ ​Song​ ​(G) Desperado​ ​(Bb) Don’t​ ​Know​ ​Why​ ​(Bb) Dream​ ​a​ ​Little​ ​Dream​ ​of​ ​Me​ ​(C) Dreams​ ​(Fleetwood​ ​Mac)​ ​(F) Empire​ ​State​ ​of​ ​Mind​ ​(F) Eternal​ ​Flame​ ​(F) Evergreen​ ​(Ab) Feel​ ​Like​ ​Making​ ​Love​ ​(Eb) From​ ​A​ ​Distance​ ​(G) From​ ​This​ ​Moment​ ​(G) Get​ ​Here​ ​(Bb) Gold​ ​Bless​ ​The​ ​USA​ ​(Ab) Hero​ ​(E) Hopelessly​ ​Devoted​ ​To​ ​You​ ​(G) How​ ​Am​ ​I​ ​Supposed​ ​To​ ​Live​ ​Without​ ​You​ ​(Bb) How​ ​Do​ ​I​ ​Live​ ​Without​ ​You​ ​(D*Verse​ ​in​ ​E) I​ ​Can’t​ ​Make​ ​You​ ​Love​ ​Me​ ​(Bb) Ice​ ​Castles​ ​(Bb) I​ ​Don’t​ ​Know​ ​How​ ​To​ ​Love​ ​Him​ ​(C) If​ ​I​ ​Ain’t​ ​Got​ ​You​ ​(Alisha​ ​Keys)​ ​(F) I​ ​Hope​ ​You​ ​Dance​ ​(Bb) I’ll​ ​Stand​ ​By​ ​You​ ​(D) I’ll​ ​Always​ ​Love​ ​You​ ​(C) I’m​ ​Like​ ​A​ ​Bird​ ​(Bb) In​ ​My​ ​Daughters​ ​Eyes​ ​(G) I​ ​Still​ ​Believe​ ​(F) I​ ​Will​ ​Always​ ​Love​ ​You​ ​(Ab) Killing​ ​Me​ ​Softly​ ​(Am)

Landslide​ ​(G)​ ​–​ ​(Chorus​ ​in​ ​D) Let’s​ ​Stay​ ​Together​ ​(F) Love​ ​Song​ ​(Gm) Make​ ​You​ ​Feel​ ​My​ ​Love​ ​(Bb) Open​ ​Arms​ ​(D) Power​ ​of​ ​Love​ ​(G) Rapture​ ​(D) Save​ ​The​ ​Best​ ​For​ ​Last​ ​(Eb) Saving​ ​All​ ​My​ ​Love​ ​(G) Someone​ ​Like​ ​You​ ​(A) Somewhere​ ​(Bb) Still​ ​The​ ​One​ ​(Eb) Sunrise,​ ​Sunset​ ​(Dm) Superstar​ ​(Em) Take​ ​Me​ ​The​ ​Way​ ​I​ ​Am​ ​(F) Take​ ​My​ ​Breath​ ​Away​ ​(G) Thank​ ​You​ ​(Abm)​ ​–​ ​(Dido) That’s​ ​What​ ​Friends​ ​Are​ ​For​ ​(Eb) The​ ​First​ ​Time​ ​Ever​ ​I​ ​Saw​ ​Your​ ​Face​ ​(C) The​ ​Greatest​ ​Love​ ​(G) The​ ​Rose​ ​(C) The​ ​Way​ ​I​ ​Am​ ​(F) The​ ​Way​ ​We​ ​Were​ ​(Ab) Time​ ​after​ ​Time​ ​(C) Titanic​ ​(E) To​ ​Sir​ ​With​ ​Love​ ​(Bb) True​ ​Colors​ ​(C) Under​ ​The​ ​Boardwalk​ ​(Bb) Valentine​ ​(Db) We’re​ ​All​ ​Alone​ ​(G) We’ve​ ​Only​ ​Just​ ​Begun​ ​(Ab) What​ ​About​ ​Love​ ​(Am)

When​ ​You​ ​Say​ ​Nothing​ ​At​ ​All​ ​(D) Where​ ​Do​ ​Broken​ ​Hearts​ ​Go​ ​(D) Will​ ​You​ ​Still​ ​Love​ ​Me​ ​Tomorrow​ ​(C) Wind​ ​Beneath​ ​My​ ​Wings​ ​(Bb) Words​ ​Get​ ​In​ ​The​ ​Way​ ​(F) You​ ​Make​ ​Me​ ​Feel​ ​Like​ ​A​ ​Natural​ ​Woman​ ​(A) You​ ​Needed​ ​Me​ ​(Bb) You’re​ ​The​ ​Best​ ​Thing​ ​(G)

DUETS A​ ​Whole​ ​New​ ​World​ ​(Bb) After​ ​All​ ​(E) Ain’t​ ​No​ ​Mountain​ ​High​ ​Enough​ ​(D) All​ ​My​ ​Life​ ​(Eb) Always​ ​(G) Baby​ ​It’s​ ​Cold​ ​Outside​ ​(C) Beauty​ ​&​ ​The​ ​Beast​ ​(D) Cruisin’​ ​(E) Don’t​ ​Go​ ​Breaking​ ​My​ ​Heart​ ​(D) Don’t​ ​Know​ ​Much​ ​(C) From​ ​This​ ​Moment​ ​(G) How​ ​Do​ ​You​ ​Keep​ ​The​ ​Music​ ​Playing​ ​(Bb) I​ ​Finally​ ​Found​ ​Someone​ ​(B) If​ ​You​ ​Say​ ​My​ ​Eyes​ ​Are​ ​Beautiful​ ​(D) I​ ​Got​ ​You​ ​Babe​ ​(G) I’ll​ ​Be​ ​There​ ​(D) It’s​ ​Your​ ​Love​ ​(G)

Just​ ​You​ ​&​ ​I​ ​(F) Leather​ ​&​ ​Lace​ ​(C) Like​ ​I'm​ ​Gonna​ ​Lose​ ​You​ ​(C) Lucky​ ​(C) Need​ ​You​ ​Now​ ​(E) Nobody​ ​Loves​ ​Me​ ​Like​ ​You​ ​Do​ ​(F) Say​ ​Something​ ​(D) Something​ ​Stupid​ ​(F) Sometimes​ ​Love​ ​Just​ ​Ain’t​ ​Enough​ ​(Bb) Somewhere​ ​Out​ ​There​ ​(C) The​ ​Prayer Time​ ​of​ ​My​ ​Life​ ​(E) Tonight​ ​I​ ​Celebrate​ ​My​ ​Love​ ​(Eb) Unforgettable​ ​(F) Up​ ​Where​ ​We​ ​Belong​ ​(D) When​ ​I​ ​Fall​ ​In​ ​Love​ ​(Eb) You're​ ​The​ ​One​ ​That​ ​I​ ​Want​ ​(Bb)

SLOW​ ​50’S

OTHER​ ​50’S

At​ ​Last​ ​(F) Can’t​ ​Help​ ​Falling​ ​In​ ​Love​ ​(Bb) Crazy​ ​(C) Earth​ ​Angel​ ​(C) In​ ​The​ ​Still​ ​of​ ​the​ ​Night​ ​(G) Oh​ ​Darling​ ​(A) Sea​ ​of​ ​Love​ ​(Bb) Tears​ ​On​ ​My​ ​Pillow​ ​(F) What​ ​A​ ​Wonderful​ ​World​ ​(Bb) You​ ​Belong​ ​To​ ​Me​ ​(F) You​ ​Don’t​ ​Know​ ​Me​ ​(Ab)

Chapel​ ​of​ ​Love​ ​(D) Doggie​ ​in​ ​the​ ​Window​ ​(G) Hey​ ​Paula​ ​(Duet)​ ​(E) Johnny​ ​Angel​ ​(C) Rockin’​ ​Robin​ ​(Bb) Why​ ​Do​ ​Fools​ ​Fall​ ​In​ ​Love​ ​(F)



A​ ​Train​ ​(Eb) Boogie​ ​Woogie​ ​Bugle​ ​Boy​ ​(C) Chatanooga​ ​Choo​ ​Choo​ ​(Ab) Opus​ ​One​ ​(Eb)

Girl​ ​From​ ​Ipanema​ ​(F) Meditation​ ​(G) One​ ​Note​ ​Samba​ ​(Dm) Our​ ​Day​ ​Will​ ​Come​ ​(D) Quiet​ ​Nights​ ​(C) Smooth​ ​Operator​ ​(Dm) The​ ​Look​ ​of​ ​Love​ ​(Am) Watch​ ​What​ ​Happens​ ​(C)



Arrivederci​ ​Roma​ ​(C) More​ ​(E) Till​ ​There​ ​Was​ ​You​ ​(Ab) What​ ​A​ ​Difference​ ​A​ ​Day​ ​Makes​ ​(C)

China​ ​(C) Mambo​ ​Italiano​ ​(Abm) Perhaps​ ​(Am) Quando,​ ​Quando​ ​(F)​ ​–​ ​1st​ ​ ​ ​chord​ ​Gm) Sway​ ​with​ ​Me​ ​(Bbm)



Beer​ ​Barrel​ ​Polka​ ​(F) Bill​ ​Bailey​ ​(C) Pennsylvania​ ​Polka​ ​(Bb)

Always​ ​(C) Could​ ​I​ ​Have​ ​This​ ​Dance​ ​(C) Daddy’s​ ​Little​ ​Girl​ ​(F) Let​ ​Me​ ​Call​ ​You​ ​Sweetheart​ ​(F) My​ ​Wild​ ​Irish​ ​Rose​ ​(D) Que​ ​Sera​ ​Sera​ ​(Bb) Song​ ​For​ ​My​ ​Son​ ​(Bb) Tennessee​ ​Waltz​ ​(F) That’s​ ​Amore​ ​(F) What’ll​ ​I​ ​Do​ ​(G)



Blue​ ​Moon​ ​of​ ​Kentucky​ ​(C) Don’t​ ​It​ ​Make​ ​It​ ​Brown​ ​Eyes​ ​Blue​ ​(G) Good​ ​Rockin'​ ​Daddy​ ​(A) I​ ​Fall​ ​To​ ​Pieces​ ​(Bb) Walkin’​ ​After​ ​Midnight​ ​(C) Who’s​ ​Sorry​ ​Now​ ​(D) Why​ ​Don't​ ​You​ ​Do​ ​Right​ ​(Dm)

Christmas​ ​Song​ ​(Chestnuts​ ​Roasting…(G) Have​ ​Yourself​ ​A​ ​Merry​ ​Little​ ​Christmas​ ​(G) Let​ ​It​ ​Snow​ ​(D) Rockin’​ ​Around​ ​The​ ​Christmas​ ​Tree​ ​(G) Silver​ ​Bells​ ​(G) White​ ​Christmas​ ​(G) Winter​ ​Wonderland​ ​(G)