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5 Ka‟bah الكعبت Allaah‟s House in the masjid in. Makkah. 6 Safaa ... Jabal (pl. jibaal) mountain. Jamrah (pl.
Glossary of Hajj Vocabulary Actions/Speech: Arabic




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Tawaaf Sa‟ee

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Ramee al Jimaar Halq Ihraam




Dhabh Nahr Udhiyyah Raml


‫ الطىاف‬Going around the ka‟bah ‫ السعي‬Walking between Safaa & Marwah ‫ رهي الجوار‬Stoning the pillars ‫ الحلق‬Shaving the head ‫ اإلحرام‬The state a pilgrim enters when doing Hajj or „Umrah ‫ التلبيت‬The verbal response to Allaah‟s call to come on Hajj. ‫ ذبح‬Sacrifice ‫نحر‬ ‫أضحيت‬ ‫ الرهل‬Walking briskly

Objects: Arabic




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Meeqaat Hajr al Aswad Maqaam Ibraaheem Multazam



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Safaa Marwah


‫ هيقاث‬Places from where to put on ihram ‫ الحجر األسىد‬Black stone ‫ هقام إبراهين‬Station of Ibraaheem ‫ الولتزم‬Place between the black stone and the door of the ka‟bah ‫ الكعبت‬Allaah‟s House in the masjid in Makkah ‫ الصفا‬A hill near the ka‟bah ‫ الوروة‬A hill near the ka‟bah

Glossary of Arabic Words Transliterated into English A Aayah Adhaan „Aqeedah „Asr „Awrah

(pl. aayaat) A sign from Allaah; a miracle; a verse of the Qur‟aan. The call to prayer. Creed; Belief. The 3rd fixed prayer of the day, middle afternoon. Parts of the body that must be covered. It differs for men and women.

B Bid‟ah Bin/ibn Bint

Innovation; anything introduced into the Religion seeking Allaah‟s pleasure but having no proof for it. son of. daughter of.

D Da‟wah Deen Dhabh Dhikr Dhuhr Dhul Hijjah Du‟aa

Calling to Allaah; Promoting the Religion. (pl. adyaan) Religion; complete way of life. Sacrifice (pl adhkaar). Remembrance of Allaah. The 2nd fixed prayer of the day just after midday. 12th month of the Islaamic calendar wherein Hajj takes place. (pl. ad’iyah). Supplication; prayer.

E Eemaan „Eid

Faith; Belief in heart, speech of the tongue and actions of the limbs. It increases with obedience and decreases with disobedience. „Eid al Fitr is the celebration at the end of Ramadhaan. „Eid al Adhaa is the celebration during Hajj on the 10 th Dhul Hijjah.

F Fatwaa Fajr Fidyah Fiqh

(pl. fataawaa). Religious ruling or verdict. The 1st fixed prayer of the day at dawn before sunrise. Expiation or penalty for missing a rite of Hajj or „Umrah. Understanding; Jurisprudence (Islamic Law).

H Hadeeth

(pl. ahaadeeth). The sayings, actions or approvals authentically narrated from the Prophet ( ). Hajr al Aswad The Black Stone. Halaal Permissible; Lawful. Halq Shaving the head. Haraam Prohibited; Unlawful. Haram (dual: Haramayn) The sacred precincts in Makkah and Madeenah.


Hajji Hijaab Hijr

The fifth pillar of Islaam. The pilgrimage to Makkah is to be made at least once in a Muslim‟s life for those who can financially and physically perform it. (pl. hujjaaj) pilgrim, person performing Hajj. Islaamic outer covering for women; a screen. The semi-circle wall marking the original boundary of the ka’bah.

I Ibn/bin Idtibaa‟ Ihraam Ikhlaas Imaam Iqaamah Ishaa Istilaam „I‟tikaaf Izaar

son of. Uncovering the right shoulder for men in ihraam during tawaaf only. The state a pilgrim enters when performing „Umrah or Hajj (which includes the clothes among other aspects) Sincerity of worship to Allaah; Name of the 112th Soorah of the Qur‟aan. Leader of a state; leader of the prayer. The call to prayer when the Imaam is ready to begin. The 5th and last fixed prayer of the day. Touching the black stone. Seclusion in the masjid for worship. A cloth which is wrapped around the waist and covers the bottom half of a man.

J Jabal Jamrah

Janaazah Jannah Jumu‟ah

(pl. jibaal) mountain. (pl. jimaar; jamaraat) The pillars situated in Minaa and stoned during Hajj. Jamratus Sughra (the first and smallest pillar) Jamratul Wustaa (the second and middle pillar) Jamratul Kubraa/Jamratul „Aqabah (the third and biggest pillar nearest Makkah) (pl. janaa‟iz). Funeral. Paradise. Friday; Friday prayer.

K Ka‟bah

Khutbah Kiswah

Allaah‟s House in Makkah. A cube building inside the Masjid al Haraam. Muslims face the ka’bah for every prayer (qiblah) and go around it as part of the „Umrah and Hajj rituals (tawaaf). Religious speech; Friday Khutbah. (person: khateeb) The cloth that covers the ka’bah.

M Madeenah Maghrib Mahram

Place where the Prophet () migrated to. Formerly called „Yathrib.‟ The 4th fixed prayer of the day at sunset. a woman‟s husband or escort from male relatives that she cannot marry (Father, grandfather, son, brother, nephew, uncle, etc).

The birthplace of Prophet Muhammad (). The place where the ka‟bah was built by Ibraheem. A city in present day Saudi Arabia. Manaasik Rites; rituals. Maqaam Ibraaheem The station of Ibraaheem near the ka‟bah. Mash‟ar al Haraam The sacred place in Muzdalifah. Meeqaat (pl. mawaaqeet) The five places from where Ihraam is adopted at the start of „Umrah or Hajj: Al Juhfah Dhul Hulayfah Dhat „Irq Qarn al Manazil Yalamlam Muftee A person qualified to give fataawaa, religious rulings based upon evidence. Muhrim A person in ihraam. Multazam The place between the black stone and the door of the ka‟bah. Makkah

N Nafl Nahr Niqaab Niyyah

Extra, non-obligatory actions. Sacrifice; Day of Sacrifice on the 10th Dhul Hijjah. Fixed face veil for women. Intention.

Q Qadr Qiblah Qiyaam

Pre-decree; Fate. Direction of the prayer towards Makkah and the ka’bah. Muslims face the qiblah to pray wherever they are in the world. Standing in prayer.

R Rabb Rak‟ah Ramee Ridaa Rukn

Lord. Unit of prayer. The Hajj ritual of stoning the pillars (ramee al jimaar) A cloth which is wrapped around the top half of the body for a man. (pl. arkaan) Corner (of the ka‟bah); important pillar of an action.

S Sabr Sa‟ee Sahaabee Saheeh Salaah

Patience, perseverance. The „Umrah and Hajj ritual of going between Mounts Safaa and Marwah. (pl. sahaabah). The Companions of the Prophet (). They met him, believed in him and died upon that belief. authentic; correct. The five daily prescribed prayers at fixed times performed according to the way of the Prophet ().

Seerah Shahaadah Sharee‟ah Shaykh Shirk Soorah Sunnah

The history and biography of the Prophet (). Declaration of faith; the saying, „None has the right to be worshipped except Allaah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah.‟ Islamic Legislation. (pl. shuyook). A religious scholar; an old man; a term of respect. Associating partners with Allaah. (pl. suwar). A division of the Qur‟aan; a chapter. There are 114 suwar in the Qur‟aan. A practise of the Prophet (), some of which are compulsory upon us; optional, non-obligatory act of worship such as sunnah prayer, sunnah fasts etc.

T Tafseer Tahajjud Takbeer Talbiyyah


Taraaweeh Tawaaf

Tawheed Thawb

Explanation of the Noble Qur‟aan. The extra prayers performed at night. (pl. takbeeraat) „Allaahu akbar‟ Allaah is the Greatest. A verbal response to Allaah‟s Call to come on Hajj; I am responding to You upon obedience to You. The actual wording of the talbiyyah is: “Labbayk Allaahumma labbayk, labbayka laa shareeka laka labbayk. Innal Hamda wan Ni‟mata laka wal mulk. Laa shareeka lak”. (Here I am O Lord, here I am. Here I am, You have no partner, Here I am. All praise, blessings and sovereignty are Yours. You have no partner). To do what will protect you from Allaah‟s Anger and Punishment by performing His Commands and staying away from His Prohibitions; Performing acts of obedience upon a light from Allaah, hoping for His Reward and leaving disobedience to Allaah upon a light from Allaah, fearing His Punishment. The extra prayers performed in the nights of Ramadhaan. The circling of the ka‟bah as an act of worship during „Umrah and Hajj: Tawaaf of „Umrah Tawaaf of Hajj (Tawaaful Ifaadah) Tawaaful Wadaa‟ (after Hajj and last action before leaving Makkah). Tawaaf instead of tahiyyatul masjid salaah. Nafl Tawaaf Singling out Allaah alone for worship; The Oneness of Allaah in His Lordship, His worship and His Names and Attributes. The long garment worn by men.

U „Ulamaa‟ Uhud Ummah „Umrah

(sing. „aalim; noun: „ilm – knowledge). Religious scholars; People of Knowledge. A well-known mountain in Madeenah, Saudi Arabia; The Battle of Uhud. Muslim Nation. The lesser Hajj.

W Wudhu Wuqoof

The act of ablution. Cleansing certain body parts before prayer or other acts of worship. Standing/staying in „Arafah on 9th Dhul Hijjah.

Z Zakaah



The third pillar of Islaam. An annual, compulsory charity (2.5%) on wealth that is over a certain limit (nisaab) which has been possessed for over a year. It is given to the poor along with other categories mentioned in the Qur‟aan. The spring of water that miraculously appeared in the desert at the time of Prophet Ibraaheem to quench Haajar‟s baby, Ismaa‟eel‟s thirst. It continues to flow, near the ka’bah, to this day and pilgrims quench their thirst from it and make du‟a for their health. When the sun is at it‟s highest; midday.


Glossary of Arabic Phrases used in the Text 1 2 3 4 5 6

Arabic Transliteration Alhamdulillaah Astaghfirullaah Mashaa Allaah Rahimahumullaah SallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam Subhaan Allaah


English meaning All praises are for Allaah I seek Allaah‟s forgiveness What Allaah wills May Allaah have mercy upon them ‫ ) ( صلى هللا عليه‬May the peace and blessings of ‫ وسلن‬Allaah be upon him ‫ سبحاى هللا‬How far removed is Allaah from every imperfection/Glory be to Allaah! ‫الحود هلل‬ ‫أستغفر هللا‬ ‫ها شاء هللا‬ ‫رحوهن هللا‬