Glucose Sensing with Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Chanda Ranjit Yonzon, Olga Lyandres, Nilam C. Shah, Jon A. Dieringer, and Richard P. Van Duyne Department of Chemistry and Department of Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois 60208-3113
[email protected]
1 Introduction Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder that requires careful regulation of blood-glucose levels in order to maintain the health of diabetic patients. Failure to regulate these levels within tight limits leads to severe secondary health complications to the diabetics’ retina, kidneys, nerves, and circulatory system [1]. Most commonly, diabetics measure blood-glucose levels four to six times per day with an electrochemical-based finger-stick method. The fingerstick method is not capable of continuous monitoring and suffers from low patient compliance due to the pain and discomfort associated with blood sampling from the capillaries. Such intermittent testing can fail to detect significant fluctuations in blood-glucose levels and places the patient in dangerously hypo- or hyperglycemic conditions [2]. The development of a continuous monitoring device for glucose with as low a degree of invasiveness as possible will clearly have an enormous impact on the long-term health on the 171 million diabetics worldwide [3]. Because of the importance of this healthcare challenge, several groups are developing methods for minimally invasive, biologically compatible, quantitative glucose detection. The most advanced and commercially available glucose sensors measure glucose indirectly by electrochemical detection [4, 5]. One of the disadvantages of this indirect detection method is that glucose oxidase, the enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation, needs to be replenished. Therefore, the lifetime of the sensor is limited. Another serious drawback inherent to enzymatic glucose sensors is the lack of stability due to the intrinsic nature of enzymes [6]. Optical methods for direct glucose detection have been explored of which vibrational spectroscopies show great promise. Vibrational spectroscopic methods applied to date for glucose sensing comprise of infrared absorption [7], normal Raman spectroscopy (NRS) [8, 9], and surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopies (SERE) [10,11,12,13,14,15]. The implementation of nearand midinfrared spectroscopic methods has fundamental limitations due to the competing absorption by water and spectral congestion. However, the apK. Kneipp, M. Moskovits, H. Kneipp (Eds.): Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering – Physics and Applications, Topics Appl. Phys. 103, 367–379 (2006) © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006
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Fig. 1. Schematic of the glucose-sensor fabrication. (a) Polystyrene nanospheres were drop-coated on a supporting substrate followed by 200 nm of Ag deposition on the polystyrene mask. The AFM micrograph shows the topography of the AgFON. (b) The AgFON surface is first immersed in a 1 mM DT for 45 min. Then, the surface is placed in a 1 mM MH for an overnight incubation
plication of multivariate calibration models presents a possible remedy. The innate property of Raman spectroscopy, in all its forms, allows it to distinguish between molecules with great structural similarity (e.g., glucose and fructose) [16]. Moreover, normal Raman spectroscopy has been shown to be able to detect physiological concentrations of glucose in vitro from a simulated aqueous humor solution [8]. However, high laser powers and long acquisition times are required due to the inherently small NRS cross section of glucose, 5.6 × 10−30 cm2 · molecule−1 · sr−1 [17]. Higher-intensity Raman signals and lower detection limits can be achieved by using SERS. In comparison with infrared and NRS, SERS enjoys both the advantage of application in aqueous media because of the small Raman scattering cross section of water [17] and the sensitivity for trace-level detection [18]. SERS glucose sensing was performed on a silver film over nanospheres (AgFON) surfaces (Fig. 1a). AgFON surfaces were fabricated by first assembling polystyrene nanosphere masks on clean copper substrates. About 200 nm of silver was deposited on the mask in an e-beam deposition chamber [19]. Bare AgFON surfaces display extremely stable SERS activity when challenged with high potentials excursions [20] and high temperatures in ultrahigh vacuum [21]. In addition, AgFON surfaces left in ambient conditions in the absence of light for over a month have been shown to demonstrate SERS activity [22].
Glucose Sensing with Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
The only published SER spectrum of glucose uses a two-step surfacepreparation technique using electrochemically roughened electrodes and colloidal nanoparticles [10]. In the experiment performed by Weaver and coworkers, the glucose molecules must be trapped in the junction between the roughened electrode and the colloidal nanoparticle. Although this substrate has potential for future work in glucose detection, substrate stability remains to be demonstrated. Electrochemically roughened electrodes are known to have metastable nanostructures; their enhancement factors are strongly potential dependent and, at sufficiently negative potentials, experience irreversible loss of SERS activity. Also, colloidal nanoparticles aggregate when exposed to media with high ionic strength such as would be encountered in glucose sensing. The normal Raman cross section should provide sufficient signal for glucose detection; however, all efforts to observe glucose on a bare AgFON surface using SERS were unsuccessful. The inability to observe glucose signal on a bare AgFON is attributed to the weak or nonexistent affinity to the silver surface. To bring glucose within the range of electromagnetic enhancement of the AgFON surface, a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) can be formed on its surface to partition the analyte of interest (Fig. 1b), in a manner analogous to that used to create the stationary phase in high-performance liquid chromatography [23, 24]. Implementing a partition layer has three advantages: 1. the SAM protects the Ag surface from oxidation; 2. the SAM is exceedingly stable; and 3. the surface structure can be tailored by choosing appropriate SAMs in accordance with the analyte of interest. Several SAMs were tested for their ability to partition glucose efficiently to the AgFON surface. Of these, straight-chain alkanethiols and ethyleneglycol-terminated alkanethiols partitioned glucose most effectively [11, 12]. However, decanethiol (DT) produced a hydrophobic surface, and partitioning glucose in an aqueous phase was not feasible. On the other hand, although tri(ethylene glycol)-terminated alkanethiol (EG3) partitioned glucose in a phosphate buffer environment, the intricate synthesis of this compound limited its availability. A new-mixed SAM, based on two commercially available components, DT and mercaptohexanol (MH), produced an efficient partition layer for the SERS-based glucose-monitoring device (Fig. 1b) [14]. The exact mechanism of mixed SAM formation has not been well characterized. However, according to a space-filling computer model, combining the longer DT component with the shorter MH component creates a pocket. It is hypothesized that this pocket improves glucose partitioning, bringing glucose even closer to the SERS-active surface than was possible with EG3. In addition, the DT/MH SAM has dual hydrophobic/hydrophilic functionality analogous to EG3, which allows partitioning and departitioning of glucose. To ensure that the lengths of SAMs do not exceed the electromagnetic enhancement of the SERS surface, experiments were performed to map the distance decay function of SERS in order to determine the length scale of
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Fig. 2. (a) SER spectra of pyridine adsorbed on AgFON samples treated with various thicknesses of alumina (0.0 nm, 1.6 nm, 3.2 nm, 4.8 nm), λex = 532 nm, Plaser = 1.0 mW, t = 300 s. (b) Plot of SERS intensity as a function of alumina thickness for the 1594 cm−1 band (filled circles and straight line segments). The solid curved line is a fit of this data to (1)
electromagnetic enhancement. Alumina was deposited on the AgFON surface by a custom-fabricated atomic layer deposition (ALD) system in thicknesses of 0.0 nm, 1.6 nm, 3.2 nm and 4.8 nm. The SER spectrum of 50 mM pyridine in 100 mM NaCl/water was measured over the AgFON and alumina AgFON samples. The excitation was performed in an epi configuration through a 20× objective (Nikon, NA = 0.5) on an inverted microscope. The SERS signal was collected through the same objective in a 180◦ geometry. The distance dependence of SERS has been theoretically approximated as: r −10 , (1) I = 1+ a where I is the intensity of the Raman mode, a is the average size of the field-enhancing features on the surface and r is the distance of the analyte from the surface [25]. Figure 2a shows the SER spectra of pyridine adsorbed on AgFON surfaces with various thicknesses of alumina. Figure 2b depicts a plot of the relative intensity of the 1594 cm−1 band as a function of alumina thickness. Fitting the experimental data to (1) leads to the average size of the enhancing particle a = 12.0 nm. The term d10 defines the distance away from the nanoparticle required to decrease the SERS intensity by a factor of ten. Figure 2 depicts a d10 value of 2.8 nm for an AgFON, which is larger than the DT/MH SAM thickness (a monolayer of DT on silver is
Glucose Sensing with Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
Fig. 3. (a) DT/MH monolayer on AgFON surface, λex = 532 nm, Plaser = 10 mW, t = 20 min. (b) Mixture of DT/MH monolayer and glucose partitioned from a 100 mM solution. (c) Residual glucose spectrum produced by subtracting (a) from (b). (d) Normal Raman spectrum of 4 M aqueuous glucose for comparison, λex = 532 nm, Plaser = 30 mW, t = 2 min. *a.d.u. s−1 · mW−1
1.9 nm thick) [26]. Therefore, all glucose molecules partitioned in the SAM are electromagnetically enhanced.
2 SERS of Glucose The DT/MH-functionalized AgFONs were made by incubating the AgFONs in 1 mM DT in ethanol for 45 min and then transferring the substrates to 1 mM MH in ethanol for at least 12 h (Fig. 1b). The DT/MH-functionalized AgFONs were then placed in an environment-controlled flow cell. Figure 3 shows example spectra from the different stages of glucose detection on a DT/MH surface. Figure 3a shows the SER spectrum of 1-DT/MH on a AgFON surface. After 2 min incubation in 100 mM aqueous glucose solution, the SER spectrum in Fig. 3b was observed. This spectrum is the superposition of the SER spectra for the partition layer and glucose. Figure 3b clearly shows vibrational features from both the analyte glucose (1462, 1367, 1266 and 1128 cm−1 ) and 1-DT (1435, 1128, 1071, 1055, 898, and 721 cm−1 ) constituents. The SERS difference spectrum resulting from subtraction of spectrum 3 A from spectrum 3 B is shown in Fig. 3c. The difference spectrum can be compared directly to the normal Raman spectrum of 4 M glucose solution shown in Fig. 3d.
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Fig. 4. Glucose pulsing sequence on the DT/MH modified AgFON surface (inset). SER spectra of the sample cycled between 0 and 100 mM aqueous glucose solutions (a), (b), (c), λex = 532 nm, Plaser = 10 mW, t = 20 min, pH ∼ 7. Normal Raman spectrum of 4 M aqueous glucose solution (f ). Difference spectra showing partitioning/departitioning of glucose (d), (e). *a.d.u. s−1 · mW−1
3 Reversibility and Real-Time Glucose Sensing An implantable glucose sensor must also be reversible in order to successfully monitor fluctuations in glucose concentration throughout the day. To demonstrate the reversibility of the sensor, the DT/MH-modified AgFON surface was exposed to cycles of 0 and 100 mM aqueous glucose solutions (pH ∼ 7) without flushing the sensor between measurements to simulate real-time sensing (Fig. 4 inset). Nitrate was used as an internal standard in all the experiments (1053 cm−1 peak) to minimize the effective laser power fluctuations. The 1053 cm−1 band corresponds to a symmetric stretching vibration of NO− 3 and was used to normalize the spectra [27]. SER spectra were collected for each step (Fig. 4a–c). Figure 4f shows the normal Raman spectrum of a 4 M aqueous glucose solution for comparison. In the normal Raman spectrum of a concentrated
Glucose Sensing with Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
aqueous glucose solution, peaks at 1462, 1365, 1268, 1126, 915, and 850 cm−1 correspond to crystalline glucose peaks [14]. The difference spectrum (Fig. 4d) represents partitioning of glucose in DT/MH SAM, which shows the glucose features at 1461, 1371, 1269, 1131, 916, and 864 cm−1 . This corresponds to the peaks in the normal Raman spectrum of glucose in aqueous solution (Fig. 4f). The literature has shown that SERS bands can shift up to 25 cm−1 when compared to normal Raman bands of the same analyte [28]. The absence of glucose spectral features in the difference spectrum (Fig. 4e) represents complete departitioning of glucose. The DT/MH mixed SAM presents a completely reversible sensing surface for optimal partitioning and departitioning of glucose. In addition to reversibility, which is an important characteristic for a viable sensor, the sensor should be able to partition and departition glucose on a biologically relevant timescale. The real-time response was examined in two systems: aqueous medium and bovine plasma simulating the in vivo environment. To evaluate the real-time response of the sensor, the 1/e time constant for both partitioning and departitioning in aqueous medium was determined to be 8 s. Due to interfering analytes in bovine plasma, the 1/e time constant increased to 28 s for partitioning and 25 s for departitioning (Fig. 5).
4 Quantitative Aspects of Glucose Sensing with SERS A viable glucose biosensor must be capable of detecting glucose in the physiologically relevant concentration, 10–450 mg/dl (0.56 mM to 25 mM), pH and in the presence of interfering analytes. The DT/MH-modified AgFON surface was exposed to various concentrations of glucose in water (pH ∼ 7) containing lactate (1 mM) and urea (2.5 mM) in physiological concentrations, which are potential interferents for glucose detection (Fig. 6a). Glucose solutions ranging from 10 mg/dl to 450 mg/dl with lactate and urea were randomly introduced in the cell and incubated for 2 min to ensure complete partitioning. SER spectra were collected using two substrates and multiple spots. A calibration model was constructed using partial least-squares leave-one-out (PLS-LOO) analysis with 46 randomly chosen independent spectral measurements of known glucose concentrations (Fig. 6a). Based on the calibration, 95 % of the data is represented by seven latent variables. The number of latent variables can be interpreted as the inherent dimensionality of the system, in other words, the number of variables present including the concentration of the analyte of interest. These variables can include, and are not limited to, the temperature and humidity conditions in the laboratory on the day of the experiment, the focusing of the optical elements, the enhancement of the sensing surface at different locations, and the laser
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Fig. 5. Real-time SERS response to a step change in glucose concentration in bovine plasma. (a) SER spectra of the SAM and glucose at various times. Peaks at 1451 and 1428 cm−1 are features of SAM and 1462 cm−1 indicates glucose. Glucose was injected at t = 0 s, and the cell was flushed with bovine plasma at t = 225 s. (b) Expanded scale version of (a). (c) Partitioning and departitioning of glucose. λex = 785 nm, Plaser = 100 mW, and t = 15 s. The 1/e time constants were calculated to be 28 s for partitioning and 25 s for departitioning. Reproduced with permission from Ref. [14]. Copyright 2005 Anal. Chem.
power and mode fluctuations, as well as noise in the data. Although using too many latent variables can cause overmodeling of the data, including all of the above-mentioned variation in the experimental design is necessary to build a robust calibration model [29]. For example, the training set needs to be able to accurately predict glucose concentrations at more than one temperature to account for thermal fluctuations in vivo and to still function if subject movement alters the position of the optical focus.
Glucose Sensing with Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
Fig. 6. Calibration () and validation (•) for (a) multiple analyte system and (b) bovine plasma system. (a) PLS calibration plot was constructed and validated over a range of glucose concentrations (10 mg/dl to 450 mg/dl) in 1 mM lactic acid and 2.5 mM urea at pH ∼ 7 with RMSEC = 9.89 mg/dl (0.55 mM) and RMSEP = 92.17 mg/dl (5.12 mM) using 7 loading vectors (λex = 785 nm, Plaser = 8.4 mW, t = 2 min). (b) PLS calibration was constructed and validated over a range of glucose concentrations (10 mg/dl to 450 mg/dl) in bovine plasma with RMSEC = 34.3 mg/dl (1.9 mM) and RMSEP = 83.16 mg/dl (4.62 mM) using 7 loading vectors (λex = 785 nm, Plaser = 10 mW to 30 mW, t = 2 min)
The use of seven latent variables resulted in a model with a root-meansquare error of calibration (RMSEC) of 9.89 mg/dl (0.549 mM). The RMSEC describes the accuracy of the model itself. Because real-world applications of the sensor will include a number of independent and uncontrolled variables, a versatile mathematical model is needed, and it is reasonable that the dimensionality of the system is large. A low RMSEC is necessary for, but does not in itself ensure, accurate prediction of concentrations based on measurements from samples outside the training set. Therefore, a separate set of spectra consisting of 23 independent data points was used to validate the model. Validation tests the ability of the model to predict the concentration of samples not used in the calibration, and more precisely reflects the accuracy of the sensor. The root-mean-square error of prediction (RMSEP) was calculated to be 92.17 mg/dl (5.12 mM). After data analysis using PLS-LOO, the results are presented in a Clarke error grid (Fig. 6). Clarke and coworkers established the Clarke error grid as the metric for evaluating glucose-sensor efficacy in the clinical concentration range [30]. The Clarke error grid is divided into five major zones: zone A predictions lead to clinically correct treatment decisions; zone B predictions lead to benign errors or no treatment; zone C predictions lead to overcor-
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recting acceptable blood glucose concentrations; zone D predictions lead to dangerous failure to detect and treat; and zone E predictions lead to further aggravating abnormal glucose levels. Figure 6a depicts that 98 % of the calibration points and 87 % of the validation points fall in the A and B range of the Clarke error grid. To transition from the in vitro sensor to an in vivo sensor, the sensor should also demonstrate quantitative detection in a more complex medium. Bovine plasma was used to simulate the in vivo environment of an implantable glucose sensor, which will eventually be implanted under the skin in the interstitial fluid. Prior to use, bovine plasma was passed through a 0.45 µm diameter pore size filter. The filtered plasma was then spiked with glucose concentrations ranging from 10 mg/dl to 450 mg/dl. DT/MHfunctionalized AgFON substrates were placed in the flow cell and exposed to glucose-spiked bovine plasma. SER spectra were collected at each concentration using multiple samples and multiple spots in random order to construct a robust calibration model. Calibration was constructed using PLSLOO analysis described above using seven latent variables and presented in a Clarke error grid (Fig. 6b). To construct the calibration, 92 randomly chosen data points were used, resulting in an RMSEC of 34.3 mg/dl (1.90 mM). For the validation, 46 data points were used with an RMSEP of 83.16 mg/dl (4.62 mM). In the Clarke error grid, 98 % for calibration and 85 % for validation fall in the A and B range. The errors in both experiments can be reduced by using more data points for the calibration. In addition, error can also be attributed to variation in SERS enhancement at different spots and different substrates [31]. The results show that the DT/MH-modified AgFON glucose sensor is capable of making accurate glucose measurements in the presence of many interferring analytes.
5 Temporal Stability of the SERS Glucose Sensor An implantable glucose sensor must be stable for at least 3 days [32]. Herein, the stability of the DT/MH-functionalized AgFON surface is studied for 10 days in bovine plasma (Fig. 7). SER spectra were captured every 24 h from three different samples and three spots on each sample. Figure 7a represents the DT/MH spectrum acquired on day 2. Figure 7b shows the average intensity of the 1119 cm−1 peak for DT/MH on the AgFON for each day as a function of time. The 1119 cm−1 band corresponds to a symmetric stretching vibration of a C–C bond [33]. Only a 2 % change in intensity of the 1119 cm−1 peak was observed from the first day to the last day with a standard deviation of 1216 counts, indicating that it did not vary significantly during the 10-day period. This small change in intensity can be attributed to the rearrangement
Glucose Sensing with Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
Fig. 7. Stability of the DT/MH-functionalized AgFON. (a) SER spectrum of DT/MH-functionalized FON. (b) Time course of intensity of the 1119 cm−1 peak. λex = 785 nm, Plaser = 55 mW, t = 2 min
of the SAM during the incubation in bovine plasma [34]. The temporal stability of the 1119 cm−1 peak intensity indicates that the DT/MH SAM was intact and well ordered, making this SAM-functionalized surface a potential candidate for an implantable sensor.
6 Conclusions Since the discovery of SERS nearly thirty years ago, it has progressed from model-system studies of pyridine to state-of-the-art surface-science studies coupled with real-world applications. We have demonstrated a SERS-based glucose sensor as an example of the latter. A SERS-active surface functionalized with a mixed SAM was shown to partition and departition glucose efficiently. The two components of the SAM, DT and MH, provide the appropriate balance of hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups. The DT/MHfunctionalized SERS surface partitioned and departitioned glucose in less than 1 min, which indicates that the sensor can be used in real-time, continuous sensing. Furthermore, quantitative glucose measurements, in the physiological concentration range, in a mixture of interfering analytes and in bovine
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plasma were also demonstrated. Finally, the DT/MH-functionalized SERS surface showed temporal stability for at least 10 days in bovine plasma, making it a potential candidate for implantable sensing. Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge Alyson V. Whitney for making ALD samples. This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (DK066990-01A1), the US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (W81XWH-04-10630), the National Science Foundation (CHE0414554), and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research MURI program (F49620-02-1-0381).
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Index agents glucose, 367, 369, 371, 373, 375, 377, 379 diabetes mellitus, 367 internal standard nitrate, 371 methods
Clarke error grid, 375 partial least-squares, 374 nanostructures self-assembled monolayer, 369 Raman scattering glucose, 368 real-time glucose sensing, 371